Impact Report 2023-2024

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Now that the 2024-25 school year and the 5785 Jewish year are each underway, there is time to take a deep breath and reflect on the accomplishments of the past year. Much of what I celebrate is normalcy–a regular school day in which hundreds of students study together with curiosity and skill, guided by our extraordinary faculty; a rich extracurricular program of arts, athletics, and STEM activities and educational travel; and a textured Jewish culture of study and celebration.

The horrors of October 7, 2023 and the war that followed weighed heavily on our hearts all year. We have leaned on one another and found strength in our school. Challenging times remind us of the blessings of our lives. We have been reminded many times over of our school values of Community (Kehillah), Love of Israel (Ahavat Yisrael), and Repairing the World (Tikkun Olam). We have added protections to our two campuses, and strengthened the spirits of our students through special prayers and songs.

It is extraordinary that our school managed to bring the 9th and 12th grades to Israel last year for extended stays in the Holy Land. Their presence in Israel had an enormous impact on the Israelis whom they encountered, and on their own grade. Although the war continues, we plan to run both trips again this year, conditions permitting. It is times like this that remind us of our purpose in life, that make us proud of our remarkable GOA Community.

None of this would be possible without the generous support of donors like you. Each investment makes the future of our school that much stronger, allowing us to pursue our mission to nurture the unique potential of each student through an exceptional Jewish and general studies education.

Todah rabbah–thank you very much!


I am happy to share that the 2024–2025 school year is off to a wonderful start! Our Head of School, Rabbi Danny Nevins, and our entire educational and support staff deserve special thanks for their incredible dedication to our students and the entire Golda Och Academy community.

On October 7, 2023, the world changed. At GOA, our professional team has worked diligently to ensure our students feel safe and supported while providing an age-appropriate understanding of these terrible events. As you may have noticed, we have dramatically increased security; this is part of an ongoing commitment to keep our children safe. While I can’t share every detail, you can expect further enhancements in the coming months.

As a GOA grandparent, I am deeply proud of our mission to educate confident, knowledgeable, and compassionate young Jewish individuals. We proudly uphold our Zionist values and continue to provide our students with a rich Israeli education, including two high school Israel experiences that deepen our children’s connection to our homeland.

I hope you have observed some of the exciting developments at Golda Och Academy. We have welcomed new, well-qualified faculty members and expanded student services to better serve every child’s needs. Our new greenhouse at the Wilf Lower School Campus is state-of-the-art. We are one of the few high schools with a fully operational observatory offering our students a unique learning experience. Additionally, we have significantly improved the lobby and first floor of the upper school.

GOA is much more than a school; we are a community. We are deeply committed to ensuring that every child seeking a Jewish education can receive one. Nearly 60% of our students receive some form of financial aid. Even for families who pay full tuition, the actual cost of education significantly exceeds what they pay. This is why our annual campaign is so critical to closing that gap.

I also want to express my heartfelt gratitude to our dedicated Board of Trustees for their tireless work and devotion to our school. Their efforts, alongside those of our community, make GOA a special place.

On behalf of the entire board, I wish you and your family a Shana Tovah. May you be inscribed and sealed for a year filled with health, blessings, and, above all, peace.

Warm regards,





Dear GOA Community,

D e a r G O A C o m m u n i t y ,

T h e r e i s a s p e c i a l f e e l i n g o f s w e e t n e s s a n d j o y i n t h e a i r a t t h e b e g i n n i n g o f

e a c h n e w s c h o o l y e a r I t s t a r t e d w h e n w e w e l c o m e d b a c k a l u m n i i n A u g u s t

f o r o u r a n n u a l C o l l e g e B B Q e v e n t , c o n t i n u e d d u r i n g F a c u l t y w e e k a s w e m e t

n e w c o l l e a g u e s a n d c u l m i n a t e d w i t h b a c k t o s c h o o l w h e n w e g r e e t e d s o

The past year has been a year of unprecedented challenge for Israel, the Jewish world and our own school community. Following the shocking events of October 7, our school immediately sprung into action welcoming displaced Israeli students and their families; enhancing school security to keep our students safe; supporting our families, faculty and alumni; and advocating for Israel.

m a n y b e a u t i f u l n e w s t u d e n t s a n d f a m i l i e s . I t i s a t r u l y i n s p i r i n g m o m e n t w h e n

w e a l l c o m e t o g e t h e r f o r a n e w y e a r o f l e a r n i n g , g r o w t h a n d o p p o r t u n i t i e s a t


I a m e s p e c i a l l y p r o u d t h a t o u r A d m i n i s t r a t i o n a n d B o a r d o f T r u s t e e s h a v e

t a k e n t r e m e n d o u s s t e p s f o r w a r d i n a d v a n c i n g o u r S t r a t e g i c P l a n ( 2 0 1 9 - 2 0 2 4 )

i n c l u d i n g t h e f o l l o w i n g :

Our support of Israel has never waivered, and our community has shown up in ways I could never have imagined, Last November, when we gathered our 8th-12th grade students, faculty and chaperones in the early morning hours to board the buses to Washington DC for the March for Israel, I was filled will enormous pride that day as we joined the MetroWest Jewish community to demonstrate our support for Israel. I was also flooded with messages and photos of the many alumni, parents and families who went on their own or attended with our MetroWest community. This moment will be engraved on all our minds forever.

O u r e x c i t i n g n e w D r M i c h a e l O c h F a c u l t y E x c e l l e n c e E n d o w m e n t F u n d ,

s u p p o r t e d b y t h e J a n e a n d D a n O c h F a m i l y F o u n d a t i o n a n d t h e W i l f

F a m i l y F o u n d a t i o n h a v e m a d e i t p o s s i b l e f o r u s t o l a u n c h a

t r a n s f o r m a t i o n a l n e w F a c u l t y E x c e l l e n c e I n i t i a t i v e t h a t i s h e l p i n g u s t o

I am also so proud that last year, following October 7, we were able to send our 9th and 12th graders on their full Israel experiences when many other schools made the hard decision to cancel. We are also so proud of our many alumni who have been serving in the IDF active duty and reserves since October 7 and the work of our alumni on campus in fighting antisemitism and supporting Israel.

r e c r u i t a n d r e t a i n t h e f i n e s t f a c u l t y t o o u r s c h o o l

O u r e x p a n d e d S t u d e n t S e r v i c e s p r o g r a m u n d e r t h e l e a d e r s h i p o f L o r i

J a f f e i s s e r v i n g t h e d i v e r s e n e e d s o f o u r s t u d e n t s .

