to build up a great university Report of the President 2011-12
Trustees, Regents, Benefactors And Patrons: It is my privilege to present Gonzaga University’s Annual Report for the academic year 2011-2012. Once again, we can look to many impressive achievements by Gonzaga’s students, faculty and staff: learning and teaching; scholarship and applied research; studying in 26 countries; presenting at regional and national conferences; and sharing their gifts with others from all walks of life. But before reflecting on the accomplishments of this year, Dr. Thayne McCulloh, D.Phil., President
let us for a moment reflect on the period during which Gonzaga University began. The 1880 census found that the unincorporated community of “Spokan Falls” counted 350 white settlers. Its strategic geographical location created enormous opportunity and over the next 10 years the small settlement not only gained the final ‘e’ in its name, but its population exploded to 19,922. The newspapers of the era suggest that Spokane came close to jitterbugging with excitement at its prospects: development of downtown, its neighborhoods and commerce, and most especially the rapid expansion of the region’s mining industry with a commensurate growth of the railways. The city fathers understood the need for higher education and, in 1881, invited Jesuit Superior Joseph M. Cataldo, S.J., to “build up a great university” and promised their aid. Into this era of civic self-improvement came Gonzaga College with
DeSmet Hall
Dillon Hall
its historic first day of classes held on Sept. 17, 1887. From
a college in a small town and together with its citizens built a
a first-year class of 18 students Gonzaga has grown into a
city. Our project today is nothing less than the re-imagination of
prominent university with over 7,500 attendees and a multitude
what Gonzaga needs to be to educate its students for a future
of offerings.
that they will help create.
This year, Gonzaga University celebrates both the 125th
The heart of my message to you, then, is this: During this
Anniversary of its founding and the Centenary of the Gonzaga
special anniversary year, join us not only in the celebration
School of Law. We are mindful of the fact that we owe our
of our past and present, but in conversation about Gonzaga’s
existence and our good fortune not only to those city fathers, to
strengths and future. In this time of tremendous change,
Fr. Cataldo and his collegues but, over time, to countless acts of
Gonzaga must fuse the very best of its Jesuit, Catholic and
selflessness by his successors in the Society as well as our lay
humanistic educational core with the capacity to prepare each
faculty, staff, benefactors and the community of Spokane. Most
of our graduates to assume a leadership role, engaging the
especially, the University owes its existence to generations
societal issues of our time through imagination and creativity,
of students and the families that supported them during their
with a faith-filled commitment to justice, and the capacity to
studies – and who, as alumni, continue to support this Jesuit,
provide true leadership to a world in need of it. How we best do
Catholic institution. So many commitments and gifts of time
this is a task in which we hope our entire worldwide community
and talent have built Gonzaga up over these 125 years!
will engage.
Even as Gonzaga celebrates another year of remarkable accomplishments, we are engaged in a national conversation about higher education – a system which some declare to be broken. Without question the paradigm of higher education has shifted, and we are in a new era. While the challenges of imagining the road ahead can be daunting, I take solace in those early Northwest Jesuits who, not so long ago, founded
President Gonzaga University
I - SUPPORTING STUDENTS IN THE 21st CENTURY Gonzaga devoted more than $60 million to financial aid in 201112, and for the first time exceeded the total resources allocated for employee salaries and benefits, the spending category which historically claims the largest share of the University’s budget. This is a watershed shift, which signals a significant challenge as well as opportunity for Gonzaga. As the University advances toward an era of less affluent college-bound students, Gonzaga must deepen its capacity to fund financial aid through designated resources. The bulk of financial aid funding today is comprised of discounted tuition revenue. Only $5 million in financial aid originated last year from the University’s endowment or annual fund – a figure which must grow if Gonzaga is to strengthen the nimble culture essential for responding to changing needs in higher education. The solution, in largest part, is to develop greater capacity for scholarships through growth in the endowment. The University’s successes in financial aid are notable. Gonzaga’s financial aid strategy has responded over the past three years to the start of the recession in 2008, and has produced the most accomplished classes ever admitted. These freshman classes have shown average GPAs of 3.7 and higher; SAT, 1200; and ACT,
Dillon Hall
Kennedy Pavillion
Andrew Matsumoto (’12)
Thuy-Anh Vo (’13)
26.5 and up. But bringing in high-achieving classes is only part of
a person utilize their God-given talents to improve the lives of
the issue. Clearly, we can and must do more if we are to support
others,” Andrew said.
our best and brightest students in reaching their full potential
Four hundred eighty years ago, St. Ignatius of Loyola said, “Go
through the kind of opportunity that allows them to do work
forth and set the world on fire with God’s love.” The founder
that exemplifies our deepest values. We have always expected
of the Society of Jesus might have been speaking directly to
our graduates to leave their mark in the world; increasingly, we
Thuy-Anh Vo. This Gonzaga senior’s passion for immigration
must be prepared to give our most promising undergraduates a
and refugee advocacy crystallized when she participated in the
headstart in their post-baccalaureate work as well.
2011 Jesuit Family Teach-in at Georgetown University as one
Consider Andrew Matsumoto (’12), a civil engineering major and
of Gonzaga’s twelve Ignatian delegates to the conference.
a Rhodes Scholar finalist. The high point of his senior year was
Thuy-Anh is an Act Six scholar double majoring in political
in working on a team of engineering students that won a $90,000
science and philosophy, with minors in business and women’s
EPA grant for two projects in Zambia. One project will save lives
studies. She spent her spring semester in Washington, D.C.,
by filtering drinking water; the second will reduce mortality by
studying at American University and as an immigrant/refugee
ventilating cooking smoke from villagers’ mud huts.
policy intern for the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society. A Spokane
MIT, Duke, Stanford, Berkeley, Georgia Tech, Cambridge and
native and the daughter of Vietnamese immigrants, Thuy-Anh
Yale all accepted Andrew for graduate study. He will pursue his
immersed herself in a demanding multi-cultural experience
doctorate at Duke University.
– first in the nation’s capital, and second, within a Jewish non-
Andrew’s intelligence is a rare gift, said his adviser Professor
profit organization. “I am without a doubt outside my comfort
Paul Nowak, and his habits of humility and kindness speak to his
zone,” she wrote in her blog. “But by the end of the semester,
absorption of Gonzaga’s Jesuit values.
I expect to have a more genuine understanding of another
“My parents teaching in some of the most impoverished schools in Yakima showed me how having a college education can help
culture and religion.” She tells of being asked frequently if she was a Vietnamese Jew; of learning how to be taken seriously
Patrick Richie (’13), Tate Kelly (’13)
YEAR IN REVIEW Science faculty received a second $1.2 million grant from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute as continued support for science education and research.
by the professionals with whom she worked.
who will grapple with our world’s issues.
Thuy-Anh spent her own time advocating for Amerasian rights and
Gonzaga can speak proudly of enviable numbers relative to
experienced an epiphany as she realized her own ability to try to effect
retention and graduation rates, with a freshman retention rate
change on a nationwide issue.
of 91 percent and with 83 percent of our students graduating
“What amazed me was I was only a 20-year-old student, doing
within six years. But those undergraduates carry an average
the adult work I was doing. I think students forget how accessible
student loan debt of $25,000, a number we would love to
Congress is, if you’re proactive about it. I really went outside the
bubble of college and integrated into the professional world.”
We want more students with extraordinary gifts but
“My father told me that if I wanted to go to a four-year college, it was
modest means to flourish during their time at Gonzaga
all on me,” she said. Without the support of her Act Six scholarship,
and to make the most of that Gonzaga education, with its
Thuy-anh would be at a community college. In her sights now, thanks
distinctive combination of rigorous academics, lived faith
to Gonzaga, is a career in immigration law.
and courageous, ethical leadership. This is why our highest
Students such as Andrew and Thuy-Anh need significant funding to take full advantage of their time at Gonzaga, as they access the increasingly important national or international learning experience that fits their interest and skills. Forty percent of Gonzaga’s graduates in 2011-12 undertook study abroad. Funding for beyond-classroom learning helps to fulfill the promise of a Gonzaga education. Andrew Matsumoto and Thuy-Anh Vo demonstrate the tri-partite promise of Gonzaga’s Jesuit education: growth to maturity in their spiritual life, growth to maturity in their intellectual life, and growth to maturity in their social life – forming them into the faith-filled leaders
priorities include developing the needed resources for scholarships and financial aid.
Professors Brook Swanson, Kirk Anders
Professors Julie Beckstead, Stephen Hayes
English Language Camp
II - FOSTERING TEACHING & LEARNING Eight biology faculty became students this summer, learning
worked with during my time on campus are remarkable for the
how to teach a research-based course on bacteriophages –
thoughtfulness they bring to their teaching, and the care they
phage for short. Phage are viruses that attack bacteria; though
have for their students. There’s clearly an appetite here, as
they are ubiquitous, scientists know relatively little about
there is on all strongly teaching-oriented campuses, for positive,
them. Gonzaga belongs to a national network of universities,
evidence-informed conversation about teaching and learning –
the Science Education Alliance, which was developed by the
and that’s a formula for excellence.”
Howard Hughes Medical Institute and aims to transform science
Previously, Hutchings held the position of vice president and
education. The first SEA project is to use students’ discovery-
senior scholar at the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement
based learning to advance science’s knowledge of phage. Over
of Teaching. She came to Gonzaga in 2011 with a mandate to
the last two years at Gonzaga, two sections of sophomores
propel faculty conversation on the scholarship of teaching and
took a “Phage Hunters” lab course each year. Strong results
learning. Her work with Gonzaga’s Center for Teaching and
convinced Gonzaga’s biology faculty that all freshman biology,
Advising has resulted in a Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
nursing and physiology majors would benefit from a single-
Initiative. Under the initiative, 12 faculty are working on
semester course on phage research.
research projects related to their teaching including these three:
“They enjoy the learning, the discovery and ‘feeling like real
• A faculty member in English is studying her students’
scientists,’” said Marianne Poxleitner, assistant professor of
practices as readers, seeking ways to help them ”re-
biology, who with Kirk Anders, associate professor, developed
imagine reading” as an active, interrogative process,
and taught the faculty phage course.
and a key to becoming engaged, confident citizens of
This is the kind of teaching and learning work that attracts the
intellectual life and of their disipline.
eye of Pat Hutchings, scholar in residence.
• A faculty member in psychology is studying the effects of
“I’m deeply impressed by Gonzaga’s commitment to
note-taking on learning, asking whether students would
undergraduate education,” Hutchings said. “The faculty I’ve
learn more course material if they listened to lectures without the additional ”cognitive load“ of note taking.
Crosby Library
Theater at Assos, Turkey
• A faculty member in human physiology is studying the
lab course, are emerging across campus: Gonzaga’s nursing
most effective ways to help students develop scientific
students run a health fair for the homeless. Philosophy students
writing skills—looking for strategies that will foster
in Professor Erik Schmidt’s ethics courses find compelling
their abilities to ’think like scientists in order to be able
new contexts for learning when he draws material from other
to write like scientists.“
disciplines, economics, game theory and Shakespeare.
“There is a great deal to be gained by looking closely at one’s
Psychology students become their own case studies in a research
own practice as a teacher,” Hutchings said. “Faculty are
course titled Mindfulness and Psychotherapy. Or they use their
trained to ask questions and gather evidence as scholars and
knowledge of Freud, Jung, Skinner and others to analyze a
researchers in their disciplines. The scholarship of teaching
contemporary event or issue – and then find and explore a related
and learning invites them to bring those same skills and habits
social justice element. ”It has been fascinating (and engaging)
to their teaching. What many find, especially when they work
to see what the students choose and how they engage with
collaboratively with others engaged in such work, is that
the theorists’ words to explore the topics and the social justice
treating their teaching and their students’ learning as a topic
elements,” said Professor Nancy Worsham.
for systematic inquiry yields significant new insights. Those
Study abroad opportunities also are increasingly designed with
insights, in turn, are a catalyst for trying new things and for
innovative academic vigor. In a new summer program, Gonzaga-
ongoing improvement.”
in-Turkey, course offerings encompassed classical civilizations,
This work at Gonzaga is grounded in a strong academic
religious studies and broadcast studies. Students immersed
foundation. Gonzaga faculty have undergone multi-year
themselves in the battlefields, mountaintop ruins, temples and
processes to develop baccalaureate learning goals and
early Christian churches of ancient Turkey, capturing what they
incorporate them into their teaching. Other complex multi-
had learned through digital storytelling.
year projects include the development of systematic student
“I find learning about history fascinating, but it’s something else
assessments and the revision of Gonzaga’s core curriculum.
to actually learn at the site itself,” said student Geoff Melder.
Creative ways of deepening student learning, such as the phage
Gonzaga-in-Turkey students
Stephen Silliman, Dean of Engineering
Fr. Frank Case, VP for Mission
III - CARRYING ON THE JESUIT TRADITION The Society of Jesus has long worked with its lay companions.
In the School of Engineering and Applied Science, teams of
In1607, Father Matteo Ricci, S.J., and Xu Guangqi collaborated
engineering seniors complete a yearlong capstone design
on translating and publishing a Chinese version of Euclid’s
project. Professor Noel Bormann, chair of the civil engineering
department, regularly steers such design teams toward the
In 1995, the Jesuits’ General Congregation 34 resolved that
EPA’s competition, People, Prosperity and the Planet.
“Jesuits … cooperate with lay women and men in the Church,
The competition is “a wonderful opportunity to combine
with religious, priests, and bishops of the local church in which
the capstone course with a project that can help residents
they serve, with members of other religions, and with all men and
of a developing country, while at the same time enhancing
women of goodwill. To the extent that we develop a wide-ranging
the education of our students,” Bormann said. “The EPA P3
web of respectful and productive relationships, we fulfill Christ’s
competition establishes a real deadline with a real budget,
priestly prayer ‘that they may all be one’ (John 17:21).”
and the nature of the national competition increases interest
At Gonzaga, collaboration between Jesuits and lay faculty began in the 1970s and continues today primarily through two campus entities. The Office of Mission reaches out to faculty
from the student team. This results in an engaging effect – the students work harder, learn more and are exposed to the important skills civil engineers need.
and staff with an array of programming that includes the twice-
“Most satisfyingly,” Bormann added, “they feel that what they
annual Ignatian Colleagues Dinner series. Jesuit pedagogy and
are doing will make a difference in a real person’s life.”
Ignatian spirituality are discussed at the always popular events.
Creativity, working to the highest level – or magis – working
The Center for Teaching and Advising, now entering its seventh
collaboratively and serving others are, of course, all elements of
year, runs a series of workshops each fall to acclimate new
Jesuit education.
faculty to Jesuit pedagogy.
In the College of Arts and Sciences, psychology Professor Molly
Lay faculty who incorporate Jesuit spirituality and pedagogy
Kretchmar says cura personalis is the Jesuit element that most
into their teaching work all across the Gonzaga campus.
resonates for her. “Caring for the person the student is and
YEAR IN REVIEW Gonzaga’s Debate Team finished its 2012 season ranked fourth in the nation. 9
is becoming is at the center of what I try to do.”
many ethical issues in both areas – as a trial attorney, one should
To that end, her office door on the third floor of College Hall
not win at all costs. Evidence tends to be a game to some people
carries this message: “Be kinder than necessary because everyone
(including me, when I practiced), and we always need to be aware
you meet is fighting some kind of battle.”
that there are real lives involved and it is not about the attorneys.
Kretchmar explains: “When I traveled to Zambia with a group of students five years ago, we were all feeling pretty vulnerable. That experience really opened my heart up to students in a new way.
edge of what is legal. It’s so incredibly important to always do the right thing.“
I recognized that many of them were struggling with a range of
In her Evidence classes, Murphy’s students act out a mock trial.
issues around identity and their place in the world and were trying
“One really good question is – if a student knows that a question
to make sense of a lot of things. That experience helped me to see
is objectionable under the evidence rules – may they ask the
them more fully and deepened my compassion toward them.”
question and wait for an objection from the other side? Or do they
“I have also learned a great deal through my work and study of attachment theory. One way to think of attachment security is as
not ask the question at all?” After the mock trial, Murphy often poses that question to her students.
the capacity to tell the truth. I believe in telling the truth – even if
In the School of Education, Assistant Professor John Traynor finds
it is an uncomfortable or painful truth – because I believe the truth
the Ignatian pedagogical paradigm to be vital to his teaching. The
is necessary and growthful. But, I also know I cannot tell the truth
paradigm’s three main elements are experience, reflection and
unless I have developed a relationship with the student, in which
there is trust.”
“This is an especially nice fit for me, as so much of the learning
Professor Ann Murphy, of Gonzaga’s School of Law, puts much of
and training a teacher does is based on their experiences and
her time and attention into teaching ethics.
making instructional decisions based on these experiences.”
“I teach evidence and taxation, among other things. There are
In taxation, there are many areas where one is able to skirt the
Literary London
Traynor also instills in his students the service component so central to K-12 teaching.
Fr. Steve Kuder, S.J., Professor and Rector
Patricia O’Connell Killen, Academic VP
Geshe Thupten Phelgye, Scholar in Residence
IV - FILLING OUR GLOBAL ROLE At the time Ignatius of Loyola founded the Society of Jesus,
and alums and doing so in ways we cannot yet imagine. We
members of the older orders within the Catholic Church, such as
already know that the Virtual Campus will make it possible to
Franciscans and Benedictines, worked and prayed within walled
deliver degree and certificate programs to populations who
communities. When early Jesuit Jerome Nadal declared “the
cannot be on campus in Spokane. It will give Gonzaga the
world is our religious house” – claiming no such placebound
capacity to link our students to each other as they study around
restriction – it was a huge departure from that tradition.
the world. The Virtual Campus will expand our capacity to
Today at Gonzaga, we say, “The world is our campus.” This
participate in worldwide Jesuit higher education projects. And
is true in several ways, including through our new Virtual
it is a catalyst for conversation among faculty about effective
Campus, which promotes and supports the effective use of
use of new technologies in teaching and learning and in
technology by students, faculty and alumni in the Gonzaga
scholarly collaboration.”
learning experience. Led by Dean Michael Carey, Gonzaga’s
Increasingly, students thirst for more global experience, and
Virtual Campus was introduced in spring 2012 as a service
currently, forty percent of Gonzaga juniors study internationally.
unit for academics, particularly for graduate on-line programs
Senior Emily Goodenow is someone who values studying
and eventually, “through the trickle-down effect, for other
abroad. She took a gap year as an exchange student in
programs as well,” Carey said. Faculty who wish to learn how
Switzerland before starting at Gonzaga. As a sophomore, she
to incorporate technology within their teaching will find ready
lived in Coughlin Hall’s international community and offers this
support. They may wish, for instance, to ‘flip’ their classes
– filming lectures for students to watch as homework and
“Anyone who has ever been an exchange student can
focusing in class on small-group or other interactive work.
sympathize and understand, to some extent, what another is
Academic Vice President Patricia O’Connell Killen offers this
going through. It is not an easy task to go off on your own to a
take: “Thanks to the resource of the Virtual Campus, in five
completely foreign place and try to make a life for yourself for
years Gonzaga will be reaching out to larger numbers of friends
that semester or year,“ Goodenow said.
YEAR IN REVIEW Sixty-nine graduating seniors committed to service in the Peace Corps, Jesuit Volunteer Corps, Teach for America, and Americorps, with others donating time to Second Harvest, the Sierra Club and Vanessa Behan Crisis Nursery. 11
YEAR IN REVIEW The School of Education offered classes on the Florence campus for the first time.
“In choosing Coughlin, I wanted to put myself in a position where
it means going out into the world; not just having students and
I would be able to meet with many exchange students and help
faculty travel and study abroad, but seriously engaging the people
them find opportunities to meet people and make friends.”
and situations they encounter, and engaging in sustained and
Last year, Goodenow studied in China. She is a business major
serious reflection on what they and their hosts experience. In
with concentrations in international business, economics and
other words, global engagement means waking up to the fact
entrepreneurship, and she looks forward to an international career
that who we are, what our lives mean, and how our lives unfold
in law.
are intimately intertwined with all the other beings and societies
AVP Killen reflects on the concept of a global university: “For a while now we have been asking: What does it mean to be a global university in Spokane, Washington, in the 21st century? What does it look, feel, and smell like to be ‘globally engaged’? First, it means thinking globally as a university – be that in designing curricula, picking particular examples of environmental,
In 2011-12 Gonzaga students studied in 26 countries, Argentina to Zambia. Prominent, as always, was the Gonzaga-in-Florence program, which will celebrate its 50th anniversary in 2013-14. The addition of education and engineering courses in Florence has opened the GIF experience to all majors.
philosophical or political problems for a class session, or doing
Faculty led programs this summer in Turkey, Zambia, Italy, Mexico
strategic planning as an organization. We are in the world –
and London, covering disciplines across the campus: biology,
something the Jesuits emphasize.”
broadcast studies, chemistry, communications, engineering,
“Secondly, being a place that welcomes the world – extending hospitality to international students and to visiting scholars and faculty, and taking them seriously as conversation partners, whatever we are learning or researching,” Killen said. “Thirdly,
on the planet, and even the planet itself.”
Pauline Chung (‘12) and Jon Sunderland, Dean of Education Gonzaga in Florence
English, environmental studies, Italian, law, leadership, philosophy, psychology, religious studies and Spanish. The Gonzaga School of Law sent students to China for six weeks of comparative law studies. Now in its second year, the comparative
law program involves two other American university partners and three Chinese law schools. “One of the most enriching aspects of this program,” said Law School Dean Jane Korn, “is that the American law students take these classes alongside English-proficient Chinese law students, and the courses are co-taught by American law faculty from each of the American schools and Chinese law professors.” Killen envisions a growth in international education. “Faculty, whatever their field, will think about it within a global context. Students will expect to learn about the global dimensions of whatever subject they study,“ Killen said. “We will see more collaboration in research and problem solving between faculty and students from different universities on multiple continents, with some of the work being carried out virtually. Faculty and students will draw on Gonzaga’s Catholic, Jesuit, humanistic resources as they engage in interreligious reflection.”
Early rendering of Crosby
YEAR IN REVIEW Gonzaga successfully hosted the first two rounds of the NCAA women’s basketball tournament in the McCarthey Athletic Center.
on benefactors’ timing and support. In preparation, the University
Gonzaga’s leaders have begun to imagine and plan a new
has broken ground across the street from the COG parking lot on a
University Center to transform the University during this
four-story parking garage entailing a retail center on the ground
fascinating and fast-paced 21st century. Think of an academic,
floor. During the center’s construction, the parking garage’s
social and faith-filled crossroads that will serve students’ needs
ground floor will serve as an interim dining hall. The city of
in a future not yet defined. Think of a hub at the heart of campus
Spokane required new parking as a condition of permitting
where students want to be and where they interact with one
the University Center; the garage is funded partially through
another and their professors. Imagine a series of flexible spaces,
studios or tinker boxes for research partners, spaces intimate
Tomorrow’s technology will animate the University Center,
or spacious, for groups large and small, formal and informal,
streaming life and learning from across the world onto a
to discuss, perform, reflect, converse and make community. A
window-wall that may plunge Gonzaga students onto the
building that teaches engineering students how buildings function.
streets and universities of Calcutta, Seoul, Beijing, Cairo.
Places to enjoy the arts. Places to watch and learn. Conference
Interactive global learning will be an integral part of Gonzaga
spaces. A multi-faith prayer chapel; a powerful city of learning;
students’ daily experience. Digital media spaces will connect
a window on the world; a global portal on campus. A magnet for
students to learning in and outside of classrooms, anywhere
students and faculty alike.
in the world. The learning and interactive capacities of the
With such a University Center, “We have the chance to change the
University Center should exceed or be equal to any of Gonzaga’s
look and feel of this campus for the next 100 years,” said David
peer institutions.
Lindsay, student activities director.
Students surveyed about their perceptions of space needs on
The new University Center will replace Gonzaga’s COG, the
campus made clear that Gonzaga’s mission and faith ought to
58-year-old dining center, which is by now completely outgrown,
be obvious upon entering the University Center. A chapel for
and the COG’s parking lot. The beginning of construction depends
prayer and reflection ought to welcome all faiths. University Ministry will be located in the center with a strong presence.
Law School’s 2012 Linden Cup
Monsieree de Castro (’14)
Haiden Palmer (’14)
Timothy Westerhaus, choral director
ROTC commissioning
In line with Jesuits’ commitment to protecting the environment,
offering seamless integration of student services. Non-
the center will demonstrate sustainable construction, so that
traditional, off-campus upper division students and graduate
the center’s very surfaces, its design and infrastructure nourish
students, too, will find a home-away-from home on campus at
students’ reflection on environmental and sustainable issues.
the center. Conference and performance facilities will draw the
We are intentional in calling this building a “University Center”
community to the University Center, as well.
rather than a “Student Center,” because it is meant to be so
Foley Center Dean Eileen Bell-Garrison speaks confidently
much more than simply a place where students congregate,
about the coming changes that will transform the Foley Library
dine and play. This is a building that will bring together the
into “a global research environment, a learning space, an
entire campus community by integrating the curricular and
academic place.” Mastery of technical tools will only grow in
the co-curricular, the administrative and the educational,
importance for faculty and students – and the main floor and
the lived student experience with that of faculty and staff.
part of the lowest level of Foley will be converted to space in
Dining services of course will be an important function of this
service of technology-enhanced learning. Foley will continue
structure, but the building’s ultimate purpose is to provide
to house the Center for Teaching and Advising, and the Writers
sustenance of all kinds for every member of the Gonzaga
community. The University Center will provide space and
“A digital media lab will include the equipment and people to
technology that allow faculty and students to leave their silos
train students and faculty to incorporate any medium in their
and to learn, work, explore and grow together as we live and
scholarship,” Bell-Garrison said.
plan the innovative next 20 or 40 years of Gonzaga.
Finally, Dean Bell-Garrison emphasizes: “We will keep
The University Center, along with the Foley Center and Crosby
the books, and we will continue to purchase books for the
Center, will form a tightknit triumvirate of buildings that will
humanities in particular. For philosophy, literature, religious
handle student needs in many areas. Co-curricular programs,
studies – books are still what people turn to.”
including the University’s Multi-Cultural Education Center, leadership programs and others will find a home in the center,
OPERATING REVENUES 2011-12: $256.8
OPERATING EXPENSES 2011-12: $247.0
Operating revenues include all unrestricted gross operating revenues.
Operating expenses include all unrestricted operating expenses.
1% Organized Activities 7.5%
Auxiliary Enterprises 10.7%
Student Aid 30.5%
Auxiliary Enterprises 10.4% General Administrative & Institutional 11.2%
Tuition & Fees 80%
Instructional 29.7%
Tuition & Fees – 80%
Organized Activities – 1.3%
Student Aid – 30.5%
Organized Activities – 7.5%
Auxiliary Enterprises – 10.7%
Unrestricted Contributions – 1.4%
Instructional – 29.7%
Plant Operations – 4.2%
Net Assets Released from Restriction – 3.2%
Government Grants & Contracts – 1.0%
General Administrative & Institutional – 11.2%
Student Services – 4.1%
Other Sources – 2.4%
Libraries – 2.4%
Auxiliary Enterprises – 10.4%
NET ASSETS 2008-12
Endowment value includes all endowment assets, regardless of restriction.
Net assets represents the University’s total assets minus total liabilities.
$300 m
$ 2 8 4 .1 $ 2 6 2.4
$200 m
$ 2 8 8.0
$ 247. 3 $ 2 2 2.8
$250 m
$15 0.5 $ 15 0 m
$14 8. 3 $10 8.7
$ 10 0 m
$12 2.9
$200 m
$ 15 0 m $50 m
$ 5 0.6 $ 10 0 m 0
19 9 5
2 0 0 0
2 010 2 011 2 012
2 0 0 8
2 010
2 011
2 012
2 011-12
2 010 -11
2 0 0 9 -10
2 0 0 8 - 0 9
2 0 0 7- 0 8
F ull-time E quivalent E nrollment (fall )
Undergraduate Graduate Law
5,310 5,191 5,081 4,841 4,681 1,596 1,563 1,560 1,423 1,283 504 512 541 559 574
Total full-time equivalent enrollment
Degrees conferred
Undergraduate Graduate Law
1,101 1,061 1,007 1,002 996 835 867 796 708 672 162 157 173 182 162
Total degrees conferred
1202 3.74
1197 3.72
1188 3.66
1177 3.66
1184 3.69
E ntering F reshmen C lass Averages
Combined SAT scores (1600) GPA F ull-time E mployees (fall )
Faculty Staff Total full-time employees
402 386 389 374 352 712 719 702 672 645 1,114
( thousands)
E ndowment and Similar F unds
General Support Endowments $ 13,781 $ Scholarship Endowments 73,773 Library Endowments 1,695 Professorships/Lectureships 20,503 Quasi-Endowments 26,194 Annuities & Life Income 12,402 Total endowment and similar funds
$ 148,348 <1>
13,591 $ 74,532 1,804 21,851 27,839 10,839
<1> $ 150,456
11,388 $ 57,745 1,804 18,306 23,344 10,302
$ 122,889 <1>
9,022 $ 11,796 52,435 73,643 1,596 2,269 16,794 21,877 21,439 31,278 9,440 12,143 110,726
$ 153,006 <1>
S tudent A id
University programs $ 75,977 $ 70,485 $ Federal/state grant programs 6,980 7,534 Student loans 77,036 70,353 Total student aid
$ 159,993
65,180 $ 6,828 73,729
$ 148,372 $ 145,737
57,084 $ 51,331 5,532 5,080 56,865 52,417
$ 119,481
$ 108,828
P hysical P lant
Land & improvements $ 63,052 $ 61,562 $ 58,897 $ 58,615 $ 55,107 Buildings 209,463 208,361 208,324 185,050 150,815 Equipment, furniture, library books 32,264 32,023 55,666 53,175 51,725 Plant under construction 2,009 1,117 809 14,544 23,433 Total gross physical plant 306,761 Accumulated depreciation <88,647> Total Physical Plant Net
$ 218,114
303,063 <82,190>
$ 220,873
323,696 311,384 281,080 <99,986> <91,106> <83,101> $ 223,710
$ 220,278 $ 197,979
<1> Includes Gonzaga University Law Foundation, totaling $11,375 in 2011-12; $11,888 in 2010-11; $9,545 in 2009-10; $7,813 in 2008-09; and $8,358 in 2007-08
Thayne M. McCulloh, D.Phil.
John J. Luger,
Bernard J. Coughlin, S.J.
Alvin J. Wolff, Jr.,
Vice Chair
Earl F. Martin
Executive Vice President
Dr. Andrew Agwunobi
Patricia O’Connell Killen, Ph.D.
Academic Vice President
Timothy Barnard
Charles J. Murphy
Vice President for Finance
Anthony Bonanzino
Margot J. Stanfield
Senior Vice President for Principal Gifts
Paul W. Brajcich
Joe Poss
Acting Vice President for University Relations
Fred A. Brown
Fr. Frank Case, S.J.
Vice President for Mission
Timothy Clancy, S.J.
Sue D. Weitz
Vice President for Student Life
Gerri Craves
Michael Roth
Athletic Director
Donald Curran
Michael Casey
Corporation Counsel
John Fitzgibbons, S.J.
Michael B. Herzog, Ph.D.
Chief of Staff to the President
Theresa Gee*
Michael J. Graham, S.J.*
Steve Kuder, S.J.
Kevin Waters, S.J.
Presiding Officer
David J. Leigh, S.J.
Robert Lyons, S.J. Secretary
Rita Illig Liebelt
Stephen Kuder, S.J.
Shannon McCambridge
Rector, GU Jesuit Community
Timothy Clancy, S.J.
Jack McCann
Scott Coble, S.J.
Philip G. McCarthey
Ken Krall, S.J.
Thayne M. McCulloh
Gary Uhlenkott, S.J.
John P. McGarry, S.J. *
Anthony Via, S.J.
Kevin D. McQuilkin Scott Morris Donald P. Nelles Michael A. Patterson Edward A. Reese, S.J.* Joseph S. Rossi, S.J. Kathleen Magnuson Sheppard Peter F. Stanton Edward Taylor Robert H. Tomlinson
Sister Laura Michels, Bishop Blase Cupich
William Powar, Dean Clarence ”Bud” Barnes
EMERITI John Andrew James F. Aylward William Burch John Clute † 5/1/2012 Walter J. Conn Bernard J. Coughlin, S.J. Luino Dell’Osso Sherwood L. Fawcett T. Jerry Greenan Elizabeth Hanson William E. Hayes, S.J. Donald Herak * Bobbie Huguenin James R. Jundt Duff Kennedy W. P. Laughlin Angelo R. Mozilo David A. Sabey Thomas B. Tilford Patrick J. West REGENTS John J. Parente, Chair D. Michael Reilly, Vice Chair Mary Herche, Vice Chair Gregory A. Hubert, Past President Robert J. Day, Past Vice President Richard F. Angotti Peter Arkison Anjali Barretto Mark S. Britton Sharon Cade Gabriel Castellanos Rebecca A. Cates
Gerard V. Centioli Craig T. Clifford Walter F. Conn Va Lena Curran Dr. Barbara Daniels Kevin D. Daniels Catherine Dieter Brittany Dietz Angel M. Diez Patricia A. Etter Al Falkner Kyle Franklin David B. Gallant William J. Geary Christina Geithner Carl B. Grether Lori Grether Robert J.Hamacher Daniel P. Harbaugh John E. “Jack” Heath, III John Hemmingson Lorelei Herres Kevin M. Hickey Christine M. Hogan Stanton K. Hooper Gregory M. Huckabee Lisa Janicki Eileen Johnston Marcus Jundt Margel Kaufman Christy Larsen Michael D. Lucarelli Lita Luvera Simon Manning Robert McCambridge Thomas K. McCarthey
Kathryn McGoffin Colleen McMahon Colleen Meighan Dr. C. Harold Mielke Jr. John P. Moynier Molly Nave Mary Jane Patterson Michael Pellicciotti James E. Powers Richard Powers William Quigg Jeffrey Reed Renee Reuther Irene Ringwood Steven D. Robinson Sr. Kathleen Ross, S.N.J.M. Denny Ryerson Karen L. Sayre Reed Schifferman James Schumacher Patricia Shepherd-Barnes Richard J. Shinder Patricia Smith Albert A. Stadtmueller Richard Taylor, II Thatcher S. Thompson Timothy Thompson Michele A. Tiesse Dr. Diane Timberlake John Timm Michael Tobin Sr. Mary E. Tracy, S.N.J.M. Michael F. Tucci Kurt Walsdorf Kevin P. West Fritz H. Wolff
James J. Workland William Wrigglesworth, Jr. Irving Zakheim EMERITI Anne Aram Nancy Burnett Joseph P. Delay Dr. Thomas A. Driscoll Judith Gilmartin Josef E. Gray Donald Hackney Donald R. Kayser John Kelly Bernard Levernier Wilfrid G. Loeken Claire McDonald Robert McDonald James H. Prince Philip M. Raekes Edward Ralph Gary Randall L. Philip Reinig Norman L. Roberts † 6/12/2012 Charles H. Steilen David J. Taylor
† RIP *Started term 12-2011
First Friday dance performance - Ariel Wood (‘13)
Major Benefactors
$1,000,000 - $1,999,999
$500,000 - $999,999
lifetime Contributors
Gonzaga University proudly recognizes and honors these major contributors whose outstanding generosity and spirit of lifetime giving demonstrate a commitment to ensuring the finest level of higher education available. † = Deceased
Louis † and Kathryn Barbieri Tim and Mary Barnard The Boeing Company Cadre Technologies, Inc. Henry J. Casey † Marguerite M. Casey † Dr. Patrick J. Cavanaugh † Chester and Catherine J. Chastek † Harriet Cheney Cowles Foundation Walter and Donna Conn Fred and Barbara Curley † Don and Va Lena (Scarpelli) Curran Bernard and Marsha Daines Nancy C. Driscoll Sperry H. Goodman † John Hemmingson Sarah Hemmingson Howard Hughes Medical Institute Johnston-Hanson Foundation Kreielsheimer Foundation John and Donna Luger Harry † and Colleen Magnuson Tom Martin † and Noreen Hobbs Martin Jack and Mary McCann Jane McCarthey Family McCarthey Family Foundation Joseph L. McCarthy † Microsoft Corporation Lyle W. and Cherie Moore † Angelo and Phyllis Mozilo The Phyllis and Angelo Mozilo Family Foundation Charlie and Doris O’Connor Mark and Cindy Pigott Mary Stuart Rogers Foundation Elizabeth D. Rudolf John and Nancy Rudolf Rudolf Family Foundation Dave and Sandy Sabey Walter A. and Hazel Toly † United Way of King County Pat and Sandy Volkar Washington Trust Bank Betty S. Wheeler
Allegro Investments, LLC Avista Corporation Fred E. Bigelow † Horace and Christine Bozarth † Fred and Leslie Brown Iris & B. Gerald Cantor Foundation Gerard Centioli Ben B. Cheney Foundation Bill and Virginia † Clemens John † and Nancy Clute Harry L. (Bing) Crosby † Leon (Bob) and Petronella Davis Estate Joe † and Edna Deichl Bud W. Driessel Estate Anna Fahey † Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund Garco Construction Gonzaga University Law Adjunct Faculty Charles † and Barbara Hennessey Herak Foundation Hewlett-Packard Company Mr. and Mrs. Dan † Hogan, Jr. Intel Corporation W. M. Keck Foundation Joseph R. Keys † Patrick J. and Stephanie Kilkenny KnowledgeWare, Inc. The Kresge Foundation Henry Luce Foundation Paul and Lita (Barnett) Luvera Bob and Yvonne Lyons † Esther A. McCoy † Dr. Earl Miller Estate Gene and Marti Monaco The Odell Fund Robert and Carol (Smail) Palencar Michael A. Patterson Terry and Pat Payne Robert and Ann Powers † Ed and Yvonne † Ralph Hubie Randall Rational Software Corporation Norm † and Rita Roberts Mark and Katherine Ryland Sabey Corporation Dr. Scholl Foundation Frost & Margaret Snyder Foundation The Steele-Reese Foundation John Stone Suzi Stone Frank X. Suttey Estate John and Betty Tubbs †
$10,000,000 and Above (Cumulative)
With grateful hearts, we thank you for sharing your gifts made between June 1, 2011, and May 31, 2012. Without your generosity, Gonzaga could not accomplish what it does so well – transforming students into men and women for others.
