Cosmic,Coronal Ornaments and Weapons of War .

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Cosmic/Coronal Ornaments and Weapons of War (Unified Creations in Rig Veda) On the occasion of the International Year of Astronomy 2009 and the longest Solar Eclipse that occurred on 22 July2009, the following facts emerge from the Intelligent Designs of Unified Creation in Rig Veda read along with Srimad Bhagwat Gita :-

During a total solar eclipse, the solar corona can be seen with the naked eye, during the brief period of totality. solar eclipses are hazardous to view because the eye’s pupil is not adapted to the unusually high visual contrast: the pupil dilates according to the total amount of light in the field of view, not by the brightest object in the field. During partial eclipses most sunlight is blocked by the Moon passing in front of the Sun, but the uncovered parts of the photosphere have the same surface brightness as during a normal day. In the overall gloom, the pupil expands from ~2 mm to ~6 mm, and each retinal cell exposed to the solar image receives about ten times more light than it would looking at the non-eclipsed Sun. This can damage or kill those cells, resulting in small permanent blind spots for the viewer. The hazard is insidious for inexperienced observers and for children, because there is no perception of pain: it is not immediately obvious that one’s vision is being destroyed. During sunrise and sunset sunlight is attenuated due to Rayleigh scattering and Mie scattering from a particularly long passage through Earth’s atmosphere, and the Sun is sometimes faint enough to be viewed comfortably with the naked eye or safely with optics (provided there is no risk of bright sunlight suddenly appearing through a break between

clouds). Hazy conditions, atmospheric dust, and high humidity contribute to this atmospheric attenuation. A rare optical phenomena may occur shortly after sunset or before sunrise, known as a green flash. The flash is caused by light from the Sun just below the horizon being bent (usually through a temperature inversion) towards the observer. Light of shorter wavelengths (violet, blue, green) is bent more than that of longer wavelengths (yellow, orange, red) but the violet and blue light is scattering more, leaving light that is perceived as green. Ultraviolet light from the Sun has antiseptic properties and can be used to sanitize tools and water. It also causes sunburn, and has other medical effects such as the production of vitamin D. Ultraviolet light is strongly attenuated by Earth’s ozone layer, so that the amount of UV varies greatly with latitude and has been partially responsible for many biological adaptations, including variations in human skin color in different regions of the globe. On the occasion of the year of Astronomy 2009 and the longest Solar Eclipse that occurred on 22 July2009, the following facts emerge from the Intelligent Designs of Unified Creation in Rig Veda read along with Srimad Bhagwat Gita :Most of the Suktas of Marut Ganas state that they are decorated with the ornaments and they carry different kinds of weapons and move on their chariots. These can be thought of as if they originated from the different stages of the Solar Eclipse. This imagination is based on the principle of Sadrashyata Evan Ektaa (verisimilitude) as depicted in the following array of the physical elements decorating the Atmaa/soul of the Marut Ganas (Storm Gods in the atmosphere of the Surya/sun). Some of the following mantras of Rig Veda are stated below:- - -

Sukta 5.53:--4) “O Maruts! We salute the Tej/radiance which depends on you, resides in weapons, in the Mala (garland) (R.V. 5.59.3), in the ornaments (coronal ring of diamond), in the chariots and the bows”

Sukta 5.54:--11) “The weapons appear beautiful on the shoulders. They wear protective covers on their feet, Kataka/bracelet, (coronal) necklace on their breasts. They scintillate on their (coronal) chariots. They display shining rays on their hands upwards and wear Mukut/ golden (partial coronal) crown on their heads (in their human forms) Hence the coronation ceremony of kings.

Sukta 5.55 :--1) “Equipped with shining weapons, the Marut Ganas are enveloped with Anna/plasma of protons and electrons capable of imparting that impart youth (infusing the coronal molecular hydrogen into the core).--A detailed description of Maruts in Rig Veda in these Suktas as per the Sanskrit Alphabetic Computer system [R.V.1.164; 10.130] includes their various forms as solar flares/coronal holes, sun spots (spotted deer) [R.V.1.39.6] as part of the Intelligent Design ,i.e., Triloki], coronal mass ejection, solar wind and prominences. It is known the corona can only be observed during a solar eclipse. These ornaments, chariot, etc. are the ingredients of the solar eclipse (Chandra/Moon as the lesser light in the cross section of the beam of synchrotron radiations in Galaxy M 87 and Surya as the bigger light in the sky in the blue print of Creation) remain the same as observed in all the solar eclipses as shown in the photographs obtained on the our Prathivi/Earth:- - -

Ingredients of Crown {R.V.5.54.11}

Necklace [R.V. 5.53.4; 59.3}

Arm Bands

Bracelets{R.V.5.54.11}Kangan {R.V.R.V. 5.54.11; 6

Weapons of warfare and punishment of Marut Ganas below: ---

Bow {R.V.5.53.4} and Arrows {R.V.6.75.2-5}

Sword and sheath


Whip/ Solar flares {R.V. 6.75.13}

Armour/Moon/Soma during Eclipse {R.V. 6.75.1}.