As I think back on this year, together with the enormous challenges, there has been something positive — I have noticed an ingathering of our community. We are having more alumni reunions and more parent gatherings. Donors and alumni families are calling to ask about what we need. One out of town alumnus contacted me to donate for the first time, telling me that he has realized now as an adult with children, how much he appreciated what the school had given him and he wants to make it a priority to support us every year from now on.

A t t h e E r i c F R o s s U p p e r S c h o o l C a m p u s , w e h a v e r e n o v a t e d o u r f i r s t

f l o o r e n t r y w a y , h a l l w a y s , g y m a n d r e s t r o o m s t o e l e v a t e o u r s t u d e n t

e x p e r i e n c e W e a l s o w i l l b e d e d i c a t i n g a n e w O b s e r v a t o r y s o t h a t o u r

s t u d e n t s c a n e n g a g e i n a s t r o n o m y l e a r n i n g F i n a l l y , w e l o o k f o r w a r d t o

f i n a l a p p r o v a l o n o u r W i l f L o w e r S c h o o l G r e e n h o u s e a n d i t s i n s t a l l a t i o n

Thank you to everyone who reached out this year to engage with the school — to check in on how we are doing, to attend an event, serve as a school ambassador or leader, volunteer, give of your time and resources. You have made a difference!

W e h a v e p r o v i d e d n e w a n d e n h a n c e d w a y s t o m a k e o u r s c h o o l a f f o r d a b l e

a n d a c c e s s i b l e t o o u r f a m i l i e s

T h i s h a s a l l b e e n m a d e p o s s i b l e b y g e n e r o u s d o n o r p a r t n e r s t o o u r G o

For the year ahead, we are focused on three main priorities:

F o r w a r d c a m p a i g n , a b o l d f i v e - y e a r c a p i t a l a n d e n d o w m e n t c a m p a i g n

• Expanding ambassadorship in the community to reach more prospective students.

• Growing our GOA Annual Fund from individual donors to beyond $1M.

c h a l l e n g e t h a t i s h e l p i n g u s d r e a m b i g f o r t h e f u t u r e o f o u r s c h o o l .

T h a n k y o u t o a l l t h e d o n o r s w h o h a v e s u p p o r t e d G

• Continuing the exciting Jane and Daniel Och Family Foundation $10M Challenge — our Go Forward campaign that has been supporting our faculty excellence initiative, student services expansion, financial aid and capital improvements.

To learn more or to get involved in any of these critical initiatives, please contact me and let’s have a cup of coffee. Thank you! Am Yisrael Chai.

This transformational capital endowment campaign was launched in 2020 to meet the goals of our 2019-2024 Strategic Plan. Thank you to the Jane and Daniel Och Family Foundation for their challenge gift. All gifts to this campaign are matched 50 percent. Thank you also to our initial group of generous donors. For more information, contact Stephanie Bash-Soudry at

