5. Universe and Earth / Black hole before Creation / White hole at Creation is Flat In ancient times people believed that the Earth was flat and was the center of everything. Nicolas Copernicus disagreed with the Geo-centric idea [Plate 1] and the flat Earth concept. He suggested a Helio-centric theory.[Plate 2] The Copernicus model simply deals with our solar system in which the Earth and the planets revolve around the Sun. About 99 percent of the mass of the solar system is in the sun. It is not only the most massive but the largest object -109 Earths could fit across its face: rest is Jupiter and it is eleven Earths across. The smallest objects are tiny specks of dust. Each one of these objects spins on its axis and follow an orbit around the central sun. The sun was created about 5 billion years ago, followed by the planets and smaller bodies that were created later.
Plate 1 Model o
Plate 2. Plate 2PThere is no other cosmic element of the universe like the black hole/white hole
depicting the evolution or decay of the cosmic objects like stars in this model. The model only fits very well with astronomical observations. The Geo-centric model was not understood properly because of the lack of knowledge and also because of ‘Inquisition’ that barred men to speak about the ancient sciences. In the then prevailing temper [after the nuclear war that resulted in mass destruction and genetic defects caused by radiations [ref. Nostrodomous Universal In Puranas in "What Awaits Man in 2,000 A.D. and thereafter" M.K.Dave, 1998, Ajanta Pub. New Delhi)] even the Eternal (Sanaatan) Dharma prevailing all over the world was diversified into various religions. This was a step to prevent nuclear holocaust in future. What Copernicus could not appreciate at that time, needs to be revived in light of the Vedas, specially, the Rig Veda and in light of the modern researches and boom of incredible knowledge. A. THE SIZE AND SHAPE OF THE UNIVERSE :-John Mather and George Smoot (Nobel Laureate) found ripples - faint variations in the cosmic microwave radiations dating back to just 300,000 years after the fiery birth of the universe. These ripples are the primordial model on which the galaxies, stars and other stuffs of the universe took shape. It explains why the universe is bumpy and not a smooth sheet of matter and energy. “It produces a revolution in what we know about the universe. We know it is expanding. We know it is flat …and we can measure that to an incredible accuracy. Cosmology now is
precise science”, said Lawrance Krass, a theoretical physicist at the Case Western University in Ohio. [Plate 2]
The universe is presumed to have arisen from an infinitely small point in a vacuum of nothingness. Then it was clear – it was not a vague idea. It was clear the lumps were there”, said Stephen Hawking. These fluctuations were faint variations in temperature and these measurements help in understanding dark matter – mass that no one has been able to see or measure but which must exist because of the amount of gravity in the universe. 6. 10. 06 According to the latest research, the observed universe has a diameter of 9296 billion light years [one light year is the distance traveled by light in one Earth year and is about 946 billion years. B. THE UNIVERSE AND THE EARTH (BLACK HOLE) BEFORE AND WHITE HOLE AT GREATION IS FLAT:---At the earliest instant of time, the whole universe as observed today was contained in a cosmic singularity of a sphere (Pind) smaller than the present solar system. The limit of the solar system’s outer system is defined by a teardrop shaped bubble called helio-sphere where the solar wind (particles) are blown off by the Sun’s outer atmosphere .The ambient temperature of this biggest black hole before creation was a million- billion degrees. This black hole is referred to as Prathivi in the concept of unification in Vedic literature. L .Landau and Yu Rumer in his book ‘What is the Theory of Relativity? Pp.54, 60, MIR Publishers, 1981, Moscow states “In a flat triangle, the sum of the angles A, B and C is equal to two right angles. If we imagine a triangle to be drawn on the Earth’s surface (as shown in Plate 2), the sum of the angles of this triangle will be greater than two right angles due to the roundness of the Earth. This difference becomes noticeable when the size of this triangle is comparable to that of the Earth.”
Plate 2
“In relativistic physics, we can change from the formulas of spherical geometry, the geometry of the surface of spheres, to the formulas of plane geometry of the surfaces of spheres, to the formulas of infinitely long. The Earth will then no longer be a sphere but an infinite plane, the vertical will be absolute and the sum of the angles in a triangle will be exactly equal to two right angles “. Thus the Euclidean and non – Euclidean geometry merge on the surface of the Earth (black hole) that had suffered a fiery end and is square – planar. This helped the seers cum scientists to draw the Vedi at the naval of the black hole / white hole at Creation in two dimensions. “This Vedi before is the end of the universe“. [1.164.33] Almost all the objects in the nursery of cosmos are spherical. However, as a "Print of Nature" a flat star at great speed has been discovered by Armado Dominiano De Sothoja, an astronomer at Labogratoyar University .The distance between its two poles is one and a half times greater than its width with its mass concentrated in its center .It has taken a flat shape and is six times the size of our Sun. It is situated at a distance of 145 light years from our Earth. 15.3.
