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56 BRAHM IN RIG VEDA : --BRAHM: ---Brahm the repository of all knowledge is the essence of the human personality and directs, reflects and makes you to realize the fundamental truth of life the way of living. When other religions sprang from the original Sanatan/Eternal Dharma after the Arab Israeli (nuclear, chemical and biological) war, all efforts were made to abridge all knowledge pertaining to science and Unified Creation, leading to misconceptions and ignorance. Now the recent advancements in sciences help us to reveal the true nature of Vedas. Brahma is a noun subtractive grammatically. He is the supreme consciousness, intellect, knowledgeable and assign according to Vedanta. He is the pure Shakti and the truth pertaining to Ishwar. He is also called Deva. He is self-illuminating and with his Shakti establishes the universe. He is capable of attaining the form of Brahmaa, Vishnu and Shiva by His own Selfdesire. Rig Veda is a document pertaining to Unified Creation. While accepting the modern thought in astronomy, it begins at the highest levels of thought and the following Sukta (10.129) appears as a landmark of a philosophical approach. The universe gets dissolved at the end of its life to be revived again to perpetuate its existence in space-time continuum. Sukta 10.129:-


Chhand: Trishtup

1) At the time of Pralaya the catastrophe (that dissolves the universe), there was no Asat (untruth). Even Sat (truth) was not there. The form of Prathivi/black hole was not there. The seven Lokas/worlds in Aakash/sky did not exist then. Who dwelt here? Where was the universe? Where were the calm waters? At that time there was neither immortality nor mortality (at Creation). 2) “There was neither day nor night. There was only Brahm breathing in the absence of Vaayu/solar wind/air with Aatma/soul as the only support that helped Brahm to inhale and exhale. Except him there was nothing. 3) “There was darkness of the deep before Creation. Everything was unknown. There were Aapah/waters/plasma everywhere. The Brahm was enveloped by void. He was the only Tatwa/element present because of Tapa/penance.

4) “Brahm first expressed his desire for Creation. Consequently a Beeja/seed was revealed. The learned having sharp brains conceived the creation of invisible objects. 5) “Then an all embracing Purush was created. Then the Mahima/ grandeur began functioning on both fronts. Below was Swadha (Swahaa and Swadha are the two wives of Agni/thermal energy and the upper part belonged to Prayati. 6) “No one knows the Prakrati /Nature. So who can describe the Nature? What is the purpose behind Creation? What is the reason for the revelation of different forms of creations? Devaganas (Devataas) were born after the Creation. So who knows from where the various creations commenced? 7) “However, the different creations came into being. Who brought forth the creations? Who is the owner of the creations? Those who live in the heavens alone know about creations and possibly even they may not be aware of them.” ************* The supreme Brahm is the lord of all knowledge that have no beginning and is neither Sat nor Asat. [Srimad Bhagawat Gita: 13.12] The above Sukta (10.129) indicates the Creation/evolution, as thought of in astronomy is only a part of various creations. There is biological evolution, the evolution of language of the Homosapians, evolution of sciences of all shades and arts and philosophy and above all the evolution of the concept of Aatma /Soul in all (non-living and living beings) and Jivaatma in the living beings. And God made man in His own image [“The eternal Jivaatma in this body is a particle of My own being and it is that alone which draws round itself the mind and the five senses, which rest in Prakriti/nature.” - Lord Krishna in Srimad Bhagwat Gita: 15.7]


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