2020 Golfing Magazine New England Late Summer Issue

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Our `Get Out and Play Golf’ Program and Late Summer: A Winning Combination

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hanks to golf, the summer of 2020 has been not quite as isolating as we had feared it would be when the COVID-19 pandemic hit with full force in late winter. In fact, most golf courses report play is up considerably this year and pros are seeing new golfers by the dozens taking up the game. That can only bode well for the future of our precious sport. Many of these golfers have been taking advantage of Golfing Magazine New England’s Course Play Stimulus Program and playing all the golf they can ever want. We have half a year of golf left so sign up and join the thousands of individuals who are playing over 150 courses this year, all with no greens fees. And you get four issues of our magazine. Call 860-563-1633, or visit www. FreeGolf.net. In this issue of Golfing Magazine, we take you on a road trip through the state of Connecticut, where you can use your Course Play Stimulus program membership to play the many tracks listed. We also tell you about golf in the great state of Massachusetts, from the bucolic Berkshires to Boston, where you can hang out for a weekend or a week and take in all this special area of New England has to offer. We also tell you about Connecticut resident and former PGA Tour pro Ken Green and his fight back to playing after losing his leg in a terrible accident. Ken, who can be often seen at Danbury, Connecticut’s Richter Park Golf Course during the summer, wrote about his tumultuous life and career in a book published last year.

Golfing Magazine • New England Edition

We visit an historic private course in Norfolk, Connecticut that A.W. Tillinghast is reported to have designed back in the day. Barnstable Golf on Cape Cod and the splendid Newport National Golf Club in Rhode Island are also profiled. You’ll also find valuable instructional tips from our cadre of top-notch golf pros, and read about several courses that you simply must sample this year. Plus a guide to some of the latest training aids and eyewear gor golfers. Enjoy our digital magazine, take advantage of our Course Play Stimulus offer, and keep playing golf. We hope you enjoy this issue and hit ‘em straight and long.

All That Is Good,

Tom Landers, Publisher

golfing M A G A Z I N E™

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