-J WSQISRI LEH XSPH Q] JEXLIV [LIR LI FIKER XS FYMPH XLI ¼VWX X[S wheeled tractors that, 80 years hence, his name would be emblazoned on more than 600,000 agricultural machines throughout the world, he [SYPH LEZI GIVXEMRP] JSYRH MX HMJ¼GYPX XS FIPMIZI 4IVLETW LI [SYPH LEZI smiled to himself before stolidly returning to work on his machines because the only thing he was sure about was that he could always HS WSQIXLMRK FIXXIV XS WMQTPMJ] [SVO MR XLI ¼IPHW 3FWXMREG] MW SRI SJ XLI XVEMXW SJ XLI +30(32- JEQMP] ERH XLEX TIVLETW [EW [LEX PIH XS SYV WYGGIWW 2S[EHE]W TISTPI XEPO EFSYX UYEPMX] ERH MQTVSZIQIRX but the essence of the matter has never changed: we still manufacture agricultural machines with the same enthusiasm as my father did, and [I WXMPP HS MX IZIR RS[ [MXL XLI TVMHI SJ XLSWI [LS EVI RSX EJVEMH XS HMVX] XLIMV LERHW MR SVHIV XS OIIT GSQTPIXI GSRXVSP SZIV XLIMV [SVO 1EHI MR -XEP] UYEPMX] YWI SJ LYQER VIWSYVGIW XS XLIMV FIWX EHZERXEKI ERH VIWTIGX JSV XLI IRZMVSRQIRX XLMW [EW XLI [E] Q] JEXLIV [SVOIH EPP XLSWI ]IEVW EKS %PP [I LEZI HSRI MW XS GSRXMRYI LMW HVIEQ [MXL GSRWMWX IRG] XVYWX ERH XLI YXQSWX VIWTIGX JSV XLSWI [LS NYHKI SYV HSMRKW SR XLI ¼IPHW IEGL HE] 8LMW LEW FIIR SYV TSPMG] XS HEXI ERH XLMW MW LS[ [I intend to carry on for as long as tractors bearing our name continue XS PIEZI SYV JEGXSVMIW
A family enterprise since 1926. True to the values that helped it to grow, Goldoni has maintained a strictly family management throughout the years. A feature that characterizes the company even today, in these times of globalization, and one that has allowed the management to continue to run the business with the same enthusiasm, involvement and responsibility as a head of a household.
Our mission A passion for technology. True to the passion for machinery and love for the land that led to its establishment, GOLDONI has always considered its mission to be to improve farming work and make it easier. Building machines able to simplify XLI JEVQIVW´ [SVO ERH QEOI MX QSVI IJ½GMIRX LEW EP[E]W been the driving force behind the company’s development and will continue to be so. We are well aware about what it means to work the soil and know how to create the solutions that farmers need. Nothing more, and certainly nothing less. To continue to deserve their trust by creating agricultural machines that stand out for their highlevel IJßGMIRG] VIPMEFMPMX] and compact size will always be our prime goal and our promise.
Our values There’s much more than you can actually see in our tractors. Goldoni’s tractors have developed along with the farmers’ work. Those who have begun to appreciate them day by day have also learnt to recognize the deepest values that MR¾YIRGIH 1V 'IPIWXMRS [LIR LI WXEVXIH SYX ERH that are still one of Goldoni’s distinctive features.
Our reliability The success of the Goldoni family stems from the ability of its founder to design the mechanics of his machines so as to KYEVERXII RSR WXST IJßGMIRG] JSV XLIMV YWIVW. Since then, this feature has become an absolute priority for the company, a policy nourished by on-going research into materials and design and backed by continual tests and trials.
Our tradition For us, tradition doesn’t mean being attached to the past but drawing from practical experience with continuous improvement as our target. Over 80 years of success is not a goal but an excellent starting point and a jealously guarded heritage of know-how that has been handed down and added to in our company.
Safety Being familiar with the farmer’s work means giving absolute priority to his safety. 7MRGI [I EVI RSX SRP] E[EVI SJ XLI HMJ½GYPXMIW FYX EPWS XLI HERKIVW SJ XLSWI [LS [SVO XLI land, we build our machines with all the devices that technology allows so as to limit the operators’ exposure to danger to the utmost and safeguard his physical well-being and comfort during his hours at work.
Quality For us, the continual search for quality and excellence is the only way of working we know: an imperative policy handed down by Goldoni’s founder that VIEGLIW [IPP FI]SRH XLI QMRMQYQ WXERHEVHW +SPHSRM TPEGIH MXW ½VWX QEGLMRI SR XLI QEVOIX when, test after test, he was sure of having obtained the most out of its expertise and from the materials available at that time. Only by working in this precise and diligent way have we been able to face the challenges of the market and overcome them, beyond any UYEPMX] WXERHEVHW SV GIVXMßGEXMSRW.
Respect for the environment We build soil working machines because it’s rather as though we were “born under a grapevine”: our love and our respect for the environment have deep roots and far-sighted horizons. This is why environmental protection and energy saving are both our limits and goals. A clear-cut commitment towards which our company always dedicates consistent resources.
Our people Our staff members and our customers are our most important resource.An authentic heritage that has grown over the years thanks to transparency, integrity, correctness and mutual respect. Values that we share with all those who become part of our enterprise: employees, managers, dealers, partners and end customers.
Our production What makes a Goldoni tractor so special. To truly understand the secret of the success of our machines, the best way is to visit our factories. Only in this way can you appreciate the care taken with every detail and each phase of the manufacturing cycle. From the initial project through to the very last test, each process is dealt with by expert and painstaking hands 8S IRWYVI XSXEP GSRXVSP SZIV XLI ½REP UYEPMX] SJ XLI machines, GOLDONI still has all the gears and mechanical components like gearboxes made in the plant on numerical control machining centers.