Ahi, Shushna, Pani <<PREVIOUS
CLOUDS WITHIN THE EVENT HORIZON / VRATRA:At the boundary of a black hole (Aakash Prathivi), there is the ‘Event Horizon’ (Vratra/clouds within E.H./darkness). Around this point of no return, which is the operative black hole before Creation (and as a continuous process of creation in the center of galaxies) nothing, not even light, must come out of it. The more massive a black hole, the bigger is the Event Horizon. Many people think you would be engulfed in darkness at the boundary. This is a common misconception. The view of the universe would become distorted. Andrew Hemilton, a professor of Astrophysics at the University of Colorado at Boulder and Calvin Palhemos of Fort Collins, Colorado argue that three eyes would be needed to judge the distances inside a black hole. Space-time is highly curved and our binocular vision would be confused. 1.5.09. The gravitational force of the black hole had not yet denuded the universe of all energy and matter. This is the Swatzerchild radius around which space is tightly curved and matter and radiations cannot come out of it. The X-ray Observatory orbiting the Earth surprised astronomers at the University of Colorado, US, and at the European Space Agency when a glow of the ‘Event Horizon‘ with the intensity of 10 billion suns burning just outside the Event Horizon of a huge but very distant black hole in the constellation Centaurus. However, there are particles and anti-particles formed at the boundary. The boundary of a black hole is called Event Horizon and it glitters with the golden Hawking radiations. The Hawking radiation process reduces the mass of the black hole and is therefore also known as black hole evaporation. Because Hawking radiation allows black holes to lose mass, black holes that lose more matter than they gain through other means are expected to dissipate, shrink, and ultimately vanish. Smaller micro black holes (MBHs) are predicted to be larger net emitters of radiation than larger black holes; thus, they tend to shrink and dissipate faster.
The process of losing matter and formation of MBHs is a Guna/property of a white hole while shrinking is the quality of a black hole. Prathivi in Rig Veda is considered as a black hole cum white hole.
THE EVENT HORIZON â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Prathivi (black hole) appears like the hard Kadamba flower surrounded by small yellow flowers (representing yellow Hawking Radiations) covering it [in the concept of the unification of the vegetative world of our biosphere with the black hole (Aakash Prathivi)] {Gola section 7, Aryabhattiya of Aryabhatt-Ed. K.S.Shukla, K.V.Sarma, Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi, 1976)
The Rig Veda is full of Suktas that involve Indra in the environs of war against Vratra/clouds locked by the Event Horizon to allow the rays of light inside. And it involves climate science of plasma that is similar to that on our Prathivi/Earth with the obvious difference. It also involves a war against the inward forces against the outward forces with a view to reveal, eject a newborn sun/star and allow it to participate in evolutionary creation. These wars invariably involve different kinds of weapons, swords, arrows and so on.
The prominent roles of Indra will be discussed at appropriate places. However, the brilliant weapons used by Indra are of different kinds and belong to different places as indicated by the Chhandas used.
VRATRA/CLOUDS/DARKNESS WITHIN THE EVENT HORIZON IN RIG VEDA:--Vratra is in waters [Yajur Veda 6.20; R.V.1.32.4; 5.52.6] Vratra had covered the Prathivi, Indra drove then away by Surya (in Antariksh). [R.V. 1.33.8] Vratra fell on the Prathivi. [R.V. 1.60.2] Indra is the killer of Vratra, which represents the darkness of clouds (at the event horizon). Indra removed Vratra/clouds from Antariksh.[R.V. 8.3.18] Indra is the killer of Vratra and cut him like a tree by axe. [R.V. 4.82.2; 10.88.6] and destroys the city of the enemies by rain with the help of Marut Ganas/lord of solar flares/solar wind in solar atmosphere creating rivers. Vratra is darkness [2.22.4] and Indra finds light in darkness.[R.V.10.43.4] Indra is, with Varuna and Mitra, one of the Adityas, the chief Devataas of the Rig Veda, He delights in drinking Soma. And in his heroic defeat of Vratra, liberating the rivers of plasma, or smashing a stone enclosure where the Panis had imprisoned the cows. He is the god of war, smashing the stone fortresses. Indra lord of thousand rays [R.V. 2.22.3] opened the gates for the cows/primordial white holes and for the waters/plasma capable of burning in the everexpanding Vistruta Prathivi.[R.V. 10.119.10]; locked up were released to flow into seven seas in Antariksh.[R.V. 1.32. 11-12 ] Indra made mountains static in Antariksh. [R.V. 1.10.13; 2.1.2; 2.17.8] Vratra residing in darkness had stopped the flow of waters. VAJRA/THE THUNDERBOLT OF INDRA: ----
The fight of Indra is dominated because he uses Vajra/thunderbolt. Indra. Indra makes Aakash Prathivi/black hole/white hole stable [R.V. 7.6.6] and keeps Aakash Prathivi together. The Vajra is as powerful as Surya. Hundred skies or hundred Prathvies or even hundred Suryas cannot compete with the power of Indra. Aakash Prathivi or whatever is produced in this Loka cannot equal the power of Indra. He produces (supersonic sound).[R.V. 10.44.8] Having acquired the strength from Soma (Agni) donates cows/ primordial black holes/white holes. The triangular Vajra kills the enemies and opens the doors of Pani (that caused pain to Manushya) for the cows. Indra grasps golden Vajra dwelling on Earth with his two hands and kills Vratra with Vajra having 100 edges.[R.V. 8.76.2; 8.89.3] Indra created Bala/forces the size of horseâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hair riding a horse. Indra killed Vratra for the benefit of Manushya using an iron Vajra. He established the sun by his Bala/powers Waters in the center of Aakash Prathivi by destroying 99 citadels of the demon Shushna. [R.V. 5.28.6; 5.93.2; 10.89.7] Indra used Vajara made of iron for breaking 21 mountains. [R.V. 8.101.9] Indra smashed the head of Vratra with Vajra having 1,000 edges. [R.V.8.6.6] When Indra allowed the waters to flow, Vratra created sonic sound [R.V. 8.6.13]. Indra destroyed the clouds and inspired the waters to flow from Antariksh to Prathivi. Indra destroyed the Vratra and inspired the clouds. [R.V. 8.32.25] Indra destroyed the residence of Shushna by his Vajra in Antariksh. [R.V. 8.1.28] Indra removes Vratra from Antariksh, [R.V. 8.3.18]. He established the waters between Aakash and Prathivi after destroying Vratra [R.V. 1.56.3] The presence of falling Aapah/waters/plasma could not be controlled by any one.[R.V. 1.57.1] Vratra killed by Vajra as the waters were released along with cows/primordial white holes. [R.V.1.6.11] Along with Maruts (lord of solar atmosphere) Indra kills Vratra. Indra kills Vratra along with Pani- the thief of material in Aakash.[R.V. 1.33.4] Indra lifted the Vratras and burnt them in Aakash. The Vratras/clouds covered the Prathivi but were expelled by the Surya/sun in Aakash The clouds were struck by Vajra to cause rains. When the clouds were removed from the caves, they were also destroyed. [R.V. 10.113.6, 7] Vajra was designed to kill Vratra. [R.V. 10.39.1] The arrows of Indra had 10 Phal, 1000 Phal/edges and are golden. [R.V. 8.77.7] Indra uses long arrows. [R.V. 6.19.3; 8.32.10] Indra grasps Aakash Prathivi in his fist.[R.V. 3.20.5] TO INDRAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S GREEN WORLD *********
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