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Keianna summers & the breakthrough story we all need to hear.
We are proud to introduce you to Kianna Summers, one of the many new faces in the beauty industry who you need to know. As someone who grew up in a household where domestic violence was common to someone who attempted suicide and still made a name for herself, Kianna's story is one we all need to hear. It is an honor for me to share her story. Initially, I discovered Kianna while scrolling through social media. She shot breathtaking self portraits and was working on her own magazine. "I have always filmed my life growing up. I never realized how much I loved it until someone pointed it out to me. I went to film school and realized, even more, the passion I had, not just for photography but for film and TV.", she said. The magazine, on the other hand, has not been released yet. Due to issues with the company she booked with, the release will occur early in 2023. It was in 2020 that Kianna became the victim of sexual harassment and kidnapping. While in school, she worked for WWE, but due to Covid, she lost her job. In need of work, a friend helped her get a cleaning job that consisted of 12 hour shifts and cleaning parking lots. "I actually really enjoyed my job there too

I realized I loved to clean and noticed how dirty things were that needed help." One strange night she noticed her supervisor not only arrived to work late but began making strange advances at her during their route. Summers stated that she experienced inappropriate touching, horrible conversations, and death threats for more than 20 hours. "Each and every single location we stopped at, I was assaulted." After Kianna convinced the predator to let her use the restroom at Publix, she hid there until the police arrived. In spite of the fact that he had never been charged, she later found out that he had repeated this act countless times with his youngest being 16 years old at the time. Additionally, the company she worked for offered no assistance and silenced her. Following the incident, Kianna struggled with memory loss, self-love, and more, but as of 2022, she feels absolutely incredible. "I have traveled to Atlanta, New York, and even Los Angeles to chase my dreams. I have put together amazing teams and created some amazing things for myself and others.", she states. What advice would you give to other women in this situation? "No job is worth your life. Listen to your gut THE FIRST TIME! I thought I was overreacting because I was a woman working in a field full of men, but I wasn't." Since stepping onto the runway, Kianna's life has taken a 360 degree turn. What has been the best and worst thing about being a part of the beauty community? Best thing: The thrill, the ability to create and express yourself, and the people you meet. Worst thing: Not enough exposure for black creatives, too many people who would rather compete than build, and the lack of beauty schools not teaching how to do hair and makeup on POCs. How can that world make it better for future models? FEED US FOOD! Haha! But yes, feed your models. I know this seems like such a foolish thing to say, but so many models have this fear of eating. I believe agencies and social media can limit the pressures of modeling. You do not need to be a size 2. Also, the world can make it better by providing simple things like food and water on EVERY SET. Teach models how to build. It isn't about just your looks, but it is about your heart's posture and your attitude.

What does it feel like to finally live the dream you've worked so hard for? It feels so amazing! I flew to Los Angeles with less than $100 dollars in my pocket for the first time ever and it was a huge leap of faith! I flew out alone for a fashion show and I was only supposed to stay for 4 days, but I ended up staying for 2 weeks! I was given a game show hosting job while there and my life has forever changed this year! Live Play Bingo w/ Hosts is the game in the app store! The years of stress, tears, and persevering is all worth it because I am now living the start of my dreams. I always do what I say I would, whether it takes a day, a month, or a year, it'll happen. I owe it all to God of course! Shoutout to Johnny Navarro, Tomas Rosales, and my girl Elizabeth Martinez for giving me a home to stay at while in Los Angeles for my first time! Is there any advice you can give to women who are scared to enter the beauty world? Just do it baby! Just because it's a cutthroat industry doesn't mean you can't make it. It is way more inclusive now than ever before. Enter in and be yourself! To my skinny girls, don't let casting directors make you feel like you aren't thick enough. To my plus size girls, don't allow the industry to make you feel like you aren't skinny enough. To my girls in between the two, love on your hips dips, curves, and slim thickness in every single way and go for it! There is really room for you! But BE YOURSELF and COME AS YOU ARE. The future holds plenty of promise for Kianna as she expands her modeling portfolio, relaunches her publication, and expands her hosting resume. Her goals include moving into her own place and building with other creatives, shedding light on what seems impossible. Having accomplished what seemed impossible, I know she's capable of anything