2 minute read

WHY You Might Want to Consider a Golf Tour Operator for Your Next Golf Vacation?

According to IAGTO (International Association of Golf Tour Operators) there are 657 accredited Golf Tour Operators in 60 counties. They are responsible for approximately 90% of golf travel sold around the world.

If you have been a, do it yourself kind of person, it might just be time to open another door.

There is a big misconception out there, that when you utilize the services of a golf tour operator that you pay more for you golf vacation. That is simply NOT TRUE…there is a good chance that you will pay less, save time and get more of what you are really looking for.

If you are exploring someplace new this benefit grows tenfold – WHY? Because they, or one of their staff, have been there!! They can advise on which courses to play, how to get around, things to do and advise on some of their favorite restaurants.

When it comes to the rates, the cardinal rule between the relationships between good golf tour operators and golf resorts worldwide is that there is no cost difference between the two. Generally the Tour Operator works off a net rate provided to them by the resort based on the relationship that they have established and the business that they deliver. The golf resort will rarely provide the consumer with a similar rate or there would be no trust and no integrity in the pricing structure. The Golf Tour Operator has earned the rates through the volume of business that they deliver. They are in fact an arm of the resort and their reputation is built on the service that they deliver to you and the resort.

Dynamic or last-minute pricing may play a role in price variance, however if you are planning a golf vacation and want preferred tee times on a last-minute basis, I wish you luck. Also, if you have a group, booking last minute rarely works out.

Reasons that you may want to consider booking a trip with a Golf Tour Operator.

Time is Money

One of the most valuable services a golf tour company provides is saving you considerable time. Although much can be done online, planning a great trip on your own requires major effort and research. Especially to a new destination.

With most tour companies, there is an initial discussion about where you want to go and play, but once you’ve confirmed a quoted itinerary, you just sit back while they do the work. They book your accommodation, golf, ground transportation, and even some extras.

Knowledge and Personalized Service:

Golf Tour Operators will generally know what you need to know as they travel to the destinations they sell. They guide you to the courses that might be best suited for you / your group and stay within budget. They can advise on restaurants and nightlife, shopping and things to do outside of golf especially if there are non-golfers along.

Getting around at the destination.

There is a big difference between getting around in North America – easy peasy rent a car and go! Not so much when you are going to places like Thailand and Indonesia where you don’t dare try to drive. Two extremes I know and the tour operator will know and take care of things for you.
