Doctor Steven R. Goldstein MD, a NYC Gyn has seen many patients presentwithabnormalbleeding.Theyareeitherbleedingbetween cycles, after intercourse, heavier than usual during their menstrual cycles, longer than usual menstrual cycles, or bleeding after menopause. In the case of bleeding after menopause, women need to seek medical attention immediately as there should be absolutely no bleeding after menopause.
With this abnormal bleeding in women comes a fear that they may have cancer. However, abnormal uterine bleeding can occur for many reasons - uterine polyps, fibroids, miscarriage, the onset of menopause, hormonal imbalances and not just cancer. This medical condition requires careful diagnosis on the behalf of a gynecologist.
Unfortunately, many women with abnormal bleeding situations are told to have a procedure called a Dilatation and Curettage (D&C) in order to diagnose the reason for their bleeding. A D&C involves dilation of the cervix and then scraping of the endometrial lining of the uterus. This is a painful, costly procedure with associated risks and requires anaesthesia. Even worse is the fact thatthree fourthsoftheseoperations turnupnothingand turnout to be totally unnecessary. So, what is most efficient and precise means of first diagnosis?
Gynecologist in NYC Dr Steven R. Goldstein recommends Transvaginal Ultrasound (Vaginal Sonogram). This painless, minimallyinvasive,non surgicalproceduretakesafewminutesand is done right in the office. Using the clear, high resolution images provided by non-invasive Sonohysterography or Vaginal Sonograms, Dr Goldstein is able to isolate the cause of the abnormal uterine bleeding.
For instance, examination of the high-resolution images of the uterine lining may show that the bleeding is due to a hormonal imbalance. Without progesterone, unopposed estrogen can cause heavy, spotty bleeding. Polyps, Fibroids, the onset of menopause, perimenopause are all easily detected.
In some cases, abnormal bleeding may also occur from cancer or hyperplasia (pre cancer). Even in this case, vaginal probe ultrasounds and fluid enhanced Sonohysterography can eliminate theneedforalmostalldiagnosticD&C’sandthepain,costandrisks associated with them.
Women suffering from any form of abnormal bleeding, heavy periods, longer than usual periods, bleeding after menopause or any bleeding condition should ask their doctors for a Transvaginal
Ultrasound (Vaginal Sonogram), as a first means of diagnosis. Have a Dilatation and Curettage (D&C) procedure to FIX the problem (therapeutic), not as the first means to FIND the problem (diagnostic).
It is of note that Dr Goldstein does every single transvaginal ultrasound or Sonohysterogram himself. He does not “outsource” this to a technician. Dr Goldstein looks not only at the high resolution images, but is a skilled operator who knows what he wants to see in the uterus, uterine lining, fallopian tubes, cervix, ovaries etc. and how to get there. He is also able to show the patient exactly what the issue is on the screen.
Dr Goldstein is one of the most highly regarded individuals in the field of gynecologic ultrasound, one of the nation’s top Obstetricians and Gynecologists and an Abnormal Uterine Bleeding Specialist in NYC. He is a tenured Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at New York School of Medicine, and is a past President of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine.