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Savitr, one of the Major Adityas

Sukta 1.35:--Agni,Mitra, Varuna Prakrati Chhand: Jagati,Trishtup, Panti. (1) “I (HiranyastupaAngirasah) invoke Agni, Mitra, Varuna for welfare and night and Surya for protection. (2, 3) “Surya Devataa rides the golden chariot driven by white horses and he moves along the lower or higher path to remove darkness from a long distance. (4) “The Surya associated with wondrous rays acquires powers for the sake of dark Lokas. For this purpose he rides the chariot. (5) “The horses of Surya yoked to the chariot with white-saddled place give light for Manushya (souls of men). All Lokas and beings are situated in the lap of Surya. (6) “Aakash is near the Surya in the three Lokas. One Antariksh / space is like a door of Yama. All the constellations supported by Surya alike the front axle of the chariot.

(7-8) “The breathing and vibrant Savitaa Deva (Surya of Triloki) illuminates the Antariksh. Where does the Surya reside? Which sky is bright because of its rays? Who can say? It should be in the black hole in the center of the galaxy. Surya illuminates all the three Lokas meeting in the eight directions of Prathivi with seven seas with his golden eyes. (9) “Surya with golden arms and viewer of all moves in between Aakash and removing diseases by his Tej / radiations from Aakash.


(10) “Surya with golden arms is the giver of life and is requested to ward off Rakshasaas/demons.. (11) “The path of breathing Surya with golden arms is dustless.” ********* Sukta 2.38: ----


Chhand: Trishtup, Panti..

1) “Resplendent Savitaa Deva who carries the universe appears frequently for giving birth (in Antariksh). This is his rule as well as his role. He gives wealth, jewels, etc to the eulogizers and involves Yajamaan as a partner in welfare. 2) “With long arms lustrous Savitaa Deva spreads his hands for entertaining the universe. For his sake, extremely pure waters/plasma flow and Vaayu/ solar wind flow in Antariksh. 3) “When Savitaa Deva manifests with fast moving rays, wanderers stop moving and when Savitaa Deva finishes his work, night becomes invisible. 4) “Night hides the light like a woman involved in weaving. All works of wisdom come to standstill halfway. Men leave their bed as soon as Surya who divides the seasons reappears. 5) “Tej/radiance created in the place of Agni/thermal energy fills the store of Anna/particulate plasma. Mother Usha inspired by Savitaa Deva offers Agni/thermal energy in Yagna. 6) “The king desirous of victory on the battle field returns at the end of the divine circle of Savitaa. All moving objects desire to be at their residence and those who are engaged in work abandon their work unfinished to return home. 7) “Hey Savitaa Deva! Those who search for your Jal/waters/plasma in Antariksh find it. You have divided the trees for the birds to reside. No one can obstruct you in performing your work. 8) “The moving Varuna gives happiness to all moving substances, and is necessary for obtaining residence when the Surya/sun sets. 9) “Indra, Varuna, Mitra, Aryama and enemies can not obstruct the circle of the brilliant Surya. I invite this Surya for our welfare and salute him. 10) “It is the Surya that is praised by all Manushyaas and is the one who protect the wives of the Devataas. We please Surya by praiseworthy hymns and by concentration. We desire his support for providing wealth and beasts and protecting them

11) “Hey Bhaskar/Surya! You have given famous wealth. May we get the same wealth from divine Loka, Prathivi and Antariksh. I eulogize so that we get the similar wealth and happiness.” ****************** Sukta 4.53:----

. Savitaa

Chhand: Jagati.

