ABOUT Amilcare Ponchielli
Ponchielli'sparentswerepoorshopkeepersinwhosebackroomshewasbornAugust31,1834 GiovanniPonchielliandCaterinaMorawereengagedastabacchi,atypeof smallbusinessfoundinItalytoday.PadernoFasolarowasasmallagriculturalhamletlocatedaboutsixmilesfromtheprovincialcapitol,Cremona.Amilcare'smusical talentappearedveryearlyandalocalcount,GiovanniBattistaJacini,providedascholarshiptotheMilanConservatoryforhimin1843wherehismainteacherswere FeliceFraseandAlbertoMazzucato.WhileattheconservatoryhecomposedawiderangeofmusicalgenreamongwhichtheinstrumentalworkScenacampestrewas particularly notable Upon his graduation in 1854, Ponchielli located to Cremona where he became active in its musical life and enjoyed the support of the composer RuggeroMannawhowasorganistinthecathedralandconductorinthelocaltheater.TomakeendsmeetPonchielliservedasanorganistandasaconductorinvarious operahousesthroughoutnorthernItaly Histwelve-yearcareerasabandmasterdevelopedfromthissameneed Ponchielli'scompositionalendeavorswerenotconfinedtothebandmediumduringthisperiod,however Asearlyas1856hepresentedhisoperaPromessisposi(basedon Alessandro Manzoni's novel) in the Teatro concordia in Cremona. Two operas, La Savoiarda (1860) and Roderigo re dei Goti (1863), enjoyed some success. In 1868 Ponchielli won a competition for a position in counterpoint and fugue at the Milan Conservatory; however, he lost out when the search committee appointed Franco Faccioinstead.Ponchielli'ssuccesswasassuredin1872whenasecondversionofPromessisposiwasperformedattheTeatroDalVermeinMilan.Theprimadonnawas TeresaBrambillawhowouldmarryPonchielliin1874
Sometime during 1872-73 Ponchielli moved to Milan where he was engaged by Giulio Ricordi who had taken over from Fernando Lucca with whom Ponchielli had publishedseveralearlyworks ThisrelationshipwasfraughtwithproblemsandmayhavebeenareasonfortheunevennessofsomeofPonchielli'slaterworks 1873was aninfertileyearwhiletheballetLeduegemellewasperformedatLaScalain1874 RicordicommissionedtwoworksforthefuneralofManzoni,butthosehavebeenlost Afuneralmarchforband,PerifuneralidiManzoni,(andproducedforvariouspianocombinations)doessurvive AcomicchamberoperaIlparlatoreeternowasstaged in Lecco that same year The "grand" Italian opera I Lituani was also officially debuted at La Scala It was re-done and revived in 1875 and was performed in St Petersburgin1885asAldona AnascendantLithuaniawasnotapopulartopicinRussiaatthattime
Ponchiell'sgreatestsuccessarrivedin1876withthepremieratLaScalaofLaGioconda WithalibrettobyArrigoBoito(writingunderthepseudonym"TobiaGorrio") PonchielliwashailedasthesuccessortotheagedGiuseppeVerdi.ThefinalversiondidnotarriveuntilaperformanceinGenoain1879.Otherlibrettiweresetaround thistime,butnofinalworkseverappearedinPonchielli'slifetime
