Chhand: Anushtup
(1) “We describe in detail how the Devataas revealed themselves. In the coming Yuga, the Devataas will be looking at the Strotaas /eulogizers/admirers at the beginning of Yagna. (2) “Like an artisan at the beginning of the Unified Creation Aditi gave birth to the Devataas. Devataas were without name and form and they revealed themselves with name and form, etc. [This is unified form of Creation because the formless matter and energy of Nature appeared in Human form as living being.] (3) “Before the Devataas manifested, Sat (Truth) originated from Asat (Untruth). Then the directions and trees were created. (4) “After the trees, Prathivi and directions originated from Prathivi/ Black hole cum white hole. (5) “Hey Daksha! Your daughter Aditi gave birth to Devataas. These indestructible are worthy of being praised. (6) “Deva Ganas while living on this Prathivi exhibited enthusiasm. They performed dances and this caused the torturing dust to fly in all directions. (7) “Devataas covered the entire universe like clouds. Then they illuminated the Surya/sun hiding in Aakash. (8) “Aditi delivered eight sons, out of which she took seven sons along with her to heavens. The eighth son, Surya was left in Aakash. (9) “At this auspicious time Aditi took along with her seven sons and Surya was established in Aakash.” *********** Sukta 1.139:--Vishwadevata,etc Chhand: Ashti,Brahati, Panti. 11) “Hey Devaganas! You are eleven in Aakash/sky, eleven in Prathivi and by way of importance eleven in Antariksh/space. In this way all thirty three Devataas are requested to accept my invitation in the Yagna. **********
Sukta 3.55 : 1) “When the ancient Usha is full of Tej/radiance, Aditya who acquired immortality arises in Aakash. As soon as it arises Yajamaan start the performance of Yagna to please the Devataas. All the great Devataas have equal Bala (power). 2) “Devataas are requested not to destroy the fire. The Pitars and the Surya, who inspires Yagna arise in the middle of Aakash Prathivi and is also requested not to kill us. All the Devataas are endowed with equal power. 3) “Our various desires wander in different directions. We eulogize by reciting the ancient Agni to incite by the ancient hymns when the fire is ignited property in the Yagna. The performance of all the Devataas is equal. 4) “Agni Deva, the lord of the Prajas, is established in all places for the various duties in the performance of Yagna. He wanders over the Vedi. The fire is ignited by Arani (a kind of drill made of wood).Aakash and Prathivi are the father and mother respectively of fire. Aakash sustains it by rains and Prathivi provides residence for Agni. The power of Devataas is the same. 5) “Agni Deva resides in the ancient and new medicines in the form of their properties. The medicines are formed without their seminal ingredients and produces flowers, fruits etc. without becoming pregnant by Agni/thermal energy. This is the power of Agni Deva. All Devataas have equal powers. 6) “Surya when it sets in the west for sleeping in the center of Aakash Prathivi who is like father and mother respectively. At sunrise, Surya moves all alone with unhindered speed. For this performance, Mitra and Varuna inspire Surya. Both of them have equal powers. 7) “Agni is the creator of the two Lokas in the form of Aakash Prathivi. He moves about in Yagna and in Surya in Aakash. He is the cause of all activities while residing on Prathivi. Hota Ganas eulogize by pronouncing beautiful hymns. The performance of all Devataas is equal. 8) “No one dares to face Purush engaged in fighting in the war and they run away. Similarly, no one dares to face Agni. Agni, the knower of all is all pervading. The power of these Devataas is the same. 9) “The capability of Surya is all pervading in between Aakash Prathivi. Similarly Agni as the messenger of Devataas pervade medicines for the sustenance of the Pranies/ breathing creatures). The power of all Devataas is equal. 10) “Agni with its Tej/radiations protects Prathivi and the Lokas because it is all pervading and sustainer of all. Agni is the knower of all the Bhutas and is endowed with extra-ordinary Shakti (force) amongst all the Devataas.
