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Volunteers Needed:
Meet fellow club members and enthusiasts.
See what driving a Porsche on a local track is all about.

Volunteer some time to help out the program. No prior experience necessary.
Get involved by volunteering for one of our HPDE program roles below:
Registration – Check in drivers and their guests at the track gate entrance. Approx. 2 hr early AM commitment.
Safety Tech – Using our safety checklist, inspect vehicles and helmets to ensure compliance. Approx. 2 hr early AM commitment
Pre-Grid – While cars are staged waiting to enter the track, check driver wristbands and confirm other safety guidelines are being met prior to releasing vehicles. Approx. 2-7 hr commitment (part to full day).
Grid Marshal – Radio communication with the Chief of Course and Corner Workers to release vehicles onto the track from Pre-Grid, and direct the flow of cars on and off the track. Approx. 2-7 hr commitment (part day to full day).
Corner Worker – Observe cars on track and provide flagging communication to drivers. Radio in to Chief of Course regarding any incidents, issues, and need to flag drivers. 4-7 hr commitment (half to full day).
Photographer – Capture photos of the event from great vantage points on the track or paddock for publication in Going Places. Approx. 2 hr commitment.
Writer – Write an editorial on the event, perhaps with an interview or two from drivers for publication in Going Places. Approx. 2 hr commitment.
Setup / Breakdown – Assist with unloading/loading and set up of equipment such as tables, chairs, canopy, PA system, etc. Approx. 1 hr commitment, early AM or late afternoon.
Driving Instructor – Experienced drivers who are interested in becoming a PCA Instructor.
HPDE Track Locations:
Arizona Motorsports Park – 15402 W. Camelback Rd, Litchfield Park, AZ 85340
Bondurant School of Racing – 20000 S. Maricopa Rd, Gate #3, Chandler, AZ 85226
Inde Motorsports Ranch – 9301 W. Airport Rd, Willcox, AZ 85643
Interested in Volunteering? It’s super easy - here’s how to get involved:
Register Online – Go to MotorsportReg.com, find the event, select “Volunteer” during the registration process and choose your desired role from above.
Email – drivereducation@az.pca.org to register or for more information.
Your help is greatly appreciated! We need volunteers to keep these programs healthy and ongoing! We hope to see you out there!