2 minute read
Editor’s Note: The dates, times and details of AZPCA events are subject to change.
CLICK HERE AZ.PCA.ORG to check the website for the entire calendar of events.

Attention AZPCA Members!
Please let our sponsors know you are a member of the Arizona Porsche club and that you appreciate their support.
Stoicism taught for peace of mind to never insist or complain about things absolutely out of your control. That certainly applies to the weather.
How many of you know that “Ob-la-Di, Ob-la Da” was the name of a Reggae band in Jamica? It means “life goes on” in Nigerian.
Our club is very fortunate to have a very active and engaged board, willing to tackle the difficult issues. The board and chairs are committed to provide great Driving events and Social events for our growing membership. Most events do exceed capacity. A good reason to regularly check events on the website and sign up.
We know plans change, but please don’t forget to cancel your event registration. Almost every event has people on a waitlist. But to decide that day, without a significant reason not to attend, is not acceptable. At a recent event with 50 people registered, 19 people did not show up. There were 16 people on the waitlist for that event. And the location was not pleased as they planned for 50. It is unlikely that 19 people had something critical arise.
Moving on from the no-show issue, we had terrific attendance for the “Secret European Car Collection” event. I want to thank Don Murray for allowing us to view his remarkable collection. Hopefully, we will have the opportunity again in the future. The club also had record participation at our recent DE, Auto X, and over 95 members attended the monthly member meeting at WeKo-Pa.
My broken record refrain: if you have the time and inclination to contribute by volunteering to help plan Social Events, assist with Driving Tours, and help out at track days, contact the appropriate chairperson.
If you have a suggestion for a driving tour or social event, send me an email. I will pass it along to the appropriate chairperson.
I want to highlight two upcoming APRIL events:
April 1st is the CASINO NIGHT CHARITY, at Alpio’s Troon, sign up ends on March 29th. Mark Baker and Jeanne have organized a great evening of fun and prizes.
Thank you Alpio Barbara for allowing the club to use your event venue at no charge so more funds will go to St. Vincent De Paul.

April 22nd NEW MEMBERS’ DAY is back in the spring at We-Ko-Pa Resort. Remember to check the calendar for upcoming events on our club website at: az.pca.org
If we haven’t met, please come up and say hello to Ang and I at the next event.
Oops, it looks like we slipped up last month
On Page 4 under “In Every Issue” it should read; 30...Happy PCA Member’s Anniversaries.
On Page 30 the following people were missed; 23 Years - Tom Hebner
18 Years - Charles & Jan Buth
On Page 32 we had the wrong name under Social Chair, it should read; Abby Ercoline
Apologies to all those affected.