Dr. Steven R. Goldstein MD Best Pap Smear Screening Doctor in New York
Dr Steven R. Goldstein MD is one of the nation’s top Gynecologists and one of the most highly recognized and regarded individuals in the field of vaginal probe ultrasounds and an internationally recognized expert in the field of gynaecological ultrasound and imaging. He has over 25 years of experience in practice. He is a professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at New York University School of Medicine, and the Director for Gynecologic Ultrasound, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at New York University Medical Center. As a pap smear screening doctor in New York, Dr Goldstein is a strong advocate of women having a pap smear exam done annually and encourages his patients to do so. Annual pap smear exams help detect the presence of any cervical cancer cells early, preventing the need for aggressive treatment. The pap smear exam itself is a routine examination which is painless and checks the cells of the cervix for any abnormal cells, cancerous or precancerous.
Abnormal pap smear results can be due to several causes. The reason for a change in the cervical cells can be infection, inflammation, or even changes in the menstrual cycle. In some cases the abnormal pap smear results can be due to pre-cancerous or cancerous cells. There are a variety of tests that can be performed in the event of cancerous or pre-cancerous cells in the cervix. Colposcopies, Endocervical curettage, and biopsies are all procedures that can be performed to further prove the presence of cancerous or precancerous cells. The colposcopy is where the vagina, vulva, and cervix are examined with an instrument called a colposcope, which allows the physician to see the cervix clearly using a bright light and to use magnification to see areas more clearly. If any abnormal areas are seen, then a sample biopsy is taken via an Endocervical curettage where sample cells are scooped out and sent to a lab for further examination.
If you are in need of a pap smear or have had a pap smear with abnormal results, then contact Dr Steven R. Goldstein MD, one of the best pap smear screening doctors in New York. You may also visit his website at www.goldsteinmd.com for more information.
Dr. Steven R. Goldstein MD Pap Smear Screening Doctor in New York