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PAASHAAN / COMETS / ASTEROIDS / METEORITES / ROCKS / CORE OF SUN / SOMA : --The title reflects different versions of rocks in space. In Unified Creation a brief mention is therefore necessary. This is as follows: --Oart cloud surrounding the solar system is made up of ten million comets. Although the cloud is large, it is so distinct that the comets cannot be seen. They become visible only when they enter the solar system. There are about 700 comets in the Earth’s sky.

COMET Comets and asteroids [R.V. 8.58.3] are leftovers when the nine planets were formed in the solar system 400 billion years ago. Comets are a fragile ball 0f snow and dust found at the edge of the solar system in the Oart cloud. Some leave the cloud and travel towards the sun. The sun’s heat melts the snow and the cloud appears to grow in size many times over. Asteroids are made of rocks and are found mainly between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. This asteroid belt – a doughnut- shaped ring is made of millions of asteroids, pieces 0f rocks and metal. Meteorites are tiny pieces of dust and chunks of rock traveling through space. They are asteroids and originate from two main sources – comets and asteroids. About 220,000 tons of such material enter Earth’s atmosphere a year. Larger pieces land on Earth and smaller ones produce meteors. Comets orbiting the sun, when close enough to sun, exhibit a visible coma (atmosphere) or a tail – both primarily from the effects of solar radiations up on the comet’s nucleus. Interactions of the solar wind with highly charged ions and the atmosphere of the comets may generate x-rays or ultraviolet photons. The tail distinguishes comets from the asteroids. The nucleus themselves are loose collection of ice, frozen gases like carbon mono-oxide, carbon dioxide, methane,

ammonia, alcohols and are described as “dirty snow balls” dust and small rocky particles measuring a few kilometers or tens of kilometers. The comet Lulin also known as “Green Comet”/Pashaan streaked past our Earth within 38 million miles- 160 times further than the Moon- of the Earth. The comet gains green color from poisonous cyanogens and diatomic carbon (end product of a green tree as on our Earth projected in Antariksh) present in the atmosphere The semen of a horse is the Soma/Cosmic Microwave Background Radiations as well as quarkgluon plasma capable of self-replication in confinement and also represents the power/Chhanda and speed [R.V.1.164.35]. Soma has various meanings of Oart clouds by collisions. They loose volatile materials, as they grow old. International Group of Astronomers, led by William Herbert of Wesleyan University reported in the Journal Nature (Mar,’08) that the winking star first observed in 2002 was brightening and waning in an unusual manner having a rhythm of 48 days. It is dipping in and out of stuff swirling around that star in a so-called “proto-planetary disk”. This disk is made of sandstone sized sand grains, roughly a millimeter in diameter and must have grown from infinitesimal dust particles over the three million years that the star known as KH 15 D has been in existence. This star is 2000 light years away in the constellation Monoceros. Strikingly there is no dust in the disk of this star. It is actually a two-star in orbit about each other and one of them is occasionally popping over the edge of the disk that is inclined to the plane of the star’s orbits and is slowly wobbling into direct view. This is the first step in going from smoke particles to macroscopic things like planets and asteroids-sized corresponding to that found in meteorites. There are water and organic molecules in the inner regions of the disk around young star known as AATauri by John Najito from the National Optical Astronomy Observatory in Tuscon, Arizona. 16/14.3.08 Though Earth was a hot, dry and lifeless planet 3 to 4 million years ago, some scientists believe that a meteor slammed into the desert plains at over ten thousand miles per hour planting on Earth the chemical seed of life. Now there is evidence to support this theory. Chains of aminoacids made up the proteins found in people, plants and all other forms of life on Earth. Ronald Breslow, professor in Columbia University has reported that left-handed L-amino acids – chemical seeds 0f life formed in the interstellar space, possibly on asteroids as they careened though space delivered to Earth left-handed protein units – the building blocks of life. 7.4.08 *********

Paashaan/core of Surya/sun, asteroids, comets, Meteorites, rocks) used for crushing green colored Soma scrubs in the compactness of the white hole, these radiations [R.V. 9.86; 9.107; 10.76; 10.94]. While eating the red branches, sound like that of a bull/Aakash (Jagati Chhand) is produced by Pashaan/comet, asteroid, rocks [10.94.3]. The comet Lulin also known as “Green Comet”/Pashaan streaked past our Earth within 38 million miles- 160 times further than the Moon- of the Earth. The comet gains green color from poisonous cyanogens and diatomic carbon (end product of a green tree as on our Earth projected in Antariksh) present in the atmosphere ********* Sukta 10.76: ----