Duet Technologies Jesuit Community of Gonzaga University
$5,000,000 - $9,999,999 (Cumulative)
Independent Colleges of Washington Jim and Joann Jundt Phil and Sandy McCarthey Tom and Mary McCarthey, Jr. Fritz and Jeanie Wolff
$2,000,000 - $4,999,999 (Cumulative)
Alphonse and Geraldine Arnold Estate Dauna Leigh Bauer Foundation Comstock Foundation M.O. Flannery Estate Charles Gillingham † Don and Carol † Herak The Hogan Family Foundation, Inc. Bob and Alice Jepson Johnson Scholarship Foundation Duff and Dorothy † Kennedy Charlotte Y. Martin † Charlotte Y. Martin Foundation Bob and Claire McDonald M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust Oracle Corporation PACCAR Inc Carl R. Pohlad † The Carl and Eloise Pohlad Family Foundation J. Merton † and Jessie Rosauer Sodexho Marriott Services Sterling Software Tom and Camilla Tilford
Great care was taken to ensure the accuracy of this listing. We would appreciate you alerting us to any errors or omissions. Please contact Laura Gatewood, director of stewardship, at 509.313.6381 or
Union Pacific Railroad Elizabeth Van Sistine Estate Carrie Welch Trust Estate Helen Welty † E. L. Wiegand Foundation
$250,000 - $499,999 (Cumulative)
Theodore B. Albi † John and Jewel Andrew John † and Anne Aram Bank of America Corporation Bank of America Foundation Boise Dr. and Mrs. Norman Bolker Joseph and Peggy Brennan † Burlington Northern Santa Fe Foundation John E. Cannon, Sr. † Dr. Robert J. and Thelma Rose Casey Centioli Family, LLC Comshare, Inc. George Corkery † Costco Wholesale Daniels Fund Henry L. Day † Joseph P. and Helen K. Delay Luino and Margaret Dell’Osso, Jr. Lawrence E. Duffy Estate Ernst & Young Foundation Fluke Corporation Orlanta Franck † Maurice Gales George and Marianne Grant † Jerry and Helen Greenan Jo and Patsy Hall † Carl M. Hansen Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hanson Ellen Healy † William Randolph Hearst Foundations Lorelei and Phil Herres Conrad N. Hilton Foundation Hooker Creek Ranch Greg and Teresa Hubert IBM Corporation Inland Northwest Community Foundation Euretta James Estate George F. Jewett Foundation Johnston Foundation The Johnston-Fix Foundation Herbert B. Jones Foundation KC Auto Paint and Supplies, Inc. John and Carrie Lapke Dr. Charles † and Margaret K. Larson Harry and Harriet Leppek †
Wil and Pat Loeken H.F. Magnuson Family Foundation, Inc. Jennifer Vertetis McCann Jack D. Miklos † Moss Adams Foundation Moss Adams LLP Aloysius † and Jody Mullally John † and Margie Murphy Dan Murphy Foundation Donald P. and Jeanette (Jenny) Nelles Next IT Corporation Oregon Province Society of Jesus Guy and Madeline Ossello Jim and Gwen Powers Bill and Carol Quigg Donald Rockstrom Jim and Beverly Rogers S.E.R.E. Solutions, Inc. Frances Salla Estate The Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving Mike and Mary (Owens) Shanahan Stephen † and Mary Shinn Mary E. Stuart † Gertrude K. Sully Estate Sun Microsystems, Inc. Sunbelt Communications Company Mike and Mary Jo (McKinnon) Tucci U.S. Bancorp Foundation Union Pacific Foundation The Vogelheim Family Anna Mae Waldron Estate Tim and Jackie Welsh Pat and Carol West Geraldine Wynkoop †
$100,000 - $249,999 (Cumulative)
Dr. † and Mrs. John B. Adams Alcoa Foundation Altera Corporation Dr. Mansoor Al-Turki The Anderson Foundation Steven and Kelly Andrade Arrowhead General Insurance Agency, Inc. Athletic Round Table, Inc. Avista Foundation Daniel E. Bandmann † Don Barbieri Ms. Heather M. Barbieri Dr. Clarence Barnes Charles A. and Dolores A. Barry Trust
Dr. Anne Baruch † Battelle Memorial Institute Gerald Berger John and Kristianne Blake Tony and Mary Lou Bonanzino Erma A. Bonge Estate Frank and Ilse Bourbeau Frank and Sharon Bouten Helen Brach Foundation Paul and Colleen Brajcich Aileen Connolly Bratton Chris and Mary Ann Bulger Bill and Gloria Burch Bob † and Stevie (Cada) Burke Edward L. Burke † Josh Burrows Bruce and Judy Butler Stewart and Molly Butler William and Judy Carlin B. J. Carney Company Robert M. Carroll † Rebecca Cates Holly Louise Caudill † Mr. and Mrs. Gill Centioli † Challenger Pipe & Steel, LLC Harry E. Chisholm † Citigroup Global Impact Funding Trust, Inc. Beverly Clegg † Craig and Georganna Clifford Club USA Coeur d’ Alene Mines Corporation Coleman Foundation Daryl and Michele Connell Jim and Terry Coombes CPM Development Corporation Gerri and Bob Craves DAA Northwest Kevin and Mary Jean Daniels Harry † and Dorothy Dano Bill † and Tasia Davenport E.B. ‘Pete’ and Daisy DeFeyter † Family Bob and Evelyn Dieringer † Harlan and Maxine Douglass Ted Druffel † Walter Duncan † William Eddleman † EdFund Emerson Quiet Kool Corporation Jim and Billie Etter Farmers Insurance Group Francis A. Feider † Roger A. Felice Bob and Katie Ferguson Brooks † and Lucy Fields Dr. Howard and Maxine Floan † John and Lyla Fluke †
Foster Foundation Joe and Joan Gagliardi Mary Jewett Gaiser † Bart and Hilke Gallant William Gaylor Estate John and Sherry Gilbert Lt. Col. (Ret.) and Mrs. William Gillingham Bud † and Judy Gilmartin Global Credit Union Gonzaga University Alumni Association Gonzaga University Faculty Goodale & Barbieri Burgess Gordon † Margaret S. Gose † Josef and Stephany Gray Robert and Denise Greco Greg Green Herschel and Betty † Gustafson Larry L. Guthrie Don and Sherie Hackney Robert and Roberta Halliday Daniel P. Harbaugh George Hardgrove Foundation Hecla Mining Company Tom and Mary Herche Jim and Michelle Hereford Horton and Mazie Herman † John and Deborah Holleran Stanton and Shirley Hooper Horrigan Foundation Inc. Greg and Susan Huckabee Randy and Julie Hurst Bill † and Susana Huston Incremental Systems Corporation Interleaf, Incorporated Doyle and Kathy (Graham) † Jacklin Duane and Susan Jacklin Jacklin Investments, L.P. Jack and Kitty Jacobs Jerome and Vicki Jager Don and Marilyn Jans Helen John Foundation Frank and Maureen Johnson Ina Johnston † George † and Shari Kain Kaiser Aluminum Fabricated Products Don and Mary Kayser William V. Kelley † Dorothy C. Kelly John and Pat Kelly Dr. Arthur E. Kennedy The Kern Family Foundation, Inc Klaue Family Foundation Roy and Violet † Knott
KPFF Consulting Engineers KPMG Foundation Stanton and Jeanie Kramer Gregory Kunz Dwayne and Rosemary (Dempsey) Lane Dr. Anna M. Ledgerwood Bernie and Mafalda Levernier David M. Lincoln Pauline M. Love and Michael Love Mike and Reneé Lucarelli Joseph M. Lynch Elizabeth A. Lynn Foundation John and Phyllis MacKenzie Macon Foundation Thomas and Jean Malott † John E. Manders Foundation Douglas and Kathrine Mantyla Esther Mark † Marsh Maryknoll Korea Region John † and Alice-Marie Maughan Bob and Sandy McConkey Helen McDonald † Frank A. McMahon † Kevin and Debbie McQuilkin and Family Dr. and Mrs. Jacob W. Meighan Larry Miller John and Lori Moloney, Jr. Mike and Mary Moloney Moloney + O’Neill Scott and Lizbeth (Tomich) Morris John and Melinda Moynier Dan and Joyce Murphy Joseph † and Muriel Murphy Mike and Muffy Murphy Tim and Denny † Murphy Timothy Murphy Tom and Joyce Murphy Mike Myers and Carole Rolando John C. Nevin Trust John † and Frances Nitkey Wes and Mary Lee (Toepel) Nuxoll William and Monica O’Connell † Richard and Margaret O’Neill † Bill and Betty † Ogle Olivetti North America, Inc. R. E. ‘Eddie’ Page † Ruth Patchen Estate Ruth H. Pearson Ethel Peasley † Joseph † and Alice Peirone Dr. and Mrs. Otto J. Penna † Thomas Perko Arnold and Sarah Peterson Pfizer Bonita and Andrew † Polich
YEAR IN REVIEW The Presidential Speaker Series brought former Colombian presidential candidate Ingrid Betancourt to campus to speak about her years in captivity. Ingrid Betancourt
Stephen N. Pope Estate Ed and Helen Prevol † Dr. Carlos and Chris Prietto Jim and Marilyn Prince Qwest Foundation Rauenhorst Family Foundation Mark and Barbara Ray Red Lion Hotels Jeff and Margaret Reed Phil and Bev Reinig Ed and Bunny (Suva) Renouard Research Corporation for Science Advancement Catherine Rhodes Estate Dennis T. and Kathryn (Cullen) Richardson, Sr. Doug and Kathleen Rivard Bill Roach † Lucille Rooney Estate Kerm † and Fran Rudolf James M. and Lillian Ryan † Safeco Insurance Companies Michael and Carol Schimmels Steve and Tresa Schmautz Jerry and Sue Schwalbach Mary Schweitzer The Seattle Foundation Seattle University Joseph M. Shabaz Estate David and Linda Shea Penn and Nancy Siegel Mr. and Mrs. Bob Smith, Sr. † Doug and Karen Sonneborn SprayCool, Inc. Mary Constance Stanton Estate Charles H. and Diane Steilen Bartholomew † and Sarah Stevens Jim and Liz Stewart Shannon Stiltner Charles H. Stolz † Irene Strachen Charitable Trust Stuart Foundation Jonas and Cheryl Stutzman Patrick and Diane Sullivan Dick and Barbara Taylor Teagle Foundation Tektronix, Inc. Telect, Inc. John Thomas Julie Thomas Charles A. and Helen Tilford † Terry and T.J. Tombari Dorothea B. Townsend † Mike and Mimi Tucci Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Verizon Foundation
Ray Vollert Sam and Emily Volpentest † The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc. Nicholas and Karen (Lindsay) Warrick Washington State Mentors The Welch Foundation, Inc. Peter and Carol Welk Norman and Denise Wells, Jr. Dennis and Jackie Wheeler Howard W. and Nancy A. Wildin Patrick Wilson Estate Wollenberg Foundation David Wollersheim Jim and Joyce † Workland Peggy and John Worthing Thomas Wynecoop † Mr. John T. Yeats Zak Designs Irv and Angela Zakheim
$50,000 - $99,999 (Cumulative)
Accenture Foundation, Inc. Acme Materials & Construction Company Lawrence D. Acre Estate Carol Albright † George I. Alden Trust American Express Foundation Tom Anderl Edith L. Anderson Estate Henry R. and Lucy Anderson † Ken and Sue Anderson Ted and Elisabeth Angell Richard and Debbie Angotti Gene and Carol Annis Patricia Anselmi Sheryl Anthony Stephen Anthony ARCO Foundation Associated General Contractors of America Joey and Norma August † Gilbert W. Baker † Barrier West, Inc. The Baruch Foundation Basic Resources, Inc. Jason and Kristen (Beaulaurier) Bay John and Ann Beutler Fred E. and Paula Bevegni Black Rock Realty, Marshall Chesrown and Roger Nelson Kevin Blanchat James P. and Catherine Boyer Dr. and Mrs. James Brasch Bobby and Cathleen Brett
Mike and Marj Brewer Charles Brink The Brink Foundation James F. and Helen Brown Hervy and Florence Brulotte † Tim and Margaret Bruya Loren and Janell Burke Joe and Mary Ann (Schultheis) Busch Ron and Terri Caferro Dennis and Peggy (Morton) Calfee Mark and Kathy (Evoy) Casey Catholic Communication Campaign CBS Reporting, Inc. Century 21 - Beutler & Associates Cerium Networks - Roger Junkermier Chevron U.S.A., Inc. David and Jill (Legel) Christiansen Norton Clapp † John R. Clark † and The Hon. Ellen K. Clark Harriet Clarke † John † and Mary S. Close Coca-Cola Foundation Harold W. Coffin † Coffman Engineers Marvel Collins Estate Comcast Spotlight James and Norah (Flannery) Comerford Thomas and Katherine F. (Huhtanen) Connors Consumer Auto Liquidators Reanette Cook Estate Coopers & Lybrand Alberta Corkery † F. Daniel and Susan (Pomerleau) Corkery Albert and June Corrado † Emmett J. Corrigan † Michael and Rebecca Costello Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Coughlin † and Family Marie Crabtree † Pat and Jean Craigen † CRUX subsurface, inc. Alea Culpepper Gary Culpepper Dr. and Mrs. † Michael H. Cunningham Cycrest Systems, Inc. Cypress Advantage Dick † and Vickie Davis Robert J. and Raeceil A. Day Walter and Denise Day Armand and Joy DeFelice Delay, Curran, Thompson & Pontarolo, PS
The Luino and Margaret Dell’Osso Family Foundation Alan S. Dernbach and Rose Higgins Billy and Joan Dinsdale Victor † and Diana DiPietro William and Kathleen (McFarland) Dobner Philip † and Mary Dolan Patrick † and Leonore Doody Joseph M. and Mary (Kinzer) Doohan Camille & Henry Dreyfus Foundation Kevin and Jackie Driscoll Tom and Karen Driscoll Isabel d’Urbal † John P. Egger Walter and Kathy Egger Empire Health Services Engineered Control Systems Environmental West Exploration, Inc. Richard and Marjorie Ettinger Evans, Craven & Lackie, P.S. Dr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Ewell Expeditors International of Washington, Inc. ExxonMobil Foundation FAB Ventures, LLC George and Janet Fague Felice Law Offices Jonathan Ferraiuolo John and Dee Fery I.S. & Emily C. Fetterman Foundation James T. Finlen, Jr. Marion Finucane † First Interstate Bank James and Frances Flanagan † Neal and Helen Fosseen † Rick and Joan Fox Blaine G. and Pamela French Barbara and Jay Fritz Foundation Jim and Margel Gallagher Clark H. Gemmill Gleason-Skok Foundation Kenneth and Beryl Goodchild Ed and Candy (Jones) Gormley James W. Grant † Greater Gonzaga Guild Mark and Mary Griffin Bill † and Norma Grismer Dorothy E. Guild † James and Louisa Guise Michael and Samantha Guthrie The Hon. and Mrs. Richard P. Guy Edmund, Blanche, and Flora Hamel Estate
Dave and Susan Hamer Harry J. Hanley † George D. and Debbie Hansen Robert and Donna † Hanson Harold and Mary Anne † Hartinger Stephen Haskell James Hasson Doug and Tracy Hauff Dr. Terry L. Haws † Michael T. Hayes Jack and Lisa Heath John † and Mary Heath, Jr. John Heily Henningsen Cold Storage Co. Hildebrand-Pease Estates Rick and Nina Hofmeister Household International Edward and Marie Hughes † Dr. and Mrs. William P. Ilgen Inland Orthopaedics of Spokane, PS Itron J. Jamaw L.P. Lon and Becky Jasper Mike and Linda Jensen Dennis and Katharine Jorgensen Michael and Lynn Joseph Joseph Family Foundation The Joyce Foundation K - L Manufacturing Company, Inc. Bob and Ginny Kane Melvin Kays Dan and Margaret † Keefe Carolyn S. Kelly Kevin J. Kenneally Key Tronic Corporation James and Mary Anne (Metcalfe) King King Beverage, Inc. Dr. Ferdinand and Dorothy Knechtel † Arlene E. LaMasters Estate Annemarie Lambert † The Land Company, LLC Dwayne Lane’s Chrysler Plymouth Milton J. Langlois Bill Laughlin Frank and Ethel Lenzie † Jack and Helen Leonard Levernier-Shea Construction Company Keene and Barbara Little George and Nancy Lobisser Lena Longo Lydig Construction Company David and Christina Lynch Dr. Michael Mallea and Dr. Maureen Kim Lynch
YEAR IN REVIEW GU students made nearly 100 of the presentations at the 2012 Spokane Intercollegiate Research Conference.
Kevin and Christine Malone Rocco and Barbara Martino The Rocco and Barbara Martino Foundation Richard and Cheri Mast Bob and Barb Materne Virginia Maughan Estate Mary M. Mauro † Edmund F. Maxwell Foundation Robert and Shannon McCambridge Florence McCormack † Robert McCormick † Pamela S. McKinzie-Lewis Roy and Patricia McLaren Rev. Thomas J. Meersman Trust Merck Company Foundation Merrill Lynch Jo Merwin John and Guelda Messina Yale Metzger and Susan Richmond Bill and JoAnn Mick William Miller Dr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Monks Mary Jo Moore Tatsuo Moriyasu † Bill Murphy † Michael and Jadine Murphy Della Murray † Smithmoore Myers and Sandy Sandulo-Myers National Asphalt Paving Association NetManage, Inc. Katherine Neupert Margaret M. Nigro † Nike, Inc. Northern Quest Casino Northwest Area Foundation Robert W. and Maureen A. O’Brien James F. and Sharon O’Connell Pete and Wilma Olsen Foundation Donald and Joan Olson Coletta O’Meara † Dean Lewis H. † and Mrs. Jackie Orland Jack and Kathy Ossello Pacific Security William A. and Dara K. Paine John and Janis Parente Paul and Mary Jane (Hidaka) Patterson Joel and Karen Pearl Pearson Packaging Systems PEMCO Foundation, Inc. Jim and Rosemary Peterson David and Dorothy Pierce Trust Mike and Betty (Onley) Pontarolo
David and Teri Pool Charles H. and Nancy Porter Procter & Gamble Fund Protosoft The Prudential Foundation Ron and Georgia Lee Puryear Qwest Communications The Hon. and Mrs. Philip M. Raekes Don F. and Darlene Raftis Chris Randall Gary and Sharon Randall Les and Clara Randall † Paul and Barbara Redmond Norma and Wendell Reed Foundation Laurent Regimbal † Mike and Judy (Yeend) Reilly Renee R. Reuther Clare (Kolloch) Rice † Scott and Mary Richards The Hon. and Mrs. J. Justin Ripley Gordon and Doris June † Ripple Robbins Company Richard and Deborah (Gaebe) Roccanova John and Mary Roche James and Jean Roeber David and Maureen Rorick † Jim and Lin Roscoe Ron and Shelley Rosenberger Richard and Garldine Rudisile James and Marilyn Sachtjen Lance and Melissa Sadler Ron and Mary † (Meighan) Sagerson Sahlin Foundation Salem Foundation Eric Sandberg Ward and Jacqueline Sandberg Dr. and Mrs. Lester R. Sauvage Dick and Karen Sayre SBC Foundation Irene Schumaker Estate Virginia Schurra Jim and Novia Seabeck † Seabury and Smith Marsh Bill and Hilda Shanks Thomas N. Sharp Jay and Jan Shaw Katherine E. Shaw † Shell Oil Company Foundation Fred Shelton † Dick and Thalia Shorett Chuck † and Rojean Siljeg Edward T. Simkins † Gene and Merrilu (Silva) Sloboda Jim † and Margaret Solan Spokane Food Services, Inc.
Spokane Machinery Company Spokane Produce Al and Lois Stadtmueller Pete and Denise Stanton Philip † and Margretta Stanton Steffens Foundation Sterling Savings Bank Stevens, Clay, and Manix P.S. Ivan and Marlene Stewart George J. Struble † Swig Foundation The Swinging Doors Teck Cominco American, Inc. George and Gina Thompson Jill and Thatcher Thompson Terry and Molly Thompson Alice Tietgen † John and Ann (Bramstedt) Timm Toillion Pediatric Dentistry Ernest and Greta Toll † James and Sheryl Tomlinson Robert and Corrine Tomlinson James and Debbie Topliff David and Joan Traylor David D. Traylor, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Triesch † Timothy and Barbara Tucci Tucci & Sons, Inc. Jeff Turner and Susan Rauenhorst Turner Dick and Patricia Twiss United Way of Benton & Franklin Counties The United Way of the Bay Area The Unova Foundation Albert Unrecht † Edward R. Van Vliet Paul and Mary Vogelheim Sam R. and Mary M. Volpentest Bob and Diane Waitt Washington Mutual Foundation Washington Mutual Savings Bank Washington Trust Bank Financial Corporation Charlie and Kathy Watson Steven and Dawn Watts Wells Fargo Wells Fargo Foundation Robert and Michele Wendel Kenneth Wenham Western States Asphalt Inc. Mildred Weston † Winn-Dixie Stores, Inc. Miss Myrtle Woldson Women Helping Women Fund Bill and Liz (Curry) Wrigglesworth Lee and Barbara Wright John and Jane Zanol George and Mary Zeller †
Chancellor’s Associates $50,000 - $99,999
Nancy C. Driscoll John Hemmingson Pat and Sandy Volkar
Dauna Leigh Bauer Foundation John and Kristianne Blake Coeur d’ Alene Mines Corporation Walter and Donna Conn Costco Wholesale Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund Independent Colleges of Washington The Kern Family Foundation, Inc. Bob and Claire McDonald Yale Metzger and Susan Richmond Scott and Lizbeth (Tomich) Morris M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust Guy and Madeline Ossello The Guy J. & Madeline A. Ossello Charitable Giving Account through Fidelity Investments Michael A. Patterson Terry and Pat Payne John and Nancy Rudolf The Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving Dennis and Jackie Wheeler Howard and Nancy Wildin
$250,000 - $499,000
St. Aloysius Society
The Hogan Family Foundation, Inc. Howard Hughes Medical Institute Phil and Sandy McCarthey Tom and Mary McCarthey, Jr. McCarthey Family Foundation PACCAR Inc Mark and Cindy Pigott
$25,000 - $49,999
Major Benefactors Annual Contributors The benefactors listed below represent a distinguished group of individuals who made a gift of $1,500 or more to the 2012 Annual Campaign (June 1, 2011 – May 31, 2012) making them part of Gonzaga’s Leadership Circle. When members of the Leadership Circle join together in support of Gonzaga, their gifts help to achieve larger goals – preparing men and women who will embrace a global responsibility to ensure justice, protect the dignity of every individual, and serve the greater good. †= Deceased
President’s Executive Council $500,000 and Above
$100,000 - $249,999 Frank and Ilse Bourbeau Don and Va Lena (Scarpelli) Curran Tom and Mary Herche Mazie Herman Estate Dr. Arthur E. Kennedy John and Donna Luger Charlotte Y. Martin Foundation Kevin and Debbie McQuilkin and Family Dennis T. and Kathryn (Cullen) Richardson, Sr. Donald Rockstrom Mary Stuart Rogers Foundation S.E.R.E. Solutions, Inc. Sodexo Services Patrick and Diane Sullivan Tom and Camilla Tilford Ray Vollert Fritz and Jeanie Wolff
Acme Concrete Paving, Inc. Nichole Arguinchona David and Sally Bany Gerald Berger The Boeing Company Bruce and Judy Butler Challenger Pipe & Steel, LLC The Hon. Ellen K. Clark Jim and Terry Coombes Mildred Coombes † CRUX subsurface, inc. DAA Northwest Gregory and Dana Erigero Maurice Gales Bart and Hilke Gallant Garco Construction Clark H. Gemmill Larry L. Guthrie Donald H. Herak Rick and Nina Hofmeister Horrigan Foundation Inc. Randy and Julie Hurst Bob and Alice Jepson KC Auto Paint and Supplies, Inc. Jim M. Kees Estate Patrick and Stephanie Kilkenny
Marie Lamfrom Charitable Foundation John and Carrie Lapke Paul and Lita (Barnett) Luvera David and Christina Lynch Dr. Edwin T. MacCamy Estate The Hon. John J. Madden Dr. Michael Mallea and Dr. Maureen Kim Lynch Microsoft Corporation Angelo and Phyllis Mozilo The Phyllis and Angelo Mozilo Family Foundation Mr. Donald O’Bannon The Odell Fund Steve and Lynnea Ossello Joel and Karen Pearl Jim and Gwen Powers John and Gail Quigg Family Ed and Yvonne † Ralph Nick Salisbury SCAFCO Corporation Ron and Sara Seubert Mary and Steve Shinn Charitable Foundation George J. Struble Estate Western States Asphalt, Inc. Wollenberg Foundation David Wollersheim Chris and Lisa Wrolstad Zak Designs Irv and Angela Zakheim
Dussault Society $10,000 - $24,999 Altius, Inc. The Anderson Foundation Steven and Kelly Andrade Richard and Debbie Angotti Avista Foundation Barrier West, Inc. John and Nancy (Scott) Battilega Tony and Mary Lou Bonanzino James P. and Catherine Boyer Greg and Michelle Bui Bill and Gloria Burch Josh Burrows Stewart and Molly Butler Dr. John and Priscilla Cadwell Iris & B. Gerald Cantor Foundation Rebecca Cates Gerard Centioli Centioli Family, LLC Cerium Networks Roger Junkermier Alfred and Susan Clark Comcast Spotlight Daryl and Michele Connell
Corkery & Jones Benefits, Inc. Michael and Rebecca Costello Mike and Stacy Covey Gerri and Bob Craves Dr. W. Dale and Terri Crum Dr. and Mrs. † Michael H. Cunningham Cycrest Systems, Inc. Family of Brad Dear Richard J. DeBlieck Luino and Margaret Dell’Osso, Jr. Michael and Rebecca DeVries Larry and Kathy Dilley Dr. John F. Driscoll Estate Employees Community Fund of The Boeing Company Jim and Billie Etter ExxonMobil Foundation Jonathan Ferraiuolo Blaine and Pamela French Gleason-Skok Foundation Ed and Candy (Jones) Gormley Robert and Denise Greco Mark and Mary Griffin Carl M. Hansen Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hanson Robert Hanson Daniel P. Harbaugh Patrick and Patricia Heffernan The Bernice Heffernan Family Foundation Herak Foundation Kevin and Meg Hickey Mark and Marsha Hierbaum John and Deborah Holleran Tom and Liz Hoover Dennis M. Hottell and Terese Colling Greg and Teresa Hubert Inland Northwest Community Foundation Don and Marilyn Jans The Johnston-Fix Foundation Johnston-Hanson Foundation Roger and Tracey (Walsh) Junkermier Klaue Family Foundation KPMG Foundation Lakeside Holdings, LLC The Larkin Family Harriet Leppek † Liberty Lake Peppertree, LLC David M. Lincoln Colleen Magnuson H.F. Magnuson Family Foundation, Inc. Greg Mahugh Kevin and Christine Malone Bob and Sandy McConkey
Kyle and Katie McCoy Anonymous in memory of Anita L. (Sherar) McKee Bill and JoAnn Mick John T. and Linda L. Miller Moloney + O’Neill Mary Jo Moore Moss Adams Foundation Mike and Muffy Murphy Donald P. and Jeanette (Jenny) Nelles Michael and Kathy Nibarger Northwest Fund for the Environment Dorothy Nowak Estate Charlie and Doris O’Connor Oral Surgery Plus, PS Patterson Buchanan Fobes Leitch and Kalzer, Inc., PS Bonita Polich Bill and Carol Quigg Hubie Randall Jeff and Margaret Reed Norma and Wendell Reed Foundation Wendell and Norma Reed Phil and Bev Reinig David and Cathleen Reisenauer The Ed and Bunny Renouard Charitable Fund Research Corporation for Science Advancement Renee R. Reuther Scott and Mary Richards Paul and Mary K. Rieckers Gordon Ripple Norm † and Rita Roberts Dave and Sandy Sabey Lance and Melissa Sadler Ron Sagerson Salem Foundation Eric Sandberg Ward and Jacqueline Sandberg John and Rita Santillanes Santillanes & Sellers, LLC Michael and Carol Schimmels David and Leslie Seidner Tommy and Jenny Servine Mike and Mary (Owens) Shanahan Signature Genomics Mrs. Robert G. Skok Frost & Margaret Snyder Foundation Spokane Produce Jonathan and Michele Staben Jeff and Veronica Steffan Jim and Liz Stewart St. Joseph’s Ambulance Service, Inc.
Dr. D. Michael and Mrs. Geraldine (O’Melveny) Strong Dick and Barbara Taylor Telect, Inc. Mark and Elizabeth Thies Jill and Thatcher Thompson Terry and T.J. Tombari United Way of Benton & Franklin Counties Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Anna Mae Waldron Estate Washington Trust Bank Charlie and Kathy Watson Family Fund at the Inland Northwest Community Foundation Wells Fargo Foundation Miss Myrtle Woldson Jim Workland Peggy and John Worthing The Stephen Zimmer Family
Gonzaga Investors $5,000 - $9,999 Elinor Alfano Aaron Alteneder Ken and Sue Anderson Sheryl Anthony Archdiocese of Seattle Michael and Lynette Arhutick Arrow Machinery Bank of America Ms. Heather M. Barbieri Tim and Mary Barnard Jason and Kristen (Beaulaurier) Bay Fred and Paula Bevegni Laurie A. Bigej Paul and Patricia Blasdel Kevin Bouchillon Frank and Sharon Bouten Sean C. Boyd Paul and Colleen Brajcich Bobby and Cathleen Brett Fred and Leslie Brown Patricia A. Brown Trust Chris and Mary Ann Bulger Ron and Terri Caferro Dennis and Peggy (Morton) Calfee CBS Reporting, Inc. Club USA James and Norah (Flannery) Comerford Consumer Auto Liquidators Cliff and Bonnie Cullings Cullings Family Dentistry, LLC Jerry and Mary Anne D’Ambrosio Kevin and Mary Jean Daniels Robert and Raeceil Day
Armand and Joy DeFelice Jennifer Deger Alan Dernbach and Rose Higgins Bob Di Julio Armond and Kitty D’Inverno EFI Consulting, Inc. John P. Egger Walter and Kathy Egger Ernst & Young Foundation Frank and Patricia A. Etter Richard and Marjorie Ettinger Evans, Craven & Lackie, P.S. Bob and Bobbie Evanson Evergreen Community Development Foundation Evergreen Pacific Partners Management Company, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Ewell Expeditors International of Washington, Inc. FAB Ventures, LLC George and Janet Fague Jack L. Fallis, Jr. I.S. & Emily C. Fetterman Foundation James and Sharon (McMaster) Flynn John Ford Willy and Michelle Geary John and Sherry Gilbert Mario and Donna Giordano Global Credit Union Goldman Sachs & Company Michael and Cheryl Gossler James and Louisa Guise Michael and Gail (Reid) Gurian The Hon. and Mrs. Richard P. Guy Don and Sherie Hackney Frederick Halverson Patrick and Marilyn Hanley Herak Enterprises, Incorporated Jim and Michelle Hereford Lorelei and Phil Herres Stanton and Shirley Hooper Greg and Susan Huckabee Susana Huston Dr. and Mrs. William P. Ilgen Inland Orthopaedics of Spokane, PS Megan L. Isenhower Darrell and Ruth Jackson Mike and Linda Jensen Dennis and Katharine Jorgensen Bob and Ginny Kane Kevin J. Kenneally King Beverage, Inc. Curt Kinghorn KPFF Consulting Engineers
YEAR IN REVIEW Twenty entrepreneurship students, led by Professor Todd Finkle, spent a day last fall with business magnate Warren Buffet in Omaha, Neb., to learn about life, ethics and business. Professor Todd Finkle
Margaret K. Larson Dr. Anna M. Ledgerwood Robert and Rebecca Loback Wil and Pat Loeken Michael and Dana (Sells) Love John and Phyllis MacKenzie Bob and Barb Materne Jack and Mary McCann Mary Milla Lawrence and Mary Miller Marie M. Miller Trust Montana Reach, Inc. Lyle W. and Cherie Moore Estate Moss Adams LLP Tim Murphy Timothy P. Murphy Fund Thomas and Liesl (Handwerker) Nebel Joseph and Carolyn Nelson The New York Mets Foundation, Inc. Nordstrom, Inc. Gerry and Marlene Noyen The Oregon Community Foundation Patton Boggs Foundation Pearson Packaging Systems PEMCO Foundation, Inc. Arnold and Sarah Peterson David and Dorothy Pierce Trust Pitney Bowes Foundation Power Engineers, Inc. PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP Jim and Marilyn Prince The Hon. and Mrs. Philip M. Raekes Rainbow Racing System Inc. Maria Ravarino D. Michael and Petrea Reilly The Hon. and Mrs. J. Justin Ripley Helen B. Ripple Doug and Kathleen Rivard Richard and Deborah (Gaebe) Roccanova
R.N. Roccanova, D.D.S., P.L.L.C. Paul Roth Runners Soul James and Marilyn Sachtjen Frank and Michelle Sample Emilio Sanchez Foundation School Employees Credit Union of Washington Peter G. Schultz Fund Mary Schweitzer Shell Oil Company Foundation Burton Sheppard and Kathleen Magnuson Sheppard Bill and Catherine Shiel Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Skinner Max and Ellen Spalding Steve and Genene Staats Pete and Denise Stanton Steffens Foundation Stevens, Clay, and Manix P.S. John Stone Suzi Stone Robert M. & Cecilia A Stuckart Fund of the Oregon Community Foundation Matthew and Brooke Sullivan The Swinging Doors Toillion Pediatric Dentistry James and Debbie Topliff Mike and Mary Jo (McKinnon) Tucci Mike and Mimi Tucci U.S. Bancorp Foundation The U.S. Charitable Gift Trust Edward R. Van Vliet Jerry and Donna Vermillion Sam and Mary Volpentest Nicholas and Karen (Lindsay) Warrick Steven and Dawn Watts Pat and Carol West Jason and Heather (Kampp) Wolff Women Helping Women Fund Jeff and Nancy Woodworth Woodworth Family Foundation
Thank you for your generous gifts made between June 1, 2011, and May 31, 2012. Great care was taken to ensure the accuracy of this listing. We would appreciate you alerting us to any errors or omissions. Please contact Laura Gatewood, director of stewardship, at 509.313.6381 or
1887 Associates $2,500 - $4,999 Stephen Anthony ASC Machine Tools, Inc. Association of Corporate Counsel Washington State Chapter Don Barbieri Kathryn K. Barbieri Tom and Eileen Barbieri John and Ann Beutler Tom Black Kevin Blanchat BP Amoco Foundation Dr. and Mrs. James Brasch Janet Z. Brougher Gerda Brown Tim and Margaret Bruya BSC Engineered Systems Loren and Janell Burke Brian and Corinne (Coombs) Burton Joe and Mary Ann (Schultheis) Busch Stephen and Shelby Butterfield Byrd Real Estate Group, LLC Joe and Sharon Cade Cameron Reilly, LLC Chris and Janet Camp Ted and Karen Carl Kay C. Carnes Mark and Kathy (Evoy) Casey Century 21 - Beutler & Associates David and Jill (Legel) Christiansen Craig and Georganna Clifford Kelly and Sharon Cline Collegiate Network Jeffrey D. Condill Rich Dworkis and Heidi Cook David and Melody Coombs Robert and Beryl Coomes Jim and Harvelyn (Cornwell) Cooney Cornerstone Property Advisors, LLC Stan and Leslie Covey CPM Development Corporation Cypress Advantage Jacqueline S. Dallum Paul and Kelley Damon Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Davis Davis Wright Tremaine LLP Henry L. Day Estate DCI Engineers Brad and Pam (McNally) DeCounter The Luino and Margaret Dell’Osso Family Foundation
DeLuca Family Charitable Foundation, Inc. James and Gayle (Neumann) Dever Angel and Kathleen (Bonck) Diez Francisco and Teresa Dominguez Joseph and Mary (Kinzer) Doohan Alan and Karen Douglas Harlan and Maxine Douglass Thomas and Heidi (Wohlschlegel) Drynan Robert and Mary Dunn EMSD, LLC Benjamin Estes Peter Evans and Kathleen Orr Robert Evans and Lisa Fitzpatrick Dennis M. Fazzari Roger A. Felice Felice Law Offices Brian and Carol Finegan Dale and Bonnie Fischer Peter Fonfara Neal and Sharon (Martin) Fosseen Fosseen Foundation Paul and Janet Fruci G & N Enterprises Joe and Joan Gagliardi Daniel J. Galligan Garland Vision Source, Inc. Gates Foundation Gary E. Geiss Lt. Col. (Ret.) and Mrs. William Gillingham John Goldman and Roslyn Bakst Goldman Gonzaga University Faculty Gary and Nancy Gossett Budd and Kathy Gould Sean and Debra Grady Dale and Joan (Forsberg) Grant Josef and Stephany Gray Greg Green Jerry and Helen Greenan Scott and Julie (Raekes) Grewe Guardian Life Insurance Company Jeremy J. Gugino Gugino, Inc. Michael and Samantha Guthrie Dave and Kelly Hamad Dave and Susan Hamer George and Debbie Hansen William and Karen Harrison Harry Hartinger Paul Hartman and Catherine Chimenti Ron Hawkins Michael T. Hayes Jack and Lisa Heath
Vince Herberholt and Cathy Murray H.D.S. Family Fund at the Inland Northwest Community Foundation Hoffman Contractors Inland Northwest Leadership PAC Intel Corporation Sara Izquierdo Jack and Dan Enterprises, Inc. Lon and Becky Jasper JBCM Foundation Dr. Spencer and Jane (Holm) Jilek Judicial Mediation Group K - L Manufacturing Company, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Kalez Margel Foote Kaufman Melvin Kays Don and Mary Kayser Dan Keefe Gary Kirchner Shelly Kuney KXLY William A. Lampe Dr. H. John Lane Lawyers Association Trust Michael and Debra Leslie Patrick Lettenmaier Klaus and Rita Liebelt Pauline M. Love and Michael Love Tony and Kelly (Judge) Lucarelli David and Cyndi Lucke Maureen A. Lyden Mackin & Little, Inc. George and Barb Maffeo Michael Mainer Carroll and Patricia Martell Richard and Cheri Mast Lisa McAuliffe Jack McCann Company, Inc. Greg and Dina McCormack Ray and Staci McGriff Tom and Cheré (Byrd) McKeirnan Dr. and Mrs. Jacob W. Meighan Jo Merwin Metals Fabrication Company Micron Technology, Inc. Ed Miller Curt and Janna Mitchke Dr. Jason Moffitt John Moffitt Moffitt Children’s Dentistry John and Lori Moloney, Jr. Arnie and Kathryn Mondloch Jim and Jean Moore Morgan Stanley
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Global Impact Funding Trust, Inc. Morris & Morris, P.S. Chuck and Linda Murphy Dan and Joyce Murphy Ray and Shirley (Duffner) Murphy MW Consulting Engineers Elaine (Morris) Myers Dan Nagy Cajer and Jamie Neely Tom and Teresa Newbury North Park Racquet Club Northwest Orthopaedic Specialists, PS Scott O’Brien James and Sharon O’Connell Pat and Joan O’Connor Chris Olson and Denise Vill-Olson Donald and Joan Olson Frank and Barb O’Neill William O’Rourke John Orr Jerry and Becky Oswald Pacwest Home Corp Benjamin J. Page William and Dara Paine Pape Material Handling, Inc. Dave and Theresa (Craven) Parks Marty Parola Dr. Donald R. Paugh and Ms. Diedre L. Olin Richard and Esther Pearson Performance Contracting Inc Thomas Perko Jim and Rosemary Peterson Elizabeth Pinkerton Mike and Betty (Onley) Pontarolo Gary L. Powdrill Jim and Klaire (Fulton) Powers Chris Randall James and Maggie Randall Raytheon Company Mike and Judy (Yeend) Reilly Michael and Tanya Rice Randy and Kathy Ridgway Irene Ringwood Leonard Rison James and Beth Rivard Mary Lou Robinson Rick Robinson Steven and Lori Robinson James and Jean Roeber Dave Rorick Jim and Lin Roscoe Ingrid Rose
Howie and Amy Ruddell Ruddell Auto Mall Lowell and Kathleen Ruen Max and Ruth (Fisher) Rumelhart James and Geraldine (Kiep) Sangiacomo Robert H. Schapler Steve and Tresa Schmautz Steven and Johanna Schwartzkopf Dale Sebo Bob and Liz (Davis) Sestero, Sr. Bill and Hilda Shanks Garry and Mary Shea Margaret (O’Brien) Shute and Rodger P. Shute Penn and Nancy Siegel Silicon Valley Community Foundation Chuck (RIP) and Rojean Siljeg Bill Simer and Renee Rolando Darrell and Patricia Siria Gene and Merrilu (Silva) Sloboda Gregory and Susan Smith Norman and Mary Snider Jim Snow Spokane Hardware Supply, Inc. Christopher and Amy Spring Al and Lois Stadtmueller Dr. and Mrs. John Staeheli Charles H. and Diane Steilen Mark and Patricia Stoltz Dan Stubbs Suntoya Corporation Thomas Family Philanthropy Fund Phebe Ann Thompson Thomson Reuters Thrifty Car Rental John and Ann (Bramstedt) Timm James and Tenley Tobin Tri-Cities Prep The U.S. Charitable Gift Trust Herberholt Family Charitable Fund Russ and Carole VanderWilde Dick and Laurel Vester Vester Eye Clinic Bruce and Pam Walker Washington State Bar Association Tom and Melissa Watson Weiand & Weiand DDS, PS Kevin and Jennifer (Prince) West Robert and Barbara (McNulty) Wiest Bill and Liz (Curry) Wrigglesworth
President’s Council $1,500 - $2,499 Jay and Amanda Affleck John and Katherine Akstin Alliance Title & Escrow Corporation A.M. Landshaper, Inc. American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers American Pacific Construction, Inc. Matt and Eleanor Andersen Anderson Bros CPA’s, PA Gene and Carol Annis The Apartment Broker Arby’s Roast Beef Henry and Karlene Arguinchona Kara Arvin Paul Ash Associated General Contractors of America Baker Construction & Development, Inc. Banner Bank Bill and Carol (Shea) Barber David and Leah Barbieri Stephen Barbieri Dr. Clarence Barnes James and Barbara Barry Bob and Shonna Bartlett David and Nancy Bayley Michael and Kimberly (Dickson) Bayley Jim and Lynelle (Wahl) Beaulaurier Richard Bechtolt and Stephanie Farrell Bechtolt John Beck Ernie Becker William and Pat Becker David and Ann (Barbieri) Bell Dan and Charlotte Berryman Eddy and TerryKay Birrer Blades Hair Design Chadwick O. Bogar Ed and Amy Botsford Walker John and Linda (Hensle) Bowers, Jr. Dan Brajcich, Jr. Dr. Stephen L. and Marjorie M. Brenneke Jim and Pauline Bresnahan Mike and Marj Brewer Daniel Brown and Shanni Robideaux Michael Brustkern Buggy Barn, Inc. Dr. Francis Burke Tim and Kathy Burns
Waseem and Maureen Butte John B. Butterfield CAD of Spokane, Inc. Jim Cameron Randy Cameron Emilio and Jo Cantu Paul and Michelle Capeloto Brian Carney Wade Carpenter Dr. Mike Casey Andrew Cates Craig and Scotta Christlieb Ryan and Beth Clements Click Management, Inc. Dick and Catherine Cochran Evelyn Cochran Ben Coffman Craig Collins and Lynne Hermle Jeffry and Susan Colliton John Condon Scott and Brandy (Anderson) Conner Robert and Linda Connor John and Roselie Cooney Rita M. Cooney Mrs. Sadie C. Cooney Robert Cooper Jeffrey and Shannon Corbett F. Daniel and Susan (Pomerleau) Corkery Corner Booth Productions Jack Couch Donn and Tania Cox Craft Brewers Alliance, Inc. Michael and Vicki Craigen Roger Cramer Rick and Janna Cresswell Joseph Crimmins George and Diane Critchlow Grace Elaine Crunican Michelle (Halliday) Czech Jacki M. Davis Vickie Davis William and Sharon Davis Ed Dawson and Marcia Meade Dale and Christy (Smith) de Viveiros Dominic S.N. and Denise DeCaro Wade and Stacie DeGeest David and Debra DeHaan Mike and Alison Delay Patrick and Carol Dever Doug Dietrich Michael J. Dinnen Ralph Dixon William and Melissa Dixon Gary and Claire Dmoch
William and Kathleen (McFarland) Dobner Timothy and Katherine Donaldson Dorian Studios, Inc. David and Hannelore Doty Dorothy Dougher Terry and Denise Doyle Kevin and Jackie Driscoll Steve and Sandi Druffel Joseph and Anitarose Dziwura M. Elizabeth Eaton Estate Environmental West Exploration, Inc. Joyce A. Esposito Bill Etter Ewing Anderson, P.S. Sonja Nordbye Fair Ferguson Enterprises, Inc. Fifth & Browne Pharmacy James T. Finlen, Jr. Rick Flamm and Vesna Somers Zeke and Angela Fogal Bob Frank Eric C. Franks and Molly A. Murphy Roger Fruci and Sharon (Vinson) Murphy Ernest and Carol Fullmer, Jr. G35 Dual Angels Charitable Fund Chris and Doreen (Konen) Gavin George and Theresa Gee General Nutrition Center Jim and Dodie Gerding Dan Gillis Denny and Carla (Novak) Gish Dick and Kathleen Glassburn Bill and Connie Glynn Gonzaga University Law Adjunct Faculty Peter and Cheryl Grabicki Lester Guske Haakon Industries, Inc. Jack and Helen Hafner Susan Hales Thomas Halvorson Richard W. Hardan Dennis and Stacy Harrington Jeffrey and Diana Hartnett Marc and Stefanie Hattenburg Hattenburg Excavating, Inc. Meishelle L. Haverkamp Colin and Renee (Kelln) Hawkes Jason and Amy (Jensen) Hawthorne Jud and Beverly Heathcote Joan L. Henning Henningsen Cold Storage Co. Dick and Anita Herdener
YEAR IN REVIEW Nationally respected former vice-president of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching Patricia Hutchings was named Gonzaga scholar-in-residence to help with faculty leadership development and the scholarship of teaching and learning efforts.
