この曲は、日本の伝説や逸話に出てくるような“合戦”をイメージして物語風に作曲しました。 “合戦”と言っても、戦っているシーンだけではなく、出陣を前に気持ちが昂るシーン、家族や自分が不 安と戦うシーン、出陣のシーン、合戦シーン、勝敗が決まるシーン・・・というように、物語は進んでき ます。
特定の伝説や逸話をイメージしているわけではありませんので、演奏にあたっては、皆さんがそれぞれ に物語のイメージを膨らませてみるのも良いでしょう。
数種類のメロディーが、それぞれのシーンに合わせた形で出てきますが、それぞれの個所がどんなシー ンかを想像し、それにあった表現で演奏してください。
冒頭~Bまで: 3人のリズムが同じように重なり密集している個所と、それぞれが別の動きをする個 所とは別物ということを意識して演奏してください。
C F:アクセントをしっかり意識しましょう。
■Program Note
This song was composed in the style of a story with the image of a“Kassen”(※kassen=combat enemies and allies.)as seen in Japanese legends and anecdotes.
It's not just a scene of fighting.
Therearescenesofexcitementbeforegoingintobattle,scenesoffamilymembersandoneselffightingagainstanxiety, scenes of going into battle, scenes of battle, scenes of victory and defeat...The story progresses in this way.
It is not based on any particular legend or anecdote, so it would be a good idea for everyone to try to imagine the story in their own way.
A few of the same melodies appear in different ways for different scenes. Please imagine what kind of scene each part is, and play it in a way that fits the scene.
■Remarks on play
From the beginning to B : Play with the following in mind. Where the three rhythms overlap in the same way and are dense, or where they each move in a different way, they are different expressions.
C to F : Be aware of accents.
G to H : Sing with expression
I onward ( Except L) : Build up the tension for the final climax.
L : Pay attention to the balance of the harmonies.
サクソフォーン3重奏の為の 音楽絵巻~合戦~
Japanese picture scroll of music for Saxophone Trio 'Kassen'
Masami Onodera
Alto Saxophone in E Tenor Saxophone in B Baritone Saxophone in E Allegro A.Sax. T.Sax. B.Sax. 4 A.Sax. T.Sax. B.Sax. 8 A.Sax. T.Sax. B.Sax. 12 A.Sax. T.Sax. B.Sax. 16 ©2021
Masami Onodera and Golden Hearts
Reproducing or copying Score, in whole or in part, is prohibited without the express written consent
of the copyright holder.
A.Sax. T.Sax. B.Sax. 20 A.Sax. T.Sax. B.Sax. 24 A.Sax. T.Sax. B.Sax. 28 A.Sax. T.Sax. B.Sax. cresc. cresc. cresc. 32 A.Sax. T.Sax. B.Sax. 36 - 2©2021 Masami Onodera
and Golden Hearts
A.Sax. T.Sax. B.Sax. 39 A.Sax. T.Sax. B.Sax. 42 A.Sax. T.Sax. B.Sax. cresc. cresc. cresc. 45 sub. sub. A.Sax. T.Sax. B.Sax. rit. 48 A.Sax. T.Sax. B.Sax. 52 - 3©2021 Masami Onodera and Golden Hearts Publications (ONSA)
A.Sax. T.Sax. B.Sax. 57 A.Sax. T.Sax. B.Sax. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco cresc. 61 A.Sax. T.Sax. B.Sax. rit. 65 con energia A.Sax. T.Sax. B.Sax. 69 A.Sax. T.Sax. B.Sax. 73 - 4©2021 Masami Onodera and Golden Hearts Publications (ONSA)
A.Sax. T.Sax. B.Sax. 77 A.Sax. T.Sax. B.Sax. 81 A.Sax. T.Sax. B.Sax. poco cresc. poco cresc. poco cresc. 85 A.Sax. T.Sax. B.Sax. 89 A.Sax. T.Sax. B.Sax. 93 - 5©2021 Masami Onodera and Golden Hearts Publications (ONSA)
A.Sax. T.Sax. B.Sax. molto rit. cresc. cresc. cresc. 97 grave A.Sax. T.Sax. B.Sax. 101 A.Sax. T.Sax. B.Sax. 106 Tempo I A.Sax. T.Sax. B.Sax. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco cresc. 111 A.Sax. T.Sax. B.Sax. accel. 115 - 6©2021 Masami Onodera and Golden Hearts Publications (ONSA)