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BULLS FATHER AND COWS MOTHER OF THE UNIVERSE IN RIG VEDA Paranjaya, clouds in Antariksh, Tadpole, Tadpole Galaxy and Medicines << PREVIOUS


17 CREATION OF LOKAS (WORLDS) FROM AAKASH PRATHIVI: “Praise the Goddess of learning Saraswati who provides the happiness by the qualities of the body and providing choicest material for nourishment. She gives gifts of jewels and all one desires”. (1.164.49) “Yagna (involving high energy interactions in a sequential manner) is Agni (fire)”. [10.20.6] “Yagna was first performed by Agni. This was the first Dharma and by its importance and their participation, the Yajamaan/Agni attains heaven. All the Devataas who approved the process by their participation reside in Yagna.” (1.164.50) Yagna is of two types, physical and mental [R.V. 10.90.6]. In matters of interfacing “ Intelligent Designs” of Rig Veda With modern Astronomy and all other disciplines of sciences and all other fields of knowledge mental Yagna is most advantageous. Hence short descriptions from the relevant modern aspects are being inserted at appropriate places for the benefit of those who may not be conversant with it. However, the Creation first involves creation of the Lokas (regions/worlds) sequentially is the first step towards multiplication according to the Anka (digital) Meru. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [I] BEFORE CREATION – ONE LOKA /CONJOINED AAKASH PRATIVI The Aakash Prathivi intelligently turns into a Prathivi without Aakash (black hole) as singularity. It is flooded by waters of the Ekaarnava (a single Ocean) and the Event Horizon/Vratra/clouds lay on the waters.” Just before Creation, the Aakash Prathivi as a white hole is conjoined together by the magnanimous powers of Indra “. [10.44.8] Chhand: Trishtup, Jagati The singularity of the Pind (spherical/black hole singularity before creation) of the Aakash Prathivi is a black hole that has all the matter, energy, knowledge, etc., as wealth of the entire universe within its confines. It represents “one dusty foot “of

Vishnu (R.V. 1.22.17; 3.54.14) in the darkness of the deep. At Creation the black hole of the “Big Bang Theory” becomes a white hole according to the “Inflationary Theory”. At zero time, black hole is in fact black hole cum white hole as a duality. According to the Vedas the entire universe is dualistic in Nature. However, the Creation first involves creation of the Lokas (regions/worlds) is the first step towards multiplication according to the Anka (digital) Meru ************ VISHWAKARMAA, THE PLACE OF CREATION is in ANTARIKSH

[ii] The conjoined Aakash Prathivi is described thus: — The Sukta 1.159:--- Dhyavaprathivi. Chhand:Jagati 1) “The Aakash Prathivi is worshipped where the Yagna is taking place for enhancing the knowledge. Yajamaan is its son and with the help of the Devataas (of Nature) to yield invaluable wealth of knowledge”. “I think about Aakash and Prathivi as father and mother”, [who are united together like Ardhanarishwar/yin–yang/Angler fish in the concept of the theory of the opposites inherent in Varna Meru. {Vedic Meru – A Step towards Unification of Knowledge, M.K.Dave, World Sanskrit Conference, New Delhi, April 2001}]. 2) And think about those illustrious people who reveal the beings and provide Anna (food – sub-atomic particles, elements, etc., for Aakash Prathivi/organic based food respectively for the non-living and the living. 3) “Oh Mahi (name of white hole). All the subjects performing work functions regard you as their mother and for the protection of the moving and non-moving beings protect the place when Surya is to be born. 4) “Aakash and Prathivi were born as uterine brothers ( in Aakash)and are associated with powers to further their progeny. The rays separate them and reveal new formulations. 5) “Inspired by Savita, it is proposed that residences, wealth and fame may be given to us”. ************ “Varuna (the lord of electro-magneto-hydro dynamics) is the owner of Aakash Prathivi.”(R.V. 1.25.20).

******* [III] CREATION OF TWO LOKAS AS ONE LOKA . According to Tino Devon Ka Anantavya, Kalikaa Purana, Ed.Chamanlal, 20-21: “Vishnu divided the cosmic egg (Intelligent Design at Creation) into two by Dhyana Yoga (mental powers obtained by the concentration of mind) .He remained in the egg momentarily.”

