2 minute read
Q: What can I do to extend the life of my batteries?
A: Make sure the water level is above the internal plates at all times. Each month top them off with distilled water. Also, let your batteries sit in a discharged state and make it a habit to plug in the charger after you're done using your cart. Monitor your batteries for excessive boiling as you may need to change your charger algorithm for the correct charging profile to your battery brand/model. Lastly, clean your terminals once a month and make sure all connections are tight.
Q: What is the least expensive way to get more speed from my golf cart?
A: For newer style electric versions dealers can unlock Freedom mode for EZGO, enable Speed Code 4 for Club Car, and enable PTV mode for Yamaha. This involves either a passkey or a code obtained from the manufacturer while using a handheld scan tool. This service should cost a few hundred dollars on the high side and get you about 5 mph extra. If you have an older style "PDS" EZGO model, you can buy an inexpensive speed chip for the controller and/or a speed magnet that goes on the end of the motor in front of the speed sensor. A drawback to these mods will lower or even disable your regenerative braking. An even cheaper way to get more speed is to air up your tires to at least 20 psi for an extra 1-2 mph. Bigger than stock tires will also trick your speed sensor because of less rotations of the tire that your speed sensor is sending to the controller. If you have a gas version, the easiest (and cost effective) way is to adjust the governor on the carburetor by tightening the governor spring. When doing this you must watch that the RPMs on the motor are not too high. Be aware that this may void your warranty if applicable.
Q: Can I run three 12-volt batteries in my 36-volt cart instead of six 6-volt ones?
A: Technically you can have three batteries versus the six and the cart will run, however, you will get much less run time. This is because you're drawing the same amount of amperage from three less sources. If you were to choose different batteries that have a much higher amp/hour rating you could essentially run it this way, however, it is not recommended.