21 minute read
Benton Township
Larry Booth – Supervisor Jennifer Litewski – Assessor Tim Neargarder – Highway Commissioner Sonolito Bronson – Town Clerk TRUSTEES Paul Bouchard Larry Keske It is the mission of Benton Township to provide the highest level of service to all of our residents. We also strive to be efficient in our efforts, and fiscally responsible to the taxpayers of our township. We are always seeking ways to improve our services, and welcome questions and input from our residents. BENTON TOWNSHIP 40020 N. Green Bay Rd. Beach Park, IL 60099 (847) 746-2100, www.bentontownship.com David LaBelle Michael Stried
SERVICES PROVIDED BY BENTON TOWNSHIP: • Apply for General Assistance or Emergency Assistance • AARP Driving Class co-sponsor / check our website for dates • Notary Services • Senior Luncheons / Co-sponsor with Zion Park District • We accept donations of the following: non-perishable food items, eye glasses, cell phones. • Referral Service • Transportation Options (PACE, RTA, etc.) • Assistance w/ Ill. Dept. on Aging Benefit Access – Discount License Plate Application • Illinois Rules of the Road Booklets, Illinois State Maps, Illinois Bicycle Maps • Application for Disabled Parking Placard/License Plates
Mark your calendars… SENIOR RESOURCE DAY APRIL 15, 2020
GRANDPARENT AND KIN RAISING CHILDREN Lake County will begin evening meetings at the Benton Township offices. Meeting dates will be on the 3rd Monday of each month – beginning Monday, February 17. Please contact 847-641-6845 or visit gkrclc.org for more information. Our mission is to assist in the successful development of children being raised by grandparent or relatives by providing developmental support, advocacy and bridging in the pursuit of a healthy society and strong communities for all children and families.
AARP DRIVING CLASSES First class of 2020 is scheduled for June 8th & 9th. Other classes will be conducted in August and October. Classes are held at the Zion Benton Public Library. Classes have been filling up fast. Call Benton Township to reserve your spot.
Spring Cleaning There are few rites of spring more satisfying than the annual deep clean. For many people, however, the pleasure comes when you have decluttered your home of unwanted bulky items.
Before discarding those items, please make the necessary arrangements with Advanced Disposal to discard of bulk items properly.
Curbside bulk item service
Bulk items are picked up on an on-call basis per week.
Please call one day in advance of requested pick up.
Bulk waste must be at curbside by 6:00 a.m. the day of collection.
Items over 50 pounds must be scheduled.
Items accepted: furniture, bulk trash. Call for additional information.
Items NOT accepted: car parts.
To schedule a bulk item pick up, call Advanced Disposal at 847-623-3870.
Happy cleaning!
Join City of Zion Administrator David Knabel for a cup of coffee and conversation about what’s happening in the City of Zion.
MARCH 10 What’s Happening with….. APRIL 14 Communicating with City Hall MAY 12 Roles and Responsibilities of City Hall
It’s All Good 2780 Sheridan Road Zion, IL 60099 6pm—7pm
Saturday May9, 2020 M a m a ' s 5 K R u n / W a l k
Race Shirt & Goodie Bag guaranteed to all who register by 4/24/2020
Adult $25 $30 Student $20 $25 ENTRY FEE: By 4/24 After 4/24
Register at the Leisure Center or online MamasRun.eventbee.com
Bring lawn chairs and picnic blankets • Purchase snacks from concessions or bring your own picnic dinner. ZB QUARTERLY | SPRING 2020
2020 ZION PARK DISTRICT ZionParkDistrict.com
T H U R S D A Y S 7 : 0 0 - 8 : 3 0 P M
Zion Park District Band Shell, located immediately adjacent to the Zion Leisure Center, 2400 Dowie Memorial Drive, Zion
JUNE 18 – BBI BBI connects with their audiences and inspires people to party, dance and have a great time! They offer a true variety of songs from Motown, Rock & Roll, Classic Rock, Reggae, 80’s Dance, Funk, Pop, Rap, Country and even Hip Hop. Bring the entire family for a great time. JUNE 25 – WILD DAISY Known as one of the most energetic, dynamic female-fronted country bands in Chicago. Wild Daisy brings a mixture of tunes from Country, Pop/Rock & Current Hits. Wild Daisy delivers a family-friendly, crowd-interactive performance and will provide an exciting live concert for all ages. JULY 2 – FEEL GOOD PARTY BAND The name says it all! All the dance and party music you can handle. They are a band whose career and music spans the decades. Featuring all the dance-worthy hits from the 60’s to today. JULY 9 – HOWARD AND THE BOYS Deep and soulful, Howard and the Boys pay homage to the Blues genre. They will provide you with an authentic Blues experience; having worked with, and learned from, some of the best. Sit back and let the Blues rhythms move you. JULY 16 – GOOD CLEAN FUN You won’t be able to sit still for this one. No one will be left out of this dance party. Good Clean Fun covers the most fun and lively songs from Big Band, Swing, Disco, 50’s, and Sock Hop. Dancing shoes or not, people of all ages can get on their feet and dance to the music.