. Donor listing as of June 30, 2024.*

$10M Challenge Gift














Jane and Daniel Och Family Foundation

Wilf Family Foundation

Paula and Jerry Gottesman z”l

Supporting Foundation

The Gottesman Fund

Steven and Lori Klinghoffer Healthcare Foundation of New Jersey

Anonymous Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest


Caren and Larry Rothenberg




Judy and Steven Elbaum

Robyn and Joseph Bier ‘79

Julie and Jonathan Schwartz

Sheryl and Sam Pearlstein

Dr Lynne B Harrison STEM Endowment Fund

Jessica and David Moss

Dr. Miriam Linver and Dr. Matt Askin

Yvette and David Sharret

Sharon and Jimmy Schwarz

Melissa and Lawrence Elbaum ‘98


Tracey and Keith Biebelberg

Shari and Mitch Broder

Pamela ‘02 and Jordan ‘01 Davis

Ruth and Bruce Bier

Jackie and Barry Levine ‘98

Melody and Ken Kurson

Hyde and Watson Foundation

Mindy ‘97 and Alan Schall ‘92

Elizabeth and Jeffrey Bier ‘90

Joan and Harvey Bucholtz

Michele and Jeffrey Landau

Helene and Gary Wingens

Elana Wilf Tanzman and Brett Tanzman

Dr. Skip and Ilana Vichness

Atara Jacobson ‘87 and Scott Bieber

Audrey and Zygi Wilf

Lisa and Felix Buber

Isabel and Steve Berg

Sanford Heller

Anne and Adrian Kroll

Drs. Jill and Eric Sacks

Lisa and Glenn Mechanick

Rachel Schwarz ‘87 and Marc Schiffman

Ariel Helwani and Jaclyn Stein

Supporting Israel





The Arie & Eva Halpern Family Foundation

The Paula and Jerry z”l Gottesman Supporting Foundation

The Gottesman Fund

Healthcare Foundation of NJ






$18,000 TO $24,999



$10,000 TO $17,999



$5,000 TO $9,999

Dr. Miriam Linver and Dr. Matthew Askin

Stephanie Bash-Soudry* and Michael Soudry

Taryn and Gavin Berelowitz



$2,500 TO $4,999


Lilach and Avi Abergel

Sarah and Yuval Brokman

Gladys Halpern

Lori and Steven Klinghoffer

Edward Zinbarg

Robyn and Joseph Bier ‘97

Elizabeth and Jeffrey Bier ‘90

Sharon and David Halpern

Shari* and Erwin Mevorah

Betty Pantirer Schwartz and Howard Schwartz

Wilf Family Foundations

Ruth and Bruce Bier

Stacey and Gene Davis

Rochelle and Brad Denning

Judy and Steven Elbaum

The Arie & Eva Halpern

Family Foundation

Batsheva and Murray Halpern

Heather and Zachary Bier ‘05

Shari and Mitchell Broder

Lisa and Felix Buber

Joan and Dr. Harvey Bucholtz

David and Yaffa Cohen

Pamela ‘02 and Jordan Davis ‘01

Cathy and Bert Distelburger

The Falkenstein Family

Rachel ‘97 and Robert Fink

Cheryl and Mark Friedman

Emily and Jon Gantman

Nomi and Harold Colton-Max

Raquel Getzel Benzaquen and Samuel Benzaquen

GOA Parents Association

Terri and Michael Goldberg

Dr. Marina Gutwein and Dr. Andrew Gutwein

Edith and Elie Haymovitz

Dr. David Knopf

Dr Lynne B Harrison STEM Endowment Fund

The Hyde and Watson Foundation

Jane and Dan Och Family Foundation

Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest

Wilf Family Foundations

Diana Holzman and Dr. Kevin Holzman

Michele and Jeffrey Landau

The Pantirer Family

Shelley and Josef Paradis

Sheryl and Sam Pearlstein

Caren and Larry Rothenberg

Melanie and Steven J. Glass

Amanda and Andrew Gold

Judi Harrison and Steve Gross

Abbi and Jeremy Halpern ‘94

Atara Jacobson ‘87 and Scott Bieber

Marion Jacobson

Eleanor and Marc Kramer

Lynn and Rabbi Daniel Nevins*

Jaclyn and Gonen Paradis ‘98

Amelia Seiden Perlstein ‘96 and Cory Perlstein

Anne and Adrian Kroll

Jill and Eric Lavitsky

Dr. Stacey '89 and David Leibowitz

Jean and Dr. Mark Mandell

Jessica and David Moss

Elisa and Alan Pines

Rachel and Joshua Reisberg '00

Dr. Harvey Rosen

Stacey and Jonathan Sacks

Doris and Mike Saranga

Mindy ‘97 and Alan Schall ‘92

Julie and Jonathan Schwartz

Sharon and James Schwarz

Ilana and Dr. Skip Vichness

Helene and Gary Wingens

Jessica* and Ari Wise

Dr. Jill Sacks and Dr. Eric Sacks


Sharon and Stephen Seiden

Dr. Sharon Stoch and Dr. Aubrey Stoch

Suzanna Grobman and Travis Weiss ‘07

Elana Wilf Tanzman and Brett Tanzman

Dr. Dayna and Eric Zoller

Sedra and Alan Schiffman

Sarah '06 and Evan Schonfeld '06

Yvette and David Sharret '92

Ben Stein

Dr. Dayna and Lawrence Weintraub

Dina and Etan Wiesen

Gayle and Larry Wieseneck



$1,800 TO $2,499

Rose and Victor Ackermann

Claire Akselrad

Lynn and Mark Arian

Leslie Bash

Amy and Jeremy Biloon

Michael Bressman*

Sara Bucholtz '87


Jennifer Carlin*

Leslie Dannin Rosenthal and David S. Rosenthal

Ruth and Daniel Dovdavany

Sara and Brett Fieldston

Abby and Rabbi Mark Finkel

Ethelyn Geschwind

Suzi and Yaron Gohar

Reisha '98 and Michael Goldman

Stefanie Gordon and Jonathan Schenker

Sandy and Jared Green



$1,000 TO $1,799

Karen and Clifford Aaron

Rena '01 and Matt Abrams

Mary Lou Allen

Tracy and Keith Biebelberg

Shelby and Michael Bier '09

Sarah and Scott Bier '92

Andrea and Bryan Bier '78

Heather and Seth Brown



$500 TO $999

Meryl and Mark Berow

Mindy and Evan Blum

Joanne and Elliot Bramnick

Rachel and Jeremy Brown

Laura and Aaron Cohen

Amy and Howard Cohen

Donna and Tom Cohen

Congregation Agudath Israel

Congregation B'nai Tikvah

Alison Berger and Matthew Derkson

Rachel Kanter and Andrew Ely

Hon. Lisa F. Chrystal

Mark E. Colm

Helene and Alan Davis

Dr. Renee Gross and Stuart M. Feinblatt

Diane Gelman and Michael Lichtenstein

Heidi and Brian Goldberg

Burton Henry

Rabbi Meirav Kallush* and Ehud Klinger

Catherine Brown and Larry Kramer

Marci and Joel Koral

Merisa '00 and Asher Fink

Lillian and Steven Finkler

Bernice G. Fleischer

Barbara and Sheldon Freidenreich

Susan and Lewis Gantman

Dara and Adie Garber

Tova Gershen

Brian and Julie Ginsburg Fund

Sarah '04 and Perry Glickman

Dr. Amy B. Glickman and Dr. Alexander Glickman

Michelle and Paul Grobman

Noah Hessdorf '14

Dr. Patricia Hicks Hartman and Dr. Barry Hartman

Audrey and Harvey Hyman

Cheryl and Fred Halpern

Elissa Meth Kestin and Daniel Kestin

Tara '03 and Joshua A. Kipnees '02

Lee and Murray Kushner

Michelle and Jonathan Lamkin

Jacqueline and Barry Levine '98

Louise and Stuart Levine

Dr. Hillary '05 and Dr. Ryan Moore

Jodi and Andrew Moskowitz

Deborah and Steven Nadel

Susan Och and Cantor Brian Kalver

Hilary and Howard Rabner

Alicia and Jonathan Raskin

Dr. Rhonda Rosenberg and Lawrence Obstfeld

Elizabeth Rosenkrantz

Judy and Bennet Schonfeld

Susan and Charles Shapiro

Victoria and Vladimir Shpilsky

Dr. Marc Glashofer and Alison Smith

Yana and Kenneth Weiss

Dr. Steven Winter

Ellen and Peter Zollman

Lisa Tully and Pouya Lavian

Dr. Keren '94 Lebeau and Aryeh Lebeau

Ronni and Mark Lederman

Vicki and Allen Lefkowitz

Edy and Rabbi Alan Lucas

Susan and Benjamin Margulies

Holly and David Munshine

Carol* and Harris Nydick

George Paulick

Dr. Ellen and Dan Ronnen

Joanie Schwarz Rosenthal and Donald Rosenthal

Rachel Schwarz '87 and Marc Schiffman

Ruth and Michael Sherman

Paige and Jason Silberfein

Frema Sobel

Barbara and Dr. Eliot Spack

Rhea Stadtmauer and Janice Maiman

Sherry and Henry Stein

Brenda and Roy Tanzman

Toshiba Business Solutions

Miriam Palmer-Sherman and Rabbi David Vaisberg

Dottie and Donald Wagner

Janice and Michael Wallach

Samuel Kallus '03

Samuel Kopolovich '04

Sarah and Jason Korn

Talya Oberfield and Rabbi Ari Lucas

Elke '96 and Matthew Luftig

Julia Malaga

Ruth and Dr. Michael Margolin

Marian and Keith Marlowe

Lisa and Glenn Mechanick

Fay Novack

NYNJ Bus Charter Service

Andrea and Rabbi Jesse M. Olitzky '02

Sheryl and Rabbi Kerry Olitzky

Roberta Ostrow

Tali and Justin Pines '01

Hanna and Sidney Pollack

Elena and Michael Radine

Dr. Joyce Raynor

Helen and Dr. Steven Schwartz

Karen Secular and Doron Grosman

Daniel Shpilsky '14

Susan and Daniel Stern

Lenette and Lawrence Talpins

Nancy and Joseph Tenenbaum

Heather and Eugene Wishnic

Rachel and Leeor Zorel

Carrie Zucker Siegel '92* and Jeff Siegel



$180 TO $499

Jessica Abramson Mass '07 and Alon Mass

Wendy and Robert Adler

Alexey Aksyonenko '94

Sari* and Rabbi Uri Allen '98

Marcia and Robert Altabet

Jennifer and Dory Altmann

Anonymous (x8)

