Welcome to
DANGER DO NOT READ THIS BOOK Read at your own risk! Just Kidding!! flip
Contents Singapore Philatelic Museum
Reaching Entering Permanent Exhibits
6 8 10
Orange Room Purple Room Green Room Heritage Room Room of Rarities
12 16 18 20 26
Yesterday Once More Snakes and Ladders Spice Is Nice
28 29 30 32 35 36 38 39
Special Exhibits On The Way Out How to Get Here
Peranakan Museum Reaching Entering Permanent Exhibits
Origins Wedding Nonya Religion Public Life Food and Feasting
On The Way Out How To Get Here
Singapore Art Museum Reaching Entering Level 1 Level 2 On The Way Out How To Get Here
44 46 50 52 54 56 58 61 64 65 66 74 76 76
23-B Coleman Street S(179807 ) Tel: (+65) 6337 3888 Fax: +65 6337 8958 Email: nhb_spm _adm@nhb.go v.sg
Opening Hours
Mondays: 1:00p.m. to 7:00
Tuesdays to Su ndays: 9:30a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
OD! No FO ! INKS No DR ASH No FL raphy! Photog D! OWE L L A Are
Welcome To The
Singapore Philatelic Museum
30th November 2013, Saturday
Reaching My friend and I went to the Singapore Philatelic Museum today. It was raining heavily, and it was our first time going, so we followed the map at Bras Basah MRT Station, to find it. We had to walk through the underground passage of SMU to the School of Business, so as to not get wet, and continue above ground to Coleman St., before we found the museum. Luckily, when we went above ground, it was only drizzling.
Info: Singapore Phila telic Museum, housed in a 19 century buildin th g that was form erly part of the Anglo-Chinese School, is the cu stodian and cu of Singapore an rator d world treasu re s of philatelic history. The mus eum’s collectio ns range from stamps and arch ival philatelic m aterial of Singap from the 1830 ore s to present da y, an d stamps from member countr ies of the Unive rsal Postal Uni on. The permanen t galleries introd uce the world philately, the w of orld’s first stam p, and how stam are a window ps to the world – affording windo into diverse ar ws eas such as scie nce, technology history and cu , lture.
8 | SPM
Did you
ur drop yo You can ly n o the o mail int nial nal colo pore, operatio in Singa x o b g postin ters and your let t s o p r o special s at the d r a c t s po useum at the m x o b t s po ique for a un counter telic re Phila Singapo rk. postma m u e s u M
Can you spot this?
Colonial Post Box SPM | 9
30th November 2013, Saturday
Entering When we entered the museum, we didn’t know what to do. There was a counter, and both sides were kind of like shops. So we just walked about at the museum shop, to look at what they sold. There were many kinds of stamps, erasers and stuff. The items were not as expensive as I had thought them to be, they were quite affordable. Then we headed to the counter to get registered. (For Singaporeans and PRs, just hand them your NRIC, they will scan it, and you can have free admission.) They have different coloured stickers for different days. :)
Admission Free admission s will be provid ed to Citizens Permanent Res and idents (PRs) al l year round to the permanent galleries displa ying our nationa collection and l selected specia l exhibitions at National Museu th e ms and Heritage Institutions, to encourage mor e citizens and PRs to visit ou National Museu r ms and Heritage Institutions. Through free ad missions, NHB hopes to give Citizens and PR s greater access to our Nationa Museums and l Heritage Institu tions to enjoy their offerings. For special exhi bitions where there is an admission fee, NHB will cont inue to offer fr admission for ci ee tizens and PRs who are studen teachers, senior ts, citizens and N SFs as well as children of 6 ye ars of age and under. Tourists & Fore ign Citizens Adult: S$6.00 Child (3 - 12 yr s): S$4.00
10 | SPM
Did you know?
gister You may also re all sm a nd a letter, se se ha rc parcel or pu first day newly launched entation covers and pres lonial packs at the co also is M SP post box. t and en ag d te the appoin French distributor for ia Post. al tr us A Post and rtunity Take this oppo ry own ve ur to have yo amps. personalised st
Can you spot me?