JULY 23 – R-GANG R-Gang truly knows their R&B, having not only performed, but also written music pieces for major R&B groups. R-Gang values the diversity that exists in the music community and that shows through in their group and the range of music they perform. Expect to hear music ranging from Nat King Cole to Justin Timberlake and a little of everything in between. JULY 30 – LADY A Lady A was born to sing and has deep roots in Blues, R&B, Motown, Soul and Rock. The African American Arts of Chicago nominated Lady A for the Outstanding Achievement Award in Music. Lady A has had the opportunity to perform on many stages such as BB Kings in Nashville, TN, Mr. J’s Blues & Jazz in Milwaukee, WI, The Checkerboard, The Red Fish and Unleaded Blues of Chicago, IL. Lady A is a soulful singing sensation and a shining ZB graduate! AUGUST 6 – SUSHI ROLL True performers, Sushi Roll has much fun on the stage as you will have in the audience. With an eclectic music compilation and unique costuming and apparel, Sushi Roll provides a feast for the eyes and the ears. Their music selections range from Dance, to Rock and Pop. Sushi Roll’s music will keep you hopping and their theatrics are sure to keep you entertained.
Please Note: In case of inclement weather, concerts may be moved into the Sports Arena.
For more information about the 2020 Concert in the Parks Series, please call Zion Park District at 847-746-5500.
Resource Appointment If you are faced with a situation and do not know where to go, we may be able to help. Schedule a resource appointment with our case manager who will work with you to assess your situation and link you to appropriate resources. We have established networks with programs and services across the county to provide a direct link to the resources available to you!
Want a Resource Directory? A list of local resources are available at Zion Township including emergency services and local food pantries (English and Spanish) as well as services for those with Disabilities and Veterans. We also post job openings and job readiness programs in our lobby.
“I was unemployed experiencing financial hardship. Zion Township’s General Assistance Program motivated me in a positive way. Going through the program I received a full-time job. Thank you to the Zion Township staff for being so helpful, supportive and my inspiration throughout the program.” Tosha W.
“The ladies were very helpful and professional. You could tell that they actually liked helping people genuinely. Thank you!” Jacklyn B.
“I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude for helping me and my family with my financials struggles. Thank you so much!” C. Morris
General Assistance
Do you have no income? Are you unemployed, have no income, seeking employment and do not qualify for any other governmental assistance program? We are here to help! Are you pending the determination of a social security disability claim, or need help applying? We may be able to help. Our General Assistance program provides Zion residents with up to $350 monthly towards basic living expenses (rent, utilities, food and personal essentials). With this program we can also link you to transportation and employment resources, job training, and medical services until you find employment or receive approval from social security, as long as you comply with the program requirements.
Emergency Assistance Do you have an emergency due to a hardship? • Do you have a utility disconnection notice, a 5-day eviction notice, or in jeapardy of losing your home? We may be able to help. • Are you at risk of losing your job due to transporation issues or a need for work related supplies? We may be able to help. Our Emergency Assistance program provides Zion residents with up to the last $400 towards a qualifying emergency. Although there is no income limitation, you must be normally self-sustainable. Residents can receive Emergency Assistance up to three times, but must be more than 18 months apart. • 1st time applicant: $400 • 2nd time applicant: $250 • 3rd time applicant (last time): $150 A financial education class must be completed to qualify.
M a k e 2020 THE YEAR YOU... G e t t o k n o w y o u r n e i g h b o r s F i n a l l y s t a r t t h e b u s i n e s s y o u ' v e a l w a y s w a n t e d ! I m p r o v e y o u r c o m p u t e r s k i l l s B e c o m e a b e t t e r p a r e n t ! PROGRAM ON APRIL 23RD CLASSES STARTING NOW!
L e a r n t o m a n a g e y o u r f i n a n c e s
B e c o m e a b e t t e r l e a d e r ! G e t o n t r a c k t o b u y y o u r f i r s t h o m e !
L e a r n s o m e t h i n g n e w !
IN 2020 I WANT TO:
What is it that you're wanting to accomplish in 2020? Zion Township would love to help guide the way! Our team has put together a list ofresources to help you achieve your 2020 vision! Visit ZionTogether.com to see the full list ofavailable resources or call Zion Township at 847.872.2811 to learn more!