1) “Savita Deva is intelligent and powerful. He is revered and can award us the gift as the venerable wealth. He gifts the wealth to the Yajamaan (the one who offers the ingredients in Yagna) of his own accord. 2) “ He envelopes Aakash and all the Lokas. He sustains and provides light and rains to all the Pranies/ living beings. He wears a golden armor and flushes the universe suitably with his Tej/radiance and is eulogized for his excellent performances. He provides happiness that is praiseworthy. 3) “Savitaa Deva fills Aakash Prathivi with his Tej/radiance. He is praised for his best work. He keeps inspiring the world time and again to work and for extending the creation spreads his arms. 4) “With a feeling of nonviolence illuminated the Lokas/ worlds and follows his resolves. He spreads his arms for the protection of the Pranies. He sustains austerity and he is the owner of this huge universe. 5) “Savitaa Deva pervades by his magnanimity and pervades the three Antarikshas/spaces and occupies all the three Lokas/worlds Trilok (Aakash Prathivi and Antariksh constituting the white hole at creation). The self-illuminating Savitaa Deva envelops Agni, Vaayu/solar wind, Aditya and three Aakash along with three Prathivies. He follows all the three austerities for protecting us. 6) “He who is glorious, worthy of being known by others and who keeps all the Pranies under his control and determines what is to be done. He destroys our sins and provides equal happiness available in all the three Lokas. 7) “Self-illuminating Savitaa Deva is requested to sustain the worlds according to seasons, accord us glory, sons and wealth. He is requested to love us day and night, give us sons and grandsons and fame.” ********* Sukta 4.54: ---.


Chhand: Jagati,Trishtup.

1) “Savitaa Deva has revealed himself. We will salute him with Namaskar (with folded hands). In the third session (evening) Hotas are requested to eulogize him. He is requested to give the best kind of wealth in the form of jewels, etc. to Manushya and to us in this Yagna.

2) “He is requested to reveal the best part of Soma that provides a means for immortality in Yagna in the first place, associate the Yajmaan with light and provide long live to Manushyas in the sequence of the father, son, grandson, etc. 3) “O Savitaa Deva! I (Rishi Vaamadeva) request you to pardon my sins in this Yagna if I have committed any crime by going against you or against any other Devataa or against any wise Manushya out of ignorance or under the pride of wealth, power or the ego of family. 4) “Hey Savitaa Deva! You envelop the entire universe. All your works are nonviolent. The work performed by you is not destroyable by any one. 5) “Hey Savitaa Deva! I worship the great and glorious Indra. You lift me above the heights of the mountains. Provide residences to all the Yajamaans. Establish the time according to the placements in Aakash. 6) “ Hey Savitaa Deva! Yajamaan proves the beautiful Soma in all the three Savanas (three parts of day) because of devotion to you. May Aakash Prathivi, great and patient Sindhu Devataa and Aaditya along with Aditi give happiness to the Yajamaans and make me happy.” ***********

Sukta 5.81:----


Chhand: Jagati.

1) “Wise people apply their intellect for performing good work. All of them are worthy of remembrance and with the inspiration of the illustrious Savitaa Deva participate in the ceremony of Yagna. He is the knower of the work of the listeners and it is he who makes them to work in the Yagna. The grandeur of Savitaa Deva is worthy of being praised. 2) “Brilliant Savitaa Deva himself adopts all the forms. He is the knower of the welfare of Manushya, beasts and other Pranies. He is worthy of emulation by others. He is the inspirer and self-illuminating. He appears after the appearance of Usha (twilight). 3) “Agni and other Devataas feel enlightened with the appearance of Savitaa Deva with his shining flames. Savitaa Deva is capable of filling Prathivi and other Lokas with his brilliance. He is more illustrious than his Tej/radiance 4) “Hey Savitaa Deva! You fill the Lokas with your rays. You illuminate both sides during night, Hey Savitaa Deva! You become friendly by enveloping Sansaar/mortal worlds. 5) “Hey Savitaa Deva! You are capable of creating the Jagat/universe in its entirety and protect all with the rules. You illuminate all the Bhuvanas/firmaments and rule over them. Rishi Shyavashwa has offered appropriately eulogies to you. **********