Sion Aronoff '15

Joanna R. Barna-Stern '02

Stacey Bell-Elder and Darryl Elder

Natasha* and Mordechai Benisty

Leslie and Jason Ben' Ous '96

Michelle and Bruce Berger

Judy and Allan Berger

Ellen and Jonathan Berkowitz

Mimi Bieber

Anne and David Blady

Marjory Bradshaw

Jessica Bramnick '10

Merri and Ned Braunstein

Gail and Leo Bressman

Kineret Brokman Giddens '14

Nancy and Cantor Joel Caplan

Stephanie Carmel

CBL Fine Art, LLC

Eli Cehelyk '13

Sharon and Howard Charish

Judith and Stewart Cohen

Hannah Cohen '15

Rosa Colon Morales and Alexander Nevins

Sharon and Lorne Cytrynbaum

Beth and Robert Daniel

Derech Eretz Fund

Yasmin Deshe and Ben Cheft

Rabbi Paula Drill and Jonathan Drill

Susan and Bernard Edelstein

Hali and Charles Epstein

Lisa and Doni Farkovits

Talia Feldman '17

Rabbi Sue Fendrick and Dr. Ben Kruskal

Lee Fine '00

Miki and Cantor Perry Fine

Cory and Edward Fink

Adrian and Jerry Fischer



Talia Fischer* and Jonathan Moas

Sophie Fischer '23

Janet Warm Fliegelman and Arthur Fliegelman

Eric Fox* and Dan Helmick

Jane and Barry Freeman

Aliza Freud and Joshua McKay

Sally and Mark Friedman

Lorin and Allan Gaffen

Lori and Holly Gladstone

Nancy Gold

Shannon and Jonathan Goldberg

Lisa and Adam Goldberg

Robin and Mark Goldman

Susan and Dr. Eric Goldman

Carol and Philip Goldsmith

Dr. Susan Nakeley and Abraham Greene

Adrienne and Steve Grossman

Naomi Gutstein '13

Dr. Alison Grann and Dr. David E. Gutstein

Craig Guttenplan '00

Carrie Mitnick and Dr. Matthew Hale

Jessica Heller '15

Shulamit '97 and Adam Herbert

Marlene and Ed Herman

Julie and Jonathan Hersch

Ilana Herzberg '09

Judith Hibshoosh

Marie, Pete and Fanya Hoffman

Zachary Isaacs '00

Laura and Jerold Jacobs

Lori Jaffe*

Gena* and Matthew Jarmel

Ava and Harold Jawetz

Marion and Peter Johannsen

Cantor Lorna Wallach and Michael Kalet

Leslie and Marc Kallus

Sue and Sam Kamens

Blair Kaminsky '01

Howard Kaplowitz

Caryn and Michael Karafiol

Fran Karpel

Lisa Kasdan '01

Debbie and Sol Kempinski '80

Susan Kheel

Danielle Klapper and Ronen Rybowski

Genna and Neal Koral

Jane and Ron Kotler

Jean and Morton Kramer

Pia Kutten

Tamir Lance '00

Ethan Landau '20

Rabbi Mary L. Zamore and Dr. Terje Z. Lande

Beverly and Rabbi William Lebeau

Jennifer Marcus and Eric Lebovich

Marilyn and Harold Lefkowitz

Eric Lester '98

Jodi Levin '09

Eileen and David Levitt

Ethan Levy '11

Elizabeth Solomont and Dr. Philip Levy '97

Linker Family Jewish Education Fund

Mina Jo and Dr. Michael Linver

Betsy and Benjamin Lopata

Rachel Love and Jason Grossman

Debra and David Lurie

Ilana Lutman

Rachel and Noah Marcus

Judith and David Margulies

Jolie '10 and Zach Marx

Dr. Jacquelin Holubka and Dr. Gilbert Mayor

Barbara and James McKay

Shannon and Alan Meirzon

Dr. Milinda Carson and Dr. Noel Meltzer

Gloria Rothenberg '13 and Matt Meshberg

Claire and Moises Messulan

Naomi '10 and Dr. Gregory Mullen

Dr. Gudrun Lange and Dr. Benjamin Natelson

Ayelet Nelson and Rabbi Marc Katz

Elaine and Michael Padva

Nancy Pasternak

Michelle and Elliot Pines '07

Einat Pinsker

Dr. Rachel Plafker Esrig and Dave S. Esrig

Jessica and Michael Pollack

Jeannie and Kenneth Prager

Marilyn Pugach

Dr. Deborah Rabner and Hon. Stuart Rabner

Daniel Ramer

Jean Rappaport

Lena and David Romanoff

Rabbi Paula Rose

Debbie and Scott Rosen

Gail and Dennis Roth

Gerri and Gregg Russo

Roni and Richard Sacks

Arielle and Yoni Saposh '97

Emily Schall '22

Rachel and Ian Scheinmann

Miriam and Leon Schenker

Judy and Adam Schlesinger

Stefi Kirschner and Gilbert


Dr. Amy Schonfeld and Dr. Steven Schonfeld

Margot and Marc Schwartz

Lewis Schwarz

Lisa and Samuel Seiden '99

Judith and Dr. Steven Shapiro

Danielle and Eric Sharret

Ella and Michael Shaykevich

Elyse and Noah Shier

Jodi and Ron Silbermann

Lisa and David Slater

Glenn Slavin*

Rita Smith

Arleen z"l and Larry Soberman

Camille and Eliezer Spigler

Ariel and Michael Stein

Erin *and Matt Sternthal

Anne and Stephen Suskauer

Kenneth Tarlowe

Therma G. and Ralph Wechsler Endowment

Rabbi Eric Yaakov Traiger*

Gina Brod-Vinick and Philip B. Vinick

Stephanie and Marc Weinstein

Debra Goldstein and Barton Weinstein

Susan and Stan Weintraub

Debra and Seth Weisleder

Andrew Wingens '10

Aylah and Daniel Winter

Janet Armuth Wolkoff and Neal Wolkoff

Zadie's Bake Shop

Ilana Zalika '92

Violet Zeitlin

Rhea and Karl Zuckerman


$18 TO $179

Tina* and Shem-Tov Abrahamian

Miriam Adelsberg

Yevgeniya Alper and Eliezer Levi

Liza and Liad Amir

Tammy Anagnostis* and Dr. Rob S. Klein*

Anonymous (x27)

