Golden Visa Onsaemi

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Golden V i s a We're All Democrats Now

GoldenVisa ONSAEMI Golden Visa, Citizenship and Residency Private Solutions 海外国籍 . 移民 . 投资 - WeChat : parisneko +33-6 34 10 54 47 +33-7 50 52 18 47






M igr ation








Learn how enhance your quality of life through alternative citizenship and residency programs "It has always been our credo to develop individual solutions as every client has different needs ands wishes" Hyong-jin Kwon is the founder and managing partner of our firm since 1992 based in paris-london, Mr. Kwon was one of the first professionals to get involved in the early development of the Business Relocation Services for Japaneses-Koreans-Chineses to UK, France. In 2015, af ter 23 years of Business Relocation Services , Publications and Advertising marketing angent for Jal/Kal/Air China (63 main cities of 16 countries), he resettled in London-Paris-Geneva with local Advocate-Advisors network and the most experienced international property experts and residency visa professionals in the market. Mr. Kwon has extensive experience in dealing with Europe, Carribean Islands immigration matters and Canada/USA with partnership.

Attracting Global Citizens through Migration-Investment Programs. At ONSAEMI, we don’t just facilitate immigration—we create opportunities. From individuals and small local businesses we support all of your migration-investment needs, all over the world. And with Onsaemi, it’s personal. We get to know you and your goals—and we guide you every step of the way. We are internationally local—with our partnership with our Advocate - Advisors network in Paris, Hong Kong, Singapore, Beijing, Geneva, London, Dubai, Lisbon and offices in the heart of each region and services stretching around the world. No matter where you’ve come from, or where you’re going next, we are here to propel you forward. ONSAEMI provides migration-investment services globally in coordination with its partners around the world.

The New Landscapes of Migration worldwide Worldwide Citizenship and Residency Solutions Wealthy individuals and their families are choosing to expand and secure their financial stability, leverage global business opportunities and enhance their quality of life through alternative citizenship and residency programs. These programs of multiple countries promote economic growth through investment and offer long- and short-term immigration benefits to investors. - For the free movement in Europe another possible solution is to acquire a nationality allowing free movement in the Schengen area. This is the case of nationals of Carribean Islands countries, which, although not European, allows free movement in the Schengen area without needing a visa. Those nationalities can be rapidly acquired through the realization of an economic contribution to the country in the amount of $200,000 minimum. Once the passport obtained it is possible to travel without visas in the Schengen area. Leveraging extensive experience in Business Relocations Services and Alternative Citizenship, ONSAEMI Worldwide Private Client Practice provides assistance to high net worth individuals, their families as they navigate the complexities of alternative citizenship and residency programs in juridictions worldwide. - Why Alternative Citizenship or Residency is decided often by a variety of factors, including: . Quality-cost of life . Personal and family safety and security . Immigration policy . Political, economic and social stability . Family's future and education . Medical care . Culture and community, ease of adaptability . Visa free travel . Personal taxation levels . Global investment and business opportunities . Property investment preferences or diversification of assets - Dedicated, Trusted Advocate-Advisors - Local Country Professionals - Worldwide Private Client Practice Solutions



GLOBAL INVESTOR SOLUTIONS The GoldenVisa Onsaemi specializing in the procedures of change of tax and physical residence as well as citizenship is also involved in the procedures for obtaining Golden visas . The golden visa is a residence visa granted to people without a European nationality and wish to establish themselves in Europe or wishing to circulate freely in Europe. This type of visa is obtained through an economic investment in the country. The GoldenVisa Onsaemi assists non-European international investors wishing to obtain a residence visa in Europe or a European nationality.

Citizenship Programs . Antigua and Barbuda . Cyprus . Dominica

. Grenada . Malta . Saint Kitts and Nevis

Permanent Residence Programs . Andora . Australia . Belgium . Canada Quebec . Bulgarie Prince Edward Island . Greece . USA . Hungary . Bahamas . Latvia . Lettonie . South Africa . Liechtenstein . Maurice (Ile) . Monaco . Gibraltar . Portugal . Spain . Switzerland . United Kingdom Relocation Services . France

. Hong Kong . Malaysia . Singapore . Emirates-Dubai


* Residency Permit : Artists & Multi-media *

ONSAEMI aims to find you a highly qualified attorney to assist you in your approach. All individual cases will be handled by our experts depending on your location in order to facilitate you an appointment as soon as possible and close to you .... - Writers, book illustrators, authors and music composers, film, audiovisual and multimedia photographers - The authors of graphic and plastic arts (painting, sculpture, illustration, printmaking, tapestry, ceramics, etc.) * Change of status regularization, family groupement, naturalization / acquisition of French nationality


Residents in France (origine Asia-pacific and African Nationals) : Compliance Services (France) We provide support to help Asia-pacific and African national workers on assignment to comply with immigration requirements in France. In addition to preparing and filing the necessary declarations with the relevant authorities, we review the assignments thoroughly to help our clients to maximize their compliance with French labor laws governing seconded workers. 法国长居者(亚太裔及非裔):法律协助(法国) 我们协助亚太及非洲籍员工办理在法国工作身份所需的身份卡。我们会协助您准备相关材料及证明,并预审您需提交的所有材料,为您 在劳工局申请到合法工作身份提供最大便利。 Changes and Obligations for the Employer (France) We guide employers on their administrative duty and duty of care. These include the maintenance of expatriate records; processes to renew status for their foreign nationals; and duty to inform the French immigration authorities of any company, employment or personal changes that are relevant to the immigration benefits of their foreign nationals. 帮助履行在法雇主的法律义务(法国) 我们为雇主在法国需履行的行政职责提供咨询服务,其中包括海外派遣记录,帮助外籍 员工办理转身份,以及就一切涉外事务向法国移民局提供备份资料。 Consular Services (France : Attention : reserved only for French Resident card holder) In conjunction with our Advocate-Advisors, we provide consular support at diplomatic missions in France, working both with French authorities and foreign missions based in France. 领事服务(法国,此业务仅面向法国长期居住卡持有者)除法律咨询服务以外,我们为法国本土的涉外交流项目提供领事支持。 European Law (France) We provide our clients with guidance and support in relation to European immigration laws (e.g., Schengen Agreement and Vander Elst provisions) and their implementation in France. 欧洲法律协助(法国) 我们在欧洲移民相关法律(如 Schengen Agreement and Vander Elst provisions 等)及旅居法国等方面为客人提供咨询及帮助。

