Studies of STEM applications in countries.

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Studies of STEM applications in countries. Give ideas to the partners by explaining the STEM studies in your country. Thanks. BJK3431 4 ARA 2017, 19:34

Semra AYATA-TURKEY 1-What happens when the cars are old? We watched the video. 2-We designed a car. 3-We made car from different vegetables, fruits, crackers.

Stem car Semra Ayata tarafÄąndan YOUTUBE

Rebeca Falco-SPAIN

CARLA MORAIS-PORTUGAL STEM AND FRUITS As we sang songs about the fruits they heard on the internet, I found that most of the children did not know the name of fruits. For this I introduced a le with fruit images for autonomous use and for use in large group games. I also proposed that each child paint their favorite fruit with watercolors and then the question arose: What is the fruit that most students like? To nd out this answer they were to see the set of painted fruits and elaborated a big graphic with the help of the teacher. They pasted the image and name that corresponded to each fruit in the horizontal column of the graph. In the vertical column, the number of students enrolled in the room was written. Then they counted and recorded, in a large group, painting a rectangle, over the respective fruit. The conclusions reached were as follows: - The fruit that most students like is the banana.

- The fruit that less students like is the g. - The pear is yellow. Then they explored sums and recorded them using numbers and mathematical symbols, various sets of fruits. They reported that: "If we join the three students of the apple, plus a g student,

Journal La Voix Des éColes Hors Série 2 Hors série n°2 - Journal de l' " " L La a V Vo o A l'honneur dans nos cahiers Sommaire : La place des femmes dans la société p Portrait de l'artiste Sylvie Siri et Jeux page 4. Rédaction : Classe de CM2, Mme BERITE Adresse du journal :... CALAMÉO

plus the two students of the pear makes six students, as in the banana. - If we join three grape students and three apple students also give six students, as in the banana. "If we join the two students of the pear with the four students

Semra AYATA-TURKEY 1-What happens when the cars are old? We watched the video. 2-We designed a car. 3-We made car from different vegetables, fruits, crackers.

of the strawberry, it also gives six as in the banana. After this work, the older ones also made this same record on an individual chart and also built a fruit le, to be used autonomously or in a large group, painting the images. To play have to count how many fruits have and match the number of fruits to the right amount, putting in the latter a spring. Those who still do not identify the numbers can count the balls to be easier.

STEM and fruits Carla Morais tarafından YOUTUBE


Cennet Gökşin Yüksel-TURKEY


STEM bridge construction

gökşin yüksel tarafından

Güzide Akdeniz tarafından



Cennet Gökşin Yüksel-Turkey

FİGEN ÇİÇEK Zeyyat Mandalinci İlkokulu (A Greenhouse for food in MARS)



Zeyyat Mandalinci İlkokulu 3/A Sınıfi Erken Stem Projesi Yel Değirmeni Çalışması Shared using GoPro QUİK BY GOPRO

Gabriela Mazilu-ROMANIA

Aslı Ersoy Zeyyat Mandalinci İlkokulu Wind turbine models

Necla Öztürk Mersin Turkey Faris kokulu ilkokulu Trash bin on our table

Aslı Ersoy-Zeyyat Mandalinci İlkokulu

Merve İÇENLER ERTEM, Mersin And then kids come school, presentation their own simple machines rst their classmate, secondly our school students.


Merve İÇENLER ERTEM, Mersin The task we gave to families with kids to make simple machines.

Parents activity for STEM merve içenler tarafından YOUTUBE





STEM machines ok

Çarklı tekne - enes

Necla Öztürk tarafından

Zeynep Aydın tarafından



Rebeca Falco-SPAIN

Nina Bokan-SERBIA

Every Thursday afternoon ANACLETA leaves us an experiment to investigate, analyze and draw our own conclusions... HOW TO STORE A BALLOON WITHOUT WALKING

Merve İçenler Ertem We are building towers




0:30 video PADLET DRİVE



Movie Maker - Kizoa Video Düzenleme Programı: ÖZEL TOROS ANAOKULU KODLUYOR. Suzan yılmaz tarafından



Catch the Future with STEM-Swimming Little Ships.

Betül Şohoğlu Zübeyde Hanım Mtal

Working The Catapult / Catch The Future with Stem Project Nahile Ateş tarafından YOUTUBE