SPM | 11
30th November 2013, Saturday
Orange Room After entering, the first gallery is called the Orange Room. It shows the description of “Philately”, “Philatelist” and “Philatelic”, and contains many old stamp samples in casings, and many MANY interactive cupboards. The cupboards were interesting! One of them had actual samples of the items they were ski introducing. For example, they displayed stamps Swarovls a t Crys that were printed using a varnish mix which exuded an aromatic scent. So, beside it was a bottle of aromatic scent which you could smell, and it smelled really nice! They even have a glow in the dark stamp!! How cool is that?!! Also, while I was taking a photo of one of the wall display, it suddenly started talking! Gave me a shock! Hahaha!
12 | SPM | Permanent Exhibits
Interactive Cupb
Permanent Exhibits
e Cupbo
Permanent Exhibits | SPM | 13
30th November 2013, Saturday
Orange Room
The talking Penny Black Gave me a shock! It suddenly looked at me and smiled! 14 | SPM | Permanent Exhibits
The Stare! tely! e world of phila Welcome to th stamp, st fir ’s the world t ou ab t ou nd Fi to the are a window ps am st w ho d an such as e many topics or pl ex to ld or w d culture. logy, history an no ch te e, nc ie sc “talking” bits include the hi ex g in st re te In of d stamps made Penny Black, an ls. unusual materia
Permanent Exhibits | SPM | 15
30th November 2013, Saturday
Purple Room Next, is the Purple Room. It shows you the “Birth of a stamp”. Basically the conception, designers, and the production process of stamps. It also contains interactive displays, where there is a question written on the wall, and you open the “photo frame-like” displays hanging on the wall to see if you got the correct answer. Haha, and I got the wrong answer. Hahaha. Anyway, the production process display can be opened, because they are actually doors. Quite cool! Also, there are many different kinds of post boxes on display, along with a scooter!
16 | SPM | Permanent Exhibits
ocess of how Find out the pr hed from stamps are birt lection, design their theme se ion, printing conceptualisat eir circulation methods and th ail. Highlights through the m production include archival r as stamp printe material, such es. at pl g tin in p pr sheets and stam
Post Box
Can you guess the correct answer? Permanent Exhibits | SPM | 17
30th November 2013, Saturday
Green Room Then, after the Purple Room, it is the Green Room. All the 3 permanent exhibits on the first floor are connected to one another~ The Green Room shows you the stamps all over the world. One stamp from each country is chosen and shown in the world map on the wall of the room. Can you guess which stamp belongs to which country? Also, they have panels on the other side of the room, where you can pull them out, and check out all the different stamps in the world. But, be careful though, they are slightly heavy! The room even has a stamp photo booth, where you can go in, take a pic, and be a stamp!! Haha!
We are connected!
18 | SPM | Permanent Exhibits
Stamp Booth
Pull-out Panels Permanent Exhibits | SPM | 19
30th November 2013, Saturday
Heritage Room
This room is located on the 2nd floor, and in the Room of Rarities. This room is SUPER NICE!!! Or so I think, haha. When we were walking in, there was this picture of a man getting his hair cut at a barber’s shop on the wall in front of us, and the cloth used on his neck, is REAL. On the picture, it is real! 4 dimensional! How cool is that!!
20 | SPM | Permanent Exhibits
aha!! isplay!!! Hah d !! p o sh a m Ma
rant ent mig e r fe if d f o th e story pore in Trace th came to Singa ly r a e out at races th ry. Find out ab cultural ntu ifferent 19th ce rades, d stumes and t l a n io tradit nal co , traditio festivals struments. in musical Permanent Exhibits | SPM | 21
30th November 2013, Saturday
Heritage Room The room itself, is also designed like an actual street side, with the herbal tea shop, and tables and chairs like a coffee shop. There are “windows� at the top of the walls that really make it seem like we are standing in the street looking at the shop houses. There is also an audio guide, when we press the yellow button at the bottom of a big globe.
22 | SPM | Permanent Exhibits
Nice globe!!
