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Brand Promotion


inside What’ s New LoanStar Marketing Library

MAY 12 | 2014


“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” - Mark Twain


M a r k et i n g Ma tt e rs i s pr ov id ed t o eve ry on e a t L o an S t ar H o m e L end i n g to u s e, sh a r e a n d l au nc h . Th e s t aff w e lc o me s c o m me n ts a nd i d e as a nd a l t ho ug h we s tr i v e fo r p er fe c t io n , w e ar e we l l a w a re t h a t we w on ’ t p l e a se ev er yon e . CONTACTS

| Phone 503.597.6702

| Email

Kenn Bartley

| SVP Marketing & Business Development |

Mikayla Morgan

| Regional Marketing Manager


Nick Long

| CRM Manager


Kayla Bowker

| Marketing Administration


Sheri Kramer

| Marketing Administration


Matt Houston

| Business Development Manager


Emily Eastburn

| Marketing Administration



THE GIFTS THAT KEEPS ON GIVING Although LoanStar Home Lending is less than a year old, our logo is catching on and getting noticed. And it’ s not from TV commercials, magazine advertisements, or a blimp flying over the Super Bowl. So far it is from what our originators have done with their personal marketing –passing out business cards, distributing fliers, providing applications in LoanStar folders, visits to web and social media sites, and an occasional PowerPoint presentation. But those are all “ one-hit”wonders. To make a long lasting impression, you have to give the logo on something that lasts!

MAKE AND IMPRESSION THAT SAYS QUALITY One of the best ways to make a long-lasting impression is to give away the LoanStar logo. Give it away on something that will be appreciated, is of high quality, and will be used and seen by others –for months if not years. Over time, the more LoanStar logo items are in the world, the more we collectively benefit from the overall exposure. More importantly, every gifted item helps them remember you the next time they need financing or need to refer someone to a mortgage professional. See you CPA, but your gifts can be tax deductible as a promotion or advertising expense, so track your costs and keep good records. And here’ s a great tip –track who you gave what to and log it in each contact’ s CRM database. That way you can ask them any time and often if they still use or wear that certain item you gave them way back when. They’ ll be amazed that you remember that, and it will be a great conversation starter. HOW AND WHAT TO GIVE AWAY

Mikayla Morgan Marketing Manager

LoanStar has contracted with a vendor to produce logo items and distribute them to you at an online store. There is no mark up and purchases are shipped directly to you in most cases. The online store link is located at the bottom of our home page. At the store you can find polo shirts in three colors, various jackets and vests, pens, balloons, cups and more. Happy shopping –and gifting!

BEST PRACTICES If you have a sales or marketing program that is producing results, let us know so we can share with other Loan Stars!


Regulation Z

Compliance is a major focus in today ’ s mortgage world and it applies to how an originator markets themselves. Since ignorance isn ’ t a defense, the following article posted by MortgageDashboard may help you stay out of court and free from regulators punitive fines!

15 Advertising Tips From Regulation Z Disclaimer: This article does not represent legal interpretation or advice.

ADVERTISING COMPLIANCE BEST PRACTICES P o s t e d b y M o r t g ag e D a s h b oa r d May 1, 2014

A loan originator’ s marketing strategy has become a two-sided coin. On one side, there is a genuine necessity to promote and advertise using every tool within arm’ s reach. On the other side, regulations have become an overbearing and complicated machine that suffocates any form of creativity on social media and print advertising. Your originators are between a rock and a hard place; their intense desire to market is matched by absolute fear of regulatory conditions. Since the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) manhandled authority from the Federal Reserve Board (FRB), amendments have been made to the Truth in Lending Act, or Regulation Z, which governs advertisements concerning financial information, among many other things. Though the CFPB is well-intentioned, the Dodd Frank amendments can be considered the strictest and most complex laws set forth. Most violations of Regulation Z are unintentional, but ignorance of the law isn’ t a defense. While these rules are complex and the fines are heavy, Regulation Z shouldn’ t scare finance professionals from omitting any marketing strategies. With a proper understanding of the rules, the originator’ s coin becomes manageable and, in some respects,

it even becomes a beneficial situation. After all, originators who understand the current regulatory climate often have a greater advantage over their competitors. In order to help you understand Regulation Z, here are 15 tips to remaining compliant in your marketing plan:

1. Apply print advertising rules to social media. The official commentary to Regulation Z states that “ any social media communication…must comply with Regulation Z’ s advertising provisions.”Advertising is considered to be “ any commercial message that promotes consumer credit”and not restricted to print. The same rules that apply to social media and print apply to any form of electronic media. The commentary also states that “ the regulation’ s advertising rules apply to advertisements delivered electronically.”(See 15 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.; 12 C.F.R. pts. 226 and 1026.)