French Immigration and Compliance Review Onsaemi can provide strategic, concise and tailored guidance and training to help you understand immigration requirements and introduce effective internal policies and processes. We can help you benchmark your processes against others and identify areas where you risk noncompliance with immigration requirements. We can also help you to proactively prepare for potential government inspections or audits. 法国移民程序预审 Onsaemi 将为您提供系统、简明并量身定制的协助和训练,帮助您更好的了解移民所需的条件,并为您详细讲解相关政策和程序。我们 会帮助您比照以往的成功移民案例,帮助您降低可能面临的风险。我们也会帮助您为将来的政府调查及审计工作提早做好准备。 Government Strategies (France) Our France Immigration Team works in concert with French immigration authorities, including the Directions Régionales des Entreprises, de la Concurrence, de la Consommation, du Travail et de l'Emploi (Direccte), L’Office Français de L’Immigration et de l’integration (OFII) , the Préfectures throughout France as well as French consulates abroad. This allows us to keep a close eye on changes in immigration requirements as they unfold, quickly communicate proposed legislative and procedural changes to our clients, and help them adapt their immigration programs and strategies as needed. 政府程序(法国) 我们的法国移民团队熟悉办理法国移民的有关部门,包括商业部,竞争部,消费部、劳工部、OFII、警察局以及法国海外领事馆。 我们会在第一时间了解到移民相关事项的变更,并以最快的速度与我们的客户进行沟通,并帮助他们符合最新的移民相关要求及程序。 Immigration Services for Spouses and Dependents (France) We provide full support to dependents in relation to immigration processes in France. Specifically, we guide assignees on the optimum immigration strategies for accompanying dependents, partnering closely with them and their dependents to prepare all required documentation for timely application processing in France, and to help them maintain compliance with immigration process requirements in France for the duration of their stay. In addition, we assist with renewals and/or changes to dependent immigration status, and follow up with authorities on a regular basis through the application process. 配偶及子女的移民服务(法国) 我们为您的配偶及子女提供其在法国所需的相关移民服务。 我们特别为您的配偶及子女提供最优的移民方案,根据其具体需要在相关部门规定的时间内为其准备移民材料,并保证其在法期间的合 法身份。此外,我们还会帮助您的配偶及子女办理身份更新手续,并在整个办理程序中随时跟进流程。 Registration at Local Prefecture and Accompaniment to Authorities (France) Our partnership with our Advocate - Advisors in France allows us to accompany foreign nationals when applying for the residence permit at the local préfecture in Paris and elsewhere throughout France. 到警察及相关部门陪同办理手续(法国) 我们在法国的法律咨询顾问为您提供到巴黎及外省相关部门办理移民手续的陪同工作。 Residence and Work Permit Applications (France) We help companies to assess the appropriate work authorization procedure based on the circumstances of their intended stay in France. Where work and residence permits are both required, we offer a streamlined service to complete formalities in a smooth and efficient manner. We also provide guidance related to business or other immigration visa applications and communicate with the relevant consulates when necessary. 居住及工作签证(法国) 我们帮助公司办理员工的合法工作身份。 对于同时需要工作及居住卡的客户,我们也将为您量身推荐最佳方案。我们同时提供商务签证及其他类型移民签证的申请服务。 Residency and Citizenship (France) We offer full consultative and case preparation support for applications for long term residency (carte de résident) and French citizenship. 永久居留及入籍(法国) 我们向永久居留及入籍的申请者提供全面的咨询服务。 Additional Services (France) We provide our clients with access to Onsaemi’s proprietary. This allows authorized stakeholders and assignees within their company to track cases in progress, current status. In addition, we hold training and educational workshops customized to each client’s needs, helping them to stay updated on developments and compliance matters. 增值服务(法国) 我们的客户将在 Onsaemi 建档,方便您随时跟踪申请程序进度,实时身份状态及身份有效期。另外,我们还根据每个客户的具体需求提 供个性化服务,保证您随时了解最新的情况。 Work and Residence Renewals (France) We provide complete assistance with applications for renewal of work permits and residence permits. 更新工作及居留签证(法国) 我们为客人提供更新工作及居留签证的服务。


Consular Services (Switzerland : Attention : reserved only for French Resident card holder) Onsaemi provides consular support at diplomatic missions in Switzerland and, where possible, prepares applications for the submission at Swiss diplomatic missions abroad. 领事服务(瑞士,注意:仅面向持有法国国籍人士)Onsaemi 为您在瑞士期间提供领事支持,并协助您办理瑞士驻外事务的办理。 Conversion of Driver's License (Switzerland) We are able to assist with converting foreign drivers licenses to a local license . 驾照转换(瑞士) 我们可以帮助您将您的外国驾照转换为瑞士当地驾照。 Departure Formalities (Switzerland) Onsaemi can assist with departure requirements when leaving Switzerland. 离境服务(瑞士) Onsaemi 可以协助您办理从瑞士离境归国所需办理的手续。 Document Services (Switzerland) In partnership with local office Geneva-Lausanne, Onsaemi can procure and authenticate documents where official documents need to be obtained and/or copies certified as true copies for a range of immigration applications. Documents can include birth, marriage and police certificates. In addition, we can coordinate with certified translators to obtain sworn translations where these are required for immigration-related applications. 资料服务(瑞士)Onsaemi 同日内瓦 - 洛桑的当地机构合作,为您提供移民部分所需要的材料原件及复印件准备服务。相关材料如出生证明, 结婚证明及警察局出具的无犯罪证明等。此外,我们还提供必要的翻译服务。 Entry Visa (Schengen D Type) Applications (Switzerland) For Schengen applications, we are able to assist with the entry visa, leveraging our network of affiliated Onsaemi worldwide partners across Europe and around the world. 申根区 D 类入境签证申请(瑞士) Onsaemi 连同世界各地的合作伙伴们一起,帮助申根签证申请者申请入境签证 Immigration Services for Spouses and Dependents (Switzerland) We provide full support to dependents involved in immigration processes in Switzerland. Specifically, we guide assignees on the optimum immigration strategies for accompanying dependents, partnering closely with them and their dependents to prepare all required documentation for timely application processing in Switzerland, and to help them maintain compliance with immigration process requirements in Switzerland for the duration of their stay. In addition, we assist with renewals and/or changes to dependent immigration status. Support includes assistance with Ci permit applications for dependents of international organization employees; C permit tracking and maintenance cases; and applications to bring newborn children “in line” with the status of the foreign national parents. 配偶及子女的移民服务(瑞士) 我们为您的配偶及子女提供其在瑞士所需的相关移民服务。我们特别为您的配偶及子女提供最优的移民方案,根据其具体需要在相关部 门规定的时间内为其准备移民材料,并保证其在瑞期间的合法身份。 此外,我们还会帮助您的配偶及子女办理身份更新手续,并在整个办理程序中随时跟进流程。我们的服务包括帮助 C 类申请者申请国际 雇佣许可身份,并协助 C 类申请者办理在瑞相关法律手续,以及他们外籍子女的身份办理手续。 Notification Procedure Applications (Switzerland) We assist with applications under the Swiss notification procedure. 公告手续(瑞士) 我们会协助您申请认识公告手续。 Registration at Commune of Residence (Switzerland) We assist with registration requirements in the commune of the individual’s residence. 当局注册服务(瑞士)我们会协助您办理个人在当局的居留注册手续。 Renewals/Extensions (Switzerland) For all work and residence permits mentioned above, we are able to assist with applications to renew applicants’ status, where applicable. 身份卡更新及延期(瑞士) 我们提供以上提到的工作及居住签证的更新及延期服务。 Short-term Work Permits (Switzerland) We assist with short-term permits, including ‘quota-free’ or those for stays of 120 days or less. 短期签证(瑞士) 我们为您提供短期签证(境内逗留 120 天以内)及不限次入境签证服务。 Value-added Services (Switzerland) Onsaemi’s fixed transactional fees include a range of benefits for which other firms charge significant fees. For example, our clients have access to Onsaemi’s proprietary, worldwide case management portal, which allows authorized stakeholders and assignees within their company to track cases in progress, current status, and critical expiration dates. 增值服务(瑞士)我们的客户将在 Onsaemi 建档,方便您随时跟踪申请程序进度,实时身份状态及身份有效期。另外,我们还根据每个 客户的具体需求提供个性化服务,保证您随时了解最新的情况。 Work Permit Applications and Related Processes (Switzerland) We provide full support for L, B and G work permit applications and related processes.

