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29. COSMIC CREATION OF STARS IN MODERN ASTRONOMY Explorations in the unified field of Creation, symbolized by Om , lead us to believe that Brahma resides everywhere in the midst of Devatas (Gods of Nature) as the lord of the different forces of Nature. The Unified Creation described in the Vedas requires knowledge of astronomy. Hence it is felt that the elements of modern astronomy should be projected at their appropriate places throughout the text for the benefit of the casual readers and for those who may not be in touch with astronomy. Hence we proceed here with the evolution of stars: The creation aiming to achieve singularity required the use of generalized terms in the Vedas, which could then be diversified. For example the word Prathivi can mean our Earth/ black hole/white hole/ any other conceptualized structure having the same properties according to the “Intelligent Design” PRATHIVIES IN RIG VEDA Similarly, we will come across many words having more than one meaning. The word star appears at one or two places. [Marut Ganas are the fore- runners for causing rains (in Surya in Aakash and are enveloped by Grahas/planets and stars in Antariksh {5,52,11}] and as a group of seven stars “Saptarishi” in our Aakash Ganga/Milky Way. However the word Surya/sun has multiple meanings-Surya at Creation or Surya in the Milkyway.

FORMATION OF STARS: -----Let us now proceed with the evolutionary cycle of stars in modern astronomy:----The study of stellar evolution has three important events concerning all bodies living and non-living in the universe. They are born, they live for some time and finally they die. The matter and energy are, however, recycled. The study of evolution involves the study of the life history of a star in stages: 1. The study of evolution involves their life by the condensation of clouds, dust and gases gravitationally with the formation of starry nuclei called “Proto-star. They are denser than the surrounding medium. The clouds have initially a low density, weak gravitational field and the temperature is around 100 degrees K. But when the swirling gases become dense, gravitation becomes prominent and the pressure of the clouds increases. A part of the hydrogen cloud starts

contracting. The temperature at the centre increases. Contraction of this “proto-star” continues until their centre becomes hot enough to initiate nuclear reaction. 2. Hydrogen is 75 percent of the total mass of the universe and provides the basic fuel for triggering nuclei reaction inside the stellar interior. When the temperature reaches four million degrees, hydrogen nuclei is converted into helium nuclei releasing the fusion energy towards the surface and emits light, heat and electro-magnetic radiations. The contraction stops when the inward pull of gravity is balanced by the outward flow of this radiant energy. The temperature of the stars is several million degrees and they are brighter. The pressure at the core is more than a billion times that of the Earth’s atmosphere. 3.The stars travel on the ‘main sequence’. Hot stars appear on the upper left of the sequence while the colder stars remain on the lower part. 4.Our sun has been in a stable situation for more than five billion years. Nuclear reaction in the sun converts about 600-400 million tons of hydrogen every second in its core. The sun has already consumed one-forth of its fuel. Yet our sun contains so much of hydrogen that conversion could continue for another five billion years before the fuel gets exhausted. Exhaustion of fuel marks the beginning of the end, that is, the death of a star depending on their size. Our sun is just on average G-Type Yellow star. Majority of stars are bigger and the masses are measured in terms of solar masses of the Sun (symbol M☼). As the star looses its fuel, the gravitational pull becomes greater than the outward force of radiant energy. The temperature goes on increasing in the outer layer causing it to swell. If the size of the star is alike that of our sun or slightly more, a “red giant” or an “orange giant” a carbon core is formed. If the size is more than 1.4 M☼, it yields a “white dwarf” and may explode as supernova with a flash. As it cools it may turn into a ’red giant”. If the size is more than 1.4 M☼, it yields a “while dwarf” and may explode as supernova with a flash. As it cools it may turn into a “red giant”. If the mass of the core of the star is in the range of 1.4 M ☼ to 3 M ☼ or between that of 8M☼ to 15 M☼, the core shrinks to about 10 Km. and a “neutron star” is born which emits electro-magnetic radiation and radiowaves. Such stars are called “Pulsars”. A star with mass greater than 20 M☼ becomes a black hole and may explode with tremendous energy. These explosions are called supernova. Now it is known the stars are also born from the black holes. Supernova Explosions: -Heavier stars (8-15 M☼) evolve faster and some expire by supernovae. They shine with luminosity of 18 magnitudes or several times brighter than the sun. The supernovae are the celestial fireworks throwing off one thousandth of their matter. The old star moves away from the main sequence of H-R diagram in a degenerate state (protons, neutrons, plasma and fermions).

