22-daagse reis naar Ecuador en ArgentiniĂŤ Jubileum-/Ontdekkingsreis met Amazone, Galapagos, Andes en Buenos Aires
Reisvoorstel voor de heer en mevrouw Maertens Versie 5 maart 2013
Maertens Ecuador/Argentina – dec2013
Dag-tot-dag programma in vogelvlucht Hier onder vindt u het dag-tot-dag programma in vogelvlucht. Het geeft een simpele weergave van uw reis.
Dag 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
12 dec 2013 Amsterdam Quito 13 dec 2013 Quito Quito 14 dec 2013 Quito Amazone 15 dec 2013 Amazone Amazone 16 dec 2013 Amazone Amazone 17 dec 2013 Amazone Quito 18 dec 2013 Quito Galapagos 19 dec 2013 Galapagos Galapagos 20 dec 2013 Galapagos Galapagos 21 dec 2013 Galapagos Galapagos 22 dec 2013 Galapagos Galapagos 23 dec 2013 Galapagos Galapagos 24 dec 2013 Galapagos Galapagos 25 dec 2013 Galapagos Santiago 26 dec 2013 Santiago Mendoza 27 dec 2013 Mendoza Mendoza 28 dec 2013 Mendoza Mendoza 29 dec 2013 Mendoza Mendoza 30 dec 2013 Mendoza Buenos Aires 31 dec 2013 Buenos Aires Buenos Aires 1 jan 2014 Buenos Aires Buenos Aires 2 jan 2014 Buenos Aires Buenos Aires 3 jan 2014 Buenos Aires Amsterdam * Maaltijden: O=ontbijt, L=Lunch, D=Diner
Maertens Ecuador/Argentina – dec2013
Vlucht Vlucht Vlucht Vlucht Vlucht Bus Vlucht Vlucht
Vieja Cuba Hotel Vieja Cuba Hotel La Selva Lodge La Selva Lodge La Selva Lodge Vieja Cuba Hotel M/Y Coral II/I M/Y Coral II/I M/Y Coral II/I M/Y Coral II/I M/Y Coral II/I M/Y Coral II/I M/Y Coral II/I Club Tapiz Club Tapiz Club Tapiz Club Tapiz The Savoy The Savoy The Savoy The Savoy -
L, D O, L, D O, L, D O O, L, D O, L, D O, L, D O, L, D O, L, D O, L, D O, L, D O O O O O O O O O -
Dag tot dag programma Dag 1: Vertrek naar Ecuador Vandaag is het zover! Uw rondreis door Zuid-Amerika gaat nu echt beginnen. U vliegt vanuit Nederland richting Ecuador. Bij aankomst op de luchthaven in Quito wordt u verwelkomd door onze lokale agent die u naar uw accommodatie brengt. U overnacht in het Vieja Cuba Hotel, waar u kunt bijkomen van de lange vlucht. Verderop in dit voorstel vindt u impressie-foto’s van de geselecteerde accommodaties Dag 2: Vrije dag in Quito Vandaag kunt u geheel vrij besteden. Er is genoeg te doen en te zien in een van de mooiste hoofdsteden van ZuidAmerika. U overnacht wederom in het Vieja Cuba Hotel. De stad ligt in een smalle valei tussen, in het westen, de vulkaan Pichincha en de valei van de Machángara rivier in het oosten. Quito is een indrukwekende stad met klassieke koloniale architectuur en moderne gebouwen in contrast met de bossen en vulkanen die de stad omringen. In Quito is vooral het centrum de moeite waard om te bezoeken. Het historisch centrum met vele oude kerken, enkele goede musea, winkels, cafés en restaurants zijn zeker de moeite waard. Quito is het bruisende hart van Ecuador en zonder een bezoek aan deze stad is je bezoek aan Ecuador niet compleet. Dag 3: Quito – Ecuadorian Amazone Vandaag vertrekt u richting het Amazone gebied! Na het ontbijt vertrekt u naar de luchthaven voor een domestic vluchtje naar de jungle.... U vliegt in 30 minuten naar Coca vanwaar u naar de haven wordt gereden. Hier stapt u op een gemotoriseerde kano waarmee u een tocht van ongeveer 2,5 uur over de Napo Rivier maakt. Aan het einde van de boottocht wordt u naar de Selva-haven gebracht waar u een welkomstcocktail ontvangt en de gidsen ontmoet. Na een korte wandeling maakt u wederom een kanotocht waarmee u in 15 minuten bij uw lodge aankomt. U kunt vandaag al een van de vele activiteiten ondernemen. Deze vindt u verderop in dit voorstel. U overnacht in La Selva Jungle Lodge. La Selva is a study in adventure travel and ecotourism, allowing for a profound cultural exchange with indigenous communities, deep in the Amazon rainforest of Ecuador. We think it is, when partnered with a Galapagos Islands tour, the most unique wildlife experience in all of South America. An easy trail close to the hotel is usually filled with wildlife at any hour of the day. A short walk through virgin forest will allow you to appreciate the giant kapok tree (Ceiba pentandra) and the