Golde Visa Program Overview

The Portugal golden visa program offers a real estate investment route to gaining residency and potential citizenship in the country and hence European citizenship. It was launched by the Portuguese government in 2012 to encourage investment into Portugal and has since encouraged several billion Euros in real estate investment and over 2,000 family applications each year. Investment An investment of €500,000 is required in real estate in Portugal. The property, either residential or commercial, can be rented for income. Any number of properties can combine to make up the €500,000 minimum investment. Joint buyers can combine investments into one property. The property can be mortgaged for any investment exceeding the minimum. A lower investment amount of €350,000 is possible for properties to be renovated, however clients should be aware of the practicalities of such investment. Process The applicant needs to have made the investment prior to applying for the visa. Completing the property purchase takes 1 – 3 months. Completing the visa application then takes another few months. Once a property has been selected through ourselves at La Vida, the lawyers who we recommend can take care of the application process, conveyancing and legal work for the property. A typical application involves initial discussion with ourselves followed by a 3 or 4 day visit to view properties, meet with lawyers, open a bank account and visit immigration for biometrics. The application after this point can be processed within Portugal by the clients’ lawyers. Provided everything is done correctly at this stage the client will not need to visit again to collect the residence permits. Read more on our process for Portugal golden visa applicants. Requirements In addition to the real estate investment applicants will need a clear criminal record and medical insurance to cover any stay in Portugal. Applicants will need to maintain their investment spending one week in the first year and two weeks every two years in Portugal in order to renew the residency visa. Fees Government fees per family member for application of the Portugal golden visa are €5,147.80. Renewal fees every two years apply at 50% of those rates. In addition there is a processing fee on application and renewal of € 514.80 for the main applicant plus € 80.20 per family member. In addition applicants need to plan for lawyers’ fees, typically €4,000 – €5,000 per family. Buying real estate in Portugal attracts certain taxes, stamp duty and fees. We recommend investors budget for around 9%-10% in total, the main element being Property Transfer Tax (IMT). Family Qualifying family members include spouse and all children under 18. Children 18 and over can qualify if in full or part-time education and dependent. Parents aged 66 and over also qualify without the need to prove dependency. In some family circumstances it is preferable to reverse the investment to ensure everyone qualifies for the Portuguese golden visa. Taxes Investors will only be taxed on their worldwide income if they are resident in Portugal for over 183 days in any year. However, Portugal has a very favourable tax regime for anyone considering living in the country. No taxes are charged on income for the first 10 years. For those non-resident individuals tax is charged at 28% on income derived in the country. This can be reduced with expenses for rental income. Capital gains tax is 28% and there are allowances for costs and depreciation. There is no inheritance tax in Portugal. Annual property taxes (IMI) can vary between 0.3% and 0.8% of the property valuation, but there are a range of exemptions. Living and Working Applicants deciding to live full time in Portugal will require medical insurance. However families will have access to all public services including state medical care and schooling. State schooling follows the Portuguese curriculum but there are many English international schools also. Applicants also have the right to work in Portugal and set up a business there. EU Visa Free Travel Gaining visitor visas to travel to Europe and the Schengen zone has become problematic from many countries in the Middle East, Asia and Africa. Once granted the Portuguese residence permit allows freedom of travel throughout the EU Schengen zone. Applicants need to simply renew the golden visa to maintain this. Citizenship and Passport Applicants can apply for permanent residency after five years and Portuguese citizenship after six years. For citizenship in Portugal there is a basic language test to pass and applicants by that stage will need to demonstrate links with the country. We can advise on this. Once applicants have either permanent residency or citizenship then they are free to dispose of their investment as further golden visa renewals are not necessary. Benefits Applicants gain the right to live in Portugal although there is no requirement to do this. There is a very favourable tax regime for those who do. With the residency card all family members will have freedom to travel to and throughout the EU Schengen visa zone with ease and without further visa applications. Eventual passport holders gain European residency, meaning the ability to live, work, study and travel freely anywhere within the European Union. Summary The most popular programme in Europe. The Portuguese Golden Visa offers attractive real estate investment conditions in a core European country which is part of the Schengen zone and with a route open to citizenship after six years with no residency requirement.

United Kingdom & BREXIT

UK Tier 1 Entrepreneur Just Got Harder

Anyone contemplating the UK Tier 1 immigrant visa programme for entrepreneurs needs to take careful advice before embarking on such a project. For many years the UK Tier 1 was an easy ticket. Invest £200,000 in a business and gain residency in the UK for at least three years. According the the Independent Migration Advisory Committee a total of 13,746 UK Tier 1 investor visas had been issued since 2008 but only 1,580 active companies had been set up by the process. The committee said it had found “substantial evidence of low quality businesses” set up by such entrepreneurs. Read article in Financial Times. In 2015 the UK government introduced the “Genuine Entrepreneur Test” which has made it far more difficult for investors to meet the criteria of the programme. In a bid to reduce fraudulent applicants a business plan was made compulsory for all investors. Applications are studied in detail by immigration officers and investors need to demonstrate their ability to start a business in the UK and provide evidence of source of funds. The rejection rate for applications recently was around 70%. For some time now immigration has been a hot topic for the government and was the single key issue that led to the recent referendum on the UK leaving the EU. The recent case of the Canadian family who entered the UK on a Tier 1 investor visa only to have their renewal refused this year is further evidence of a tightening of the rules by the British government. If the failure rate was 70% before this point then it is only likely to rise further after the historic UK vote on 23 June 2016 to leave the EU. While it is still possible to apply for the programme applicants risk losing substantial fees to lawyers and advisors who typically charge a £15,000 non-refundable fee to submit an application that has little chance of success. Contrast this with the golden visa programmes elsewhere in Europe where a straightforward investment in real estate is guaranteed to gain a residency visa with 100% success. It is clear the UK Tier 1 needs a complete overhaul and that the UK government currently has no appetite for immigration in any form. Wealthy investors are being deterred from UK immigration and this is unlikely to change for some years until the UK has finally left the EU and formulated a coherent investor immigration policy. UK Residency by Investment post Brexit June 28th, 2016 • Immigration, Investor Visa, Residency • Comments Off on UK Residency by Investment post Brexit UK votes to leave the EUBrexit Vote. On the 23 June 2016 the UK electorate voted to leave the EU. So how does this affect immigration investment programmes in Europe that can lead to residency in the United Kingdom ? Free Movement One of the key principles of the European Union is the free movement of people. And that is the key question that concerns us when it comes to residency or citizenship by investment in any of the other EU countries. All EU members have to abide by this. In addition other countries gaining access to the single market such as Norway are also required to comply. Until Article 50 is invoked and for the two year period afterwards then the UK remains part of the EU. This means that for the next two years, nothing will change. Any EU citizen can live in the UK or anywhere else in the EU. Post EU Exit For those EU nationals already living in the UK at the time of the UK leaving the EU (2018 possibly 2019) we suspect the chances of being allowed to remain are very high. There are 3 million EU nationals living in the UK currently and 1 million UK nationals living elsewhere in the European Union. We expect an undignified 3 for 1 swap across the English Channel is unlikely. We also believe that there will be no distinction between those who entered post referendum or even post Article 50. The reason being that such residents entered the UK completely legally under rules and laws at the time. Not only would it be difficult for a government to send back or “deport” such residents we expect it would not be in the government’s interests to enter into any political row with it’s European neighbours. UK Residency Our advice to anyone seeking UK residency through investment in the EU is to act now. Gaining residency in the UK directly through investment under the Tier 1 programme is virtually impossible in the current climate. Residency through a EU passport, as explained above, is the only viable option and one that is likely to remain an option for the next two years. The only countries through which an EU passport can be gained by investment within this timescale are Malta and Cyprus. The earlier such investment is made, the earlier UK residency can be undertaken and the more likely it is that such residency will not be affected upon the UK leaving the EU.


Spain offers temporary residence leading to permanent residence after 5 years, and possible citizenship thereafter, to applicants who invest in one of the following ways: EUR 500,000 invested in real estate; EUR 1,000,000 invested in shares of Spanish companies or bank deposits in Spanish financial entities; EUR 2,000,000 invested in public debt securities; or in a business project in Spain suitable to be considered of general interest. The applicant must reside in Spain for 5 years. Absences of 6 continuous months are permitted. However the total absences in the 5 years must not exceed 10 months, or 12 months if the absence is work related. Applications for citizenship, with limited exception, can be made after 10 years.


Get European Union Residency in Greece with a ‘Golden Visa’ Greece is a medium size European Union country of 11 million people who has experienced a deep and serious economic crisis since 2010. In 2013 Greece launched a residency permit program for non EU citizens Residence Permits We currently provide one type of residence permits for non-EU citizens in Greece (Greece real estate investment) : Purchase of a property/properties ( real estate asset – Greece real estate investment ) worth at least € 250.000 It must be noted that property rights in Greece as not easy to enforce mostly due to the lack of landbook. We do not provide permits for ‘Strategic Investments’ as the rules are not perfectly clear


Under its Residency Bond Programme, Hungary offers temporary residence, leading to permanent residence after 3 years and potential citizenship after 8 years, to those investing a minimum of EUR 300,000 in a 3 year fixed term government bond. An administrative fee of EUR 50,000 is also payable.


Latvia offers temporary residence permits leading to permanent residence after 5 years and potential citizenship to those engaging in approved investments, which includes property purchases with a minimum value of EUR 250,000. Latvia has proved a popular option for investors looking to purchase property. There are no specific restrictions on activity and the applicant can generally reside outside of Latvia for up to 1 year. Temporary residence permits are issued and re-registered every year.


A traditional immigration destination, the United States of America offers the EB5 Investor Program. The minimum investment threshold US$ 500,000 (if the investment is made in a rural area or an area with high unemployment), otherwise US$1,000,000. The creation of 10 or more jobs is likely to be required, depending on the nature of the investment. The applicant is initially granted conditional permanent residence for 2 years, after which time he/she can apply to have the conditions lifted. Applications for citizenship can be made after 5 years. These visas are subject to a 10,000 quota per fiscal year, further divided by applicant country.