Chhand: Jagat1)

1)“Hey Paashaans! I (Rishi Jahatakana Airavatah Sarpah) make you to work as soon as Usha (twilight), who is Annavati (resplendent with the Anna/particulate plasma), arrives. You obtain favors of Indra, Marut Ganas and Aakash Prathivi (constituting the Intelligent Design) by offering Soma. Let this Aakash Prathivi, fill the houses with wealth while accepting the praises from all the houses .

2) “When the refining Prastar/rock/Paashaan/core of Surya (Jagati Chhand) is held by the hands it has the speed of a horse. Hey Prastar! You refine Soma (Cosmic Background Radiations) so that the Yajamaan engaged in refining acquires Shakti/power to defeat the enemies. When the Yajamaan performs his duties he gets unique wealth 3) “The Soma Rasa was obtained in the Yagna of Manu. In the same way, the Soma after refining by Paashaan is mixed with Jal/ waters/ plasma. It is available for bathing cows and horses and for various purposes at home. We depend on Soma for this. 4) “Hey Paashaans! Kill the violent Rakshasaas/demons. The Devataas of sin be sent away so that the depraved remain away. By editing the invigorating hymns of Devataas give us wealth along with sons.

5) “Worship the Paashaans involved in extracting and refining Soma (CBR) for the sake of pleasing Devataas. The Paashaans give more wealth than Agni/thermal energy compared to the Paashaans who perform work faster than Bibhva son of Sudhanva, more brilliant in Aakash and faster than Vaayu/solar wind used in refining Soma. 6) “The Paashaans should extract Soma in our Yagna , They should establish me in Soma Yoga by Vaani/speech in the form of eulogies. Ritwaj Gana performing the work rapidly in Soma Yoga extracting the Soma Rasa by the sound of the eulogies. 7) “The Paashaans allow the Soma to ooze out. With a desire to sprinkle/associate Agni, they extract Soma Rasa while admiring the eulogies. The Ritwajaas extracting Soma Rasa drink the remaining Soma to purify themselves. 8) “Hey Paashaans! Hey Ritwajaas! Refine the beautiful Soma. While performing the Soma ceremony for the sake of Indra and for attaining Swarga/heavens, bring forth extraordinary substance and give the best wealth for residence to Yajamaan. ********** Sukta 10.94: --- Gravanah (Paashaan in Aakash) Jagati, Trishtup


1) “I (Rishi Arbuda Kadraveyah Sarpah) praise the sound producing Paashaan and they should start producing noise. Hey Ritwajas! Pronounce the hymns. Hey Paashaan, /rock (like the core of the Sun that is essentially made of hydrogen compressed by gravitation to a density 15 times the density of lead) worthy of being worshipped! You produce Shabda/noise while crushing and obtaining Soma for Indra. Hey Somapaaye (Indra who drinks Soma)! Be satisfied by drinking Soma. 2) “ This Paashaan/rock (core of Surya) produces sound like thousands of individuals, their mouth becomes green (color of photosphere when observed through suitable filters (All kinds of radiations including far U.V. radiations in Antariksh=Trishtup Chhand), in Aakash= Jagati Chhand) by coming in contact with Soma and they invoke the Devataas. This Paashaan performing work (involving kinetic energy) acquires Havya (material offered in Yagna) even before Agni/ thermal energy, in the Yagna of Devataas. 3) “ This Paashaan devours the red colored (like chromo sphere) branches (solar flares) and produce noise like bulls. It produce sound out of enjoyment like the sound produced by nonvegetarian Jiva /living beings when satisfied with the meat

