8. AAPAH / WATERS / PLASMA -- [Different States of Plasma] : The Aapah/waters in the unified concept (emerging out of the properties of water), without which life cannot exist so far as humans, creatures of all kinds and plants are concerned. At extremely high temperatures all the states of matter condense in to a single state of matter, the quark-gluon plasma called Salil having a very wide meaning in Sanskrit and Hindi alike the word Rasa.[R.V.1.25.8; Yajur Veda 17.26] It produces nuclear fire called “Narashansh” that engulfs all the three Lokas.[R.V.9.3.7] Aapah/Waters are created by Vidhyuta (electrically charged plasma at high temperature in Antariksh and is also called Vaishwanar Agni.
Waters constitute an electrically conducting medium in which there are roughly equal numbers of positively and negatively charged particles produced when the atoms get ionized. In the conventional model of particle physics, sub-atomic particles like protons and neutrons usually bonded in the nucleus of an atom comprise of even more elementary particles known as quarks that in turn are held together by gluons. The mass of gluons is zero while the mass of quarks account for only five percent. So how do we account for the remaining 95 percent? The missing percentage of mass is derived from the energy resulting from the interactions and movements of the quarks and gluons. Gluons are constantly popping up into existence and disappearing again and the energy of the so-called vacuum fluctuations has to be included in the total mass. French, German and Hungerian physicists used the super-computers to arrive at this conclusion. This also confirms the Einstein’s mass-energy relationship. The nuclear bombs were the only evidence.
Plasma at extremely high temperature emits Tej/radiations of all kinds. At extremely high temperature the heating involves nuclear fire/Tej originating from the Aapah/waters/plasma. Aapah are like mother that yields radiant energy of infra-red, ultra-violet, x-rays, gamma-rays as well as radio-waves dominated by light.
Plasma is sometimes called the fourth state of matter (the first three being solid, liquid and gas). Plasma is unique in the way it interacts with itself, with electric and magnetic fields and with the environment. It can be thought off as a collection of ions, electrons, neutral atoms and molecules, and photons in which some atoms are being ionized at the same time as electrons are recombining with other ions to form neutral particles, while photons are continuously being produced and absorbed. It is estimated that more than 99 percent of matter in the universe exists in the plasma state
In thermodynamic discussion pressure, density and temperature are important. The method of heating for plasma formation vary considerably from Joule heating, magnetic pumping, applying rapidly oscillating magnetic field equivalent to acoustic heating, laser heating or cyclotron. Sergio Compana and scientists at the National Institute of Astrophysics in Merate, Italy said the collapsing star GRB 060218 in the constellation of Aries is about 4000 light years away is associated with a supernova. X-ray flashes signal an explosion that leaves behind a neutron star while gamma ray bursts (GRB) marks the birth of a black hole and linked to what the astronomers called x-ray flashes and fainter supernova or stellar explosion. This implies a common origin said Elana Pians of the National Institute of Astrophysics at Triester at Italy. It is the second closest GRB ever detected. The first view of a supernova while exploding was observed by using the NASAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Swift Satellite and other radio telescopes. Alicia Soderberg at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena used radio and xray wavelengths to calculate that GRB 060218 was about 100 times less energetic than ordinary GRBs, but similar events are more common.
Plasma at extremely high temperature emits radiations/Tej of all kinds. At extremely high temperature
Aapah/waters/plasma. Aapah are like mother which yields radiant energy of infra-red,
ultra-violet, x-rays, gamma-rays as well as radio-waves dominated by light.[R.V. 10.91.6] In the context of astronomical scale of Creation Tej (radiant energy) signifies all kinds of radiations in this single word, just as Agni signifies fire/thermal energy at all temperatures including that at Creation (equivalent to trillion degrees). Tej as jets of energy sheathed in dark path of Agni/thermal energy is observed emerging from the black holes/white holes. Plasma radiations (Agni/thermal energy as Tej/radiations) including Mitra (light) has its origin in the Aapah/waters called quark-gluon /plasma. ^^^^^^^^^ Sukya 3.1.11) “This Agni increases in Antariksh which is capable of expansion and in Antariksh. Agni increases with the Aapah/waters having huge quantity of Anna/subatomic particles. Antariksh is the place of birth of Aapah/ Waters/plasma. Agni residing in Antariksh dwells in peace in the Aapah /waters/plasma of the rivers. The rivers (of plasma) are like the sisters of Agni. ^^^^^^^^^ Quarks :-The neutrons and protons in the nucleus of atoms are bounded together by a sort of nuclear glue or force, in turn made of an even deeper levels of elementary building blocks are called quarks. All the nuclear-interacting particles, such as protons, neutrons, mesons and so forth are made up of quarks. There are six kinds of quarks, namely, up, down, strange, charm, bottom and top. The quarks are produced by the interaction of protons and antiprotons at the velocity of light, in underground tunnels of high-energy accelerators (as in Fermi Lab.). The quarks carry one-third or two-third of the electric charge of an electron or a proton. They can only be detected by photographing their tracks in a large ‘cloud chamber. They have been detected in the core of very energetic extensive “air showers” produced by cosmic ray particles extending over a wide area and are absorbed at sea levels known as “extensive air showers”. The quarks are bounded together infinitely. Usually the force between two things, (for example, the gravitational or electrical force), is expected to become weaker as we move the components apart. However, in the case of quarks it seems to be the opposite. It is almost as if they had a sort of rubber band or a string between them and further apart we pull them, the harder it gets to pull them more. This results in “quark confinement”. Quark gluon have the property of self replication in quark confinement like our genes Following Diagram show a surprising visual similarity (Principle of “Sadrashyata and Ekataa”/verisimilitude), inviting unification between the nonliving matter that is quark
gluon and the D.N.A. of the living beings using Varna Meru/Vasudhara/Pascal triangle involved in Sanskrit Computer system.