11)“Night with black color and Usha with bright radiance are the two sisters being born from Surya appears in various forms and generates the rules for sleeping and awakening for the living. One of the two shines with brilliance while the other becomes dark on account of darkness Amongst all the Devataas the great power of Agni is equal in the form of Surya. (12). “Prathivi and Aakash are like mother and daughter. Prathivi is called mother because it gives birth to all the living beings and looks after them. And Aakash is the daughter because it accepts the milk-like waters of the rain. Both these Devataas have equal capabilities. 13) “Prathivi envelops itself with clouds containing waters from Aakash who causes rains in the form of Rasa like a cow. At this time Prathivi licks the clouds generated by it and produces sound like electrical (lightening-like) thunder. There by it renders the land fertile for the production of food (sub-atomic particles and dust in Antariksh) and sprinkles it with water of the rain in Paush month of rainy season. This is possible because of the equal powers of all Devataas. 14) “Aakash Prathivi covers the body by various ways. It moves and by lifting itself licks Surya/sun that pervades all the three Lokas. Knowing that the Surya/ sun is the cause of truth we praise him. The power of all the Devataas is always the same. 15) “The day and night moving like two feet prevails in between Aakash Prathivi. Both of them are extraordinary. One destroys the darkness while the other eliminates light. Their path attains both sinful and good deeds. The power of all Devataas is equal. 16) “Aakash Prathivi always remains youthful and appears in new forms vibrating all directions. This is because it causes rains and is affectionate to all even though it remains virgin. This is the result of the equal capabilities of all Devataas. 17) “The rainy clouds are like a bull in the midst of cows that produces sound vibrating in all directions causing rains. It is Indra who inspires it for this work. Indra deserves praise for his performance and is the owner of all. The performance of all the Devataas is always equal. 18) “The description of the best of the horses is being described for the sake of Manushya. Deva Ganas know the horses of Indra. There are six seasons in a year when two consecutive months are taken together. Hemant (cold weather) and Sishir (winter) when united there are five months only to be considered. The horse-like seasons of Indra offer oblations to Surya/sun and Indra. The capability of all Devataas is always one. 19) “Twasta Deva is loved by all because he knows what is in their hearts. He produces various forms of Pranies (breathing creatures) and sustains them. All the Lokas belong to Twata. The powers of all companion Devatas are equal.
20) “Indra unified Aakash Prathivi and revealed the beasts and the birds. Aakash Prathivi is filled with the Tej/radiance of Indra. The most capable Indra defeats the enemies and is famous because he collects the wealth. 21) “Indra envelops the entire universe. He is the owner of Aakash Prathivi, the well- wisher and friend of all. He looks after the Pranies by his vigor. Marut Ganas /Storm Gods/Devataas in coronal atmosphere, given a chance move ahead of Indra in wars and reside in beautiful places. The capability of all Devataas is equal. 22) “O Indra! This Prathivi makes the medicines nourishing for warding off the diseases. The streams of waters (in Antariksh; Trishtup Chhanda) being associated with you have the capability to acquire fame. The power of Devataas is always equal. ******* Sukta 10.98: ---
Chhand: Trishtup
1) “ Hey Brahaspati! Go to all the Devataas as a favor to me. You are actually Indra with MitraaVaruna, Pusha, Aaditya Gana and Vasu Gana. Hence cause the rains for the sake of King Shaantanu. 2) “Hey Devaapi! Some brilliant and fast moving Devataa should come to me as a messenger. Hey Brahaspati! You come in front of me. I have the best eulogies to recite for you. 3) “Hey Brahaspati! Establish the best eulogies in my mouth. They should be energizing and clear. I will obtain rains for Shaantanu. 4) “Let the Jal/plasma of the rains be for my sake. Hey Indra! Give the great Dhan/ wealth using your chariot. Hey Devaapi! Come and sit in my Yagna. And satisfy me with the Haviratna while worshiping the Devataas. 5) “Devaapi is the son of Rishishena. He thoughtfully organized the Yagna for praising you with the best eulogies. Then he brought the waters of rain from Antariksh form of ocean into the physical ocean. 6) “Devataas enveloped Antariksh. Devaapi inspired this Jal. At that time water began to flow on bright Prathivi.” -----**********