Asaconductor,PonchielliwasinvolvedwithperformancesofworksbyMassenetandWagneraswellasItaliancomposers HisoperaIlfiglioprodigowasproducedatLa Scalain1879withfewlaterperformances.Ponchielli'slastyearsweredevotedtotwopositions:professorattheMilanConservatoryandMaestrodicapellaatSt.Mary Major in Bergamo (after 1882) Among his students in Milan were Giacomo Puccini (1858-1924), Pietro Mascagni (1863-1945), and musicologist, Giovanni Tebaldini (1864-1952). A curious inversion occurs when, upon hearing a late work by Ponchielli, many are moved to compare it to the better-known works by Puccini. A tepid receptiongreetedhislastoperaMarionDelormeuponitspremieratLaScalain1885
OnJanuary8,1886Ponchielliwasbroughthomefromtheconservatorybyhisstudents,toofatiguedtoteach,thankstoarespiratoryinfection Hisdeathfollowedon January16,1886.Intheaftermathofhisdeath,thetheaterinCremonawasrenamedTeatroPonchielli,PadernoFasolarobecamePadernoPonchielli,andastatueofa maturePonchielliwascommissionedthatnowresidesinthePiazzaRoma
Clarinets-10Players;Cornet Flugelhorn-4Players;Genis Horns-3Players;Trumpets-5Players;Bombardini-2Players;Trombones-4Players;Tubas -3Players;Percussion-2Players
SINFONIA PER BANDA op. 153, PP.143.9
Twenty-twoyearsafterPonchiellicomposedanend-of-schoolyearprojectthathelaterreworkedforbandinPiacenza,hecomposedasecond,originalSinfoniafor band Theappellationasa"2aSinfonia"wasnotappendeduntilacoverwasmadeforthesescoresafterPonchiellihadleftCremona Accordingtotheconcertprograms in Il Corriere Cremonese, it may never have been performed by Ponchielli, as he seems to have ended his activities as capobanda in early 1873. In fact, the 1874 performancewouldhavebeennearthetimeoftheveryshortcareerofAndreaGuarneri(1840-1899)ascapobandainCremona ThedualVicemaestri,AchilleBissocoli andGiuseppeCesura,werethemostlikelypersonstohavedirectedit.Thetitlepagefurtheridentifiesthesiteoftheband'srehearsalsandschoolasbeinglocatedinthe monasteryassociatedwiththeDominicanchurchthatheldthetombofAntonioStradivari Already,partoftoday'sPiazzaRoma,thechurchofSt Dominichadbeen destroyedandhadbecomeasiteofbandconcerts.
Inspiteoftheobvioussophisticationofthescoring,theroleoftheeditorremainsconsiderableduetoPonchielli'sfree-wheelingapproachtoscoring TheopeninginBflatMinorreturnsbrieflybeforethecadentialrushattheend,minusakeysignaturechange.Itisonlyfromaccidentalsthatonecandeducethatfiveflatsarerequired. Further,therearepassageswheretherearemorenotesthanplayers,leavingthefinalvoicinguptorehearsals Inspiteofalltheseconcerns,Ponchielliobviouslyspenta greatdealoftimeinpreparingthematerialsforthefinalscoring.