Want to sit down and have coffee with me? :D
Different way of opening the cupboard :) Permanent Exhibits | SPM | 23
30th November 2013, Saturday
Heritage Room
I spy, I spy, with my little eye, “Er duo bing�!!
Ma pla n, t ce. ime Its ha sti s st ll i op n t ped he yea in th r 2 is 00 4!
This w i and loo ndow is SO re k at t hat ca al right? Ha mera!! h Wave a, hi!! 24 | SPM | Permanent Exhibits
detaile o S ! l o co damn This is
Wow! Look at those light bulbs!!
Permanent Exhibits | SPM | 25
30th November 2013, Saturday
Room of Rarities
This room is BIG, well, at least bigger than the rest of the permanent exhibits, and it displays a lot of things. Find out for yourself by coming down to the museum to see what is on display!!
Metal datestamp for Mobile Post Office MPOII Spanning across almost 200 years, the collection traces the philatelic and postal milestones of Singapore from the Straits Settlements period to today. Some of the rarities on display are the early Queen Victoria covers and postage stamps, essays, proofs and other archival materials of the three kings collection, and postal artefacts.
26 | SPM | Permanent Exhibits
Royal Mail Chute This is a small section of the Royal Mail Chute that was installed at the American International Building at Robinson Road by the authority of the Postmaster-General of Malaya in 1958. The Mail Chute was manufactured by Cutler Mail Chute Co. (Rochester. New York, USA), which was established in 1883.
Artefact donated by Singapore Post Ltd.
The full chute ran from the 12th floor to the 2nd floor and enabled letters from the upper floors to be dropped into the collection box at the base. The postman would pick up the letters from the collection boxes instead of having to go to each floor. This chute was dismantled in 1986 to make way for the installation of telephone lines. A similar mail chute can still be seen in Asia Insurance Building at 2 Finlayson Green. ly are ngapore philate The gems of Si es. iti e Room of Rar displayed at th al iv ch stamps and ar These include l til s ial from 1800 philatelic mater nSi to facts relating today, and arte es ec pi history. Star gapore’s postal r in ly known cove include the on 1854 of ar a full set the world, to be the in that were used Indian stamps ents. Straits Settlem
Permanent Exhibits | SPM | 27
30th November 2013, Saturday
Yesterday Once More
This exhibition is located right outside the 3-coloured rooms on the first floor at the Lee Foundation Atrium. It is a postcard exhibition! This exhibition displays a selection of Singapore picture postcards ranging from as early as 1893 to that of prewar 1940s. These postcards are part of the 500 picture postcards donated to the Singapore Philatelic Museum in July 2006 by Singapore’s renowned philatelist, Professor Cheah Jin Seng. The humble postcards started off as an economical and speedier mean of communication. When photographs were added to the cards, the role of postcards
28 | SPM | Special Exhibits
expanded. They documented the tales of intrepid travellers, and archived the landscapes, street scenes, people, and cultural activities in Singapore since the late 1800s. These postcards are a treat to collectors, history lovers, and photography enthusiasts who can now see the collection up close. It is also an opportunity to travel back in time to see the vanished past of yesterday captured in the vintage pictures of these postcards.
Snakes are rept iles. Evidence in dicates that snakes evolved from lizards. To adapt to living underground, th e legs became unnecessary. T movable eyelid he s became transp arent covers and snakes lost their external eardrum. Like reptiles, snakes all have scaly skin s to prevent th from drying up em . There are abou t 3,000 species of snakes. They are cold-blood ed and depend external heat to on stay alive. So, m any snakes are found in warm er tropical area s.
Special Exhibits Snakes and Ladders I had thought that this exhibition was still ongoing when we went to the museum, but sadly, it was no longer on display. The photo of the gallery looked damn cool! It seemed really interactive and fun! Also, the exhibition is held in conjunction with the zodiac year of the snake! Well planned!!
Did you
Snakes cannot move backwa rds and they have ve ry With lim poor hearing? it and hea ed eyesight ring, sna ke develop ed a ver s have y good sensing tongue. Special Exhibits | SPM | 29
30th November 2013, Saturday
Spice Is Nice
Woah! The sun is too bright!!