Sukta 1.160: Ddhyava Prathivi. (Jagati chhanda/sky/heaven) elaborates the formation of two Lokas when it is in the preliminary stage of Creation: 1) “The Aakash Prathivi provides comfort, delight and happiness to all by wielding Antariksh/space by itself. The Surya regularly moves in between. 2) “Extremely expanded and huge Aakash Prathivi maintains all the Lokas like father and mother. The father drapes the baby (Surya) with clothes. 3) “Surya (in Aakash/Jagati Chhand) which bears the weight and responsibilities of his father (Aakash) and mother (Prathivi) purifies the universe by his force. The Vistirna / expanded Prathivi (white hole) having different colors is like a cow called Dhenu and Aakash is like a virile bull (Dharma, a vehicle of Shiva) that milks Rasa (extracts of different kinds form of milk from the Vistirna/expanded Prathivi. 4) “God as the Creator is the best among the Devataas. He produces Aakash Prathivi. He measured both the Lokas (Aakash Loka and Prathivi Loka) in terms of his Praja/subjects and supported it by providing poles that never decay. 5) “Aakash Prathivi is powerful by its forces and is graceful for us and helps in the proliferation of the subjects.” ********** Mahi (Dhenu/Cow) is the Vistirna/fully expanded Prathivi (universe) which is born only once and gives birth to a large number of such cows (Prathivis /primordial white holes) .It gives the best milk (light radiations and plasma) by thousand streams. Those desirous of milking such a cow that is the Prathivi, worship Indra. [10.74.4 –Trishtup/Antariksha Chhanda] ******** BULLS FATHER AND COWS MOTHER OF THE UNIVERSE IN RIG VEDA [IV] CREATION OF TWO LOKAS The Aakash Prathivi /Ddhyava Prathivi. Sukta 1.185, asks a question addressed to the Rishi Agastya:Sukta 1.185: ---

Dhyava Prathivi Chhand: Trishtup.

(1) “Among Aakash and Prathivi what was born first and what came into existence later? Both of them by themselves hold all the substances and keep in motion like day and night. (2) “The Aakash Prathivi is motionless without feet (being spherical) (in Antariksh) and holds the Pranis (beings/ Devataas who are the performers of Yagna) in their lap like father and mother.

(3) “As a cause of thunderbolt, imperishable, illuminated and everlasting with various qualities and characteristics Aakash Prathivi is expected to give us the wealth (of knowledge). It is made worthy because the praise is protective. (1) “With day and night associated, Aakash Prathivi devoid of pains because the Devataas gives protection for the young by providing Anna (food) with its divine powers. (5) “The Aakash Prathivi moving together is ever-young having uniform limitations. It is like sisters in the lap of the father and mother. (6) “It is great because of its protective powers and has extensive place for residence. It is welcome for the pleasures of Devataas. It is capable of engulfing itself with astonishing waters/plasma(in Antariksh)/(H2O, D2O, HDO in the biosphere) (7) “This extensive and infinite Aakash Prathivi (universe) in Yagna and with many distinctive forms is worshipped. It envelops all substances and the beings and protects all from vices and misdeeds. (8) "The Devataas, brothers, son-in-laws and others may keep the performers of the Yagna away if they commit sin. (9) “May this Aakash Prathivi provide protection and remain with them for the welfare of Manushya. The foods of oblations are offered to enlighten us with the know how of the wealth of Yagna. (10) “It protects like a father from any evil effects. (11) “Oh father! What has been said about the brother of Aakash Prathivi is absolute truth that is upheld by Devataas to impart strength.” ********* According to Tino Devon Ka Anantavya, Kalikaa Purana, Ed.Chamanlal, 20-21: “Vishnu divided the cosmic egg (Intelligent Design at Creation) into two by Dhyana Yoga (mental powers obtained by the concentration of mind) .He remained in the egg momentarily.”

Aakash Prathivi become two separate Lokas: --“Mitra (light radiations) and Varuna (Lord of rivers and oceans/ waters) separated the Aakash as well as Prathivi” (R.V. 7. 61. 4). “Indra is the creator of Aakash and Swarga (heaven)”. (8.36.4) *********

[V] VISHNU THE CREATOR OF TRILOK /THREE WORLDS/AAKASH, ANTARIKSH AND PRATHIVI: ---The following statement appears in Brahma Purana, Ed. Shri Ram Acharya, Naisharanya Varnan: ---

