Dualistic Nature in the intelligent design

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Dwait Await M87 galaxies [the creation in puranna] Earth is flat << PREVIOUS


4. DUALISTIC NATURE IN THE INTELLIGENT DESIGN 2 : The Aakash Prathivi as a black hole ensures death while it delivers life as a white hole. The Aakash Prathivi at the juncture of annihilation and creation appears to be the finest example of the dualistic character of nature corresponding to that proposed by Einstein for light DVAIT ADVAIT

This is in accordance with the Ekaakashar (yin-yang)/Ardhanaarishwar of Varna Meru – the universal kingpin of knowledge. The comprehensive and compact white hole creates not only the matter and energy of the universe but almost everything including the power of expression in all languages. This is because they owe their origin to Deva-Vani Sanskrit, written in Devanagari script according to the Grimm`s Law. Sanskrit is derived from the Xray ripples in the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiations that appear to produce music (Sargam/Saam Gaan). The natural sound from the black hole i.e., Aakash Prathivi emanating from Perseus Galaxy has been discovered by Mark Whittle. The different kind of knowledge and objects appear in their predetermined design to be expressed from this microscopic form to palatable discourses. According to the principle of 'Yatha Pinde Tathaa Brahmande' i .e., `All things are little universes ` the black holes in the center of all galaxies should exhibit the same characteristic role. The Aakash Prathivi is a black hole when it devours matter and energy. The very same black hole becomes a white hole when it is ejecting streams of gases and energy. This is exactly what has been observed in the black holes situated in the center of galaxies in the constellations around our Milky Way. EJECTION IS A PROPERTY OF A


While a black hole devours everything in its vicinity, a white hole ejects matter as dust and also the energy. The most powerful exhibition of the process of ejection is the searchlight in Galaxy M 87. (ref. The Creations in Puranas for details) Jets are usually seen shooting out all over the cosmos out of objects including stars that are just beginning to form. The most powerful jets emerge from giant black holes in the center of active galaxies generating heat and high-energy particles like electrons, and magnetic fields. Intergalactic beams are manifestation of tremendous activity in the center of certain galaxies. Magnetic fields act as a sheath preventing the gases at high pressure in the jet from dispersing. This could be the reason why the jet is so long and undestroyed. It exists without disintegrating in such a long path. This jet from an extremely massive black hole forms a striking compact radio lobe. No radio lobe has been detected on the side of the counter jet. Indian and German astronomers jointly discovered a 1.5 million light years long inter galactic beam –the longest radio-jet ever found. It is nearly 600 million light years away and is nearly twice the length of the previous record holder. Usually jets come as similar looking pairs pointing in the opposite directions. But this jet is a lone ranger. This jet beam shot out from a black hole in the center of a large active galaxy called CGCG 049-033.The radio image was obtained by using three tremendously high resolution and sensitive telescopes – a Giant Microwave Radio Telescope (GMRT) near Pune, the 100 meter Effelsberg radio dish in Germany and the two meter diameter optical telescope in IUCCAA-GMRT is the world's largest telescope. The GMRT lead astronomer Jaydeep Bagachi from the Radio Astronomy and Cosmology Department of Inter University Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA), Pune had reported this finding in the December 1, 2007 issue of Astrophysics journal.

Photo 11.12.07 on NET The Black holes don’t just consume every thing nearby. Occasionally, they fire out huge corkscrews of gas. Theories predict that tightly coiled magnetic field close to particular energetic super massive Black hole called “blazers” might expel jets of plasma in to space. Alan Marscher at Boston University and colleagues used the Very Large Baseline Array (VLSA) radio telescope and other instruments to peer in to these jets from blazers PLLacortae that lies 950 million light year away. The teem spotted charge particle of plasma gas spiraling out words from a flattened disk of spinning material surrounding the black hole as expected from a coil of magnetic field lines.[Nature Do1 10 1038/Nature 06895] Large galaxies such as our Milky Way contain supper massive black hole in their core that drag dust and gas towards them in a disk and fling it back out a jet of ionized gases of plasma

moving at up to 88.9% of the speed of light. If it is points towards the Earth they are called blazers. They flow x-rays and gamma rays. 23-04-08[The Times of India] The nearest black hole from the Earth is in the constellation Sagittarius. A normal star named V4641 sgr began emitting rapidly fluctuating X-ray intensities and ejecting sub-atomic particles moving at the speed of light on Sept. 1999 and was observed by an amateur Australian sky-watcher. Later orbiting X-ray telescope and ground based radio and optical telescope also recorded the dramatic X- ray intensity changes ever seen from one star. The black hole is merely 1,000 light-years away from Earth. EJECTION IS A PROPERTY OF A IS THAT OF A BLACK HOLE : ----