Canada ran a successful and popular Federal Immigrant Investor Programme which was closed down in February 2014. The Quebec Immigrant Investor Programme was unaffected however and remains a viable option for interested applicants. To be eligible for this program, the applicant must have, alone or with their accompanying spouse, including de facto spouse, net assets of at least CAN$1,600,000. Management experience with responsibility for at least the equivalent of two full-time staff and duties related to the planning, management and control of financial resources and of human or material resources is imperative. The applicant must settle in Québec and sign an agreement to invest $800,000 CAN with a financial intermediary (broker or trust company) authorized to participate in the Investor Program. Investor candidates who demonstrate, by means of a test recognized by the Ministère, that they have an advanced intermediate knowledge of French, are not subject to this maximum limit of applications. Further information :


The Significant Investor visa is available to those who invest AUD5million into complying investments for a minimum of four years, at which point they may be eligible to apply for a permanent visa. The minimum residency requirement is 160 days over the 4 year period leading up to permanent residence. Spouse and dependant family members are eligible to apply with or join the main applicant. The Government of Australia has announced a new Premium Investor Visa [PIV] offering a more expeditious, 12 month pathway to permanent residency, for those meeting a AUD 15 million threshold. The PIV is expected to be introduced in July 2015.


Foreign investors can apply for Cypriot citizenship by exception on the basis of investment and property purchase in Cyprus. Applicants must acquire a residential property in Cyprus with a minimum value of EUR 500,000, and also invest a minimum of EUR 2,500,000. Applicants can choose from the following investment options: Individual investment of EUR 5,000,000 in government bonds, eligible financial assets or business, real estate, land development and infrastructure projects, bank deposits, or a combination of the above; or Collective investment by a minimum of 5 investors each investing EUR 2,500,000 in real estate to the total minimum value of EUR 12,500,000. Spouse and dependant family members are eligible to apply with or join the main applicant. Dual citizenship is permitted and there are no restrictions on activities. This programme offers direct citizenship without residency requirements.


Malta’s Individual Investor Programme allows investors and their families to obtain Maltese citizenship once they have made prescribed investments and have effectively resided in Malta for 12 months. All applicants for this programme are subject to rigorous due diligence checks. The main applicant and all dependants must be in possession of a medical certificate and a global health insurance policy. Minimum investment thresholds include a donation of €650,000, the acquisition of residential property in Malta with a minimum value of €350,000, or lease of a residential property with a minimum annual rent of €16,000 to be retained for at least five years, and an additional investment in the amount of at least €150,000 in approved funds.


Portugal offers temporary residence status, possibly leading to permanent residence and citizenship, to those who invest in Portugal in one of three ways: the purchase of real estate property with a value at or above EUR500,000; an authorised capital transfer, or the purchase of shares in companies, with a value at or above EUR1,000,000; or through the creation of at least 10 job positions. Those holding this status are required to spend seven days in Portugal in the first year, and 14 days in each subsequent period of two years.


Singapore’s Global Investor Programme (GIP) is a residency program with the option to apply for citizenship after 2 to 6 years. The applicant must invest at least SGD 2,500,000 in an approved GIP fund or business. Applicants are expected to demonstrate a substantial business track record and a successful entrepreneurial background. The applicant must generally reside in Singapore for half of the relevant period, which will be 5 years for the renewal of permanent residence, or 2-6 years for an application for citizenship. Similarly, when an applicant who has invested wishes to renew their re-entry permit (valid for 5 years) they again have to meet eligibility requirements. Those requirements depend upon whether they are requesting a 3 year or 5 year renewal.

Malaysia Residence-by-Investment Malaysia

The MM2H Program requires applicants to meet certain criteria and in exchange, applicants and their dependents are granted a 10year multiple-entry visa. This is effectively a residence permit, enabling the successful applicant and their family to live in Malaysia. Requirements upon Application. Applicants are required to demonstrate the capability to support themselves financially in Malaysia without seeking employment or government assistance. The financial requirements are as follows: For applicants below 50 years old Proof of bankable assets of at least MYR 500,000 (USD 135,000), Proof of income of at least MYR 10,000 (USD 3,000) per month For applicants 50 years old and above Proof of bankable assets of at least MYR 350,000 (USD 95,000), Proof of income of at least MYR 10,000 (USD 3,000) per month


Dominica Citizenship by investment Citizenship in Dominica is possible for investors by making an economic contribution to the country under the government’s investor visa programme. Since January 2015 it is possible through real estate investment in Dominica. Until 1993 it was not possible to gain Dominican citizenship without residing in the country. The Dominican government changed that with the Economic Dominica Citizenship programme whereby the need for residency to gain citizenship was waived. Applicants making such a contribution are granted full citizenship for themselves and their family allowing visa free travel to over 95 countries including the UK and the EU Schengen zone. Key Facts Non refundable minimum investment of $100,000 ($200,000 full family) Additional application fees apply (Approx. $155,000 family of 4) No requirement to reside in Dominica Children included up to age 25 / Dependent parents over 65 / Citizenship is granted for life Second passport – visa free travel to 95+ countries Real estate investment option from $200,000 (introduced January 2015) Since 2015 ONSAEMI is able to offer the first government sponsored real estate by investment citizenship option in Dominica. Investors can now invest in property in Dominica to gain the golden visa and citizenship. For further details please contact us by completing the form below. The required investment of $200,000 is lower than citizenship programmes in neighbouring St. Kitts and Antigua. Dominica imposes some country restrictions (in particular Afghanistan, Chechnya, Iraq, North Korea, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen) but currently Iranian citizens are welcome into the Dominica citizenship programme. Enquire here


The citizenship by investment programme for Grenada is one of the newest programmes available to investors. The Grenada investment visa programme provides second citizenship in Grenada and a passport to investors offering visa-free travel to over 70 countries including the UK. Although providing less access than other similar citizenship programmes such as Antigua, St Kitts and Dominica, Grenada does offer a low investment threshold. Grenada also expects a visa waiver for the EU Schengen countries by April 2015 and is one of only 3 Caribbean countries with access to the USA E2 treaty investor visa. Applicants need to invest $350,000 in a government approved real estate project and maintain the property investment in Grenada for at least 4 years. There are fees and taxes to pay in addition. Applicants must be of outstanding character, in good health, of high net worth and with no criminal record. There is no requirement to visit for an interview for the Grenada citizenship programme and in fact there is no need to travel to the country to complete the application.

Saint Kitts and Nevis

Antigua and Barbuda

Saint Kitts and Nevis offers Citizenship from US$ 250,000 in return for a charitable donation to the Sugar Industry Diversification Fund. Alternatively, an applicant can choose to invest US$400,000 into an approved Real Estate Development. While there is no residency requirements for this Citizenship-by-Investment Program, separate government fees and due diligence and processing fees are payable during the application process. The government of Antigua and Barbuda operates a Citizenship by Investment Program. A passport is issued to successful applicants for a period of 5 years and can subsequently be renewed. Applicants can choose between three investment options: A fixed nonrefundable contribution to the National Development Fund of US$200,000.00 under the Limited Time Offer which expires on the 1st May 2016. Upon expiration of the offer, the donation reverts to US$250,000.00; An investment of US$400,000 in approved real estate project; or a US$1,500,000 investment in an approved business. The applicant may include spouse and dependent family members in their application and faces no restrictions on dual nationality once the application has been accepted. Visa free travel for citizens does not include the USA. Further information :

Quebec Immigrant Investor Program - CANADA -

To be qualified for this program, the investor must:

1. Have a minimum net worth of $1,600,000 obtained legally, alone or with your accompanying spouse; 2. Have at least two (2) years of management experience; 3. Intend to settle in Quebec and sign an agreement to invest $800,000 with a broker or trust company authorized to participate in the Investor Program. This investment is guaranteed by the government and will be fully reimbursed after 5 years. 4. Successfully pass a medical exam and criminal check. The investor can apply for himself/herself, his/her spouse and dependent children of less than 19 years old. There is an exception for a child of 19 years and older depending substantially on the financial support of the parent since before the age of 19 and being unable to be financially self-supporting due to a physical or mental condition. The age of the dependent child is locked-in at the date of receipt of the application by the Quebec government. Learn more about business opportunities in Quebec with Investissement Quebec.