Stacey and Dr. Eytan Apter*

Shira Ashkenazi '21

Sara Ashman

At Home Studios

Harriet and Marshall Baker

Sarah Barack and Christopher Berend

Elise and Peter Barack

Jeffrey Bash

Alexander Beigelman '18

Dana Ben-Avi

David Benvent '21

Soufi Bergal

Joshua Berger '20

Andrea* and Mark Berkowitz

Karen and Douglas Berman

Suzanne and Charles Berman

Logan Biebelberg '20

Lindsay Biebelberg '17

Jessica Bielski Akhavan '11

Nina Bilmes*

Emily Binstein '17

Aaron Blady '10

Lilach and Yaron Bluevise

Stephanie Blum '11

Myriam and Brian Bostwick

Allyson Bramnick '13

Martha and Saul Brenner

Marc Bressman

Ellen B. Brickman

Zachary Broder '14

Randi and Oron Brokman

Debbie and Ferencz Brull

Dr. Beverly Brysk

Adam Butensky '08



Anne Cannon '17

Rachel '13 and Max Cardin

Robin and Allan Chernoff

Jaclyn Cistaro*

Marisa and Seth Cohen

Ilene and Eran Cohen

Zephyr and Rabbi Martin Cooper

Emery Coopersmith '11

Harry Czinn

Moriel Daniel '10

Naomi Danis

Stacey* and Oren David

Ayelet '06 and Matthew Davids

Lori Applebaum De Picciotto and Eric De Picciotto

Michael Eagan

Marisa Edelstein* and Abraham Hsieh

Eileen and Robert Elkin

Joan Ely

Suzanne Epstein*

Sepideh Eshaghian and Jonathan Hakakian

Elsa and Baruch Farbiarz

Tara and Gregory Feig

Deborah and Henry Feinberg

Dr. Russet and Samuel Feldman

Amanda Feldman '19

Debra Feldman*

Dena Feldman '19

Ruth and Lawrence Fineberg

Aviva Braun-Finkler and Gary Finkler '02

Gittel Footerman

Elan Footerman '16

Amelia Foust

Emily and Ari Fox

Madeline and Joel Frances

Ev Friedman '10

Robin and Rabbi Stephen Garfinkel

Lori and Robert Gelman

Irene and Barry Gilbert

Linda and William Glasofer

Meegan Gliner* and David Frifield

Sara Gold Rafel

Samantha Goldberg '10

Rabbi Sheryl Katzman and Rabbi Elliot Goldberg

Dr. Eric Goldman

Rebecca Goldstein

Joy Goldstein '92 and Ron Eibschutz

Marsha '90 and Philip Goldwasser

Stacey Sern and Jonathan Greenberg

Sarit and Michael Greenman

Phyllis Grinspan

Dr. Lauren Grinspan and Ari Grinspan

Dr. Samara Grossman*

Whitney Gruhin '07

Shoshana and Jeremy Gutmajer

Jacob Gutstein '16

Benjamin Gutstein '20

Dana Halpern '15*

Robin Halpern

Jacob Halpern '18

Scott Hanauer '10

Audrey and Leonard Hassan

Sophia Heimowitz '18

Jonah Heimowitz '20

Rabbi Jason Herman '95

Harriet and Michael Hessdorf

Dr. Rebecca Hibshoosh and Ron Hibshoosh

Dr. Jennifer Hirsch and Eric Reimer

Prof. Sabrina S. Hirsh and Jeremy Hirsh

Rebecca and Dan Horn

Courtney Ginsberg and Paul-Michael Huseman*

Hana Ibrahimian*

Della Irby*

Dr. Leora and Rabbi Ronald Isaacs

Dr. Eliana Jacobson

Robin and George Johannsen

Andrew Joseph '99

Shira Kalet '17

Joshua Kalet '19

Allison and Joshua Kanter

Wendy and Henry Kaplowitz

Ilena Kasdan*

Rabbi Herbert Kavon

Dr. Shira Kelmanovich* and Joseph Kelmanovich

Haila and David Kimball

Irina Gomelskaya and Michael Kishelev

Renee and Marc Klar

Emily and Kevin Kline

Marilyn and Allen Kohan

Tamar Kornblum '00

Linda and Steven Korsin

Rachel Kramer '16 and Ben Plotnick

Arielle '08 and Matt Kuzdral

Elizabeth Lacher

Rebecca Landau '18

Allyson Landau '20

Evelyn and George Lander

Margie and Jason Langer*

Paul Langer

Fran and Les Langer

LeeAnn Langer '09

Francoise Lavitsky

Judy Leeds

Katya and Daniel Levine

Ellen and Fred Levine

Randy and Carl Levy

Tara Lloyd '03

Lisa and Eric Lopata

Leda and Robert Lubin

Sam Lurie '19

Stacey Maines

Aliza and Benjamin Mann

Sheila Marx

Aliza* and Rabbi Richard Mayer*

Dr. Liati Mayk-Hai* and Mr. Doron Hai

Lauren Prager Mechaly '00 and Jonathan Mechaly '00

Marion Medow

Sophie Milrom '05 and Eitan Melamed '97

Maya '13 and Elan Meltzer '13

Margaret and Warren Meth

Harris Mevorah '15

Danielle Mevorah '21

Dr. Ilysa Michelson and Dr. Evan Michelson

Jamie Mittleman

Andrew Mittleman*

Debbie and Yaacov Moallem

Michelle Moallem and Joshua Greenfield

Leaat Modiano '00

Jill and Stephen Montag

Rachel and Moshe Moran

Gil Moran '16

Carol Schlitt and Alan Morley

Roz Moskovitz-Bielski

Alex Moskowitz '18

Salome and Aron Nadel

Adele and Paul Nagelberg

Sara Natelson Berger '94

Dr. Yosefa Lebeau and Dr. Dov Nelkin

Aaron Nessel '13

Sandi and Michael Newman*

Carole Newman

Claire Nierenberg

Philip Nydick '11 and Dani Hauser

Shari and Charles Ornstein