2. Use disclosures when necessary. Whether on print or online, Regulation Z requires that any information about loan terms and cost must also include a disclosure. Regulation Z is designed to promote the “ informed use of consumer credit” . Disclosure requirements will vary based on whether the credit is open-end or closed-end. Some exceptions are discussed in later tips. (See 12 C.F.R. 226.24(d)(2))

3. Clearly state your rates and terms. Another aspect of Regulation Z is that if an advertisement for credit states specific credit terms, “ it must state only those terms that actually are or will be arranged or offered by the creditor.”In other words, advertising relating to credit must present what Regulation Z deems to be “ clear and conspicuous”information. (See 12 C.F.R. 226.24(1)(a))

4. Adopt or evaluate your companies’social media policy. As employees may be viewed by the public as a reflection of their company, financial institutions may be at compliance risk by what their employees say on social media when they’ re off the clock. For example, if an employee is communicating via social media with a customer regarding a loan product, policies should be in place to ensure they are receiving all of the appropriate disclosures. Employers should evaluate the risks of social media to determine proper policies to adopt.(See FIL-56-2013 (IV) Truth in Lending Act/Regulation Z)

5. Make the equal housing logo easy to find. At least in all written and visual advertisements. Websites that accept loan applications online may be considered a lobby for Fair Housing Compliance purposes and should also contain the logo. The advertisement must prominently indicate the logo in a manner “ appropriate”to its medium. (See Fair House Advertising § 109.30 (a))

6. Know the difference between equal housing opportunity and equal housing lender. If the advertisement is written or visual, it is necessary to include the equal housing opportunity logo. With respect to oral advertisements, the Equal Opportunity Lender logo must be present or spoken in the context of “ This financial institution is an equal housing lender” . (See 24 CFR part 110 & Fair Housing § 338.4(b))

7. Make sure you always use your fully licensed name. Even if it’ s unintentional, advertising a name other than the fully licensed name that corresponds to your NMLS# can handicap regulators and consumers from understanding who you are. In this case, you may be fined. (See 12 C.F.R. 226.24(i)(4))

8. Keep your NMLS# visible. Your NMLS ID improves the supervision and transparency of the residential mortgage market by providing the public with a tool to track companies “ across state lines and over time” . Established by the SAFE Act, NMLS ID’ s are required to be made readily available to customers “ in a manner and method practicable to the institution” . They should be clearly visible on all application forms, advertisements, business cards and websites. (See 12 CFR 1007.104(a))

9. Gain permission to quote someone. Are you wanting to quote someone on your website or include their words in a video? If the quote came from a previously copy written article or review site, you’ ll need written permission. Moreover, you must include the author’ s name, the publication date, the title of work, and the name of the publication in which it appeared. (See EAS-405)

10. Don’ t include lyrics on ads without permission either. If you want to display the lyrics to John Lennon’ s“ imagine”on your website or video, you’ re going to need Paul McCartney’ s permission. ‘ To find out who holds the rights to a particular song, contact the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP), or Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI). After permission, you’ ll need to include the author’ s name, publication date, title of work, and the name of the publication it first appeared. (See EAS-405)

11. Be aware of trigger words that require disclosures. When additional information is added to an advertisement to interest the consumer, you may be required to disclosure further requirements. If trigger words like interest rates, the dollar amount of down payments, or anything related to the closing costs, you are required to further calculate and accurately disclose the following: - The available interest rate - The accurately calculated APR - The payment schedule - Any Required down payment information - State whether the rate may increase In addition, you should also state whether the interest rate may increase at any time after and if the availability is subject to any material requirements or limitations (which must be specified). (See 12 C.F.R. 226.24 (d))

12. Know your state regulations. In some states, it may be required that at least one responsible individual who is accountable be named in your advertisements. Your state may also require the advertisement to reflect a message such as “ To check the license status of your Mortgage Loan Originator, visit:” . Some states even have additional state specific disclosure requirements that must be added to your website.