This exhibition is very nice, just like the other galleries, haha. It also contains interactive displays. In the cargo hold, there was this fake squashed insect on one of the boxes, and it gave me a SHOCK man!!!! I was trying to take a picture of the hole that connected the decks together, but because it was too dark, it took a while, and then I just happened to take a glance to my right, and THERE IT WAS! So close to me! So disgusting! FREAKED ME OUT! T.T
The Cargo Hold
(For people who are afraid of insects, DO WATCH OUT!! I heard there were other insects as well, such as centipede, cockroaches, etc.) However, that just makes the display really real and interesting! Such that you want to explore, to see what more you can find! 30 | SPM | Special Exhibits
n’s Route (1519)
nd Magella Explorer Ferdina
Did you
eum the mus ics , r a e y e on top hout th Throug ial exhibitions d c e an holds sp current social nises o ga t related ends. It also or hools r sc t cultural al activities for , to n lic educatio ers of the pub very b m is d co and me ning and r a le e t promo hilately. p through
ed Items sailors us ies ur nt ce throughout the
the n traces io it ib h x , Nice” e e trade “Spice is f discovery, spic ern, life in o att voyages n, migration p cures and l io t a n is io n ibition, adit a colo pore, tr uisine. The exh ures a g in S early nal c , feat of regio children edia flavours t families with u d m ltim nd n a a d s e t ie e it targ activ lore a ands-on visitors to exp pore many h a r mes fo t of Sing program he developmen the uses and rt and discove entury, c h t 9 1 e es. from th s of spic ie t r e p o pr
e Displa
Special Exhibits | SPM | 31
30th November 2013, Saturday
On The Way Out Ok, we have finished looking at the exhibitions, and it is time to leave. But, OH WAIT!! There is still a small alley of display outside the room!! Let’s head over and check it out!!
Gambier and P
32 | SPM | Special Exhibits
ed!! pen o e n b a c It
What’s in the closet?
Zoom in!!
el r lev e p p U
level!! Special Exhibits | SPM | 33
30th November 2013, Saturday
On The Way Out
For people who are wondering where the toilet is, it is HERE!! Like the movie Harry Potter where his room is under the stairs, it is under the stairs too!! Hahaha!!
the stairs!! Going down
34 | SPM
Ladies!! ! Nice cubicles!
How to Get Here
By Bus SBS: 2, 12, 32, 33, 51, 62, 63, 80, 197
ation, For more inform ngapore Si please visit the website. m Philatelic Museu .org.sg/ http://www.spm
hurch enian C e m r A t a Alight et Polic Hill Stre et or Old tre at Hill S Station
SMRT: 61
By MRT Bras Basah MRT Station (5-minute walk)
City Hall MRT Station (10-minute walk) Clarke Quay MRT Station (10-minute walk)
Parking Paid parking is available at these locations:
The Bible House Singapore Management University (SMU) Funan DigitalLife Mall Public car park at Armenian Street (next to Peranakan Museum) Public car parks at Fort Canning Park
SPM | 35
OD! No FO ! INKS No DR ASH No FL raphy! Photog ED! LLOW A e r A
39 Armenian Street S(179941) Tel: (+65) 6332 7591
Opening Hours
Daily - 10:00 am to 7:00 pm Fridays - 10:00 am to 9:00 pm
Welcome To The
Peranakan Museum
1st December 2013, Sunday
Reaching This time, we took a different route from yesterday, when we went to the Singapore Philatelic Museum, because I realize that, actually, it was faster if we walked above ground from the school of Accountancy instead of the school of Business. Haha, and to my friend’s advice, we went above ground at some point, but we came out at SMU’s some other school. We were not sure of the route to take from there, so we went back down, and took the way we were sure of. Haha!
There is this really cool drawing or mosaic or just some art work, on the wall of the car park beside the Peranakan Museum!! Go and take a closer look when you visit the museum!! The art work is not only drawn on, other objects are used to create it too!!
