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13 PRATHIVIES IN MODERN ASTRONOMY: --Three important forms of Prathivi are involved in the Vedic Unification. According to modern astronomy, they are as below:

1) THE BLACK HOLES : Black holes are not dark. They are illuminated on their boundary that is the “Event Horizon”. The black hole itself has a small dark shadow ringed with light indicating the energy is being poured in the blaze of the radiations that mark the center of the galaxies like our Milky Way. They cannot be observed directly. But they are identified indirectly by the measurements of say, a star or gases swirling around in their grip. Event Horizon and Schwazerchild’s Radius: At the boundary of a black hole there is an “Event Horizon” around that point of no return which is the operative black hole. Nothing- not even light can come out. Thermodynamically, some thing must come out of the “Event Horizon”. Black holes cannot be black and time does not die. The gravitational force has not yet denuded the universe of all energy and matter. The Schhwarchild‘s radius describes an “Event Horizon” (a localized region of space between the boundary of a black hole and the outside universe), surrounding a black hole is space-time singularity. Once any mass is squeezed within the confines of “Event Horizon”, space-time is curved so tightly around the mass by its own gravity that it is cut off from the outside universe and one becomes a black hole. The escape velocity (comparable to that encountered by spacecraft on the Earth or even a worm hole) exceeds the velocity as a result of which radiations and matter once it enters the “Event Horizon” can never come out. The Schwarchild’s material adds to its mass that may be billion times that of the Sun. For a star of about 10 solar masses, the Schwarchild radius is 10 kilometers. If our Sun were to

become a black hole with the Schwarchild radius will be 6 kilometers or less. Such stars end up in nothingness Stephen Hawking of the Cambridge University points out that black holes are not black at all. Instead they should glow. According to Heisenburg’s Uncertainty Principle, the space is not entirely empty. According to relativity, space and time are interrelated and that space (which is one in Euclidean Geometry) has multiplicity.

Artist’s Drawing of a black hole Rig Vedas – Unified Creation of universe 1) Evolution of universe - Black & White hole in Rig Veda a. Black hole to White Hole – Inflationary Theory b. Intelligent Design (Aakash, Antriksha & Prathvi)

At the quantum scale powerful gravitational field surrounding a black hole, there is a constant creation of particles of every kind and their anti-particles. Some of these particles fall into the black hole while others escape as radiations. They pop back out in very short order. But a black hole can peel such pairs apart by sucking either the particle or the antiparticle in. Bereft of its partner, the survivor cannot vanish again and so becoming real. Dr. Leonhardt argues the boundary where the light has stopped (as in Bose-Einstein Condensate) will resemble the Event Horizon of a black hole if the pulse of light traveling through the condensate is tuned to take the shape of a type of curve known as parabola. A real black hole guzzles up light of all stripes. The black holes may drag the fabric of space and time around them as the spin creating waves for cosmic material to surf on. The black hole can twirl material at tremendous speed of 33,000 km. per second like a whirlpool. John Mullar of the Harward Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics said all this in accordance to predictions of Albert Einstein 80 years ago.

The black holes are the graveyards of all matter and energy that can fall into the trap of the “Event Horizon”, especially when the entire universe collapses into the biggest black hole formed before Creation. The black holes (the mysterious massive vortexes formed from collapsed stars) do not destroy every thing they consume but instead fire out matter and energy in a mangled form. Stephen Hawking said at the 17th International conference on General Relativity and Gravitation (July 2004): “If you jump into a black hole your mass energy will be returned to our universe but in a mangled form which contains the information about what you were like, but in an unrecognizable state.” The early universe, a couple of years after the Big Bang, looks remarkably like the present day universe. Huge elliptical galaxies were formed within one billion to two billion years earlier than expected. The Hubble Space Telescope spotted a gathering cloud of perhaps 100 galaxies from the epoch, an early appearance of such galactic clusters. Another revelation of one of the largest structures in the universe, a string of galaxies 300 million light years long and 50 million light years wide had already formed three billion years after the Big Bang. Considering that one light year is equal to the distance traveled by light in one year (of the solar clock of the Aakash Ganga/Milky Way) the string is nearly 2,000 billion million miles long. This offers a big challenge to the accepted picture of the evolution of the universe in which the galaxies, clusters and the galactic cluster formed in a bottom-up fashion. This means that small objects of the universe were formed first and then clumped together into larger clusters over time. “The universe is growing faster than we thought”, said Dr.Povilas Palunas one of the astronomers who found the galaxies.” This is in agreement with the methodology involved in the “Intelligent Design” in which the rivers (galaxies) in the Aakash Prathivi/white hole were first filled with eaters/plasma. Then these rivers flew towards the oceans in Antariksh and filled them. 9.1.04 2)



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In the gravitational collapse of the universe, a massive black hole provides a physical Grand Unified Field (Symbol AUM, usually pronounced Om) dominated by gravity of unexceptional magnitude. The exploding dust ball of the black hole, however, can be seen even before it crosses out of the Schwarzschild barrier and is seen as a bright object. Hence its name is white hole.