Sukta 6.71: ----


Chhand: Jagati, Trishtup

1) “Savitaa Deva lifts his arms to protect the Sansaar/Worlds. 2, 3) “You may give us the ability to donate the wealth. Hey Savitaa Deva! You are the creator of Manushya and Antariksh. You desire our welfare. The enemies who do not wish our welfare should not rule over us. 4) “Savitaa Deva with a cool mind and golden arms and worthy of glory is requested to inspired the giver of Havies by giving Anna (particulate plasma) towards the end of night.” 5) “Savitaa Deva goes to the upper parts of Swarga/heaven by raising both of his arms from Prathivi. He strengthens all great things. 6) “Hey Savitaa Deva! Give us wealth today, tomorrow and continue to do this favor. You have infinite wealth and will praise you on this account. ********* “When Surya and Chandra disappear, Savitaa Deva raises his arms to climb from Prathivi to heavens.”[7.71.5] ********** “Savitaa Deva is creator of creatures and Manushya. He lifts his golden arms to uplift himself from Prathivi to Heaven.”[10.71.34] *********** Sukta 10.139: ----


Chhand: Jagati, Trishtup.

1) “Savitaa Deva is brilliant and is self-sufficient with respect to the highly radiant rays. He has golden hair. He appears from the eastern side revealing light. Then Poosha Deva appears. 2, 3) “He is the observer of the universe and protects all breathing creatures. He lives in Surya Mandala for the sake of Manushya and fills Aakash Prathivi and Antariksh with He inaugurates all the directions and angles and illuminates in East, remote, middle and other parts. He is the cause of the wealth, which accumulates because of him. He illuminates everything worthy for observation. He is like Indra in many respects. 4) “O Soma! When the waters saw Vishwavasu, it began to flow in a unique way. Indra, who inspires waters/plasma, surveyed Surya Mandala from all directions as soon as he came to know about it. Vishwaavasu is the creator of waters.” — ***********

Sukta 10.149: ----


Chhand: Trishtup

1) “Savitaa Deva made the Prathivi /white hole static by various means. He suspended Aakash without support firmly. In the same Aakash the uncontrollable waters/plasma resides as in oceans (Antariksh) is situated. Like a shivering horse in the clouds bursts occur in Aakash Prathivi/white hole. This place is without turbulence. Savitaa Deva draws waters from here 2) “The clouds residing in Antariksh drench the Prathivi/white hole at Creation/our Earth in our solar systems Savitaa Deva knows the Antariksh and the son of waters (Agni). Savitaa Deva expanded Dhyava Prathivi/Aakash Prathivi and Antariksh. 3) “The indestructible Soma born in Swarga Loka/heavens is used in the performance of the Yagna by the Devataas who were born only after the birth of Savitaa Deva. The bird Garuda (a large vulture/ eagle-vehicle of Vishnu) having beautiful wings was born first from Savitaa Deva. Alternatively, enveloping Savitaa Deva, it provides a resting place for Him. Savitaa Deva envelops Swarg/heaven and qualifies for being praised by all. 4) “Savitaa Deva (the light of) is eager to come to us just as cows desire to return to the village. Like the cow Dhenu after delivery goes towards the calf to provide milk, or the brave go towards their horses. Similarly, Savitaa Deva is eager to come to the performers of the Yagna. 5) “I perform and offer prayers like my father belonging to the lineage of Angiras for getting protection. I am encouraged by performing your work like the Yajamaan who gets enlightenment while extracting Soma.” *********** Sukta 10.158: ----

. Surya


1) “May Agni Deva protect us from the turbulence caused by Divya Loka/heaven in Surya by the turbulence in Antariksh by Vaayu solar wind and that on the Prathivi/White hole/Black hole/Earth because of Gaayatri Chhand) by Agni (thermal energy). 2) “A hundred Yagnas are performed for obtaining the Tej (Radiant Energy). Savitaa Deva is requested to protect us from the weapons of the enemies (of Yagna). 3) “Savitaa Deva, mountains, mountains and Vidhata Deva is requested to provide us the Sakti/power of the eye and the light of sight to our eyes. 4) “Surya is requested to provide us powers of sight and Jyoti/light to view all kinds of substances in the world and fill our eyes with the full clarity of vision so that we can observe all substances. 5) “Surya is requested to favor us with the vision to describe you in continuity. The objects which Manushya can see, we should also be able to see them.” GAAYATRI MANTRA, SAVITAA. NEXT >>

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