When we reached the museum, we were feeling hungry, so we went to the True Blue Pantry, which was kind of a café, intending to eat. However, once we stepped into the place, the space was really small, the food prices were a little high, and in all, the atmosphere was a little weird, so we left. Haha, we ate pasta mania in the end!!! But that was in the underground walkway connecting SMU to the MRT station. 38 | PM
Did you
ist, anthrop il h P e h T g Chian Lee Kon 67), 19 (1893 – ted here. ca u d was e
It felt a little awkward entering the museum, well, it ALWAYS feels awkward entering museums anyway. But, this time it wasn’t as awkward as the Philatelic Museum, because the counter is right at the door. So once you walk in, the receptionist would greet you and talk to you about the exhibits. There are also many security guards! How weird… Hm… The Peranakan Museum houses the world’s fin comprehensive est and most collection of Pe ra nakan artefacts, a unique cultura representing l tradition – fu sing ethnic Chi Indian elements nese, Malay and – indigenous to Singapore and rich material le Southeast Asia. gacy and herita Its ge are enhanced by art display tech nology, and inte state-of-thera ct children. ive educationa l exhibits for Aspects of Pera nakan life from cradle to grave permanent galle are explored in ries, with highlig ten hts including th Peranakan wed e elaborate 12 ding, prominen -day t Peranakans in as well as Pera Singapore’s hist nakan food and ory, feasting.Visitors a glimpse of ho are also provid w modern-day ed Peranakans have culture. evolved with th eir The museum is housed in the former Tao Nan a National Mon School campus, ument. The build ing, completed the first moder in 1912, housed n Hokkien scho ol to be founde Settlements. It d in the Straits features a neoc lassical design French Renaiss inspired by the ance.
PM | 39
1st December 2013, Sunday
Entering The museum’s interior is simply GORGEOUS. I cannot believe that it used to be a primary school. How I wish my primary school looked like that, it would be so cool! Anyway, by showing our NRIC, we were granted free access to the permanent galleries, but not to the special exhibitions. (If you wanted to look at the special exhibits, remember to bring some money!!) The receptionist passed us a visitor guide, and a circular piece of paper, which I would like to call “Activity Sheet”.
This activity sheet, will be used at the second and third levels of the museum for embossing. I think that this activity is REALLY interactive and quite popular. Almost EVERYONE I see at the museum, is looking for the embossing machines to complete the sheet, or to finish collecting ALL the different emboss designs. Even my friend and I did that. HAHAHA :D
While you are walking around in the museum, try to find the items that have these designs!!
40 | PM
t Reside
n ermane ns and P
itize apore C ). g in S r fo n rificatio mission manent Free ad esent ID for ve and Per s r n p e e iz s it C eries (plea ided to ent gall xhibitions v n a o r m p r e e s will b ound to the p pecial e mission r lected s s, to encourage e s d n Free ad (PRs) all year a n ts stitution ollectio Residen our national c nd Heritage In Museums and a g al s displayin ional Museum isit our Nation t v a at the N ens and PRs to iz it c d PRs e r mo tions. izens an itutions u it it t C s e In iv e st pes to g Heritag itage In is NHB ho eums and Her , s re n e h io t s e is us ns wher ission for free adm ur National M io h it g ib u h o x r Th adm oo ial e or spec access t s and ffer free greater heir offerings. F continue to o , senior citizen l s t il r y e to enjo , NHB w s, teach er. sion fee ho are student and und is e m g a d a f o an w s r s a R e y P and of 6 citizens ell as children n# w oncessio s a C s F S N al izens S$3.00 Individu eign Cit r o F & 0 S$2.40 S$6.0 Tourists : lt u 0 d A S$18.00 S$4.8 : e r o ket**: m Joint-tic 0 pax or 0 m 2 u e f : s * o ) u x p M pa n S$5.5 Grou um of 5 m & Peranaka .00 im x a M u S$1.50 S$11 Family ( isations Muse il 0 iv S$3.0 Asian C pm): 9 m p ight (7 student Friday N full-time r o e v and abo aged 60 rsons s r e n ig itions) pe # Fore um of 5 g special exhib ys of purchase im x a m 7 da durin * For d within ble only (Applica et must be use -tick ** Joint
PM | 41
1st December 2013, Sunday
Entering While you are walking around in the museum, try to find the items that have these designs!!