The overall structure can be seen in the re-scored Sinfonia from his early student days in Milan and his own transcription of La Savoiarda, ie, a slow introduction followedbyapresentationofseveralthemesinminorandthenmajor,allwrappedupinalivelycoda.Themasterworkofthispieceisitsthree-partfugalintroduction (withcountersubjectsandrealanswers)followedbyatypeofthematictransformationthroughoutthatreliessolelyuponthemotifspresentedinthefugalentry This motivictechniqueisnotusuallyassociatedwithItaliancomposersandpredatesPonchielli'sdocumentedintroductiontothemusicofRichardWagnerin1876.Initially, I thought that many of Ponchielli's funeral marches exhibited a familiarity with Beethoven's music, particularly with regard to the substitution of the lowered submediantasanalternativetothedominantasarelatedkey.WhenPonchielli'sbandsettingofBeethoven'sOp.26funeralmarchwasdiscovered,therewasasenseof self-justification Whilerecentpresentations(andanewarticlefortheonlineGrove)byProfessorLiciaSirchoftheMilanConservatoryhaverevealedthepedagogical changes made at that institution in compositional exercises, a familiarity with both Bach and Beethoven as studio repertoire in the keyboard area remains undocumented
Among the entire Cremona band music production, the number of original works for band are very few if one removes the brass concertos, dances, and the marches. Beyondthetwosetsofvariations,onlythisworkandthetwoFantasiasstandthetestoforiginality Theproblemsassociatedwithworksintendedoriginallyforthewind bandextendstotoday,forreasonsthathavemoretodowiththevagariesofhumannatureandtheremainingsecondarystatusofthewindband.Mozart,Mendelssohn, RichardStruass,andWagnerallcomposedworksforonlywinds Eveninthebandworldsuchworksaremorelikelytobehonoredbytheirabsencefromprogramsin spiteoftheirbeingoftencitedinargumentsforsucharepertoire.Thisworkcarrieswithitalsothedemandsofexceptionalvirtuositythatallbutensuresitslikelihood ofbeingrarelyperformed
AfurtherconcernisthatPonchiellihaddevelopedoverthecourseoftenyearsatechnologyfordealingwiththerealitiesofoutdoor,unamplifiedmusicperformances.As yetthereisnocontemporaryreportoftheatmosphereattheseconcertsasregardingthenumberintheaudience,thepositionoftheband,whetheranelevatedstagewas used(thereareproposalplansinthearchives),andmanyotherconsiderations.Sufficeittosay,Thebandof1872wasPonchielli's"ideal,"whichhehadbeenworking towardsincehearrivedinPiacenzainAugust,1860 Thecombinationofa12-14-memberclarinetsectionwithagroupof14-16conicalbrass,7cylindricalbrass,and2-3 percussionprovidedarobustyetlimitedtimbrepaletteforhiswork.Istillprovidea"modern"bandversionthoughIbelievethatthisworkdeservestobeplayedwithan ensemblethatreflects,ascloselyaspossible,Ponchielli'soriginalintent
