Sanskrit Computer and Computational System.

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Sanskrit Computer and Computational System.

SANSKRIT COMPUTER AND COMPUTATIONAL SYSTEM (MORE ADVANCED THAN THE MODERN COMPUTER SYSTEM): ---With the intervention of human intelligence, there is evolution of music from the x-ray ripples in the cosmic background radiations emanating from the Perseus galaxy as was done by Mark Whittle and the evolution of language [using alphabets derived from Surya, Chandra (Moon) and Agni [Surya Purana] as part and parcel of communication of thoughts and feelings. Vedas are the first written documents interfacing with modern computer system It is not necessary to give a detail the outlines of the Sanskrit computer and computational methods involved in the unification of all knowledge of sciences and arts in 2D and 3D Varna structural designing. However, the relevant matter pertaining to the studies of the Rig Veda is being given below: It is necessary to know at this stage the methodology involved in Vedas. The universal key of knowledge – the three-in-one Varna Meru situated in the Prathivi called Vasundharah, that dictates the three systems of the ancient computer codes. The difference in Varna Meru and Pascal triangle is that the numerals are enclosed by squares that helps in developing three different triangles having different meanings.

The following properties inherent in the Pascal triangle and Varna Meru exibit the princile of “Saadrashta and Ekataa (verisimitude): --Quark gluon have the property of self replication like our genes Following Diagram of the house of cards can be used to find the difference between the nonliving matter that is quark gluon and the D.N.A. of the living beings. The series 1,3,5,7….etc is obtained by counting (top to bottom) the triangles having base downwards in the house of cards for the theory of sets involved in Rig Veda. We get the natural numbers 1, 2, 3, etc. when we observe and count the inverted triangles (base upwards). Both the series are thus unified in the house of cards..

The genes of the living beings, however, follow the Pascal Triangle/VarnaMeru/Vasundhara Sanskrit computer system that gives a series 1, 2, 4, 8, etc.

Study the following:

House of cards

Vasundharah Triangle

Pascal Triangle/Varna Meru


Double Helix Nebula (Blue Print of Creation): Discovered by the Spitzer Space Telescope, the Double Helix Nebula is ~300 light years from the Galactic Center and takes its name from a resemblance (as a blue print of Nature for Creation) to the double helix geometry of the DNA molecule. Likely magnetic torsion twisted the original nebula into the shape of two connected spirals. Photo:

Milky Way GC – Double Helix Nebula / Spitzer / NASA Photo – M. Morris (UCLA) / NASA/JPL-Caltech / Audriusa, Wikimedia The visible segment of the Double Helix Nebula is about 80 light years long. Models for its origin and shape propose magnetic fields at the GC that are 1,000X stronger than those generated by our Sun and are driven by the massive disc of gas orbiting Sagittarius A*. SANSKRIT (MORE ADVANCED THAN THE MODERN COMPUTER SYSTEM): ---It is not necessary to give a detail the outlines of the Sanskrit computer and computational methods involved in the unification of all knowledge of sciences and arts in 2D and 3D Varna structural designing. However, the relevant matter pertaining to the studies of the Rig Veda is being given below: The difference in Varna Meru and Pascal triangle is that the numerals are enclosed by squares, that helps in developing three different triangles having different meanings. The Prathivi called Vasundharah, dictates the three systems of the ancient computer codes. They are: — 1) Anka Meru (Numeric/digitalized code), 2) Maatrik code involving the binaries Laghu (I) and Guru (S) corresponding to the 1s and 0s respectively, and 3) Akshar (alphabetic) code. Vedas use the Akshar code/Chhandas/resonances so that a Chhanda can be identified by counting number of alphabets in the verse.. There are sub-classes revealed if the necessary number is more or less than the main Chhanda. (Agni Purana, ch.335; Vedic Meru- A Step Towards Unification Of Knowledge, M.K.Dave, World Sanskrit Conference, New Delhi, April 2001). The hymns of Rig Veda are coded as given in 1.164 (T,J,Prabhati); 10.130.(JT) This helps in enlarging the meaning of the meaning of the Intelligent Design at all levels of Creation and usage. The Prathivi “Vasundharah” needs to be discussed separately along with “Varna Meru”, the Vasundharah of Shri Ganesh interfacing with modern computer system. The most important Akshar/alphabetic Chhand and the respective inspiring cosmic Trinity are as follows is that involved in “Intelligent Design” which is as follows: ----




Inspired by cosmic entity

Aakash / sky

Surya / sun

Trishtup Antariksh / space

Vidhyuta / Electricity

Gaayatri Prathivi / black hole /

Agni / thermal energy

white hole / our Earth

In the unification of the space with our Earth, the topography of our Earth is mirrored in space to achieve similarity in view and bring about compactness. For this brevity, names and the words carry various generalized meanings, e.g., the generalized word Prathivi, Rasa, Salil, etc. bear different meaning and the context in which they are used need to be understood in the unified version. Only those words need to be used which have relevance in astronomy The trinity of Lokas (Aakash, Antariksh and Prathivi) is developed by placing Antariksh in between Aakash and Prathivi in the Intelligent Design just as there is a chunk of space between our biosphere and the sun. “The Aakash/sky/heaven (Jagati Chhanda) is my sustainer (father) and Vistirna (extensive) Prathivi/white hole (Gaayatri Chhanda) is my mother. Antariksh / space (Trishtup Chhanda) in the middle of Aakash Prathivi is like a womb where the father impregnates.” (R.V. 1.164.33) “Aakash is male Prathivi is female and Antariksh is dark.”(R.V. 6.1.2) “Prathivi is enlarged into Vistirna (expanded) Prathivi”. (R.V. 1.21.6) “The Vistirna (expanded) Antariksh extends between the Earth and Heaven.” (Yajur Veda 7.5) “Vishnu measures the Triloka by his three feet. “ (R.V. 8.29.7) Since Vishnu is capable of adopting any size, the Triloki exists wherever there is Aakash Prathivi exists with Antariksh as a door in between as in our solar system. “Indra established Antariksh.” (R.V. 1.16.17) ************ CHHAND NEXT >>

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