Dr. Steven R. Goldstein MD Sonohysterorgram Gynecologist in New York City
Dr. Steven R Goldstein MD is a Sonohysterogram Gynecologist in New York City and one of the most highly recognized and regarded individuals in the field of vaginal probe ultrasounds. If you’ve been told to have an endometrial biopsy, then don’t. Blind endometrial biopsies with these tiny plastic devices became very popular in the early 90’s. Before that, women had what is called a D&C (Dilation and Curettage) also referred to as a scraping which was done under anesthesia. There was one study that suggested these endometrial biopsies were accurate 97% of the time. This was highly publicized and became the standard of care. In 1995 a much better study showed that women with known cancer who had a biopsy in the operating room before the hysterectomy, they missed 11 out of 65 of those women, which meant that roughly 16% of the time a woman with cancer had a biopsy, the cancer was missed. WWW.GOLDSTEINMD.COM
These uteri were cut open and it was determined in all of those cases the cancer occupied less than half of the surface area of the uterus cavity. As a top Sonohysterogram Gynecologist in New York City Dr. Goldstein has lectured on this since 1995 and it took until 2012 for the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists to finally put in their practice bulletin guidelines that an endometrial biopsy when positive is significant but it is not the stopping point. Still a number of practicing gynecologists do not know this and still do a biopsy as their first choice for diagnosis. It’s fine to do the biopsy, but many gynecologists do not realize that unless it shows cancer or very advanced pre cancer it is not a stopping point. Studies have shown that these blind biopsies cover less than 4% of the uterus cavity, so unless the abnormality (cancer or tumor) is global (covers most of the uterus), the physician is very likely to miss the cancer or abnormality with a blind biopsy. WWW.GOLDSTEINMD.COM
A better option for diagnosis is a saline infusion sonohysterogram where some fluid is put into the uterus with a tiny catheter tube so the operator can see the uterine cavity better. The reason ultrasound is such a home run in Obstetrics is because the baby is in a bag of water so we can see it well. So by putting some fluid into the uterus, the operator can see better and get high resolution images of the entire uterine cavity instead of doing a blind biopsy and only sampling a small portion of the uterus for diagnosis. A sonohysterogram has become the new standard of care in such situations. Dr. Goldstein has been in practice for over 25 years and is a Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at New York University School Of Medicine. He is also a Past Chairman of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, New York section, Past President American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine and is currently the Director of Gynecologic Ultrasound at NYU Langone Medical Center. WWW.GOLDSTEINMD.COM
If you have been told to have an endometrial biopsy, then schedule a consultation with Dr Steven R Goldstein, a Sonohysterogram Gynecologist in New York City for a non-invasive Sonohysterogram.
Dr. Steven R. Goldstein MD Sonohysterorgram Gynecologist in New York City