13. Don’ t say “ government loan program”unless the loan really is. The Truth-In-Lending Act prohibits making any statement in an ad that the product is a “ government loan program” ,“ government-supported loan” , or is otherwise endorsed by a government entity unless the ad actually is for an FHA or VA loan. (See 12 C.F.R. 226.24(i)(3))

14. Convey your message differently to avoid disclosures. Adding disclosures can eat up the available real estate on your ad. If you do not wish to add disclosure requirements, you can still convey the same message with a few minor changes. For example, instead of saying “ 15 and 30 year loan terms available”say “ We offer a wide range of mortgage terms, available to fit your needs” . Or, instead of “ No closing cost loans!”say “ Loan programs with no out of pocket expense are available to qualified borrowers.”(See 12 C.F.R. 226.24 (i))

15. Give your ad these 7 things. In order to comply with the SAFE Act, advertising requirements set for at a federal level under Regulation Z must contain the following (See 12 CFR 1007.104(a)): - The legal name of the mortgage company - The NMLS ID of the company - Full, physical business address - The business phone number –the land-line is required. - The name of the originator as it appears on the NMLS website - The NMLS ID of the originator - The equal housing opportunity logo

Read more:



The number of LoanStar Originators as of May 9, 2014. Goal for Open House co-branded financing fliers is one per LO per week.

The number of Open House/Listing fliers ordered for the weekend of May 3-4, 2014. Great Job!

Order Open House Financing Fliers every week from Normal turn-time is 24 hours for a .pdf, 72 hours for printed copies at your desk.

On the following pages are samples of marketing that was created and launched last week. You can order any of what you see in Marketing Matters for your personal brand and marketing needs. As new marketing is produced it will be included in subsequent editions of Marketing Matters.

HOW TO ORDER Call your Marketing Specialist or send your request for personalization to Include your name, branch, and this is important – when you need it completed and ready to launch (usually not the same day, give us a chance!).

I WANT SOMETHING ELSE! Okay, call marketing and we’ ll discuss what you need and how and when we can deliver it to you. Make sure you have a goal in mind along with your request, we get plenty of practice designing cool marketing stuff already!

IN THE NEWS LoanStar Home Lending Press Clippings

CHRISMAN REPORT, Thursday, April 17, 2014

How does a new mortgage bank more than double in size in its first three months of existence? "For LoanStar Home Lending, born and raised in Portland, Oregon just last November, the recipe is quite simple: Take some of the longest tenured mortgage pros on the West Coast, blend with lots of capital from Texas, engage top tier correspondent investors, add a robust dose of marketing done for the originators, and top it off with an efficiency culture where originators originate, processors process, and marketing markets. ‘ Our vision of how LoanStar helps originators grow their business is by concentrating on originating loans and building relationships, and is attracting nearly every originator in all our markets,' says Mike Baldwin, President & CEO. Baldwin is building his fourth mortgage bank in the last 30 years and has a regional 'who's who' on the management team, including John Giagiari, SVP Production for California, who has already brought on eight originators to LoanStar and matched them with Intero Real Estate offices in Northern California. LoanStar is hiring aggressively to fill or start branches in the Puget Sound, Portland, Southern California, Boise and Phoenix area. Contact Kenn Bartley, SVP Business Development at for more information. CHRISMAN REPORT, Monday, April 21, 2014

On the jobs front, last week the commentary mentioned the explosive growth of LoanStar Home Lending but did not mention that SVP California Production John Giagiari is also aggressively looking for originators in Northern California. John said "I have seven more Intero Real Estate offices to place originators and need to fill those spots immediately!" John can be reached at LoanStar Home Lending CEO Mike Baldwin has assembled a proverbial all-star team out west to grow the company. LoanStar leaders include Les Bedford ( as the SVP Production for Washington. Les is the 2014 President of the Washington Mortgage Lenders Association and over the last 35 years has built and managed successful, high producing teams. Greg Haase ( is the SVP Production for Oregon and Idaho and is expanding to new digs in Vancouver, WA and opening a new branch in Boise in May. And in Southern California, Marcelo Curt ( recently joined LoanStar as that region's Sales Manager and is building teams throughout SoCal. "Contact any of these seasoned sales management gurus to find out why LoanStar is growing like wildfire on the West Coast!"


