1 minute read
TheAZPCA Region distributes newsworthy information of the Region activities to the members, co-members, and the Test Drive Members through a medium titled “eNews”. The eNews is distributed in the form of an email blast and should arrive in your email inbox.
Unless a member elects to opt out of the distribution of the eNews, every aforementioned member should be receiving the email blast, if their email address is current and on-file with the Porsche Club of America (PCA) National Office. Unfortunately, some of the aforementioned members are not receiving the eNews Email Blasts and AZPCA Region would like to ensure that you receive this information of the Region activities.
If you are not receiving the eNews Email Blasts, please forward an email to the Region’s Communications Chair and Director-at-Large, Kenny Mitchell, at kenmitchell@az.pca.org, and request to be placed on the eNews distribution list.
If you are a primary member in another PCA Region and are not receiving the email blasts and would like to be informed of the AZPCA Region activities, please forward an email to the above email address and request to be added to the distribution list.