Such stars face energy crisis. Their core implodes catastrophically releasing so much of gravitational energy and the outer layers are blown off. The centre of the stars collapses under its own gravity to form spinning neutron stars or pulsars only tens of Km. across. Neutron stars left over after big stars explode in blasts of supernova. The internal gravity smashes the electrons into nuclei where protons combine with neutrons. They can be packed more densely. A tea - spoonful of neutron star material weighs a billion tons. Neutron stars contain as much mass as our sun but it is only one seven hundredth of the size of a white dwarf. Our Earth’s matter is made up of atoms containing lot of space in between them because of comparatively very low temperature and low gravity. White dwarfs are like celestial lighthouses and flash around the sky at the star’s rotation. Pulsars are neutron stars identified by radio-signals that flashes at short duration pulses spaced at intervals of 1.3 seconds. They are the extreme versions of neutron stars. Clumping together are the gases coalescing in to stars in galaxies. The findings are based on energetic quasars detected by the Sloan Survey in April 2001, 14 to 15 billion light years away from Earth. The older objects are now farther away from us then when they where formed because the universe is expanding. Stars start shining just 200 million years after the theoretical Big Bang according to Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) mission. The probe gazed on the universe where there were no stars, nor galaxies-nothing except minute differences in temperature of the order of one millionth of a degree. That was enough to create vast hot and cold spots that signaled the beginning of clumping. WMAP looked back in time to just 380,000 years after the Big Bang explosion. The image of a picture of our infant universe is seen as a spotted oval with areas indicated by yellow and red and cool ones by blue and turquoise. Assuming the life of a man as 100 years, the universe is half way, according to John Bagcall of the Institute of Advanced Studies at Princeton University. The age of the universe has been determined with precision at 13.7 billion years.

Photo 3.2.03]

Inter-stellar clouds of gases (mostly hydrogen) and dust are released by huge black holes equivalent to hundred of suns. Stars are formed from these clouds and dust (as in the Eagle Nebula) by condensation gravitationally as a proto-star. The proto-stars end up as red giants, while dwarfs, neutron stars, pulsars and black hole depending on their original mass. Massive stars may burst to form a solar system like ours. Our sun burst into a brilliant explosion of super-nova rather than being born quietly from swirling gases and dust in a dark corner of the universe. 23.5.01

The European Southern Observatory’s new VISTA telescope’s enormous field of view allows it to image the entire nebula at once. It’s been designed to capture near-infrared light. The longer wavelengths of light in that part of the spectrum allow rays to pass through dusty space without being scattering. The Orion Nebula is located about 1,350 light-years from Earth. The cloud of gas and dust is a nursery for young stars. The red blobs in the features near the center of the image are young, growing stars that are hidden by dust in visible light. [See all the 5 photos above]