Maertens Ecuador/Argentina – dec2013
Strangler fig tree (Ficus sp), among the most representatives, along with other plant and animal species that can be seen. Dag 4: Ecuadorian Amazone U moet vandaag vroeg uit de veren! U vertrekt namelijk al voor uw eerste excursie om ongeveer 07:00. De middag kunt u vrij besteden Rond 4 uur maakt u de volgende excursie. U dineert vanavond in de lodge zodat u vol nieuwe energie kunt starten aan de spannende avondexcursie. U overnacht in La Selva Jungle Lodge. Alle excursies worden samen met de andere gasten en de gids dag per dag bepaald. Dag 5: Ecuadorian Amazone U heeft gisteren al een drukke dag achter de rug gehad, maar het Amazone-avontuur is nog niet voorbij! Vandaag gaat u weer vroeg op excursie om het gebied te verkennen. De middag kunt u wederom vrij besteden. U kunt bijvoorbeeld heerlijk genieten van een behandeling in de spa. Uw gids kan u hier meer over vertellen. In de middag kunt u deelnemen aan de volgende excursie of zelf gaan vissen, kanoën, een bezoekje brengen aan de observatietoren of heerlijk relaxen. Na het avondmaal maakt u de laatste avondexcursie. Vannacht uw laatste overnachting in de La Selva Jungle Lodge. Dag 6: Ecuadorian Amazone – Quito Vandaag verlaat u het Amazone-gebied en gaat u terug naar de luchthaven in El Coca voor uw vlucht naar Quito. Aangekomen op Quito wordt u opgewacht door onze lokale agent en naar uw accommodatie gebracht. U overnacht weer in het inmiddels vertrouwde Vieja Cuba Hotel. Dag 7: Quito - Galápagos Islands Cruise M/Y Coral II/I Na het ontbijt wordt u naar de luchthaven gebracht en neemt u het vliegtuig naar de Galápagos Islands. Hier wordt u opgewacht door een representative van de cruise en naar het schip gebracht. Uw Galápagos Islands Cruise gaat van start! U vaart vandaag naar het eiland Santa Cruz en brengt een bezoek aan het Charles Darwin Station. Located in the Pacific Ocean, 1000 kilometers from the South American mainland, this Ecuadorian Archipelago, made of 14 major islands and more than 60 smaller islands and islets, surrounded by its Marine Reserve, the world’s second largest, is known as a “Living Laboratory” or “Showcase of Evolution”… The combination of converging marine currents, a volcanic geological structure and their oceanic isolation has resulted in this “melting pot” of unique species, found nowhere else on earth. Some of the most notorious samples are the marine iguanas, the giant tortoises (called “Galapagos”) and the 13 varieties of Darwin’s finches.
Maertens Ecuador/Argentina – dec2013
This uniqueness inspired Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution, following his visit to the islands in 1835. Since then, they have become a Mecca for scientific investigation. Today, as a strictly protected National Park, and the world’s first natural area designated by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site, the Galapagos are also one of the world’s most fascinating tourist destinations and a true Wonder of Nature… Dag 8 t/m 13: Galápagos Islands Cruise M/Y Coral II/I U vindt het uitgebreide reisprogramma voor uw Galápagos Islands Cruise verderop in dit voorstel evenals uitgebreide informatie over het schip.