LoanStar in the News has been added to our main website. As LoanStar gets published in the news we’ ll add to this online Press Room!

CAMPAIGN “ Springstakes!” WHAT Now until June 30, 2014, you can use this “ Enter to Win”sweepstakes to gather contact and mortgage or real estate needs at events. Use at Open Houses, Home Shows, Buyer Seminars, and if you are a year past your initial Re-engagement Campaign, you could elect to do a new give-away promotion. HOW To order contact marketing at COST No charge for the iPad or small quantity printing but expensive if you don’ t use it! Postage and vendor printing, if any, will be charged to LO.

CAMPAIGN Documentation Checklist (V1.0) WHAT This simple, easy to follow Documentation Checklist is perfect in helping your clients understand and manage everything they need to work through the process. Send this out with your initial disclosures to help alleviate the stress of needing important documentation at the last minute! This is our first version of this marketing piece, so look for an updated version in the weeks to come. Feel free to send Mikayla input or suggestions on how to make it better! HOW Email Mikayla at to order yours today! COST No charge for the flyer. Printing and postage costs may apply.

CAMPAIGN “ General Products Flyer” WHAT Our Products Flyer is an easy way to show Realtors, builders and clients what programs we have to offer. Look for specific Product Flyers in the upcoming weeks that will highlight each product category. Use them in a series of meetings with referral partners. HOW Email Mikayla at to order yours today! COST No charge for the flyer. Printing and postage costs may apply.

CAMPAIGN “ Meet the Team” WHAT At LoanStar you have the support of an awesome group and you should show them off! Use this flyer to let your business partners and clients know who will be helping them with what, and who to call if they have questions. This can eliminate a lot of the headaches of miscommunication! Promoting your team shows your strength in numbers!

HOW Email Mikayla at to order yours today! COST No charge for the flyer. Printing and postage costs may apply.

CAMPAIGN “ Rate Increase”Flyer WHAT A lot of people don’ t know how much an increase in rate can affect their buying power. Use this flyer to demonstrate exactly how crucial locking in their rate can be –now - and how a refinance can drastically change their home loan! This flyer will be tailored per region to account for average loan amounts. HOW Email Mikayla at to order yours today! COST No charge for the flyer. Printing and postage costs may apply.

CAMPAIGN “ I’ ve Moved”Email/Flyer WHAT Let your clients and business partners know you’ ve moved to LoanStar! This marketing piece can be blasted out via email, snail mail, or handed out to all of your clients and Realtors as an initial marketing piece to generate business. HOW Email Mikayla at to order yours today! COST No charge to you!

CAMPAIGN “ Affordability Options” WHAT Many people, especially first time home buyers, don’ t know how affordable homeownership really is. Utilize this flyer to help clients realize how they could be saving money by owning a home vs rent! HOW Email Mikayla at to order yours today! COST No charge to you! Normal charges for printing and postage, if any, may apply.

CAMPAIGN “ Let us Move You!” WHAT Our moving promotion is a great added value that can help you not only get more clients, but also help build stronger relationships with Realtor partners. Use this email blast alone, or partner with your Realtors(R) or builder to promote this awesome promotion to everyone! HOW Email Mikayla at to order yours today! COST No charge to you!

CAMPAIGN “ MMG Weekly”& “ MMG Monthly” Provided to you Exclusively By Dion Mancia

For the week of Mar 17, 2014 | Vol. 12, Issue 11

Dion Mancia Sr. Loan Officer NMLS# 19061 The Mancia Group LoanStar Home Lending NMLS# 1094582 Office: (503) 597-6703 Cell: (503) 381-8900 E-Mail: Website:

In This Issue

WHAT Mortgage Market Guide (MMG) is a popular mortgage market update newsletter provided by Vantage Production that can be branded and personalized with your information. There is a weekly and monthly update for MMG which includes a recaps, graphs, and much more! HOW Check out MMG’ s website ( and contact Nick Long ( for more details. EMAIL RECIPIENT Realtors & Select database contacts COST $359 Per Year OR $39 on month-to-month, they also have a 14-day trial.

