Boys don’t cry. But why not?
From Russia with love Daria Sharova was a star in home country. Sports. 11
Opinion 6
Volume 49, Number 12 n Golden West College n April 8-21, 2015 n
Applications for ASGWC are available Deadline is April 30; elections will be held here May 11-15 By Amber Leikam Sun opinion editor
RAYMOND PERSINGER, sculpting instructor, with student Michael Cox.
Top sculptor sculpts students is when they discover what they’ve been missing, something they feel they’ve needed.” He says that many discover their deStudents have no need to travel to the sire to be artists in his classes and “It’s nice Smithsonian Institute or the National Geo- to be that person that introduces them.” “I recall a particular moment when a graphic museum to view some of the restudent slammed her first nowned sculptures feaon the table and said ‘this tured there. They can rocks! I had no idea this simply take a stroll right was out here.’ I told her ‘it’s down to Humanities 133 been waiting for you for right here on the Golden some 2,000 years,” he says West College campus to with a chuckle. view the artist whose work The 45-year-old was is featured in such places a born handyman, buildin action. ing things with his father’s Raymond Persinger tools from a young age. Raymond Persinger doubles as a prolific sculp“I always loved making tor whose work has been things, I think on some levfeatured in museums el we all do as humans. We like to express across the world, and as a professor to students wanting too learn about the craft. Be our experiences be it spiritual, sexual, muit bronze, clay, or even glasswork Persinger sic, food.” He continued with his craftsmanship brings his extensive body of work and expeuntil a high school teacher encouraged rience to the classroom to assist novice arthim to expand on his handyman tendencies ists. Persinger’s eyes light up as he begins talk- through means of studying fine art. First ing about his students. “I really like teaching came his bachelor’s form California State at this level because for many people this Continued on page 3
By Tre Nesbit Western Sun staff writer
“I recall a moment when a student slammed her fist on the table and said ‘this rocks!’”
Do you want to be actively involved on your campus? Than get ready because it’s time to apply for positions on the Associated Students of Golden West College. With all positions available from president to sustainability commissioner the school is looking for a qualified students to fit now. The positions are: • president • vice president • student advocate • public relations officer • finance commissioner • club consultant • activities commissioner • sustainability commissioner • council secretary. Applications are due April 30 and are available in the student activity office, but along
with this you’ll also need 50 student signatures as well as a statement for intent, which describes why you want this position and what you hope to accomplish. Other qualifications include being enrolled in a minimum of five units and having completed five units and currently have a GPA of 2.5 or higher. Having these basic qualifications makes you eligible to apply, but it takes more than just that to thrive as a member. Heather Sanchez, a receptionist for the activities office, says you need to be “dedicated to campus and the needs of the students.” And dedication will be key with being committed to your position of choice for the year (fall and spring semester.) After the applications are turned in the elections will be held May 11-May 15, and then GWC will find itself with new student officers for 2015-16.
STUDENT BODY elections will be held May 11-15.
The Newspaper of Golden West College, Huntington Beach, California