VISION 2020 + ZIONTOGETHER.COM Thank you, North Shore Gas for supporting the Zion Together visio n!
Get Your FREE Seeds at Zion Township TODAY!
Senior Resource Day Presented by Zion Township, Benton Township, Zion Park District & The Grove at the Lake April 15, 2020
Zion Park District Sports Arena, 2400 Dowie Memorial Drive, Zion 8:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Registration & Donuts Join us for free coffee and donuts. 9:00 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. Agency Presentations Review 2019 Senior Resource Guide and hear short presentations from local agencies. 9:45 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Visit Resource Booths Visit booths of many local agencies. Ask any questions you may have about their services. 11:00 a.m. - Noon Lunch Provided by the Grove at the Lake. 11:30 a.m. Prize Raffle - must be present to win! Raffle tickets are entered during morning registration for a chance to win fabulous prizes donated by agencies.
R.S.V.P. to Zion Township at 847-872-2811. Zion residents in need of a ride, please contact Zion Park District at 847-746-5500.
V I S I O N 2 0 2 0 : S T A R T I N G A N D G R O W I N G A B U S I N E S S I N L A K E C O U N T Y I L L I N O I S .
AP R I L 2 3 R D F R O M 7 - 8 P M
Join the Illinois Small Business Development & International Trade Center to learn how to start and grow a business in Lake County, IL.on
Thursday, April 23rd from 7-8pm at Zion Township, 1015 27th St. Register by calling 847-872-2811 TODAY!
Learn more about Vision 2020 at ZionTogether.com
Contact Mitch Bienvenue for more information at mbienvenue@clcillinois.edu
Summer Work Program 2020 Zion Township partners with Lake County Workforce Development to offer a Summer Work Program in which thirty-five 14- and 15-year old youth participate in a paid workforce readiness-training program. Applications for the summer program will be available Saturday, February 1, 2020 and will be accepted until Tuesday, March 31 at 5:00pm. Only one application per person will be accepted. Applications will be randomly selected by a computer program. You can pick up an application at any of these locations: Waukegan Job Center, 1 N Genesee Street Zion Township, 1015 27th Street You can also print or fill out an application online at www.lakecountyjobcenter.com
LIHEAP helps eligible households pay for home energy service during the Spring months. Apply at Zion Township: Tuesday from 1-3pm, October 1st - May 31st Please bring the following documents to any Zion Township walk in session. • Proof of Income (whichever applies) ũ Check stub for last 30 days ũ Social Security: SSI/SSDI/SSA Award letter or bank statement if direct deposit (Under age 60 Award letter required) ũ Unemployment Benefit Award letter • Social Security Card for ALL in the household (Must be original) • State ID or Driver's License for anyone age 18 and above in the household • If receiving Housing Assistance: Award letter or other housing paperwork • Current Heat and Electric bill: Issued within the last 30 days • Any adult in the home over 18 without income: ũ Must fill out Zero Income Affidavit ũ SNAP (Food Stamps) Verification (Card not accepted) ũ Medicaid/Medicare Card
Qualifications • Age 14 to 15 (by April 15) • Attending middle school or high school • Receive free or reduced lunch OR meet low income guidelines Check the Job Center website after April 15 for the status of your application.
- Ra ch e l
- J a m e s
- J a n i ya
- Le i O n n i
- D e o n te
District 126 Board of Education Approves New Superintendent: Someone You Should Know
The Zion-Benton Township High School District 126 Board of Education is proud to announce Dr. Jesse J. Rodriguez as its new superintendent effective July 1, 2020. Dr. Rodriguez is currently the superintendent of Proviso Township High School District 209 where he enhanced academic achievement and empowered students, staff, families, and communities while ensuring effective operations for the school district. Prior to that, he served as a Regional Superintendent at Milwaukee Public Schools where he began his career as a high school teacher. During the interview process he presented strategies to maintain and build upon the connections between students, families, staff, faculty, and the residents of the Zion-Benton community where he currently resides.
The Board of Education sought a candidate with a proven track record in establishing performance standards and expectations based on a clear vision for success while creating a professional learning environment that is inclusive, collaborative, focused on results, and driven by highly effective instruction. Board members noted his record of student academic achievement, collaborative leadership style, creativity, and community engagement as some of the key reasons for their decision.
Board President Jerry Nordstrom noted: “Dr. Rodriguez brings a history of excellence, improving student performance and creating a strong, collaborative culture that provides pathways for every student to succeed.”
Board Vice President Dr. Jorge Nieto added: “We are excited for Dr. Rodriguez to join us in our journey –serving our district with the purpose of enhancing all of our performance metrics for the betterment of our students, and by extension, our community.”