Programme Canadien

Notre cabinet offre des services spécialisés aux professionnels, courtiers ou consultants ayant de clients désirant déposer une candidature au programme immigrant investisseur du Québec. Programme immigrant investisseur du Québec

Afin de se qualifier au programme, l’investisseur doit: 1. Posséder un actif net minimum de 1 600 000 $ CAD obtenu licitement, seul ou avec l’aide du conjoint; 2. Détenir au moins deux (2) ans d’expérience en gestion; 3. Avoir l’intention de s’établir au Québec et signer une convention d’investissement de 800 000 $ CAD avec un courtier ou une compagnie de fiducie reconnue par le programme immigrant investisseur. Ce placement est garanti par le gouvernement et sera complètement remboursé au terme de (5) cinq ans; 4. Passer avec succès un examen médical et des vérifications au dossier criminel. L’investisseur peut faire une demande au programme seul(e), avec son/ sa conjoint(e) et leur(s) enfant(s) célibataire(s) de moins de 19 ans. Une exception est permise pour un enfant de plus de 19 ans qui, depuis le moment où il a atteint l’âge de ses 19 ans, n’est pas en mesure de subvenir à ses besoins et doit dépendre essentiellement du soutien financier de ses parents en raison de son état physique ou mental. L’ âge des enfants accompagnant l’investisseur est cristallisé au moment de la réception de la demande d’immigration par le gouvernement québécois. Découvrez les opportunités d’affaires au Québec grâce à Investissement Québec.


專業人士擁有希望申請魁北克投資移民計劃或者 PNP 項目客戶的,本公司將為其提供專門服務。


魁北克省投資移民申請者須具備以下條件﹕ 申請者或和隨同配偶擁有合法積累的凈資產不少於 160 萬加幣; 至少兩年經商管理經驗; 想要移民魁北克的投資者需與任何一家經政府授權的基金公司或信託公司簽訂金額為 80 萬加幣的投資協議; 通過體檢和無犯罪記錄。 投資者可以為自己、配偶及其受撫養的子女申請。“受撫養的子女”是指年齡在 19 周歲以下的子女,但年齡已達到 19 周歲或以上的子女,在其 19 周歲以前, 由於身體或精神狀態導致經濟上不能自立,大部份依靠父母的財務支持的子女例外。 受撫養的子女的年齡計算時間截止到魁北克政府接受申請的日期。 更多魁北克商業機遇請點擊魁北克投資。

Chương Trình của Canada

Công ty chúng tôi cung cấp các dịch vụ chuyên môn hóa cho các chuyên gia có khách hàng muốn làm đơn xin tham gia Chương Trình Dành Cho Các Nhà Đầu Tư Là Người Nhập Cư của Quebec. ĐỂ ĐỦ ĐIỀU KIỆN THAM GIA CHƯƠNG TRÌNH NÀY, NHÀ ĐẦU TƯ PHẢI: Có tài sản ròng tối thiểu $1.600.000 có nguồn gốc hợp pháp, sở hữu riêng hoặc với vợ/chồng đi cùng quý vị; 2. Có ít nhất hai (2) năm kinh nghiệm quản lý**; 3. Có ý định lập nghiệp tại Quebec và ký kết thỏa thuận đầu tư $800.000 với một công ty môi giới hoặc công ty tín thác được ủy quyền tham gia Chương Trình Đầu Tư. 4. Đạt yêu cầu khám y tế và kiểm tra lý lịch hình sự. Nhà đầu tư có thể làm đơn cho bản thân, vợ/chồng và các con phụ thuộc. Đối với các đơn nộp sau ngày 1 tháng 8, 2014, "con phụ thuộc" hoặc là một đứa con dưới 19 tuổi hoặc 19 tuổi trở lên nhưng phụ thuộc đáng kể vào sự hỗ trợ tài chính của cha mẹ từ trước 19 tuổi và không thể tự lực về mặt tài chính do có bệnh thân thể hoặc tâm thần. Tuổi của người con phụ thuộc được tính vào ngày chính quyền Quebec nhận đơn.

Programa do Investidor Imigrante do Quebeque

PARA SE HABILITAR A ESTE PROGRAMA, O INVESTIDOR DEVE: Ter um património líquido mínimo de $1,600,000 obtido legalmente, sozinho ou com o respetivo cônjuge; Ter pelo menos dois (2) anos de experiência em gestão; Tencionar mudar-se para o Quebeque e assinar um acordo de investimento de $800,000 com um corretor ou confiar uma empresa autorizada a participar no programa do investidor; Passar um exame médico e verificação criminal. O investidor pode apenas candidatar-se a si próprio, o seu cônjuge e filhos dependentes. Para as candidaturas apresentadas após o dia 1 de agosto de 2014, “filho dependente” é uma criança com menos de 19 anos de idade ou acima de 19 anos de idade dependendo substancialmente do apoio financeiro dos pais até aos 19 anos de idade e sendo incapaz de ser financeiramente independente devido a uma condição física ou mental. A idade do filho dependente é definida à data de receção da candidatura por parte do Governo do Quebeque.

Provincial Nominee Program

Prince Edward Island –Business Impact Category

To be qualified for this program, the applicant must: 1. Be aged between 21 to 59 years old; 2. Have a minimum of 12 years of education, equivalent to a high school diploma; 3. Have a minimum score of 4.0 on the IELTS exam, equivalent to a limited knowledge of English or French; 4. Possess a minimum verifiable personal net worth of $600,000 which has been accumulated through legal and legitimate sources in their own right; 5. Demonstrate 2 years of transferable management skills and previous working experience; 6. Invest $150,000 in an eligible business that he will actively manage in PEI: a) Partial ownership: acquire at least 33.3% of the business equity or invest $1,000,000 in a PEI business; b) 100% ownership: invest in a new or existing PEI owned and operated business; 7. Successfully pass a medical exam and criminal check. Once an applicant is selected by the Province, he is required to make a conditionally refundable deposit of $200,000 to be held in escrow by the government. After meeting some residency and business requirements listed in the escrow agreement, the deposit can be returned as early as one (1) year after landing. The investor can apply for himself/herself, his/her spouse and dependent children of less than 19 years old. There is an exception for a child of 19 years and older depending substantially on the financial support of the parent since before the age of 19 and being unable to be financially self-supporting due to a physical or mental condition. Applicants may apply directly to the Business Impact Category or an applicant can use an Island agent. Any applicant who is using a pay for fee representative must use an Island agent. Failure to submit your file through an Island agent while using a pay for fee representative will result in an immediate decline for nomination. We have allocations with an Island agent and we can assist you in submitting your application to the Prince Edward Island provincial nominee program.

Provincial Nominee Program Le Programme des Candidats de l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard Catégorie des gens d’affaires

Afin de se qualifier à ce programme, le candidat doit: Être âgé de 21 à 59 ans; Avoir au minimum 12 année de scolarité, soit l’équivalent d’un diplôme secondaire; Obtenir un niveau minimal de 4.0 au test de langage IELTS, soit l’équivalent d’une connaissance limitée de l’anglais ou du français; Posséder un actif net vérifiable de 600 000$ minimum qui a été accumulé personnellement par le candidat et dont l’origine est licite; Posséder 2 années d’expérience en gestion pertinente et d’expérience professionnelle; Investir150 000$ dans une entreprise qualifiée qu’il gèrera activement à l’IPE: a) Copropriétaire: acquérir au moins 33.3% de l’équité d’une entreprise ou investir 1 000 000$ dans une entreprise de l’IPE; b) Propriétaire unique: créer ou acheter l’entièreté d’une entreprise de l’IPE; Passer avec succès un examen médical et des vérifications au dossier criminel. Une fois sélectionné par la province, le candidat doit faire un dépôt conditionnellement remboursable de 200 000$ qui sera gardé en fiducie par le gouvernement. Après avoir rempli des conditions de résidence et d’opération d’entreprise telles que définies dans l’entente de fiducie, le dépôt pourra être remboursé aussitôt qu’un (1) an après l’arrivée à l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard. Le candidat peut faire une demande au programme seul(e), avec son/sa conjoint(e) et leur(s) enfant(s) célibataire(s) de moins de 19 ans. Une exception est permise pour un enfant de plus de 19 ans qui, depuis le moment où il a atteint l’âge de ses 19 ans, n’est pas en mesure de subvenir à ses besoins et doit dépendre essentiellement du soutien financier de ses parents en raison de son état physique ou mental. Le candidat peut déposer une demande directement à la Catégorie des gens d’affaires ou utiliser un agent autorisé, appelé « Island agent ». Toute candidature qui utilise un représentant rémunéré doit recourir à un « Island agent ». Le défaut de déposer un dossier par le biais d’un « Island Agent » par un candidat employant un représentant rémunéré entraînera le refus automatique de sa demande de nomination. Nous détenons une allocation de candidatures avec un « Island Agent » et nous pouvons vous assister dans la préparation de votre demande de nomination par l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard.