A star explodes and dies every second or so, somewhere in the universe. This event is called supernova. It is difficult to identify what class of star went supernova. Hobble Space Telescope has identified that the stars that exploded in the Whirlpool galaxy was a red super giant with a mass several times to ten times that of the sun. Check following A baby supernova known as G1.9-0-3 that exploded about 140 years ago has been found in the middle of our Milky Way. It provides an unprecedented opportunity to watch a star dying. David Green of Britain’s University of Cambridge and his colleagues observed it in almost the center of the galaxy 25,000 light years away from Earth. (5.8 trillion miles equal to a distance traveled by light in one year) 16.5.08 The supernova is named SN 2005 cs and belongs to the class ‘Type II plateau� whose light maintains a constant brightness (a plateau). Stars with lower masses then 8-15 times the sun contract to white dwarf and blows off its outer atmosphere instead of becoming supernova. Massive black holes provide another way of producing stars from its womb by supernova explosion but some of them refuse to explode. Instead they expand and form a white hole. Neutron star with mass greater than critical mass collapses into it. Realistically, a star collapses to a point and creates mathematical singularity where gravitational attractive force and density become infinite and temperature of absolute zero and the time dies. The death of a star more massive than the precursors of neutron stars has 40 or more solar masses. Mr. Heep observed a huge star 60 times that of the sun which is stripping itself of a mass equal to 20 suns every 12 lac years A star which is likely to become a black hole undergoes on its expiry a catastrophic implosion, a sort of explosion in reverse so that even neutrons are unable to withstand its enormous gravitational compression. All particles are crushed out of existence and the laws of physics cease to have any meaning. It then becomes a black hole.

These black holes in the centre of galaxies are the breeding grounds for the birth of stars in galaxies (to be discussed later). It is reported that the Neanderthals co-existing with the Cro-Magnons were cannibals. Cannibalism as an inherent property (as in genetics) of black holes has been discussed above.

Two new studies have revealed that exo-planets are doomed to premature death even before they could get closer to be ripped apart by the gravity of the host star putting them on a “fast track” to spiraling into the star. This may lead to the loss of much of the atmosphere by the planet 2.5.2007 THE


Almost 99 percent of the mass of the solar system is in the Sun. It is not only the most massive but also the largest object. 109 Earths could fit across its face: Next is Jupiter, 11 Earths across. The smallest objects are tiny specks of dust. Each one of these objects spin on its axis and follows an orbit around the central Sun. The Sun was created about 5 billion years ago, followed by the planets and smaller bodies. Extra-solar planets around living star other than the Sun are giants like Jupiter, Sun, Uranus or Jupiter at least fourteen to fifty times the mass of Earth composed of gases at crushing pressures and scorching high temperature. They circulate too close to be stars. (Also refer sec.8 below) 1) The star 55 Canori has three large planets forming a first quadruple planets system. Most of the extra-solar planets are gaseous and about the size of Jupiter. The smaller size may mean they are composed of rocks similar to Earth instead of gases. 2) A team of European astronomers led by Christopher Lewis of the University of Geneva found one of the closest analogues of our solar system, three planets and an asteroid belt circling a pale Sun-like star about 42 light years away in the constellation Puppis. The two innermost of the new Puppis planets each about 10 times the mass of Earth, are probably rocky like our Earth but they circle too tightly about their star to be habitable. The third planets about 18 times the mass of Earth circle at a distance of about 80 million miles within the star’s hospitable zone, The planet is still too big to be considered Earth-like and is probably shrouded in hydrogen and so is unlikely to have environment for life. Scientists have believed that dying stars known as white dwarf can not expand to more than 1.4 times the size of our Sun without exploding in a thermonuclear blast. That rule known as ‘Chandrashekhar Limit’ has helped the scientists to estimate the size of the universe. But a team of astronomers have found a supernova in a galaxy 4 billion light years away that released a mass twice that of the Sun before exploding. “The star could have been spinning so fast that the centrifugal force pushed it beyond the usual limit”, Howell and other researchers said.