Dr. and Mrs. Michael B. Herzog John and Judith Heusner Joanne Hidaka and Ben Niedermeyer Rob and Barbara Higgins Gary and Lin Higley Tony and Cindy Higley Dr. and Mrs. Kenji Higuchi Kirk and Sallie Hill John and Lisa Hjaltalin Alan and Eileen Hogan Cornelius Hogan Mike and Annemarie Hogan Dale and Mary (RIP) Hoisington Tom and Robyn Holder John and Jackie Holland HOTSTART, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Hueber Paul Hughes J. Steven and Jane Hunter Gary and Susan Hustad Kelly Hyde Thomas Illich Incremental Systems Corporation Integrus Architecture, P.S. Scott and Jeannie Isaak James and Sandy Ivers Jacklin Land Company, LLLP John and Charlotte Jackson Rick and Micki (Grady) Jacobs Thomas and Sandra Jarrard Helen John Foundation Craig Johnson and Shawn Underwood Frank and Maureen Johnson Shirley J. Johnson William and Jennifer Johnson Robert M. Johnston Daniel L. Jones Evan and Susanne Jones Dr. Jeffrey P. Jones JP Morgan Chase Bank Robert Kaatz Carol Durkin Kearns Carolyn S. Kelly Dorothy C. Kelly Milburn and Bethine Kenworthy Charles and Linda Keturakat Keturakat Principal Financial Group Betty L. Kiemle Kermit and Patty Kilcup James and Mary Anne (Metcalfe) King Kevin and Mary Jo King Patrick and Maureen Kirby Richard and Kathleen Kirkendall David and Doreen Kishel
James and Vicki Knapp Lawry and Wendy (Brown) Knopp Thomas and Ellen Komadina Miro Kondryszyn Richard and Stacy Kuhling Keith and Linda LaHonta Douglas Lancaster Milton J. Langlois Daniel Leifer The Hon. Jerome and Mary Jo Leveque Liberty Mutual Group Inc. Jim and Jan Linardos Matthew and Karen Little William and Mary Little Foundation Noreen (Geiss) Littman Robert and Julie (Richardson) Luettgen Robert Lundin and Rosemary Renaut William A. Maddigan Marine View Beverage - Sumner Toby Martinez Prof. John Maurice Robert and Shannon McCambridge Esther A. McCoy Estate Julie A. (Lopach) and Thayne M. McCulloh David and Barbara McGann Daniel and Nancy (Wells) McGee Jim McGee John and Maureen McKinnon Pamela S. McKinzie-Lewis Stephen and Pamela Meyer Ronald and Debby Miciak Timothy B. Morin Dennis Morissey Patrick S. Morris (RIP) Tom and Joyce Murphy Kathleen A. Murray and Ronald I. Apfelbaum Susan M. (Cunningham) Nadon Joe Nappi, Jr. and Mary Nappi National Automobile Dealers Charitable Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Bryan J. Nestor Jack Nevin Clark and Patricia Nicholson Richard J. Niederegger Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Nisley The Norcliffe Foundation Northwest Industrial Services Northwestern Mutual Insurance Co. Daniel and Sharon Olson Tom Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Neil Jack and Kathy Ossello
Pacific Gas & Electric Company Paine Hamblen LLP Jason Pankow and Shaundar Bradbury Anthony and Mariann Parasida John and Janis Parente Parks Medical Corporation Scott Parrish and Loni Austin Parrish Paul and Mary Jane (Hidaka) Patterson James and Pat Peaper James and Anne Pearson Ruth H. Pearson Pepsico Foundation Cathy and Clarence Perry Christopher and Julie Perry Steven and Patricia (Cloonan) Petersen Steve and Laura Peterson Kurt A. Phillips and Yvette Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Meally Pinnacle Realty Brad and Tonyia Pinney PJM I, LLC Joe and Megan Poss Richard and Diane Powers, Jr. John Preston Thomas and Erin (Fitzpatrick) Price Principal Financial Group Procter & Gamble Fund The Prudential Foundation James Psomas Ron and Georgia Lee Puryear John R. Quinlan Dr. John T. and Celeste (Leino) Quinlivan Michael and Victoria Quinn Tim and Wanda Quinn RCR, INC. John and Shirley Read Chuck Reeves Timothy and Julie Reid Gerald and Geraldine Rein Kevin Richardson and Heidi Honnen John and Mary Pat Rickman Ronald and Kathleen Riel Elizabeth and Clyde Ries Patrick and Laura (Martin) Riley Jim and Gloria (RIP) Ringwood, Sr. Barbara R. Riordan The Hon. and Mrs. Michael P. Roewe Mark and Diane Roff R.C. and Connie Roland Jessie Rosauer Mike and Linda Roth
Milton and Ellen Rowland Ned and Nancy Rumpeltes Ryan Saccomanno Eric and Jennifer Sachtjen Safeco Insurance Company of Spokane John and Cathy Sage Sahlin Foundation Robert and Carla Sanders Antoine and Heather Sarkis Glenn and Corinne Sather Rick and Lori Sayman Dick and Karen Sayre Sayre & Sayre P.S. John and Diane Scelfo Mark and Molly Schemmel Reed and Robin Schifferman George and Joyce Schroeder The Hon. and Mrs. Richard J. Schroeder Al Schumacher Otto and Diana Schumacher Schutjer Bogar LLC Rick Seefried Robert Sestero Michael and Sheila (Whetstone) Shaler Jay and Jan Shaw David and Linda Shea Mike Shea Patty Shepherd-Barnes Mike and Mary Shields Dick and Connie Silk Silk and Associates Samuel and Julie Smith Steve and Reesie Smith William Smith and Patricia Smith Scott Snider Ron and Pam Soliday Doug and Karen Sonneborn David and Dori Sonntag Karl and Carol (Brolin) Speltz Thomas and Ann Spratt Albert A. Stadtmueller & Co. PS Stokes Lawrence, P.S. Brady L. Strahl Owen and Diane Strecker Eric and Deborah Stucky Jonas and Cheryl Stutzman Joseph and Parker Sullivan Jon Sunderland Sunshine Minting, Inc. Tim Swartout John Swendseid Frank and Tessa Swoboda Al and Victoria Symington Paul and Gail Taylor Juan and Becky Tenorio
Jeff and Margaret (Weinand) Thomas Rick and Diane Thomas Michael and Shari Thompson Mrs. George E. Tiesse Timmco Insurance Company Jerry and Cathy Tombari Tombari Structural Products, Inc. Robert and Corrine Tomlinson Frank and Kathleen (Zenner) Tomsick John Tonani Travis Pattern & Foundry, Inc. Joseph C. Tremblay Bill and Barbara Trudeau Joseph and Mary Tully Jeff Turner and Susan Rauenhorst Turner Rich and Barb Umbdenstock United Way of Central New Mexico The UPS Foundation Jerry and Georgi Valley Vehrs, Inc. Paul and Deanna (Doree) Verret Nicolas V. Vieth Vieth Law Offices, CHTD Lawrence and Anne Bridget (Marting) Viola Bob and Diane Waitt Pat Walsh Joseph Ward Scott Warnica Washington Outpatient Rehab Molly (Wicks) and James Weaver Gary Weber Richard D. Weigand, D.D.S., P.S. Rich and Diane Wells Stan and Gina Welsh Wendle Motors West Metro Group, Inc. Wheatland Bank The Hon. and Mrs. Richard White Russell White and Judith QualyWhite Widmer Brothers Brewing Cary M. Williams Paul and Audrey Williams Williamson Family Fund of The Oregon Community Foundation The Hon. Donna L. (Kamps) Wilson Maureen (Reidy) Witt Katharine Witter Brindley and Ralph Brindley Thomas and Sharon Wobker Workland Witherspoon, PLLC Lauren E. Wyckoff
Heritage Society Members The Heritage Society was founded in 1980 to recognize a legacy of giving at Gonzaga and honor alumni and friends who have made a commitment to the University through an estate gift. Estate gifts to Gonzaga are made in many forms, including bequests, gifts of retirement plan assets or life insurance, or charitable gift annuities, remainder unitrusts or lead trusts. The individuals listed below and others, who wish to remain anonymous, comprise this group of benefactors. †= Deceased
Scott A. Ables Dr. † and Mrs. John B. Adams Gary M. Alworth Ken and Sue Anderson Valerie Anderson John and Jewel Andrew John † and Anne C. Aram Joe and Jammie Arbanas Cindy Runger Balas and Charles Balas Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Bangert † Frank and Dorothy Barich Esther Louise Barton David and Heidi Bateman John A. and Nancy A. (Scott) Battilega John Beck Ernest J. Becker Jamie M. Berube Joe and Sharon Betzendorfer
Professor Pat McCormick
Dr. Robert J. and Thelma Rose Casey Stephen and Elaine Cavit Jason and Tania Chaffee Susan † and W.W. “Chuck” Charlton Patrick Chastek Scott and Patricia J. (Tiesse) Church Robert and Ramona Clavel Dr. John P. † and Flo Ann Connors Laura D. Cooper Norman G. † and Amarant M. (Kanzler) Cormier Bill and Paula Cowley Gerri and Bob Craves James and Carol Crowe James and Eloise Cummins J. Donald and Va Lena Curran Rev. James Dallen Kevin and Mary Daniels Mr. † and Mrs. William A. Davenport Vern G. Davidson Scott and Jami Davis Joseph W. Day Robert J. and Raeceil A. Day Richard J. DeBlieck Joe † and Edna Deichl Dr. and Mrs. John Demakas Jayne (Stanich) Dempsey John and Mary Dentone Dale B. and Christy E. (Smith) de Viveiros David Schweitzer and Dennis DeVoto Timothy G. Dieringer
Michael J. and Sandra L. Beus Christopher Blackburn Anthony Boccaccio Chadwick O. Bogar Frank and Ilse Bourbeau Frank and Sharon Bouten Mark and Theresa (Timms) Boyer Douglas J. Brajcich Helen A. Brajcich Dr. Stephen L. and Marjorie M. Brenneke Mr. and Mrs. James Bresnahan Judith Brings † Roger G. Brown Alfred Bucheli Dr. and Mrs. Eric Buckley Greg and Michelle Bui Mr. and Mrs. J. Christopher Bulger Josh Burrows Bruce and Judy Butler Joe and Sharon Cade Ron and Theresa Caferro Don Carlson Mark and Kathy (Evoy) Casey
Thank you for your generous gifts made between June 1, 2011, and May 31, 2012.
James and Joan DiJulio William R. and Kathleen A. (McFarland) Dobner June Donaldson Robert J. Downey Nancy C. Driscoll Dr. Thomas and Karen Driscoll Thomas A. Drynan James P. and Ahnna Dudley, Jr. John E. Dunn Michael Durand Genevieve Edmonds John P. Egger Dr. Richard E. Ellis, JD Mr. and Mrs. Robert Erickson Gregory and Dana Erigero John and Dianne Evans Bob and Bobbie Evanson Anthony and Ann Ewell Sonja Nordbye Fair William W. † and Marcella Farrington James T. Finlen, Jr. E.J. “Gerry” FitzGerald Denny and Lynn † Flaherty Nick Fluge and Elizabeth Logsdon Craig Gage Maurice Gales Phyllis and Vincent Gallant Blaine and Susan Garvin Gary Geiss Archie and Mary George Rex R. † and Joan Gerlach Lt. Col. and Mrs. William R. Gillingham Patricia A. Gillis
Hal and Alice † Gilmore Maurice Glassy Gary Glenn Beverly (Haines) Goddard Michele Graham Marv and Anne Grassl Patrick J. Gravine George and Florence Grismer Nazli Guner Herschel and Betty † Gustafson The Hon. and Mrs. Richard P. Guy Susanne (Kraft) Hall Dave and Susan Hamer Frederick and Diane (Kelly) Hamm R. Bruce Hankins Dr. and Mrs. Richard C. Hanlen Cecil † and Molly Hannan John C. Hanrahan Robert and Donna † Hanson Daniel P. Harbaugh Suzanne M. Harris Shane and Morgan Hatcher Jerome Haupt Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hauth G. Donald Hawker and Nga T. Hawker Frank J. Hawley Charles † and Barbara Hennessey, Jr. Howard and Darlene Herman Phil and Lorelei Herres Mark and Marsha Hierbaum Tony and Cindy Higley Peter Hill Rick and Nina Hofmeister Edith A. Holmen
Gonzaga University’s
Heritage Society Gifts from the following estates were gratefully received June 1, 2011 – May 31, 2012. For a complete listing of Gonzaga’s In Memoriam Heritage Society visit:
Dr. John F. Driscoll
Esther McCoy
M. Elizabeth Eaton
Lyle W. and Cherie Moore
Horton (’38) and Mazie Herman
Dorothy Nowak
Jim M. Kees (’53)
Alan P. O’Kelly
Dr. Edwin MacCamy (’36)
Anna Mae Waldron
YEAR IN REVIEW Buddhist monk Geshe Thupten Phelgye lived and taught on campus during the 2011-12 year as a scholar-in-residence. Geshe Thupten Phelgye
Melanie A. Homan Stan and Shirley Hooper Gary and Barbara Hordemann John and Ellen Hough Lt. Col. Gregory M. Huckabee E. J. Hunt Megan L. Isenhower Doyle and Kathy (Graham) † Jacklin Don and Marilyn Jans Donald H. Jans Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jepson, Jr. Shirley J. Johnson Dr. Robert L. Kalez, M.D. Melvin Kays Gary Keister Dorothy C. Kelly John and Pat Kelly Kevin Kenneally Dr. Arthur E. Kennedy Duff and Dorothy † Kennedy Dale L. Kingman Roy and Violet † Knott Rick Koch Dr. John † and Gayle (Keenan) Kohls Dr. Larry E. Krueger, J.D. Doug and Ruth Lancaster Dr. H. John Lane Mary Lou Lane Michael Patrick Lang Milton J. Langlois Margaret K. Larson Alexander M. Laughlin Dr. Lawrence R. Lawton Dr. and Mrs. † Jack Lee Jack and Betty † Leonard Bernie and Mafalda Levernier Dr. Robert Lewis and Marcia McGreevy Lewis Jim and Jan Linardos Noreen Littman Wil and Pat Loeken Gary P. Long and Rudolph Saavedra
Pauline M. (Herzig) Love Houston Putnam Lowry Mike and Reneé Lucarelli Paul Lukinich Barbara J. Lund Pat and Christina Lynch James and Jane MacDonald Cheryl L. Mack Dan and Jan Madden Hon. John J. Madden Mr. † and Mrs. Harry Magnuson Beverly Mahrt Laurence and Delta Maillet Dick and Janet Manning Greg Marshall Lawrence M. Massey Stan and Linda Massey Mary Ann and Ed May Veronica and Dave Mayo Christina McCale and Garry R. Osborn Jack and Mary McCann Pat and Kathy McCarthy Robert and Claire McDonald Marge McFaul Dr. and Mrs. Charles B. McGough Mary McGrath Morgan T. and Judith A. (Ziegler) McGrath David P. McKibbin Joe McKinnon Ann T. McMahon Edward McReynolds Dick and Mary Lou McWilliams Thomas K. and Catherine L. Mentele Donald L. Merrick Jo L. Merwin Linda L. Merwin Fred Mollerus Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Monks John and Melinda Moynier Shirley A. (Pemerl) Mulcahy Tom P. Mulcahy Joseph † and Muriel Murphy
Ray and Shirley (Duffner) Murphy Smitty and Sandy Myers Myron A. Nachbar II Don and Jeanette Nelles Mr. and Mrs. James W. Nelsen Patrick and Everilda Nolan Holly J. Norton Karen Norum Kay Nozaki and Thomas G. Ewing John C. O’Brien, Jr. Robert W. and Maureen A. O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. James F. O’Connell Bill Ogle Mark and Cathy Ohlstrom Dennis and Sara O’Loughlin Donald and Joan Olson Cynthia and Dr. Eric Orr Guy and Madeline Ossello Dianne Rinzel Ostrowski Fred S. Owen and Joanne Pottier A.T. “Mike” Paioni J. Scott Patnode Dr. Donald R. Paugh and Ms. Diedre L. Olin Gregory R. Peterson Anthony Plager Joe and Megan Poss Laurie A. Powers and Breean L. Beggs Mark and Kim Powers Sue-Lynn Price-Voigt James and Marilyn Prince Julie Prince Mr. and Mrs. Don F. Raftis Ed and Yvonne † Ralph Mr. and Mrs. Gary Randall Paul and Barbara Redmond D. Michael Reilly and Petrea Reilly Ross (‘79) and Judy Rettenmier Cynthia Reyes Methvin Dennis T. and Kathryn (Cullen) Richardson, Sr. Doug and Kathleen Rivard Bill Roberts
Thank you for your generous gifts made between June 1, 2011, and May 31, 2012. Great care was taken to ensure the accuracy of this listing. We would appreciate you alerting us to any errors or omissions. Please contact Laura Gatewood, director of stewardship, at 509.313.6381 or
Jim and Jean Roeber Douglas W. Rohner James F. Rooney Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rosicky Dr. and Mrs. Richard S. Rosler Herman J. Rossi III John and Nancy Rudolf Kerm † and Fran Rudolf Mary Catherine Ryan Barry W. Santana, Ph.D. Richard L. Sayre / Karen L. Sayre Steven Schenk and Gretchen Berning Reed Schifferman Virginia Schurra Dr. and Mrs. Lester J. Schwaegler Pequitte Schwerin Patricia (Ardner) Scullary Mary Owens Shanahan Stephen and Martha Shepard William and Catherine Shiel, Jr. Stephen † and Mary Shinn Chuck † and Rojean Siljeg Phillip P. Skok, Sr. Mark and Valerie Sonderen Dave and Dori Sonntag Margot J. Stanfield Jerry A. and Patricia Stebbins Veronica and Jeff Steffan Charles H. and Diane Steilen Bart † and Sarah Stevens Ivan and Marlene Stewart Daniel Stoner and Anne SanteeStoner Brady Lee Strahl Patrick and Diane Sullivan Dr. Robert W. Sullivan Robert † and Joan Taber Dr. and Mrs. Howard E. Tennant George E. † and Margaret B. Tiesse Tom and Camilla Tilford Rev. Eugene A. Tracy Jim and Peg Troske Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Tucci
Michael F. and Mimi Tucci Robert P. Turnley Dick and Patricia Twiss David and Karen Van Loan Steven † and Laurette C. Van Voorhis Jerry and Donna Vermillion F. Ray Vollert Sue Volpe William J. and Kathleen K. Wagner Robert J. Waldron, Jr. Robert C. Wallace Martin and Jane Weber Jerry D. Wells Tim and Jackie Welsh Kevin P. and Jennifer L. (Prince) West Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. West James and Eleanor Weston Elisha Williams Ryan Rodney Wilson James and Jackie Wolff David Wollersheim Anne K. Woodbury Richard and Cathy Worner Bruce and Jackie Worobec William J. and Elizabeth A. (Curry) Wrigglesworth, Jr. Lee and Barbara Wright John T. Yeats Dominic J. and Lisa Zamora Anne and Dan Zielsdorf Stephen and Elizabeth Zimmer
fifty years or more of generosity The following individuals have given to Gonzaga for 50 or more years:
alumni donors
Class of 1944
Class of 1950
The numbers denote individual years of giving. †=Deceased
Mrs. R. David Brown, 12 John Ferris, 2 Paul Sauber, 39
Class of 1931
Class of 1945
Mrs. Charles P. Larson, 49
Albert Keno, 26
Class of 1932
Class of 1946
Dr. Francis G. Burke, 31
Robert Hattrup, 10 Donald H. Herak, 49
Ray Allen, 56 Robert E. Brady, 32 Dr. John F. Comfort, 48 Donald Conley, 32 Jack Curran, 43 John Dougherty, 51 Bill Eng, 51 The Hon. Richard J. Ennis, 19 Rich Evans, 25 James Felice, 16 Dr. John F. Gatton, 45 Dr. Ed Gray, 49 Stan Hattrup, 27 Dorothy (Eggert) Heinecke, 45 Harold Himmelsbach, Jr., 24 Dr. Thomas H. Jones, 46 Earl Keaton, 27 Richard Kirkendall, 40 Martin Kofmehl, Jr., 5 Ed Korn, 18 Lawrence Leaf, 17 John Magee, 23 Arthur Marsh, 27 Louis Mastriani, 14 Frank McCauley, 28 George Migaki, 31 Mrs. William H. Mitchell, 23 Pat Morris †, 39 Mrs. Frank J. Morton, 38 Anthony Naccarato, 10 Leon Olney, 33 John R. O’Neil, 11 Jim Parker, 39 Gordon Ripple, 8 Lewis Sciarillo, 36 Pete Suden, 53 Dr. Henry J. Sudmeier, 13 Howard Swenson, 24 Ivan Thomas, 9 Edward Walsh, 24 Frank Walter, 33 John Warn, 26 Audrey Weber, 42 Jim Weber †, 42 Lee Wright, 20
Class of 1933 Mrs. Robert G. Skok, 21
Class of 1936
Dr. Bernard John Drury, 15 Arthur A. Dugoni, 42 Harry Groger, 2 Jack Hafner, 14 Thomas P. Lacy, 53 Byron P. Meyers, 13 Richard O’Loughlin, 5 Mike O’Neil, 25 Jerry Re, 3
Dr. Edwin T. MacCamy †, 53
Class of 1937 Mrs. Louis L. Barbieri, 42 Bill Roberts, 48
Class of 1938 Mrs. Horton Herman †, 5
Class of 1939 Eric Anderson †, 36 Jim Mathers, Jr., 25 Mrs. Gordon E. Merwin, 48
Class of 1940 Mrs. Donald R. Force, 16 Dr. Bert P. Jacobson, 34 William S. (Bill) Royce, 47 Ralph Schlosser, 39 Tom Zoeller, 37
Class of 1941 Mrs. Philip E. Dolan, 41 Mrs. Chester Hoberg, 7 Angelo Petrettee, 8 Mrs. John F. Riordan, 26 Dr. Francis L. Van Veen †, 34
Class of 1942 Mrs. John P. Connors, 37 Dr. Clayton K. Gross, 15 Dr. William J. Hanley, 37 Dennis P. Hayes, 24 Joseph C. Tremblay, 52
Class of 1943 Jack Costello, 18 Mrs. Joseph A. Deichl, 40 Dr. Russell P. Esposito, 49 Willis McKeon, 19 Elmer Smith, Jr. †, 33
Class of 1947 Arthur A. Dugoni, 42 Dr. Lester R. Sauvage, 50
Class of 1948 Thomas P. Lacy, 53 Byron P. Meyers, 13 Ed Ralph, 50 Darrell Smith, 40 Ferdinand Swenson, 8
Class of 1949 J. Bartholet, 42 Ed Braune, 13 Dr. Coral W. Cotterell, 27 Duane Cotterell, 19 Robert Curran, 17 Helen K. Feldhausen, 38 Robert Flagan, 48 Clare Kiefer, 21 Deral Kurz, 20 Patrick Lettenmaier, 11 Mrs. Gerald R. McFaul, 48 Allen McKimmey, 30 Thomas Moore, 50 Mrs. Daniel R. Murphy, 32 Charlie O’Connor, 44 William F. O’Rourke, 15 Bill Ogle, 51 Jim Peplinski, 48 The Hon. Eli B. Ponack, 8 Jake Quinn, 36 Mark A. Schuerman, 38 Phillip Skok, Sr., 53 Mrs. George E. Tiesse, 36 Richard Unger, 34
T. Jerry Greenan, 52
Dr. Edwin T. MacCamy †, 53
Helen (Shepard) Greenan, 52
Joseph C. Tremblay, 52
Mike Nestor, 54
Sally (Kirkpatrick) Neumann, 53
Thomas P. Lacy, 53
Dr. Lester R. Sauvage, 50
Ed Ralph, 50
Thomas Moore, 50 Bill Ogle, 51 Phillip Skok, Sr., 53
Ray Allen, 56 John Dougherty, 51 Bill Eng, 51 Pete Suden, 53
Richard Ebel, 52 Mrs. Eugene R. Erigero, 50 Richard Hire, 52
Dr. Willard J. Wyman, 50
Mary Jo (Pilat) Anderson, 56 George Fish, 51 Marty Weber, 50
Donald Olson, 51 Joseph J. Schauble, 53
Colleen (Kane) Meighan, 51 Jacob W. Meighan, 51 Ernie Vollmer, 50
Leo Finnegan, 52 Tom Kubota, 50 Paul N. Luvera, 50 Carolyn (Magee) Schauble, 53
Class of 1960 Guy Ossello, 50 Mrs. Charles E. Siljeg, 50
Jim Kees †, 50
Bill Jacobs, 50 John Rand, 50
Patrick Riley, 50
Class of 1961 Ray Kelleher, 50
Lita B. (Barnett) Luvera, 50
YEAR IN REVIEW Graduating seniors in 2012 began their careers at such entities as Boeing, Bonneville Power Administration, DeLoitte & Touche, Intel, Novartis AG and Signature Genomics.
Class of 1951 Robert Blair, 8 John Bryson, 34 William E. Burch, 41 Donald L. Clarno, 26 Robert Comfort, 33 Dr. Bernard M. Coolbaugh, 15 Mrs. Joseph M. Cooney, 38 Robert Doerr, 33 Leo Driscoll, 26 Richard Ebel, 52 Mrs. Eugene R. Erigero, 50 Lt. Col. (Ret.) William Gillingham, 49 Harry Hartinger, 47 Reno Hatcher, 8 Elvin E. Hendrickson, 7 Bill Hennessey, 35 Richard Hire, 52 Dick Hoskins, 24 Dolly M. Ito, 32 Frank Hayes Johnson, 32 Wilbur Johnson †, 19 Norman Kilgore, 30 Paul Klasen, Jr., 33 John Kriete, 18 Mrs. Albert B. Mann, 37 Michael McDonnell, 24 Roy Okada, 47 Austin O’Regan, 21 Gladys (Cerenzia) Peretti, 46 Phil Reinig, 36 Fran Rudolf, 46 James A. Ryan, 19 John Seymour, 49 Victor Shuey, 6 John P. Tracy, Jr. †, 39 Herbert Waggoner, 22 Mrs. Robert C. Weber, 49 Mrs. Dick Wright, 26 Mr. John T. Yeats, 46
Class of 1952 Guido Andreano, 32 Joan K. (Rowley) Bennett, 39 Richard C. Bennett, 39 Mrs. T. Roger Billeter, 23 Michael J. Brewer, 43 Barbara (Brown) Brundage, 22 Dr. Stuart A. Davis, 16 Dr. James P. Diestel, Jr., 24 Martin Dolan, 22 Margaret Feist, 43 Herman J. Geiger, 48 Phyllis (Fischbach) Geiger, 48 Bill Greiwe, 35 Jim Hutton, 31 William Judge, 24
James Klise, 30 Richard C. Knop, 38 Br. Thomas P. Moran Warren Olson, 12 Thomas O’Neil, 38 S. James Perkins, 12 Ernest Richlie, 15 Richard Rose, 20 Donna (McMillan) Schuerman, 12 John Mang Chung Tsoi, 18 Anthony Vetre, 14 James L. Worley, 45 Lorenz F. Wustner, 10
Class of 1953 Urban C. Bartholet, 17 Dr. D. F. Baumann, 18 Sodelbia (Heade) Busch, 42 Dr. Anthony F. Cafaro, 11 J. Gerard Cain, 32 Dr. Victor V. Carnell, 33 Donald Connell, 17 Michael J. Cronin, 44 Frank J. Dever, 15 Stew Eggers †, 21 Don Etten, 39 James T. Finlen, Jr., 33 Ed Gordon, 33 June R. (Roslund) Gravengaard, 35 Ronald Hanson, 19 Mel Hartmeier, 5 Cornelius Hogan, 8 Bill Jacobs, 50 Jim Kees †, 50 Joan M. (Treibel) Kilian, 44 Mary Lou (Douglas) Kuijper, 20 Wil Loeken, 46 Jim McGoffin, 42 Don Meehan, 33 Dr. Joseph J. Murphy, 9 Raymond W. Murphy, 47 Barbara A. (Redmond) Olson, 34 Loren O’Toole, 18 Harve Phipps, Jr., 35 The Hon. Richard L. Pitt, 32 John Rand, 50 Paul Riedl, 23 Dr. James V. Rocca, 22 Jim Rooney, 49 Max Rumelhart, 31 Ruth L. (Fisher) Rumelhart, 31 Thomas T. Sawai, 26 Gordon Simanton, 32 Thomas L. State, 44 Harold Winderl, 23
Class of 1954 Elinor Alfano, 14 John Andrew, 32 Richard Bauer, 39 Cletus Beckman, 26 Marilyn Jans Before, 37 George Chalich, 25 Lewis Davis, Jr., 36 Mark Derr, 15 Rosemary E. Dell Foley, 3 Maurice Gales, 48 David Gelb, 25 John Goodrich, 37 Lester Guske, 24 Mrs. Charles E. Hennessey, Jr., 15 Dr. Robert L. Kalez, 39 James Kelly, 7 John Kelly, 38 Margaret L. (Seubert) Lemieux, 14 Max Leone, 39 Donald L. Lewis, 31 Mike Lynch, 30 Dr. Keith A. McDuffie, 41 Robert J. McKanna, 37 Fred Mollerus, 34 Glen Morris, 28 Wesley A. Nuxoll, 43 Mrs. Frederick J. Owens, 19 Albert F. Porta, 9 Patrick Riley, 50 Lester Schwaegler, Jr., 47 Irvin Smith, 22 Patricia L. (Prague) Thomas, 26 Mrs. John B. Troup, 27 Tom Troy, 42 Elvin Vandeberg, 48 Jerry Wells, 23
Class of 1955 Dr. Arthur L. Barry, 12 Robert Bryce, 23 Dr. F. Michael Busch, 37 Lawrence Buse, 37 Carl Canfield, 15 Mrs. Edgar G. Eichhorn, 16 Donna (Carswell) Freelund, 3 Charles Goligoski, 11 Richard Golob, 10 Helen (Shepard) Greenan, 52 T. Jerry Greenan, 52 Dave Hamer, 45 Patrick Kenney, 26 Bill Kerley, 16 Ray Lawrence, 43 Mildred W. (Wood) Lutge, 33 Dr. Charles B. McGough, 22 Joseph McNabb, 14 Joseph G. Monks, 46
John Morford, 13 Gerald Mullins, 8 Joyce M. (Boniface) Murphy, 29 Harold Myers, 17 Mike Nestor, 54 Sally (Kirkpatrick) Neumann, 53 Robert R. O’Connor, 9 Joanne E. (Slavin) O’Toole, 18 Jill H. (Garland) Pendarvis, 21 Helen B. Ripple, 9 Robert Rowles, 16 Rev. Rock Sassano, 7 Leslie Joe Smith, 2 Frank Storey, 10 Mrs. Raymond R. Tanksley, Jr., 27 Dr. Frank Vedelago, 27 Bill Via, 33 Joseph Whelan, 32 Dr. Willard J. Wyman, 50 Adonna H. (Nuxoll) Yuse, 39 Jack Zinkgraf, 21
Class of 1956 Mary Jo (Pilat) Anderson, 56 Bill Barber, 28 Carol (Shea) Barber, 28 Mary C. (Albo) Bishop, 36 William D. Botch, 13 Jim Cave, 25 Richard Cheek, 14 Richard G. Cochran, 8 Richard L. Compton, 38 Lawrence Connors, 30 John Croteau, 13 Ed Dawson, 24 Armand DeFelice, 33 Gayle (Neumann) Dever, 44 Emil Feczko, 27 George Fish, 51 Eric Forner, 27 Dr. R. Thomas Gardner, 22 Robert Hall, 13 Betty J. Harrington, 40 Robert F. Hauth, 38 Don Jans, 49 Bill Jobb, 24 Guy Johnston, 27 Bethine J. (Hess) Kenworthy, 48 Jack Kirwan, 5 Dr. H. John Lane, 40 Hayes Lavis, 6 Jerry Layman, 11 Paul Le Blanc, 35 Louis Lefebvre, 9 Leila (Roche) Lewis, 7 George Manos, 5 Steve M. Matule, 20 James McCuaig, 4
Helen Ferry McDuffie, 44 Dr. Claude Merrill, 20 Daniel Meyer Shirley A. (Duffner) Murphy, 47 Thomas R. Murphy, 29 The Hon. Richard J. Richard, Sr., 17 Harold Ripple, 19 Edward Sand, 5 Pat Schindele, 33 Alan Scott, 7 Tom Scott, Sr., 16 Pat Shryne, 22 Rev. Charles D. Skok, 17 Dr. Ronald P. Smith, 29 Mildred (Grow) Sprague, 24 John Sullivan, 12 James Super, 30 The Hon. Phil Thompson, 31 Marjorie M. Twohy, 14 Jerry Vermillion, 28 Loren N. Vorlicky, 32 Pete Walker, 41 Con Warren, 31 Marty Weber, 50 Richard J. Weber, 25 Geraldine Weller †, 45
Class of 1957 Pat (Lyons) Ahern, 15 Barbara Anderson, 7 David Ayarra, 8 William Barker, 13 Ernie Becker, 45 Gerald Berger, 5 Bonnie J. (Koltenbronn) Bosworth, 34 Frank Bourbeau, 34 Pat (Ellis) Busse, 23 Robert Busse, 23 Jack Butorac, 32 Ann (Ackerman) Cannan, 18 Patrick Casey, 13 Robert Clavel, 29 Robert A. Coomes, 17 Michael Davis, 31 Michael A. Donlan, 48 John Donoghue, 23 The Hon. Robert J. Doran, 47 Myra (McGillivrey) Farquhar, 7 Mrs. John J. Graham, 33 Joe Grismer, 27 Ronald Hagadone, 17 Regina S. Hamacher, 21 Bill Hanlon, 5 G. Donald Hawker, 19 Roger Helms, 23 Dr. John P. Henry, Jr., 24
Senior Graduation 2012
Rol Herriges, 27 Cornelia Heston †, 3 Mrs. John W. Hill, 23 Dr. Bernard R. Johnson, 21 Dr. Thomas Little, 25 Joe Lynch, 35 Darlene Matule, 20 George N. McCabe, 31 Gene McKay, 20 Donald L. Merrick, 29 Tom Mulcahy, 27 Donald Olson, 51 The Hon. Justin Quackenbush, 28 The Hon. J. Justin Ripley, 21 John Robertson, 21 Rosalie Roraff, 7 Joseph Rutten, 37 Joseph J. Schauble, 53 Gerald Shaw, 46 Theodore Shepard, 14 Al Stadtmueller, 40 Jackie R. Stone, 23 Robert Tinnon, 10 David F. Tri, 35 Phyllis M. (Champoux) Tri, 35 Bob Turnley, 13 Dr. Richard D. Twiss, 30 Robert K. Waitt, 48 Mrs. Clarence C. Walla, 23 Dr. Robert G. Weigand, 32
Class of 1958 Raymond Anderson †, 34 Bob Anselmo, 32 Gerald Bauman, 23 Gale Benoit, 14 Joseph Betzendorfer, Jr., 24 Frank Bouten, 34 Sherrel Bradford-Roshdy, 23 Gordon Brunette, 33 Beverly (Rogers) Butorac, 32 Patricia L. Canty, 11 Katherine M. (Piedmont) Carr, 25 Lila (Chun) Chrystal, 24 Maurice Clark, 37 Va Lena (Scarpelli) Curran, 43 COL Bruce H. Davis, 14 Patricia L. (Alexander) Davis, 6 Patricia (Skahan) Donlan, 48 Robert Earnest, 25 Gary Ebel, 22 Betty A. (Reder) Ellis, 37 Cathy (Costello) Elting, 27 Jim Elting, 27 Jacklin A. (Walter) Frangi, 17 Joanne M. (Dalsanders) Girolami, 6 Josef E. Gray, 33
John H. Hanson, 46 Del Hoover, 31 Peter King, 22 Lyle Dean Lueck, 10 Cora Lee Mack, 23 Marianne T. (Mesenko) Malen, 29 Mignon Manelli, 27 Richard McInelly, 17 Tom McKeirnan, 9 Paul McNabb, 30 John McNett, 45 Dick McWilliams, 46 Colleen (Kane) Meighan, 51 Jacob W. Meighan, 51 Joe Monaco, 27 Marilyn J. (Macnab) Murphy, 36 Elaine (Morris) Myers, 24 Rosemarie A. Olsen, 16 Gary L. Petesch, 10 Dr. Angelo Pizelo, 16 James Quinn, 26 Charles Redmon, 8 Jim Ringwood, 45 Roger J. Roman, 48 Edith J. (Rosman) Rustemeyer, 11 Dr. William M. Shanks, 39 Karl W. Speltz, 36 Jerry A. Stebbins, 12 Ivan Stepan, 21 Robert F. Thaden, 33 Patrick Thiel, 26 Joe Thomas, 36 David Van Loan, 35 Ernie Vollmer, 50 Bill Wagner, 40 Dave Walsh, 34 Clara A. (Shaw) Weil, 25 Bill Weldele, 20 Janet P. (Puccinelli) Wollersheim, 22
Class of 1959 Gene Annis, 38 Patricia A. Bell, 23 William D. Bell, 25 John Byrne, 14 Delpha J. (Stevens) Camp, 35 Patrick R. Cockrill, 24 Mrs. Judith R. Schutte Corbin, 7 David G. Culver, 29 Thomas A. Driscoll, 39 Ann C. (Capaccio) Duby, 23 Jim Etter, 37 Bob Fairbank, 36 Dr. Martin S. Favero, 29 Brian Finegan, 33 Leo Finnegan, 52 Denis Frie, 10
Joseph P. Gagliardi, 48 Jim Garvey, 43 Lt. Col. Robert H. Grassi, 19 Gay (Krebs) Gray, 13 George Grismer, 26 The Hon. Richard P. Guy, 28 Robert Hanson, 34 Terry Inman, 38 Lavonda K. (Bodeau) Ircink, 30 Paul L. Ircink, 30 Melvin Kays, 23 John Kingery, 2 Bernard C. Koontz, 35 Maxine M. Kremensky, 7 Tom Kubota, 50 Mary Lou Lane, 44 Pauline M. (Herzig) Love, 29 Paul N. Luvera, 50 Dan McHugh, 14 Al Mousseau, 33 Donald P. Nelles, 44 Robert W. O’Brien, 13 Elizabeth L. (Traversi) Olszowy, 15 Matt Pachosa, 23 Jerald J. Paukert, 27 Bob Pedersen, 29 Denny Petek, 13 Charles Peterson, 7 John Powers, 26 Delos Putz, 39 Emmett Quinn, 42 The Hon. Philip M. Raekes, 42 Bernadette (Suva) Renouard, 42 Edward J. Renouard, 42 Edward A. Ring, 41 Norman L. Roberts †, 33 Dr. Victor C. Robisch, 30 Joan Eraerts Rolling, 24 Sharon K. (Rusing) Roman, 48 Dr. Richard S. Rosler, 45 Mrs. Laurence B. Ryan, 4 Carolyn (Magee) Schauble, 53 Bob Scholie, 13 Donald K. Sharpes, 6 Mrs. Harry H. Sladich, 47 Carol (Brolin) Speltz, 36 Elizabeth (Hurley) Standiford, 36 Patrick Sullivan, 22 Tim Thornton, 36 Bill Warren, 14 Bill Weller, 17 Jacqueline M. (Emmons) Williams, 33 David Wollersheim, 9 James Yeager, 26
José Hernandez
Class of 1960 Mary Lee Abba-Gaston, 29 John W. Armenia †, 42 Shirley (Fazzari) Beaudry, 25 Bill Boyd, 44 Bill Broenkow, 30 Gerald E. Bynum, 9 Judith M. (Petek) Camp, 31 Clara Y. (Potter) Campbell, 17 Steve Clarke, 10 Don Curran, 43 Jayne (Stanich) Dempsey, 9 Charles V. D’Hondt, 35 Read E. English, 7 Sylvia Friede, 45 Joan (Hively) Gagliardi, 48 George Gerard, 13 Dr. Kathleen Whetstone Harte, 41 Jerry Haupt, 33 Milan Heath, 19 Alex Herzog, 48 Fred Hodge, 16 Fred Hoene, 26 Gary Hordemann, 29 Dr. Arthur E. Kennedy Mike Kobluk, 30 Milton J. Langlois, 17 Barbara (Weldele) LaPietra, 20 Floyd Lee, 22 J. Richard Manning, 27 Lynn (Willis) McAleer, 22 Joan (Enders) Morgenstern, 47 Reed Morrow, 4 Edward Mulick, 41 Linnet (Ries) Murray, 28 Jeanette (Jenny) Nelles, 44 Pat Nolan, 35 Guy Ossello, 50 Pat (Martin) Paulson, 15 Dale Percy, 22 Jim Peterson, 25 Marvin Peterson, 13 Michael L. Peterson, 33 Sally (Grant) Peterson, 13 John Quinlan, 48 Eleanor (Polutnik) Raschkow, 30 Harold Rebenitsch, 39 S. F. Rief, 35 Dorita Roberts, 33 Edward Rosicky, 33 Morie Shacker, 9 Steve Shepard, 28 Mrs. Charles E. Siljeg, 50 Ed Smith, 8 Cara M. (McCann) Snyder, 9 Bob Stach, 39 Jim Strang, 3
Robert W. Sullivan, 3 Norb Trauba †, 14 Glen Uhlenkott, 27 Raymond Urh, 21 Barbara (Ross) Vermillion, 33 Richard J. Vielbig, 19 Kay D. (Jans) Walker, 18 Mildred (Costa) Waters, 5 Victor R. Weil, 25
Class of 1961 Donald Anderson, Jr., 30 Larry Atwell, 23 Robert P. Bourbeau, 17 Wallace Brown, 4 Elizabeth A. (Botch) Buchanan, 18 ‘Salie (Boughton) Cockrill, 24 James B. Comerford, 28 Ruth R. (Burke) Cox, 31 Roger Coyle, 29 James DeGon, 11 William H. Destefano, 11 Carson Eller, 4 Allan Ewing, 8 Michael Farley, 24 Carol (Rogers) Ferguson, 10 Arny Forner, 28 Edward Gotzy, 17 Karen (Krohn) Gotzy, 17 Lionel C. Greenwood, 18 Constance M. (Oldershaw) Guthrie, 11 Ray Haeg, 14 Frederick Halverson, 24 Robert M. Halverson, 33 George F. Hanigan, 27 Ray Kelleher, 50 John Kempfer, Sr., 19 John Krall, 17 David Kuttner, 3 David Lamey, 25 Gary Lawrence, 16 Diana Stone (Smith) Livingston, 11 Carolyn Gale Louthian, 38 Dorothy Wichmann Maas, 36 Charles J. Mader, 12 Dr. William P. Mahrt, 17 Nick W. McDonough, 12 Lawrence McNerthney, 35 Sharlene (Sharpe) Miller, 30 Allen Morris, 11 Jerome Olson, 36 Terry Peterson, 14 Col. Leland E. Prentice, 33 James H. Prince, 35 Marilyn C. (Zenner) Prince, 35 Mike Pugh, 11 Mike Ramos, 21
GU celebrates Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu
Elaine (Maccaferri) Reese, 29 Kathleen (Acher) Riel, 28 Ronald A. Roberts, 29 Dave Rorick, 14 Andy M. Rustemeyer, 11 Michael Seubert, 41 B. M. (Arbuckle) Severtsen, 16 Michael D. Shaler, 23 Mary Jo (Peterkin) Shaw, 21 Ted Sivalon, 47 Nina Rose Snyder, 3 Arthur M. Sterling, 4 Donna L. (Schumacher) Sterling, 4 Pat Tierney, 30 Joyce M. (Duarte) Trask, 29 Michael A. Tucci, 39 Diane M. Vanderzanden, 28 Robert Vanderzanden, 6 Dennis Vermillion, 33 Ray Zugel, 29
Class of 1962 – 50th Reunion Peter G. Banulis, 45 Andrea Beauchane, 26 William Bond, 30 Henry Buescher, 24 Ronald N. Caferro, 28 Thomas Chapman, 26 Henry J. Charvet, 29 Thomas A. Clark, 3 Denny Codd, 30 Jeffry D. Colliton, 25 Norah (Flannery) Comerford, 28 Tom Correll, 43 Margaret (Thompson) Deason, 8 Jeanne Cherie (Paradis) Dertinger, 6 Charles Esposito, 25 Susan C. (Nugent) Feldmann, 9 Gary Geiss, 33 Michael Gross, 8 R. Bruce Hankins, 30 Michael F. Harrington, 18 David L. Hattrick, 11 Howard Herman, 26 Patricia L. (Connor) James, 28 Helen (Pritchard) Joers, 13 George Kleeman, 41 Mike Klein, 44 George Kurka, 29 M. Diane (Johansing) Litchfield, 38 Noreen A. (Geiss) Littman, 25 Sally (Zongker) Mackey, 24 Larry Maillet, 31 Gerald A. Manfred, 6 Robert Maruca, 25
Fr. Pat Lee, S.J., and Archbishop Tutu
Thomas McAndrews, 23 Juliet (Raney) McCarthy, 21 Thomas McKinnon, 27 Richard M. McLane, 32 Jeanne Murra McMillan, 11 Dr. Anthony J. Milan, 24 Dona (Helland) Morris, 4 Duane Morris, 4 Ronald Moss, 13 Mrs. Duane D. Myers, 30 Gary Myers, 30 Bill Myrhang, 40 Dr. Albert H. Nephew, 28 Daniel Nordmark, 26 Francene J. (Siers) Onzay, 11 Donald Parrish, 6 Mollie (Comerford) Peters, 4 Ann M. (Allen) Porter, 42 H. Eugene Quinn, 42 Kathleen L. Mauk Reid, 16 Ronald E. Riel, 28 JoAnn L. (Salina) Roberts, 29 Paula M. (Mc Ardle) Rolleri, 9 Jacquelyne (Kopas) Ruckwardt, 43 John Schultz, 31 Barbara (Shaffer) Shaw, 12 Jerry Shaw, 12 Jerry Simurdak, 20 Thomas J. Slovarp, 13 Mary Jo (McKinnon) Tucci, 38 Monda Van Hollebeke, 18 Mary (Collins) Volpentest, 19 Sam R. Volpentest, 19 Richard K. Yorioka, 26 Francis Younkin, 19 Stephen Zimmer, 5
Class of 1963 Forrest Amsden, 32 John Battilega, 33 John R. Black, 11 Don Bodeau, 41 Laurence Broderick, 19 Molly E. (Condon) Butler, 36 Joe Connors, 18 John Cooney, 31 Peggy Dempsey, 41 Bob Di Julio, 7 William R. Dobner, 31 Dennis R. Duggan, 4 Mary F. (Miller) Duggan, 4 James Ellison †, 17 Patricia Ellison, 17 Ben Engle, 26 Sonja Nordbye Fair, 27 James Fischer, 9 Neal R. Fosseen, Jr., 4
Jack Hamlin, 29 Mary E. (Kennelly) Hanigan, 27 John Heffernan, 5 Lorelei (Munroe) Herres, 35 Phillip B. Herres, 35 Neil Hoitink, 25 William R. Hottell, 29 Dr. L. Michael Howell, 35 Tom Hulscher, 9 John Humbert, 15 Robert Johnston, 13 Margel Foote Kaufman, 31 Midge (McGreevy) Kuster, 34 Sandra L. (Perkins) Labadie, 12 Dr. Anna M. Ledgerwood, 32 Patrick R. Lenon, 10 Dr. Joseph D. Lynch, 33 Mrs. John P. Madden, 35 Elaine M. (Mrachek) Masso, 31 Terrence Matz, 30 Julia (Lane) McCahill, 25 Dennis McCanna, 16 Col. Frank E. McCormick, 20 Jack McElroy, 38 Don McNall, 13 Walt Merrick, 14 Christine (Bardwell) Miller, 12 G. Carter Miller, 4 G. Joseph Miller, 12 Dr. Roger W. Miller, 8 Donald Nadvornick, 25 Elaine (Schaffers) Perko, 27 James D. Perko, 27 James E. Piazzola, 6 Gail (Fox) Pitchford, 38 Larry Plews, 27 Celeste (Leino) Quinlivan, 16 John T. Quinlivan, 18 Dennis T. Richardson, Sr., 23 John Rickman, 22 Carl Ruckwardt, 43 The Hon. Richard Schroeder, 43 Mary Anne (LeMay) Shine, 30 D. Michael Strong, 38 Dr. Tony M. Sutey, 21 John H. Thomson, 18 Ray Vollert, 10 The Hon. Jerry Votendahl, 14 Pat Walsh, 13 Bette (Cappuccio) Weber, 25 Jim Wickwire, 23 Col. Wendelin Winslow, 7 Edward Wolf, Jr., 26 Bette Jo (Goicoechea) Wunderle, 4 Anne M. (Rettinger) Zielsdorf, 18
Class of 1964 Dr. Joseph A. Anselmo, 28 Janice (Anderson) Ashleman, 15 The Hon. Paul A. Bastine, 27 Nancy A. (Scott) Battilega, 33 Robert J. Beaudry, 25 Richard H. Beck, 21 Mary Jean (Witmeyer) Carmany, 34 Gary Cline, 11 Dr. Joseph D. Codd, 40 Richard Coles, 30 Katherine (Huhtanen) Connors, 38 Rita M. Cooney, 19 Gary C. Cooper, 14 Tom Davis, 31 Dolores M. (Clarke) Desserault, 19 Ken Desserault, 22 Virginia (MacIntyre) Dubuque, 11 Julia B. (Nicholson) Dugger, 27 Dean Duncan, 36 Ronald Dupas, 40 William Edison, 18 Rick Egge, 23 Joan (Manning) Ensign, 29 Mary W. (Endom) Farinholt, 16 Larry Fasbender, 9 Victoria Flower, 21 William P. Foran †, 22 Sharon (Martin) Fosseen, 4 Craig Gage, 27 Bill Gilchrist, 8 The Hon. H. John Hall, 19 William C. Hamilton, Jr., 14 Katherine E. Hammer, 9 Linda (Laskey) Hansen, 19 Thomas P. Hansen, 33 Suzi (Harootunian) Havey, 24 Thomas J. Havey, 24 Mike Howson, 32 Thomas C. Hufty, 23 Patrick Hurley, 14 John Keith, 34 Terry Kissane, 23 Dianne M. (Wald) Klein, 44 Douglas Krier, 40 Robert H. Leeds, Jr., 28 Ronald Lentes, 6 James T. Linardos, 13 Ronald Little, 28 George F. Luger, 3 Patricia Martin, 26 Raymond Miller, 8 Len Mills, 14 Jim Miranda, 5 Karen (Edgett) Montecucco, 26 Max Montecucco, 26
Gary Myrene, 32 Joseph Nappi, Jr., 30 Odette Noble, 19 Jeanne M. (Ford) Nowlin, 7 Gerry Noyen, 5 James Old, 22 Richard Orfalea, 7 Vaughn B. Overlie, 13 Murray Paterson, 6 Jim Peaper, 30 Jerry Pederson, 21 Dr. Dennis E. Penna, 26 Mike Power, 31 Margaret A. Prietto, 30 John A. Rea, 17 Rosemary (Menzia) Rief, 35 Herman Rossi III, 36 Jim Scarborough, 20 Sharon M. (May) Scarborough, 20 Ron Schmidt, 29 Bill Schuler, 11 Sheila J. (Whetstone) Shaler, 23 Donald Sharp, S.J., 13 Dianne M. Shiner, 25 William J. Shoemaker, 25 Kathleen A. Skeman, 23 Merrilu (Silva) Sloboda, 46 Dolores C. (Dawson) Slovarp, 13 Margan H. (Haley) Smith, 39 Maurice M. Smith, Jr., 39 John Sooy, 26 Fred J. Stanaway, 8 Thomas Stewart, 7 Patricia (Kane) Sullivan, 12 Arthur Taylor, 3 John R. Thiel, 25 Patricia (Galitza) Thiel, 25 Mrs. Jeffrey J. Thimsen, 9 Rosemary (Dellwo) Toft, 45 Barbara J. (Schneider) Vadset, 29 Dick Waitt, 30 Marianne Broz Wassel, 20 Hans Weber, 19 Mary K. (Erickson) Whelan, 6 Lucy (Hould) White, 26 Marvin B. Williams, 9 Jim Workland, 26
Great care was taken to ensure the accuracy of this listing. We would appreciate you alerting us to any errors or omissions. Please contact Laura Gatewood, director of stewardship, at 509.313.6381 or
YEAR IN REVIEW Gonzaga kicked off celebration of the 125th Anniversary in May 2012, with Archbishop Desmond Tutu speaking at the senior commencement.