American Program

The U.S. Immigrant Investor Program The Employment-based Immigration Program, Fifth Preference, also known as “EB-5”, is one of the most efficient ways for people from around the world to obtain a green card and live in the United States of America. After successful completion of the program, investors and their family members (spouse and child under the age of 21 years old) are given a conditional resident status in the United States, which can be converted into permanent residency after two years and citizenship after five years. How it works Since its introduction in 1990 by the U.S. Immigration Act, the EB-5 program provides a special category of immigration visa for high-net-worth international investors. To qualify for the program, the applicant must invest $500,000 (plus related fees) in a business project located in an area of the United States with high unemployment rates. The applicant’s investment must create 10 full-time jobs within a two-year period. After the approval of the initial application, which is focused primarily on establishing the legal source of the investment of $500,000 and verifying the investment proposition(I-526 Petition), the applicant and his or her immediate family are eligible for a conditional resident status in the United States should then qualify to the visa requirements (click here for the conditions of the Form DS-260 / I-485 Petition). Once the applicant establishes that the investment of $500,000 was made in the selected project, that the new business has operated and the 10 full-time jobs were created within the two-year period (or will be created within a reasonable time period), the condition attached to the visa is removed and the applicant and family receive unconditional resident status in the United States (click here for the conditions of the I-829 Petition) Contact us to receive full documentation for all EB-5 Charter School Projects

Cooper City, Florida / Homestead, Florida / Wellington, Florida / Orlando, Florida / Orlando (Olympic), Florida / Sarasota, Florida / Kissimmee, Florida / Lake Worth, Florida / Hollywood, Florida / Hollywood (McKinley), Florida / Boynton Beach, Florida / Sunrise, Florida / Jacksonv ille, Florida / Pembroke Pines, Florida / Soho, Florida / McIntosh, Florida / Pinellas St. Mark, Florida / Pinecrest, Florida / Pinecrest South, Florida / Ocoee, Florida / SW Miami, Florida / McKinley Extension, Florida / Orange County, Florida / Happy Hollow, Florida / Bloomingdale, Florida / Galileo, Florida / Somerset Oaks Academy, Florida

Basic Requirements Investment of $500,000 and proof of legal source of said investment, in a qualified project in USA (via the I-526 Petition). Applicant and his or her “immediate family members” (spouse and child under the age of 21 years old) will be awarded green cards. The investor must have a net worth of $1 million or earn at least $200,000 annual personal income (or $300,000 in combined annual income with a spouse). Each investment must create 10 full-time jobs for U.S. workers. Program Benefits Unlike other U.S. visa programs, there are no requirements for age, education level or prior business experience. Applicants are not required to speak English. Successful applicants and their families can settle anywhere they choose in the United States. Professionals having clients who wish to apply to EB-5 can be introduced to the quality EB-5 Projects. EB-5 Charter School Projects What is a Charter School? Charter Schools are kindergarten, elementary and secondary schools built and managed by the private sector, but funded and overseen by the government. The first charter school was established in the United States in 1991. The idea was to leverage the efficiency of the private sector, balanced by the oversight and funding of the government, to create a highfunctioning education model for the communities that need good new schools. We can send for more charter school videos All charter schools are tuition-free and open to any student living in the county. Although they are managed privately, charter schools are publicly funded by local, state and federal tax dollars based on enrollment, like public schools. There are also held accountable to state and federal academic standards. Thanks to the success of various charter school programs, demand for charter schools among American students and their families is growing rapidly in many areas of the United States.

Programme Américain

Le programme immigrant investisseur des États-Unis d’Amérique Le programme de création d’emploi, cinquième préférence, mieux connu sous l’appellation « EB-5 » est l’une des façons les plus efficace pour obtenir une carte de résident permanent (« green card ») et vivre aux États-Unis d’Amérique. Après avoir complété avec succès les différentes étapes du programme, l’investisseur et les membres de sa famille (conjoint(e) et enfant(s) de moins de 21 ans) recevront un statut de résident conditionnel aux États-Unis qui sera converti en résidence permanente après 2 ans et en citoyenneté après 5 ans. Le processus

Depuis son instauration en 1990 par la Loi sur l’immigration américaine, le programme EB-5 offre une nouvelle catégorie de visa à l’immigration pour les investisseurs internationaux détenant un important actif net. Afin de se qualifier au programme, le candidat doit investir 500 000$ US (et les frais afférents) dans un projet d’affaires situé dans une zone à fort taux de chômage. L’investissement du candidat devra créer dix (10) emplois à temps plein dans un délai de deux ans. Une fois que la demande initiale est approuvée, laquelle concerne principalement la démonstration de la source des fonds de l’investissement de 500 000$ US et la vérification de la proposition d’investissement (requête I-526), le candidat et les membres de sa famille immédiate sont admissibles à un statut de résident conditionnel aux États-Unis et devront ensuite remplir lesdites conditions du visa (cliquez ici pour connaître les conditions du Formulaire DS-260 / Requête I-485). Une fois que le candidat a établi avoir procédé à l’investissement de 500 000$ US dans le projet sélectionné, que cette entreprise est en opérations et a créé 10 emplois à temps plein dans un délai de deux ans (ou seront créés dans un délai raisonnable), les conditions rattachées au visa seront retirées et le candidat ainsi que les membres de sa famille recevront un statut de résident inconditionnel au États-Unis d’Amérique (cliquez ici pour connaître les conditions de la Requête I-829. Contactez nous pour recevoir tous nos projets EB-5 Charter Schools

Cooper City, Florida / Homestead, Florida / Wellington, Florida / Orlando, Florida / Orlando (Olympic), Florida / Sarasota, Florida / Kissimmee, Florida / Lake Worth, Florida / Hollywood, Florida / Hollywood (McKinley), Florida / Boynton Beach, Florida / Sunrise, Florida / Jacksonv ille, Florida / Pembroke Pines, Florida / Soho, Florida / McIntosh, Florida / Pinellas St. Mark, Florida / Pinecrest, Florida / Pinecrest South, Florida / Ocoee, Florida / SW Miami, Florida / McKinley Extension, Florida / Orange County, Florida / Happy Hollow, Florida / Bloomingdale, Florida / Galileo, Florida / Somerset Oaks Academy, Florida

Conditions d’admissibilité Investir 500 000$US et prouver la source licite de cet investissement dans un projet aux États-Unis d’Amérique (par la requête I-526) Le candidat et les « membres de sa famille immédiate » (conjoint(e) et enfant(s) de moins de 21 ans) recevront un statut de résident permanent (« Green Card ») L’investisseur doit posséder un actif net d’un (1) million USD ou toucher des revenus personnels annuels de 200 000$US (ou 300 000$US combinés avec le revenu annuel du ou de la conjoint(e)) Chaque investissement doit créer 10 emplois à temps plein pour des travailleurs américains. Avantages du programme Contrairement aux autres programmes d’immigration américains, il n’y a aucun prérequis concernant l’âge, le niveau d’éducation ou l’expérience de gestion. Aucune connaissance de l’anglais requise des candidats. Les candidats acceptés ainsi que les membres de leur famille peuvent habiter l’état de leur choix aux États-Unis. Professionnels ayant des clients désirant faire une demande EB5 peuvent obtenir toute l’information nécessaire relative à nos projets Projets EB-5 Charter School Home Charter School Projects Qu'est-ce qu'une Charter School? Les Charter Schools sont des écoles maternelles, primaires et secondaires construites et gérées par le secteur privé, mais financées et supervisées par le gouvernement. La première Charter School a été établie aux États-Unis en 1991. L'idée était de tirer parti de l'efficacité du secteur privé, pondérées par la surveillance et le financement du gouvernement pour créer un modèle d’éducation de haut fonctionnement pour les collectivités qui ont besoin de bonnes nouvelles écoles. Cliquez ici pour plus de vidéos sur les Charter School Toutes les Charter Schools sont sans frais de scolarité et ouvertes à tout étudiant vivant dans le comté. Bien qu'elles soient gérés par le privé, les Charter Schools sont financés par les fonds publiques, étatiques et fédérales se basant sur le nombre inscriptions, comme pour les écoles publiques. Elles sont également responsables de maintenir les normes académiques étatiques et fédérales. Grace à la réussite des différents programmes Charter Schools, la demande pour ces écoles parmi les étudiants américains et leurs familles se développe rapidement dans de nombreuses régions des États-Unis.

