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From the Editor
The club is in full swing with lots of events planned for the rest of the summer and fall. Check out the calendar and event information in this month’s issue. There’s plenty going on! Don’t wait to sign up because you might wind up on the waiting list. We even have one drive that has no limit on the number of participants.
Celebrating 5 years this month as the Going Places editor and faithfully entering the PCA annual newsletter contest every year, I finally won an award for our region. 3rd Place in Class 5 (based on membership size) for 2020... I’m over the moon! Maybe, it’s time to start looking for a new editor... If you might be interested, reach out to me at: gpeditor@az.pca.org
I want to congratulate Artie Epstein, whose Porsche photo won Porsche of the Week in e-Brake News, July 20th issue. You can see his picture on page 33. It’s awesome!
Also, kudos to Jack Arnold and Kevin Gilchrist, our club web masters/designers, took 4th place in the PCA website competiton.
This month the winner for the Writer’s Monthly Award for Going Places is Gerd Wuestemann for contributing “Meet a Member.” He will receive a $30. credit on MotorsportReg, which is good for one year to use on any AZPCA activity. I want to thank everyone who has taken the time to write articles and take pictures at our AZPCA events for Going Places, because without your stories and articles it would be pretty difficult to publish our monthly newsletter/magazine.
Looking forward to seeing you in person at one of our upcoming events.