P&F brandguide

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Brand Standards Guide

This document has been created by GoldSky Creative (19.02.2014), and is the property of Jessica Connor. This document gives instruction regarding the use and application of the POPPY & FERN brand artwork.

WW W. G O LD SK Y CR E AT IVE . COM in fo @ gol d s k y c re at ive . c o m ( +6 1) 04 05 4 9 1105 20 C ONWAY ST , N S W, 2 4 8 0, AU ST R ALI A.

B r a nd Ele m e nts


L o g o Ve r s i on s


Minimum Size


L o g o F i e l d R e q u i re m e n t s


Br a n d C ol ou r s


G r a p h i c El e m e n t s


Ty p o g r a p h y


C on c e p t D e v i c e s


logo versions

Following are the Poppy & Fern logo formats available for use. EPS, PDF, JPEG, & PNG formats are available giving scope to suit all logo application needs. For further information on format types & applications contact GoldSky Creative, we will be happy to help. PANTONE (PMS), CMYK and RGB colour spreads are provided as appropriate (see section 4.0 of this document). GOLD, CREAM & COAL versions of the Poppy & Fern brand artwork are supplied & should be used in all situations. In some cases WHITE artwork is supplied also.









Poppy & Fern's core brand mark & logo. To be used in the majority of cases, suitable for use on a clean background.



Poppy & Fern wordmark without the descriptor 'flowers'. Suitable for use at small sizes.



The core logo used with a banner around the descriptor. Suitable for all uses where a stronger graphic element is useful.



The Poppy & Fern core logo reversed out of a rectangular shape. Suitable for use on busy or dark backgrounds at all sizes.



Core logo placed inside a containing diamond. Suitable for use on busy or dark backgrounds at smaller sizes.



As above, with the addition of embellishments for a more hand made & ornamental look. Suitable for use on busy or dark backgrounds at larger sizes.



Poppy & Fern descriptor placed inside a banner. Suitable for footers.


minimum size

The Poppy & Fern logo series should always be reproduced at, or above the following minimum sizes. This will ensure the detail & legibility will not be compromised. The core logo’s minimum height (10mm) is measured from the top of the core wordmark to the bottom of the word 'flowers'. When using the descriptor both text lines should spread over 10mm vertically.

10 mm


logo field requirements

The Poppy & Fern logo should be used with sufficient minimum bordering space. This will allow the role of the logo to play out effectively. Nothing should intrude the specified minimum field shown below. The field is given the value ‘X’ and is taken from the height of full logo including descriptor.







logo field requirements cont.

Reversed & contained logo graphics continued from previous page. The reversed out logos are more robust, however ideally use a minimum amount of surrounding space shown below.












brand colours

The Poppy & fern brand colours have been defined below. Print applications will use either the CMYK values or PMS values listed below, screen based applications will use RGB values. General disclaimer: Take care when printing on varying stock. In particular uncoated stock, as colour shift & bleed can occur.

GOLD C_31 M_44 Y_76 K_9 R_169 G_133 B_81 PANTONE 7551C

CREAM C_21 M_24 Y_28 K_0V R_169 G_133 B_81 PANTONE 482C

COAL C_0 M_0 Y_0 K_90 R_55 G_64 B_66 PANTONE Cool Grey 11C

IMAGES often used with a shade or tint layer applied


use of brand colours

The Poppy & fern brand colours have been designed to complement & not dominate the product itself. It is important to let the images & flowers themselves drive the use of colour in Poppy & Fern's visuals. Allowing room for the arrangements to create colour mood, the brand colours are warm but neutral.

Examples of Poppy & Fern brand colours in use with photography


graphic elements

The Poppy & Fern branding has a strong slant toward the hand made. This can be reinforced with the use of graphic elements. Graphic elements have been included in both PDF & PNG form for use both on screen & in print. The graphic elements have also been included in all of the Poppy & Fern brand colour options. The graphic elements shown below are included with the file name *COLOUR*_graphic_hires_*01-07*.png these files are all arranged on a transparent background for easy use.










The Poppy & Fern logo has been adapted from both free hand script the descriptor is a hand interpretation of the font Goudy Old Style - Bold. The Goudy Old Style family includes; Bold, Bold Italic, Italic & Roman, however the recommended use for Goudy Old Style is Bold only. Additional brand typeface's include Humana, a carefree hand script typeface and the Avenir family, a clean modern typeface (this text is set in Avenir book). The Avenir family includes Book, Light Oblique, Light, Roman, Book Oblique, Medium, Medium Oblique, Black, Black Oblique, Heavy & Heavy Oblique.

Goudy Old Style Bold should be used for headings & single line info only, as to not take away from its use in the logo itself. Goudy Old Style Bold should be used with 50pt. tracking where possible. Humana

should be used for impact - headings only & never more than one sentence. *Humana has no numbering capabilities. Avenir Family is the most used font, Making up the majority of body copy in all documents. Avenir can be used for details, mid size headings & contacts.


major headings ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

Goudy Old Style (bold) minor headings & graphic body text ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST UVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

Avenir (book) all uses ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890


concept devices

The Poppy & Fern brand is hand crafted, minimal & earthy. It is designed to be used with a large amount of negative space, allowing the page to breath & extensively frame the logo. When large amounts of negative space is not available, it is more appropriate to use one of the logo options reversed out of a core hand written shape. Use graphics sparingly & allow the page to breathe - the colour scheme is designed to work with both warm & cool colours & should be used sparingly (i.e. v as a background colour, but as highlights only). Every element in the Poppy & Fern branding is hand drawn, to emphasise this contrast the logo elements with clean sharp edges.


A fern is any one or more of a group of roughly 12,000 species of plants belonging to the botanical group known as Pteridophyta.[3] Unlike mosses, they have xylem and phloem (making them vascular plants). They have stems, leaves, and roots like other vascular plants. Ferns reproduce via spores and have neither seeds nor flowers. Most ferns have what are called fiddleheads. The fiddleheads expand into what are called fronds, which are each delicately divided.[4] By far the largest group of ferns is the leptosporangiate ferns, but ferns as defined here (also called monilophytes) include horsetails, whisk ferns, marattioid ferns, and ophioglossoid ferns. The term pteridophyte traditionally refers to ferns and a few other seedless vascular plants (see classification section below), although some r ecent authors have used the term to refer strictly to the monilophytes. Ferns first appear in the fossil record 360 million years ago in the Carboniferous but many of the current families and species did not appear until roughly 145 million years ago in the early Cretaceous (after flowering plants came to dominate many environments). Ferns are not of major economic importance, but some are grown or gathered for food, as ornamental plants, for remediating contaminated soils, and have been the subject of research for their ability to remove some chemical pollutants from the air. Some are significant weeds. They also play a role in mythology, medicine, and art.ord 360 million years ago in the Carboniferous but many of the current families and species did not appear until roughly 145 million years ago in the early Cretaceous (after flowering plants came to dominate many environments). Ferns are not of major economic importance, but some are grown or gathered for food, as ornamental plants, for remediating contaminated soils, and have been the subject of research for their ability to remove some chemical pollutants from the air. Some are significant weeds. They also play a role in mythology, medicine, and art.

fb/poppyandfernfloraldesignstudio @poppyandfernfds w w w. p o p p y a n d f e r n . c o m

hi@poppyandfern.com.au 0123 045 067

21 Something Rd. Eureka, NSW 2477 poppy and fern is all about flowers, we love them.

Above is shown an example of the Poppy & Fern branding in use with a clean background & large amounts of framing space.

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