Class of 1965 Norman R. Agostino, 45 Louise M. (Wiele) Alia, 10 Patrick Barry, 15 George Binczewski, 33 Helen M. (Downey) Boedecker, 27 Chris Canwell, 23 Stephen T. Cavit, 42 Jim Day, 31 Linda (Yorba) Desch, 32 Rita Deweese, 8 John E. Dugger, 27 Marilyn A. (Mischel) Elmquist, 19 K. Nozaki Ewing, 42 Harvey Faurholt, 22 Vince P. Fennimore, 12 Donald Foran, 14 Peter M. Gerber, 13 Garald Gesinger, 18 Mike Glatt, 33 Beverly E. (Oswood) Harrington, 18 Mary Jayne Hellebust, 21 Warren M. F. Ho, 26 Dave Hornbecker, 21 Leila N. (Broz) Hufty, 23 Patricia A. (Anderson) Hurt, 21 Gloria J. (Rodgers) Karlak, 10 John E. Keegan, 35 Aslam Khan, 34 Gale E. (Svoboda) Kolbet, 24 Cheryl L. Mack, 30 Elizabeth A. (Hoene) Mader, 12 Yvonne (Koreis) Mark, 15 John McLachlan, 18 Terry Meehan, 31 Carol L. Messinger, 9 Elizabeth H. (Herres) Miller, 4 Thomas Monforton, 4 Maryann (Luger) Montandon, 32 Jim Muggli, 30 Carol A. Oberle, 11 Jim O’Connell, 37 Mark O’Donnell, 26 John O’Hara, Jr., 24 Susan (DeDonato) O’Hara, 23 Bill Poppy, 17 Robert Powers, Jr., 9 Mike Preston, 36 Susan (Devine) Rader, 14 Michael J. Reilly, 36 Rosellen Ring-Easton, 29 Lt. Col. Robert D. Rivers, 39 Dennis Roberts, 28 Kevin Roddy, 14 Robin Rosauer, 34 Ron Sagerson, 10
Cathi (Shaw) Schafer, 32 Donald R. Schafer, 32 Roy L. Schiele, 33 Phillip Schilling, 27 Ted Schnug, 24 Mike Shanks, 28 David R. Shea, 40 David Shikany, 28 Eugene D. Sloboda, 46 David Sonnichsen, 27 Geraldine A. (O’Melveny) Strong, 38 Jeffrey Sullivan, 12 Carl Svoboda, 42 Michael G. Taylor, 35 Anita (Sebesta) Tschirgi, 21 Louann (Macready) Weber, 4
Class of 1966 Elena J. (Cinelli) Agostino, 45 Bob Albo, 23 Virginia E. (Lux) Alexander, 23 Eileen M. (Murphy) Anderson, 20 Ann Ardner, 17 The Hon. Robert Austin, 13 Marianne (Petrini) Bales, 35 Rod Barnett, 18 Janet E. (Harris) Bastine, 27 Joseph P. Bauer, Jr., 12 Marilyn A. (Miller) Benson, 42 Paula G. (Gallagher) Blanchat, 23 Barbara J. (Fagan) Blizzard, 39 James Hugh Boyd, 3 Elizabeth Anne Brewer, 32 Janet (Gubanc) Buck, 28 Christopher Bulger, 41 Stephanie A. (Cada) Burke, 42 Elaine (Duffy) Cavit, 42 Laurie (Samuel) Connolly, 22 Mary K. Cosgriff Jerry Coughlan, 28 John R. Curry, Jr., 23 Bill D’Amour, 8 William Dahl, 18 Joseph M. Dargan, 3 Kathleen A. (McFarland) Dobner, 31 Susan (Paivine) Douglas, 19 Steve Druffel, 33 Marianne (Wesely) Duffy, 29 Mike Duffy, 7 Max Etter, Jr., 9 Jon D. Evavold, 33 Sharon K. (Perkins) Fennimore, 12 Denny Flaherty, 20 Charles C. Flower, 21 Clark H. Gemmill, 29 Patricia (Hites) Gilbert, 14
Connie J. Gonyou, 39 David E. Gordon, 4 Edward J. Gottfried, 31 LeeAnn (Hudspeth) Gottfried, 31 Larry L. Guthrie, 11 Margaret A. (Jansen) Hall, 19 Mary M. (MacFarlane) Hammond-Tooke, 4 Molly (Roberts) Hannan, 30 Bonny B. (Bryant) Hannigan, 36 Michele (Leitch) Harlow, 13 Caroline (Schibig) Hathaway, 27 Leland Henrichs, 16 Gene Henry, 39 Michael B. Herzog, 36 Doyle Jacklin, 9 Bill Johnson, 13 Ultan Johnson, 6 Don Jonas, 9 Robert Kai, 23 The Hon. Thomas E. Kelly, 21 Ronald Kofmehl, 26 Bill Kranz, 33 Virginia (Rees) Low, 13 Kathleen (Kelly) Luger, 3 Dr. Gerald B. MacDonald, 19 Linda MacDonald, 19 Mary (Heintz) Malagodi, 3 The Hon. Eugene A. Marano, 7 Joseph F. Mark, 15 Janine M. (Daly) Martin, 17 Patricia R. Maruca, 32 Dr. James J. McCarthy, Jr., 29 Larry J. McDonough, 8 Dennis McEwen, 27 Mary Alice McGinn, 27 Ann T. (Marsh) McMahon, 32 Vicki B. (Beck) Murphy, 35 Mary F. (Kane) Nappi, 30 Richard J. Niederegger, 23 Richard Nisley, 17 Kenneth Perko, 30 Alberta J. (Jovick) Pilliod, 27 Richard Pyne, 7 Michael Rice Dennis Rooney, 34 Susan Sander, 36 Christine S. (Callihan) Schnug, 24 Joanna (Makowski) Schumacher, 23 Patrick K. Shine, 30 Leroy Sonnen, 2 David Stantus, 21 John Stone, 24 Teresa (Hart) Taylor, 35 Pete Thompson, 27 Tom Tilford, 34 Eugene Tonry, 16
Jerry Valley, 26 Christine Vaughan, 5 Kathleen (Duffy) Ward, 9 Mary P. (Mannino) Weber, 19 Paul J. Weber, 4 Gary Westerman, 7 Barbara J. (Marano) Winner, 14 Larry D. Winner, 14
Class of 1967 Gary M. Alworth, 31 Rosemary (Gecsey) Bauer, 12 Eleanor R. (Britschgi) Bernstein, 21 Dr. Stephen L. Brenneke, 18 JoAnn M. (Turner) Brown, 12 Larry Brown, Jr., 30 Natasha P. (Petersen) Brunson, 25 Michael Brustkern, 11 Marguerite (Kuder) Busch, 17 Michael J. Busch, 17 Patrick Cerutti, 15 Larry Christiansen, 18 James Crum, 13 Joan V. Dellar, 17 Dennis A. Dellwo, 4 Angel M. Diez, 35 Patricia (Gilmore) Dito, 24 Peter M. Dito, 24 Gerald Dolezal, 26 Susan (Kesling) Dougherty, 22 Sally Ann (Winslow) Eaves, 25 Victoria (Zlatich) Faurholt, 22 Dr. Dennis M. Freuen, 14 Mary (O’Donnell) Freund, 36 Richard R. Gehring, 14 Robert N. Greco, 40 Barbara Gregory, 4 Dave Halter, 33 James Harris, 22 Lynn (Joyner) Harris, 22 Douglas Head, 15 Dennis Hierath, 26 Richard G. Hofmeister, 30 The Hon. Tany Hong, 33 David J. Hughes, 32 Dennis Jorgensen, 20 Jerold Juliano, 7 Dan Keefe, 23 Kjell Knudsen, 19 Michael Koeferl, 18 Oliver M. LaJoie, 13 Thomas LaLone, 12 Thomas Lavagetto, 24 Cherryl Leeson, 16 Karen G. (Ford) Liere, 9 William Maes, 21 Karen E. (Pattison) Mathis, 29
Robert M. Mathis, 29 Dennis O. Mayer, 44 Emil Mihelich, 13 Robert Milliken, 12 Dr. Gary D. Morrison, 11 Ronald Muskopf, 12 J. Patrick Nagle, 15 Michael Nelson, 17 Marlene (Wassmuth) Nickolson, 23 Judith (Hoffman) Nikolaisen, 15 Robert Nikolaisen, 15 Tom Nollette, Sr., 43 Bonnie L. (Sharp) Rawson, 17 John L. Reichmann, 33 Judy A. (Yeend) Reilly, 36 Sue Ann (Pechtl) Schiele, 33 John Scrivner, 3 Elizabeth (Davis) Sestero, 29 Susan V. (Danz) Sheedy, 25 Thomas Sheedy II, 25 James C. Singer, 13 Joseph P. Spielbauer, 32 Randall L. St. Mary, 4 Jed Steele, 4 Kathleen (Bazz) Tangaro, 27 Sonny Tangaro, 27 Michael E. Thuot, 31 Jerry Tierney, 3 Harry Turenchalk, Jr., 18 Bob Waldron, 29 Ken Wall, 28 Christine M. Wegman, 9 Kathy A. (Plachta) Wehrly, 34 Larry Zimmerman, 2
Class of 1968 Joe Albo, 16 Mary Ault, 7 Rowland Beaulieu, Jr., 5 Ross Boehm, 23 Phyllis J. Bongers, 16 Inga M. (Anderson) Boyles, 9 Dan Brajcich, Jr., 32 Gerald Broderhausen, 20 Mary Ann (Schultheis) Busch, 35 Bruce Butler, 38 Judith Acher Butler, 38 Dennis Calfee, 17 Lance Campbell, 21 Michael Carraher, 6 Michael Casey, 38 Dee Ann (Leoni) Cerutti, 15 Nancy L. (Zodrow) Cressey, 32 Paul E. Dahlberg, 27 John Demakas, 29 Christy E. (Smith) de Viveiros, 44 Dale de Viveiros, 44
YEAR IN REVIEW GU’s men’s basketball team made its 15th overall (and 14th consecutive) NCAA appearance in 2012. David Stockton
Kathy Diez, 35 F. J. Dullanty, Jr., 7 Nancy C. (Armstrong) Dunne, 27 William Dunnigan, 24 Annette I. (McGinn) Erickson, 36 Robert Feulner, 22 Colleen (Eugene) Flynn, 42 Kathleen A. Franz, 36 William M. Fraser, 26 Paul Fruci, Sr., 5 Gregory Greyerbiehl, 12 Michael K. Halley, 6 Deonna G. (Yandle) Hayes, 4 Spencer J. Heinz, 26 Richard A. Hill, 19 Dr. Karen Krebs Ireland, 39 Patricia J. (Oaklund) Jacobs, 31 Rick Jaggars, 28 James Kester, 21 Margaret A. (McGarry) Kester, 21 Jerome Kineen, 4 James B. King, 31 Daniel Kinney, Jr., 15 H. Terry Lackie, 24 Gary Lechman, 9 Joan (Conlin) Leeds, 28 Tom Lengowski, 25 The Hon. John J. Madden, 34 Bill Majerus, 27 Susan A. (Adamson) Manfred, 6 Carroll Martell, 14 Mike Masterson, 32 Nancy D. McDonald, 42 Mary Whittier Moffitt, 30 Vikki P. (Lamb) Moormann, 30 Kris (Laubacher) Murphy, 34 Linda C. Oaksford-Lorenz, 33 Margie Francisco Opitz, 26 Jack Ossello, 38 Kathleen D. (McLaughlin) Ossello, 38 Scott Patnode, 36 Gregory R. Peterson, 11 Carla M. Phillips, 31 Robert D. Rangitsch, 34 Kathleen M. (Murphy) Rasmussen, 31 Dr. Patrick J. Reagan, 30 Dr. Dennis Rickert, 14 Teresa (Vaughn) Riggs, 4 Paul W. Schafer, 32 Susan K. (Phillips) Schimandle, 22 Mike Schumacher, 23 Joseph Schwab, 29 Sherry (Paulsen) Schwab, 28 Maureen Sheridan, 32 Mike Shields, 34 Michael N. Shoemaker, 14
Jo M. (Maierle) Smallwood, 18 Bill Snyder, 8 Mary F. (Antunes) Sparkman, 14 Robert C. Sparkman, 14 Linda (Roccanova) St. Mary, 4 Nancy Jo Stamper, 7 Richard J. Standiford, 36 Kenneth H. Stavenjord, 3 Judy K. (Winchel) Sweeney, 35 Dr. Thomas G. Tachovsky, 22 Bill Talkington, 21 James Thielman, 17 Mary Jane (Bilsborrow) Thompson, 27 Ron Tierney, 19 David D. Traylor, 25 Dr. John M. Ukich, 3 Michael J. Wanderer, 23 John M. Ward, 9 Mrs. Alfred G. Watkins Marilyn G. Weeks, 9 Richard Wieber †, 10 Karen (Sciarillo) Willis, 28 Elizabeth A. (Welch) Wilson, 20 Richard J. Zodrow, 27
Class of 1969 Dave Anderson, 23 Patricia (Owens) Anderson, 6 Phillip Anderson, 18 Raeann (Tavella) Arias, 19 Thomas K. Baffney, 34 Catherine A. Bain, 17 Richard Baldasty, 34 Hollis Barnett, 21 Patricia J. (Anderson) Barnett, 21 Robert A. Becker, 33 Martha Beetley, 21 Eddy Birrer, 30 James Robert Bitter, 22 Jim Buck, 35 Michael J. Buck, 28 Chuck Burgess, 20 Michael Burgess, 13 Joe Busch, 35 Jay Caferro, 29 Terrance Callan, 31 Robert J. Carbaugh, 19 Christian R. Casper, 31 Wayne Chabre, 13 Jim Clark, 39 Sheryl K. (McRae) Cooney, 10 Thomas Cooney, Jr., 10 Kenneth Corman, 11 Janis (Macready) Dahlberg, 27 Douglas Denton, 5 Merrily (Roberts) Denton, 5 Anne F. Edwards, 19
Walter Egger, 15 Susan England, 4 Sally (McCarthy) Epler, 31 Joe Everson, 11 Dr. Anthony J. Ewell, 21 Shirley Ewing, 30 Francine C. (Tomoso) Fernandez, 23 Patricia S. (Stafinbil) Gardner, 3 Ann K. (Sonnichsen) Gehring, 14 Paula J. (Forgy) Gessler, 26 Timothy D. Gierke, 18 Pat Gilmore, 24 Michael Grainey, 30 Judy M. (Thyfault) Grunow, 31 Donald Hackney, 35 Thomas M. Hagler, 21 Bernie Halloran, 36 Patricia (Fouts) Harkins, 24 Timothy J. Harkins, 24 Brian Harrison, 5 Jeanne P. Harvey, 23 Wendy (Bays) Heinz, 26 Lisa (Derosier) Hensleigh-Buchmann, 10 Joseph H. Hermosillo, 12 Ann Hillman, 17 Rosemary (Vacura) Hodges, 4 James L. Hollingsworth, 18 Susan (Hupf) Holt, 26 Gerald R. Hover, 32 Greg Hovorka, 10 Carmela (Granier) Hughes, 32 Shirley J. Johnson, 12 Doug C. Johnston, 24 Sheila Kern, 8 Robert M. Koenig, 21 Susan M. (Devlin) Koenig, 21 Janet K. (Reinig) Kruger, 9 Robert A. Lockrem, 18 Judith (Imhoff) Long, 23 James L. Maher, 17 Kathleen (Rogge) Maher, 17 Colleen Rae Maloney Michael D. McCormack, 31 James McGourin, 7 James S. McLean, 30 Marilyn (Potter) McWilliams, 17 Leo Mellon, 40 John Messina, 28 Karen P. Migliuri, 27 Mary E. (Kore) Mohr, 29 Patrick Morin, 12 Dan W. Murphy, 24 Linda (Cook) Muskopf, 12 Dr. Van B. Nakagawara, 34 J. Patrick Naughton, Ed.D., 42 Jerry Neal, 10
Carolyn A. Nesbitt, 7 Patrick O’Boyle, 33 Mary Ellen (Stroebe) O’Donnell, 32 Ken O’Mhuan, 2 Austin Pagnotta, 9 James Patterson, 25 Mary Jane (Hidaka) Patterson, 28 Michael A. Patterson, 32 Paul J. Patterson, 28 Mike Pontarolo, 33 Brita (Wood) Posedel, 26 Jay Posedel, 26 Gary Powdrill, 11 Jack Regan, 21 Karen (Sudol) Rittenberg, 9 Susan M. Roberts, 21 Beth Schomburg, 27 Dick Schomburg †, 27 Lee E. Schultz, 28 Sheila (Walsh) Schultz, 28 Mary (Standish) Seltzer, 35 Patrick Seltzer, 35 Mike Shea, 17 Steve Shepard, 41 Mary E. (Taylor) Shinn, 24 Margaret M. (O’Brien) Shute, 36 Mary Kathryn (Kronenberg) Simmons, 36 Linda C. (Chesurin) Sliepen, 6 Robert Smee, 9 Patricia (Eakin) Smith, 40 Joseph Staebell, 11 Kathy A. Starr, 4 John F. Sullivan, 20 Rebecca E. Sullivan, 31 Abigail (Woods) Tempel, 24 Terry Thompson, 14 Joan (Stetzner) Traylor, 24 Gene Unger, 20 Polly H. (Hudspeth) Venard, 13 Adrian Voermans, 10 Joseph G. Ward, 7 Stanley Welsh, 33 Nancy (Keplinger) West, 14 Bill Wilson, 15 Tom Woodley, 38 Arnold Young, 10
Thank you for your generous gifts made between June 1, 2011, and May 31, 2012.
Class of 1970 Patrick R. Acres, 4 Pamela Acuff, 16 Paul Albright, 33 William R. Becker, 25 James Bero, 4 Leo Berry, Jr., 37 Greg Boehmer, 5 Marcia L. (Bloom) Bourget, 25 Elizabeth Ann (Fessler) Braet, 29 William J. Braet, 30 Pauline (Martin) Bresnahan, 32 Diane (Van Driesche) Burke, 15 Francis P. Burke, 15 Claudia (Freer) Cahill, 33 Daniel M. Cahill, 33 Peggy (Morton) Calfee, 17 Michael Cannon, 28 Susan (Amato) Castagna, 39 Mark Castner, 31 Mary B. (Brennan) Cliby, 20 Margaret A. Coffey, 26 Linda E. (Chandler) Collins, 32 Timothy M. Collins, 32 Robert Connor, 9 Paula J. Cowley, 28 William L. Cowley, 28 Joseph Day, 4 Daniel Dempsey, 14 Michael Dinneen, 8 Richard E. Dolezal, 29 Patrick Dooney, 34 Terrence Dunne, 15 Irma (Terhaar) Edwards, 16 Ronald R. Edwards, 16 Craig A. Erickson, 24 Robert J. Erickson, 35 Lawrence Evers, 13 Signe M. Feeney, 27 Steve Feider, 27 Roger A. Felice, 24 Toni (Morrow) Ferguson, 24 Antoinette Francisco, 19 Patricia (Milligan) Fraser, 26 Candace Frasher, 6 Faye F. Fuchs, 36 Marcia Limper Fulham, 25 Joseph Ganz, 4 Roger Gence, 19 Suzanne P. (Prendergast) Gierke, 18 Catharine M. (Marble) Glennon, 23 Candy (Jones) Gormley, 29 Edward J. Gormley, 29 Dr. William Gromko, Jr., 26 Susanne (Kraft) Hall, 25 Dr. Marlene (Nachbar) Hapai, 27
Dan Harbaugh, 34 Theresa Hayes Harrison, 2 James P. Hodgson, 26 Patricia G. (Graham) Hollingsworth, 18 Sharon Ihle, 13 Ann A. (Arthur) Johnston, 24 Kelly (Florence) Jones, 20 Jean A. (Friedhoff) Kelly, 11 Kevin Kelly, 11 Alan Kempen, 17 Cheryl (DeMers) Kingen, 21 Ann L. Kuder, 25 Alan Lamia, 21 The Hon. Thomas P. Larkin, 33 Vincent A. Laubach, 26 Roberta (Scott) League, 23 Margaret E. (Moran) Mallory, 2 John C. Mantello, 17 Victoria (Rangan) Mantello, 17 Francisco Paco Maribona, 12 Robert Materne, Jr., 15 Kathleen M. (Foley) McCarthy, 32 James K. McDirmid, 10 Dr. John Paul McGahan, 20 Dick McIntyre, 36 Kathleen (Koreis) McLean, 30 Alan McNeil, 30 Dorothy J. (Schaffers) Mellon, 40 Frank Monasterio, 16 William E. Morgan, 25 David Muggli, 27 Duane Mullen, 19 Russell Niles, 33 Joseph W. Olson, Ph.D., 7 Kathleen J. (Bochsler) Polzin, 21 Elizabeth (Onley) Pontarolo, 33 Pamela S. (Wheatley) Proud, 21 Christine M. (Breitenbach) Quevedo, 39 Ermel Quevedo, 39 Sally (Bulger) Quirk, 38 Timothy W. Quirk, 38 David Rahmer, 28 Robert L. Sexton, 21 Alexander J. Shogan, Jr., 29 Patricia M. (Taylor) Smith, 20 Patricia R. Sorenson, 23 Mary M. (Shikany) Stachofsky, 25 The Hon. Richard A. Strophy, 21 Carl Sturm, 11 Mary Ellen (Prentice) Sullivan, 20 Theresa (Auer) Tesarik, 41 John E. Uffelman, 33 Michael J. Vanairsdale, 21 Roy H. Warnick, 14 Francis Webb, 13 Georgia R. Wilkinson, 40
Brian Williams, 4
Class of 1971 Katherine J. (Bauer) Alzheimer, 23 Peter J. Anderson, 6 Bill Barkas, 40 Marcia (Forsmann) Beckman, 6 Mary (Schumann) Bero, 4 Steve Bombino, 24 Steve Bowser, 26 Pete Breiten, 38 Jim M. Bresnahan, 32 Kirk Bromiley, 21 Marilyn (Healey) Bromiley, 21 Thomas Budewitz, 13 Blaine Bundy, 8 Donald Burke, 23 Patrick Burke, 32 John F. Bury, 23 Francis J. Callan, 17 Suzanne M. (Lux) Callan, 17 Elizabeth (Tilford) Carosella, 3 Michele H. (Hughes) Carpenter, 25 John Ceserani, 15 Mary T. Clark-Kaiser, 21 Harold Cochran, 34 Sheila (Lally) Coe, 18 Edward Coker, Jr., 13 Tom Combs, 12 Robert A. Comfort, 26 MaryKaye (Hurley) Dahmen, 27 Marlene K. (Bauer) De Voto, 29 Margaret A. (Jones) Doering, 14 Christine A. (Kelly) Donaldson, 19 John P. Egger, 33 Dennis M. Ellingson, 5 John Eret, 13 Diane (Zuelke) Erickson, 22 Richard E. Fagnant, 24 Susan M. Fandel, 14 J. Steve Garitone, 8 Thomas Garrett, 16 Archie George, 25 Michele Graham, 33 Dr. Victor R. Haburchak, Jr., 14 Suzanne M. Harris, 27 Tom Hattrup, 36 Gretchen Hayden, 18 Mark Hennessy, 38 James B. Herbolich, 8 Marjorie C. (Henry) Hodgson, 26 Janice C. Huttula, 31 Jeffrey Jones, 21 Kevin D. Keenan, 35 Michael J. Killeen, 30 Larry Kimmel, 33 Dale Kingman, 24 Ann L. Koegen, 18
Roy J. Koegen, 18 Dan Kuhlmann, 25 Kathleen Lackie, 24 Victoria A. (Urquidi) Laidlaw, 28 Cynthia (Gilmore) Lamb, 3 Gary Larson, 25 Linda J. (Anderson) Le Blanc, 35 Leslie L. Luxmore, 3 Marilyn Maxwell, 8 Dennis M. McDonald, 36 Michael T. McDonald, 27 Ronald McKay, 24 Douglas Medley, 24 Michael J. Meyer, 7 John A. Miller, 18 William Miller, 19 Ben Montaney, 3 Shawn Mosey, 20 Ingrid M. (Bruton) Niles, 33 Lynn (Beaudry) Nordhagen, 2 Ed O’Shaughnessy, Jr., 9 Steve Palmer, 23 Janis (Schmidt) Parente, 31 John J. Parente, 31 Anna Becker Peterson, 4 Mark Powers, 27 William D. Quigg, 33 Lola Christine Ramos, 17 Mary Sue Redle, 32 James Reisenauer, 31 Ronald Roth, 35 Ken Sammons, 29 Dave Savage, 10 The Hon. James B. Sawyer II, 8 Denise L. (Leppek) Schafer, 32 Therese E. Staeheli, 5 Gregory Steeves, 19 Margaret A. (Fleetwood) Steeves, 19 Michael E. Stevenson, 10 Shanna E. (Schuetz) Stevenson, 10 Joseph F. Stickney, 5 James H. Stokoe, 6 Lawrence J. Stuckart, 29 Mary Anne (Brown) Stuckart, 29 Susanne Suksdorf, 23 Padraic J. Sweeny, 24 Bill Sweigert, 18 Jeanne (Lell) Sweigert, 18 Douglas R. Tesarik, 41 Sister Elaine A. Thaden, 3 Jim Thompson, 20 Frank Tomsick, 26 Kathleen J. (Zenner) Tomsick, 26 Kathleen Turcotte, 21 Patty (Buck) Uffelman, 33
Deborah (Sadaoka) Vanairsdale, 12 Lundy Wantland, 23 Margaret (Sudmeier) Webb, 13 Barbara J. (McNulty) Wiest, 34 John Wilcynski, 15 Cathy (Harrison) Worner, 29
Class of 1972 – 40th Reunion Pep Albi, Jr., 34 Greg Arpin, 27 Louisa M. (Morrison) Baer, 3 Lawrence J. Bennett, 29 Gary Bloom, 29 Esther Bolker, 8 Marguerite (McCarthy) Braeuer, 15 Ellen (Corriea) Buller, 34 James H. Buller, 34 Mark Casey, 36 Catherine A. (Busch) Comfort, 26 David M. Cook, 18 Elaine T. (Padgham) Cullen, 21 John Culver, M.D., 4 John B. Daly, 9 Cathy (Huntington) Danz, 24 Ed Danz, Jr., 24 Bob Davis, 26 J. Shirley (Draska) Davis, 40 Alan S. Dernbach, 27 Randy De Voto, 29 Jeff D. Dorrington, 26 L. Kevin Evoy, 29 Mary (Richardson) Evoy, 29 John Faure, 11 Dennis M. Fazzari, 30 Joan B. (Bowen) Forni, 19 Cliff Fukuda, 3 Mike Gaidos Maryann Gaug, 37 Alan K. Gibbs, 22 Mariann L. (Makinster) Gibbs, 22 Ronald Grant, 11 Susan (Fuglevand) Greenan, 2 Mark S. Gryziec, 27 Nancy A. (Wagner) Gryziec, 27 Nancy (Clarke) Hall, 24 Linda P. (Pixley) Hardman, 30 Kathleen R. Harkins, 31 Vernon W. Harkins, 31 Ricki (Smith) Harvey, 13 Patricia Hastings-Stone, 13 Michael T. Hayes, 29 Jerry Hertel II, 26 Steve Hertz, 28 Victoria K. (Swain) Hertz, 28 Dennis P. Hession, 28
Jane M. (McFaul) Hession, 28 Peter Hill, 27 Dale O. Hoisington, 31 Gail Holden, 22 Dennis M. Hottell, 15 Gregory M. Huckabee, 27 William G. Jones, 18 Kevin J. Kenneally, 34 Walt Krueger, 22 William N. Lampson, 29 Michelle Lua, 27 The Hon. Dan Maggs, 28 Stephanie A. Majoy, 22 John Makens, 34 Kathleen McChesney, 7 Jean M. (Clarke) McDonald, 27 John H. McLane, 36 Denise (Green) Medley, 24 Pamela (Eakin) Miller, 18 Thomas A. Miller, 15 James W. Moore, 16 Tom Murphy, 14 Gary Nibler, 17 Rick Nicksic, 6 Mary Carol Niland, 35 Carla M. Nuxoll, 27 John C. O’Brien, Jr., 25 Mary (Broderick) O’Brien, 23 Kris R. Olin, 21 Allison Patrick, Jr., 35 Celeste C. Pentila, 16 Regina (Maag) Pontarolo, 19 Steve Pontarolo, 19 Jimmy Primm, 26 Judy Quinlivan, 14 Mary (Hauck) Rasmussen, 3 Robin A. Rego, 20 Margaret E. Reh, 29 Mark Rehberger, 23 Francis Rickman, Jr., 10 Richard N. Roccanova, 26 Colleen (Wilson) Roe, 19 Linell A. (Gort) Rooney, 24 Mark F. Rotar, 26 Martin L. Salina, 17 Rosemary D. (Wilking) Samuelson, 30 Joseph R. Schneider, 16 Shyla (Asher) Schneider, 16 Judy L. (Thor) Schultz, 9 Margaret (Kosse) Schwede, 26 Darrell Scott, 9 Elizabeth Scott, 9 Patricia A. (Daly) Scott, 29 Ronald Seubert, 7 Peggy M. Shultz, 7 Sharon G. (Giles) Siegel, 29
YEAR IN REVIEW Three graduates earned Fulbright scholarships in 2012 to Scotland, Colombia and Germany.