1.While a black hole devours everything in its vicinity, a white hole ejects matter as dust and also the energy. The most powerful exhibition of the process of ejection is the searchlight in Galaxy M 87. (ref. Plate 1; The Creations in Puranas for details) 2. The most powerful jets emerge from giant black holes in the center of active galaxies generating heat and particles having high energy like electrons and magnetic fields. Intergalactic beams are manifestation of tremendous activity in the center of certain galaxies. Magnetic fields act as a sheath preventing the gases at high pressure in the jet from dispersing. This could be the reason why the jet is so long and undestroyed. It exists without disintegrating in such a long path. This jet from an extremely massive black hole forms a striking compact radio lobe. No radio lobe has been detected on the side of the counter jet. 3. Indian and German astronomers jointly discovered a 1.5 million light years long inter galactic beam –the longest radio-jet ever found. It is nearly 600 million light years away and is nearly twice the length of the previous record holder. Usually jets come as similar looking pairs pointing in the opposite directions. But this jet is a lone ranger. This jet beam that shot out from a black hole in the center of a large active galaxy called CGCG 049-033.The radio image was obtained by using three tremendously high resolution and sensitive telescopes – a Giant Microwave Radio Telescope (GMRT) near Pune, the 100 meter Effelsberg radio dish in Germany and the two meter diameter optical telescope in IUCCAA-GMRT is the world's largest telescope. The GMRT lead astronomer Jaydeep Bagachi from the Radio Astronomy and Cosmology Department of Inter University Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA), Pune had reported this finding in the December 1, 2007 issue of Astrophysics journal. 4. The Black holes don’t just consume every thing nearby. Occasionally, they fire out huge corkscrews of gas. Theories predict that tightly coiled magnetic field close to particular energetic super massive Black hole called “blazers” might expel jets of plasma in to space. Alan Marscher at Boston University and colleagues used the Very Large Baseline Array

(VLSA) radio telescope and other instruments to peer in to these jets from blazers. PLLacortae lies 950 million light year away.

Plate 1 The team spotted charge particle of plasma gas spiraling outwards from a flattened disk of spinning material surrounding the black hole as expected from a coil of magnetic field lines.[Nature Do1 10 1038/Nature 06895] Large galaxies such as our Milky Way contain supper massive black hole in their core that drag dust and gas towards them in a disk and fling it back out with a jet of ionized gases of plasma moving at up to 88.9% of the speed of light. If it is points towards the Earth they are called blazers. They flow x-rays and gamma-rays. 5. The nearest black hole from the Earth is in the constellation Sagittarius. A normal star named V4641 sgr began emitting rapidly fluctuating X-ray intensities and ejecting sub-atomic particles moving at the speed of light on Sept. 1999 and was observed by an amateur Australian sky-watcher. Later orbiting X-ray telescope and ground based radio and optical telescope also recorded the dramatic X- ray intensity changes ever seen from one star. The black hole is merely 1,000 light-years away from the Earth. "Deva Ganas created hunger for removing the life force from a body. Even after a sumptuous food one never gets rid of death. The donors have enough possessions even after donations. But no one can satisfy the greedy."[R.V.10.117.1], (Jagati, Tristup Chhanda) The following references pertain to this particular quality as part of universal inheritance: --6. Astronomers suspected that some giant galaxies were formerly smaller galaxies that gobbled up their nearby neighbors. James Gunn of Princeton University and Donald Schneider of California Institute of Technology found a giant galaxy forming out of the communal cannibalism of nine smaller galaxies. The remains of the smaller ones still shine as nine scattered nuclei within a halo of stars. They fed the motion of each of the nuclei and then fed into a computer model that simulated galactic cannibalism.

According to the model, as each of the nine galaxies moved away the gravity of the neighbors drew the other nearer and in turn the combined gravity of the other eight slowed each galaxy down and the galaxies slowed down together and fused. Within a billion years the leftover nuclei will also fuse and the galaxy will coalesce into the elliptical fuzzy shape similar to many super-super giant galaxies seen today. 7.The colliding galaxy named the Tadpole galaxy because of its visual similarity to the tadpole 420 million light years away was revealed by the Hubble Telescope the largest spinning body of stars disrupted by a smaller one. It is a faint red galaxy that was formed when the universe was one billion years old. (Plate 2)

Plate 2 8. A team of researchers using the orbiting Chandra X-ray Observatory found two smaller giant binary black holes at the center of a galaxy NGC 6240 born from the joining of two smaller galaxies in a short-lived phase of their evolution (Plate 3). Dr. Gunther Hasinger, an astronomer at the Max Plank Institute of Extra-terrestrial Physics near Munich proposed that these two are circling each other. They will collide in several thousand million years resulting in a monumental release of radiations and ripples of gravitational waves that should stretch across the universe (Plate3).