Andante poco mosso 92 one a 3 a 2 a 2 Piccolo 1 2 Flute 1 2 Oboe Clarinet in E♭ 1 2 3 Clarinet in B♭ Alto Clarinet Bass Clarinet 1 2 Alto Saxophone Tenor Saxophone Baritone Saxophone 1 2 Bassoon 1 3 Horn in F 2 4 Horn in F 1 2 Trumpet in B♭ 3 Trumpet in B♭ 1 2 Cornet in B♭ 1 2 3 Trombone Euphonium Tuba Double Bass Timpani Snare Drum Percussion SINFONIAPERBANDA (1872) AmilcarePonchielli arr.CosimoBombardieri * b 6 original manuscript Transposing Pitch
tutti 1 a 2 a 3 a 2 a 2 a 2 Picc 1 2 Fl 1 2 Ob Cl in E♭ 1 2 3 Cl in B♭ A Cl B Cl 1 2 A Sax T Sax Bar Sax 1 2 Bsn 1 3 Hn in F 2 4 Hn in F 1 2 Tpt in B♭ 3 Tpt in B♭ 1 2 Crt in B♭ 1 2 3 Tbn Euph Tba D B Timp Sn Dr Perc A 10 4
a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 Picc 1 2 Fl 1 Ob 2 Ob Cl in E♭ 1 Cl in B♭ 2 Cl in B♭ 3 Cl in B♭ A Cl B Cl 1 2 A Sax T Sax Bar Sax 1 2 Bsn 1 3 Hn in F 2 4 Hn in F 1 2 Tpt in B♭ 3 Tpt in B♭ 1 2 Crt in B♭ 1 Tbn 2 3 Tbn Euph Tba D B Timp Sn Dr Perc B 17 5
pizz rall a tempo espressivo espressivo espressivo espressivo 1 a 2 2 a 2 1 1 2 1 Picc 1 2 Fl 1 2 Ob Cl in E♭ 1 Cl in B♭ 2 Cl in B♭ 3 Cl in B♭ A Cl B Cl 1 2 A Sax T Sax Bar Sax 1 2 Bsn 1 3 Hn in F 2 4 Hn in F 1 2 Tpt in B♭ 3 Tpt in B♭ 1 2 Crt in B♭ 1 Tbn 2 3 Tbn Euph Tba D B Timp Sn Dr Perc 25 6
1 1 a 2 a 2 a 2 1 a 2 a 2 1 a 2 Picc 1 2 Fl 1 2 Ob Cl in E♭ 1 Cl in B♭ 2 Cl in B♭ 3 Cl in B♭ A Cl B Cl 1 2 A Sax T Sax Bar Sax 1 2 Bsn 1 3 Hn in F 2 4 Hn in F 1 2 Tpt in B♭ 3 Tpt in B♭ 1 2 Crt in B♭ 1 Tbn 2 3 Tbn Euph Tba D B Timp Sn Dr Perc C 34 7
arco Più animato a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 Picc 1 2 Fl 1 2 Ob Cl in E♭ 1 Cl in B♭ 2 Cl in B♭ 3 Cl in B♭ A Cl B Cl 1 2 A Sax T Sax Bar Sax 1 2 Bsn 1 3 Hn in F 2 4 Hn in F 1 2 Tpt in B♭ 3 Tpt in B♭ 1 2 Crt in B♭ 1 Tbn 2 3 Tbn Euph Tba D B Timp Sn Dr Perc 43 8
pizz a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 1 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 1 1 2 a 2 3 1 2 a 2 Picc 1 2 Fl 1 2 Ob Cl in E♭ 1 Cl in B♭ 2 Cl in B♭ 3 Cl in B♭ A Cl B Cl 1 2 A Sax T Sax Bar Sax 1 2 Bsn 1 3 Hn in F 2 4 Hn in F 1 2 Tpt in B♭ 3 Tpt in B♭ 1 2 Crt in B♭ 1 Tbn 2 3 Tbn Euph Tba D B Timp Sn Dr Perc D 49 9
arco Allegro Vivo 132 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 3 Picc 1 2 Fl 1 2 Ob Cl in E♭ 1 Cl in B♭ 2 Cl in B♭ 3 Cl in B♭ A Cl B Cl 1 2 A Sax T Sax Bar Sax 1 2 Bsn 1 3 Hn in F 2 4 Hn in F 1 2 Tpt in B♭ 3 Tpt in B♭ 1 2 Crt in B♭ 1 Tbn 2 3 Tbn Euph Tba D B Timp Sn Dr Perc 58 10 * b 70 original manuscript
cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc pizz cresc arco Con brio a 2 1 a 2 a 2 a 2 1 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 1 2 Picc 1 2 Fl 1 2 Ob Cl in E♭ 1 Cl in B♭ 2 Cl in B♭ 3 Cl in B♭ A Cl B Cl 1 2 A Sax T Sax Bar Sax 1 2 Bsn 1 3 Hn in F 2 4 Hn in F 1 2 Tpt in B♭ 3 Tpt in B♭ 1 2 Crt in B♭ 1 Tbn 2 3 Tbn Euph Tba D B Timp Sn Dr Perc E 72 11
pizz arco 1 a 2 a 2 1 2 a 2 2 a 2 a 2 1 2 a 2 1 Picc 1 2 Fl 1 2 Ob Cl in E♭ 1 Cl in B♭ 2 Cl in B♭ 3 Cl in B♭ A Cl B Cl 1 2 A Sax T Sax Bar Sax 1 2 Bsn 1 3 Hn in F 2 4 Hn in F 1 2 Tpt in B♭ 3 Tpt in B♭ 1 2 Crt in B♭ 1 Tbn 2 3 Tbn Euph Tba D B Timp Sn Dr Perc F 85 12
cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc a 2 2 1 a 2 Picc 1 2 Fl 1 Ob 2 Ob Cl in E♭ 1 Cl in B♭ 2 Cl in B♭ 3 Cl in B♭ A Cl B Cl 1 2 A Sax T Sax Bar Sax 1 2 Bsn 1 3 Hn in F 2 4 Hn in F 1 2 Tpt in B♭ 3 Tpt in B♭ 1 2 Crt in B♭ 1 Tbn 2 3 Tbn Euph Tba D B Timp Sn Dr Perc 98 13
a 2 a 2 Picc 1 2 Fl 1 Ob 2 Ob Cl in E♭ 1 Cl in B♭ 2 Cl in B♭ 3 Cl in B♭ A Cl B Cl 1 2 A Sax T Sax Bar Sax 1 2 Bsn 1 3 Hn in F 2 4 Hn in F 1 Tpt in B♭ 2 Tpt in B♭ 3 Tpt in B♭ 1 2 Crt in B♭ 1 Tbn 2 3 Tbn Euph Tba D B Timp Sn Dr Perc G 109 14
a 2 a 2 a 2 2 a 2 a 2 Picc 1 2 Fl 1 2 Ob Cl in E♭ 1 2 Cl in B♭ 3 Cl in B♭ A Cl B Cl 1 2 A Sax T Sax Bar Sax 1 2 Bsn 1 3 Hn in F 2 4 Hn in F 1 Tpt in B♭ 2 Tpt in B♭ 3 Tpt in B♭ 1 2 Crt in B♭ 1 Tbn 2 3 Tbn Euph Tba D B Timp Sn Dr Perc 120 15
pizz a 2 a 2 1 a 2 a 2 1 a 2 1 a 2 a 2 a 2 Picc 1 2 Fl 1 2 Ob Cl in E♭ 1 2 Cl in B♭ 3 Cl in B♭ A Cl B Cl 1 2 A Sax T Sax Bar Sax 1 2 Bsn 1 3 Hn in F 2 4 Hn in F 1 Tpt in B♭ 2 Tpt in B♭ 3 Tpt in B♭ 1 2 Crt in B♭ 1 2 Tbn 3 Tbn Euph Tba D B Timp Sn Dr Perc I 142 17
a 2 a 2 1 a 2 1 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 Picc 1 2 Fl 1 2 Ob Cl in E♭ 1 2 Cl in B♭ 3 Cl in B♭ A Cl B Cl 1 2 A Sax T Sax Bar Sax 1 2 Bsn 1 3 Hn in F 2 4 Hn in F 1 Tpt in B♭ 2 Tpt in B♭ 3 Tpt in B♭ 1 2 Crt in B♭ 1 2 Tbn 3 Tbn Euph Tba D B Timp Sn Dr Perc 156 18
1 a 2 2 2 1 1 a 2 2 Picc 1 2 Fl 1 2 Ob Cl in E♭ 1 2 Cl in B♭ 3 Cl in B♭ A Cl B Cl 1 2 A Sax T Sax Bar Sax 1 2 Bsn 1 3 Hn in F 2 4 Hn in F 1 Tpt in B♭ 2 Tpt in B♭ 3 Tpt in B♭ 1 2 Crt in B♭ 1 2 Tbn 3 Tbn Euph Tba D B Timp Sn Dr Perc J 170 19
cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc 1 a 2 1 a 2 2 a 2 a 2 1 2 1 a 2 2 a 2 Picc 1 2 Fl 1 2 Ob Cl in E♭ 1 2 Cl in B♭ 3 Cl in B♭ A Cl B Cl 1 2 A Sax T Sax Bar Sax 1 2 Bsn 1 3 Hn in F 2 4 Hn in F 1 Tpt in B♭ 2 Tpt in B♭ 3 Tpt in B♭ 1 2 Crt in B♭ 1 2 Tbn 3 Tbn Euph Tba D B Timp Sn Dr Perc 183 20
a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 Picc 1 2 Fl 1 2 Ob Cl in E♭ 1 2 Cl in B♭ 3 Cl in B♭ A Cl B Cl 1 2 A Sax T Sax Bar Sax 1 2 Bsn 1 3 Hn in F 2 4 Hn in F 1 Tpt in B♭ 2 Tpt in B♭ 3 Tpt in B♭ 1 2 Crt in B♭ 1 2 Tbn 3 Tbn Euph Tba D B Timp Sn Dr Perc 195 21
cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc arco a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 Picc 1 2 Fl 1 2 Ob Cl in E♭ 1 Cl in B♭ 2 Cl in B♭ 3 Cl in B♭ A Cl B Cl 1 2 A Sax T Sax Bar Sax 1 2 Bsn 1 3 Hn in F 2 4 Hn in F 1 Tpt in B♭ 2 Tpt in B♭ 3 Tpt in B♭ 1 2 Crt in B♭ 1 2 Tbn 3 Tbn Euph Tba D B Timp Sn Dr Perc K 206 22
cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 Picc 1 2 Fl 1 2 Ob Cl in E♭ 1 Cl in B♭ 2 Cl in B♭ 3 Cl in B♭ A Cl B Cl 1 2 A Sax T Sax Bar Sax 1 2 Bsn 1 3 Hn in F 2 4 Hn in F 1 Tpt in B♭ 2 Tpt in B♭ 3 Tpt in B♭ 1 2 Crt in B♭ 1 2 Tbn 3 Tbn Euph Tba D B Timp Sn Dr Perc 217 23
cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc pizz cresc a 2 1 a 2 a 2 a 2 1 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 1 Picc 1 2 Fl 1 2 Ob Cl in E♭ 1 Cl in B♭ 2 Cl in B♭ 3 Cl in B♭ A Cl B Cl 1 2 A Sax T Sax Bar Sax 1 2 Bsn 1 3 Hn in F 2 4 Hn in F 1 Tpt in B♭ 2 Tpt in B♭ 3 Tpt in B♭ 1 2 Crt in B♭ 1 2 Tbn 3 Tbn Euph Tba D B Timp Sn Dr Perc L 228 24
arco pizz a 2 1 a 2 1 a 2 a 2 a 2 1 a 2 1 2 1 Picc 1 2 Fl 1 2 Ob Cl in E♭ 1 Cl in B♭ 2 Cl in B♭ 3 Cl in B♭ A Cl B Cl 1 2 A Sax T Sax Bar Sax 1 2 Bsn 1 3 Hn in F 2 4 Hn in F 1 Tpt in B♭ 2 Tpt in B♭ 3 Tpt in B♭ 1 2 Crt in B♭ 1 2 Tbn 3 Tbn Euph Tba D B Timp Sn Dr Perc 242 25
arco 2 1 1 2 a 2 Picc 1 2 Fl 1 Ob 2 Ob Cl in E♭ 1 Cl in B♭ 2 Cl in B♭ 3 Cl in B♭ A Cl B Cl 1 2 A Sax T Sax Bar Sax 1 2 Bsn 1 3 Hn in F 2 4 Hn in F 1 Tpt in B♭ 2 Tpt in B♭ 3 Tpt in B♭ 1 2 Crt in B♭ 1 2 Tbn 3 Tbn Euph Tba D B Timp Sn Dr Perc 254 26
cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc pizz cresc cresc Maggiore a 2 a 2 a 2 Picc 1 2 Fl 1 2 Ob Cl in E♭ 1 Cl in B♭ 2 Cl in B♭ 3 Cl in B♭ A Cl B Cl 1 2 A Sax T Sax Bar Sax 1 2 Bsn 1 3 Hn in F 2 4 Hn in F 1 Tpt in B♭ 2 Tpt in B♭ 3 Tpt in B♭ 1 2 Crt in B♭ 1 2 Tbn 3 Tbn Euph Tba D B Timp Sn Dr Perc 265 27
a 2 a 2 1 a 2 2 1 a 2 1 a 2 a 2 a 2 Picc 1 2 Fl 1 2 Ob Cl in E♭ 1 Cl in B♭ 2 Cl in B♭ 3 Cl in B♭ A Cl B Cl 1 2 A Sax T Sax Bar Sax 1 2 Bsn 1 3 Hn in F 2 4 Hn in F 1 Tpt in B♭ 2 Tpt in B♭ 3 Tpt in B♭ 1 2 Crt in B♭ 1 2 Tbn 3 Tbn Euph Tba D B Timp Sn Dr Perc 280 28
arco pizz a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 Picc 1 2 Fl 1 2 Ob Cl in E♭ 1 Cl in B♭ 2 Cl in B♭ 3 Cl in B♭ A Cl B Cl 1 2 A Sax T Sax Bar Sax 1 2 Bsn 1 3 Hn in F 2 4 Hn in F 1 Tpt in B♭ 2 Tpt in B♭ 3 Tpt in B♭ 1 2 Crt in B♭ 1 2 Tbn 3 Tbn Euph Tba D B Timp Sn Dr Perc M 294 29
cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc pizz cresc cresc cresc cresc a 2 1 a 2 a 2 a 2 1 2 Picc 1 2 Fl 1 2 Ob Cl in E♭ 1 Cl in B♭ 2 Cl in B♭ 3 Cl in B♭ A Cl B Cl 1 2 A Sax T Sax Bar Sax 1 2 Bsn 1 3 Hn in F 2 4 Hn in F 1 Tpt in B♭ 2 Tpt in B♭ 3 Tpt in B♭ 1 2 Crt in B♭ 1 2 Tbn 3 Tbn Euph Tba D B Timp Sn Dr Perc 308 30