Elisabeth (Herzog) Sloan, 7 Michelle St. Marie-Barbour, 10 Steve Staats, 9 Diane (Rees) Stokke, 8 Mary Jo (Greany) Stokoe, 6 John R. Straughan, 7 Dave Tebow, 17 Anne (Davidson) Tilley, 30 John C. Timm, 26 Joanne Turner, 35 Tim Turner, 35 Larry Vance, Jr., 27 Robert Wafstat, 14 Jeanne M. (Hiatt) Walker, 2 Randall J. Watts, 3 Bruce Willoughby, 14 Richard A. Worner, 29 Sue Y. Yorioka, 26
Class of 1973
Bob Agostinelli, 20 Michael P. Aleman, 4 Edward Andrus, 4 Jayne Miller Auld, 17 Teresa C. (Corn) Ballard, 8 Tim Barnard, 28 Sally (Solan) Barnes, 17 Jim M. Beaulaurier, 17 Lynelle K. (Wahl) Beaulaurier, 17 Barbara (Rugloski) Berry, 36 Susan M. (Quigley) Bloom, 26 Dennis Bogdan, 33 Rebecca A. (Hughes) Bowles, 8 Gary D. Brajcich, 34 Christine J. (Hansen) Bryant, 20 Earl Burt, 20 Rosemary J. (Walsh) Bury, 23 Wade Carpenter, 20 Kathy (Evoy) Casey, 36 Tom Cave, 24 David Ceballos, 19 Bill Choma, Jr., 27 Elizabeth R. (Ross) Cole, 22 Susan H. (Stuckart) Cook, 18 The Hon. Kenneth Cowsert, 8 Susan (Pheifer) Curalli, 17 Brian Deichl, 18 Mrs. Ronald E. Donovan, 8 Phyllis A. (Abbott) Dorrington, 26 Richard E. Driscoll, 7 Marcia Stimatz Elchesen, 25 Debbie N. (Niehus) Fagnant, 24 Thomas J. Flynn, 20 Michael A. Frost, 13 Rodger Gazelle, 24 Michael Geraghty, 28 Carla M. (Novak) Gish, 33 Anne (Gaskell) Grassl, 35
Marv Grassl, 35 Joyce M. (Wassmuth) Griffey, 23 Katharine Gustafson, 11 Gerard Haag, 21 Dr. James D. Haigh, 29 Mrs. Marci Harrington, 19 Paula Hawks-DeLuca, 31 Doug Heiskell, 14 James J. Helbling, 17 Donna T. (Agnew) Henderson, 22 Vince Herberholt, 37 Bill Hewes, 23 Joanne Hidaka, 29 Thomas Hillier II, 13 Richard Howard Dennis Huard, 11 Greg Hubert, 22 Mark R. Iraola, 21 Ann T. (McCarthy) Jones, 18 Edward Joy, 28 Robert Keefe, 20 Bob Kelley, 18 Veronica S. (Rzonca) Kelley, 18 Michael Kiely, 21 Mary Anne (Metcalfe) King, 31 Gary P. Kirchner, 24 Ticia R. Kohls, 11 Kristine A. Krebs-Gill, 35 Marilyn (Godwin-Austin) Larkin, 33 Mary Ann (Mitchell) Larrea, 21 Jan M. (Janclaes) Luxmore, 3 Paula R. (Rotar) Lynch, 16 Stan Mackin, 6 Dan Mallea, 32 Mike Malone, 11 Glenn Malubay, 29 Thomas K. McCarthey, Jr., 20 Julie McEnroe, 23 Mary McGrath, 23 Marc McLafferty, 21 James P. McNally, Jr., 17 Larry Meyers, 34 Pat Moore, 27 Linda Mullen, 19 Chuck Murphy, 28 Sharon M. (Vinson) Murphy, 20 Andrew H. Ng, 7 Donna M. (Figueira) Ng, 7 James R. Nickolaus, 7 Kevin O’Brien, 23 Greg O’Keefe, 28 The Hon. Patrick O’Malley, 5 Anne Bader O’Neil, 22 Barry O’Neil, 13 Stephen Osborne, 15 Jack Padon, Jr., 9
William A. Paine III, 18 Patricia S. (Bushue) Pebles, 23 Patricia A. (Cloonan) Petersen, 26 Steve Petersen, 26 Tony Philippsen, 13 David S. Radcliffe, 21 Wendell Reddinger, 26 Mike Reding, 14 Fred Reinel, 20 Patrick T. Roach, 20 Deborah L. (Gaebe) Roccanova, 26 John Rooney, 24 Sherrie (Cubba) Sadanaga, 24 Al Schumacher, 8 John Sherrick, 23 Darrell Siria, 11 Barbara L. (Metz) Sluder, 28 Alice L. Smethurst, 32 Dr. John T. Stewart, 3 Larry Stokke, 8 Robert Thompson, Jr., 17 Ann (Bramstedt) Timm, 26 Jane (McNulty) Towle, 10 Paul D. Werts, 18 Alison G. (Thompson) Wheelock The Hon. Richard Bell White, 18 Joyce Ann (Fuchs) Yates, 33 Randall W. Yates, 33 Jill S. (Souza) Zodrow, 27
Class of 1974 Alberta J. (Vierra) Balangatan, 11 Patricia Baptiste, 11 Sandra (Ireland) Bellizzi, 16 Kevin A. Blanchat, 15 Andrew C. Bohrnsen, 17 Myron Brixner, 6 Richard A. Bush, 15 Nora Cain, 4 King Cole, 22 Harvelyn (Cornwell) Cooney, 16 James Cooney, 16 P. Patrick Cooney, 5 Debbie Coscorrosa, 18 Nick L. Curalli, 17 Edward H. Davis, 11 P.J. De Benedetti, 22 Carol S. (Stewart) De La Mater, 25 Michael Dempsey, 2 Michael Depner, 19 Chris Dirstine, 19 Michael Dodds, 21 Catherine (Haupt) Doerr, 7 Karen M. (Pedersen) Driscoll, 39 Mary (Joerg) Duffy, 22 Ann (Shelledy) Eckardt, 27 Robert M. Edwards, 12
John Evans, 20 James Feldman, 18 Stephen M. Fielding, 12 Peggy Fox, 32 Nancy J. (Solberg) Giese, 7 Dwight C. Gill, 35 Jim Giudici, 33 Ann E. (McLaughlin) Gore, 24 Charles V. Harrington, 19 Gail Heck-Sweeney, 6 Joseph Hollander, 27 Charles E. Hudon Kyra Maria (Clefton) Humphrey, 17 Daniel E. Huntington, 20 Mary A. (Quigley) Huntington, 20 Thomas Illich, 24 Michael Jones, 24 Michael Jonson, 15 Peter Karademos, 4 Carol Durkin Kearns, 12 Carolyn S. Kelly, 23 Larry Kezele, 26 Patricia (O’Connell) Killen, 4 Ellen (Pearson) Klohe, 10 Cathy (Parker) Krieger, 28 Toni Valentine Kuder, 27 The Hon. Frank L. Kurtz, 11 Mary Ann Laubacher, 8 Linda (Perez) Lewis, 7 Edward C. Logue, 28 J. Michael Lovejoy, 22 Kathleen (Moriarty) Lovejoy, 22 David R. Lucke, 21 Phil McCarthey, 18 Kathleen (Schofield) Messina, 28 Peter M. Messina, 28 Gregory Miller, 10 Mark Milversted, 23 John Monahan, 25 Timothy Murphy, 12 Rick Naccarato, 15 Susan M. (Cunningham) Nadon, 24 Joseph P. Nelson, 9 James J. O’Connell, 36 Kieran (Murphy) Ohman, 6 Bill O’Shaughnessy, 22 Harold Osterman, 10 Dianne (Rinzel) Ostrowski, 6 Michelle A. (Roe) Overgaag, 4 Teri Perez, 7 Kent Power, Jr., 13 Richard Powers, Jr., 19 Kathleen M. Regele, 7 Steven F. Riordan, 17 Richard R. Rocks, 7 The Hon. Michael Roewe, 22
Charles T. Sadanaga, 24 Gayle A. (Sinovic) Sammons, 7 Meredith Sayre, 4 Diane (Glavich) Slaten, 26 Robb Slaughter, 12 Judith (Green) Smith, 27 Mary (Sauve) Smith, 7 Michael Smith, 7 Robert C. Smith, 27 Jim Solan †, 29 Mark Sonderen, 35 Valerie Sonderen, 35 Ann C. (Curtis) Strong, 22 Jonas Stutzman, 25 John Swendseid, 32 John Tonani, 13 Dick J. Triesch, 14 Rick Turnbull, 8 Richard Ulring, 28 Dr. James Valentine, Jr., 9 Louetta M. Ventrell Steven Waite, 7 George C. Waldref, 6 Cindy Wall, 33 Curtis G. Wasson, 30 Michael Weaver, 32 Paul Weller, 7 Thomas West, 14 Frankie L. (Gage) White, 16 James A. Wolfrom, 5 Lillian Zadra, 6
Class of 1975 John Aiello, 10 Dennis W. Anderson, 10 John G. Barisone, 24 Ken Baynes, 16 Charles Bean, 17 Fred E. Bevegni, 20 Drew Bodker, 22 Philip S. Brooke III, 17 Daniel Brown, 2 Joni Bundy, 8 Garry Bunke, 4 John R. Burke, 13 Michael J. Burke, 11 Patricia A. (Greany) Burke, 13 Joe Carter, Jr., 19 Cynthia (Burr) Christopher, 25 Thomas Cochran, 20 William Coester, 31 James Craven, 19 Pam (McNally) DeCounter, 26 Lita T. del Rosario-Swanson, 21 Tim Dieringer, 18 Maureen C. Dooney, 20 Arthur T. Dossey, 8 Jerome Dunn, 14
Will Nalls (‘12), Fulbright Scholar
Joseph R. Egan, 27 Mary E. (Evoy) Egan, 27 Mark Erickson, 21 Lawrence Finneran, 22 Sharon A. Fischer, 26 Stephen Fong, 19 Bart Gallant, 42 Norbert Ganska, Jr., 11 Patricia C. Geaudreau, 2 John P. Giesa, 3 Patricia A. Gillis, 18 Richard C. Hanlen, 18 William Harrington III, 19 George Hart, Jr., 6 Gregory Heline Christine M. (Mahoney) Helton, 23 James L. Helton, 23 Gordon F. Hickey, 18 Sandra A. Hickey, 18 Gerald Horne, 17 Carl E. Hueber, 24 Donald Jansen, 22 Larry A. Jelsing, 2 James Jigliotti, 10 Colleen L. (Thomas) Keenan, 12 Susan E. (Marchi) Kellogg, 29 Gary G. Kelly, 15 David D. Kilpatrick, 16 Timothy Knowling, 6 Sheila Lang, 16 Larry Larson, 22 Sherie T. Leadon, 22 Connie (Ruddell) Lipsker, 10 Stephen Llewellyn, 18 Allen Lyden Tim J. Mackin, 21 Timothy Mahoney, 27 Michael Malone, 35 James McDevitt, 13 Edward McReynolds, 30 Paul Murphy, 20 James Nagahiro, 8 Gary O. Nickolaus, 8 Kathleen (Allen) O’Connor, 34 Thomas M. O’Connor, 34 Kathy C. O’Meara-Wyman, 8 Denise K. S. (Pang) Pang-Yee, 7 Bridget (Ryan) Parker, 9 David Parker, 9 Donna (Johnson) Pedersen, 21 Jim Porter, 17 Mary C. (Bowden) Radford, 20 James Reed, 7 Jeff Reed, 21 Mrs. Richard C. Robinson, 13 Bobbie (Bodensteiner) Salina, 17
Kimball Sargeant, 18 Diane Schaub, 8 Paul Sherfey, 23 Scott Simpson, 12 Theresa A. Skok, 16 The Hon. Berkeley Smith, 29 Shephard Smith, 24 Linda (Apple) Solan, 29 Steven Swartley, 23 Dr. Karen M. Taylor, 30 James Tobin, 15 Stephen W. Trefts, 22 Marc Wallace, 23 Carl N. Warring, 15 Robert P. Wiest, 34 The Hon. Donna L. (Kamps) Wilson, 37 Warren Wong, 25 Linda (Lane) Wrenn, 12 Elizabeth Ann (Curry) Wrigglesworth, 35 William J. Wrigglesworth, Jr., 35 Kerry C. Yen, 32 Linda M. Youngs, 14
Class of 1976 Arch Ahern, 11 Matt Andersen, 21 Patrick M. Andreotti, 25 Susan (Atchison) Barisone, 24 Jeanne Barnum, 21 Thomas T. Bassett, 23 David C. Bayley, 32 David Bischoff, 15 Sharon E. Boroski, 8 Debra M. (Anderson) Burke, 11 Joseph F. Cade, 36 Sharon M. (McDonald) Cade, 36 The Hon. Norman Callan, 13 John C. Campion, 18 John K. Caputo, 4 David Carter, 23 Gerard Centioli, 33 David P. Christiansen, 28 Mitchel Cohen, 7 Robert Cooney, 20 Tom G. Cordell, 14 Daniel Corkery, 18 Craig A. Crotteau, 22 Brian Davenport, 8 Joseph A. Deckhut, Esq., 18 Benilda V. Delgado, 15 Greg Devlin, 18 Gary Dmoch, 8 Helen Donigan, 10 Terry Doyle, 14 Allison (Chow) Durkin, 29 John J. Durkin, 29
John Dwyer, Jr., 18 Mark J. Egerman, 26 Mary A. (North) Egerman, 26 Curtis Erickson, 8 Terri (Gililland) Erickson, 8 Richard C. Eymann, 7 Erica Fields, 10 Mary C. (Grush) Fox, 9 Michael C. Fox, 9 Susan (Williams) Garvin, 38 Mark J. Gonia, 26 The Hon. John M. Gray, 7 David Gundlach, 20 Stephen Hall, 14 Deborah G. (Schmeets) Hanlen, 18 Jeffrey Hartnett, 31 Gary Hebl, 31 Tony Higley, 32 Deborah L. (Liddie) Holleran, 31 John W. Holleran, 31 Marian McDonnell Horton, 32 Allen Hunter, 25 The Hon. James P. Hutton, 12 David James, 5 Jane E. (Holm) Jilek, 18 Lee Ann (Nickola) Kelly, 15 Mary (Brajcich) Kunkel, 20 COL Thomas M. Leslie, 14 Marc Lipsker, 19 Stephen Lock, 21 Tom Lucas, 25 The Hon. John P. Luster, 4 George L. Maffeo, 17 George Mastrodonato, 26 Greg McCormack, 26 Laura E. (Richardson) McIver, 26 Robert C. McIver, 26 James McKeon, 10 Christopher Mecca, 22 Jane Marie Morgan, 17 James Morin, 6 Janet M. Mueller, 24 Kathleen Ann Murray, 18 Virginia (Baptiste) Murray, 14 The Hon. Arthur Newton, 4 Michael Nienstedt, 19 Dr. Jodi Heintz Obradovich, 23 Tony Obradovich, 23 Kevin Owens, 8 Stephen Patterson, 34 The Hon. Andrew Pearlstein, 13 Joseph M. Pellicciotti, 31 Mary M. (Olson) Peterson, 24 Kerry Pickett, 11 Virginia Pickett, 10 Steven J. Price, 10 Trina M. Radich, 21
Julie (Bourne) Rehberger, 20 Marsha A. Ripple, 14 Susan M. Roe, 23 Lowell V. Ruen, 30 Hon. Barry E. Ryan, 16 Carmen J. SantaMaria, 17 Nory C. (Cabrera) Sargeant, OSF, 18 Barbara Savage, 19 Dennis Sheehan, 20 Ron Shepherd, 12 Bill Simonson, 20 Teresa (Brown) Simonson, 20 Dr. John W. Staeheli, 34 Paul Stantus, 29 The Hon. Gregory D. Sypolt, 13 Neal Takase, 3 Juan Tenorio, 15 Robert A. Turner, 28 Cheryl Marie Vivian, 22 Ellen Weiss, 9 Vera (Hoene) Werner, 16
Class of 1977 James Andersen, 6 Edward Anson, 12 Elizabeth (Connor) Arrigotti, 24 Tara (Mitchell) Barth, 19 Jodee Bass, 17 Richard Bass, 17 Michael Bauer, 24 Jacke Blair, 17 Allen Brecke, 21 Paul Burns, 10 Carl Butkus, 23 Daniel Byrne, 19 Mark Callen, 8 Patricia M. Cavanaugh, 10 Calvin E. Claughton, 9 William J. Connor, 12 Judith A. Corbin, 32 George A. Critchlow, 16 John Cronin, 10 G. Croswhite, 14 Grace Elaine Crunican, 28 Christopher Damore, 30 Suzanne (English) Damore, 15 Debbie J. Davis, 8 Donald R. Davis, 11 Julio Delgado, 15 Kenneth Devones, Jr., 23 Ralph Dixon, 13 John Donnelly, 12 Thomas Doran, 15 Sherri (Yaeger) Dow, 32 Corinne Dullanty, 4 Christine A. Dunlop, 24 Thomas G. Dunlop, 24
Lawrence Duyck, 22 William Eling, 6 John Erickson, 27 Michael W. Fahlgren, 12 Lester L. Field, 2 Francois Forgette, 17 Jonathan Freed, 4 Deanna J. Fuller, 13 Greg Fuller, 13 Eugene D. George, 32 Kathleen (Roth) George, 32 Colleen M. (Reilly) Gonia, 26 Michael Gossler, 28 Lindon A. Greene, 20 Nancy C. (Carter) Grucky, 21 Edward A. Halloway, 14 Maureen (O’Connell) Halloway, 14 Kathi L. Hand, 25 Wayne Hardesty, 29 Stephen Haskell, 16 Molly K. Hastings, 4 William Hastings, 4 Art Hayashi, 19 Ken Herold, 18 Theresa M. (Freeburg) Hollis, 24 Spencer S. Jilek, 19 Catherine A. Johnston, 18 Bob Kane, Jr., 29 Mary Susan (Heringer) King, 30 Richard Kuhling, 17 J. Michael Liebert, 18 Mary Rose Loeken, 31 Lita B. (Barnett) Luvera, 50 John Lynch, 16 Maureen Lynch, 3 Wesley S. Manaday, 24 MaryAnne (O’Malley) McGowan, 9 Maureen (MacKinnon) McQuarrie, 5 Philip A. Meyers, 6 Robert Micheletti, 23 Barbara Ann (Winston) Miller, 25 Robert D. Miller, Jr., 16 Edward Paul Morse, 5 Gary Norton, 25 Donald O’Neill, 19 Max E. Patterson, 21 Tula M. (Wonnacott) Patterson, 21 Ken Pedersen, 21 Gary Penar, 11 Patricia (Curtis) Pope, 16 Stephen Pope, 16 Michael Quinn, 35 Joseph Reha, O.S.F., 7 Paul Rehberger, 20 Jeffrey Reynolds, 10
YEAR IN REVIEW Former national Poet Laureate Robert Pinsky was among the authors who interacted with students in the 2011-12 Visiting Writers Series. Author Robert Pinsky
Tom Reynolds, 14 The Hon. Gerald Roach, 9 Susan Adams Roberts, 10 Robert M. Rooney, 22 Reed Schifferman, 28 James Selden, 6 Daniel Short Dan Sloughter, 12 Roger Smart, 3 Gregor Smith Skip Smyser, 18 Susan (Snelson) Spiegel, 17 James Spurgetis, 14 Chuck Steilen, 42 Thomas P. Stoeser, 16 Nicholas Streit, 18 Elizabeth A. Strickland, 16 Patrick Sweeney, 8 Leon Swerin, 15 Ty Thorpe, 25 Charles E. Thurig, 3 Jocelyn (Riseborough) Tichenor Wayne Tomei, 15 Joyce Turner, 28 Paul Vogelheim, 22 Renee (Swan) Waite, 7 Terry (Nathaniel) Webb, 15 Clifford Webster, 15 James Weston, 14 Lucinda Whaley, 21 Peter Wilke, 2 Maureen (Reidy) Witt, 25 Cynthia (Diaz) Yen, 32
Class of 1978
William Alderfer, 10 Sharon Lee (McCarthy) Allen, 20 Dianne A. Allert, 8 Lawrence Anderson, 15 John Aspebakken, 26 Jeffrey L. Barth, 19 Rowena L. Batungbacal, 29 Anthony Bawyn, 33 Virginia A. (Cochran) Bell, 28 Brian Bookey, 3 Janet Brougher, 18 Steve Burgess, 9 Pete Craven, 22 Tim Cronin, 23 Mary (Moffitt) Crotteau, 22 Mary Ann (Belus) Cummins, 17 James Deweese, 8 Douglas Dumais, 3 Ruth E. (Roeber) Dumais, 3 Robert Dutton, 10 David Erickson, 8 Bill Etter, 21 Patricia M. Evoy, 25
Billy Fitzgerald, 17 Sue S. Flammia, 28 Victor Forni, 14 Marian L. Fuchs, 11 Kathleen Gale, 10 Allen Gillette, 31 Laura M. (Morgan) Gingrich, 20 Kellie S. (Presta) Gough, 4 Geoffrey Grote, 7 Colleen Guido, 22 Lien Huong Ha, 10 Sherie (Henderson) Hackney, 35 Gregory F. Hamad, 9 Randy Harris, 19 Mark Hartley, 4 Collette M. (Rouleau) Heffner, 23 Tim G. Hennessy, 19 Kirk Hetrick Jennifer (Meys) Higgins, 20 James Horne, 19 The Hon. Dale Isley, 23 Jerome P. Jacobs, 25 Wayne Jenner, 23 Matt Jewell, 20 Jahn L. Johnson, 4 Robert P. Kingsley, 6 Charles J. Kinnunen, 14 Rick Koch, 22 Gregory R. Komp, 14 Linda (Johnson) Komp, 14 Stephen M. Kraft, 16 William Levernier, 20 Howard Levine, 22 Thomas Lies, 14 Kathleen (Moran) Lipsker, 19 John M. Little, 8 Michael Loft, 5 Gerald Lui-Kwan, 8 Kevin Malone, 21 Dr. Sabrina M. Mandich, 24 Charles Marr, 12 Patricia Anne (Naigle) Martin, 30 Shannon M. Marting, 28 Martin J. Marx, 9 Tami McDuffie, 6 Joseph F. McKinnon, 8 Dan McLafferty, 18 Cynthia E. McMullen Dennis O. McMullen Jeanne Medeiros-Williams, 23 Thomas Michels, 17 James H. Miller III, 9 Larry Mitchell, 13 The Hon. Jack Nevin, 13 Kiet Nguyen, 6 Jill A. Nickerson, 18 Teresa O’Keefe, 16
Edward Orizotti, 4 Patricia (Smith) Orizotti, 19 Kirby Pain, 2 Mike Perrizo, 16 Charles Plovanich, 22 Laura L. (Greany) Post, 17 Margaret (Berliner) Powers, 9 Charles N. Pray, 20 Ron Prindle, 8 John M. Redenbaugh, 26 Donald Reed, 9 Diane S. (Schaeffer) Reeves, 32 Jo Reid, 29 Warren Rheaume, 14 Randy Roach, 12 Steven D. Robinson, 18 Mrs. Robert E. Rutherford, 29 Scott Sage, 31 Cosie (Aiona) Sasaki, 3 Curtis Sasaki, 10 Edmund Sheehy, Jr., 26 Richard Singleton II, 21 David Smith, 2 Major Henry J. Stein III, 12 Mary E. (Mengert) Sullivan, 29 Dr. Kevin D. Sweeny, 26 Mary (Geraghty) Talevich, 13 Maria C. (Wolf) Terry, 23 Michael D. Tewksbury, 28 Michele A. Tiesse-Gilb, 28 Dr. Nancy C. Unger, 33 Mathias R. Velasco, 6 Nancy Wainwright, 11 Gregory J. Wall, 15 Bruce Wellings, 21 Marty Wilcox, 15 James Woods, 17 Celeste E. Yen, 20 Robert Young, 19
Class of 1979 Mary C. (Lobdell) Andersen, 6 Matt Anderton, 27 Michael Andrade, 16 William D. Arnold, 22 George Arrigotti, 24 Jon Becker, 8 Sheila L. (Cornish) Bell, 13 Col. Thomas D. Bertrand, 3 Sandra (May) Bieber, 17 Paul W. Brajcich, 27 Dr. Patrick B. Brown, 20 Josh Burrows, 16 BG Joseph Caravalho, Jr., M.D., 24 Frank Cardwell, 2 Marilyn T. (Scanlan) Chastain, 22 Donald Clarke, 23
The Hon. Harold Clarke III, 15 Mary Jo (Kocarnik) Clarke, 23 Marjorie L. Cochran Frett, 12 Richard P. Collins, 6 C. Scott Cregger, 3 Jim Cunneely, 18 Pat Dalton, 22 Kevin Daniels, 32 Howard Daniels-Stock, 6 Glenn Davis, 12 Kurt Dehmer, 25 Daniel Dieckgraeff, 27 Ted Dolle, 29 Abraham B. Dorsman III, 31 Mary K. (Judge) Emmick, 25 Robert Evans, 8 Scott Ewing, 28 Justice Mary Fairhurst, 21 Timothy Fennessy, 17 Richard C. Flamm, 20 Maggie (Becker) Foran, 14 Chris Gavin, 27 Gail Geiger, 18 Kathy M. Georgetti, 29 James R. Guise, 7 James A. Hagglund, 6 Tim Harrington, 25 Bridget (McInerney) Harris, 19 Terry Harris, 13 Mary Rose (Wasson) Hawkins, 15 Mary Kay (Quinn) Hayes, 11 Laurie F. (Folden) Heinz, 3 Rose (Winkler) Herold, 18 Ellen (Holm) Higgins, 9 Stephen J. Higgins, Jr., 9 Frank R. Hoover, 11 Melvin Howry, 12 The Hon. Cynthia Imbrogno, 20 Micki (Grady) Jacobs, 22 Mike Jankovich, 13 Ruth L. Jarvis, 7 Michael M. Joy, 16 Anna Marie (Sangiacomo) Kane, 22 Christine Kaufman, 22 Robert Kayser, 7 Greg Keys, 2 Bruce Kittredge, 13 Greg Kopra, 19 Charles Krahenbuhl, 23 Teresa Langfitt, 24 Kenneth Lebrato, 19 Carol (Stone) Lokey, 13 Robert A. Luettgen, 7 Jennifer (Rudy) Lytle, 17 Brian McDonnell, 23 Daniel McNeal II, 19
Julia (Verhey) McNeal, 19 Robert Milhem, 12 The Hon. Terri-Ann Miller, 9 Rebecca (Garrett) Moak, 27 John Moloney, Jr., 20 Jan R. Montanye, 12 Janis (Jacobs) Nantz, 27 Bob Newstrom, 13 Maureen E. Niland-Stokes, 14 Colleen (Byrne) O’Brien, 5 John S. O’Keeffe, 28 Kathleen M. (Noonan) O’Keeffe, 28 Dianne E. (Lynch) Olsen, 7 James F. Olson, 2 Mike Ormsby, 30 Dr. Donald R. Paugh, 20 Denise (Erdahl) Ploof, 21 Edward H. Ploof, 21 Jim Powers, 14 Susan A. (Garber) Pray, 20 Chris Randall, 9 Jonathan Rascoff, 5 Richard Relyea, 14 Ross Rettenmier, 18 Bill Rieger, 25 John Riley III, 10 Julie Ann Rowland, 19 Sharon A. (Fitzgerald) Sanchez, 15 John Craig Savage, 19 Richard L. Sayre, 29 Dr. Rebecca Seaman, 7 Walter Seaman, 7 Gayla L. (Riggs) Shoemake, PhD, 4 Craig Short, 6 Richard Skalstad, 5 Dr. Christopher C. Staeheli, 15 Doug Strickling, 25 Carol M. Stumpf, 22 Joan (Radich) Sullivan, 10 John J. Sullivan, 10 Robert Swann, 17 Leon Titus III, 19 Leo Trask, 28 Kaihehau K. Uahinui, 10 Paul Vogel, Jr., 10 Ross Wabeke, 11 Jeff Wagner, 16 Margaret M. (O’Meara) Wagner, 16 Mark Weller, 2 Ethel A. White, 6
Thank you for your generous gifts made between June 1, 2011, and May 31, 2012.
Class of 1980 Anne Marie (Kleinheinz) Andersen, 17 Lizabeth A. (Rowland) Anderson, 12 Raemarie C. Arrigotti, 22 James Bamberger II, 11 Ferd Baricevic, Jr., 15 Richard Bartheld, 18 J. Peter Baumgarten, 21 Richard Bechtolt, Jr., 12 Stephanie M. (Farrell) Bechtolt, 12 Bernard L. Beck, Jr., 3 Mark S. Beggs, 23 Susan Sockwell Bendlin, 21 Dr. James Brasch, 23 Jeffrey Chester, 19 Cynthia E. (Richardson) Coleman, 22 Margo (Shrack) Combs, 27 Michael L. Crofts, 14 Kimberly C. (Brickner) Cunningham, 12 Sean Cunningham, 12 Joseph Cusack, Jr. Joseph J. Davey III, 26 Kent W. Day, 6 Mary Ann (Grijalva) DeCosta, 9 Pamela J. DeRusha, 24 Eileen L. (Leonard) Diekemper, 17 James E. Elder, 22 Brian L. Ernst, 12 Loren Etengoff, 5 Gary Farrell, 24 Robert Ferek, 20 Paul D. Ferguson, 6 Dean R. Fink, 11 Dr. Jodi Wardian Funk-Miley, 8 Monica (Harrison) Galeucia, 19 Joe Gonzalez, Esq., 7 Martin Gronberg, 24 Michael Gurian, 7 Katie (Sutton) Hennessy, 19 Mallene A. Herzog, 11 Alfred Heydrich, 16 Christy Higgins, 12 The Hon. Kimberly K. Hornak, 5 Paul Horsmann, 9 Mary Catherine Hughes, 15 Jon Huizinga, 5 Gary Hustad, 20 Bill Hyslop, 23 Steven J. Jager, 27 Bruce Jones, 8 Warren Jones, 12
Leif J. Kehrwald, 17 Rene (Mehlhaff) Kehrwald, 17 LtCol Patrick A. Kelleher, USMC, 20 James W. Knowles, 21 Dennis Konopatzke, 5 Neil Korbas, 14 Kelly Kunsch, 22 Charles W. Langfitt, 24 The Hon. Vincent LeBlon, 14 Linda Leonard, 9 Julie M. Lewicki, 5 Dave Lincoln, 31 Thomas Loran, 7 Stuart Lowe, 10 Michael McCanna, 4 Joan McCarron, 14 Jerome F. McDermott, Jr., 22 Richard A. McDonald, 8 Kevin B. McGoffin, 14 Timothy McGreevey, 29 Kathleen Knapp McKnight, 12 Alexander C. McQuarrie, 14 Marcia M. Meade, 24 Robert Merriman, 21 J. Scott Miller, 16 John Moffitt, 19 Lizbeth (Tomich) Morris, 24 Scott Morris, 24 Marjorie Morris-Ferek, 20 Steve Nantz, 27 Sarah E. (Fields) Nessan, 16 Tom Newbury, 14 Tamera (Grady) Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Hara, 7 Mark A. Ohlstrom, 30 John Olk, 8 Michael R. Osborn, 11 Wendy Osborn Lauri L. (Stark) Overman-Sarff, 21 Jean Parietti, 20 Edward Parry, Jr., 21 Elizabeth A. (McCleave) Patterson, 9 Paulette (George) Peterson, 3 Mary P. (Kraus) Pragovich, 24 Ann Price, 8 Maria A. Ravarino, 13 Greg Razo, 13 Steven Reich, 21 Cindy M. Reopelle, 22 Thomas E. Richardson, 15 Linda Louise Savio, 4 Ivan A. Schertzer, 20 Charles Schumacher, 21 Howard B. Segal, 16
Theresa (Bushnell) Sekac, 8 Mary (Owens) Shanahan, 21 Roberta J. (Schneider) Sobotka, 20 Mark Staples, 3 Karen (Ledesma) Stoeser, 16 Charles M. Stroschein, 2 Cam Sylvester, 7 Steve Taborek, 18 Susan J. Tewksbury, 28 Robert R. Thomas, MPAS, PA-C, 19 Kyra Marie (Knight) Thompson, 27 Thomas A. Thompson, 10 Cathy Torlai, 10 Patrick A. Trudell, 16 Sharon M. (Edwards) Urtaza, 4 Kelly Varnes, 25 Gregory M. Wagner, 5 Bob Walker, 8 Bobby Wallace, 20 Melissa L. (Morrisette) Weller, 7 James V. Woodard, 13 Edward Wren, 12 John Zinkgraf, 9
Class of 1981 Ken Anderson, 24 Walter Ayers, 17 Karen Bard, 10 Marian Beaumier, 6 Cheryl A. Beckett, 10 C.S. Bell, 7 Robert Berlin, 18 Mary Ann Brady, 6 Drew Brooks, 11 Julie J. (Schmitz) Bunsness, 23 John Callahan, 26 Richard Campbell, Jr., 2 Mary (Bollier) Carp, 4 Pete Chase, 8 Kevin Curtis, 12 Robert Curzan, 21 Nancy Daly, 9 Edward Dawson, 10 James Decker Donna M. De Lay, 15 Bob Dellwo, 21 Russell E. DePew, 13 Samuel Di Re, 18 Marion L. (Ross) Dittig, 2 Mary W. Dolliver, 6 David E. Dorn, 17 Timothy M. Dougherty, 24 Marie F. Doyle, 28
Linda A. Duda-Heydrich, 16 Robert Dunn, 6 Nick Durgan, 19 Joseph Dziwura, 24 Barbara Williams Eckert, 26 Pat Egger, 14 Tyna Ek, 15 John Ely, 9 James Fausone, 22 Antonia Fazio, 2 Anne (Riordan) Flaherty, 15 Sharon M. (McMaster) Flynn, 20 Michael Gats, 13 Patricia Gats, 13 Doreen (Konen) Gavin, 27 Bryan Geissler, 9 Gary Gibson, 3 Janice A. Grant, 11 Thomas Griffin, 20 Jean A. Hall, 20 Patty J. (Jones) Halvorson, 10 Gene E. Hamilton, 12 Joseph Harkrader, 25 Todd Harnetiaux, 10 Scott Hatcher, 14 Timothy F. Hatcher, 2 Jerome P. Herak, 26 Vance A. Hilderman, 7 Ed Hilfer, 31 Edward E. Hill, 9 Bruce F. Hunton Jack Jacobs, 27 Mike Janicki, 24 Teresa (Healy) Janssen, 23 Joseph Jones, 11 Carol A. (Burgess) Kelly, 13 Anna Maria (Suveg) Kestell, 4 Edward S. Knaggs, 7 David Kraft, 13 Gary Kunihiro, 19 Terry Leaf, 9 Julie M. (Richardson) Luettgen, 7 Stanford Lum, 29 Paul Mack, 8 Teresa McCallion, 9 Shannon K. (Kelly) McCambridge, 27 Brian McDevitt, 26 Maureen McGuire, 6 Marjorie McKisson, 24 Stephen McLean, 23 Dr. Katherine Ann Mechling, 3 William L. Meyer, 15 Mike Moloney, 17 Terence J. Moloney, 17
Chris Montgomery, 21 John Moritz, 16 Daniel C. Murphy, 11 Doug Nessan, 16 Bryan Nestor, 9 Craig Nichols, 8 James R. Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Brien, Jr., 11 Lynn Oligschlaeger, 13 Frank Pastizzo, 23 Mark Pavlik, 15 Mary E. Pope-Handy, 20 Andrew S. Porter, 13 Claudia (Duffy) Porter, 13 Kevin Potter, 29 Mick Quinlivan, 24 Mike Reilly, 24 Martin O. Riley, Jr., 8 Douglas W. Rohner, 14 Gary R. Ruff, 2 Marianne Sasso, 6 Elizabeth Schaefer, 16 Robert H. Schapler, 4 George Schroeder, 15 Joseph P. Sheppard, 16 Bruce Smith, 8 Thomas Smith, 20 Vesna Tereza Somers, 20 Gerald R. Stahl, 31 Jeffrey R. Steffan, 29 John Strohmaier, 11 Joseph M. Sullivan, 23 Parker (Emmons) Sullivan, 23 Brian A. Thompson, 31 Dr. Diane (Ballard) Timberlake, 27 Jerry Tombari, 23 James Topliff, 15 Anne Tracy, 17 Tom Tracy, 20 James R. Triggs, 9 David Ullman, 9 Robert M. Urban, 14 Patrick J. Walsh, 6 Fr. William M. Watson S.J., 2 Robert S. Weisbeck, 16 Ross White, 10 Linda Marie Wicks, 8 Dr. Richard G. Witter, 27 Cheryl (Nokes) Wolfe, 24 Edward Wolfe, 24 John M. Zanol, 22
YEAR IN REVIEW Theatre arts productions for 2011-12 included “You Can’t Take it With You” by playwrights George S. Kaufman and Moss Hart.