“The Triloki consisting of three Lokas (worlds) - Aakash, Antariksh and Prathivi came into existence by the grace of the three steps of Vishnu representing the three Akshar Chhandas – Jagati, Tristup and Gaayatri.” Rig Veda 1.22:-- Ashwini Prabhrati. Chhand: Gayatri. (16) “May God protect the Prathivi belonging to seven places by stepping on it. (This is the black hole cum white hole). (17) “Vishnu acquires the universe by taking three steps. His one dusty foot covered the entire Creation. (18) “He is the protector of all. No one can deceive him. He follows the rules (of trinities) and then takes three Padas/steps. (19) “The prowess of Vishnu lies in the rules of all the forces of nature. He is the mate and friend of Indra. [“All Devataas of nature are integral parts of Vishnu”. (1.40.11)] (20) “The eyes scan the sky systematically to recognize His Param Pada (supreme spiritual stature). (21) “The conscious and wise and praise find His supreme and highest Pada in their heart and mind which is all pervading. ********

The importance of the three steps 0f Vishnu is projected as follows: Sukta 1.154:--- .


Chhand: Trishtup

1) “ I describe the valor of Vishnu. Vishnu measures the three Lokas with His three feet (R.V. 8.29.7) and makes the sky static. 2) “The entire universe resides in His three feet. Hence this Sansaar/mortal world describes the valor of Vishnu alike the dangerous beasts living on mountains. 3) “Vishnu who measures all by himself all the three Lokas by his three feet of Aakash Prathivi and all the Lokas is praised by many living beings… 4) “The one who all by himself enveloped the threefold Prathivi, Aakash and all the Lokas (black holes cum white holes), that Vishnu becomes immensely pleased by the indestructible freedom and associates Manushya with sweet Anna, etc, [“He envelopes the Triloki (three Lokas/ three worlds) all by Himself. Param Pada of Vishnu [Yajur Veda 6.5; 34.44] is in the center of Amrit (elixir) and sweetness. It is full of Tej (radiations)”. (Also ref. Atharva Veda 7.26.1; Yajur Veda 5.18)] 5) “I (Rishi Deerghatamah) desire the substratum and support of that extensive foot. It is here that those (Manushyas) who believe that Devataas are the owner derive blessings. Vishnu is our brother. His Param Pada is the center of sweetness (Elixir, etc.) 6) “Hey Indra and Vishnu! We aspire for that place where extremely powerful and accomplished forms of cows/Dhenu (black holes cum white holes) reside. The praise worthy high Pada/residence is full of Tej/radiance. [According to this Design, the head of Dhenu

represents Surya Loka, middle part of the body the Antariksh and the feet represent Prathivi Loka]. “

*************** Sukta 1.155:--- . Vishnu Chhand: Trishtup, Jagati 1) “Manushyas are requested to prove their protector Soma that is Anna/particulate food in favor of Vishnu and Indra. Both of them being the performers of the best deeds are never led away from their path. 2) “Hey Indra and Vishnu! You are the Lord and deliver the fruits/ rewards for the work. The Soma is squeezed and is ready for serving you. You are capable of protecting from the arrows shot by the enemies. and Vaani 3) “All the offerings of oblations to Indra give strength to his Virya/ semen (self-replicating quark gluon). Indra yields Anna (food of sub-atomic particles etc.) by the rains (in Antariksh and Aakash for AakashPrathivi, according to the Chhand of the Sukta). The Virya / Raja/semen (quark gluon) is capable of producing a son (sub-atomic particles by interactions and self- replication) at intense temperature at creation. From this tradition of sequential birth), the name Tritiya/grand son is derived. {Also refer R.V.1.164.16]}. The birth of Pranies depends on Indra and Vishnu. 4) “We praise the seminal powers of the youthful Vishnu who is the lord of all and the protector from the enemies. He crossed over all the people by stepping his three feet for the sake of protecting the Lokas. 5) “All the Pranies/living beings can see only the two Lokas. No one dare to reach the third Loka (heaven). Marut Ganas who travel in Aakash are unable to reach it. 6) “After being praised by great eulogies, Vishnu rotated the wheel of Kaala/time by ninety degrees. The eulogizers keep searching by Dhyaana and express their gratitude.” ****************** Sukta 1.156 : --Vishnu Chhand: Trishtup, Jagati. 1) “Hey Vishnu! You are the creator/producer of waters, extremely glorious, protector and extensive and giver of happiness like a friend. The learned persons eulogize you with great fervor. The Yajamaan who offers Havies (material offered in Yagna), conducts the Yagna for you. 2) “Those learned people who offer Havis in Yagna for the Swyambhu Vishnu and describes the Yagna, they wins the hearts of all. 3) “O Eulogizer! You know Vishnu who is the womb of Nature. Enlighten him by your praiseworthy hymns. Hey Vishnu! We desire sympathy from you. 4) “Vishnu inspires Maruts (storm God) and gets his wishes fulfilled by Varuna and Ashawini Kumars. It is Vishnu who acquires the wealth of day by Mitra (light radiations) and removes darkness. 5) “Indra is always keen to serve Vishnu, the lord of Triloki for gains in favor of Yajamaan.” ****************** Sukta3.38: --Indra. Chhand: Trishtup.