. DNA double helix or spiral
Double helix nebula
of sugars and phosphates
in the Milky Way
Double Helix Nebula (Blue Print of Creation): Discovered by the Spitzer Space Telescope, the Double Helix Nebula is ~300 light years from the Galactic Center and takes its name from a resemblance (as a blue print of Nature for Creation) to the double helix geometry of the DNA molecule. Likely magnetic torsion twisted the original nebula into the shape of two connected spirals. Photo: Milky Way GC – Double Helix Nebula / Spitzer / NASA Photo – M. Morris (UCLA) / NASA/JPL-Caltech / Audriusa, Wikimedia The visible segment of the Double Helix Nebula is about 80 light years long. Models for its origin and shape propose magnetic fields at the GC that are 1,000X stronger than those generated by our Sun and are driven by the massive disc of gas orbiting Sagittarius A*. BLUE PRINT OF CREATION CHHAND ********************************* Stars can be denser more than the neutron stars according to the discovery of two starsone cold and the other too small, observed in April 2002 by NASA Chandra X-ray Observatory by the high level of x-rays emitted by them and Hubble Space Telescope determined their size. Astronomers believe neutrons in the neutron stars are made of quarks, but bonded together in relatively roomy groups of so-called “confined quarks”. The two stars could be made up of free quarks huddled together in a lesser space than the confined quarks. It corresponds to the fluidity of Aapah in Vedic literature and is called waters in The Holy Bible. 13.4.02 At temperatures of trillions of degrees, the binding between quark and gluon loosens.
They can swim freely melting protons and neutrons into a new state of matter-the fifth state of matter called “quark-gluon plasma”. Since its birth, the universe had gradually cooled from more than hundred trillion degrees in today’s relatively frigid conditions. As the temperature fell down to a trillion degrees of temperature, one thousandth of a second after its birth, the quark-gluon went from a free state into the confines of protons and neutrons forming matter called quark-gluon plasma. If high temperature plasma of adequate density can be confined for appreciable time, nuclear reactions can occur amongst the constituent nuclei. The energy released can provide a source of power and high temperature as in the stars, black holes or white holes leading to expansion that may result in explosions like solar flares or supernova. 20.1.01 ; 26.6.03 ‘William Zaje of Columbia University and the researchers of the High Energy and Nuclear Physics in Brookhaven National Laboratory, New York, created quark-gluon plasma in a particle accelerator by smashing two gold ions together at speeds similar to that of light. The intense force of collision that is produced allows the quarks to separate for a short period of microsecond generating trillion degrees temperature-a condition similar to the Big Bang at the moment of Creation of the universe. This is the hottest and densest condition ever created in a laboratory. It has densities more than twenty times higher than those within the nuclei of ordinary matter. It has properties never observed before. The hard core of a black hole is possibly surrounded by the quark-gluon plasma and appears as a singular ocean around it. The quark-gluon plasma behaves like a perfect liquid instead of flying around freely like a gas with the lowest viscosity. Viscosity is an integral property of a fluid that offers resistance to flow. 21.4.05
Phase transition confined to protons and neutrons gases at beginning in free state may have been liquid, ultra hot and ultra dense up to 150,000 times as hot as sun’s core and 100 times as dense as ordinary atomic nuclei in primordial matter for explosive birth of the universe. [www,samir]
Plasma is like a gas - an assembly of ions, electrons (oppositely charged particles that can move off freely at extreme temperatures), neutral atoms and molecules in which the motion of particles is dominated by electro-magneto dynamics. Because of the large electro-static potentials which charges, plasma is effectively neutral. Thus there are unequal numbers of positive and negative charges in every microscopic volume of plasma. Interstellar plasma is not uniform, but forms gigantic clouds up to one million kilometers in diameter (for pulsars). â&#x20AC;&#x153;Clouds rain by the grace of Varuna, the lord rivers and oceans /of waters - divine and physical causing rains and producing Anna /particulate plasmaâ&#x20AC;?. [R.V. 9.64.13.] Search new
Scientists unlock the secrets of exploding plasma clouds on the sun Published: Monday, November 8, 2010 - 05:41 in Astronomy & Space Related images (click to enlarge)
European Space Agency (ESA) and NASA
J. Chen and V. Kunkel European Space Agency (ESA) and NASA J. Chen and V. Kunkel