美國投資移民計劃 第五類優先就業型移民簽證,也叫“EB-5”,是全球人民獲得綠卡以及去美國生活的最有效的途徑之一。 在成功完成計劃以後,投資者及其家屬(配偶和年齡低於 21 周歲的子女)會被授予美國有條件居民身份, 此身份可以在兩年之後變為永久居民,在五年後變成公民。 如何運作

自從美國移民法案在 1990 年引入了 EB-5 計劃後,它為高淨值的國際投資者提供了一個特殊類別的移民簽證。 爲了達到該計劃的要求,申請人必須在一個美國高失業率區域的商業項目中投資 50 萬美金(加上相關費用)。 申請人的投資必須在兩年內創造出 10 個全職工作崗位。 經過初步申請審批,并核實 50 萬美金的投資款項是來自合法來源,以及驗證這個投資計劃後(稱為 I-526 申請), 申請人和他 / 她的直系親屬將會有資格獲得一個在美國的有條件居民身份。(點擊這裡查看 DS-260 表格 /I-485 申請條件) 一旦確立了申請人的 50 萬美金投資款項已經被投放到所選擇的項目中,新的業務已經運營並且在兩年內(或者 在一個合理的時間內)創造出 10 個全職工作崗位,那麼簽證的限制條件將會被解除,而申請人及其家人就會獲 得在美國的無條件居民身份。(點擊這裡查看 I-829 申請條件) EB-5 特許學校項目

Cooper City, Florida / Homestead, Florida / Wellington, Florida / Orlando, Florida / Orlando (Olympic), Florida / Sarasota, Florida / Kissimmee, Florida / Lake Worth, Florida / Hollywood, Florida / Hollywood (McKinley), Florida / Boynton Beach, Florida / Sunrise, Florida / Jacksonv ille, Florida / Pembroke Pines, Florida / Soho, Florida / McIntosh, Florida / Pinellas St. Mark, Florida / Pinecrest, Florida / Pinecrest South, Florida / Ocoee, Florida / SW Miami, Florida / McKinley Extension, Florida / Orange County, Florida / Happy Hollow, Florida / Bloomingdale, Florida / Galileo, Florida / Somerset Oaks Academy, Florida 佛羅里達州,庫珀市 / 佛羅里達州,霍姆斯特德 / 佛羅里達州,威靈頓 / 佛羅里達州,奧蘭多 / 佛羅里達州 , 奧蘭多(奧林匹克)/ 佛羅里達州,薩拉索塔 / 佛羅里達州,基西米 / 佛羅里達州,沃斯湖 / 佛羅里達州,好萊塢 / 佛羅里達州,好萊塢(麥金利) / 佛羅里達州,博因頓灘 /

佛羅里達州,森賴斯 / 佛羅里達州,傑克森威爾 / 佛羅里達州,彭布羅克派恩斯 / 佛羅里達州,蘇活 / 佛羅里達州,麥克特史 / 佛羅里達州 , 皮內 拉斯聖馬克 / 佛羅里達州 , 派恩克雷斯特 / 佛羅里達州 , 南派恩克雷斯特 / 佛羅里達州 , 奥科伊特许学校 / 佛羅里達州 , Academir 預備學院 / 佛羅里達州 , 好萊塢(麥金利)擴建 / 佛羅里達州 , 橘子郡 / 佛羅里達州 , 棕櫚灘歡樂谷 / 佛羅里達州 , Bridge Prep 坦帕布魯明戴爾 / 佛羅里達州 , 伽利略天賦學校 / 佛羅里達州 , 薩默塞特橡樹學院


投資 50 萬美金 , 並且證明這筆投資款的合法來源,以及它已被投入到一個合格的美國項目中(通過 I-526 申請) 申請人和他 / 她的“直系家庭成員”(配偶和年齡在 21 周歲以下的子女)將被授予綠卡。 投資者必須擁有 1 百萬美金的淨資產或者個人全年收入至少 20 萬美金(或者與配偶的全年收入合併達到 30 萬美金)。 每一筆投資款項必須為美國就業者創造出 10 個全職工作崗位。 項目的優勢 不像其他美國簽證項目,這個計劃沒有年齡、教育程度或者先前經商經驗的限制。 申請人不要求會說英語。 成功的申請人及其家屬可以選擇定居於美國的任何地方。 專業人士擁有希望申請 EB-5 的客戶的,可以介紹他們參與符合資格的 EB-5 項目。


什麼是特許學校 ? 特許學校是指幼兒園、小學以及中學,由私人建造及管理,但是由政府資助和監管。第一間美國特許學校於 1991 年建成。 目的是利用及發揮私營企業本身的高效運作, 同時地受政府監管和資助,為需要有優質新學校的社區創造高功能的教育模式。 點擊此處查看更多特許學校視頻 所有特許學校都是提供免費教學的,並且開放於任何住在該郡(縣)的學生。雖然特許學校由私營企業管理,但與公立學 校一樣,公開受到當地、州、以及聯邦的稅款支持,資金取決於招生人數。同時,它們需要符合州政府和聯邦政府的學術 標准。有賴各個特許學校計劃的成功例子,美國學生和他們的家長對特許學校的需求在美國很多地區急速增長。

Chương Trình Dành Cho Các Nhà Đầu Tư Là Người Nhập Cư của Hoa Kỳ Chương Trình Nhập Cư Dựa Trên Việc Làm, Ưu Tiên Thứ Năm, cũng được gọi là chương trình “EB-5”, là một trong những cách hiệu quả nhất để mọi người khắp nơi trên thế giới lấy thẻ xanh và sống tại Hiệp Chúng Quốc Hoa Kỳ. Sau khi hoàn thành chương trình thành công, nhà đầu tư và thành viên gia đình mình (vợ/chồng và con dưới 21 tuổi) được cấp tư cách cư trú có điều kiện tại Hoa Kỳ, có thể được chuyển thành cư trú dài hạn sau hai năm và nhập tịch sau năm năm. All EB-5 Charter School Projects

Cooper City, Florida / Homestead, Florida / Wellington, Florida / Orlando, Florida / Orlando (Olympic), Florida / Sarasota, Florida / Kissimmee, Florida / Lake Worth, Florida / Hollywood, Florida / Hollywood (McKinley), Florida / Boynton Beach, Florida / Sunrise, Florida / Jacksonv ille, Florida / Pembroke Pines, Florida / Soho, Florida / McIntosh, Florida / Pinellas St. Mark, Florida / Pinecrest, Florida / Pinecrest South, Florida / Ocoee, Florida / SW Miami, Florida / McKinley Extension, Florida / Orange County, Florida / Happy Hollow, Florida / Bloomingdale, Florida / Galileo, Florida / Somerset Oaks Academy, Florida