Solar flares 4) “ This Paashaan (core!) produces loud/ultrasound when Indra (who dwells as Surya in Antariksh) is invited by Soma (cosmic Background Radiations of Surya/sun). This Soma is like a serpent/ Surya [R.V. 1.164.1]. {The serpent/Surya indicates the temperature of the sunspots in the photosphere of the sun as discussed in the Surya Chapter above. The thermal energy of Pavamaan Soma corresponds to that of the sun’s photosphere}. While it is undergoing refinement Indra got this enlightening Soma by his mouth. While it is engaged in refining Soma, Paashaan fills the Bhumi/ field with sweet sound and it appears as if it is dancing along with the fingers. [Refer Shiva Ling]. The detailed picture reveals the inside of the striking snake like filaments that reach from bright portions of the solar surface in to the dark hearts of sun spots. “A dark cored filament looks like a snake with bright stripes painted along its back”, said Dan Kiselman. “The ‘head” of the snake is often complicated feature where the stripes split up among more bright points.” Dark cores of the filament are long-lived and probably stable than the brighter portion. Central region is dark because of the strong magnetic field, [Academy of Sciences, Stokholm, tean led by Goran Scharmer- teammate Don Kiselman. (Journal ‘Nature’ November 14, 2002)]

Black Deer

The Heads of Snakes

5) “The sound of Paashaan is like twittering /chirping of thousands of birds in Antariksh/space This Paashan travels in the place of deer and appear as if dancing like a black deer (core of

Surya!) (Jagati Chhand= Aakash. They allow the Soma Rasa to ooze out as if Surya caused the brilliant waters/plasma to rain. 6) “Just as the robust horse attached to the chariot advances his body to drive the chariot, similarly Paashaan pushes the Soma Rasa for dispersal. Paashaan gulps the Soma Rasa in less than the time required for breathing by a horse and produce sound like a horse. I have heard this sound time and again. 7) “Hey eulogizers! Sing the glory of this Paashan/rock/core of Surya full of the elemental property of immortality. The time of purification, the ten fingers touch Paashaan. The ten fingers are considered equivalent to the ten ropes that are requires for the horse/Surya to be bound (by magnetic energy in all the ten directions), ten Yokatra or ten reins. Or alternatively they appear like ten axles uniting to drive the chariot. 8) “The Paashaan rocklike core of the Surya immediately becomes active (kinetic energy) having found itself bounded by ten ropes. The Soma squeezed by the Paashaan becomes green in color and fall/rains (as if they are observed through UV filters in Antariksh). The crushed Soma is subdivided after grinding interacts and emerges as sweet Rasa like Amrit/elixir 9) “The first to drink Soma are the sound producing Paashaan who touch the horses of Indra. Indra drinks the sweet Soma Rasa, dripping from Paashaan. This energizes Indra who reveals his Bala (power) like a bull. 10) “Hey Paashaan! The fragments of Soma will give Rasa to you. Hence there is no reason for you to become despondent. The Yagna in which you are present, the Yajmaan always become rich in Anna/particulate food and become brilliant. 11) “Hey Paashaan! You never despair. Without your support, others never loose their heart. You never feel fatigued. The disease, sorrow, aging, death, thirst, etc., never afflict you. You are bulky. You are considered as an expert in collecting and throwing. 12) “ Mountains are your ancestors. These mountains keep standing Yuga after Yugas. They never leave their place. They never get old. There are evergreen trees flourishing on them. The birds keep chirping on the evergreen trees and complete the Aakash Prathivi. 13) “ Just as sound is produced when a charioteer rides the chariot along its path, similarly The Paashaan /rock/core of Surya extracting Soma produce sound. Just as the farmers involved in producing crops, spread the seed on their fields, so the Paashaan spread the Soma Rasa. They relish Soma without rendering destroying the fertility. 14) “Alike the playful children creating noise in the playfield, the rocks extracting Soma produce sound. Hey eulogizers! Praise Paashaans that purify the (Pavamaan/ hot) Soma so that they keep moving and performing their work.

************ Paashaan is the Shiva ling ^^^^^^

ONENESS OF PARABRAHM AND SHIVA LING. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo SOMA (COSMIC MICROWAVE RADIATIONS): --- Ever since the Big Bang was accepted as the cosmological theory, various religious groups could not grasp its implication. Some accept the scientific evidence at the face value while others wish to reconcile it with their religious tenets or completely reject or ignore the evidence for the Big Bang Theory. This is because the Unified Creation also involves the Inflationary theory.