The Sun sporadically expels trillions of tons of million-degree hydrogen gas in explosions called coronal mass ejections (CMEs). Such cloudsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;an example is shown in Figure 1aâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;are enormous in size (spanning millions of miles) and are made up of magnetized plasma gases, so hot that hydrogen atoms are ionized. CMEs are rapidly accelerated by magnetic forces to speeds of hundreds of kilometers per second to upwards of 2,000 kilometers per second in several tens of minutes. CMEs are closely related to solar flares and, when they impinge on the Earth, can trigger spectacular auroral displays. They also induce strong electric currents in the Earth's plasma atmosphere (i.e., the magnetosphere and ionosphere), leading to outages in telecommunications and GPS systems and even the collapse of electric power grids if the disturbances are very severe. Since the first observation of a solar flare in 1859, solar eruptions ("explosions") have attracted much attention from scientists around the world and have been studied with a succession of increasingly sophisticated international satellite missions in the past three decades. A major challenge has been that enormous and complicated plasma structures accelerating away from the Sun can only be observed remotely. As a result, it has been difficult to test theoretical models to establish a correct understanding of the mechanisms that cause such eruptions. But in 2006, an international twin-satellite mission called STEREO was launched to continuously observe the erupting plasma structures from the Sun to the Earth. Now, using the data from STEREO, new research by scientists at the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) in Washington, D.C., demonstrates for the first time that the observed motion of erupting plasma clouds driven by magnetic forces can be correctly explained by a theoretical model. The work will be presented at the 52nd Annual Meeting of the APS Plasma Physics Division. The theory, controversial when it was first proposed in 1989 by Dr. James Chen of NRL, is based on the concept that an erupting plasma cloud is a giant "magnetic flux rope," a rope of "twisted" magnetic field lines shaped like a partial donut. Chen and Valbona Kunkel, a doctoral student at George Mason University, have applied this model to the new STEREO data of CMEs and shown that the theoretical solutions agree with the measured trajectories of the ejected clouds within the entire field of view from the Sun to the Earth. The position of the leading edge (LE) of a CME that erupted on December 24, 2007 were tracked by the STEREO-A spacecraft from the earliest stages of eruption to its arrival at 1 AU approximately five days later. The magnetic field and plasma parameters were measured by the STEREO-B spacecraft. The agreement between theory and data is within 1 percent of the measured position of the LE. Chen and Kunkel's results show that the theoretically predicted magnetic field and plasma properties are in excellent agreement with the measurements aboard STEREO-B. This is the first model that can replicate directly observed quantities near the Sun and the Earth as well as the actual trajectories of CMEs. Prior to STEREO, the motion of CMEs in the region corresponding to HI1 and HI2 data was not observed. Interestingly, the basic forces acting on solar flux ropes are the same as those in laboratory plasma structures such as tokamaks developed to produce controlled fusion
energy. The mechanism described by the theory is also potentially applicable to eruptions on other stars. Source: American Physical Society Astronomers have spied seas of super hot atoms in plasma circulating the center of very bright galaxies. The plasma spiraling into a black hole is very hot and shines brightly with x-rays. The high temperature atoms ranging from carbon to iron are found in the plasmas/Anna/food for the black hole. Researchers led by Boris Gaensiche of the University of Warwick, UK, found the best evidence yet of an asteroid being ripped to shreds and vaporized and flung towards the gravity of white dwarf star called SD551228+1040, a glowing hot ring of metallic vapor around the white dwarf. (New Scientist, Dec. 2006). The disk like ring orbiting it contains large amount of calcium, magnesium and iron gas at a distance. The distance is hundred times than Mercury’s orbit around the sun. At this distance it is heated to 5,000 degrees K. Dr. Frank Kamenetsky, a well known Soviet physicist suggested the have long instabilities and random motions can merge in cosmic plasma in the same way as they emerge in laboratory produced plasma or shock waves “Star quakes” in gas dynamics processes. These “cold” nuclear reactions may even involve heavy or light nuclei that may accumulate sufficiently high energies. Interstellar plasma is not uniform but formed gigantic clouds up to one million kilometers in diameter (for pulsars). Quasars accumulate staggering amount of energy. Apart from matter as plasma, there could be electromagnetic radiations, radio waves, light and xrays. As the temperature drops, electrons begin to combine producing atoms of hydrogen, helium and other elements. Space could become transparent and cease to radiate. They may permeate through space with radiations only at 3-4 degrees K. in the expanding universe.
The Sixth State of Matter:-The new form of matter called “fermionic condensate is the sixth state of known form of matter after solid, liquid, gas, plasma and “Bose Einstein condensate” created in 1995. The study was led by team leader Deborah, a physicist at the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s joint laboratory, with the University of Colorado and exhibits a type of quantum mechanical behavior. She and her colleagues feel clouds of
potassium atoms usable though not a super conductor acts like super conductor that does not loose any of its energy and is related to Bose Einstein condensate. New type form of matter uses fermions â&#x20AC;&#x153;the building blocks of matterâ&#x20AC;? that include protons, electrons and neutrons. They do not copy their neighbors. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++