There are plenty of phenomena in the universe that produced explosion with burst of radiation, radio waves, x-rays and gamma rays. They are identified with white hole. White hole may arise if a collapsing objects, somehow, manages to reverse the collapse and ultimately explodes with brilliance like a super-supernova. The blue shift decreases as the explosion proceeds. Eventually, the object is red-sifted structure as radiation received from white hole softens with time. It is suggested that white holes are finite positions of the Big Bang (or mini-Big Bangs) in the universe that explodes late. (I.D.Novokov, Soviet Astronomy, 1964, A.J.8.857; V.Neuman 1965; Astrophysics 141, 1303) A white hole in space is a hypothetical state from which energy; stars and other celestial matter emerged. White holes are similar to black holes as end products of dead stars, group of stars or galaxies with its own black holes. Black holes take in all the matter and energy in its surroundings while white holes eject matter and energy. Black hole, worm hole or white hole could be composed of matter or antimatter. A white hole is a black hole running back in time. This requires negative square root solution to Schwarzschild geometry. Just as black holes swallow everything irretrievably, so also white holes spit them out and may explode. In our single universe the situation is different at Creation, when a single massive black hole swells to become a white hole as the temperature rises. White holes appear as part of the vacuum solution to the Einstein field equation describing Schwarzchild’s worm hole. One end of such a worm hole is a black hole and on the other end is a white hole. The oscillations between black hole at the opposite ends of a wormhole forces the black holes to become white holes. It is stipulated that spiral arms of galaxies have been formed out of ejected matter from white holes. The origin of our Sun also lies in one of the spirals of the Milky Way. White holes remain mathematical curiosity and are difficult to be identified.

A BLACK HOLE EXPANDS TO BECOME A WHITE HOLE 3) OUR EARTH - THE ONLY KNOWN BIOSPHERE : The Earth including Mercury, Venus, and Mars becomes a major planetary body much earlier then previously thought. Just ten millions after the birth of the Sun, these planets began forming after the nuclear fire of the Sun were ignited about 4.5 millions year ago said Stein B. Jacobso, author of an analysis in (Science Journal, June 2003)

In its early life, clouds of dust and gases surrounded the Sun. This material slowly clumped together into larger pieces. Eventually enough was concentrated in four bodies to form the inner solar system planets. Within ten million years, the Earth reached about sixty four percent of its present size and was the dominant planetary body within ten millions miles of the Sun. Mercury and Venus orbit closer to the Sun and Mars is further out. A possible collision with a Mars-sized planetary body, added many millions of tons of material to Earth. Some material also went into orbit of Earth and evolved into Moon about thirty millions years after the Sun was born. We are made to believe that over Earth’s core contains a huge ball of solidified iron and nickel surrounded by a molten mantle. The flow of matter iron around the core is presumed to create the magnetic field. The study of the scientist at the U.S. Department of Energy at Oak ridge Laboratory suggest that a five mile wide ball of uranium with output of four million mega volts and plutonium acting like giant nuclear reactor at the center of the Earth is the source of the energy that sustains life, generates Earth’s magnetic shields which protect the planets from bombardment by deadly particles from the Sun and provides the energy that powers volcanoes and the movement of continentals plates. The movements of continental’s plates may unite Asia with America to form what has been named as Amnesia.

Marvin Harndou and his collaborators Denial Hollenbeck found strong evidence that at the core of the Earth and four thousand miles beneath the Earth’s surface there is a fast neutron breeder reactor made of uranium and plutonium that can regenerate new fuel by itself. These finding explain the way the magnetic field is generated. The reactors could undergo cycle of activity at the end of which the poles will naturally switch positions every 200,000 years. For this ‘flip over’ of North and South Pole, no explanation has been proposed so far. At the heart of other planets similar reactors could lie. This explain why Jupiter among others radiates nearly twice the energy it receives from the Sun. The strongest evidence for the theory comes from lava spewed up from deep within the ocean and near Hawai and Iceland. It contains relatively high levels of Helium–3, an isotope formed only during fission reaction. It has been explained as a left over from the formation of Earth. But Herndon’s calculations show that the ratio in which it creates can only be explained by in underground reactor. They have also designed a sophisticated computer model for how a reactor at the core of the Earth might behave.

… The structure of the atmosphere.