White dwarfs typically explode into supernovas after pulling gases from nearby star. Because they give off consistent light, these supernovas can serve as markers that help measure the universe. 3) European astronomers have found the first Earth-like planet beyond our solar system with temperature milder enough to allow liquid water to exist. Of the 200 odd planets discovered so far GL 581c resembles the Earth most. It is 20.5 light years away. The host star of this new Earth is 50 times older than our Sun. The planet is 14 times closer to its Sun than Earth is to our Sun and completes a revolution around it in just 13 hours of our days. 4) Astronomers at the University of California, Los Angeles and at the University of Kielin Germany observed a white dwarf GD362 surrounded by a disk, located 150 light years from Earth.. Chemical elements around a burnt out star (white dwarf) provide evidence that the Earth-like planet once orbited it. 5) Carey Lisse of John Hopkins University in Applied Physics Laboratory observed a massive dusty ring surrounding one of the systems of two stars. HD113766 is suspected to be an Earthlike planet is forming around one of the stars. The planet was observed by the periodic dimming of light caused by the passage of planet across the star. 6) Jeff Hester and colleagues (in Science Today May 2004) had reported a number of reports from scientists the fingerprints are the iron-80, an unstable isotope that can only be formed in the heart of a massive star. The higher the mass, the higher the energy suggests that when the Sun was formed 4.6 billion years ago, there was a massive star nearby. This implies that like massive stars, the Sun formed in a high mass star forming regions where one or more stars went supernova. There are two kinds of environment where low mass stars like the Sun form. In the first kind of star the forming stars there is quiescent process in which an undisturbed molecular cloud slowly collapsed forming a star here, a star there. The other type of environment in which Sun-like stars form is radically different. These are more massive regions that form not only low mass scale, but luminous high mass star as well. 7) There is nothing special about our sun except that it hosts planets like any other star. An International team led by Jose Robles and other planetary scientists examined eleven properties that could plausibly be connected with life and analyzed these properties including the most anomalous mass and iron content. Our sun is more massive than 95% of stars. The sun’s orbit around the center of the galaxy is also more circular than the orbits of 93% of the stars (AstroPhysical Journal, May 2008) 23.5.2008.

8) Earth-Sized Planet Discovered in Perfect Position to Support Earth-Like Life Posted by Ralph Bernardo on September 30, 2010 :

Astronomers say they have for the first time spotted a planet beyond our own in what is sometimes called the Goldilocks zone for life: Not too hot, not too cold. Just right. Not too far from its star, not too close. So it could contain liquid water. The planet itself is neither too big nor too small for the proper surface, gravity and atmosphere. It’s just right. Just like Earth. “This really is the first Goldilocks planet,” said codiscoverer R. Paul Butler of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. The new planet sits smack in the middle of what astronomers refer to as the habitable zone, unlike any of the nearly 500 other planets astronomers have found outside our solar system. And it is in our galactic neighborhood, suggesting that plenty of Earth-like planets circle other stars. Scientists have jumped the gun before on proclaiming that planets outside our solar system were habitable only to have them turn out to be not quite so conducive to life. But this one is so clearly in the right zone that five outside astronomers told The Associated Press it seems to be the real thing. “This is the first one I’m truly excited about,” said Penn State University’s Jim Kasting. He said this planet is a “pretty prime candidate” for harboring life. 9) Our Sun was born in an explosive environment with hundred to thousands Sun-like stars from a supernova that could have produced lots of planets around other stars 4.6 billion years ago. They dispersed billions of years ago due to lack of gravitational pull. They got lost in space. The majority of stars in our galaxy were born in star clusters (cluster is like a forest when the space between them is neglected.) according to Leslie Looney and her colleagues at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champlain.