Joanne Palmer and Andrew Sherman

Penny and Martin Parilis

Noah Pearlstein '15

Aaron Pearlstein '18

Miriam and Thomas Pedler

Richard Perini


Joan and Gerald Pinsker

Shuly and Joshua Prager

Nila Pusin*

Sandy Pyonin*

Christine and Selim Rakib

Jonathan Raport '22

Miriam and Marc Reimer

Karen and Jay Reinhard

Erica Resnick

Irene Resnick

Arianna Robbins '14

Saul Rochman

Elijah Rockman '15

Esther Rosenberg Simon

Evy Eisenstein and Stephen Rothstein

Sam Rubinstein '13

Samuel Russo '18

Lee and Stan Saal

Linda and Bruce Savid

Susan and Gary Scheer

Fran and Marc Schlenoff

Elaine and Dr. Seymour Schlossberg

Evan Schmidt '06

Linda and Philip Schmidt

Lori and Dr. Joshua Schor

Li and Dean Schuman

Andrew Schwartz '16

Candace and Steven Schweitzer

Gavriella and Dan Semaya

Jessica Abramson Mass ’07 and Alon Mass

Rose and Victor Ackermann

Heather and Zachary Bier ’05

Joan and Dr. Harvey Bucholtz

Pamela ’02 and Jordan Davis ’01

Jane and Barry Freeman

Jo Marie Freud

Dr Lynne B Harrison

Jaclyn Stein and Ariel Helwani

Diana Holzman and Dr. Kevin Holzman

The Hyde and Watson Foundation

Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest

Jocelyn ’01 and Gregory Klar ’98

Barbara and Isaac Shallit

Gloria and Igal Sharret

David Shepard '16

Andrea '95 and Joshua Sherman

Maria Topel and Lev Shpilsky

Samara and Alexander Siegel

Tova Silberman*

Dr. Mark Silk

Pearl Silva

Jennifer Sinoway*

Shira and Mitchell Skolnick

Sayde Slobodien '14

Rachel Slobodien '16

Harrison Slobodien '16

Heather Smith*

Ellen Seidman and David Smokler

Dara and Michael Soberman

Gabriela Solomon '16

Arielle Solomon '16

Nadav Soudry '20

Benjamin Soudry '16

Maya Soudry '21

Shlomit Stein and Nuno Guerreiro

Jesse Stricof '13

Mara and David Suskauer

Olivia and Jacob Susskind '11

Benjamin Susskind '13

Jenna Sykoff-Schwartz and Jonathan Schwartz

Lori and Steven Klinghoffer

Eleanor and Marc Kramer

Dr. Jacquelin Holubka and Dr. Gilbert Mayor

Dr. Hillary ’05 and Dr. Ryan Moore

Jessica and David Moss

Samara and Alexander Siegel

Daphna Simon and Asaf Katzir

Spotlight Advisors, LLC

Dina and Etan Wiesen

Audrey and Zygi Wilf

Elana Wilf Tanzman and Brett Tanzman

Mera and Boris Talinovsky

Mikayla Talmud '17

Becky and Marc Tauber

Haley '07 and Max Vogel

Wilhelmina Waldman and Yossi Harosh

Roberta Wallach

Rabbi Arthur Weiner

Rabbi Stephanie Dickstein and Dr. Marc Weinstein

Aliza and Stuart Weinstock

Rachel and Zeev Weitz

Judith and David Weitz

Jonathan Wingens '15

David Wingens '19

Amy Winiker Forrest '06 and Andrew Forrest

Fran Witherington

Gabrielle Wolberger '13

Danielle Wolberger '11

Margie and Barry Wolfe

David Wolkoff '10

Lucy and Richard Zaslow

Emilie Zaslow and Eric Braverman

Dorit Zimerman and Julien Wochenmarkt

Hannah and Adam Zollman

Julie Zucker Krider '95 and Greg Krider

12th Grade Neshama Families



Ed Zinbarg



Gladys Halpern

Sharon and David Halpern

Dr Lynne B Harrison



Murray and Batsheva Halpern

Mindy ’97 and Alan Schall ’92



Avi, Lilach, Yael ’22 & Noa Abergel

Gavin and Taryn Berelowitz

Abbi and Jeremy Halpern ’94

Lori & Steven Klinghoffer

Eleanor & Marc Kramer

The Kurson Family

Sacks Orthodontics, LLC

Julie & Jonathan Schwartz

Summit Dental Partners

Wilf Family Foundations

Audrey & Zygi Wilf

Jessica & Ari Wise

Dr. Dayna & Eric Zoller



Bieber-Jacobson Family

Pamela ’02 & Jordan Davis ’01

Terri & Michael Goldberg




Heather and Zachary Bier ’05

Robyn & Joseph Bier ’79

Brown & Brown

Felix, Lisa, Theo, Marlo & Rae Buber

Joan & Harvey Bucholtz

Cathy & Bert Distelburger

Dr. Matt Askin & Miriam Linver & Family

Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest NJ

Kaufmann & Abrams Families

Kroll Commercial Realty, LLC

Lee and Murray Kushner

Michele & Jeffrey Landau

Bill & Amy Lipsey

Debbie, Steve, Matt ’17 & Amanda Nadel ’19

Rabbi Kerry & Sheryl Olitzky

Sam & Sheryl Pearlstein

The Perlstein Family

Rachel, Joshua ’00, Benjamin, Samuel & Jacob


Caren and Lazer Rothenberg

Ann & Mel Schaffer

Sharon & Stephen Seiden

Shari & Mitch Broder

Yvette, David ’92, Sam, Isaac & Levi Sharret

Rabbi Bob & Deborah Slosberg

Elana & Brett Tanzman

Temple B’nai Jeshurun

Yana & Kenneth Weiss



Amy, Jeremy, Aly & Mia Biloon

The Brokman Family