Maertens Ecuador/Argentina – dec2013
Dag 14: Galápagos Islands – Quito – Santiago de Chile Uw cruise eindigt vandaag. U vaart via Daphne terug naar de haven. Hier wordt u naar de luchthaven gebracht voor uw vlucht naar Quito (aankomst 2e helft van de middag). Vanaf hier neemt u een avond- en nachtvlucht naar Santiago de Chile (via Lima). Dag 15: Santiago de Chile - Mendoza Na aankomst zeer vroeg in de ochtend in Santiago wordt u naar het busstation gebracht. Hier neemt u de bus naar Mendoza. Deze schitterende rit duurt ongeveer 8 uur. Bij aankomst in Mendoza wordt u naar uw accommodatie gebracht. U verblijft vanavond in een fijne, landelijk gelegen accommodatie met een finca-posada-karakter. Dit is prettig bijkomen van de lange reis. Dag 16 t/m 18: Vrije tijd in Mendoza Deze dagen kunt u vrij besteden. U overnacht deze dagen wederom in de fijne accommodatie. Mendoza ligt aan de voet van het Andes gebergte, op de grens van Argentinië met Chili. Dit is het hart van wijnstreek en deze mooie, levendige stad is de ideale uitvalsbasis om de prachtige regio te verkennen en wijn te proeven in de talloze bodega´s. Met als decor op de achtergrond altijd de witbesneeuwde toppen van de Andes. Dag 19: Mendoza – Buenos Aires U verlaat Mendoza vandaag en vervolgt uw reis naar Buenos Aires. U wordt naar de luchthaven gebracht voor uw vlucht naar Buenos Aires. Eenmaal aangekomen in Buenos Aires wordt u ontvangen door onze lokale agent en naar uw accommodatie gebracht. U overnacht in de accommodatie van uw keuze. Dag 20 t/m 22: Buenos Aires Deze dagen kunt u vrij besteden. U kunt zelf de stad gaan verkennen of excursies ondernemen. U gaat in ieder geval een mooie avond tegemoet tijdens de Argentijnse ‘dinner en tango show’ dat inclusief in de reis zit. U overnacht wederom in de accommodatie van uw keuze. Alvast een gelukkig nieuwjaar! Inclusief: dinner and Tango Show at La Ventana Famous for its amazing nightlife and for being the land of Carlos Gardel, Buenos Aires countless gastronomic and artistic options. Tango portrays the ‘Queen of the River Plate’ (‘Reina del Plata’). We will enjoy an unforgettable night, surrender to the magic of this city that never sleeps and to the charm of this overwhelming and sanguine music —main protagonist of the night— while enjoying the best of its varied gastronomic offer.
Maertens Ecuador/Argentina – dec2013
Optioneel: Half Day Buenos Aires City Tour - 3 uur On an unforgettable route, we will live all the porteño magic. These few hours feature all the magic of Argentina’s capital city. In this most complete overview of the Paris of South America we will visit the glamorous neighborhoods of Recoleta and its most famous cemetery, Palermo, May Square and the Pink House, the Metropolitan Cathedral, the newest & trendiest Puerto Madero Area and many other emblematic buildings and palaces of unique architectural, historical, and cultural value. The visit would not be complete without the sights of the first settlements of the city of Buenos Aires. The pintoresque neighborhood of San Telmo, residence to the porteño aristocracy until the end of the XIX century and where the renowned antiques market is held every Sunday; Caminito Street, in the colorful, Italian immigrants neighborhood of La Boca.
Optioneel: Half Day Tigre Delta (launch navigation SIB) - 4 uur Only 30 km north of Buenos Aires, the City of Tigre is the access to the exotic delta of the Paraná River, a huge stretch of subtropical forest including thousands of islets. This delta is unique in the world since it flows into another river instead of into the sea, as all deltas do. After traveling along the Rio de la Plata, we arrive to San Isidro to make a small stop to visit the Neo-Gothic Cathedral built in the XIX century. From here we continue to Tigre Pier to board on one of the typical boats that will take us on a spectacular ride around the islands, enjoying nature at every corner. Dag 23: Buenos Aires - Amsterdam Het einde van uw reis is aangebroken. Vandaag wordt u naar de luchthaven gebracht voor uw internationale vlucht terug naar huis. Goede reis! Buen viaje!