Nahile ATEŞ 75.Year Kındergarten School MUĞLA/TURKEY Examined Bridge Models

Ene Kruzman-ESTONIA

Catch The Future With Stem Project/ Nahile Ateş tarafından YOUTUBE

Ruta Menceviciene-Lithuania Nahile ATEŞ 75.Year Kındergarten School MUĞLA/TURKEY Materials For Catapult

pairs, or trios who perform them, have been combined and negotiated. Some tasks can be to write the date on the board, to mark the time that is, to indicate who came to school and who is missing, etc. Then we have the different areas / activities that are included in the Plan of Activities and that integrate the dynamics of the classroom and through which we work STEM. We have the Mathematics Laboratory, the Science Lab, the Library, the Writing / Computer, the Design, the Constructions / Factory or Engineering, the Painting, the Modeling, the Cutting / Collage and the Symbolic Game. The work is divided between the morning and the afternoon. In the morning, the responsible children mark the presences and the time and make a dynamic that we call "Show, Count, Write" in which children show, tell and / or write about an object, something or an event in the writing notebook. For example a child shows a ower he brought from his house to the teacher and here comes the question "what is the name of the ower?" And as no one knew, a small group will investigate and present the ndings to friends. Later, they indicate in the Activities Plan of the room, where they want to go to play or to work. This work is autonomous and here the teacher supports, encourages children to freely explore different areas / activities, can serve as a registrar or support those who have more dif culties. It is very common for children to be curious about nding answers to some questions and note them in the list of projects to be investigated. This list contains the title of the project they want to study, who will do this project, who supports this group, when the project came up and the date they communicate to the rest of the group what they have discovered on the subject. At the end of the morning is the moment of communication, when the children present the projects they investigated but also tell and show through some

CARLA MORAIS-PORTUGAL First of all, I did not know what STEM was and after researching I saw that I used it daily in my pedagogical practice, even in the development of transversal and interdisciplinary projects. My group of children is heterogeneous and consists of ages ranging from 3 to 6 years of age and their work is guided by projects. In the classroom we have an area for group organization and activities. In this area are some instruments that help, facilitate and monitor all the work developed. We have the picture of the birthdays (which has already been worked with the children) where the name of the month, the number that corresponds to that month, the photograph and the name of those who are years ago. We have the task chart, which is weekly, which lists tasks suggested by the children or by the teacher and for which the

products, what they were doing in a certain area and what they learned. I give as an example, the V. who discovered numbers in mathematics, the G. who built a helicopter in the constructions / factory or engineering and the R. who built a robot, who later drew on the paper, so that it "stayed forever", the P. who discovered in the area of mathematics that two triangles become a square and still G. and V. who are making a "pavement for a road" with the pentamino pieces. We also have a Group Diary, where the children and the teacher can write anytime, on any subject. This instrument has four columns: the rst, is I LIKE (write about positive things), the second is Not Like (write about negative things), the third column is the We did where we wrote the summary of what was done on that most important day and the fourth column is the We want to do and where the children and the teacher write things they want to do or investigate. In the afternoon, a story is always told, suggested by the teacher or by the child, and using books, computers, puppets, theaters or dramatizations, etc. followed by activities guided

by the teacher, by parents or others and that meet interests and needs, in order to clarify some doubts or questions that the children present. Each day of the week is dedicated to a theme. For example, Monday is dedicated to the exploration of stories and writing, Tuesday to the arts, Wednesday to exiting the surroundings and activities with family, Thursday, math and science and the sixth for a meeting where we discussed what happened during the week and that they wrote every day in the Group Diary. It is at this meeting that the rules of the room are combined, negotiated and elaborated.

Eylem Alan Serdaroğlu 75. Year Kindergarten School MUĞLA/TURKEY

stem week portugal Carla Morais tarafından YOUTUBE

Danijela Miličić Trebaticki-SERBIA Catch The Future With Stem Project EYLEM ALAN SERDAROĞLU tarafından YOUTUBE

Eylem Alan Serdaroğlu 75.Year Kindergarten School MUĞLA/TURKEY

Gabriela Mazilu-ROMANIA

Catch The Future With Stem Project EYLEM ALAN SERDAROĞLU tarafından YOUTUBE

Milijana SERBIA, kindergarten ZirićOur Doc bot- new friend


Doc bot and coding Milijana Gajic tarafından YOUTUBE

eTwinning and MindUp Kreativno Pero tarafından YOUTUBE

Danijela Miličić Trebaticki-SERBIA

Ene Kruzman-ESTONIA

Miloš Baković, OŠ "Desanka Maksimović" Kovin Milijana SERBIA, kindergarten Zirić

PASQUALINA PANDISCIA ITALIA My student designed the robotic hand!

Miloš Baković, OŠ "Desanka Maksimović" Kovin

Catch the Future with STEM by linapandiscia on Catch the Future with STEM by linapandiscia on GENİALLY


Lithuania Eglute Works Vida Barinova Lithuania Eglute Works Vida Barinova

Kompiuteris Vida Barinova tarafından



Vida Barinova tarafından YOUTUBE

PASQUALINA PANDISCIA ITALIA We take mini marshmellows and toothpicks: we will use them to study solid shapes !!

Oxana Coroleac-MOLDOVA Children in moldova studied geometric shapes. They decorated and stylized animalille with various ornaments.

Oxana Coroleac-MOLDOVA

Ruta Menceviciene-Lithuania Oxana Coroleac-MOLDOVA

Как покрасить соль гуашью Алёна Валько tarafından YOUTUBE

Vida Bariova

Citrina auginame Vida Barinova tarafından YOUTUBE


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