Stacey & Gene Davis

Lisa, Ben ’06, Arielle ’09 & Ilana Herzberg ’09

Jessica, David & Aaron Moss

Rachel Schwarz ’87 & Marc Schiffman

Sharon & Jimmy Schwarz

Yarosh and Moritz Families




Alison Smith & Dr. Marc Glashofer

Biebelberg & Martin, LLC Attorneys-at-law

Camp Ramah in the Berkshires

CCS Fundraising

Cooperman Barnabas Medical Center

Melissa & Lawrence Elbaum ’98



Lynn & Mark Arian

Amy & Jason Black

Merri & Ned Braunstein

Jennifer Carlin


Sharon & Howard Charish

Congregation B’nai Israel, Millburn

Morning Minyan Congregation Beth El

Congregation Beth El Board of Trustees & Staff

Congregation Beth El Men’s Club

Ada Beth & Chuck Cutler

Dobbs Autobody, Brad & Rochelle Denning

Eric Fremed

Adie & Dara Garber

Holly, Lori & Logan Gladstone

Amanda & Jeff Haberman and Benjy & Meryl

Brown and Families

The Helwani Family

Highland Park Conservative TempleCongregation Anshe Emeth

Elaine & Dan Katz

Kaufman Stairs, Inc.

Jeri & Dr. Hal Kimowitz

Steve and Beena Levy

Talya Oberfield & Ari Lucas

Rabbis Ari Lucas, Jason Fruithandler, Howard

The Bucholtz/Feldman Family

Jacqueline & Barry Levine

Rabbi Jesse ’02 and Andrea Olitzky

Rabbi Abigail Treu, Oheb Shalom Congregation

Don & Dottie Wagner

Tillman, Adam Baldachin & Ethan Witkovsky

Rachel & Noah Marcus

Stephanie, Jonthan, Isabelle & Gabrielle

Marks/Zellan Family

Emily & Brian Neider

Rabbi Daniel & Lynn Nevins

Cayla, Noah, & Hannah Olitzky

Rabbis Yael Hammerman & Joshua Rabin

Resolution Counseling Center

Heidi Rivkin and Benjamin Jacobs

Leslie Dannin Rosenthal & David Rosenthal

Gail & Dennis Roth

Henry & Linda Salmon

Rabbi Craig & Nancy Scheff

Marcia and Jeff Schwartz

Stephanie and Michael Soudry

Brenda & Roy Tanzman

Heather, Eugene, Jonas ‘24, Margot and Vivian Wishnic

Zadie’s Bake Shop

Rachel & Leeor Zorel




Sari and Uri Allen ’98

Alison Berger & Matthew Derkson

Dory, Jennifer, Jonah & Rebecca Altmann

Ariele Cohen & Sree Velicheti

Joani & David Ascher

Michelle & Bruce Berger

Ellen & Jonathan Berkowitz

Colton-Max Family

Richard & Janet Conn

Daniel Kestin & Elissa Meth Kestin

Rabbi Paula & Jonathan Drill

Abby & Mark Finkel, Liora ’18, Eliana ’24 & Doron ’24

Sheldon & Barbara Freidenreich

Erika & Bill Gold

Stacey Sern & Jonathan Greenberg

Laura & Jeffrey Greif

Kitah Aleph Friends & Families

Keren ‘94, Aryeh, Mimi, & Caleb Lebeau

Herman, Adele, Max & Debbi Lebersfeld

Francine Levine

Louise & Skip Levine

Jackie & Michael Levinson

Judith Lieberman

Liv Breads Artisan Bakery & Coffee Bar

Maple Kosher Meats

Lisa and Glenn Mechanick

Lauren & Mike Morris

Rabbi Elliot Goldberg & Rabbi Sheryl Katzman

Joshua & Debra Rednik

Elizabeth Rosenkrantz

Sandy Sachs

Susan & Ephraim Schachter

Sarah, Ian, Gabe & Lacey Schwartz

Dina & Etan Wiesen

Sherry Woocher

Rita Yohalem & family


We were thrilled that GOA was able to host a full year of in-person alumni events that brought hundreds of GOA alumni of all ages together again! From the college BBQ, to class reunion, Shabbat dinner, NYC sushi night, our alumni loved getting together with their classmates and meeting new GOA friends. In March, our Alumni Society hosted its first ever Day of Giving which was a huge success. To get involved, please contact our Alumni Engagement Coordinator Dana Halpern ’15 at College Alumni Basketball Game Class of 2018



David and Pauline Schwartz


Bryan and Andrea Bier

Solon and Vivian Kandel


Joseph and Robyn Bier


Sol and Debbie Kempinski


Amy Skopp Cooper and Rabbi Mark Cooper


Naomi and Joshua Katz


Sara Bucholtz

Atara Jacobson and Scott Bieber

Rachel Schwarz and Marc Schiffman


Dr. Stacey Leibowitz and Mr. David Leibowitz

Ms. Debbie Warman


Jeffrey and Elizabeth Bier

Marsha and Philip Goldwasser

Gil and Sari Schorr


Mark Kaplowitz


Scott and Sarah Bier

Dr. Sean Enis and Dr. Madeline Fields

Joy Goldstein and Ron Eibschutz

Pamela Katzman Rubin

Julia Loytsker-Borish

Avi Maidenberg

Alan and Mindy Schall

David and Yvette Sharret

Ilana Zalika

Carrie Zucker Siegel and Jeff Siegel


Alexey Aksyonenko

Jeremy and Abbi Halpern

Ariel Jacobs

Dr. Keren Lebeau and Aryeh Lebeau


Rabbi Jason Herman

Julie and Reuben Kopel

Andrea and Joshua Sherman

Julie Zucker Krider and Greg Krider


Jason and Leslie Ben’Ous

Rachael Goldman, Ph.D.