Maertens Ecuador/Argentina – dec2013
Activiteiten Amazone – Selva Jungle Lodge SACHA HUAGRA TRAIL: Cross Garzacocha Lake, walk through virgin forest appreciating the giant kapok tree (Ceiba pentandra) and the Strangler fig tree (Ficus sp) between the most representatives along with some other plant and animal species that can be seen in the trail; arrive at the lodge for lunch. It takes about four and a half hours for the whole loop. PARROT CLAY LICKS: Visit the Yasuní National Park for the whole morning in order to appreciate a unique site where parrots, parakeets and macaws concentrate in order to gather the minerals that will help them to digest the fruits they have consumed. DANTA’S TRAIL: The duration can vary between 3 to 5 hours. Cross the Napo River and arrive at a challenging mountainous trail which offers yet another ecosystem. It is a chance to see birds and other wildlife nowhere else seen. GARZACOCHA-MANDICOCHA-MANDIYACU: A 3 to 4 hour trip. Follow the Mandicocha trail until you reach Mandicocha Lake which has a completely different ecosystem called Igapo Forest, board paddle canoes for a one hour glide down Mandiyacu stream. One easily sees the myriad of wildlife that presents itself along the shores of the stream. WALK TO SILVERIO’S HOUSE: Cross Garzacocha Lake. Two and a half to three hour walk on a purposely underdeveloped trail which has some physical challenge. Most of the walk takes place in primary forest and at the end it passes by the huts of our indigenous neighbors near the Napo River. There is a great possibility to discuss about the Kichwa people life style, and visit an indigenous family. CHAWAMANGO TRAIL: Head east at Mandicocha trail head and walk back to Garzacocha lake. 3 - 4 hour walk. Surprises can be found on the way. MATAPALO TRAIL: This is an introductory walk perfect for the day of your arrival. Here you will have the chance to appreciate the particular Strangler Fig (Ficus sp), Azteca ants (Azteca trigona) lots of bright and beautiful heliconia plants and the Rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis) among other surprises! TOUCANETA’S TRAIL: This is a short 2 hour walk around the lodge where you will get a general idea of the tropical rainforest (flora, fauna & microfauna). LITTLE CHAWAMANGO: Short trip by foot around the edge of Lake Garzacocha. Return by canoe to the lodge.
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135 FOOT OBSERVATION TOWER: Not far from the lodge you can spend a couple of hours observing birds that move around the canopy, perhaps monkeys and wildlife of all kinds, and of course, a wonderful view of the Amazon Basin. NIGHT EXCURSIONS: Canoe rides are done in order to listen the nocturnal sounds and to look for fishing bats, nightjars, some insects and possibly to get a glimpse of the caimans. Walking excursions give us the possibility to encounter with nocturnal creatures such as; Tarantulas, Whip-scorpions, toads and frogs, but possibly as well with snakes. BUTTERFLY FARM: Available every afternoon. Close to the lodge, watch and photograph butterflies at close range. With any luck, witness the miracle of metamorphosis.
Maertens Ecuador/Argentina – dec2013
Galapagos Cruise M/Y Coral I/II The M/Y Coral II accommodates maximum 20 passengers, it is ideal for those who want to discover the islands with privacy, intimacy and supreme comfort. Her excellent cruising speed means more time for visiting the islands and enjoying activities, while her small size means less time organizing shore visits. The M/Y Coral II is a landmark 11-cabin yacht, styled in an era of eye-catching design, a beautiful blend of form and function. She boasts romantic and cozy living areas, intimate and modish dining, sleek and seductive outside decks. Its amenities and outstanding service make her the ideal yacht for experiencing the marvels of the Galapagos Islands.