CMB Anisotropy measured by BOOMERanG Fig.The cosmic microwave background as imaged by Boomerang, covering a sky area of approximately 100 degrees across and 30 degrees high. The black dot on the lower right indicates the resolution of the map. The most prominent small features have size approximately one degree. Read more: Boomerang experiment - cosmic microwave background, Fig. 1., Fig. 2., Fig. 3 http://www.jrank.org/space/pages/2241/Boomerang-experiment.html#ixzz18AVPdQ3H
Together with experiments like Saskatoon, TOCO, MAXIMA, and others, the BOOMERanG data from 1997 and 1998 determined the angular diameter distance to the surface of last scattering with high precision. When combined with complementary data regarding the value of Hubble's constant, the Boomerang data determined the geometry of the Universe to be flat (see [1] and [2]) , supporting the supernova evidence for the existence of dark energy. The 2003 flight of Boomerang resulted in extremely high signal-to-noise ratio maps of the CMB temperature anisotropy, and a measurement of the polarization of the CMB.
The age of the Milky Way is estimated by corroborating the theory of its evolution through merger and acquisition. In the Milky Way nearly two dozens of the 150 compact assemblies of stars called globular cluster come from neighboring satellite galaxy called Large Magellanic Clouds. The study by Korean astronomers Yoon Suk-Jim and his colleague [The New Scientist Magazine, Aug.2002] of the II b cluster of metal free system in our galaxy is older than the globular clusters. The age of the Milky Way galaxy is now estimated to be 13 billion years. Aug. 2002 The age of the universe is estimated to be 13.7 billion years and that is close to the age of the Milky Way according to Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe. 13.2.03 WMAP now places 50%higher limits on the standard model of cosmology (Cold Dark Matter and a Cosmological Constant in a flat universe), and there is no deviation from this Model. WMAP has detected a key signature of inflation. WMAP data place tight constraints on the hypothesized burst of growth in the first trillionth of a second of the universe, called “Inflation”, when ripples in the very fabric of space may have been created. The 7-year data provide compelling evidence that the large-scale fluctuations are slightly more intense than the small-scale ones, a subtle prediction of many ‘Inflation’ models. Further, WMAP strongly constrains dark energy and geometry of the universe. The simplest model (a flat universe with a cosmological constant) fits the data remarkably well. The new data constrain the dark energy to be within 14% of the expected value for a cosmological constant, while the geometry must be flat to better than 1%. The simplest model: a flat universe with a cosmological constant fits the data remarkably well. This includes the current expansion rate of the universe (the Hubble Constant) and the large-scale galaxy distribution (the baryon acoustic oscillations). 26.1,2010 (WMAP data) WMAP nailed down the curvature of space to within 10%of flat Euclidean geometry improving on the precision of various award wining measurements by over an order of magnitude. The ancient people considered the Earth to be the center of everything. This aspect has been partly mentioned in the earlier discussion of the concept of the “Intelligent Design” for the unification of the Vedic thought of creation .The principle of “Yathaa Pinde Tathaa Brahmande “, (all things are little universes) applied therein is extended to the Geo-Centric Model of The Milky Way. It absorbs the views of the ancient people and is dealt within Rig Veda because the black hole / white hole dualism at Creation also applicable to the black hole in the center of the Milky Way. The Geo-Centric model evolves as a more suitable model than the Helio-Centric model because it involves the placement of the ‘Intelligent Design’ in the Milky Way – the Aakash Ganga (artificial river that emerges as river of plasma from the Aakash Prathivi at Creation
in Antariksh/space). Our galaxy is the only place of human dwelling and other living species in the biosphere. The space (Antariksh) in between the Aakash and Prathivi that is the biosphere constitutes a mini-Triloki, Thus it in not only the Aakash Prathivi but also the Triloki at Creation that are capable of moving to any other place of choice. The Prathivi/Earth/black hole cum white hole is covered by waters (plasma at trillions degrees of temperature) and in its womb Aakash Prathivi Agni is born. [R.V. 1.65.2] Agni allows its flames to flow like the flowing waters. [R.V. 1.66.2] and it illuminates the sky upwards [R.V. 1.22.11] Rishis who know the rules of Creation consider these rivers (in Antariksh) as false. They are the gateways of wealth, [R.V. 1.72.8] from whence the waters / plasma is released in Antariksh (ocean) after the destruction of Vratra. Antariksh is considered as ocean on which mountains are seen in Aakash Prathivi. In the vast universe, Aakash Ganga/Milky Way galaxy is famous and is the most suitable mini-model of the grand design of God for the studies of the time and seasons, beings and non-beings in the outer deep space for studies of Jivaatmaa and Aatmaa which merges as a singularity in Paramatma - the ultimate reality and the single cosmic consciousness of which everything is apart and parcel. He is the knower of all the creations supervising the continuity of Creation. ********* TIME EVALUATION SYSTEM OF THE UNIVERSE NEXT >>