42 | PM
PM | 43
1st December 2013, Sunday
Origins (Gallery 1)
stuffed!! It looks SO
This design is very modern!!
So int ricate 44 | PM
and ex quisi
is a snag! Uh-oh! There
d!! detaile
g Basin has Southeast Asia ds been a crossroa es. tim t en ci an since for trade Opportunities al wealth and commerci from lured travellers to the s the distant land ayed and region. Many st s. They put down root omen, married local w nts of da and the descen e these unions ar ns. called Peranaka
So det ailed
eranakans in Timeline of the P
Southeast Asia PM | 45
1st December 2013, Sunday
Wedding (Gallery 2-5)
This whole section is on level 2. You are able to find embossing machines stationed at different places starting from this level to level 3. They are really nice!! But you must press the machine hard enough, or the emboss will not turn out well! 46 | PM
PM | 47
1st December 2013, Sunday
Wedding (Gallery 2-5)
e any rituals of th Explore the m ng di nakan wed traditional Pera . Learn about es in these galleri age (Chiu Thau) the coming of i) of gifts (Lap Cha and exchange e th de d peek insi ceremonies, an e iv ns te ber. Our ex wedding cham k or w ad be ranakan collection of Pe ng di ed w e ent of th – essential elem re. he – is displayed 48 | PM
s, Oop ! off!
pee it’s
PM | 49
1st December 2013, Sunday
Nonya (Gallery 6)
These olden style telephones are really cool!
50 | PM
shape ise the n g o c e R :) phone?
of this
The wer languag e e Lear influen and dr ess ced n ab o thro b o ugh ut thei y life in f Perana ings r t kans Sou h l a e n . d saro Observ isplays guage – theast A , e n chan g kebay how t and list Baba M sia. en t h alay g a e sil e , th d o fash – ion over tim e nyony houette record and a e o ’s ft w a fem inini ith shif ttire of he ting ty. c noti hoice, ons of
PM | 51
1st December 2013, Sunday
Religion (Gallery 7)
52 | PM
Be careful not to get a shock when you walk pass the wall! You might hear people mourning, crying or screaming...
PM | 53
1st December 2013, Sunday
Public Life (Gallery 8)
54 | PM
PM | 55
1st December 2013, Sunday
Food and Feasting (Gallery 9)
56 | PM
PM | 57
1st December 2013, Sunday
On The Way Out
58 | PM
The Peranakan Museum has a GORGEOUS toilet!! The design of the toilet signs are also very nice! The washroom is just like a hotel washroom, very high class. Plus, it is dry and there is an air freshener in the washroom too. Makes it smell really nice!
PM | 59
1st December 2013, Sunday
On The Way Out
Don’t forget to get ALL your embosses done!!
For mo re please v information, isit the Peranak Museum an w www.pe ebsite. http:// ranakan museum org.sg/ .
60 | PM
How to Get Here
By Bus* 7, 14, 16, 36, 77, 106, 111, 124, 128, 131, 147, 162,162M,
166, 167, 171, 174, 175, 190, 700, 700A and 857 *Bus stop at Singapore Management University – School of Accountancy and Law
City Hall MRT Station (10-minute walk) Bras Basah MRT Station (10-minute walk)
By Car Paid parking is available next to the Peranakan Museum.
