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Teacher training
With strong links to our partnership schools and a supportive system of personal tutoring, Goldsmiths offers excellent training for the next generation of teachers
Developing and educating teachers is central to the early history of Goldsmiths (we’ve been preparing people for the classroom since the early 1900s), and we proudly continue this tradition. Building on these strong foundations, we offer high-quality, researchbased teaching and ask fascinating questions about education in the widest sense of the word.
We offer Primary and Secondary Initial Teacher Training (ITT) programmes, and you can study full-time or part-time.
• PGCE (Primary): Standard or with Modern Languages or Mathematics
• PGCE (Secondary) Standard Programme: Art & Design, Biology, Chemistry, Design & Technology, Drama, English, Mathematics, Media Studies with English, Modern Languages, Physics
• PGCE (Secondary) Part-time Programme: Biology, Chemistry, Design & Technology, English, Physics