Elke and Matthew Luftig

Amelia and Cory Perlstein


Rachel and Robert Fink

Shulamit and Adam Herbert

Hayley and Scott Prochazka

Yoni and Arielle Saposh

Mindy and Alan Schall


Lawrence and Melissa Elbaum

Samuel Freeman

Reisha and Michael Goldman

Gregory and Jocelyn Klar

Eric Lester

Barry and Jacqueline Levine

Jaci and Gonen Paradis


Andrew Joseph

Emily Kaplowitz

David and Dr. Courtney Pantirer

Samuel and Lisa Seiden

Amy Watenmaker


Merisa and Asher Fink

Craig Guttenplan

Zachary Isaacs

Rachel and Konrad Konik

Joshua and Rachel Reisberg


Rena and Matt Abrams

Jordan and Pamela Davis

Nataliya Dragoman

Sara and Brett Fieldston

Blair Kaminsky

Lisa Kasdan

Jocelyn and Gregory Klar

Evan and Lindsay Majzner

Marc and Shana Pantirer

Rabbi Justin and Tali Pines

Jenny Verbitsky


Joanna R. Barna-Stern

Pamela and Jordan Davis

Gary Finkler and Aviva Braun-Finkler

Leora Holzer

Joshua and Tara Kipnees

Eric D. Knapp

Hannah S. Meyer

Rabbi Jesse Olitzky and Andrea Olitzky


Michelle Bandes

Mallory and Mark Fisch

Samuel Kallus

Stephan Kallus

Tara and Joshua Kipnees


Sarah and Perry Glickman

Jody and Mike Lurie

*(As of 6-30-24) Including all gifts from 2023-24.


Heather and Zachary Bier

Dr. Hillary Moore and Dr. Ryan Moore

Marc Raiken

Yudit Svirsky

Daniel and Aylah Winter


Ayelet and Matthew Davids

Ariel Deshe

Jaime Levy

Neil Newman

Evan and Jennie Schmidt

Sarah and Evan Schonfeld

Amy Winiker Forrest


Jessica Abramson Mass and Alon Mass

Ethan Cohen

Cindy Gallin

Whitney Gruhin

Elliot and Michelle Pines

Alanna and Jason Steinberg

Travis Weiss and Suzanna Grobman


Dr. Adam Butensky

Alexander Coopersmith

Arielle and Matt Kuzdral

Zachary Stern and Danielle Wolberger


Dr. Michael and Shelby Bier

Joelle Bryk

Aaron Czinn and Elianna Kaplowitz

Dr. Joseph Gutowski

Arielle Herzberg

Ilana Herzberg

LeeAnn Langer

Jodi Levin


Ethan Berenzweig

Aaron Blady

Jessica Bramnick Amir

Samantha Bronster

Moriel Daniel

Jonathan Epstein

Samantha Goldberg

Gideon Grossman

Scott Hanauer

Adam Karp and Shayna Lupu

Sydney Kempler

Jolie Marx

Naomi and Dr. Greg Mullen

Andrew Wingens

David Wolkoff


Jessica Bielski Akhavan

Stephanie Blum

Emery Coopersmith

Emily Gutowski

Ilan Kaplan

Philip Nydick and Ms. Dani Hauser

Donna Ra’anan-Lerner

Carly Rabner

Lee Rosenthal

Jesse Talmud

Justin Weissbrod

Danielle Wolberger and Zachary Stern


Mindy Fliegelman Marcus

Rabbi Jesse Nagelberg

Joshua Pearlstein


Allyson Bramnick

Rachel Cardin

Eli K. Cehelyk

Jared Fineberg

Naomi Gutstein

Jessica Hutter

Arielle Kaplan

Maya and Elan Meltzer

Gloria Meshberg

Aaron Nessel

Samuel Rubinstein

Rafaella Schor

Amanda Schuman

Rose Shapiro

Jesse Stricof

Eddie Torgman

Gabrielle Wolberger


Zachary Broder

Kineret Brokman Giddens

Rebecca Carmel

Mira Davis

Noah Hessdorf

Evan and Gavi Klein

Elana Marlowe

Daniel Shpilsky

Sayde Slobodien

Ziva Wernick


Julian Biller

Hannah Cohen

Talia and Craig Epstein

Dana Halpern

Noah Pearlstein

Jordan Schenker

Jonathan Wingens


Maxwell Bruch

Jacob Gutstein

Sara Hessdorf

Rachel Kramer

Rebecca Marcus

Arielle Matuszewicz

Gil Moran

Andrew Schwartz

Harrison Slobodien

Rachel Slobodien

Arielle Solomon

Gabriela Solomon

Benjamin Soudry


Lindsay Biebelberg

Emily Binstein

Emily Blum

Anne Cannon

Talia Feldman

Julia Gaffen

Shira Kalet

Mikayla Talmud

Samuel Zimerman


Andrew Antiles

Alexander Beigelman

Jacob Halpern

Rebecca Landau

Ethan Levy

Alex Moskowitz


Dena Feldman

Aytan Geschwind

Joshua Kalet

Sam Lurie


Assaf Arieh

Jonah Bieber

Daniel Gohar

Benjamin Gutstein

Allyson Landau

Ethan Landau

Nadav Soudry


Shira Ashkenazi

David Benvent

Ari Bieber

Kayla Blecherman

Marin Gold

Yakira Kress

Michael Lurie

Danielle Mevorah

Matthew Saperstein

Maya Soudry


Eve Askin

Ozzie Landy

Emily Schall

Hannah Stoch


Russell Moss

Former Students

Danielle and Jonathan Auerbach

Charles and Suzanne Berman

David and Leslie Brooks

Yasmin Deshe and Ben Cheft

Daniel and Jane Och

Jonathan Och and Rita Halbright

Susan Och and Cantor Brian Kalver

Jonathan and Julie Schwartz

Eric and Danielle Sharret

Kenneth Tarlowe




Thank you to our incredible Parents’ Association for all they do to partner with our administrative team to support our Jewish community at Golda Och Academy.

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