JUNIOR CABIN Rooms & Services Decks Earth & Sky deck Sea deck Sea deck
Cabins Junior Cabin Standard Plus Cabin Standard Cabin
Facilities Air conditioning TV Private bathroom Safety box Telephone Music Restaurant for 20 pax
11 6 4 1 Additional services Sun teracce Dinning room Bar Snorkling Embarking platform Jacuzzi
Technical specifications Classified : ISM-SOLAS Life rafts : 8 Speed : 10-12 knots Category : First Class Length : 35.15 meter Guides : 2 Naturalist guides Beam : 6.3 meter Boats : 2 for 16 passengers each Crew : 9 Radars, Gyrocompass, Auto pilot, Visual Directions Finder, Echo Sounder, Radio, Telephony GMDSS Equipped, SMS, IRS
Maertens Ecuador/Argentina – dec2013
M/Y CORAL I/II: The ITINERARY Opportunity for whale-watching from Elizabeth Bay, and from Tagus Cove to Espinosa Point. Fernandina Island is the youngest island of the Galapagos and offers beautiful volcanic landscapes; it is probably the only island in the world completely free of introduced species. Espinosa Point offers a nice walk with the largest marine iguana of the Galapagos, a sea lion colony and tidal pools. Tagus Cove offers a visit to Darwin Lake with a medium intensity walk. Great place for deepwater snorkeling with sea turtles and penguins, as well as a dinghy ride to observe sea birds. Whale-watching opportunities from Friday to Sunday during cold season (May – December): From Urbina Bay to Tagus cove, and from Espinosa Point to Vicente Roca Point. This cruise offers the chance to be at one of the richest marine areas in the world (Bolívar Channel). Sullivan Bay is covered by lava flows, interesting in terms of its geological features. Santa Cruz Highlands are prime spots for Giant Tortoise,Vermilion Flycatcher and Darwin’s finches Espumilla Beach features mangrove forests, a sea turtle nesting site, deep-water snorkeling,and beautiful viewsafter a moderate hike to the summit. DAY 1: Wednesday - Baltra Airport Departure from Quito or Guayaquil to Baltra (2 ½ hours flight). Passengers are picked up at the airport by our naturalist guides and taken on a ten minute bus drive to the pier to board the M/Y Corals. PM – Ballena Bay / Edén Islet (Santa Cruz) Wet landing. Ballena (Whale) Bay is a beautiful green sand cove at the base of Dragon Hill on the west coast of Santa Cruz Island. The beach* contains a large amount of olivine crystals of volcanic origin. The crystals were formed when the magma was still underground. The content is magnesium, iron and silica. A small population of tortoises from Pinzón Island lived at the site, but were probably taken by whalers or previous inhabitants. Opportunity to see marine iguanas* and sea birds* followed by snorkeling. Difficulty level: intermediate Type of terrain: rocky Duration: 1 hour walk / 1 hour snorkeling/swimming DAY 02: Thursday – AM Tagus Cove (Isabela) Dry landing on Galapagos’ largest island where we will learn about the eruption of the five volcanoes that form it. The trail leads to Darwin’s salt-water crater Lake and excellent views of lava fields and volcanic formations. We will return by the same path for a dinghy ride along a shoreline full of marine wildlife, where we will admire a variety of seabirds*, such as Blue-footed Booby, Brown Noddy, terns, Flightless Cormorant and depending on the season, a large number of Galapagos Penguins* which are only 35 cm. tall; the only penguin species in the world to extend its range into the northern hemisphere along the equator. They are monogamous and lay their eggs in small cracks of lava, on the lower parts of the island near the shoreline not reached by the ocean waves. The population of penguins on the islands is about 2,000 individuals, most of which live on this western portion of Isabela; others are scattered further south on the island. We will have an opportunity to snorkel in deep water. Graffiti believed to have been left by19th-century pirates is a curious reminder of an intriguing past. Difficulty level: intermediate Type of terrain: flat and steep Maertens Ecuador/Argentina – dec2013