Class of 1982 – 30th Reunion Richard F. Angotti, 20 Joan K. Archer, 8 Heidi (Hanson) Austin, 9 Joann Auvil, 20 Brian Barbour, 10 Mike Becky, 27 Laureen M. (Metzger) Belmont, 4 Rick G. Betts, 9 James Biagi, Jr. Douglas Boe, 27 Jane Boyd-McCracken, 24 Holly Brajcich, 23 Gabriella Brooke, 20 Fred Brown, 13 Paul W. Burbank, 16 Dorothea M. Burke, 15 Margaret R. (Brady) Burwell Harry Calhoun, 7 Theresa M. Campbell, 14 Timothy Cassidy, 13 Rebecca A. Cates, 30 Mary Pat (Theiler) Cheng, 8 The Hon. Ellen (Kalama) K. Clark, 24 Gregory M. Colford, 2 Dennis J. Colleran, 13 Michael F. Connelly, 2 Sheila (Seitz) Connolly, 11 W. Jeff Corrick, 4 Kent Cronquist, 21 Gene Cunneely, 34 Daniel Destito, 11 Kevin Driscoll, 19 John Dudley, 12 Robert Dung, 17 Mark Edwards, 12 The Hon. Tari Eitzen, 21 Roberta (Stuckart) Elder, 22 Mona Ann (Vennect) Fandel, 2 Mark A. Feldhausen, 7 Jeffrey Foxx, 8 John Francis, 2 Stephen French, 16 Dan Gillis, 10 Paul D. Greeley, 25 Rick Hallett, 20 Teri S. (Shira) Hanby, 24 Roberta (Polsky) Hartley, 4 Stacia (Reynolds) Hollar, 13 James Hoogestraat, 4 Lisa (Millison) Janicki, 24 Valerie D. Jolicoeur, 17 Kelly (Whitford) Koenen, 11 Lisa (Haugland) Kraft, 13 Namhan Le, 18
Steve Lentini, 25 The Hon. Jerome Leveque, 30 Mary Jo Leveque, 30 Mary Jill Magri, 24 John M. McBee, 13 Maureen McCarthey, 12 George McInnis, 16 Sandra McKee, 13 Christine M. (Altman) McMurdo, 15 Daniel Mengert, 10 Ray Michaelson, 3 Nancy (Walters) Miller, 4 Randolph Mitchell, 21 Paul Monks, 8 Barbara Morrison, 12 Kathleen (Greenan) Murphy, 23 Mary Anne (Swoyer) Murphy, 24 Shawki Najjar, 2 Barry P.K. Nathaniel, 18 Laura (Kuehl) Nestor Brian C. O’Brien, 10 Thomas O’Dea C. Lee (Ohlsen) Parmenter, 7 Dr. Cassandra Pietrok, 21 Pamela (Pacheco) Piro, 21 James Randall, 9 David Reisenauer, 22 John E. Sage, 22 Christine Sande-Hunton Douglas R. Sanders, 27 James Sangiacomo, 22 Nancy E. (Naigle) Schanze, 15 Jonathan R. Schwarz, 3 Loretta M. Sevier, 11 Catherine M. Shanahan Monks, 10 Michael Shiffer, 6 Marta Shoemaker, 25 Dr. John G. Shudy, Jr., 19 Nora R. (Stack) Simmons, 14 Mary Beth (Morehead) Smaldone, 14 Bernard Sturgulewski, 17 Kirsten (Van Dyke) Taylor, 24 Katie (White) Triggs, 9 Shavaun M. Wadsworth, 29 The Hon. Peter G. Wales, 7 Darcy M. Yen, 13
Class of 1983 Maureen R. (Monks) Albi, 16 Maureen (Hanson) Anderson, 2 Louis Anselmo, 10 Pamela Jane (Hooper) Anselmo, 17 Christine (Vargo) Barnhart, 20 Michael Barnhart, 20 Dr. John Belknap, 11
Cindy (Esser) Bennett, 5 Jeff R. Brown, 9 Janell S. Burke, 23 Dana (Griffin) Burns, 10 Danny Carter Michael Charters, 4 Grace (Ivers) Cier, 27 Steven Claussen, 15 Mark Cowan, 18 William Culbertson, 20 Theresa M. Dolle, 10 Francis Donnelly, 8 Peter A. Erie, 9 Karen M. (Sly) Flynn, 26 Erin K. (Riley) Foster, 8 Bill Frenger, 19 Dale L. Garrett, 16 Renee (Gallagher) Grandinetti, 25 Daniel Thomas Green, 9 Reed Gunlikson Shirley M. (Bjorge) Hanson, 15 Daniel R. Harris, 2 Fr. James Hayes, S.J., 4 Robert J. Hensle, 19 Patrick Herriman, 12 Elizabeth L. Hively, 19 Shirley Holcomb, 8 Thomas Huston, 10 Cynthia (Batungbacal) Jank, 6 Brian K. Johnson, 2 Paul Johnson, 8 Colin Joy, 8 Robert C. Keasal, 21 William M. Kegley, 16 Katie (Murray) Kleeman, 22 Maryann (Taylor) Klustner, 14 Wendy (Brown) Knopp, 13 Thomas Lampson, 10 Lt. Col. Donald R. Langford John Lapke, 26 John Layman, 5 Charles J. Lloyd, 25 Anthony J. Lucarelli, 25 Barbara P. Lynch, 23 Atsumi (Tsukimori) McCauley, 11 The Hon. Daniel J. McGee, 10 Nancy (Wells) McGee, 10 Margaret Ann (Fairhurst) McLane, 36 Carol McMenamy, 6 Kevin D. McQuilkin, 26 Julie A. Mills Mibach, 17 John Middleton, 2 Roberta Miner, 2 Angela R. (Kottre) Moran, 5 The Hon. Maryann Moreno, 10 Joan C. Morningstar, 24
Jed Morris, 6 Matthew Murphy, 23 Mark Musgrove, 11 Maureen Neeley, 21 Lisa J. (Hotchkiss) Nevitt, 10 Sylvia K. Page, 28 Laura Esther Park, 6 Jacqueline K. (Purcell) Pearson, 7 Eileen Brewer Perkins, 8 Carey L. Polich, 11 Molly A. (Lynch) Preston, 15 Timothy A. Reid, 14 Brian Rekofke, 14 The Hon. Thomas O. Rice, 15 Carole Rolando, 16 Mike Roth, 26 Patricia C. Ryan, 19 Jeannie (McDonald) Sangiacomo, 2 Janine A. Sarti, 6 Helen A. (Aspebakken) Scherer, 29 Roger Schlaefer, 5 Lindalou (Cady) Shea, 40 Karen Sonneborn, 20 James Stogsdill, 11 Scott Storey, 5 Paul Storwick, 12 Jerry Sullivan, 17 Patricia (Baker) Sullivan, 17 John Trucco, Jr., 18 Polly E. (Fox) Urban, 14 Eric Westberg, 17 Michelle M. (Durkin) Wetzel, 7 Raye H. Winters, 4 Michael P. Yeend, 21 Steven R. Yentzer, 8 Laura L. Young-Campbell, 19
Class of 1984 Paul Abbott, 11 Joseph Albert, 4 Raelene (Caferro) Albinson, 26 Cheryl I. Aleman, 4 Daniel J. Anderson, 2 The Hon. John Antosz, 15 Ed Aylward, 2 Thomas J. Barbano, Jr., 21 Laynette A. Baron, 17 Mark Benscheidt, 12 Helen Benson, 22 Kenneth Bieber, 17 Charlotte M. (McDonnell) Bosold, 8 John S. Bowers, Jr., 24 Kathleen Brunner, 17 Paul Burglin, 17 Virginia A. (Morris) Calloway, 3
Karen Lee (Zanck) Chuday, 7 Nancy Jo (Erle) Claussen, 15 David Clement, 7 Joan Colleran, 14 Ralph Coston, 5 Ruthie H. Dearing, 7 Karen Darl (Felch) Dorsh, 12 Jack Driscoll, Jr., 13 Kathy Duarte, 24 Kellie D. (Bubb) Durgan, 13 Maureen (Parry) Elia, 5 Michael Elia, 5 Susan A. (Vaughan) English, 7 Brent Fery, 22 Steve Finley, 12 Eileen M. Flaherty, 18 Julie A. Foerster, 18 Calvin Ford, 4 Virginia (Puleo) Franco, 13 Courtney C. (Corrigan) Galgani, 18 Lisa (Desimone) Garrett, 16 Mary F. (O’Neill) Goodwin, 28 Delaine H. (Hess) Gruber, 10 Rebecca (Carter) Guest Gail A. (Reid) Gurian, 7 Michael B. Harrington, 10 Tilman Hasche, 19 Matthew Hegewald, MD, 17 Thomas Hemesath, 9 Douglas Henderson, 2 Peter Herman, 8 James K. Hilger, 4 Sean Hogan, 15 Ann (Ikehara) Holzgang, 11 Lori Marie Hoover, 4 Timothy Howard, 13 Regina (Multari) Johnson, 5 Lynn M. Jones, 8 Amrit K. (Whitlock) Khalsa, 19 Steven Kihara, 2 Kenneth Knox Lori A. (Abraham) Lane, 21 Cecelia (Sabala) Larson, 22 Henry Lu, 12 Timothy J. Lynes, 24 Paul Martin, 7 Troy McCormack, 2 Leonard McDonnell, 12 Michael G. McDonnell, 27 Bryce McPhee, 11 Michael Merritt, 15 Thomas P. Michaels, 14 Sarah S. (Simpson) Moloney, 22 Thomas B. Moloney, 22 Arnie Mondloch, 24 Pierce Murphy, 24 Kathleen A. (Juenemann) Neer, 5
Maura Latty (‘12) playing Penny Sycamore
Kathleen M. (Wilson) Nitta, 3 Jennifer O’Loughlin, 6 Layne D. Owens, 22 Imelda M. Patterson, 30 David Payton, 3 Mark Perry, 18 Maryann (Di Re) Philichi, 15 Gregory Potter, 14 John T. Powers, Jr., 8 Juliette Prince, 10 Anthony Puig, 11 Karen Radella, 19 Jay Rambo, 5 Susan Rauenhorst Turner, 22 Ted Rehwald, 11 Cathleen T. (Conley) Reisenauer, 22 Scott Rhodes, 8 Richard W. Rice, 9 Irene Ringwood, 21 Christine M. Robisch, 14 Dorothy G. Rollins, 9 Stanley Schwartz, 2 Robert Shimane, 19 Stephen Signer, 14 Kathleen A. Skillings-Stewart, 20 Teri L. Stroschein, 26 James R. Sweetser, 2 Paul R. Taylor, 19 John Tessner, 8 Laura (Stepovich) Tramonte, 20 Bill Trudeau, 17 Michele A. (Calley) Vallor, 17 Rudy Vigilia, 8 Mark Walatka, 25 Marcia Walker, 7 Kurt Walsdorf, 14 Gary R. Weber, 22 Anne C. (Koenig) Werth, 16 Steven Wittau, 26 Katharine M. Witter Brindley, 24 Justin Ying, 19
Class of 1985 Thomas Albinson, 26 Shawn Anderson, 8 Laurel A. Andrechak, 9 Raymond Banasik, 13 Helen Anna Beckie, 2 Chris Blas Beverly A. Blott, 13 Elizabeth C. (Osborn) Boileau, 15 Steven B. Boyd, 20 Frank Braun, 6 Robin Briley, 9 Mary-Margaret (Dalton) Burgdorff, 16 Sharon A. (Morgan) Cecil, 6
Keith Champeau, 25 Kelly Cline, 11 David Cochran, 17 Phillip John Collaer, 11 Patricia M. (Hoban) Collins, 21 Michael F. Cooney, 17 Jac Cooper, 17 Michael S. Crews, 12 Richard Cunningham, 5 James K. D’Aboy, 5 Mike De Benedetti, 22 Anne M. Dennis-Choi, 13 Maureen A. Dever-Weisbeck, 16 James Diehl, 13 Joseph M. Doohan, 40 Michael Dunn, 15 Salvatore Faggiano, 9 Doris A. Ferguson, 12 Johnathan A. Ferguson, 12 Jeanne Flohr, 8 Mary K. (LaBrie) Frederick, 17 Chris Gill, 6 Anne E. (Younie) Gillin, 2 Donna M. Goldade, 2 Brian G. Gosline, 27 Dale R. Grant, 12 Charles V. Hall, 8 Dave Hamad, 21 John Hanrahan, 7 Patricia (DuBois) Harris, 24 Sue Harwood, 8 Carol K. Haugen, 7 Dale Heberling, 26 Stacy (Sprout) Herriman, 12 David Holden Gerald P. Hopkins, 6 Darrell Jackson, 13 Jeffrey Jones, 14 Tracey J. (Walsh) Junkermier, 23 Patrick Kerley, 12 Father Patrick Kerst, 15 Clarice F. (Miller) King, 9 John P. King, 9 Jeffrey D. Kotson, 8 Mike Kubani, 9 Beth A. Kunz, 17 Alexander M. Laughlin, 17 William Lawlor, 6 Karen (Schauble) Leaffer, 15 Kimberly A. (Brown) Lindsey, 2 Mark Lorenz, 10 Michael Lynch, 6 Glen MacPhee, 7 Charles E. Maduell, 9 Joanne D. McCandless, 18 Charles M. McCullough, 2 Colleen M. McQuaid, 15
Jamie (Hertz) Miron, 11 Theresa (O’Toole) Mitchell, 21 Tom Mollerus, 15 Rande Muffick, 4 Daniel R. Murphy, 19 Connie Nelson Jean M. (Guerrero) Nelson, 9 Lisa M. Niedermeyer, 11 Jon Nuxoll, 23 Carol (Bauman) Oeljen, 4 James Okins, 4 Jeffrey R. O’Neil, 5 Patrick O’Toole, 13 Patricia Parker, 21 Larry Perkins, 8 Michele M. Quattrin, 12 John Quesnel, 19 Cynthia J. (Joy) Rapp, 4 Christopher Reisenauer, 19 Clara Reisenauer, 19 Jerome Rejman, 3 Jeanne M. Rosenberger, 14 Milton Rowland, 10 Rich Sadler Karen L. Sayre, 29 Mary Kay Schaefers, 24 Robert Schmidt, 2 Don Schoening, 6 Michael Sclafani, 21 Robert Scripko, 3 Robert Seines, 3 Reza Shadmehr, 11 Tanaya L. (Turner) Shadmehr, 11 Susan (Ward) Shoemaker, 23 Maureen E. (Gordon) Shogan, 28 Arleen (Parker) Shrader, 11 Leslie K. (Magryta) Smith, 3 Teresa R. (Ramos) Specht, 15 Lori Kay St. Marie, 12 Craig P. Stephens, 7 Carolyn Z. (Ziel) Sullivan, 9 John Sullivan, 9 Theresa L. (Lampkin) Tamura, 21 Ronald Thomas, 13 John Tombari, 17 Michael F. Tucci, 24 Donald Verfurth, 8 Dave A. Wall, 23 Kathleen (Newell) Wallace, 16 Ann M. (Herriman) Waltier, 23 Anthony Waltier, 23 Kevin P. West, 25 Jason M. Whalen, 17 Jennifer E. Wilson Witt, 11 Roger Witt, 15 Justin T. K. Wong, 3 Bruce W. Worobec, 18
Tanner Sagouspe (’12) playing Paul Sycamore
Robin (O’Neill) Wright, 2 Scott Wuesthoff, 3
Class of 1986 Laura E. (Eggleston) Ackerman, 13 Mark F. Ackerman, 13 Charlotte (Marie) Ash, 2 Michael Barnett, 12 Graydon A. Baucom, 3 James W. Bolwerk, 15 Linda (Hensle) Bowers, 24 Anne E. Brand, 3 James M. Brantingham, 2 Joseph C. Britton, 12 Andrew Cabaccang, 11 Tom Carney, 7 Pete Christensen, 10 Jill (Legel) Christiansen, 14 Scott F. Clark, 1 Jeff Condill, 8 Judith H. Cooke, 8 Kelly Ann (O’Brien) Corah, 8 Robert R. Cossey, 13 Julianne Curtis, 12 Angela L. (Daniels) Davis, 11 Paul Delay, 18 Craig A. Dickson, 8 Robert Downey, 25 Monica J. (Kahrs) Dunlop, 5 Kim T. (Taylor) Dunn, 9 Jeffrey Elekes, 16 Gregory J. Erigero, 20 Donald Fairburn, Jr., 6 William J. Geary, 17 Dale E. Goodwin, 28 Susan M. (Elia) Gosline, 27 Joan C. (Forsberg) Grant, 12 Mark Griffin, 23 Laura Griffith-Rankin, 15 Stephanie G. (Hanford) Groven, 10 Patricia C. Gustaveson, 3 Joseph H. Harrington, 16 Dana Christine Hein Catherine A. (Cara) Hendry, 5 Michael Hendry, 5 C. Hogeboom III, 11 Katie S. Hooper, 9 Timberly Hughes, 11 Gregory Ircink, 11 Patrick Ivers, 2 Marci D. (Hull) Jaman, 25 Philip H. Jesse, 21 Thomas Johns, 2 Meg (Reilly) Judge, 16 Fred Karau, 20 Roxy Kasman, 20 Michael Kawamura, 7 Margaret M. Kearney, 14
Desiree (LaMear) Kellogg, 8 Paul Kelly, 10 Terinda Kay Kerley, 12 Brian K. Kuhta, 21 Douglas Lancaster, 16 Mary E. Landers, 21 Adele Marie Lewis, 2 Jay Lindh, 3 Virginia Lee (Burns) Linwick, 10 Mary (Hildahl) Llewellyn, 18 Kelly (Judge) Lucarelli, 25 Charles Maple, 24 Elizabeth (Walker) Martinez, 9 Marshall Mattingly, 19 Russelle M. (Poirier) Mazulo, 7 Mary (Bucholz) McDougal, 20 Alice J. McNutt Miller, 8 Phyllis Ann Meyer, 2 Jeralyn (Lewis) Mire, 26 Robert O. Modarelli III, 4 Valerie K. Morgan-Krick, 7 Brian Morin, 8 Carol A. (Grell) Morris, 19 Richard Mount, 5 Michael Muirhead, 23 James Nelson, 2 Darryl K. Nitta, 3 Thomas R. Osborn, 5 Steve Ossello, 6 Mary K. O’Toole-Kristensen, 12 Kevin Padon, 16 Ruth A. Page, 3 James Pearson, 20 John Plock, 18 Edward Ratcliffe, 20 Mary K. (Snelson) Richards, 19 Scott A. Richards, 19 Randy Ridgway, 19 Joan M. (Miraglia) Roberts, 22 Mark R. Roberts, 22 Fr. Richard A. Root, 7 Christopher Roth, 19 Dominic Ruffatto, 4 Cheryl M. Sackrider, 9 Jeff Schmitz, 16 Natalie (Carlise) Sharpes, 16 Gregory R. Smith, 9 Steven Soos, 17 Joanne E. Sprague, 9 Gail Johns (Ray) Springer, 4 Robert Sullivan, 8 Theresa Taaffe, 22 Michael Thompson, 19 Timothy Tucci, 12 Craig A. Ungerecht, 13 Michele (Zrodlo) Velasco, 6 Dorothy (Cates) Wagsholm, 25
YEAR IN REVIEW Tim Wise, a national scholar on ”white privilege,“ urged students to discuss issues around race and social justice when he spoke to a packed Globe Room in February. Tim Wise
Cherie A. (Riel) Wall, 23 Christopher Wrolstad, 19 Lisa Marie (Verstraete) Wrolstad, 19
Class of 1987 – 25th Reunion
Delores H. Alexander, 10 Jill (Wing) Armijo, 8 Reed Armijo, 8 Todd D. Bayne, 14 Jane (Ferguson) Belinfante, 10 John A. Bertagnolli, 16 Beth (Collins) Biagi Robert W. Bowers, 16 Sean C. Boyd Sharon M. (Feldman) Bradley, 14 Darice R. Brayton, 17 Mame G. Burns Theresa M. (Schneider) Clark, 21 Shannon (Tierney) Corbett, 3 Rebecca M. Coufal, 6 Claire D. (Vargo) Dempsey, 15 John F. Dempsey, 15 Timothy Donaldson, 14 Alice (Weber) Elekes, 16 Patricia A. Etter, 8 Jeffrey Evans, 11 Julie L. (Bobbett) Evans, 11 Dr. Mary Ann (Henneman) Evans, 11 Brian T. Gabert, 5 Kathleen M. (O’Connor) Gallant, 23 Pierre T. Gallant, 23 Kathryn L. Gerla, 8 Mary Lou Gesuale, 4 Joan (Hughes) Gianotti, 17 John Z. Gibson, 9 Paula L. Haberman, 17 Margaret K. (Kane) Harrington, 16 Elizabeth Heath, 4 Stephen Hensen, 12 Jean Herzog, 36 Michael Herzog, 3 Susan A. (Strain) Herzog, 3 Joel Huppin, 7 William Isgrigg, 8 Donald H. Jans, 16 Anne-Marie (Manglesdorf) Jesse, 21 Marc J. Johnston, 9 Terrance Judge, 16 Charlotte E. (Doogan) Kair, 21 Pamela L. (Frederickson) Kaperick, 10 Karalee L. (Dewey) Keefer, 13 Lawrence D. Keefer, 13 Elizabeth J. (Simonson) Keeler, 2
Kathleen A. Kelly, 11 Richard J. Kendall, 16 Mary P. Kimmel, 7 Jacki (Caferro) Konesky, 19 Christina (Gannon) Kotson, 8 Mark L. Lally, 24 Ellen (Kremer) Lenhart, 17 Michael B. Love, 20 Trudy T. McCoy, 6 Juliana McDermott Laura L. McGrory, 14 Theresa M. McKenzie, 3 Ann Marie McLamb, 5 Catherine E. (Rosa) Mirkin, 25 Ann (Garvin) Modarelli, 4 Donald Morgan, 2 S. Ann (Tillery) Murphy, 19 Kathleen O’Brien, 8 Siobhan M. O’Malley, 7 Margaret Cunningham Orse, 14 Daniel O’Sullivan, 10 Susan (Sramaty) O’Sullivan, 10 Marty O’Toole, 22 Benjamin J. Page, 21 David Parker, 2 Kasturi G. Patel, 4 Jill (Perry) Payton, 3 Debra Peterson, 20 Kurt A. Phillips, 16 Bonnie S. Powers, 8 Robyn L. Pugsley, 3 Timothy Ramsey, 14 Timothy Reardon, 6 Michael Reitcheck, 12 Renee R. Reuther, 16 Patricia Corr Seidensticker, 13 Jeri Self-Merritt, 23 Mike Sharpes, 16 Mary (Milla) Sherrill, 3 Leanne E. (Gonzales) Sipes, 15 Nancy (Longo) Slattery, 9 Christopher Spring, 21 The Hon. Debra L. Stephens, 20 Todd Ungerecht, 6 Dorinda L. Upham, 11 Anne Bridget (Marting) Viola Tom Watts, 6 Jennifer L. (Prince) West, 25 Allison E. (McKay) Williams, 5 Melinda R. Williams, 11 Levi Wylie, 5 Jeffrey Zabinski, 5
Thank you for your generous gifts made between June 1, 2011, and May 31, 2012.
Class of 1988 Aline C. Barrett, 6 Michael Beegle, 13 Ken Bell-Garrison, 9 Maria E. (Herzog) Bertagnolli, 16 Margaret (Bucholz) Birmingham, 7 David G. Blohn, 24 Susan M. (Kocvara) Blohn, 24 John A. Bole, 7 Ann T. (McCartin) Bowers, 16 Constance Jean (Peterson) Brady, 9 Toby L. Brewer, 24 Michelle P. (Pusateri) Britton, 12 Maureen H. Britton-Poole, 7 Randy L. Bronson, 7 Heidi M. (Robbins) Brown, 9 Steven Brown, 8 Greg M. Bui, 5 Craig Charbonneau, 21 Michelle R. (Hardison) Chiaramonte, 2 Philip J. Chiaramonte, 2 Laverna L. Clemens, 14 Fr. Darrin D. Connall, 12 The Hon. Patricia Connolly Walker, 4 Mary Corboy, 16 Mike Delay, 12 Carol M. Dever, 6 Michaele E. Dietzel, 15 Michelle D. DimondSzambelan, 20 Jeff Doering, 11 Dale A. Elmenhurst, 20 Charles Esposito, 10 Bob Finn, 13 Jill D. Gibbon-Kiley, 18 James G. Griffin Karen E. Harwood, 24 Meishelle L. Haverkamp, 10 Jack Heath III, 18 Margaret (Peters) Hughes, 4 Natalie J. Hunter, 22 Mark R. Iverson, 15 Paul G. Kaperick, 10 Joshua John Kelly, 6 Seong-Hoon Kim, 8 Connie L. (Sczenski) Kliewer, 2 Margaret Mary LaBelle-Imhoff, 11 Carrine M. (VanDyke) Leahy, 21 Alisa M. (Mediati) Lydon, 11 Matthew Lydon, 11 Linda K. MacDonell, 4 Shane McClary, 10 Steve Mehaffey, 3 Tim S. Michels, 2 John E. Neirinckx II, 10
Michael Nibarger, 6 Andrell M. (Ryder) Panconi, 11 Tom C. Pivonka, 14 Kim Powers, 3 Mark Prothero, 5 Michelle K. (Daniels) Reitcheck, 12 Nancy J. (MacDonald) Sanford, 19 Karen Senecal Nicholas Senger, 3 Mike K. Sipes, 16 Adrienne E. Smith, 9 Joan Grey Smith, 11 Lura M. Smith, 17 Anne L. (Keller) St. Mary, 15 Robert J. Sterling, 2 Teresa J. (Smatlan) Stoddard, 10 Margaret M. (Weinand) Thomas, 14 Regina Thomas, 13 Timothy D. Trageser, 8 The Hon. Philip Van de Veer, 18 Jon Van Woerkom, 3 Damon Vickers, 10 Michael Walker, 7 Martin Wyckoff, 6 Christopher Young, 16 Michael Zdancewicz, 4 Jeff Zenier, 9 Joan M. Zook, 9
Class of 1989 Keller W. Allen, 11 John M. Altman, 11 Carol A. (Korby) Anderson, 10 Brian J. Baker, 8 Thomas J. Barreras, 5 Kimberly A. (Dickson) Bayley, 15 Michael J. Bayley, 15 Mark Bieter, 10 Brenda Bodeau, 17 Paulita Rosario Lauzon Broderick, 4 Christopher P. Brown, 10 Kate A. (Johns) Brown, 10 Christina M. (Lundgren) Burnaby, 5 Karen R. Byorth, 15 Keith Carpenter, 8 Gregory J. Cazzanigi, 7 Kimberly (Benson) Christiansen, 19 Nancy H. Cochran, 2 Walter Conn, 14 Jeffrey Corbett, 2 Kathleen S. Crowner, 7 Christine L. Culp, 5 Stephanie A. Curran, 7 Shannon M. (Kuster) Davis, 13
Jennifer Deger, 20 Karen deRenne, 5 Gregory Detuerk, 11 Tracy L. (Sloboda) Detuerk, 10 Lucretia Donahue-Reed, 7 Jack DuClos, 4 Erica C. Duke, 5 Mike Earnest, 21 Forrest G. Ehlinger, 11 Molly C. (Malone) Ehlinger, 11 Janet Esposito, 10 Melissa K. (Cameron) Forman, 2 Jeanne M. Freeman-Malubay, 12 Kristi (Kaip) Fuller, 23 Daryl M. Gee, 13 Jennifer M. (Bell) Gee, 19 Chris Gill, 2 Chad G. Goelzer, 22 Dana C. Hackett, 15 Anna J. Jesse, 4 Mildred L. Johnson, 6 Frances Kapp, 3 Shannon M. Kelly Leslie E. Kemper, 11 James R. Kinskey, 8 Jay E. Knapp, 18 Susana M. (Barber) Knapp, 18 Sarah M. (Thomas) Koehler, 16 William Koehler, Jr., 15 Melissa J. (Fisher) Koenig, 6 Amy (Benson) Lofquist, 14 Jean M. Lowry-Goderre, 19 Paul Lukinich, 5 Donald Lyon, 6 Bruce G. MacIntyre, 17 Melinda (Morin) Marsh, 6 Melissa A. Marsh, 3 Gina M. (Hanson) Martin, 14 Toby Martinez, 8 Thayne M. McCulloh, 18 The Hon. Joe McDermott, 13 Dana M. (Reding) McPhee, 9 James McPhee, 9 Stephen K. Meyer, 13 Rebecca I. (Abbate) Morrisroe, 11 Kent Mumma, 5 Molly Campbell Nave, 9 Christopher J. Nettleton, 12 Mary L. (Price) Pauly, 12 Peter Pauly, 12 Sheryl Phillabaum, 14 Sarah Herres (Miller) Powers, 14 Lloyd Reitz, 12 Mary Beth Rennick, 2 David C. Richardson, 12 Debbie Rufener, 21 Peter M. Ruffatto, 17
Shannon (Casey) Scacciotti, 16 Thomas C. Schweifler, 3 Jil C. (Fraley) Scollard, 4 Cheri Sharp, 5 Michele M. Shaw, 2 Richard J. Shinder, 21 Anthony Shouse, 9 Jeri Simmons, 10 Gary Smith, 4 Sandra J. Smith Mark Sole, 19 Marlis Petersen Spawn, 10 Margot J. Stanfield, 27 Meghan L. (Gould) Sterling, 2 Michael Sullivan Carl Sunderman, 3 Fred Tadrowski, 14 Monique L. (McEwen) Templeton, 4 Eric M. Thompson, 10 Sean M. Thompson, 15 Verlie J. Thompson, 7 William Thompson, 4 Jeffrey Turner, 5 Paul A. Verret, 13 Lewis Walde, 23 Gail K. Wallace, 3 David Walters, 23 Katherine (Beaton) Walters, 23 Renee Wass, 15 Therese A. Watson, 6 Mary Sue Wilson, 11 Sandra J. Wolfe, 2 Jessie (McManigal) Wuerst, 8
Class of 1990 Steven Albert, 19 Teresa A. (Beasley) Andersen, 11 Stephen C. Arredondo, 8 Perri Ann Babalis, 16 Anthony Bamonte, 3 Amy D. (Achtenberg) Basche, 6 Gary Michael Beaudry, 3 Laurie A. Bigej, 9 Karen A. Calder, 16 Dan Calles, 2 Gregory S. Carpenter, 2 Lareina A. (Crockett) Carpenter, 2 Heather K. (Jewett) Chen, 5 Mary E. Connolly, 6 Mary D. (Coil) Cooper, 10 Jeff M. Copper, 10 Bradley P. Cossette, 8 Donn K. Cox, 10 Patricia K. Davis, 11 Stanley John Davis, 2 Mark W. Doran, 12 L. Michael Douglas, 9
Ellen M. (Stazel) Doupe-Moras, 5 Heidi M. (Wohlschlegel) Drynan, 13 Thomas A. Drynan, 15 Clinton A. Dubois, 11 Elizabeth (Smith) Dubois, 11 Kathryn M. (Wellman) Elmenhurst, 20 Romy P. (Jundt) Erlandson, 3 Elizabeth M. Essex, 13 Dr. Don Fekete, 13 Kelley M. Flatters, 11 Lori D. (Allen) Fritz, 16 Keith A. Fuller, 23 Cheryl George, 3 Jerald S. Gerard, 4 Elizabeth Ann Gill, 4 Keith Glanzer, 13 Elizabeth Graham, 10 Julie (Raekes) Grewe, MD, 12 Earl D. Hall, 8 Eric Hanson, 7 Heidi (Jeckle) Harrington, 10 Joel P. Hazel, 3 Keith A. Hoffman, 9 Brian J. James, 8 Jill E. (McKenna) James, 8 Jared W. Johnson, 7 Jeff C. Johnson, 4 Tina U. Johnson, 22 Michael T. Jonas, 8 Teresa A. (Davidson) Josten, 17 Robert H. Kellogg Carol L. Kerley, 12 Lisa K. (Stephenson) Klapp, 6 Patrice Kleinheinz, 16 Matthew Komar, 10 Richard Leland, 8 Daniel B. Lewis, 3 R. Patrick Lockard, 4 J. Gregory Lockwood, 4 Craig W. Looney, 6 Michael Luce, 3 Kathleen (Lowry) Lundy, 21 Dia J. (Hadley) Maurer, 13 Glorilyn M. (Kimokeo) Maw, 20 Scott H. Maw, 20 Heidi J. (Baum) McAllister, 11 Mark W. McAllister, 11 Ray E. McGriff, Jr., 16 Scott S. McKay, 14 Richard M. Miailovich, Jr., 16 Curt Mitchke, 13 Susan Montgomery, 21 Michael J. Mulick, 14 Colleen E. O’Connor, 12 Matthew P. O’Donnell, 21 Betty M. Olk, 6
Mark E. Perrier, 3 Corey D. Peterson, 14 Michael Joseph Piccolo Donald J. Porter Holly A. (Thielen) Robinson, 14 Kevin M. Roy, 6 Lance R. Sadler, 7 Holly D. (Porath) Sanders, 18 Brenda A. (Schaeffer) Senger, 3 Joan E.(Onsager) Siegfried, 2 Robert S. Spencer, 6 Amy Still, 18 Jack Stone, 15 Michael D. Stone, 10 Aquila M. (Pitstick) Stoneking Timothy E. Szambelan, 20 Colleen S. (McCambridge) Thompson, 10 Teresa J. Tombari, 13 Timannie J. (Ames) Volland, 8 Bernadette Wagner, 3 Dr. Thomas G. Walsh, 16 David J. Wilson, 8 Michael Winger, 17
Class of 1991 Susan Alexander, 7 Shelley L. Allen, 2 Barbie M. (Ward) Bailey, 10 Joanne M. (Daly) Barber, 7 Richard P. Barber, 7 Cassandra A. BaumannJohnson, 4 Eileen Bell-Garrison, 9 Mary Lou Bentley, 3 David P. Berry, 12 Kim Bishop, 3 Toni K. Blackwell, 4 Andrea Bouchard, 4 Lisa Bradley, 8 Stephen Brezniak, 7 Scott Brockway, 5 Elizabeth N. Bruskotter, 10 Mark A. Bruskotter, 11 T. Bennett Burkemper, Jr., 15 Ina J. Bush, 11 Bill T. Cobb, 9 Kevin Michael Cunningham, 2 Michelle (Halliday) Czech, 12 Leona K. Dater, 3 William E. DeForeest, 13 Kelly (Klosterman) Drathman Jill M. Duffy, 14 The Hon. Lynda C. Eaton, 3 Joyce Esposito, 32 Doris M. Fankhauser, 5 Norman Fiacchi, Jr., 7 Patricia (Bucholz) Fiacchi, 7
Lee C. Firth, 3 Robert R. Fischer, 10 Beth R. Fitterer James J. Fitzgerald, 13 Janet J. Gores, 11 Joseph Gregorwich, 8 Mark A. Gresbrink, 4 Paul M. Gritz, 5 Bardella M. Guthrie, 2 Kirk Hansen, 14 Richard Hermann, 2 Michael C. Hirst, 12 Barbara Hollace, 2 Karen (McLandress) Holland, 7 Susan R. Hoover, 3 James E. Hydzik, 6 Joann B. Iverson, 5 Christine Johnson, 5 John Johnson, 7 Judy K. Kagele-Williams, 4 Jeffrey S. Kavadias, 8 Sean Kelly, 4 Donald B. Kennedy, 11 Donald Kesteven, 6 Colleen M. (Frost) Kinney, 11 James D. Kinney III, 11 Robert N. Kuhta, 17 Greg N. Lahti, 3 Stanley Lakin, 3 Steven M. Lapke, 15 Richard League, 23 Lynne M. LeBret, 16 Margaret M. (Flynn) Mahaffey, 9 Greg Marshall, 20 Dennis R. Martinez John McDowell, 10 David F. McFaul, 14 Sharon Annette McGrane, 4 Michael A. McKeever, 2 Cheryl K. Mockel, 3 Lisa (Nicholls) Mohatt, 17 Patricia B. Morgan, 9 Molly Murphy, 11 Amber Myrick, 8 Penelope Smith Nerup, 4 Ellen A. (Morin) Nessen, 12 James X. O’Brien, 5 Ann T. O’Donnell Neil J. O’Keefe, 8 Trudy (Williams) Orth, 2 Robert Parnell III, 11 Sabrina T. (Finer) Parnell, 11 Mark K. Perko, 8 Kay L. (Koppleman) Peterson, 6 Albert B. Poston Klaire L. (Fulton) Powers, 11 Kelly M. Price, 10
Michael A. Prim Bethany A. (Eiesland) Prince, 9 Greg C. Roberts, 2 Joseph M. Rois, 5 Irving Mark Rosenberg, 8 Sherry D. Rux, 12 Augusto T. Sablan, Jr., 5 Lori M. (Cruz) Sablan, 5 Mary Shanks, 6 Carol (Korb) Sheridan, 7 Richard P. Siekawitch, 16 Elizabeth G. (Herrell) Silverberg, 4 Christopher Standiford, 21 Craig A. Steiner Michele (Kegel) Stewart, 8 Mark T. Strahl, 7 Daniel Summerfeldt, 11 Michel Therrien, 3 Anne E. (Livingston) Thomas, 18 Thatcher Thompson, 20 Paul N. Tranel, 6 Deanna (Cheney) Troxel, 10 Greta Utigard, 4 Kristin L. Walker, 20 Georgina Ward Christine M. (Hohman) Weaver, 12 Jolanta A. Weber, 16 Ted Wellman, 6 Grace Beauchane Whiteaker, 9 Sara Williams, 15 Jack J. Winch, 4 Donald S. Worley, 9 A. Kristine Young, 6
Class of 1992 – 20th Reunion Stacey (Scissons) Adams, 9 Paige Adcock, 3 Fran Maronick Albrecht, 10 Sidney Armstrong, 3 Maureen A. (O’Connor) Arnold, 8 Andrea (Wilson) Arnot, 4 Stephen Arnot, 4 Bryce E. Ault, 7 Stephen Baran, 6 Chris B. Barnes, 10 Tracy A. Bass Diane Baye, 2 Lester Beattie, 3 Gregory Bever, 8 Jan Bissett, 7 Christopher M. Blackburn, 4 Eric Brady, 11 Paul M. Branham, 2 Ann Brown, 20 Pattie (Bettin) Buller, 16 Barry K. Buth, 4 Cristine M. Cashatt, 11
YEAR IN REVIEW The Gonzaga Alumni Mentoring Program produced 82 percent more mentorship matches in 2011-12 than the year before.
Debra J. Clemens, 3 Christine Coers-Mitchell, 4 Gerard Costantian Nienke Crick, 3 Siobhan M. Daly, 11 Erin Willis De Klotz, 14 Stephen J. De Klotz, 14 Nicole Edmunds, 3 Paul V. Essex, 14 Mary Everson, 3 Camille S. (Johnston) Fitzpatrick, 11 James E. Fitzpatrick, 8 Meagan Flynn, 15 Luke Foust, 5 Eric C. Frimodt, 12 Mary Ann Fritchie, 9 Charles A. Gay, 7 Elizabeth (Leendertsen) Giedraitis, 13 James E. Giedraitis, 11 Patricia Grable, 2 Karla M. (Luetkenhaus) Gray, 7 Tiffany M. Greco, 14 Beatrice Harris, Ph.D., 12 Shane M. Hatcher, 8 Jeffrey M. Hawkins, 5 Patricia (Hunter) Hennessey, 13 Kevin Holland, 13 Sabrina K. Jones-Schroeder, 17 Kimberly S. (Drivdahl) Jordan, 17 Lara R. (Mihelich) Kammereck, 9 Daniel L. Keppler, 15 Jennifer Kerley, 8 Betty L. Kiemle, 21 Eric J. Kimball, 7 Michele Ann R. (Reed) King, 18 Kathleen M. Kragelund, 8 Deborah Lahue, 8 Carol M. (Solberg) LaMotte, 14 Matthew F. LaMotte, 10 Charlotte Lamp, 9 Cynthia J. (Popiel) Leaver, 11 Jason Lee, 18 Randall F. Legg, 9 Roseann M. Lemberger, 17 Debora S. Marino, 17 Marilyn J. (Rossi) Mathis, 10 Mark E. Mayeski, 10 Jack W. McBride, 7 Julie A. (Lopach) McCulloh, 16 Nancy A. McKay, 19 Nicole S. (Annis) McKay, 14 Cheryl L. McKee, 3 CherĂŠ (Byrd) McKeirnan, 13 Helen M. McMahon, 9 Catherine Melgard, 6 Mary (Hentges) Miceli, 6
Robert J. Miceli, 4 Gloria Middaugh, 8 Johnston Mitchell, 4 Dale Anne (Severance) Napolsky, 3 Fabian Napolsky, 3 Pamela Nichols, 2 Susan L. Norwood, 21 William D. Nuchols, 2 Sarah R. Parshall, 5 Holger Peller, 10 Paul W. Pennington, 5 Clarence Perry, 7 John Peterson Linda K. Portwood, 2 Jane (Alexander) Ratzer, 13 Robert C. Rich, 12 Jennifer L. (Alia) Roben, 4 Michael Rodeen, 16 Amy Jo (Knapp) Rosson, 21 Robert S. Rosson, 21 Joely K. (Jepson) Round, 21 Ray J. Round, 21 Heidi Ruckwardt, 15 Glenn Russell, 17 Marilyn J. Sanders, 2 Raoul H. Santos, 2 Tyler Schumacher, 14 Anne K. Shaw, 4 Kathy Simmons, 17 Jill Smith, 6 Allison (Florence) Solomon, 11 Julie A. (Haigh) Standiford, 21 Timothy M. Sullivan, Jr., 3 Luying Tan, 6 Carla Rae Teegarden, 10 Jill L. (Bethel) Thompson, 13 Toby W. Tobeck, 6 Mary Towne, 2 William Troxel, 9 Rodney K. Van Alyne, 5 Donald A. Verzani, 14 Patricia L. (Franz) Verzani, 14 Mary Weaver, 11 Susan Werner, 3 Donald Widman, 3 Patricia M. Wilhelm, 2 Dan Wilson, 13 Ann (Chenovick) Winger, 17
Thank you for your generous gifts made between June 1, 2011, and May 31, 2012.
