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Editor’s Note: The dates, times and details of AZPCA events are subject to change.
CLICK HERE AZ.PCA.ORG to check the website for the entire calendar of events.
“Everything in life is somewhere else, and you get there in a car.” –
Theheat is on! Snowbirds heading back for the summer. Last month I wrote about the club’s dedicated Track event organizers, the many volunteers that support those events. If you’re a regular at club events, you know these dedicated members. This month I’ll focus on the clubs’ many social events.
For “PnP” (Porsches and Pancakes) Dennis Rood and Frank Grimmelmann share the task. Dennis for fall/winter and Frank for the remaining months. Dennis also initiated the successful All Porsche Display this Spring. Frank serves as a Director at Large and co-hosted the Las Vegas Fun Run. They find some of the best breakfast restaurants, that I know Ang and I would never find.
The club holds 11 Monthly Memberships Meetings at some terrific restaurants in the valley. All made possible by the hard work of Jim and Carole Bultema. Jim also did a stint on the board and serves as the Associate Driving Tour Chair. Speaking of monthly meetings, we will be having Gregg and Ali Bull as “In-person(s) Meet a Member” in the future. Also looking forward to having Jim B. highlight his background and current role as a published author.
There are many members we need to hear from about their backgrounds and passions. I am looking for future contributors to regale us at our Monthly Members’ dinner meeting. If you are a new member or haven’t attended a Monthly Meeting, come join us.
As always check the club calendars for upcoming events, driving or social and sign up early. There are events listed through July; The 10th Annual Night at the Diamondbacks and Drive to Prescott (sign up now).
Next month I will highlight others that make the wheels go round. “It’s not just the cars it’s the people”
Make it a great Month! MM