The Cosmic Microwave Background Radiations (CMBR) or relic radiations as a faint background glow in the background of pitch black between stars and galaxies as observed by radio telescope) are also known as the Cosmic Background Radiations (CBR) that include all forms of electromagnetic radiations (EMR or MBR). They also propagate in vacuum, in matter and are self-propagating. In implies comprises electric and magnetic field components and oscillate in phase perpendicular to each other and to the direction of energy propagation. They include radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiations, visible light (to which our eyes respond), ultraviolet radiations, X-rays and gamma rays (in the order of increasing frequency and decreasing wave length). The CMBR is well explained as radiation leftover from an early stage as relic radiations in the creation of the universe, and its discovery is considered a landmark confirmation of the Big Bang model of the universe. When the universe was young, before the formation of stars and planets, it was smaller, much hotter, and filled with a uniform glow from its white-hot fog of hydrogen plasma. As the universe expanded, both the plasma and the radiation filling it grew cooler. When the universe cooled enough, stable atoms could form. These atoms could no longer absorb the thermal radiations, and the universe became transparent instead of being an opaque fog. The photons that existed at that time have been propagating ever since, though growing fainter and less energetic, since the exact same photons fill a greater and greater universe. This is the source for the term relic radiations, another name for the CMBR (SOMA). The CMBR has the characteristics of a black-body with temperature 2.725 K, while the sun has the characteristics of a black-body with temperature 6,000K. 1) Just a little after t=0 –some time between t=10-43 and 10-35 sec: --

All observable matter and energy concentrated in the region smaller than a dime; began to expand and cool incredibly fast (the Inflation theory). Heavy and light particles and photons (radiations) are all in thermal equilibrium.

2) At t = 10-10 sec (0.0000000001 sec): --By the time the temperature dropped to 100 million times sun’s core, forces of nature assumed present properties – elementary particles (quarks) roamed freely in a sea of energy. The universe is a fireball – elementary particles (matter) and photons (radiations) in thermal equilibrium with one another. Energy in radiation far exceeds energy in matter. Pressure of radiations sustains the expansion. 3) At T=10-4 sec (0.0001 sec) and T = 1012 deg.K : --Universe expanded another 1,000 times – all observable matter filled a region the size of solar system.Free quarks become neutrons and protons – particles that make up the ordinary matter and chemical elements. Still a fireball in thermal equilibrium, with far more radiations energy and pressure continues the expansion. Precise measurements of cosmic background radiations are critical to cosmology,since any proposed model of the universe must explain this radiation.

The CMBR has a thermal black-body spectrum at a temperature of 2.725K, thus the spectrum peaks in the microwave range frequency of 160.2 GHz, corresponding to a 1.9 mm wave length. The glow is almost but not quite uniform in all directions, and shows a very specific pattern equal to that expected if the inherent randomness of a red-hot gas is blown up to the size of the universe Although many different processes might produce the general form of a black- body spectrum, no model other than the Big Bang has yet explained the fluctuations. As a result, most cosmologists consider the Big Bang model of the universe to be the best explanation for the CMBR. [R.V.1.164.35 Vishwadevata. Chhand: Trishtup Prabrati].

“The semen of a horse is the Soma/Cosmic Background Radiations” (Green in color because of the far ultraviolet filter which is Antariksh in The Trilok Design of Universe). It also represents well as quark-gluon plasma capable of self-replication in confinement and also represents the power/Chhanda and speed”. “.Soma are of seven kinds” and hence have various meanings. ******

There are seven kinds of Soma described in Rig Veda and are the left over of the past Creation. The Cosmic Microwave Background Radiations (Soma) are the leftovers of the Big Bang and the universe is created thereafter according to the Inflationary theory keeping in mind the universe be created exactly as it was before according to Rig Veda [10.190.3] “ Yatha Poorvam Akalpayat.� In the compressed structure of Aakash Prathivi /white hole at Creation, the comets/asteroids/meteoroids/rocks/ core of the sun)/ Paashaan, universe is to being close together are assumed to be against each other crushing materials in between them releasing Soma/ Cosmic Microwave Background Radiations (CMBR) at high temperatures.

In the Shiva Ling Paashan (core of the sun) mixes the Soma/ Cosmic Background Radiations and it flows down to the Pithika and out through the soma channel. During circumbulation this is never crossed. **************************


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