arco a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 Picc 1 2 Fl 1 2 Ob Cl in E♭ 1 Cl in B♭ 2 Cl in B♭ 3 Cl in B♭ A Cl B Cl 1 2 A Sax T Sax Bar Sax 1 2 Bsn 1 3 Hn in F 2 4 Hn in F 1 Tpt in B♭ 2 Tpt in B♭ 3 Tpt in B♭ 1 2 Crt in B♭ 1 2 Tbn 3 Tbn Euph Tba D B Timp Sn Dr Perc 319 31 b 332 original manuscript *
a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 1 2 Picc 1 2 Fl 1 2 Ob Cl in E♭ 1 Cl in B♭ 2 Cl in B♭ 3 Cl in B♭ A Cl B Cl 1 2 A Sax T Sax Bar Sax 1 2 Bsn 1 3 Hn in F 2 4 Hn in F 1 Tpt in B♭ 2 Tpt in B♭ 3 Tpt in B♭ 1 2 Crt in B♭ 1 2 Tbn 3 Tbn Euph Tba D B Timp Sn Dr Perc 341 33
cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc cresc pizz a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 2 1 a 2 Picc 1 2 Fl 1 2 Ob Cl in E♭ 1 Cl in B♭ 2 Cl in B♭ 3 Cl in B♭ A Cl B Cl 1 2 A Sax T Sax Bar Sax 1 2 Bsn 1 3 Hn in F 2 4 Hn in F 1 Tpt in B♭ 2 Tpt in B♭ 3 Tpt in B♭ 1 2 Crt in B♭ 1 2 Tbn 3 Tbn Euph Tba D B Timp Sn Dr Perc 353 34
1 2 arco pizz arco Più vivo a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 Picc 1 2 Fl 1 2 Ob Cl in E♭ 1 Cl in B♭ 2 Cl in B♭ 3 Cl in B♭ A Cl B Cl 1 2 A Sax T Sax Bar Sax 1 2 Bsn 1 3 Hn in F 2 4 Hn in F 1 Tpt in B♭ 2 Tpt in B♭ 3 Tpt in B♭ 1 2 Crt in B♭ 1 2 Tbn 3 Tbn Euph Tba D B Timp Sn Dr Perc O 363 35
1 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 Picc 1 2 Fl 1 2 Ob Cl in E♭ 1 2 Cl in B♭ 3 Cl in B♭ A Cl B Cl 1 2 A Sax T Sax Bar Sax 1 2 Bsn 1 3 Hn in F 2 4 Hn in F 1 Tpt in B♭ 2 3 Tpt in B♭ 1 2 Crt in B♭ 1 2 Tbn 3 Tbn Euph Tba D B Timp Sn Dr Perc 373 36
Andante poco mosso 1 a 2 a 2 Picc 1 2 Fl 1 2 Ob Cl in E♭ 1 2 Cl in B♭ 3 Cl in B♭ A Cl B Cl 1 2 A Sax T Sax Bar Sax 1 2 Bsn 1 3 Hn in F 2 4 Hn in F 1 Tpt in B♭ 2 3 Tpt in B♭ 1 2 Crt in B♭ 1 2 Tbn 3 Tbn Euph Tba D B Timp Sn Dr Perc P 385 37 * b 395 original manuscript
rall Prestissimo = 160 one tutti one tutti 1 2 a 2 1 1 a 2 Picc 1 2 Fl 1 2 Ob Cl in E♭ 1 2 Cl in B♭ 3 Cl in B♭ A Cl B Cl 1 2 A Sax T Sax Bar Sax 1 2 Bsn 1 3 Hn in F 2 4 Hn in F 1 Tpt in B♭ 2 3 Tpt in B♭ 1 2 Crt in B♭ 1 2 Tbn 3 Tbn Euph Tba D B Timp Sn Dr Perc 396 38
a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 Picc 1 2 Fl 1 2 Ob Cl in E♭ 1 2 Cl in B♭ 3 Cl in B♭ A Cl B Cl 1 2 A Sax T Sax Bar Sax 1 2 Bsn 1 3 Hn in F 2 4 Hn in F 1 Tpt in B♭ 2 3 Tpt in B♭ 1 2 Crt in B♭ 1 2 Tbn 3 Tbn Euph Tba D B Timp Sn Dr Perc Q 407 39
a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 Picc 1 2 Fl 1 2 Ob Cl in E♭ 1 2 Cl in B♭ 3 Cl in B♭ A Cl B Cl 1 2 A Sax T Sax Bar Sax 1 2 Bsn 1 3 Hn in F 2 4 Hn in F 1 Tpt in B♭ 2 3 Tpt in B♭ 1 2 Crt in B♭ 1 2 Tbn 3 Tbn Euph Tba D B Timp Sn Dr Perc 419 40