CAMPAIGN “ Neighborhood Open House Flyer” WHAT This is an example of an open house email that was featured all the Open Houses in a neighborhood. The LO did all the leg work to get the agents on board, and now she has new referral partners and the event created leads for her and the agents! HOW Marketing can create the flyer and contact Nick Long ( to get it emailed to your targeted database. EMAIL RECIPIENT Clients and Realtors COST Free to design and email; nominal direct mail costs may apply

CAMPAIGN “ MBS Highway” WHAT MBS Highway is another example of a subscription service that loan officers can subscribe to. We take what information they have given us on the articles and turn it into your branding with your name and photo on it. Marketing is willing to work with whatever subscription service you want and try and provide that to your database. HOW Go to MBS Highway’ s website and contact Nick Long ( for more details EMAIL RECIPIENT Weekly Realtors COST $499.95 a year OR $49.95 a month

CAMPAIGN “ USDA Benefits Extended” WHAT This USDA blast was part of the once-a-month email blast going out to clients. Each month will be a new featured flyer and will be emailed out to each of your client email lists provided. All of them will be personalized with photos and other information. HOW Keep adding to your client email lists and building that database so more of your clients will get these. If you need help with your lists or the CRM you can contact Nick Long ( EMAIL RECIPIENT Clients COST Free

CAMPAIGN “ HARP” WHAT This email blasts to customers featuring the HARP refinance program. Every Monthly blast will go out on the third Thursday of every month. HOW Keep adding to your client email lists and building that database so more of your clients will get these. If you need help with your lists or the CRM you can contact Nick Long ( EMAIL RECIPIENT Clients COST Free


CAMPAIGN “ Referral Partner Budget”reference flyer WHAT When promoting our marketing services for referral partner use, this handy one-sheet explains how much each piece of the database campaign costs so they can budget accordingly. Use the budget flyer in conjunction with the Business Partner Marketing Resources brochure. HOW Email Mikayla at to order yours today! COST No charge for the flyer.

CAMPAIGN “ Introductory PowerPoint Presentation” WHAT Marketing produced a PowerPoint presentation to introduce his team to a builder. The presentation was brief and to the point and requested a meeting to follow up and answer and expand on any of the points in the presentation.

If you need a PowerPoint presentation for any reason, contact marketing. HOW Contact Kenn Bartley at 503-597-6702 or COST None

CAMPAIGN “ FHA Special”email blast or flyer WHAT We’ re still looking for more FHA loans to send through as a test case so the incredible special is extended through April. Send to your agents and database! HOW Contact Nick Long for email blasts. Contact Mikayla Morgan for flyers and direct mail. COST None unless mailing.

CAMPAIGN “ Logo Store” WHAT The LoanStar Logo Store is online and open for business! Purchase logo apparel, promo items and open house props to gift to customers, referral partners or to use at open houses and events.

New to the Logo Store in April will be balloons in white and green; black golf towels, green tees and Nike golf balls; and green roller-ball pens. HOW Click on the link at the bottom of our home page, shop and purchase online. COST Vendor fees paid directly to supplier. CAMPAIGN “ Downsizing Flier” WHAT Use to co-brand with an agent to show prospects that you have all the bases covered when it comes time to sell and buy a smaller home. HOW Contact Mikayla Morgan to order your personalized copy. WHO Clients, prospects and agents. COST Free unless printed and mailed.

CAMPAIGN “ Referral Partner Budget”reference flyer WHAT When promoting our marketing services for referral partner use, this handy onesheet explains how much each piece of the database campaign costs so they can budget accordingly. Alternative to using the larger brochure and budget insert. HOW Email Mikayla at to order yours today! COST No charge for the flyer.

CAMPAIGN “ USDA Product Flier” WHAT Use this to discuss the benefits of the USDA program with Agents or Prospects. HOW Contact Mikayla Morgan to order your personalized copy. WHO Clients, prospects and agents. COST Free unless printed and mailed.