Class of 1993 William C. Abt, 11 Brian J. Adams, 13 Lori J. Arpin, 27 Amy M. (Higgins) Arsenault, 4 Sean D. Bailey, 9 TerryKay Birrer, 16 Brad Boedecker, 20 Kevin P. Brown, 2 Tyson Campbell, 5 Douglas A. Cannon, 2 Cynthia Cappello, 8 James Cappello, 8 Colin A. Caryl, 18 Amy C. (Luck) Clemmons, 3 James Clemmons, Jr., 3 David Crouse, 12 Amra L. (High) Custer, 10 Christopher James Custer, 11 Stacy P. Cyr-Maddigan, 8 Jason S. Denney, 5 William J. Dixon, 10 Ronald Evan Doty, 8 Dennis P. Dougherty, 9 Wendy S. (Campbell) Dougherty, 9 Zachary Wm. Drathman Kimberly A. (Larson) Droppo, 10 Daniel Duffin, 17 Tammy A. Erickson, 16 Brent Farka, 4 Barbara K. (Moran) Flocke, 6 Stacey L. (Stonum) Fott, 7 Blaine G. French, 9 Julie Geiger, 3 Gregory Gores, 9 Anna E. Goss, 8 Stephen Graepel, 4 Maria Griffin, 12 Karrin M. Grutz, 18 Kathryn Habel, 2 Christine Hammond, 2 COL Eric O. Hanson, 3 Susan A. Hart-Anderson, 24 JoAnn Harvey Michele T. (Naccarato) Hastings Tracey E. Hawk, 2 Ann N. (Clark) Heringer, 12 Michele E. (Gedrose) Hodges, 13 Lisa M. Hordemann, 7 Nicole R. Huguenin, 9 Becky Jasper, 6 Trudy Jones, 7 Carole Ann Keane, 6 David J. Keller, 11 Lurene Cachola Kelly, 9 Kathleen I. Kennedy, 6 Denice M. (Dorman) Kienbaum
Erick Kilgren, 4 Patrick Kirby, 12 Maria J. Kruse Eric Kuester, 6 Thomas F. Leonard, 3 Catherine R. (Gonser) Lighty, 2 Terri L. Luce, 9 Rhonda A. (Bodeau) Luiten, 8 Maureen A. Lyden, 15 Gregory Maddigan, 8 Kerstin M. McInnis, 12 Karen I. (Elder) Mefford, 11 Neil Mefford, 11 Andrea J. Mize, 10 Todd Norton, 6 Gwen Nyberg, 10 Kristin M. Omberg, 11 Elizabeth A. (Evans) Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Reilly, 10 David Osenga, 6 Rocio C. (Leon) Peralta, 10 Heidi Perry, 7 Bradley D. Pinney, 9 Jonathan E. Preston, 3 Wanda Gay Quinn, 12 Dac K. Randall, 18 Philip Ratzer, 13 Cynthia Reyes-Methvin, 6 John C. Richardson, 6 Ilona Ringler, 6 Claire M. (Lafargue) Roberts, 3 Steven Roberts, 4 Milena Robison, 14 Stephen D. Rossi, 6 Eric J. Roth, 8 Craig W. Rowitz, 2 Michael Scheel, 9 Suzanne J. (Kozlowski) Siekawitch, 16 Art Skaran, 2 David R. Slocum, 2 Joanne Smatlan, 7 Kelley (Cunningham) Spink, 14 Nicole A. Stewart, 17 Joseph M. Stimatz, 17 Andrea Thabet, 2 Matthew Thompson Therese (Kerns) Thompson Dorothy D. Trimble, 4 Robert Trivitt, 9 Deanna Verret, 3 Deborah Wheeler, 3 Karen L. Wierenga, 4 Jonathan L. Wilson, 7
Class of 1994 James Albus, 5 Shana (Squier) Alles, 7 Amy K. Bahrman, 9 Rich Beaven, 4 William Before, 4 Matthew Bittner Daniel Blood, 8 Alice M. Boyle Shepard, 11 Clark Brekke, 7 Jeffrey A. Brown, 9 Loriann C. (Zent) Brown, 13 Mary H. Cameron, 2 Jason Cutts, 13 Mark E. Day, 4 Rita M. DeMers, 2 Steven D. DePaul Marnie Devlin, 2 Michael J. Doherty, 11 Jasha G. Droppo III, 10 Brent Fales, 5 Marci J. (Anthony) Fankhauser, 7 John Figueiredo, 6 Elizabeth A. (Wood) Fortunato, 12 Aida M. Fraser-Hammer, 14 Sharon R. (Ladenburg) Gelbrich, 15 Travis R. Gelbrich, 15 JoAnn Gibbs, 7 Mary Jo C. Gilbert, 3 Patrick K. Glynn, 13 Geoffrey E. Goss, 11 Kelly (Doyle) Graepel, 3 Daniel E. Greenan, 8 Darcie (Hatcher) Haigwood, 4 Scott Allen Harmer, 5 Carol Hartman, 9 Mike Hogan, 14 Gregg Hohman, 7 Megan L. Isenhower, 18 Megan M. (Burrell) Jensen, 5 Suzanne E. (Black) Johnson, 6 David M. Knutson Paul Kuntz, 10 Brian K. Lane, 2 Heather M. (Balakier) Larson, 9 Robert D. Larson, 9 Brian P. Lawlor, 6 Lynn M. (Arfman) Liedle, 11 Stacy E. Liedle, 11 Brandi (Platt) Lisle, 5 Lori A. Long, 6 Brena M. Lopez, 7 Koleen M. (Kapptie) Lumpkin, 10 Derek Madel Angela G. (Hendricks) Martin, 6 Candice McHugh, 11
Ryan Leong (’05), Bailee Neyland (’08), Dan Wadkins (’05)
Susan M. McMinn, 2 Molly Ann McQueen, 16 Laurel McRae, 7 Lawrence S. Merrifield, Jr., 7 Heather L. (James) Miciak, 11 Ryan J. Miciak, 9 William Moe, 12 Adam C. Munson, 13 Alexis A. Nelson, 3 Mark T. Neupert, 6 Michelle (Havens) Olmstead, 2 The Hon. Marie Palachuk, 7 Barbara L. Palanio Roman Peralta, 7 Jay Phillips, 5 Margaret L. (Dillenburg) Pieper, 7 Tracy Pierce, 11 Christopher Pouley, 7 Julie (Nordeck) Randall, 18 Heather B. (Hosford) Rees, 16 Jason W. Rees, 16 Peter M. Rosman, 9 Melissa M. Sadler, 7 Scott Sevigny, 14 Deborah Shanks, 2 Erika E. Soublet, 12 Scott Spink, 14 Thomas M. Sterling, 4 Carolyn P. Stone, 14 Frank D. Swoboda, 9 Marie E. Toft, 11 Darla B. Truitt, 8 Amy (Botsford) Walker, 19 Edward J. Walker, 2 Todd Weaver, 12 Devin Wickenhagen, 11 Scott Wilburn, 3 Barbara A. Wodynski, 15 Heather M. (Kampp) Wolff, 10 Jason Wolff, 11
Class of 1995 George Ahrend, 3 Douglas Ashbaugh, 10 Heather L. Awbery, 4 Robert Baker, 8 Anthony J. Ball Susan Baran, 9 William K. Barquin, 14 Judith A. Beck, 13 William R. Bieler, 11 Chadwick O. Bogar, 10 Christopher Bormes, 2 Shelley Jo Brooks, 11 Margaret Bruya, 4 Jennifer L. Burdett, 14 Sara L. Burns, 2 Gabrielle E. Butler-Parrish, 10
Kendra L. (Mayo) Cameron, 7 Michael D. Cameron, 6 Debra J. Canaday, 10 Heather J. Carlisle, 6 Thomas Carroll, 11 Eric Cline, 7 Patrick O. Corr, 14 Kathleen A. (Schless) Dacunto, 14 Britt-Marie (Bunch) DeForeest, 14 Sarah (Logan) Denney, 7 Blake Dias Padraic Damien Essex, 10 Jason A. Evers, 10 Salliejo (Poss) Evers, 11 Mary Ellen (Ganley) Ferguson, 10 Craig Forster, 5 Eric C. Franks, 10 Megan T. (Hall) Fricke, 3 Paul J. Gannon, 4 Gregory M. Gath, 14 Marletta Giles-Ward, 5 Sandi L. Gorringe-Viau Stephen T. Graham, 4 Teresa R. Graham, 4 Michelle (Busch) Green, 11 Philip Green, 11 Colin J. Hawkes, 12 Renee M. (Kelln) Hawkes, 12 Lorraine C. Hoffman Mastin, 4 Sean Huberty, 10 Joel Jasperson, 10 Ning Jin, 7 Kassi Kain, 15 Patricia J. (Reich) Kannberg, 6 Brian Kealoha, 11 M. S. Kester John R. Kinney Kate E. (Doherty) Knop, 7 J. Jesse Kohler, 9 Brian Ladenburg, 13 Stephanie (Ellis) Lauritzen, 2 Stacie M. Lewton-Rice, 14 Cole Lindemann, 3 Colleen Little, 9 Peggy Sue (Lorang) Loroz, 14 Ray Lucero, 9 Jodie T. Marks-Dias Elizabeth (Barnum) McIntyre, 8 Kathryn Rae McKinley, 14 Thomas McLaughlin, 13 Yale Metzger Rita G. (Reed) Michalak, 11 Denise M. (dePinna) Mullins, 14 Kevin R. Mullins, 6 Julie A. (Burghart) Murray, 2 James Newman, 16 Andrew Orchard, 4
Marlis Pebles, 11 Tracy (Stroud) Penna, 4 Shawn Peroff, 11 Julia A. Peyton, 8 Jeremy V. Poxleitner, 12 Jennifer K. (Sprute) Proctor, 13 Julie E. (Ward) Ragsdale, 10 Ricardo Raygoza, 12 Michelle A. Raymond Jason Reding, 3 Lisa Rein, 4 Ryan D. Rein, 4 William Richardson, 13 Mary K. Rieckers, 2 Paul A. Rieckers, 2 Lisa Rinaldi, 4 Mary L. (Wilkins) Roberts, 13 Jeremy Robinson, 9 Howard A. Ruddell, 10 Eric Ryan, 15 Roberta Salas, 16 Eric G. Sayer, 2 Katherine Schomer Melinda M. Shortell, 3 Erik E. Simshauser, 8 Kimberly (Charvet) Skok, 6 Shane Devey Smith, 8 Charlie Steinmetz, 12 Lynn E. (Atwood) Steinmetz, 11 Alice A. Stevens, 8 Travis Swenson, 6 Raymond Truant, 3 Mistee R. Verhulp, 5 Lisa A. Verzani, 9 Sarah Walden, 2 Bryan P. Whitaker, 9
Class of 1996 Blake Adolfae, 6 John Allison, 8 Martha A. Arneson, 3 Julian W. Ayer, 4 Stephanie (Kennedy) Ayer, 4 Gerard Ayotte, 2 Dannielle S. (Haraldson) Ball, 3 Melinda K. Baran, 7 Jeffery Barison, 7 Rebecca (Lynde) Bayless, 6 Monica P. Becket, 12 Andrea M. Bertotti Metoyer, 2 Charles Bolen, 4 Kimberly S.T. Bolen, 4 Matthew E. Bollinger, 4 Steven R. Borchers, 11 Bojana (Stojanovich) Bowermon, 3 Jason Bowler, 5 Mary J. Bozman, 13 Maureen A. Branstetter, 9
Professor Molly Pepper
Robert Burnett, 11 Brian C. Burton, 17 Brian Caferro, 3 Laura S. Calderon, 15 Maureen F. (Monahan) Camp, 8 Carolyn (Henke) Campbell, 9 Kathryn M. Canfield-Davis, 11 Joann G. Caputo, 8 Laura M. Carnethon, 2 Myrna Carroll, 8 Jill (Fitterer) Charrier, 2 Margaret Clemons, 3 Casey E. Cleveland, 3 Brandy (Anderson) Conner, 9 Michael Costello, 15 Daniel E. Cronen, 8 Rachel Cummins, 9 Joneil Custodio, 6 David E. Dannels Kristin Davis, 14 Jon Deffenbacher, 7 Ryan E. Dickey, 13 Elizabeth C. Dorsey-Bollinger, 4 Mary S. Duff, 4 Teresa A. (Gilman) Dugger, 2 Daniel Edwards, 6 Kathy Edwards, 8 John Evans, 14 Teresa R. Fiegl, 9 Ann J. (Blackwell) Fleck, 3 Diane L. Frank, 7 Nicole M. (Kavon) Frye, 10 Roger J. Gunderson, 4 Leonard Hagen, 2 Trevor Harang, 7 Michelle M. Hereford, 4 Susan (Hunt) Hibbits, 5 Rose Higgins, 27 Sheri (Loranger) Houck, 13 David P. Huberty, 8 Amy (Balderas) Hudson, 5 Sally M. (Dickson) Hull, 4 Kelly Hyde, 2 Patrick M. Irwin, 3 Greg C. Johnson, 4 Daniel L. Jones, 11 Joel Judy, 12 Christopher Kaisershot, 2 Jennifer (Curran) Kelly, 14 Mary (McDonald) Kerfoot, 4 Thomas P. Kerfoot, 5 Cheryl Kintner, 3 Joseph F. Laubach, 15 Deborah Lillquist, 3 Brian M. Loos, 7 Thomas K. Lopach, 7 Sherri A. (O’Neil) Lynch, 14
Carolyn M. (Chey) Manhart, 7 Heidi Masterson, 3 John Mastin, 4 Leah M. McFarland, 6 Marie Meserve, 4 Patrick J. Bertotti Metoyer, 2 Kevin W. Mickey, 5 Christopher M. Miller, 13 Kristen Montieth, 4 Dean T. Moorehouse, 12 Scott Morgan, 5 Amy M. (Schumacher) Morris, 3 Kevin J. Murphy, 14 Victoria Nelson, 2 David Novick, 6 Claudia M. Nunez-Morgan, 6 David O’Claire, 3 Nancy J. Olson, 7 Chad T. Orebaugh, 5 Tyler J. Oxley, 5 Candace Park, 2 Marty Parola, 11 Tammie L. (Williams) Perreault, 13 Frederick Petersen, 6 Daniel E. Price, 10 Margaret Ransom, 5 Richard J. Rehberger, 5 Sonya A. (Funkhouser) Rocha, 11 Holly Rockwell-Irwin, 3 Karen (Long) Round, 10 Patrick A. Round, 12 Barbra (Anderson) Ryan, 10 Kevin J. Schultz, 13 Jody (Copeland) Shanbour, 4 Richard-Allen Shaw, 8 Matthew Short, 6 Gavin W. Skok, 6 Scott A. Snider, 10 David Sonntag, 14 Delitha Z. Spear, 7 Cara M. (Clark) Spink, 10 Tomson Spink, 10 Dr. Jonathan M. Staben, 4 Mary Ellen (McGuire) Stephens, 10 Robert J. Stephens, 11 David Stimac, 6 John Stine, 2 Mary Tatko, 14 James G. Theus, 3 Timothy C. Thomas, 4 Patrick Van Inwegen, 16 Victoria Van Inwegen, 16 Maria Vassar Laura Vickers, 2 Daniel Vimont, 10 Mandee E. (Madsen) Vimont, 7
Michael Warner, 13 Gina M. Warren-Corcoran, 12 Deborah Weber, 14 Christopher Wood, 5 Todd E. Wood, 10 Darren R. Wurzer, 4 Randall J. Wyrobek, 14
Class of 1997
Christopher Aleshire, 15 The Hon. Rachelle E. Anderson, 4 Andrea Archer, 3 Lee Bailey, 3 Shauna (Osborn) Barison, 8 Christopher J. Barnett, 9 Cindy S. Benson, 13 Andria Borba, 3 Sandra A. Boyd, 7 Chase W. Breckner, 16 James Brooke, 2 Jacqueline M. Brown-Query, 5 Sheila Brunton, 9 Juliana T. (Kendall) Burnett, 11 Jeffrey S. Busch, 8 Laura I. (Paredes) Caferro, 3 Nathaniel Clinton, 14 Michael D. Cogliandro, 2 Joel R. Comfort, 8 Rocky Conner, 4 John O. Cooney, 7 James R. Corollo, 5 Kimberly (Brockbank) Cronen, 13 Matt Crotty, 8 Reagan P. Cunningham, 12 Kathryn M. (Miller) Daggett, 2 Drew Dannels, 14 Camille M. (Turner) De Marco, 8 Marie L. (St. Laurent) Dickey, 13 Amie (Gregori) Durbin, 5 Christopher Durbin, 5 Nicole A. Dyer Foncello, 5 Bradley E. Eayrs, 7 Liberty Ebright, 8 Janet Elder, 2 Megan A. Ellingson, 13 Mary Ely, 7 Erin M. (Meeks) Erickson, 4 George Erickson, 9 John M. Finn, 8 Sascha T. (Elloy) Flanigan, 9 Shaun P. Flanigan, 9 Paula R. Foster, 3 Deborah J. Freeman, 5 Carly Gannon, 5 Wade Gelhausen, 7 Jan (Heberly) Gerl, 4 Joel Graff, 12 Leah M. Graff, 12
Katherine J. Grobe, 11 Penny L. Hamlin, 2 Catherine E. HannityCunningham, 14 Martin Hart, 4 Timothy Hays, 6 Carmen D. Henderson, 3 Brett R. Hendricks, 2 Kelly T. (Meeker) Hinthorn, 4 Nancy L. Hobbs, 5 Linda Hunt, 4 Marianne Z. Iksic, 5 Stephanie F. James, 2 Carole K. Johnston, 2 John E. Johnston, 13 Joshua A. Kaiel, 6 Rebekah J. Kaufman, 11 Doreen (Locher) Keller, 10 Angela (Mink) Korver, 7 Joshua Korver, 7 Heather N. (Peterson) Langley, 5 Adriane D. Leithauser, 2 Ellen Lorenz, 3 David Lott, 9 Dana (Sells) Love, 11 Duane Mackleit Julia Mangan, 4 Damian M. Mathis Sarah E. Mathis Elizabeth Mattes Jordan B. McCabe, 4 Christopher McCarthy, 12 Jane M. McCarville, 8 Bryan W. McLean, 2 Dyan K. Mitsuyama Julia Mitzel, 5 Timothy Morin, 14 Kara M. Moss, 15 Joseph M. Murphy, 6 Amy Nakashima, 3 John M. Nemeth, 13 Jeff Olson, 3 Kenneth J. Perry, 6 Joe Poss, 15 Randy Query, 5 David T. Quigg, 8 Elizabeth Gustorf Regalia, 2 Alana M. (Jelacie) Rehberger, 10 Carol Lynn (Wolfe) Rison, 13 Marnie (Gerding) Rorholm, 11 Paul A. Schlossman, 6 Jay Seifert, 6 Celeste J. Sessions, 4 Matthew B. Smith, 3 Dori Sonntag, 14 Angela Splater, 16 Terri L. Stecher, 3
Gordon R. Stoa, 9 Anna Symkowick-Rose, 9 Sara (Rohrback) Taylor, 8 Heather A. Tomsick, 9 Dr. Peter Tormey, 18 Carie Schwede Weeks, 11 D. J. Wilson, 9 Ryan R. Wilson, 11 Melody L. Wollan, 2 Robin Wood, 7 Vincent C. Yarnot, 6 Mark E. Ziegler
Class of 1998 Theresa M. (Feulner) Anderson, 7 Karyn M. Bennett, 5 Kara E. Benson Stephanie Bonanzino, 10 Anne J. (Cannon) Boroff, 8 Shannon B. Boroff, 7 Paul G. Boyd, 5 Kami K. Brant, 3 Roxane Broadhead, 2 Neal Buckaloo Chelsea C. Bushnell-Olmos, 6 Garrett T. Call, 14 Melissa K. Chilson, 12 Mary Anne Corman, 11 Derek D. Crick, 5 Debbie (Cofield) Curless, 2 Rowena Dagdag-Andaya, 5 David K. Daggett, 2 Sean Dannen, 7 Heidi K. Deffenbacher, 10 Monica (Aguiar) Denison, 10 Louise Ann Desgrosellier, 11 Sonja S. Devaney, 14 Leona R. (Cammon) Doege, 8 Christopher J. Dorrington, 7 Annie M. (Stoeger) Edwards, 7 Christopher A. Edwards, 7 Angela (Koelsch) Fish, 5 Katrina Freeburg, 11 Kevin Gamache, 3 Elena T. Gimenez, 11 Diane Grecco, 4 Erin M. (Wong) Green, 14 Christopher Grothkopp, 5 Carol (Caletti) Gurunathan, 9 Carl R. Hansen, 7 Tricia K. Hart, 3 Morgan J. (Hostetter) Hatcher, 8 Kenneth J. Hydzik, 9 Shane J. Johnson Sophie J. Johnson, 2 Michael E. Johnston, 6 Cheryl Jordan-Aguilera, 14 Amy M. Jordens, 14
Brian Jorgenson, 4 Megan Jorgenson, 6 Sarah (Calkins) Kelly, 7 Anita Kotik, 13 Jill A. (Espy) Krueger, 10 Matthew W. Langley, 4 Douglas J. Larson, 7 Ruth Lauersen, 4 C. Russell Lewis, 5 Jean Elaine (Moretz) Lilja, 6 Steven P. Lodzinski, 11 Shannon Mackay, 2 William B. Marshall, 2 Matthew B. Martin, 9 Traci A. (Thiemann) Martin, 9 Michael Masero, 3 Kevin S. Matthews, 2 Timothy J. McGuire, 6 Donald S. McKenzie Michelle A. (Fromherz) McKenzie, 3 Pamela S. McKinzie-Lewis, 9 Matthew Mellon, 5 M. Theresa (Solis) Metz, 13 Gregory S. Miller, 8 Robert B. Milligan, 3 Angela L. (Peterson) Moffat, 2 Brandy E.D. (Hundhammer) Morella, 7 Erin K. Murray, 13 Sherry Newberry Theresa Petersen, 4 Molly M. (Gryziec) Reding, 8 Anna L. Rolando, 4 Janet H. Rudnick, 13 Christine Scagliotti, 9 Jamie L. Schaefer, 5 Kathleen Schatz, 3 Paula M. Schmitz, 14 Sheri L. (Perko) Scott, 4 Patricia (Watson) Shelley, 6 Melissa M. (Poyant) Simpson, 8 Daniel A. Sjolund, 9 Quinn W. Smith, 4 Julia M. (Reitcheck) Smock, 8 Mark T. Steeves, 5 Tatjana Stojak, 3 John G. Stuppy, 2 Jon C. Sullivan, 7 Lisa Jeanne Sunderman, 5 Jeremy L. Thomas, 13 Laura L. (Norris) Toeckes, 11 Eileen M. Twomey, 11 Jaime D. Vache, 4 Ryan E. Verhulp, 5 Lisa (Barsanti) Wade, 10 Austin P. Walsh, 9 Ian Walton
Jamie (Platt) Watt, 6 Nancy K. Wilimek, 15 Brigette (Livaudais) Yates, 8 Jeremy P. Yates, 8
Class of 1999 Kristy L. Alldredge-Bartlett, 13 Ann O. Alokolaro, 4 Derek Ames, 11 Susan K. (Timm) Ames, 12 Chi L. Ashbaugh, 7 Donna (Elliott) Bach, 13 Helen F. Bakker, 4 Lorena (Lazo-Lopez) Belmontes Steven M. Bennett, 9 Kathleen J. Blair â&#x20AC; , 3 Heather M. Brett, 6 Christopher M. Brooks, 2 Katy J. Bruya, 14 Michele D. (Tran) Burke, 5 Marilyn K. Byers, 2 Richard T. Carpenter, 5 Amelia J. Carter Carol A. Caspillo, 3 Courtney A. Coe, 7 Lewis D. Cooney, 7 Amy (Garrett) Corrado Christopher Corrado Christian Robert Cox Daniel B. Cummins Richard A. Davey, Jr., 4 Annette Davis, 21 Michael J. Dolmage, 8 Jeremy P. Dunn, 2 Melissa J. Eberle, 3 Siobhan (Bell) Ecker, 5 Brenden M. Feist, 6 Christopher D. Frye, 11 Mike Gamache, 7 Scott D. Gambill, 7 Angela (Fish) Geiss, 6 Eric A. Gerst, 6 James S. Gibson, 13 Kirby Green, 4 Michael R. Green, 8 Stacy L. Harrington, 3 Jaime M. Hawk, 2 Amy N. (Jensen) Hawthorne, 7 Jason R. Hawthorne, 7 Lynda C. Hayashi, 3 The Hon. Debra Raye Hayes Alex Hassen Himour, 2 Mercedes M. (Barsotti) Hjorth, 6 Peter J. Hjorth, 7 Lynn P. Hogan, 8 Beth Hoss, 12 Nicole L. (Huie) Hydzik, 6 William Johnson, 11
YEAR IN REVIEW The Comprehensive Leadership Program received a Murdock Charitable Trust grant for $47,000 to support seniors working in leadership roles with CLP, University Ministry and Zambia Gold.
Danielle R. (Dey) Johnston, 13 Kimberly A. Kamel, 2 Paul Q. Kane Donald Kuntz, 3 Jim LaPointe, 8 Gemi L. Larsen, 3 Christopher A. Lees, 2 Lilian N. (Jezik) Marmon, 3 Robert K. Marmon Lisa J. Mason, 9 Kim L. (Knight) Mathis, 12 Marites (Fiesta) McKee, 13 Charles M. Moore, 12 Kari (Leland) Moore, 11 Giuseppe A. Morella, 7 Jerod T. Murata, 4 Mary C. Murphy, 10 Mary F. Nau, 2 Liesl Nebel, 4 Thomas F. Nebel, 6 Michelle Nemeth, 4 Kathryn M. Nowak, 9 Juli M. Pierce, 10 Sarah H. (Gregg) Powell, 11 Thomas W. Price, 9 Kim Rabe, 6 Shelley N. Ripley, 2 Abraham J. Ritter, 8 Bruce C. Rosenoff, 7 Heather L. (Beese) Rosentrater, 2 Alicia J. Ruckwardt, 5 Meghan E. Ryall, 10 Eric James Sachtjen, 9 Sandra (Forsman) Schilling, 6 Rochelle Schultz, 13 Stephanie Serventi, 14 Shauna A. Spellman, 3 Spencer Thomas Stowe, 4 Shannon B. (Stanford) Strahl, 9 Sara J. (Engle) Suksdorf, 7 Shawn P. Taylor, 6 Kyndrin M. (Rowse) Tenny, 5 Don Thomas, 12 Peter O. Tuenge, 12 Christopher Varallo, 2 Victoria Vigil, 5 Laura M. Wagner, 9 Stanley Whittaker Paul M. Williams, 5 Angela K. (Daniel) Wood, 6 Amy N. (Welsch) Young, 14 Shelly J. Zehnder, 4
Thank you for your generous gifts made between June 1, 2011, and May 31, 2012.
Class of 2000 Michael D. Aguilera, 10 Kevin T. Andres, 13 Kristofer Angle, 7 Jenae M. Ball Jedediah W. Barden, 6 Shannon M. (Gilronan) Barnard, 9 Jim Barry, 10 Courtney Beaudoin, 2 Ryan M. Beaudoin, 3 Linda J. Benoit Julia E. Bergner, 6 Charnelle M. Bjelkengren Timothy F. Bow, 7 Lon Brown, 11 Paula J. (Fortier) Campion, 13 Ryan S. Chaquette, 4 Corey T. Christensen, 6 Brent T. Church, 9 James L. Collier, 4 Joshua R. Comfort, 8 Stacie M. (Baumann) Davis, 9 Dominic DeCaro, 10 Christopher D. Downey, 8 Eric J. Edelstein, 3 Maureen English, 3 Alinna L. Figueroa, 6 Christopher T. Fiori, 6 Brendan J. Haddock, 8 Bradley J. Haines, 5 Robin Lynn Haynes, 8 Timothy W. Henderson, 5 Michael F. Higgins, 7 Kristyn M. Ho, 11 Pamela S. Howland, 7 Camisha M. (Pauli) Hughbanks, 11 Lisa A. (Wasinger) Johnson, 12 Matthew L. Kopp, 7 Philip A. Kornachuk, 11 Kristine D. Holmberg Lennemann, 4 Leanne R. Lindsay, 2 Daniel G. Lloyd, 8 Rachel M. Lopez, 9 Barbara M. Loste, 8 Gina M. Maffei Natalie Maiuri, 2 Davene McCoy, 5 Aaron P. McMurray, 2 Jeff S. Miller Thomas P. Moran, 7 Joel A. Morgan, 8 Lindsey R. Morse, 7 Sean M. Mulholland, 8 Teresa (Specht) Mulholland, 8 Nancy Nadolski, 4 Michael B. Nilson, 5
Rian Oliver, 10 Wes D. Oliver, 10 Eric M. Pedersen, 4 Herbert C. Portillo, 6 Benjamin Powell, 8 Erin C. (Fitzpatrick) Price, 5 Janice Ramirez Jeffery L. Ramirez Marcus M. Riccelli, 7 Chris Richard, 12 Jill E. (Phillips) Richard, 12 Rikki E. (Opheikens) Roden, 7 Kirsten L. (Horrobin) Ruchaber, 5 Sondra K. Ruckwardt, 12 Beau Ruff, 5 Elizabeth A. Sjolund, 5 Steven E. Smith, Jr, 8 Lisa M. Smythe-Rodino, 2 Anthony R. Splater, 10 Stacey A. St. Marie, 11 Holly M. (Kraemer) Stewart, 11 Jean-Marie Swatzell, 2 Samuel M. Tenny, 5 Katheryn J. (Fanning) Walker, 4 Molly J. Weaver, 5 Steven P. Wee, 9 Paul D. Williams, 4 Timothy A. Zacharias Zhixiong Zhong, 2
Class of 2001 Meghan S. Anderson, 9 Jacob-Lee W. Baker, 9 Kellie (Leaf) Barden, 6 Caroline E. Barlow Andrea Belforti Stacy A. Bjordahl, 8 Eileen A. Bow, 7 Casey J. Brischle, 6 Paul Brown, 8 John G. Bunch, 2 Lisa M. Burke, 5 David E. Campion, 6 Janelle M. Carman Kathleen Carpenter, 7 Brigit M. Ciccarello, 7 Dr. Dominick J. Curalli, 3 Claudia J. Davis, 12 Sandra L. Dehle, 10 Fianna M. Dickson, 9 Amanda E. (Gerding) Doyle, 3 Michael J. Doyle, 2 Clifford P. Duke, 3 Elizabeth E. Ehrhart Sarah E. Ellingson, 2 Damian P. FitzRoy, 9 Sheri K. Fitzthum, 4 Patti Jo Foster
Clare (Pedersen) Fowler Benjamin T. Freeburg, 8 Daniel J. Galligan, 12 Bill Gollhofer, 2 Johanna T. Gomez, 2 Jim R. Harris, 9 William T. Hart III, 3 Marisa L. Hastie, 7 Jared W. Hertz, 11 Kara M. (Svennungsen) Hertz, 8 Aaron D. Hill, 9 Erin M. (Helton) Hulbert, 2 Peter R. Hulbert Ryan Hutcherson, 3 Nathan Jeffries, 8 Cynthia A. John, 10 Alicia (Gilb) Johnson, 6 Trevor L. Johnson, 3 Nicholas R. Knapton, 11 Daniel E. Kolbet, 3 Tana D. Kornachuk, 8 Travis S. Lamb, 10 Karen LaPointe, 16 Lani LaRock, 3 Justin B. Lee, 5 Amber M. Lewandowski, 4 Jeffrey Lliteras, 6 Andrew Lockwood, 8 Kathryn (Harris) Lockwood, 8 Kyle McCoy, 4 Casey J. McNellis, 9 Gary R. McSwain, 4 Tena J. Merkel Baker, 9 Darlene R. Mitchell-Cowdery, 10 Amy E. Moran, 4 Jon Morris, 6 Megan K. Murphy, 5 Rhiannon L. (Fabian) Nilson, 5 Scott O’Brien, 9 Debra A. O’Keeffe Christopher O’Neil, 8 Jason S. Pankow, 6 Melody Peters, 11 Scott R. Peters, 3 Jeremy M. Peterson, 4 Michael R. Peterson Sherri L. Peterson, 5 Siobhan (McDonald) Piechowski, 5 Jennifer R. Porto, 8 Amy S. (Crismon) Rainis, 7 Amanda (Rouleau) Rowe, 2 Angela Schenck Ruff, 8 Mac Ryerse, 9 Melissa Sanders, 5 Ramona M. Sanderson-Burglin, 9 Barrett Jonas Scudder, 9
Christine M. Simon, 2 Jonathan Skirko, MD, 5 Joseph P. Smith, 7 Robert L. Sokol, 4 Bradley S. Stark George Stathakis Jennifer Stomberg, 3 Rachel A. Svenson, 6 Michelle M. (Smith) Thomsen, 5 Vicki M. (Ibasco) Tiffany, 5 Veronica L. Valdez, 10 Andrea (Soth) Vandehey, 7 Geana M. Van Dessel, 4 Ryan G. Wade, 11 Holly M. Winter Duke, 3 Catherine M. (Mioni) Wood, 3 Judy S. Wood, 9
Class of 2002 – 10th Reunion Melanie C. Ball, 3 Shonna Bartlett, 7 Jason Bay, 4 Tony Bonanzino, 17 Jennifer (Belyeu) Brayko, 7 Edward J. Bruya, 7 Nicholas Byrd, 2 Sara MacMillan Cantrick, 2 Matthew S. Cox, 6 Kate Lesley Cushman, 4 S. Gail (McCann) Dede, 5 Nancy Durell, 3 Ezra A. Eckhardt, 2 Johnathan J. Evans, 5 Elizabeth (Keaney) Glein, 8 Stephen R. Hansen, 3 Joseph Tokimaru G. Harper, 4 Megan (Sandberg) Hazel, 4 Nick Hazel, 6 Jose M. Hernandez, 3 Kelly Herron, 4 Mark S. Hewitt, 3 Denise (Joyce) Howard Sam Howard Todd Hughes Daniel L. Hulsizer, 4 Adam Innes, 4 Ryan G. Jacobson, 7 Michael J. Kapaun, 4 Christene (Poeller) Klimek, 3 Chad Lochmiller, 5 Hilary A. Lott, 3 John L. Lufkin, 2 Matthew J. Malinowski, 9 Brady C. McDonald, 7 Barbara McGann, 10 Ashley C. Mooney, 3 Brian Munhall, 5
YEAR IN REVIEW The Diversity Monologues, an evening of poetry, stories and comment on students’ experience with diversity, was organized for the second year by the Unity Multicultural Education Center. The event drew more than 250 attendees. Diversity Monologues
Tyley R. Nelson, 3 Sean B. O’Connor, 5 Joel M. Pearl, 2 Brian D. Pelatt, 5 Kristine (Engel) Pelatt, 4 Mario E. Puccinelli, 6 Mark A. Puetz, 4 Jennifer Pursley, 10 Ronald M. Rae, 3 Samuel J. Reed, 6 Dwight P. Remick, 13 April A. Rettkowski Nicholas Richard, 4 Ashley A. Richards Cerra V. Sand, 6 Megan (Gish) Sarvela, 2 Andrew M. Schmitt, 2 Miranda Ehret Schmitt Mark S. Schwarz, 3 Julia (Ruiz) Selfridge, 7 Katherine Sherrick, 23 Paul A. Slaney Ann C. (Carlson) Smith, 6 Christy Smith, 4 Jared D. Smith, 2 Elizabeth A. Super, 3 Kyle Swenson, 2 Brent J. Thibault, 4 Neil Tocher, 8 Nora Totonchy Sheils, 3 Tricia (Boyer) Tydeman, 7 Mary E. Vancura, 6 Rita A. Waldref, 6 Daniel dH. Wessman, 5 Missy (Carstens) Wessman, 7 Daniel L. White, Jr. Benjamin M. Williamson, 3 Paul Wolfe, 7 Stanford Wyatt III, 5 Brent J. Yamamoto, 2
Class of 2003
Martin A. Anderson, 3 Anna (Greulich) Asarch, 2 Shannon Badgett, 5 Kristine (Goodhue) Bauer Kristen (Beaulaurier) Bay, 4 Mark A. Beattie, 4 Nina Beegle, 13 Michael A. Bjordahl, 12 Marie (Ratliff) Bolstad, 5 Theda I. Bordner, 2 Sean P. Boutz, 8 Matthew R. Brayko, 6 Linda J. Bridger, 3 Christine M. (Hertz) Brischle, 6 Dana S. Broderson, 5 Heather M. Carlson, 4
Ginger C. Carpenter, 4 Katherine Ann Cashman, 8 Margaret Sullivan Chambers, 3 Peter L. Chown Sarah Berl Clifford, 3 Jacinta Elena (Caballero) Connall, 10 Vicki Craigen, 9 Roger J. Cramer, 10 Merrilee Curalli, 3 Timothy G. Curtis, 8 Christina M. (Rooney) Deasy, 7 Gregory Francis Dorrington, 8 Jessica Beran Dorrington, 8 Ryan Oliver Erickson, 7 Clifford N. Evans, 2 Danny P. Evans, 6 Kellie Evans, 3 Kate Fatta, 5 David M. Fineran, 7 Elizabeth B. Fineran, 6 Bridget E. Ford Jennifer M. Forsman, 4 David R. Foster, 5 Jennifer (Byrd) Gallagher, 8 Joshua G. Gana, 5 Zugey V. Garcia Julianne R. Gehlen, 7 Mirna Gerges Brieanne S. Gershick, 3 Thomas Gleason, 7 Heather Gores, 8 Lauren M. Grant, 6 Adam Y. Grisanti, 5 Theresa Gumataotao Rojas, 2 Susan Hales, 10 Reid W. Hay, 3 Matthew Hedman Joshua J. Herrin, 9 Haylie E. Hewitt, 4 Elizabeth Hintz Matthew Hoag, 3 Anne (Suminski) Holt, 6 David A. Holt, 7 Marissa K. Hood, 2 Nathaniel Hopper, 7 Bradley J. Hughes, 9 Heather N. Jackson, 5 Michael J. Jackson, 5 David M. Johnson, 6 LaVonne L. Johnson, 4 Tana Marie (Small) Joslin, 9 Andrew P. Kalapaca, 2 James Leo Kelley IV, 7 Sarah M. Lenneman, 7 Heather Schrag Librande, 3 Raymond Loyola, 9
Anne Luce Brooke A. Marshall, 4 Kimberly W. Martin, 2 M. Stasha Behring McBride Michael P. McCarthy, 7 Megan Marie McDermott, 5 Ian C. McDonald, 2 Mary Katherine McNair, 5 Sara E. McNellis, 5 Kammi L. Mencke Smith, 8 Keith A. Michels, 7 Theresa Miller, 10 Becky Milligan Evans, 5 Caroline E. Milne, 3 Courtney E. (Coughlin) Misterek, 7 Genevieve (Mann) Morris, 4 Crystal L. Musselman, 2 Marvin Nelson, 11 Breah Niemiec, 4 Natalie A. Nordhagen Audrey N. Nutt, 5 Charles F. O’Brien, 10 Jinny M. Piskel, 5 Megan Jagelski Poss, 7 Sandra S. Puckett, 3 Connor W. Quinn, 5 Neale C. Rasmussen David Robinson, 6 Larissa Robinson, 7 Jennifer Sachtjen, 7 Craig Schaefer, 7 Andrew A. Schillinger Christopher P. Schlueter, 6 Margaret F. Schott, 6 Kimberly Ann Sheehy, 8 Dr. Brian Shute, 3 Brandi D. Wildfang Simmons, 3 Andie (Hanson) Slonecker, 7 Stacey (Taam) Spohr, 5 Peter M. Sterk, 5 Brady L. Strahl, 10 Owen Edward Strecker IV, 2 Nathaniel I. Sukolsky, 3 Brooke E. Sullivan, 6 Matthew J. Sullivan, 5 Matthew Teske, 7 Brian J. Thompson, 8 Jordan J. Turel, 3 Nicolas V. Vieth David M. Wakeman, 5 James M. Wallrabenstein, 3 Carlene E. (Bobbe) Wells, 9 Charles S. Wells, 6 Megan L. Westbrook, 9 Michelle E. Westerberg Kenon Willis, 6 Melissa Wood, 5
Erin (Barrett) Yount, 6 Jennifer L. Zelko-Schlueter, 7 Molly Helen Ziegler, 7
Class of 2004 David D. Anthony, 6 Kelly Axt, 5 Helena Julia Baldasty Elizabeth A. Berg, 4 Brent Bero David Bingaman, 2 Colleen (Miller) Bolling, 2 Megan (Marson) Botulinski, 6 Marshall Bratton, 5 Keith W. Brewer, 6 Kim-Ann Briamonte, 2 Danielle C. Cendejas, 5 James L. Cooney, 9 Valerie A. Dawidczik, 2 Kathleen M. DeWilde, 7 Kelly M. Drew, 5 Kimberly Erickson, 6 Kristen L. Flemer, 4 Peter Fonfara, 4 Anni L. Foster, 5 Carlahn M. Gayda, 3 Allison S. (Tuszynski) Gillis, 5 Keith R. Granberry, 3 Jenn Gray, 7 Laura D. Hahn, 4 Amanda Hanson, 4 Dennis Harrington, 10 Katherine Healy, 2 Thomas M. Highfill, 5 Cara (Gish) Hoag, 5 Michelle (Eppich) Hood, 3 Randall L. Johanson, 7 Ryan M. Judah, 3 Tracy Keniston, 6 Vickie M. Kennedy, 4 Jeffrey Kiely, 8 Michael T. Kleps Brian N. Klos, 8 Cathleen M. Knutson, 7 Erika I. (Westerlind) Krumbeck Brooke C. Kuhl, 6 Michael T. Lauber, 4 Rudolph Lauth, 5 Jamie L. (Crawford) Lindemann, 3 April Linscott Lois Locey, 5 Susan K. MacLellan Kyle A. Malloy, 6 Gonzalo Martinez, 4 Cherita McFrazier, 6 Kevin J. McKenna, 6 Michael P. Meissel Sarah R. (Sharp) Meissel, 2
Ashley S. Miller, 2 Daniel P. Morris, 3 Monica T. (Corrigan) Morris, 8 Jennifer J. Motes, 7 Jennifer L. Neeley, 2 Joyce M. Nuxoll, 24 Michael Padraic O’Keefe, 4 James D. Owens, 3 Christine M. Park, 5 Michael J. Pellicciotti, 8 Megan K. Pickens, 5 Kelli M. Piper, 6 Jason T. Piskel, 5 Garrett Poshusta, 3 Shelby M. (Ratto) Reed, 6 Jade Rex, 3 Mark Rosauer, 5 Gretchen Russo, 3 Courtney Serpa, 9 Tiffany M. Skidmore Blake Slonecker, 7 Seong-Cheol Son, 2 Matthew St. John, 3 Brandon Stanley, 8 John D. Stewart, Jr., 3 Caitlin M. (Bond) Svendsen, 3 Lauren (Carlson) Tassos Marlene Tocher, 3 Victoria J. Traylor, 3 Ross Treleven, 4 T.C. Truesdell, 4 Randell Vansant, 3 Mark Voorhees, 6 Dayton A. Whitfield, 5 Kali E. Wicks, 6 Karen J. Wilson, 5 Kelsey (Posedel) Wilson, 9 Marielee R. Wolfe, 3 Molly Young William A. Yount, 6 Scott B. Yuska, 3 Adolf V. Zeman, 3
Class of 2005 Valeri Adolph, 6 Jeffrey Ahern, 3 Katrina (Saxby) Alexander Nick Alexander, 2 Andrea Anthony, 6 Thomas Arnold, 15 Paul Ash, 3 Brian D. Babb, 5 Maria J. Barnes, 5 Brian J. Bean, 2 Rowena M. Beaudry, 5 Andrew Behrens, 3 Abra L. Belke Paul K. Belknap, 4
YAPC Matthew A. Bergman, 2 David Berry, 4 Jessica L. Berry, 2 Ron J. Blackmer, 2 Kimberly Brewer, 9 Melanie R. Brown, 2 Andy Caley, 4 Courtney Carlsen, 3 Colin L. Charbonneau, 2 Georganna Clifford, 8 Kathryn B. Codd, 3 Jaime N. Crocker, 6 Michael R. Danitz, 2 Shannon T. (Iaci) Danitz, 2 Daniele K. Daugherty, 7 Christina Davis, 4 Deborah Davis, 2 Jacki M. Davis, 5 John B. DeBenedetti, 4 Steven W. Derrig, 6 Adrean Dills, 5 Ashlee (Christianson) Dollar, 2 Alice E. Dupler John A. Edwards, 3 Gregory M. Feeney, 5 Emily Feicht, 5 Erick Fitzpatrick Benjamin Foley, 5 Greg F. Francis Brandy (Edgell) Galloway, 3 Theresa B. Gee, 6 Jesse Goldsmith, 3 Rachel Green, 3 Johnathon Gross, 3 Keri Gross, 2 Jeremy J. Gugino, 4 Douglas J. Haffie, 4 Elizabeth Haley, 4 Heidi Marie Hanson, 6 Natalie Hardin, 3 Ted A. Hastings, 3 Melissa Heid, 7 Brianna Hennessy, 6 Nathan W. Henry, 3 Brad E. Herr, 10 Heidi M. Honnen Jennifer L. Hudson, 3 Robyn C. (Smith) Itule, 5 William Itule III, 7 Courtney B. (Goche) Janicki, 5 Jordan Janicki, 6 Jenifer Jewkes Katherine D. Jochim, 2 Laura Jones, 7 Janelle L. Jordan, 2 Marie D. Kagie-Shutey, 3 Megan Kalvass
Andrea J. (Smith) Kane Sean D. Kane Megan (Mittelstaedt) Kapaun, 5 Rob Kavon, 10 Zakary A. Kessler, 9 Virginia W. Kirk, 4 Troy L. Knudsen Andrew Koehnke, 3 Bea L. Koempel-Thomas, 7 Brendan B. Kolding, 6 Matthew Larkin, 4 Dustin T. Lee, 2 Christopher Leinweber, 8 Farron D. Lennon Ryan Leong, 7 Katherine A. Longinotti Katie E. Malloy, 6 Angela N. Marshlain, 3 Ashley N. (Thayer) Martin, 6 Heather A. McDowell, 4 Susan M. McMullen, 2 Ryan R. McNeice Katharine L. McPherson, 3 Jonathan Meyer, 2 Robert Mitchell, 2 Sarah LaRiviere Moran, 7 Gillian L. Murphy, 3 Mark D. Murphy, 2 Kerrie Nollette, 5 Sean Nollette, 5 Christopher J. Novick, 2 Mara Oblak, 5 Karen O’Hagan, 8 Ellen Peters, 8 Jess Peterson, 3 Jeffrey S. Pollock, 6 Nathan A. Quick Charles G. Reed, Jr Joel P. Reed, 4 Anthony J. Rehberger, 5 Larry M. Renteria, 2 Riley J. Rettenmier, 2 Kevin Richardson, 2 Jeffrey Rigby, 6 Dean M. Robbins, 5 Megan A. Sandbothe, 4 Paul W. Schafer, 6 Cynthia A. Schurter, 5 Dustin I. Selfridge Anna (Klimas) Shea, 2 Travis J. Shea Talina Skirko, 5 Michele Slider, 2 Laurie Slonecker, 7 Jamie C. (Steppan) Soderquist, 2 Adria (Brieske) Stanley, 2 Gail Stevenson, 8
2012 Young Alumni President’s Council Gonzaga’s distinguished leadership giving society for graduates of the last ten years. Angela L. Allen Katelyn R. Arnett Paul Ash Katherine L. Atkins John J. Barnard Connor Barry Jason and Kristen (Beaulaurier) Bay Rowena M. Beaudry Nicole D. Bernabe Michael E. Bestrom Douglas G. Bielemeier Brian C. Brajcich Marshall Bratton James E. Bronder Paul and Stephanie Brown Miles H. Bullock Joshua Burright and Melisa Ziegler John B. Butterfield Peter T. Cangany III Ryan Chrzan Charlie Cobb Ellen D. Connolly James L. Cooney Michael and Shannon (Iaci) Danitz Andrew R. Danner Jacki M. Davis Lauren Dolezal John P. Dorsey Dustin Duvanich Sharon Eng Danny and Kellie (Buller) Evans Madison R. Feddersen Haley E. Ferguson Sean M. Finerty Justin V. Fletcher Peter Fonfara Kevin P. Frame Elise J. Fraser Nicholas T. Gardner Matthew S. Glaze Thomas Gleason Sierra H. Golden Michael J. Gonia Kevin Andrew Grainey Megan E. Gregorich Kristina D. Grotts Michael M. Gutesha, Jr. William J. Haas Michael Hansen
Brandon T. Harmon Sarah Henriksen David Hinshaw Robert and Amanda (Ruen) Holland David and Anne (Suminski) Holt Angela Honzik Katjarina Horwitz Sam and Jaylene (Joyce) Howard Christopher M. Hughes David M. Hughes Robert Janicki AliMichael Jones Devin and Tana Marie (Small) Joslin Michael W. Kelsey Matthew J. Kenneally Kelly Ketchum Jeffrey Kiely Andrew and Allison (Cartmell) Koehnke Jason and Erika (Westerlind) Krumbeck David A. Lantz Michael A. Lavrisha Gabrielle A. Lemieux Katherine Little Whitney J. Lohman Max R. Magee Matthew Malinowski Gregory J. Malman Dana E. Mannino Allyssa M. Massengale Mairin McCarthey Brendan McCarthy Scott McCoy Kelsey C. McKay Casey and Sara (Larson) McNellis Stephanie K. Meehan Jared M. Meskimen Ellen R. Mezzera Jessica Michaels Justine M. Mings Jose G. Montesinos, Jr. Alexander W. Moore Jessica C. Moore Jon and Monica (Corrigan) Morris Joshua A. Neblett Sarah (Wollnick) Neblett Bailee Neyland Charles F. O’Brien Erin M. O’Loughlin Michael Ortman Erica Overfield
Valerie M. Ovitt Christina Parker Kristen Paul Joel and Karen Pearl Mr. Matthew Pollard Joe and Megan Poss Andrew J. Purpura Michael Rafferty Samuel and Shelby (Ratto) Reed Larry M. Renteria Kevin Richardson and Heidi Honnen Jeffrey Rigby Justin O. Roberts Adam and Amanda (Rouleau) Rowe Christopher Ruckel Christopher M. Rutledge Nicholas Timothy Salisbury Ms. Grace Scarella Ryan C. Schademan Paul W. Schafer Andrea J. Schmidt Benjamin H. Schwarz Joshua M. Seaman Rodney A. Shero Robert W. Smee III Alexandra Jacquelyn Smith Bridget (Anderson) Smith Lange T. Solberg Timothy Robert Staples Kyle D. Stevenson Brady L. Strahl Chris M. Sturdivant Matthew and Brooke Sullivan Garrett D. Swanburg Brian and Lacie Thompson Mara K. Timberlake Susanne R. Towill Anthony M. Traver Alfred H. Treleven IV Joshua D. Truax Mark G. Voorhees Markus and Lacey Weickenmeier Charles and Carlene (Bobbe) Wells Matthew White Andrew D. Wiley Brett Withers Steve and Tamela Woodard Jamie Wopschall Darrin Wright Lauren E. Wyckoff Simon P. Zachary
With the holidays just around the corner, don’t forget about making your gift to Gonzaga University. Only gifts made by December 31 can help reduce the amount of tax you owe next April. These year-end giving tips may help you: • E nsure that your gift is dated and postmarked no later than Dec. 31, 2012. • Give online at no later than 11:59 p.m. (PST) on Dec. 31, 2012. • To transfer stock in the 2012 tax year, please call no later than Dec. 14. Contact Annette Davis, Associate Director of Planned Giving, at 509.313.6142. For answers to your questions about making a gift for 2012, please call 800.463.6925. Thank you for your generosity. May you enjoy a blessed holiday season.