PM - Espinosa Point (Fernandina) Dry landing. Espinosa Point is the only spot that we visit on Fernandina, and from it we can see the island of Isabela across the Bolívar Channel, an area that boasts some of the highest diversity of endemic sea fauna in the Galapagos. The largest, most primitive-looking race of marine iguanas* are found mingling with sea lions and Sally Lightfoot Crabs; a wonderful opportunity to encounter Flightless Cormorants at their nesting sites, Galapagos Penguins and the “King” of predators on the Islands, the Galapagos Hawk. “Pa-hoe-hoe” and “AA” lava formations* cover the majority of the terrain. Vegetation is thus scarce inland, but we encounter Brachycereus cacti and extensive mangrove beds lining the shores. Difficulty level: intermediate Type of terrain: rocky Duration: 2 hours walk / 1 hour snorkeling Duration: 1 hour walk / dinghy ride 40 minutes / deep water snorkeling: 1 hour DAY 3: Friday – Elizabeth Bay (Isabela) We take a dinghy ride along the coast surrounded by mangrove forest for an opportunity to admire Flightless Cormorants*, Galapagos Penguins*, and a nesting area for sea turtles*. Duration: 1 hour PM - Urbina Bay (Isabela) Wet landing on a volcanic “black” beach. Depending on the season, we may find giant tortoises*, land iguanas* and the unusual Flightless Cormorant. After a short walk inland, snorkeling time is allotted, giving you yet another chance to swim with sea turtles, sea lions and countless tropical fish. Urbina Bay features a wide variety of plant life that changes depending on the season. We can observe the beautiful colors of plants that attract different insects, birds and reptiles. We will explore the uplifted coral reef that resulted from 1954 volcanic activity, with a spectacular view of Alcedo Volcano. Difficulty level: intermediate Type of terrain: flat Duration: 1h30 walk / 1 hour snorkeling DAY 4: Saturday – Buccaneer Cove & Espumilla Beach (Santiago) Wet landing. This visitor site is surrounded by mangrove forest, which makes for a pleasant walk, taking us to a magnificent viewpoint of the entire bay. We will see Darwin finches, mockingbirds, and White-checked Pintail. There’s also a lagoon where Flamingoes can occasionally be seen. Buccaneer Cove was a safe haven for pirates, sailors and whalers during the 18 th and 19th century. It is very scenic with steep cliffs made of tuff formations and the dark reddish-purple sand beach. Difficulty level: intermediate Type of terrain: flat / steep Duration: 1 hour walk / 1 hour deep water snorkeling / 30 minutes dinghy ride PM – Sullivan Bay (Santiago) Wet landing. This visitor site located at the southeastern portion of Santiago Island, and of important geologic interest, features extensive lava flows believed to have been formed during the last quarter of the 19th century. Difficulty level: difficult, 1.5 km path. Type of terrain: flat volcanic lava Duration: 1h30 walk / 1 hour snorkeling/swimming
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DAY 5: Sunday – El Chato (Santa Cruz) Dry landing. We will reach the Santa Cruz highlands and visit a private farm, Primicias (El Chato), where giant tortoises are found in their natural habitat. The road to the reserve is one of the best places to observe land birds. Tree and ground finches, vermillion flycatchers and Cattle Egrets inhabit the area. Difficulty level: easy Type of terrain: flat & muddy sometimes (depending on season) Duration: 45 minutes drive / 1h30 walk DAY 6: Monday – Cormorant Point / Devil’s Crown / Champion (Floreana) Wet landing on an olivine green sand beach. We hike from the black mangrove beds to a brackish lagoon, which usually holds one of the largest flamingo populations in the Galapagos. This island features some endemic plants such as Scalesia villosa, white and black mangrove, and holy stick. The trail continues to a beautiful white-sand beach, one of the most important nesting sites of Green Pacific Sea Turtles. It is important to avoid walking in the water due to the Sting Rays that may be hiding in the sand, which can be dangerous if accidentally stepped on. From the beach one can spot sea turtles, Blue-footed Boobies plunging into the water, and small reef sharks floating along the shoreline in search of food. This coral-sand beach marks the end of our trail, and we head back to the olivine beach we landed on to swim or snorkel amongst sea turtles, reef fish, sea lions and, on a good day, white-tipped reef sharks. A small colony of penguins resides on Floreana and can sometimes be observed as well. Difficulty level: easy Type of terrain: sandy and walk on a flat terrain Duration: 1 hour walk / 1 hour snorkeling PM – Post Office (Floreana) Wet landing. Located on the north side of Floreana, the bay is so-named because in 1793 Captain James Colnett installed a wooden barrel which served as an informal post office for sailors passing through, who would take letters with them to their destinations. Today, our visitors continue the tradition by placing unstamped postcards inside the barrel that should reach their