Galaxy NGC 6240: Cosmic fusion:

The pair of colliding galaxies in a short-lived phase of their evolution Plate 3 NASA's scientists monitoring the orbiting Chandra X-ray Observatory have discovered the most powerful eruption of energy ever witnessed in the universe. The eruption is generated by a massive black hole yet observed in the universe. It has been devouring vast amounts of material equivalent to 300 million suns from its neighborhood for the last 100 million years. It generated energy equivalent to hundreds of millions of gamma ray bursts. The explosion was caused by gravitational energy releasing enormous amounts of matter that fell towards a black hole. Most of the matter was swallowed but some was violently ejected. But from where this matter came is not known. One possibility is a host galaxy cooled catastrophically and was cannibalized by the black hole. Another possibility is that another black hole fell into an existing black hole. Large amount of gas swirling to the center of black hole generated intense fields that ejected strong jets. The black hole lurks in the so-called x-ray binaries that consist of two stars orbiting each other. One of this is a black hole. When we observe from the other companion star at the black hole it is relatively stationary. Gases streaming out from the companion star (like neutron star or red-giant), is captured by the gravitational force of the black hole going into the orbit about the black hole. The captured gas forms an accretion disk- a round pancake of material sucked in and radiates x-rays as it spirals towards its gravitational death inside the black hole. At extremely high temperature of million billion degrees Celsius matter spirals in as Aapah/waters/plasma and undergoes phase transition within the Event Horizon (Vratra in Vedas) forming a thin atmosphere. 9. Some theories predict that gravitational interactions among black holes inside a cluster would simply kick most or all of the black holes out of the cluster. Scientists think the ejection process works like this: among the most massive objects in a globular cluster, they sink to the cluster's center. Then they typically pair up with either a star or with another black hole to meander into the cluster's middle. A binary system made up of a black hole and a star can be stable, but when two black holes pair up, strong gravity interactions between them are thought to give one or both the bout. 10. For the first time, experts have spotted a black hole 10 times more massive than our sun nestling in the middle of a packed globular star cluster in the elliptical galaxy NGC 4472 locked some 50 million light years from earth in the Virgo constellation. This black hole resists ejection suggesting it is paired up with a star and not with another black hole. Ejection takes place because of binary black holes, said study leader Tom Macarone, an astronomer in the University of South Hampton in U.K. (Nature 4.1.07) 11. A fleet of space and ground telescopes has captured images of cosmic violence according to a study. A black hole in a larger death star galaxy blasts a neighboring galaxy with a deadly jet of radiations and energy.

Plate 4. The image (Plate 4) shows the bully galaxy shooting a stream of deadly radiation particles in to the lower section of the other galaxy that is one-tenth the size. Then the jet is dramatically twisted and bent. They are 8.2 billion trillion miles from here orbiting around each other and were studied by Danial Evans of the Harward Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and Martin Hardcastle of the University of Hertfordshire in United Kingdom. “The millions of stars including those with the orbiting planets are likely in the path of the deadly jet. If Earth were in the way the high energy particles and radiations of the jet would in a matter of months strip away the protective ozone layer and compress the protective magnetosphere�, said Evans. The planet is then bombarded by high-energy particles from the sun and the jet itself. This jet attack is relatively new in deep space time. Hardcastle estimates it is no more than one million years old and could stretch on for another 10 to 100 million years. “Agni Rakshoha in Antariksh has flaming iron teeth for the Rakshsas/demons that are torn to pieces. The demons who are cannibals and has three heads that are cut to pieces by arrows and thunderbolt.[R.V.10.87..2, 3, 7,10] 12. NASA`s Galaxy Explorer, a space telescope has caught a horrifying guzzling of a star swirling around a black hole in the unnamed galaxy in the Boote`s constellation four billion light years away. It is the first time that the process by which a black hole eats a star-from the first bite to the final chomp.(Plate 5) Lead author of a paper appearing in the Astro-physical Journal Letters (Dec.2006) Suvi Gozart of the California Institute of Technology in Pusadena, said:

“Such events were rare. So we are lucky to study the entire process from beginning to end". Christopher Martin of Caltech, a co-author of the paper and principal investigator of the project feels that "It will help us greatly in weighing black holes of the universe and in understanding how they feed and grow up in their host galaxies as the universe evolves". Similar black holes appear dormant in the centre of our Milky Way and other galaxies. The star ventured too close to the black hole. The gravity of the black hole tore it asunder and stretched it apart and breaks into stellar crumbs some of which swirls into the cloudy ring before disappearing for ever. The material of the doomed star heats up and radiates light including ultra-violet light. The area around the black hole appears warped because of gravity of the black hole acts like a lens twisting and distorting light. The telescope periodically watches this ultra-violet light as it fades. The telescope observed the changes in the fading ultra-violet light as the black hole finishes the remaining bits of stellar meal.