Key accomplishments in his recent leadership role include strengthening student achievement, establishing a robust communication strategy, the creation of facility master planning models, implementation of effective board/district governance, building a collaborative culture between the schools and community partners, and improving both short- and long-term fiscal conditions.
Dr. Rodriguez’s former colleagues spoke highly of his ability to forge strong relationships, inspire others, analyze data, and lead team decision-making so everyone plays a role in student success.
“It is an honor to have been selected to lead Zion-Benton Township High School District 126,” said Dr. Rodriguez. “I am confident that together we will continue to further the progress District 126 has made in strengthening our schools for generations to come.”
Over the coming months and in coordination with retiring superintendent Dr. Chris Clark, the Board of Education and Dr. Rodriguez will schedule meet and greet opportunities for all faculty, staff, students, parents, and community members. In addition, he will initiate a plan of entry driven by listening and learning tours with our school district and throughout the community.
“I look forward to building upon the current successes of District 126 and enhancing the educational experiences for all students. I am humbled and honored to partner with the Zion-Benton Board of Education as we continue to create a positive impact on our community,” added Dr. Rodriguez.
In 2014 Zion-Benton Twp. High School District 126 applied for and was selected to be the Schuler Scholar Program’s eighth school partner. The program has since grown to serve 15 high schools. To date, 89 percent of Schuler’s scholars have been first generation college bound students. Schuler’s mission is to “equip bright, motivated youth with the support they need to gain access to and succeed at highly selective colleges and beyond.” To date District 126 has graduated two cohorts of Schuler Scholars who have embraced the opportunities Schuler generously provides and have gone on to attend the following select private schools on nearly full-ride scholarships: Kalamazoo College, University of Pennsylvania, Brown University, MIT, University of Richmond, Whitman College, Lawrence College, Case Western Reserve University, Occidental College, Marquette University, and Brandeis University. Schuler provides the following description of the life-changing opportunities it provides students through its comprehensive program:
About the Schuler Scholar Program
Inspired, driven, smart, talented. These are the qualities of a student with the potential to create an exceptional future. The Schuler Scholar Program was founded upon a belief in the power of a high-quality education to transform lives, communities, and our nation. With support from Schuler, Scholars design a roadmap, customized to their interests and goals, to highly selective private colleges that offer a liberal arts education.
Our dedicated team of onsite Schuler staff provides individualized academic support and enrichment for all four years of high school, college counseling, mentorship during college, and an alumni support network for life. We work with high school students who are underrepresented on college campuses, the majority of whom are the first in their families to graduate from college. Beyond academics, Schuler cultivates leadership skills and provides access to cultural experiences that broaden each Scholar’s path forward.
As a result, Scholars attend some of the most selective colleges and universities in the United States. Today, 94 percent of Schuler Scholars complete an undergraduate degree in six years. Alumni Scholars are becoming the leaders of the future. They are doctors, Fulbright Scholars, aeronautical engineers, and teachers. They are improving the quality of life for not only themselves, but the lives of their families and communities. We are proud to help unlock that potential.
ZBTHS District 126 Dedicates Performing Arts Center and South Commons –January 14, 2020
Photos complimentary of Gibbie Buchholtz.
Over 500 people joined the ZBTHS District 126 Board of Education, administration, and stafffor the Grand Opening and Dedication of the District’s new Performing Arts Center and South Commons on January 14, 2020. Superintendent Dr. Chris Clark, Immediate Past President Shawn White, current President Jerry Nordstrom, Theater Director Kelly Regnier, Choir Director Jen Rickert, and drama/choir student Wyatt Metzger shared their perspective on the importance of this project that has been 80 years in the making. Those in attendance expressed their delight that students could now explore their passion for the performing arts in a facility worthy of their talents.
The Performing Arts Center provides a 750-seat theater, acoustical band/choir shell, stagecraft room, green room, dressing rooms, and prop, costume, and set storage. The new facility also includes a South Commons area that connects the new construction to the existing campus, providing a lobby for both the theater and main gym. The South Commons includes a concession stand, spirit wear store, ticket booth, and improved restrooms, expanding the previous corridor that served as a "lobby" and primary entrance for the main competition gym.
The community is warmly invited to attend the following upcoming events provided by our Visual and Performing Arts Department: April 2 - 6-9pm ZBTHS Fine Arts Festival April 16-18 - 7:30pm Spring Musical: “The Sound of Music” (online reduced-priced tickets available at www.zbths.org) April 30 - 7:00pm Spring Band Concert May 20 - 7:00pm Choral Spring Concert May 27 - 6:00pm Patio Pops Concert