3) “The wise people performing work on Prathivi decorated Prathivi and Aakash for obtaining Jal/waters/plasma. They made the Bhumi/field and Swarga/heavens static. They united the huge and Vistruta /expanded Prathivi and Aakash. Then the Antariksh was established in between Aakash and Prathivi. 4) “All the learned people decorated Indra sitting on the chariot. It is because of their good will that brilliant Indra is illumined and well established. Causing the rains of desires the aggressive Indra acquired strange fame. He adopts the form of the universe and attains immortality. 5) “ Showering the fulfillment of desires, ancient and attracting all Indra created the waters and satisfied his thirst.” --************** Sukta 7.99: ---Vishnu, IndraaVishnu. Chhand: Trishtup. (1) “The glory of Vishnu is difficult to assess. His two Lokas are known Para Loka (third world where the benevolent beings are presumed to reach after death), is not known to any one except Vishnu himself. (2) “Vishnu envelops the Swarga Loka (heaven) in different ways. (3) “Aakash Prathivi becomes rich in food (sub-atomic particles/ plasma) and cows (radiations). Vishnu wields Antariksh in Aakash Prathivi in different ways. (4) “Indra and Vishnu reveal the trinity of Surya, Agni and Usha (morning twilight) and create heaven for Yajamaan. He destroyed the evil powers of enemies (the inward forces operating in favor of the gravitational forces). (5) “Indra and Vishnu destroy 99 cities of Shambar and hundred thousand fighters of Varchi.” ^^^^^^^^^ Sukta 7.100: --Vishnu Chhand: Trishtup (3) “Vishnu takes three steps on the Earth with a view to create expansive place on Earth and making it suitable for residence.” ^^^^^^^^^ Sukta 8.9: --Ashwini. Chhanda: Brahati, Gaayatri,etc. (12) “Ashwini Kumars travel in the chariot sitting by the side of Indra or remain together with Vaayu at one place and envelop the three Lokas covered by the feet of Vishnu.” ^^^^^^^^^ Sukta 10.88 : ----Surya Vaishwanari Chhand: Trishtup. (2) “The Lokas merge in the darkness where they appear to hide. With the appearance of Agni / thermal energy everything becomes visible. -(4) “The Vaishwanar Agni fills the Aakash Prathivi and Antariksh with Tej (intense radiations). Agni created the universe with its moving and non-moving objects.. (5) “Vaishwanar Agni resides at the top of the three Lokas with the Surya in heavens. It is capable of bringing Aakash Prathivi to its fullness. (6) “This Agni is up there above the beings and in the morning its appearance is like Surya. The performers of the Yagna is called Praja/subjects of the Devataas. It moves in all places with tremendous speed. (7) “The body of this Agni is protected by all the Devataas.

(8) The Devataas who proposed the Aakash Prathivi reveal the Agni and protect them in Yagna. The Agni knows Aakash Prathivi and Antariksh. (9) “This Agni moves easily and heats Aakash Prathivi by the floodlights (flames). (10) “Agni was produced in three forms and presents the medicines in a refined form. (11) “When the Devataas involved in the Yagna established Agni and Surya and they began to move together. The beings could see them. (12) “They are recognized as the flags of the Universe. They emit distinct light that becomes extensive and with their floodlights remove darkness. (13) “Devataas reveal Agni on the form of Surya and they were great and massive. (14) “The Nakshatras (constellations) became visible. They illuminated from above and below.” *********** “Adi Purush is born from the Viraat (Gigantic) Purush who created the Prathivi / Earth. His feet represent the Earth, head the Heavens and Antariksh /space his naval and Lokas and directions were created from ears.” (R.V. 10.90.14). Vishnu is Triloki (Yajur Veda 1.2). *********** For the unification of all entities in the universe is applicable. For all creatures their head represents Aakash, their body in the middle with procreative parts represents Antariksh/space and feet in the lower part represents Prathivi/Earth. ***********

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