Plate 5 In the artist's presentation the sun-like star (left ) ventured too close to the black hole .The star (middle yellow blob ) is then ripped apart and eventually breaks into crumbs some of which swirls into the black hole (cloudy ring at right). The Intelligent Design and Varna Meru thrive on the Gunas (qualities). It is interesting to observe that the black hole itself becomes white hole in its actions and interactions periodically. The black hole having a shrunken atmosphere within the event horizon compared to the vast atmosphere of the white hole devours everything in its vicinity whereas the white hole remains dormant. When white hole gets activated, it delivers the gases, all kinds of energy radiations and even a star now and again. Black holes in the center of galaxies are also white holes according to their performance. 13. Mr. James Houck, Cornell University astronomer found that the infrared galaxies are 300 to 500 times more powerful than the Milky Way. Our galaxy with about ten billion stars is the most infrared galaxy that emits ninety nine percent of their energy as infra-red light and produces one star each year. Most galaxies emit roughly equal amount of visible and infrared light.

14. Astronomers using a Far Ultra-violet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) placed into orbit 460 miles above Earth in year 2,000 determined that the halo of super-hot gases heat dim dying stars that surround our galaxy. The gases drizzles back down into it to form new stars that are squeezed and heated by supernova – the catastrophic death by explosion of star. The halo envelops the galaxy to a distance of 5,000 to 10,000 light years into the galactic center. Blair Suvage of the University of Wisconsin says the process recurs about twice a century when supernovae propel enough amounts of the gas above the plane of galaxy making it so hot that it remains above 50,000 degrees millions of years later. (The temperature of the Sun is about 5,000 degrees). Presence of the molecular hydrogen is the life blood of the galaxy said Warren Moos of the John Hopkins University for the formation of stars as in other galaxies. 15. The study led by Steve Allen of Stanford University in California and Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, involved the measurement of both the mass of hot gases absorbed by the black hole and the unseen super fast jets of high energy particles emerging out of it in nine older black holes. The black holes are essentially a form of cosmic engines 25 times more efficient than any man-made engine functioning with nuclear power. The efficiency of the black hole engines is estimated to be equivalent to about a billion miles per gallon of gas for car engines.

Plate 6 These black holes are whirling super dense centers of old galaxies that are bigger than our Milky Way galaxy. These galaxies are situated about a billion to 400 miles light years away (1 light year = 5.6 trillion miles). It has not yet been studied because it is not gas rich and not big enough for a similar study. Whatever goes in and comes out has not been measured even though it ejects streams of hot gases and energy. Younger the black hole brighter is its sibling called quasars.(Plate 6). The co-author of the study Christopher Reynold of the University of Maryland says “Quasars might be more powerful engines whose efficiency is measured by looking at the jets 0f high energy spewed out. This also explains why there are fewer burgeoning

galaxies that have a limitation on the number of stars. This prevents too many stars from sprouting. 16. The galaxies 2207 and IC 2163 met and began a sort of gravitational tango about 40 million years ago. It is located 140 million light years away in Canis Major constellation (Plate 7) and was photographed by NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope.

Plate 7 17. Every galaxy eleven billion years ago grew up much faster. At that time the universe was just 20 percent of its current age when the galaxies had formed most of their stars. Astronomer Peter von Dokken of the Yale University was perplexed because the star birth from the large galaxies was not as intense as previously thought. He used Gemini telescope in Chili in his study. The black holes in the center of early galaxies may have prevented stellar formation as their dense masses devour all matter around them. They shoot powerful jets of energy (as a quality of a white hole) into the surrounding space that might heat the gases in the galaxy preventing them from condensing and forming stars. The problem is how the jets heat the gases. The astronomers have no theories. But the black holes promote as well as prevent stellar formation (a sort of birth control – term used by astronomers) In an earlier study, there is evidence that black hole could be blocking star formation in nearby massive galaxies which also have fewer stars .There is evidence of a jet triggering (like a shock that later gives a net effect of heating) the collapse of a dense gas cloud which becomes a stellar nursery. 18. Data from Apache Point Observatory in New Mexico provided the best evidence to date of two super massive black holes orbiting each other. This binary system with enormous gravitational pull appears to be involved in a cosmic tango at the center of a far away galaxy formed when the two separate galaxies collided. The galaxy is five billion light years away from Earth. They will gravitate towards each other because of their mass, entering into orbit as they are doing. (Plate 8). Astronomers Todd Boroson and fellow Tod Lauer of the National Optical Observatory in Tuscon, Arizona spotted them by observing the radiations emitted by objects apparently being sucked in to the black holes gravitationally.

Plate 8 The above collection of the behavior of the black holes and white holes leaves very little to doubt their dualistic nature. They are complimentary to one another. This also shows that the entire universe is dualistic in character



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