Thunder bolt (lightening and Sound).

Wheel of Coronal Chariot {R.V. 5.53.4}




Since Rig Veda deals with the Aatmaas and Jivatmaa as a unified entity, the names of Shri Krishna (Chandra) as the lesser light of the Holy Bible and Shri Ram do not appear therein. Yet their lineage as described in Puranas constituting the fifth Veda [Chhandogya Upanishad 7.1. 2] at many places is mentioned in the text of Rig Veda. These observations should be read along with the Slokas in Srimad Bhagwat Gita : Sloka 11.5: Shri Bhagvan said: Arjuna, behold presently in hundreds and thousands, in My multifarious divine forms of various colors and shapes. Sloka 11.6: Behold in Me, Arjuna the twelve sons of Aditi, eight Vasus, the 11 Rudras (gods of destruction), the two Ashwini kumaaras (the twin born physicians of gods) and the forty nine Maruts (wind gods), and witness many more wonderful forms never seen before. Sloka 11.7: Arjuna behold as concentrated within this body of Mine the entire creation consisting of both animate and inanimate beings, and whatever else you desire to see. **** Arjuna was bewildered when he saw the Divine unified form of Shri Krishna. Hence in the Ramayana and Mahabharata which were essentially nuclear chemical and biological wars, the above weapons have been used [ref.: Chapter-11: ‘Nostrodomus universal in Puranas’ in “What Awaits Men in 2000 and Thereafter”, M. K. Dave, Ajanta Publications, New Delhi,1998].

In Rig Veda , we find that the Devatas are addressed as kings in the later part. And hence their role is depicted in Sukta 6,75 as follows :---Sukta 6.75:---- Varma, Dhanu, Saarathi, Rath Prabhrati. Chhand: Trishtup, Jagati, Anushtup, Ushnik, Panti. 1) “At the time of wars, when the king wears best quality of Kavach/armor, he looks like a cloud. The king is expected to win the battle without involving himself in killing. Majestic armor itself is his protector. 2) “He wick acquire the cows because of the effect of the Dhanush/bow. The desire of the enemies (opposing forces/darkness) will be repelled. We will remove the enemies situated in all directions with the help of this bow.

3) “In the battle, the Pratyancha/string produces sweet words when it reaches the ears and along with the arrows it produces sound. 4) “The Kotiyan/ends of the bow protects the king like the Dwara-putra protects the mother at the time of assault and destroys the enemies. 5) “The Tunir/quiver/sheath for keeping the arrows is like a father of the arrows that are like the sons. When the arrow comes out of the quiver, it produces sound and wins the entire army. 6) “The expert charioteer drives the horses yoked in the front of the chariot as per his will. The ropes reaching the neck of the horses move forward and backwards. The glory of the ropes needs to be appreciated. 7) “The horses racing speedily with the chariot produce sound of the flying dust. And crush the enemies without going backwards. 8) “Just as the offerings made to Agni helps it to grow, the chariot carrying the wealth bring glory for the king. Let us move towards the chariot carrying the weapons with joy. 9) “The protectors of the chariot destroy the Anna/food of their enemies and distribute Anna/food it to their people because their help in taken for winning the enemies at times of distress. 10) “The Brahmanas and Pitars are requested to protect us. May the Aakash and Prathivi be favorable to us and Pusha save us from committing any sin. 11) “The tooth of the beautiful arrow with wings is the horns (Agni/thermal energy) of the deer (corona). The string is tightened with gut. The arrow falls when dispatched reached the target. The arrow provides us safe place when the leaders move around. 12) “The arrow is requested to make our body sturdy like Paashaan / rock/ core of Surya/sun. Soma should take our side and Aditi (the mother of the Devataas) give us prosperity. 13) “O Chabuka/whip/coronal flares! The charioteer drives the horsed in Antariksh of Surya/sun. You take the horses to the battlefield. 14) “Avoiding the bounce of the Pratyancha/the string of the bow and the hands moves towards the sides of the body like a serpent. 15) The arrow that is poisonous, magnetic like iron and murderous mouth is born from Parjanya/magnetic clouds (storehouse of waters for rain). 16) “The sharp arrows should be solemnized by Mantra/hymn are clever and fall on the enemies with disastrous effect leaving no one alive. 17) “May the Devata Brahmanspati/Ganesh and Devi Aditi give happiness in that battle where the arrows fall.

18) “O King! I cover your delicate parts by the Kavacha/armor. Soma envelops you with Amrit/elixir for immortality. The Devatas rejoice in his victory. 19) “The relatives who are angry like Rudra wish to kill us may be killed. This Mantra/hymn itself is like a Kavacha/armor.” ******** There are seven weapons, seven ornaments/decorations and seven kinds of Tej/radiant energies.[R.V. 8.28.5] ^^^^^^^^^^


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