CAMPAIGN “ Logo Store” WHAT The LoanStar Logo Store is online and open for business! Newly added products are logo mugs, pens and padfoli0s –all excellent gifts for customers and referral partners! New to the Logo Store in April will be balloons in white and green; black golf towels, green tees and Nike golf balls. HOW Click on the link at the bottom of our home page, shop and purchase online. COST Vendor fees paid directly to supplier.

CAMPAIGN “ Interest Rate Effect on Payments” WHAT This email blast is ready to go out to your database personalized with your contact information and compliance disclaimers. The message will help readers realize that they should hurry to buy or refinance before rates go up or risk losing buying power in the future. Example payments can be modified to fit your database profile (two examples shown here). HOW Keep adding to your client email lists and building that database so more of your clients will get these. If you need help with your lists or the CRM you can contact Nick Long ( EMAIL RECIPIENTS General Database COST Free

CAMPAIGN “ Re-Engagement Campaign (Email Version)” WHAT For those starting their database cleanup promotion, we now have an online version of the highly successful direct mail piece. A fill-form survey is attached to the email to capture updated data, leads, choose their participation gift card, and enter them to win the giveaway prize. The addition of the fill-form may help improve database engagement. Note: Responses to direct mail average 30% return rate. Email return rate has been less than 2%. HOW Contact Nick Long or your LoanStar Marketing Specialist to get started. EMAIL RECIPIENTS Initial Database COST Gift cards and grand prize.

CAMPAIGN “ Re-Engagement Campaign (Email Referral Partner Version)” WHAT For those co-branding with a referral partner’ s database cleanup promotion, we now have an online version of the highly successful direct mail piece. A fill-form survey is attached to the email to capture updated data, leads, choose their participation gift card, and enter them to win the giveaway prize. The addition of the fill-form may help improve database engagement. Note: Responses to direct mail average 30% return rate. Email return rate has been less than 2%. HOW Contact Nick Long or your LoanStar Marketing Specialist to get started. EMAIL RECIPIENTS Initial Database COST Gift cards and grand prize.

CAMPAIGN “ First Time Home Buyer”PowerPoint Presentation WHAT Thank you Curt Lillibridge and his team at our new Everett, Washington branch for providing their First Time Home Buyer seminar to share. Marketing has “ Loanstarized”it and can customize it to meet your needs in your market. If you need this or any PowerPoint presentation for any reason, contact marketing. HOW Contact Kenn Bartley at 503-597-6702 or COST None

CAMPAIGN Re-engagement Campaign –Generic for Realtor WHAT Remember the reengagement campaigns that we did for you when you started at LoanStar? We help Realtors with those too! If you ever need to send a sample to a Realtor, we can help brand it to match their realtor group and colors. This will help simulate what they can have done for them. HOW Email Nick at to get started! COST No Cost!

CAMPAIGN Annual Real Estate Review –Generic for Realtor WHAT This is a generic look at the annual real estate reviews that we do for Realtor groups for a sample. You can use this to give your real estate groups that you want to partner with a sample of the work that LoanStar can provide them! HOW Email Nick at to get started! COST No Cost!

CAMPAIGN “ Expect the Best from LoanStar” WHAT Here is a flyer that puts together both the annual real estate review and the reengagement campaign in one flyer! How great would it be to show them each flyer individually and then follow up with this flyer to tie everything together! HOW Email Nick at to get started! COST No Cost!

DON’ T FORGET TO ASK FOR TESTIMONIALS Testimonials from happy customers is one of your best forms of advertising! Ask for them always. They can submit a testimonial on your web site 24/7. Also, when you have a willing customer or referral partner, you can also simply ask your Marketing Specialist to call them for a quote and marketing will add it to your web site and social media posts.

ASKING ISNT STEALING! Celia Burlingame is a new originator, starting her career with LoanStar in 2014. She has hit the ground running and has asked her customers for testimonials and they gladly had great things to say about her. Marketing posted the comments on her web page (shown here) and on her Facebook fan page.

calendar W1 W3 YR

Direct Mail Newsletter mailed the first week of every month

Email Blast launched the third Thursday of every month

Annual Mortgage Review mailed to everyone in a database once a year. dB is divided in 26 equal parts, mailed every-other week, with names and phone numbers sent to originators to call in between mailings.

Contact marketing for more details or to review your Annual Marketing Calendar.

CODA A little humor to end this newsletter and start another successful week

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