Cách hoạt động của chương trình

Từ khi ra đời vào năm 1990 theo Đạo Luật Nhập Cư Hoa Kỳ, chương trình EB-5 cung cấp một loại visa nhập cư đặc biệt cho các nhà đầu tư quốc tế có tài sản ròng cao. Để đủ điều kiện tham gia chương trình, đương đơn phải đầu tư $500.000 (cộng với các khoản lệ phí liên quan) vào một dự án kinh doanh tại một khu vực của Hoa Kỳ có tỉ lệ thất nghiệp cao. Dự án đầu tư của đương đơn phải tạo ra 10 việc làm toàn thời gian trong thời gian hai năm. Sau khi đơn ban đầu được phê duyệt, chủ yếu tập trung vào việc chứng minh nguồn hợp pháp của khoản đầu tư $500.000 và xác minh đề xuất đầu tư (Đơn I-526), đương đơn và gia đình trực hệ của mình sẽ đủ điều kiện có tư cách cư trú có điều kiện tại Hoa Kỳ, khi đó phải đủ điều kiện theo các yêu cầu cấp visa (nhấp vào đây để biết các điều kiện của Mẫu Đơn DS-260 / Đơn I-485). Một khi đương đơn chứng minh rằng khoản đầu tư $500.000 đã được thực hiện trong dự án đã chọn, rằng doanh nghiệp mới đã hoạt động và 10 việc làm toàn thời gian đã được tạo ra trong khoảng thời gian hai năm (hoặc sẽ được tạo ra trong một khoảng thời gian hợp lý), điều kiện kèm theo visa sẽ được loại bỏ và đương đơn cùng gia đình sẽ nhận được tư cách cư trú không điều kiện tại Hoa Kỳ (nhấp vào đây để biết các điều kiện của Đơn I-829)

Yêu Cầu Cơ Bản

Đầu tư $500.000 và giấy tờ chứng minh nguồn gốc hợp pháp của khoản đầu tư nói trên, trong một dự án đủ điều kiện tại Hoa Kỳ (thông qua Đơn I-526). Đương đơn và “các thành viên gia đình trực hệ” (vợ/chồng và con dưới 21 tuổi) sẽ được cấp thẻ xanh. Nhà đầu tư phải có tài sản ròng là 1 triệu dollar hoặc có thu nhập cá nhân hàng năm là $200.000 (hoặc $300.000 thu nhập hàng năm kết hợp với vợ/chồng). Mỗi dự án đầu tư phải tạo ra 10 việc làm toàn thời gian cho người lao động Hoa Kỳ. Các Lợi Ích của Chương Trình Không giống như các chương trình visa Hoa Kỳ, không có yêu cầu về độ tuổi, trình độ học vấn hay kinh nghiệm kinh doanh trước đây. Đương đơn không phải nói tiếng Anh. Các đương đơn thành công và gia đình mình có thể định cư ở bất kỳ đâu họ chọn tại Hoa Kỳ. Các chuyên gia nào có khách hàng muốn làm đơn xin tham gia chương trình EB-5 có thể được giới thiệu vào các Dự Án EB-5 có chất lượng.

Các Dự Án Trường Công Đặc Cách EB-5 Trường Công Đặc Cách là gì? Các Trường Công Đặc Cách (Charter School) là các trường mẫu giáo, tiểu học và trung học được xây dựng và quản lý bởi khối tư nhân, nhưng được tài trợ và giám sát bởi chính phủ. Trường công đặc cách đầu tiên được thành lập tại Hoa Kỳ vào năm 1991. Ý tưởng là thúc đẩy hiệu quả hoạt động của khối tư nhân, cân bằng bởi sự giám sát và tài trợ của chính phủ, để tạo ra một mô hình giáo dục hoạt động hiệu quả cho các cộng đồng cần các ngôi trường mới. Tất cả các trường công đặc cách đều miễn học phí và dành cho bất kỳ học sinh nào sống trong quận. Mặc dù được quản lý bởi tư nhân, các trường công đặc cách nhận tài trợ công bằng tiền thuế của địa phương, tiểu bang và liên bang dựa trên ghi danh, giống như các trường công lập. Các trường đó cũng có trách nhiệm tuân thủ các tiêu chuẩn học thuật của tiểu bang và liên bang. Nhờ vào sự thành công của các chương trình trường công đặc cách khác nhau, nhu cầu về trường công đặc cách ở học sinh Mỹ và gia đình các em đang phát triển nhanh chóng ở nhiều khu vực của Hoa Kỳ.

Programa americano

O programa de investidor imigrante dos EUA O programa de imigração com base no emprego, quinta preferência, também conhecido como “EB-5”, é uma das formas mais eficazes para as pessoas de todo o mundo obterem um cartão verde e viverem nos Estados Unidos da América. Após a conclusão com êxito do programa, os investidores e os membros da sua família (cônjuge e filhos com menos de 21 anos de idade) recebem um estatuto de residentes condicionais nos Estados Unidos, o que pode ser convertido em residência permanente após dois anos e em cidadania após cinco anos. EB5 Charter Schools

full documentation for all EB-5 Charter School Projects

Cooper City, Florida / Homestead, Florida / Wellington, Florida / Orlando, Florida / Orlando (Olympic), Florida / Sarasota, Florida / Kissimmee, Florida / Lake Worth, Florida / Hollywood, Florida / Hollywood (McKinley), Florida / Boynton Beach, Florida / Sunrise, Florida / Jacksonv ille, Florida / Pembroke Pines, Florida / Soho, Florida / McIntosh, Florida / Pinellas St. Mark, Florida / Pinecrest, Florida / Pinecrest South, Florida / Ocoee, Florida / SW Miami, Florida / McKinley Extension, Florida / Orange County, Florida / Happy Hollow, Florida / Bloomingdale, Florida / Galileo, Florida / Somerset Oaks Academy, Florida

Como funciona

Desde a sua introdução em 1990 pela lei da imigração dos EUA, o programa EB-5 prevê uma categoria especial de visto para imigração para investidores internacionais de elevado património líquido. Para se qualificar para o programa, o candidato deve investir 500,000 dólares (mais as taxas respetivas) num projeto de negócios localizado numa área dos Estados Unidos com elevadas taxas de desemprego. O investimento do candidato deve criar 10 postos de trabalho a tempo inteiro dentro de um período de dois anos. Após a aprovação da candidatura inicial, que se concentra principalmente no que diz respeito à criação da fonte legal de investimento dos 500,000 dólares e verificando a proposta de investimento (Petição I-526), o candidato e/ou a sua família direta são elegíveis para um estatuto de residente condicional nos Estados Unidos se cumprirem os requisitos do visto (clique aqui para ver as condições do Formulário DS-260 / Petição I-485 ). Logo que o candidato garantir que o investimento de 500,000 dólares foi feito no projeto selecionado, que a nova empresa já arrancou e os 10 postos de trabalho a tempo inteiro foram criados dentro do período de dois anos (ou serão criados dentro de um período de tempo razoável), a condição do visto é removida e o candidato e a sua família recebem o estatuto de residente incondicional dos Estados Unidos da América (clique aqui para ver as condições da PetiçãoI-829 )

Requisitos básicos

Investimento de 500,000 dólares e prova de fonte legal do investimento num projeto qualificado nos EUA (por meio da Petição I-526). O candidato e os seus “familiares diretos” (cônjuge e filhos com menos de 21 anos de idade) receberão cartões verdes.. O investidor deve ter um património líquido de 1 milhão de dólares ou ganhar pelo menos 200,000 dólares de renda pessoal anual (ou 300,000 dólares em receita anual combinada com um cônjuge). Cada investimento deve criar 10 postos de trabalho a tempo inteiro para os trabalhadores norte-americanos. Benefícios do programa Ao contrário de outros programas de vistos dos Estados Unidos, não há requisitos de idade, nível de ensino experiência anterior em negócios. Não é exigido que os candidatos falem Inglês. Os candidatos bem sucedidos e as suas famílias podem mudar-se para qualquer local que desejem nos Estados Unidos. Os profissionais que tenham clientes que desejem candidatar-se ao EB-5 podem ser apresentados aos projetos de qualidade EB-5. Projetos EB-5 de escolas autónomas O que é uma escola autónoma? Escolas autónomas são creches, escolas primárias e secundárias construídas e geridas pelo setor privado, mas financiadas e controladas pelo governo. A primeira escola autónoma foi criada nos Estados Unidos em 1991. A ideia era aproveitar a eficiência do setor privado, equilibrado pela supervisão e financiamento do governo, para criar um modelo educacional de alto-funcionamento para as comunidades que necessitam de boas escolas novas. Todas as escolas autónomas são livres de propinas e abertas a todos os alunos residentes no condado. Embora sejam geridas de forma privada, as escolas autónomas são financiadas com dinheiros públicos do governo local, estadual e federal com base na inscrição, como nas escolas públicas. São também responsáveis por manter os padrões académicos estaduais e federais. Graças ao sucesso de programas escolares de escolas autónomas, a procura de escolas autónomas entre estudantes norte-americanos e as suas famílias está a crescer rapidamente em muitas zonas dos Estados Unidos.


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