Dr Steven R. Goldstein MD is a top obgyn in Manhattan in private practice for over 25 years. He is also a Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at New York University School of medicine, a former Director of Gynecologic Ultrasound at NYU Langone Medical Center and a Past President of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine. He is one of the most highly regarded individuals in the field of gynecologic ultrasound in the world.
Many patients present with painful periods (dysmenorrhea), pelvic pain, cramping, way before the start of the menstrual period and may continue after the menstrual period has ended. Painful intercourse, excessive bleeding, painful urination / bowel movements and infertility are also symptoms. However, these symptoms do not always appear. Some women find out only when they cannot get pregnant.
Dr Goldstein can diagnose this condition. Endometriosis is a very unusual gynecologic disease, whereby the glands that normally lie inside the uterine cavity and are the ones that are shed with a normal period, somehow come to lie outside the uterine cavity almost always in other places in the pelvis. Thus, when bleeding from a period occurs, these
glands will have a tiny amount of bleeding internally. This can cause some scarring (adhesions) as well as inflammatory changes that are a wellknown source of pelvic pain and sometimes infertility. Usually, the pain is worse with the menstrual period, although it can often occur between periods as well.
Originally, laparoscopy (a surgical procedure to look inside the abdomen) was the gold standard for making a differentiation for pain that might be from endometriosis versus normal severe painful periods. Dr Goldstein does not recommend laparoscopies, but uses painless, non-invasive Transvaginal Ultrasounds to diagnose your condition. At times there is no obvious endometrioma, but the presence of scar tissue can result in structures becoming adherent to each other and be a source of pain. Transvaginal ultrasound can detect the abnormal mobility if the transvaginal ultrasound is done dynamically. The skill of the operator is very important. Dr Goldstein is one of the world’s most renowned individuals in the field of Transvaginal Ultrasounds for gynecology.
Transvaginal ultrasounds performed dynamically, Dynamic Ultrasonography, are far superior to a technician taking dozens of still two-dimensional images which are later read by a radiologist.
Women experiencing painful periods or heavy bleeding during periods may schedule a consultation with Dr Steven R. Goldstein MD, a leading gynecologist in Manhattan to diagnose the root cause of their symptoms.