Goji berry Advisor

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Goji Berry: Historical and Cultivation Facts, and Some Approved Research Exotic fruits are fruits that are unfamiliar by some people or fruits that are rare and grown in a particular place or country. One of the exotic fruits that gain popularity throughtheir many health benefits aregoji berries. A goji berryis a fruit that belongs to the nightshade family Solanaceae with two main species Lycium barbarum and Lycium chinense. It is cultivated mostly in East and South Asia particular in China, but because of recent agricultural technologies it may now cultivate in some other parts of temperate and subtropical regions. The Chinese use this fruit as a medical alternative for treating ailments since it contains lots of essential compounds, vitamins and minerals. Here are some of the berry’s important facts and research that can help the readers to be more familiar and informed about this superfruit. Lycii fructus is the pharmacological Latin name given for this berry, meaning “Lycium fruit”. The word “Lycium” resembles the Greek word “lycos” which means wolf, that’s why this fruit is also called wolfberry. Goji was derived from the pronunciation of the Chinese word “gǒuqǐ”, a plant that produces goji berries. This goji fruit was classified as berry since the word “goji” itself was possibly obtained from the Persian term “gojeh”, meaning plum or berry. There are many unproven historic claims about this fruit, yet the two most popular are: 1) when the two Chinese poets, Shen Nung Ben Tsao and Liu Yuzi, first wrote about the berry’s ability to rejuvenate body and mind, and to give human strength and longevity; and 2) when the ancient Himalayans first discovered that the fruit gave them energy and healthy body, when the Chinese and Indians passed by, the Himalayans decided to share this superfruit to them. If anyone wants to cultivate goji berries, he should select a place or garden where there is enough sunlight. He should also choose larger space to accommodate the growing capacity of the matured goji shrub. The plant has a versatile adaptation to different types of soil but it must always have a good drainage. If the shrub is cultivated in warmer places, gardeners should

water the goji plant more often; the shrub cultivated in coolerplaces doesn’t require much watering. Anyone can generate income after cultivation and harvesting of goji berries by processing them into useful products. Common goji berryproducts include goji juice, goji tea, dried goji fruits and goji snack bars. These products, because of the berry’s nutritional benefits, can easily sell out in the market. Since goji berries are said to be the nutritional powerhouse, scientists or students become more interested in conducting a research about this superfruit. One of the research found out that goji berries inhibit Macular Degeneration of the eyes. Polysaccharides found in berries improve the body’s immune system. LDL peroxidatin (the bad cholesterol) can be inhibited by the berries’ glycoconjugates. Goji berries can control the DNA damage of testicle cells resulted from the oxidative stress. These are some of the significant facts and research about goji berry. This is useful for the people who want to know more about the fruit and for the researchers who want to perform a further research that may add to the fruit’s essential information and benefits.

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