PM | 61
) Road S(189555 71 Bras Basah en ue Q cated at: 8 SAM at 8Q is lo ) Street S(188535 98 77 Tel:(+65) 6332
Opening Hours
ission to ndays (Last adm Mondays to Su at 6:15 pm): the museum is 00 pm 10:00 am to 7: ay nights, mission on Frid Fridays (Free ad pm): 6:00 pm to 9:00 00 pm 10:00 am to 9:
OD! No FO ! INKS No DR ASH No FL raphy! Photog D! OWE L L A e Ar
Welcome To The
Singapore Art Museum
2nd December 2013, Monday
Reaching Today, my friend and I went to a museum again. This time, it is the Singapore Art Museum, also known as, S.A.M. This museum is the easiest to find compared to the other two that I went to yesterday and the day before. You do not even need to look for the museum. After you alight at Bras Basah MRT station, and exit Exit A, you will be face to face with it if you turn to your left. However, you are only looking at the building, and the cafĂŠ. The exact entrance still needs a little bit of walking.
64 | SAM
Entering Entering this museum was also a little awkward, like usual. As I walked in the door, I saw something…… It was a FINGER!!! Haha! It is actually a gigantic forefinger, that is meant to be a chair, I think, because I saw some people sit on it. But because it looked really art”ish”, we did not dare to touch it. Although it is a really interesting sight, it is also really disgusting. This particular forefinger, is brown, and to make it worse, the nails are made of hair… or fur… That is just ABSOLUTELY disgusting, it gave me the creeps man. Anyway, we took out our NRICs, but the receptionist said that we should show our student passes if we are students, because Singaporeans still need to pay to see the special exhibitions and students need not. (Remember to show your student cards!! Students!!) This museum has security guards too…
SAM | 65
2nd December 2013, Monday
Level 1 Once we exited the reception area, straight away, we see exhibits already. And‌, guess what exhibits they are? Forefingers!! It is cool yet gross at the same time!! They were made with a lot of different types of exotic materials such as carved animal bone, cow hide and crocodile leather.
66 | SAM
iture h furn is v d the la s rful an the voke e e w o – p r ge he n to Forefin longing to t tentio olved t a e g b in raw nres pieces while d ictims and u , y h lt a v er is we of was The forefing ery s e ic if sacr ma. o ev vital t ar trau t post-w ger finger”, ts would cu ry ig is r iv t ilita t the “ void m war ac a it o n t a s ; inger ulting soldier index f ver, the res nger ir e h t e ow you off tion. H by the minder of e conscrip is perceived r ating p elcome a w ic n d u n In situ a n h . a r a s a w tics tion e of aesthe genera baggag f o d e y it r r o e s the the inh s as an acces n highlights s ith ua one’s lo ure, Tran T egotiation w ould s n a le e er sh and p ame th ce of a fing r f e r fight o n reater need t e abse g h t e h – t st of the pa e presence h t m affir ace. for pe
SAM | 67
2nd December 2013, Monday
Level 1
68 | SAM
nt Resid
ermane ns and P
e re Citiz on manent Admissi ission for Singapoification). ying and Per s n r m e e d v s displa iz a it r ie r C fo e ll o Free a t ID g d ide ent sent
pre prov rman t the (please s will be ound to the pe l exhibitions a more n io s is m r specia urage Free ad (PRs) all year selected utions, to enco ritage d s t n n a e n id it s io st ct Re d He nal colle and Heritage In l Museums an io t a n r ou ms tiona greater l Museu our Na and PRs joy s n Nationa d PRs to visit e iz it an ns to en o give C citizens s. hopes t itage Institutio mission fee, B H n N , is an ad Institutio ee admissions seums and Her re there s and PRs who u e h fr M g h l u w a o n r s h n T en io of atio for citiz l exhibit o our N children access t ings. For specia free admission SFs as well as er er nd N their off continue to off itizens a c r io l n il e NHB w ts, teachers, s en . are stud age and under f o s 6 year Citizens Foreign & 5.00 s t s ced): S$ Touri u d o 0 r p .0 be $10 ickets $5.00 Adult: S tudent card to bove): S ult admission t sed from a d s ( n a t n 0 d a cha d6 Stude 20% off ket can be pur m and SAM en (age : iz e r it o C m r . Tic s or useu Senio 20 adult s $1 SISTIC fee gapore Art M f o p u Gro at Sin lude rice inc counter Ticket p n & Ticketing tio IC. Informa om SIST fr r o Q at 8