destinations for free. It can take weeks, months, even years, not arrive at all, or even arrive before you! We may also encounter Darwin’s finches, Yellow Warbler and lava lizards. Great snorkeling opportunities with Green Pacific Sea Turtles as well, this island is best known for its endemic vegetation: Scalesia villosa, Lecocarpus pinnatifidus, and Galapagos milkwort. Snorkelers can practice on the main beach among playful sea lions. Difficulty level: easy Type of terrain: sandy Duration: 30 minutes walk / 1 hour snorkeling DAY 7: Tuesday – Gardner Bay / Gardner & Osborn Islets (Española) Wet landing on a beautiful white coral sand beach guarded by a colony of sea lions. There are no trails, so we stay along the shore where we can spot Galapagos Hawk, American Oystercatcher, Galapagos Dove, Hood Mockingbird, Yellow Warbler, lava lizards, marine iguanas, and three species of Darwin’s finches: a subspecies (Geospiza fuliginosa) of the Large Cactus Finch, which is similar to the large ground finch, the Small Ground Finch (Geospiza fuliginosa) and the Warbler Finch (Certhidea Olivacea) which is another endemic subspecies. Swimming and snorkeling offers a great variety of Galapagos marine animals: King Angelfish, Creole Fish, Damsel Fish, parrot fish, manta rays, and White-tipped Reef Sharks. Difficulty level: easy Type of terrain: sandy Duration: 1 hour walk / 1 hour snorkeling Maertens Ecuador/Argentina – dec2013
PM - Suárez Point (Española) Dry landing. An island of geological interest, we explore volcanic formations and a riveting wildlife: large sea lion colonies and seabirds including Española mockingbird, Nazca boobies and the spectacular red billed tropic bird. You will also encounter marine iguanas, lava lizards, and the colorful sally lightfoot crabs. A somewhat lengthy hike will bring you among Nazca and Blue-footed Boobies, right up to nesting grounds that sometimes overlap the trail. Other birding favorites include Galapagos Dove, Galapagos Hawk, Swallow-tailed Gulls and the world’s largest colony of Waved Albatross, an unequivocal highlight during mating season (May-December). Admire the island’s dramatic backdrop, featuring the famous Soplador, a seaward blowhole that shoots water at some 23 m. (75 ft.) in the air. Difficulty level: difficult Type of terrain: rocky Duration: 2h30 walk DAY 8: Wednesday - Daphne We circumnavigate the islet of Daphne, an eroded tuff cone formation* that was created by successive volcanic activity, for an opportunity to see Darwin’s finches, Blue-footed Boobies, Nazca Boobies, Red-billed Tropicbirds, Swallow-tailed Gulls, Brown Noddies. Afterwards, you will go straight to the airport for return flight to Guayaquil or Quito.
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Accommodaties Quito: Vieja Cuba Hotel This lovely old colonial house has been renovated with style and flair. The owner, a Cuban immigrant, has spared no expense in the redesign: A soothing fountain in the courtyard and gleaming hardwood floors lead to cozy rooms with exposed brick and modern wood beds. The rooms are simple but rustic and comfortable. Bathrooms have nice mosaic tiles, brand-new everything, and showers with great pressure. Everything is very clean and very new. The larger doubles come with either a sitting area or a fireplace; suite no. 11 has a nice sitting area downstairs and a loft bedroom upstairs with a small balcony. The attractive restaurant downstairs offers homemade Cuban dishes and great mojitos.
Amazone: La Selva Jungle Lodge LA SELVA LODGE is located in Ecuador's Primary Rainforest. Ecuador's Amazon Rainforest is a tropical garden of colorful blossoms, billowing ferns and giant trees providing a green sanctuary to rare and exotic wildlife with intriguing insects, unique species of birds and butterflies and magical sceneries. The cabanas are derived from native and mixed design: authentic and comfortable with unexpected amenities including private bathrooms, hot showers, electricity, ceiling fans, and are immaculately cleaned every day. Our cozy private bungalows are made entirely of secondary growth rainforest materials and designed to blend with the surroundings. Each one has a private bathroom, a hammock and mosquito netting for each bed (although you will be surprised at what little need you will have for this item). There are 12 thatched cabanas of varying sleeping configurations and several public gathering spots, including the spacious dining room with a rooftop lookout point, an open-air combined bar and a lounge with a wrap-around view of the lake.