The Earth’s atmosphere consists of essentially neutral gases (mostly nitrogen and oxygen) extending up to 80 or 90 kilometers. With increasing altitude, the air becomes more and more charged because of the ionization by ultra-violet and x-rays from the Sun. Above a height of about 100 kilometers, the predominantly ionized matter in the neutral form and the region from there up to some 1,000 kilometers is called the ‘ionosphere’. Material in this shell is said to be in the “plasma state”. It is neutral in bulk though individually all the particles are charged electrically. The magneto-sphere — a space just above Earth’s ionospheres that controls Earth’s magnetic field, shields the Earth from eruptions of charged particles from the Sun and lets in gusts of solar energy to shine auroras occasionally causing disruption of radio and satellite communication. A series of satellites monitoring the Earth’s nature magnetic field have confirmed that the magnetosphere has developed cracks that may last forever. This allows charged electrons and ions from the Sun, a force called the solar wind to stream into Earth’s upper atmosphere and developed loads of magnetic energy cracking occasionally the magnetosphere. Beyond the ionosphere, the plasma density declines rapidly with increasing height. Thus various plasma levels with different temperatures and densities exist with some areas containing very high energy particles. These particles interact with the plasma producing a dynamic system called ‘magnetosphere.’ The Earth’s magnetosphere approximates to a closed cavity on the side facing the Sun and extending on the opposite side for more than 1,000 Earth radii. The thin extended part of the magnetosphere is called ‘geo-magnetic tail’. Earth’s rotation creates a circular water movement in the oceans. These circular currents flow clockwise in the southern hemisphere carrying warm water from the equatorial regions and cold water from the polar region. The Gulf Stream of warm currents originates from the Gulf of Maxico and flows up the East coast of North America. The Peru currents produce El Nino effect similarly. These currents are more or less constant and are used by navigators for maneuvering the ships.

Since the discovery of the so called Chandier wobble in 1981, our Earth appears to move about its axis by about 20 feet at the North Pole every 1.2 years. NASA scientists believe that the cause lies in the Earth’s ocean. Fluctuating pressure of water on the ocean bed caused by temperature, salinity and current changes, forces the Earth to move slightly on its axis. Atmospheric fluctuations add to the wobble. These findings are based on the analysis of data by International Earth Rotation Service set up in Paris in 1988. This is confirmed by the recent tsunami disaster brought about in Dec. 2004. Internal gravitational forces are responsible for the Earth’s rotation on its axis. The Earth was formed from the debris of an exploded star, which was forced it to come together by Sun’s gravity. After that the Earth and other planets that formed started rotating around the Sun keeping a balance between the Sun’s gravitational pull and the centrifugal force created due to the movement around the Sun. The Earth’s rotation has been continuing since the formation of the planet though the speed of rotation has decreased. Planets depending on their size and density of material have different rotation times. Jupiter being the fastest takes one rotation in nine hours and fifty minutes and Venus takes almost 242 days. Mars’ time is almost the same as that of the Earth-24 hours and 37 minutes. Even when there is no major source of earthquake, a humming noise (between 2 - 7 milihertz’s) that is caused by emissions of energy is heard. Junkee Rhie and Barbara Romonowicz, experts from the University of California at Berkley, noted that the hum originated in the northern hemisphere winter and in the oceans in southern hemisphere because of interactions between atmosphere, ocean and sea floor. Even after two weeks the Earth vibrated from the massive undersea earthquake measuring 9 on Richter scale off Indonesia early in 2005. The Australian National University’s Earth Science researcher Herb-Mc Queen said the reverberations were similar to the ringing of a bell though without sound and were picked up by gravity monitoring instruments. Some satellites including the Hubble Telescope already feel the Earth’s dipolar magnetic field conserved near Brazil coasts is weakening. It may collapse erratically with the reversal of the poles and may take millions of years. Yvos Gallet from Institute de Paris, France who studied the paleo-magnetic record estimates that the current decay started 2,000 years ago. Weakening polar reversal may take 10,000 years or more. The last major flip appears to have been around 780.000 years back The molten inner core keeps churning in the outer core which generates the magnetic field produced by interactions of electrical and fluid currents and magnetic lines.

The Earth’s atmosphere consists of essentially neutral gases (mostly nitrogen and oxygen) extending up to 80 or 90 kilometers. With increasing altitude, the air becomes more and more charged because of ionization by ultraviolet light and x-rays from the sun. Above a height of about 100 kilometers, the predominantly ionized matter is in neutral form. The region from there up to some 1,000 kilometers is called the ionosphere. Material in the shell is said to be in the “plasma state”. It is neutral in bulk though individually all the particles are charged electrically. Beyond the ionosphere, the plasma density declines rapidly with increasing height. The various plasma levels with different temperature and density exists with some areas containing very high-energy particles. These particles interact with the plasma producing a dynamic system called magnetosphere. The Earth’s magnetosphere approximates to a closed cavity on the side facing the sun and extending on the opposite side for more than 1,000 Earth radii. The thin extended part of the magnetosphere is called the geo-magnetic tail.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A Black hole expands to become a white hole TO PRATHIVIES IN RIG VEDA NEXT >>

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