1 minute read

ENSC-64 | Product Re-Design of Slumber Party Tent

» Camelon Bain, Mechanical Engineering

» Cassie Eskicioglu, Eng. Management (Mechanical)

» Natalie Ryan, Mechanical Engineering

» Victoria Young, Mechanical Engineering

ADVISOR: Alireza Toghraee

DAB: Trevor Longbottom

SPONSOR: Modern Dreamers Slumber Co. LLC

LIAISON: Njal Lundberg, Lili Klein

The ENSC-64 team engaged with Modern Dreamers Slumber Co. to redesign their existing slumber party tent product to be more portable, professional, and manufacturable. To accommodate these desires, two tent designs were created. The first design included a collapsible telescoping rod for efficient portability and minor set-up required. This design retained the original A-frame tent structure, but the collapsible hollow aluminum rods allowed the product to shrink to one third the original size for packaging. The second design was created to expand Modern Dreamers market share. By retaining the A-frame and exchanging the original dowels for ½” threaded PVC pipe, this design allows for costefficient narrow packaging and increases set-up time only slightly.

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