The solar system arose in such a cluster and managed to survive the impact of an exploding star with mass of about 20 Suns (which is common in the most tumultuous stellar nurseries). These results are based on decayed particles from radioisotopes of iron trapped in fossil remnants of the early solar system in meteorites, in the x-ray image taken from International Spacecraft named Hindode It is designed to study different layers of the Sun by rising and falling hot gases granules. Twisting plumes of gases rising from the Sun’s corona react with the star’s magnetic field to release energy that may power the solar mass and coronal mass Ejections. This in turn affected the Earth’s weather. This is the view of Leon Golub, senior astrophysicist at the Harward Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. The sun by modern estimates is 71% hydrogen, 27% heliun and 2% other heavier elements: by number of atoms of a given type 91% hydrogen, 9%helium, 0.1% other heavier elements. At the hot violent core hydrogen atoms are riped apart and their constituent parts – protons, and the other bare atomic nuclei. Hydrogen in the core is ionized hydrogen, i.e., a proton (P*). It is these protons that fuse together with the release of energy. Hydrogen firsr forms deuterium and finally. At present the mass of the sun is almost 2 x 10 to the power 30 kg. Over 4.5 million years that the sun has shone for only bout 0.03% of its mass has been consumed. Sound waves escaping the sun’s interior create fountains of hot gases that shape and power the chromosphere. Sun’s magnetic field allows the release of wave energy from its interior, permitting the sound waves to travel through thin fountains upwards into the solar chromossphere. These magnetic fountains form the mold for the chromosphere. Our Sun is far from the black hole in the center of the Milky Way 1,000 light years away from Earth. The nearest black hole is in the constellation Sigatarius star named V 464 1 sgr began emitting rapidly fluctuating x-rays intensities and ejecting sub-atomic particles moving at the rate of the speed of light in sept.99. A star with a planetary system is called Surya/Sun. STRUCTURE OF SUN:---

One wonders why it is necessary to list out the planetary systems observed in space for studies of the Rig Veda. [R.V.1.87.1: 5.52.11] and of the ‘Saptarishi’ (the Great Bear) and many stars have their own planetary system as reported earlier. Vedic literature mentions a host of Suryas under different conditions because it has the qualification of having its family of planets. At Creation, where was the Surya? Obviously it moves in the Aakash around the Prathivi/white hole.

“Surya in the womb of darkness bears the entire weight of the universe (at Creation)”.[R.V.1.152.3] The black hole before Creation had Aakash and Prathivi conjoined together in the tight grip of the Event Horizon/Vratra. Some times a Surya/star is ejected. The creatures living and non-living appear to have inherited the tendency to quarrel/fight ever since the army of five braves (Agni, Vayu, Surya, Indra and Vdhyuta) waged a climatic war operating outwards (for ejecting matter/energy at trillions of degrees of temperature) against the gravitational forces operating inwards. There was no supernova-like explosion that would have left a huge mass of matte r at some place in the space. The mass/ energy just gushed out with tremendous velocity as waters/plasma along with seed black hole. Indra succeeds in flushing out the rivers/ galaxies in Antariksh (space) in between Aakash and Prathivi in Triloki. Sukta 1.50 : 1) “Surya is the knower of all the Bhutas. The radiations move in all direction. 2) “As soon as Surya appears, the Nakshatra/constellations disappear like thieves. 3) “The flag like radiations of Surya similar to flaming fire are clearly seen. 4) “It illuminates every thing by its light and for the living being move across the sky. 5) “Surya for the sake of Devataas, Manushya and all Pranis (who breathe) illumines and moves across the sky. 6) “The purifying Varuna, the presiding deity of waters observes them with his eyes. 7) “He separates the nights from the days, Surya moves across the sky observing the creatures. 8) “The farsighted Surya along with its bright rays rides the chariot driven by seven horses.

9) “The daughter of the chariot of Surya with the self-yoking seven mares moves across the sky. 10) “Surya is the best amongst the Devataas spreads light over darkness. 11) “Surya is the friend who prevents heart disease and yellow color as it arises for moving in the sky. 12) “The yellow color is placed in the resplendent Shukra-sarikas. 13) “This Surya destroys all diseases by its powerful Tej (radiations). We should not be the victims of the diseases”. *********** Devtaas provided sons of Surya each for Prathavi, Antariksh and Aakash.[8.101.9] Like many energy sources, the sun is not forever. It is already about 4.5 billion years old and has used up nearly half of the hydrogen in its core. The sun will continue to burn through the hydrogen for another five billion years or so, and then helium will become its primary fuel. The sun will expand to about a hundred times its current size, swallowing Earth and other planets. It will burn as a red giant for another billion years and then collapse into a white dwarf about the size of planet Earth PRATHIVIES IN RIG VEDA **************


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