Maertens Ecuador/Argentina – dec2013
Mendoza: Club Tapiz
Club Tapiz is located in an estate built in 1890 surrounded by 22 acres of vineyards. The house was restored preserving it´s structure of Renaissance-style Villa, maintaining vintage elements, such as the patio and pinewood floors, the connection with its surroundings and enthralling views of the Andes make this place a unique place to stay. Club Tapiz was declared Historical, Architectural and Tourist Heritage of the Region. Alongside the building is the Old winery with its big French oak casks in use until 2002 and a new Chamber “Pour Le Galerie” for holding different events, with an incredible Mural of 22 x 4 meters painted by the famous local artist Sergio Roggerone. This area can cater events up to 200 people, with its own tasting room and a remuage room for our sparkling wine . In the back part of this enchanting building another surprise is in store, an extra virgin Olive Oil production area equipped with the latest technology open to visitors all year long, where different olive oil varietals can be tasted. The Club has a restaurant open all year where you can taste exquisite dishes elaborared with local products and from our organic vegetable garden. Club Tapiz welcomes guests travelling on business or for pleasure. It offers a unique experience in an exclusive site amidst the mountains and great wine tastings every evening. Our guests also have the possibility of pruning, harvesting and working in the vineyard. Every evening our guest share their experiences during our exclusive wine tastings. To complete this set up is the Spa with sauna, Scottish shower, Jacuzzi, and various alternative massages and therapies on the menu. In 2011, Tapiz won gold for the sustainable practices implemented in Best Of Mendoza / Great Wine Capitals awards. In 2008, Club Tapiz was distinguished as the Best Accommodation of Mendoza in the same competition. In 2011 and 2009, Club Tapiz was chosen as best Accommodation in a Winery by Cuisine & Vins. Recienbtly, Club Tapiz has won the 2012 edition of the Traveller's Choice Awards in the category Relax and Spa
Maertens Ecuador/Argentina – dec2013
Buenos Aires: The Savoy Savoy Hotel Buenos Aires is one of the landmark hotels of the city of Buenos Aires. Its facade and palace style of stunning neobaroque architecture, is the work of italian architect G. Agostini and shows, like very few buildings do, the hopes and aspirations of of a comfortable and refined lifestyle that reigned at the beginning of the XX th century. It opened its doors in 1910, soon becoming the first luxury hotel built in Downtown Buenos Aires. Maintaining its style redecorated rooms of absolute modernity and comfort.
Personalized attention, gastronomical delights, stories portraits , technological details in all its facilities, art and avant-garde inspiration define the Savoy Hotel Buenos Aires for its excellence.
Maertens Ecuador/Argentina – dec2013
Services Inclusief Internationale en binnenlandse vluchten, toeslagen en taxes – Internationale KLM vluchten op basis van Economy Comfort Class Transfer van luchthaven naar uw accommodatie in Quito bij aankomst Alle overige transfers Maaltijden zoals genoemd in het voorstel (O=ontbijt, L=Lunch, D=Diner) Alle overnachtingen zoals genoemd in het voorstel in een double standard room o 3 overnachtingen in Vieja Cuba Hotel in Quito o 3 overnachting in La Selva Jungle Lodge in de Amazone in Traditional Huts o 4 overnachtingen in Club Tapiz in de vineyard o 4 overnachtingen in The Savoy in Buenos Aires in een Classic of Deluxe room Dinner and Tango Show at La Ventana in Buenos Aires (4,5 uur, Extra: inclusief transfers van/naar hotel!) Vlucht Quito – Coca- Quito (Amazone) Alle excursies in de Amazone onder begeleiding van een natuurkenner en lokale engelstalige gids Vlucht Air ticket Quito-Galapagos Islands- Quito Fuelcharges voor de Galapagos Cruise (subject to change without prior notice) Galápagos National Park fee (subject to change without prior notice) Transit control Card Galapagos (subject to change without prior notice) 8 dagen/7 nachten Galapagos Cruise met de M/Y Coral I/II in een Standard Cabin, eerste klas boot. Alle excursies tijdens de Galapagos Cruise onder begeleiding van een natuurkenner/gids (engelstalig) Bus Santiago - Mendoza Hotel Municipal tax voor overnachtingen in Quito Porterage van bagage op de luchthaven (1 stuk baggage p.p) Transfer en assistentie op vertrekdag naar luchthaven
Optioneel Optionele excursie naar Yasuni National Park (Amazone) - US $30.00 p.p te voldoen op locatie Halve Dag Buenos Aires City Tour – (3 uur € 85,-pp) Halve Dag Tigre Delta (groepsexcursie, 4 uur € 133,-pp)
Exclusief Fooien, drankjes en persoonlijke uitgaven Reis- en annuleringsverzekering Visa en vaccinaties
Maertens Ecuador/Argentina – dec2013