SAM | 69
2nd December 2013, Monday
Level 1
70 | SAM
SAM | 71
2nd December 2013, Monday
Level 1
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2nd December 2013, Monday
Level 2 Opened in January 1996, the Singapore Art Museum (SAM) aims to preserve and present the contemporary art and art histories of Singapore and Southeast Asia. Housed in the former Saint Joseph’s Institution, SAM is home to the world’s largest public collection of modern and contemporary Southeast Asian artworks, with a growing collection of international contemporary art. SAM at 8Q – SAM’s annexe – opened on 15 August 2008 at 8 Queen Street. Occupying the former Catholic High School, it houses the growing contemporary art collection of SAM and adopts a more experimental approach in engaging audiences in art. It provides candid insights, through contemporary art, into the history, society and culture of modern day Singapore. Visitors to both SAM and SAM at 8Q can expect to find an interactive, living centre for the arts, presenting a diversity of contemporary art genres – from painting, sculpture, installation, film and video, photography, new media, to performance and sound art. SAM’s permanent collection is displayed on a rotational basis, accompanied by frequent changing exhibitions that present the best of recent art from museums, galleries and private collections in the region. The former St. Joseph’s Institution Building, completed in 1867, is a National Monument. Established by a French Catholic Order, De La Salle Brothers, the building features classical elements and is typical of 19th century French colonial religious architecture in the region.
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2nd December 2013, Monday
On The Way Out I heard there were other special exhibits, but I did not manage to see them because I did not know!! Such a waste, since we were there and all. But I heard from my friends they had heads of barbie dolls on sticks, o.o.
How To Get Here
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Bras Basah MRT Station (2-minute walk) Bugis MRT Station (10-minute walk) Dhoby Ghaut MRT Station (10-minute walk) City Hall MRT Station (10-minute walk)
Limited on-site parking is reserved for cars with NHB parking labels. Public parking is available at Waterloo Street, NTUC Income Centre and Queen Street.
visit , please n io t a ite. m m webs re infor For mo ore Art Museu seum.sg/ ap tmu the Sing aporear g in .s w w http://w
SAM | 77
Author: Goh Jia Hui
Credits Singapore Philatelic Museum http://www.nhb.gov.sg/NHBPortal/faces/pages_Page13b4faec_14193b1c2e0__7fbd/Page371e1ded_141c7505a0b__7fef?_afrLoop=784992549846848&_afrWindowMode=0&_afrWindowId=negokbz36_155#%40%3F_afrWindowId%3Dnegokbz36_155%26_afrLoop%3D784992549846848%26_afrWindowMode%3D0%26_adf.ctrl-state%3Dszdbcyxz5_4 http://www.spm.org.sg/SPMPortal/index.jsp http://iamdrei.blogspot.sg/2013/03/mini-star-wars-exhibition-singapore.html (Fotor0324210955) http://lsmpostcard.blogspot.sg/2013/07/snakes-and-ladders-childrens-exhibition.html (snakenladders2) http://www.jkviscom.com/work/ (snakenladders) http://nicholasac.wordpress.com/category/outings/page/2/ (20130602_2) Peranakan Museum http://www.nhb.gov.sg/NHBPortal/Museums/PeranakanMuseum?_afrLoop=785055339975970&_afrWindowMode=0&_afrWindowId=szdbcyxz5_1#%40%3F_afrWindowId%3Dszdbcyxz5_1%26_afrLoop%3D785055339975970%26_afrWindowMode%3D0%26_adf.ctrl-state%3Dszdbcyxz5_81 http://www.peranakanmuseum.org.sg/home/home.html Singapore Art Museum http://www.nhb.gov.sg/NHBPortal/Museums/SingaporeArtMuseum?_afrLoop=785079332356226&_afrWindowMode=0&_afrWindowId=szdbcyxz5_78#%40%3F_afrWindowId%3Dszdbcyxz5_78%26_afrLoop%3D785079332356226%26_afrWindowMode%3D0%26_adf.ctrl-state%3Dszdbcyxz5_158 http://www.singaporeartmuseum.sg/