Jillian Strait, 4 Aaron M. Streepy, 3 Aimee (Fletcher) Tayag, 5 Angela M. Taylor, 2 Rebecca M. Teichmann, 3 Robert J. Tuchscherer James F. Twining, 6 David Uhl, 10 Christopher J. Useche, 2 Laura (Hodel) Useche, 2 Alan Utley, 4 Hana Van Huffel, 4 Kenneth Votava, 3 Jenny M. Wetzel Brian Wheeler, 6 Donald K. White, 3 Michael J. Wilson, 4 Nathan Wilson, 5 Betty Ann Xenis, 2 Ivan A. Yanushev, 5 Evan Young, 3 Lulu Yu, 3 John G. Zodrow, 4
Class of 2006 Joseph E. Balsiger Connor Barry, 5 Michael E. Bestrom, 5 Justin E. Bolster, 5 Paul C. Buxton, 2 Tessa Cavaille, 3 Charlie Cobb, 4 Meghan E. Colleran Anazion Cordeiro, Jr., 2 Claire M. Davis, 5 Kari Durgan, 3 Jennifer L. Elder, 2 Ivan Epishkin Christina Estes-Werther, 7 Aaron M. Fielder, 3 Justin V. Fletcher, 3 Karen L. Franks-Harding, 2 Griffin G. Freels, 4 Kelly Frey, 6 Nancy Gallant, 5 Javier F. Garcia, 2 Gerald D. Giger, 3
Christopher E. Green, 2 Michael B. Greenwood Michael Gunn, 4 John Haberland, 5 Laura Haberland, 5 Bradley R. Hagelin, 4 Lori T. Hamilton, 2 Michael Harris Tori (Wolf) Highfill, 5 Paul J. Hodgson, 2 Dane W. Hofbauer, 4 Ryan I. Inouye, 6 Margaret S. Jantzen Devin C. Joslin, 2 Lisa D. Kelley Genesis R. Kobos Allison (Cartmell) Koehnke Ross M. LaCombe, 4 Ryan M. Lambert, 3 Barbara J. Lasher, 3 Brett Lee, 2 Sydney Marino, 5 Elaine M. Markham, 3 Brian Patrick McCarthy, 3 Joseph Daniel McCool, 2 Patrick M. McGah, 6 Jenna C. McManus Patrick T. Mick, 3 Jeremy Misterek, 6 Trina D. Moore, 3 William T. Nash, 5 Jennifer R. Opalinski, 3 Stephen Owens, 4 Keith Parkes, 5 Kendra S. Phillips, 3 Melissa Ann (Anthony) Quinn, 2 Jennifer (Kaszewicz) Rehberger, 5 Michael J. Reph Keith C. Riddle, 3 Daniel J. Robledo, Jr Eric Rodland, 2 Michael D. Rorholm, 5 Caitlin A. Ross, 5 Meghan Rowlands, 4 Brett Rubio, 4 Diana (Powell) Ruff John D. Rupp, 2
Christopher M. Rutledge, 3 Damita F. Samson Michael D. Sanchez, 2 Emily Terese Schaffner, 6 Paris A. Seabrook, 2 Gaurav Sharma Robert W. Smee III, 2 Mariah Smith-Miloff, 3 Ryan R. Snow Kathleen Ann M. Stout, 2 Diana (Berger) Strickland, 2 Loran Sullivan, 3 Mark M. Sullivan Alison K. Thurman, 2 Amy Turnipseed, 6 Daniel M. Wadkins, 3 Susanne M. Wadkins Kyle Wagner, 3 Anna (Maloney) Wallace, 4 Keith Ward, 2 Elizabeth (George) Watson, 2 Nathaniel Williams, 2 Tamela Ann Woodard Anna Wuitschick, 8 Kathryn Yates, 4 Simon P. Zachary, 2 Audra Ziarnowski, 2
Class of 2007 Deborah F. Albert John J. Barnard, 5 Bob Bartlett, 16 Kenneth William Bitting, Jr, 3 Terry V. Blauvelt, 4 Bert Bondi, 2 Leah K. Brajcich, 3 Kristina Bross, 2 Christina J. Brown Gerald W. Bunce, 2 Kathryn E. Burns, 6 Joshua A. Burright Devon R. Calonge Nancy E. Campman, 3 Stacey N. Chatman, 10 Demetre J. Christofilis, 5 Jaclyn Clabby, 4 Patrice Clemons, 3
Thank you for your generous gifts made between June 1, 2011, and May 31, 2012. Great care was taken to ensure the accuracy of this listing. We would appreciate you alerting us to any errors or omissions. Please contact Laura Gatewood, director of stewardship, at 509.313.6381 or
Benjamin P. Compton, 2 Kurt S. Conklin Ellen D. Connolly, 3 Nicole A. Corr Anthony Cox Chanel L. (Read) Day, 3 Catherine Dieter, 4 Renae Dougal, 6 Monica M. Doyle, 3 Laura J. Drew Katherine A. Dunigan Natalie L. Durflinger Cassandra Echer, 3 Kirsten Elliott, 2 Brandon D. Ely, 2 Paolo Espaldon Kevin C. Fenner, 2 Rachel Forte, 5 Brittany A. Gable, 2 Nicholas T. Gardner, 3 Mary-Ann Gaschnitz, 2 Ali Gilson, 4 Frutoso Gonzalez Brandon T. Harmon, 2 Elizabeth A. Harmon Daniel Hennessy, 6 Travis W. Herring David Hinshaw, 5 Megan Ho, 4 Kathryn (Dutli) Howard, 2 William C. Hruska Monica James, 6 Robert Janicki, 4 Richard W. Janssen, 5 Thomas Jarrard, 4 Patrick B. Johansing Steven A. Klukas, 4 Nicole Knott, 3 Matthew Kristek, 4 Kelly Kuolt, 3 Christen (Kennelly) Lambert, 3 Jacob M. Lawrence Sarah M. Lawson, 2 Jonathan N. Le Markus W. Louvier, 5 Erin Mansfield, 4 Luis Gustavo Martinez
Justin R. May Kelsey Merwick, 3 Jessica Michaels, 5 Owen R. Mooney, Jr. Jessica C. Moore, 2 Mary Jo Moore, 7 Clayton Mortensen, 4 Ashley Munger, 4 Sean M. Neary, 5 David J. Nelson, 5 Thuy-Dzuong N. Nguyen, 3 Jill Okihara, 4 Barbara J. Olson Blair Ostrem, 5 Kelly Ostrem, 2 Jennifer Overturf, 3 Valerie M. Ovitt Denny K. Palmer Christina Parker, 2 Kristen Paul, 4 David A. Paullin Marissa (Zuniga-Mota) Peters, 2 Angela Pontarolo, 3 Kempton Quackenbush, 3 Aliya Jo Quidwai, 5 Matthew D. Rabinovitch, 4 Michael Rafferty, 8 Christina M. Ragni, 2 Mohammed A. Rizvi, 4 Gloria J. Robb Nicole A. Rosenkrance Annika M. Scharosch, 3 Jerry Scharosch, 3 Kiira A. Schoessler, 2 Howard R. Schussler, 4 Jonathan B. Shaklee, 4 Thomas Shrum, 3 Joshua M. Shutey Nathan Smith, 3 Aftan Spittle Ryan M. Stanbery, 5 Peter J. Steffens Brett W. Stetzner, 4 Traci L. Steves, 3 Danielle L. Storkson, 2 Kara Stowell, 2 Shannon J. Stubbs
YEAR IN REVIEW The Women’s and Gender Studies program, which began as a concentration 20 years ago, is now an academic minor. Assistant Professor Sara Diaz, whose specialty is women in science, joined us as the program’s first fulltime, tenure-track faculty.
D. Jacob Summers, 3 Michael E. Terry Joseph Tomascheski, 3 Joshua D. Truax, 5 Rebecca L. (Madden) Van Loon, 5 Joseph Vargo, 2 Lisa Ann Vaughan, 2 Diana (Scherer) Webster, 11 Lacey (McGarry) Weickenmeier, 3 Matthew Wernette, 4 Christopher T. Wheatley, 4 Michelle (Nilsen) Wheatley, 3 Jana Wolff, 3 Melisa J. Ziegler, 4
Class of 2008 Denise B. Abrahamson, 3 Amanda Louise Affleck, 6 Bethany Allen, 3 Nikalous O. Armitage Heidi L. Arno, 2 Veronica D. Atkinson, 4 Joan Aubry, 3 Miranda K. Aye Michaela M. Bader, 5 Rachel N. Batchelder Ted I. Bennett, 4 Douglas G. Bielemeier, 3 Kristy K. Boese, 3 Miles H. Bullock, 2 Erin L. Burns Kari B. Callahan Eric J. Carlton Katherine A. Christofilis, 2 Richard Cummins, 4 Rachel Davis, 2 Daniel DeRusso, 2 Lauren Dolezal, 4 Susan E. Douglas, 2 Dustin Duvanich, 4 Emily K. Duyck, 2 Samuel Eaton, 4 Sharon C. Eng, 3 Pamela J. Estill, 3 Thomas J. Farrell, 3 Diannah Fields-Brown, 4 Claire S. Finley, 2 Colleen Fox, 3 Allison A. Franzoia Dan Garrity, 8 Matthew S. Glaze, 2 Matthew Grosodonia, 4 Alison M. Guzenski, 4 William J. Haas, 3 Sarah Hall, 4 Conor Henderson, 5 Rachel M. Henderson, 3 J. Blake Hilty, 2
Melissa Hilty, 3 Robyn Holder, 5 Robert B. Holland, 2 Lavette N. Holman Trent Hooper Bo J. Howell, 2 Christopher M. Hughes, 2 Lori W. Hurl, 4 Jeffery M. Jacobs Marie (Gibbons) Johansing, 3 Paul Dhani Johnson, 2 Reid Johnson Briana K’Burg, 2 John C. Kafentzis, 4 Kelly Ketchum, 3 Russell Knight, 4 Emily A. Koren Tyler R. Kowal, CPA Dino Kujundzic, 2 Derek R. Larson, 2 Sydney Lederhouse, 4 Kyle Leliaert, 4 Steven Leonard Matthew M. Luedke Kurt A. Mabis Michael Maini, 2 Margaret K. Malek, 5 Dana E. Mannino, 4 Scott McCoy, 6 Tommy McDonald-Wolff, 2 Jenna L. McKenzie, 4 Melissa McPartland, 3 Elizabeth Meehan, 2 John J. Moffatt Aaron D. Moore Joseph F. Moore, 3 Joshua A. Neblett Sarah (Wollnick) Neblett Bailee Neyland, 3 Warren J. North, 4 Sarah Olson, 3 Margaret O’Phelan, 4 Joseph O. Ortiz, 2 Michael Ortman, 5 Anna Owens, 4 Christopher Pay, 4 Jasper Peralta Emily Pfeifer, 5 Matt Pollard, 2 Chris Roof, 4 Stacy M. Rush Murray O. Salisbury III, 3 Hilary (Cutler) Schoonover Monica Shanta, 3 Rodney A. Shero Brandon J. Simons, 2 Drew Smith, 3
Dr. Thomas L. R. Smith Michael D. Smoot, 3 Kevin C. Spohr, 2 Bruce F. Stoltzfus Andrew D. Stone, 2 Connie Sturdavant, 3 Kelly Swauger Daniel Talevich, 2 Mason A. C. Talkington, 4 Lauren Thayer, 2 JJ J. Thompson Jamie M. Traeger, 3 Katharine Tylee, 4 Brett S. Venn, 4 Shawn R. Wayt, 3 Markus Weickenmeier, 5 Katie Wood, 2 Erica E. Young, 2 Tyson M. Young Nicholas Zura, 3
Class of 2009 Leigh A. Alford, 2 Angela L. Allen Faye J. Allers Leslie B. Allnatt Kenneth Charles Anderson, 2 Katelyn R. Arnett Jessica P. Arre Katherine L. Atkins, 2 Kaitlin M. Beller, 2 Jefferson W. Boswell, 3 Nicholas A. Brock Kevin Brockett, 3 James E. Bronder, 2 Peter T. Cangany III Andrew T. Carlon Ryan Chrzan Christopher E. Church David Colman, 4 Nathaniel C. Coombs, 3 Kristen Cygrymus, 3 Christopher P. Daniels Bradford Dear, 3 Debra R. Decker, 3 Martha G. Dobson John P. Dorsey Megan N. Durkin, 2 Ben Elder Debra Emery, 4 Sara (Repola) Feldmann, 3 Karen E. Finch Emily A. Fortunate, 2 Lisa L. Francis Elise J. Fraser Chauncy Freels, 3 Sierra H. Golden Michael J. Gonia
Stephen P. Grant Carissa A. Greenberg Jeff Haguewood, 3 Michael Hansen Shavon L. Harris James Hennessy, 5 Katjarina Horwitz, 2 David M. Hughes Kathy M. Ingelse, 2 Martha C. Johnson Maureen E. Keegan Michael T. Kitson Christopher V. Kramer, 2 Christine T. Kuder, 2 David A. Lantz, 2 Scott A. Lartz, Jr. Gabrielle A. Lemieux Katherine Little, 2 Kim Lott Gregory J. Malman, 2 John Maxwell Brendan McCarthy, 4 Caroline J. McCue, 2 Jayme C. McDonald, 2 Michael McDuffee, 3 Kelsey C. McKay Stephanie K. Meehan Ellen R. Mezzera Justine M. Mings Jose G. Montesinos, Jr. Alexander W. Moore, 3 Timothy C. Morris, 2 Leah C. Mueller Amanda E. Nelson Bradley J. Neumayer, 2 Krista Osborne, 3 Erica Overfield, 3 Brandon M. Owens, 2 Bryan E. Pacholski Lara L. Perry Andrew J. Plumlee Sarah M. Price, 2 Audrey F. Prieve Nicholas L. Raines, 3 Shari Rasmussen, 22 Dominique A. Remy Michael P. Rhodes, 3 Tiffany Rinaldi, 2 Stephanie A. Rokich, 2 Brandon M. Ross Christopher Ruckel, 2 Joshua M. Seaman, 2 Rozalyn R. Sippel, 2 Lange T. Solberg Daniel M. Spinelli Sara Strachila, 2 Garrett D. Swanburg, 2
Sandra K. Thomas, 3 Brad J. Vandiver, 8 Mariana L. Villegas Stacey S. Ward, 2 Matt West, 2 Kristin M. Widun, 2 Steven E. Wigglesworth Andrew D. Wiley, 2 Brittany L. Wilmes Valerie R. Wintler Thomas C. Woodcock, 2 Broc Woodworth, 3 Julia (Cook) Woodworth, 2 Jamie Wopschall, 4 Darrin E. Wright, 2 Thomas A. Wright, 2 Lauren E. Wyckoff, 2 Kevin A. Zeck, 2 Kathryn E. Zielinski Jacklyn L. Zumek, 2
Class of 2010 Lori K. Albsmeier Stuart P. Anderson Megan Elizabeth Atkins Steven A. Bader Estakio Beltran, 2 Michelle R. Boevers Anna R. Braden, 2 Brian C. Brajcich, 2 Kerry Brennan Kimberly A. Brown, 3 Stephanie Ann Brown, 8 Matthew Carey Fahren E. Carlson Daniel D. Carter, Jr. Jennifer Caudle Andrew R. Danner Colleen Kathryn Dawson, 2 Kelsey A. Dehmer, 2 Sheri Deist, 9 Stephanie B. Dufner Ryan J. Ellersick Daniel S. Ellis, 2 Kyle P. England Madison R. Feddersen Sean M. Finerty, 2 Jordan M. Frakes Kevin P. Frame Christina Gardner Madeleine Gianotti Christine L. Goodrich Kevin Andrew Grainey, 2 Robert J. Green Alisa J. Groenen, 2 Courtney Anne Groszhans Kristina D. Grotts, 2 Eric Guerreiro
YEAR IN REVIEW In June 2011 Dean Jane Korn became the first woman to lead Gonzaga Law School. Dean Jane Korn, Supreme Court Justice Debra Stephens (‘87,‘93 J.D.)
Michael M. Gutesha, Jr. Taylor J. Hall Bruce Ham Sophie L. Harbert Robert Hayes, 2 Sarah Henriksen Sarah C. Herbert, 2 Aurora P. Hindahl Brandon Hogan Amanda (Ruen) Holland, 3 Aiko C. Hollinger, 2 Angela Honzik Beth M. Jarrett, 10 Donna Jennings AliMichael Jones Michael W. Kelsey, 2 Gordon J. Kersten Antonia Kilpatrick Kelsey L. Kittleson Jennifer J. Klein Thomas Meade Knowlton Kyle LaHonta, 2 Lindsay N. Lartz Michael A. Lavrisha, 2 Clelia M. Leopold, 3 Megan Liebelt, 2 Whitney J. Lohman Kristen Leah Marchus Allyssa M. Massengale Mairin McCarthey Meredith McCarty, 2 Andrew W. McHill, 2 Angela C. McIntire Katherine A. McNulty Patrick W. McNulty Jennifer S. McPherson, 2 Jared M. Meskimen Stephanie M. Meyers Lauren E. Miller, 2 Candace Mumm Kelli Murphy, 2 Dr. Lin G. Murphy Antoinette Naranjo Debora L. Nesbitt Catherine K. Ngan Erin M. O’Loughlin Lynn A. Peterson Nathaniel B. Peterson, 2 Therese Michelle Pflaum Megan Pohley Scott C. Ptolemy, 2 Malaree Purcell Ann M. Radcliffe Kaitlin R. Reingold, 3 Justin O. Roberts Adrienne K. Salley Lusine Sarkisian
Grace Scarell Ryan C. Schademan Andrea J. Schmidt, 2 Alexandra Jacquelyn Smith Benjamin M. Smith Bridget (Anderson) Smith Timothy Robert Staples Alissa C. Stempson Kassi M. Stengel, 2 Jessica A. Thalman, 3 Greer A. Thomas Victoria Thomas, 2 Susanne R. Towill Anthony M. Traver Alfred H. Treleven IV, 2 Sarah E. Tuthill Lauren M. Vail Robert S. Van Cleve Ashley Fay Wangler, 2 Nadia Warren, 2 Matthew Michael Warter, 2 Brittany E. Weeks John H. Wenstrand Megan G. Wildes Sondra Wildman, 2 Brett Withers
Class of 2011 Justin T. Albrecht Cliff Allen Nancy L. Batterson Stephen M. Bergman Nicole D. Bernabe Allison L. Berry Lauren E. Billing Leah A. Brushwein John B. Butterfield Neil Coppinger Joseph Derrig Evan Farris, 2 Joseph Faurholt Matthew J. Fedrizzi Haley E. Ferguson Steven D. Fought Cooper Golden Zachary Paul Goodwin Megan E. Gregorich Jacob David Hiatt William E. Kelly Katy Kenealy, 2 Matthew J. Kenneally Yeshiareg T. Kifle Andrew Krug Max R. Magee Ashley D. Malcolm Gaylene Munroe Cassidy M. O’Connell Andrew J. Purpura
Ashley F. Railey Christine Rehwald, 11 Chelsea W. Rengel Zachary Reuter Nicholas Timothy Salisbury Benjamin H. Schwarz Duncan Sinclair, 2 Kyle D. Stevenson Chris M. Sturdivant Anna N. Sullivan Tessa Swoboda, 9 Annette Tait Mara K. Timberlake Nikolas A. Tsolomitis Brandon Wentzel Patricia Whitcomb, 6 Matthew White, 2 Emily B. Yates
Class of 2012 Alexander Ballinger Kathleen Box Lindsay Box Dian Brutocao Rashell Doty Colleen Durkin Jeff Geldien, 2 Andrew Kasper Heid, 2 Alexandria John Mary Johnston Erika Keech Kristen Konrad Casey Kuhnhausen Emily LaCourse Pam Lake, 2 Jeremy Lazzara Jan Lundin Lorie Mallari Drew Mattern Whitney McKelvey Jessica Morley Kristin Myers Jason Nadeau John Nelson Sunshine Nilson Kelsey Olmstead Matthew Parker Scott Parmely Nicholas Parque Callie Patton Lindsey Paxton Katherine Pontarolo-Maag Kaarin Praxel Amanda Przybyla Jennifer Richards Katie Sinclair Elizabeth Slamkowski L. Brandon Stallings
Ian Stamme Jennifer Stash Denise Vill-Olson, 8 Cherlyn Walden Deborah Lang Westwood, 9 Kristina Wick Laurel Yecny
Class of 2013 Alexander Bonczyk Gabe A. Castellanos Dale Hammond Debra Hunter Ashley Ruen, 2 Allison Slamkowski Tyler Spilker Karis Tsolomitis John W.K. Yen, 2
Class of 2014 Shelly Haas Kierra Irvin
Class of 2015 Sarah Babcock Trevor Berreth Casey Burt Alexandra McNaught Olivia Murphy Brittania Porterfield Alissa Raczykowski Tyler Reuter
Other Alumni Kathleen M. Albi, 8 Suzanne C. Andrews, 4 David Barbieri, 8 Stephen Barbieri, 8 Linda A. (Amato) Belanger, 4 Ann (Barbieri) Bell, 8 Diana Bella R. Scott Berry, 36 Dan Berryman, 6 Ed Burke, 3 Corinne (Coombs) Burton, 12 Gay (Koll) Butera, 3 Janet Callis, 4 Matthew J. Crevier, 2 Armond D’Inverno, 6 Laurie Davis, 4 Courtney E. De La Mater Jane (Confessore) DiGangi, 2 Mary (Kinzer) Doohan, 40 Katie King Doree, 11 Nancy C. Driscoll, 3 Benjamin Estes, 9 Laura Cooper Fenimore, 8 Gale Ferguson, 10 Jim Gallagher, 12
James F. Gravengaard, 35 Paula (Hayden) Hamilton Theresa Harty-Fightmaster, 2 Nancy Haynes, 5 Eric Heringer, 8 Sallie (Joyce) Higgins Robert C. House Shannon Hughes James Ivers, 9 Molly Johnston, 2 Mary Nadine Kane, 4 Jerid L. Keefer, 9 Celeste (Mullen) Kuder, 5 Peter J. Lampson Brian Richard Lewandowski Madeleine (McLean) Longano, 5 Moya Magilligan Chris L. (Minnerly) Manger, 2 Karen E. Martines, 3 John Maurice, 30 Patricia (Molnar) Montemer, 5 Anne (Moles) Mulick, 3 Brian C. Murphy Mary (Dean) Murphy, 8 John Orr, 8 Robert Ouellette, 2 Theresa (Craven) Parks, 8 Marilyn Phalen, 2 John Philp, 3 Lisa Regimbal, 4 Kathryn (Cullen) Richardson, 23 James Rivard, 11 Mary Ryerse, 8 Geraldine (Kiep) Sangiacomo, 22 Sandro Sangiacomo, 2 John Scacciotti, 5 Paul R. Seebeck, 8 Tara L. Shadduck, 4 Paul Sikora Erica M. Simpson Rachel A. Stanley, 2 Kate Stavers, 4 George J. Struble †, 8 Virgil Thompson, Jr., 7 Kelly Tilford, 3 Kelly Tormey, 13 Catherine (Brewster) Tousley, 2 Michelle (Bass) Tucci, 11 Steven Venezia, 19 Karen (Lindsay) Warrick, 19
Thank you for your generous gifts made between June 1, 2011, and May 31, 2012.
Parent Donors Parents are a tremendous support to Gonzaga. This list encompasses parents who have made a gift during the fiscal year of June 1, 2011, through May 31, 2012. † = Deceased
Edward Aalvik Jonathan Aaronson and Alma Rodoni Halden Aasen and Louise Moore Mary-Lee Abba-Gaston Stephen and Shawn Abbott Bruce Abbotts and Marla Struebin Simon and Karen Abeid Jerry and Michele Abrams William and Marilyn Abt Gary Ackerman Lee and Luanna Ackerman Monti and Maryanne Ackerman Alan and Debra Adams John Adams John and Linda Adams Juan R. Adams John Adamski and Amy BartoszAdamski Joseph and Loretta Adamski James and Sheila Adamson Mike and Barbara Adamson Alain and Kendahl Adjorlolo Victor and Rosemary Adragna Galutau and Ane Aga Gary Agatep and Christine Hennig-Agatep Michele Aguiar Jimmy and Veronica Aguila Edward and Dawndra Ahart Joseph and Diane Ahern Dr. Richard E. Ahlquist, Jr. Bill Akers John and Katherine Akstin Luis and Adriana Alba Wells and Jennifer Albade Joseph and Deborah Albert Causna Albin John and Sue Albrecht Romeo and Fe Alcantara Jeff and Tina Aldridge Steven and Patricia Alegria Albert and Betty Alexander Clarence and Virginia (Lux) Alexander Mark Alfino and Michele Pajer Annette Alger Louise M. (Wiele) Alia Thomas and Catherine Allan John and Janet Allbaugh
David and Nancy Allen James and Bobbi Allen Jill Allen Netti Balch Allen Ray and Helen Allen Willem and Sharyn Alma Mikhail and June Alnajjar Richard and Jeanmarie Alo Jerry and Annette Alward Allen and Christine Ambrose Mark and Linda Amendola John Ames John Ames and Janice Berns Kevin and Ann Amick Alfred and Milagros Amos Joseph and Marylen Amsberry Christopher Amundson Elizabeth Andersen Stephen and Anne (Kleinheinz) Andersen Barbara (Bucsko) Anderson Dave and Deanna Anderson John and Emie Anderson John and Rachelle Anderson Jon and Tiena Anderson Ken and Sue Anderson Lisa Anderson Marilyn M. Anderson Mary Jo (Pilat) Anderson Paul and Lizabeth (Rowland) Anderson Phil and Mary Anderson Raymond G. Anderson † Stan and Vicki Anderson Steven Anderson Steven Anderson and Mary Reyland Matt and Erin Anderton Michael and Linda Andrade Steven and Kelly Andrade Patrick and Colleen Andreotti John and Jewel Andrew Mary Andrews Jeffrey and Michele Andrus Amadeo and Teresa Angelo Richard and Marguerite Angelo Tom and Geraldine Angelos Gene and Carol Annis Drs. Irfan and Shaista Ansair Sheryl Anthony Stephen Anthony John and Betzi Antich Paul and Dolores Apostle Robert and Linda Apted Wanda Arana James and Kelly Archer Theresa Arciniega Greg and Michelle Arend
Mary Jean Argule Richard Arias and Raeann (Tavella) Arias Greg and Lori Arpin Sean and Anna Arquette Roger and Roberta Arre George and Elizabeth (Connor) Arrigotti Stan Arrigotti Christian and Susan Arrington Robert and Sandra Asato Christopher and Pamela Ashford Thomas and Peggy Ask Jess and Ana Asla Richard and Teresa Athman Raymond Atkins and Michelle Neale Tommy and Nancy Atkins Scott Atwood Jan and Susan Austermiller Kathy Austin-Robinson Robert and Josephine Auvil, USAF Debra Avella John and Joann Avila James and Virginia Axtman Doug Babbitt Wyman and Donna Babby Louis and Carla Babich Gregory and Linda Bachand Nicholas and Jan Bachhuber Dario and Kay Baciocco Thomas and Lora Baciocco William Back and Mary Jones Stuart and Yvonne Bader John and Janet Bae Gary and Leisa Baker William and Emlyn Baker Richard and Trudy Baldasty Richard Baldini and Mary Wyllie John and Judith Baldwin Dan and Lynn Bales Mike † and Laura Bales Mario and Theresa Balistreri Douglas and Kathleen Ball Kitty Ballard Verne † and Carmelita Ballard Allen and Marcel Ballinger Stephen and Cynthia Balloga Daniel and Cheryl Balmelli Edmund and Ruth Balsdon Sharon Baltzell Stephen E. and Margo Balzarini James A. Bamberger Mathew and Jayne Bancroft Jose and Merry Banuelos David and Sally Bany James and Pamela Barad
Rudy Baraga Jose and Nancy Barajas Stephen and Susan Baran David and Margaret Baranski Craig and Sandra Barberio Don Barbieri Ms. Heather M. Barbieri Kathryn K. Barbieri Rich and Kathy Barboza Ian Barclay Margaret Barclay Donald and Abigail Barden Margot Barela Ferd and Julie Baricevic, Jr. Allen and Laura Barison Blaine and Barbara Barlow Matthew and Nancy Barmore Robert and Linda Barnard Tim and Mary Barnard Dr. Clarence Barnes Jeffrey and Susan Barnes Mike and Sally (Solan) Barnes Hollis and Patricia (Anderson) Barnett James and Susan Barnett Michael and Trisha Barney Michael and Christine (Vargo) Barnhart Jeanne (Hewes) Barnum Stephen and Mary Barnum Bill Barr William and Sherry Barrett Geraldine Barsanti Dick and Debbie Barsotti Michael and Elisabeth Bart Bob and Shonna Bartlett TerriLee Bartlett Richard and Jodee (Bishop) Bass Francis and Elizabeth Bastasch James and Mary Batdorf Steven Bates and Victoria Lederman William and Barbara Bates William and Marilyn Bates Charles Bateson and Lynn Fischer Victor and Ann Batinovich Millard and Janet Battles Millard Battles Sean and Nicola Batty Joseph and Rosemary (Gecsey) Bauer Geoffrey and Laurie Baum Jeffrey and Kerry Bauman Dr. D. F. Baumann Gary and Sharon Baumgartner Dr. and Mrs. Robert Bauter Linda K. Baxter David and Nancy Bayley
Mr. David H. Bayne Randy and Rayne Beach Charles and Carol Beadling Charles and Carol Bean David and Marcy Bean Samson Bears Mark A. Beattie Richard Bechtolt and Stephanie Farrell Bechtolt Johnny and Nancy Beck Kevin Beck Matthew and Amy Beck Roberta Beck David and Lisa Beckemeyer Ernie Becker Cheryl A. Beckett John E. Beesley Michael and Loretta Beeuwsaert Robert and Joan Behlman Philip and Leslie Bejar Stephen and Jacqueline Beland Timothy and Janet Belke Bruce and Sheila (Cornish) Bell Michael and Patricia Bell Ken Bell-Garrison and Eileen Bell-Garrison Michael and Susan Beller Sandra (Ireland) Bellizzi Laureen M. (Metzger) Belmont Martin and Molly Belshe David and Martha Benadom Parker and Bonney Bence Ronald and Mary Bender Christopher and Julie Bene Warren and Teresa Benner Ann M. Bennett Dina (Boon) Bennett James and Stephanie Bennett James Bennett and Elaine Teague-Bennett Larry J. and Anna Bennett Lois A. Bennett Richard and Joan (Rowley) Bennett Paul and Joyce Benoit Michael and Kristi Benshoof Carl and Shelley Benson John Benson, Sr. Ronald and Marilyn Benson Donald † and Mary Lou Bentley Brent and Stephanie Berge Richard Bergeon and Caroline Fu Gerald Berger David and Diana Berggren Michael and Elaine Bergmann Alan and Kathy Berk Kenneth and Paula Berkes Jonathan and Mimi Berkoe
YEAR IN REVIEW Gonzaga on the Road, a new program providing more ways for parents to connect with GU, piloted successfully in Seattle and Portland last year.
Thomas and Kelly Bermingham Brian and Mary Berry Gregory Berry and Susan Knowles Berry Leo and Lurie Berry Michael and Robin Besagno Marvin and Tracy Besch Michael and Jeanne Ann Bestrom James and Louise Betzler Julie Beville Charles and Bonnie Beyer Douglas and Deana Beyer Jitender and Gurcharanjeet Bhangal Philip and Brenda Bhaskar Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Bianco Arthur and Betty Bieler Andrew and Karen Bigelow Craig and Lisa Biggs Thomas Biggs and Karen Hallagan Thomas and Elaine Bigley Marc Bigony Amy Billy Helmuth and Samantha Billy George Binczewski Randall and Stephanie Binversie Jake Bippart and Susan Sohrakoff Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Birgenheier Michael and Margaret (Bucholz) Birmingham Eddy and TerryKay Birrer Eugene and Rebecca Bisbee Guy and Judith Bishop Alvah Bittner and Catherine Lundy Mike and Julia Bjordahl James and Kristine Bjorklund John Black and Joanne Poggetti Peter and Prudie Black Michael Blackburn Carol C. Blackledge Michael and Elizabeth Bladow Dennis and Kathleen Blair Charles Blake and Karen Morissette Kevin Blanchat Michael and Kathleen Blanchet Paul and Patricia Blasdel John and Cathy Bledsoe Mary K. Blohn Gary and Susan (Quigley) Bloom David and Pamela Bluhm Mark and Karen Blumhardt Lynette Boatright Thomas and Catherine Bobbe Don Bodeau
Wayne and Helen (Downey) Boedecker Wayne and Carolyn Boese Anton and Meri Boisen Margaret Boisvert Julie Boland Warren Boldt and Patricia Binkiewicz-Boldt Monte Bolinger and Diane Dwyer Gordon and Barbara Bollinger Dr. and Mrs. Charles Bona Tony and Mary Lou Bonanzino Wina Bonczyk Phyllis J. Bongers Phillip Bonina Daniel and Dorothy Bonnel Jan and Sofia Booker Brian Bookey Cheryl Boone Carl and Joan Borash John W. Borchard, Jr. Joseph and Kerry Bordeaux Noel E. Bormann James and Frances Borquist David Bossen and Laura Sakaguchi Bruce and Carol Botsford Jock and Teresa Bovington Dane and Emilia Bowen Jo Bowers Maurice and Sherryl Bowers Alan Bowman and Christine Teah-Bowman Eddie and Margaret Bowman James and Katherine Bowman Lew and Stephanie Bowman Bill Boyd Clay and Bonnie Boyd James P. and Catherine Boyer Charles and Roberta Boyle Chris and Lori Boyle John and Kimberlee Boyle Kent and Theresa Boyle Terrence and Catherine Boyle David and Heidi Bozett Scott and Mary Bozman Charles and Sarah Boznak Stephen and Elise Brabeck Manuel and Tamatha Bracamonte Kathleen Braden Robert and Dixie Bradshaw Mark and Nancy Brady William and Elizabeth (Fessler) Braet David and Elizabeth Braich Richard Braicks Gary and Mary Margaret (McLafferty) Brajcich
Holly Brajcich and Tom Krzyminski Paul and Colleen Brajcich Matthew and Terese Brandenberg Michael and Brenda Braschayko Robert and Aileen Bratton Clare Braukmann Eugene Braun and Mary Gail Sullivan William and Anne Breault Timothy Breen Donald and Margaret Brenes Mark and Emilie Brennan Jim M. and Pauline Bresnahan Jack and Terry Brewer Mike and Marj Brewer Roseann Brewer Toby L. Brewer Therese Brija James â&#x20AC; and Barbara Brisbois Dr. and Mrs. Joe Britton Rod and Mary Jean Brod J. Kirk and Marilyn Bromiley Philip and Gabriella Brooke Tom and Nancy Brooks Keith and Mary Jean Brophy Norman and Dianne Bross Michael and Kathleen Brost Daniel Brown and Susan Goerss Daniel and Tracy Brown David and Patty Brown Fred and Leslie Brown Gary and Patricia Brown Gerda Brown Gregory and Lynn Brown James and Helen Brown Mark Brown Michael Brown and Brigitte Schran-Brown Dr. and Mrs. Patrick B. Brown Robert and Pamela Brown Steven and Heidi (Robbins) Brown Steven and Shawn Brown Thomas and Diane Brown Anthony Browne and Christine Spika Browne Peter and Barbara Browne Harry and Lorraine Bruce Gordon Brunette Reinhard and Valorie Brunsch Daniel and Dian Brutocao Helen Bryant Harpal and Harvinder Bual Elizabeth A. (Botch) Buchanan J. Michael and Jane Buchanan Harold and Florence Bucholz Janet (Gubanc) Buck and Michael J. Buck Jim and Mary Buck
Gregory and Margaret Buckis Russ and Shelly Bucklin Tony and Lucy Budde Kevin and Elizabeth Budig Jerome and Bette Buechler George and Rebecca Buergel Michael Buesseler and Diane Rae Greg and Michelle Bui Paul and Cindy Buker Chris and Mary Ann Bulger David and Bridget Bulger Donald and Darcy Bulkley Christopher and Margaret Bull Paul and Pattie Buller Brian and Theresa Bumb Mr. and Mrs. Blaine E. Bundy Jeanne Burbidge Bill and Gloria Burch Christopher Buresch Gina Buresch John and Melanie Burk Bill and Kate Burke Christopher and Susan Burke Dr. and Mrs. John R. Burke Loren and Janell Burke Stevie (Cada) Burke Thomas and Marguerite Burke Marilynn Burningham Lisa Burns Paul and Dana (Griffin) Burns Scott and Kathleen Burns Thomas and Gini Burns Tim and Kathy Burns Kathleen Burrell Mitchell and Jane Burright Scott and Viviana Burrill Earl and Donna Burt Raymond Burton Byron and Margaret Busch Dr. F. Michael Busch Karen Busch Mike and Marguerite (Kuder) Busch Richard Busch Arnold Busek and Jill Jenkins Bruce and Judy Butler Christopher and Julie Butler John and Donna Butler Stewart and Molly Butler Jack and Beverly (Rogers) Butorac Stephen and Shelby Butterfield Donald and En-Shen Butts Mark and Chieko Buxton James and Leslie Byers Dr. LeRoy Byrd and Mrs. Irene Byrd Daniel and Colleen Byrne John and Connie Byrne
Michael and Deborah Cach Gregory and Janet Cacharelis Don and Linda Cadwalader Dr. John and Priscilla Cadwell Jay and Jackie Caferro Ron and Terri Caferro Daniel and Michelle Cahill Kevin and Nancy Cahill Walter and Jennifer Cahill Barry and Shelley Cahill-Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Brien Greg and Mary Sue Caillat J. Gerard and Patricia Cain James and Rebecca Cairo Lorie Caldwell Robert and Kathleen Caldwell William and Patricia Caldwell Robert and Judith Caletti William and Katy Calios Rory and Lynnette Callahan Sean and Teddi Callahan Francis and Suzanne (Lux) Callan Roger and Kathryn Calvary David and Elaine Camara Mark and Sandra Cameron Mark and Diane Camp Robert and Carol Camp Robert and Katherine Campagna Clara Y. (Potter) Campbell Kenneth and Barbara Campbell Roy and Carolyn (Henke) Campbell John and Pat Campion Kathy Campobasso Peter and Ann Cangany Timothy and Sally Cannon James and Sharon Canny Verl and Marilyn Canterbury Barry and Margaret Caparoso Paul and Michelle Capeloto Kevin and Eileen Capitolo John and Carol Caputo Dr. and Mrs. John S. Caputo William Caras Robert and Catherine Carbaugh Patrick and Carol Carbone Thomas and Joanne Card Michael and Shauna Carette Molly Carey Charles and Susan Carlise Charles and Kerry Carlson Glenn and Ruth Carlson Kai and Carole Carlson Michael and Julia Carlson Gregg and Susan Carnell Melvin and Luz Carnes Patrick and Nancy Carney Benson and Deanna Carpenter Jeffrey and Teresa Carpenter
Fall Family Weekend
Thomas Carpenter and Debra Loehrl-Carpenter Al and Marianne Carrasco John and Elisabeth Carrasquer Ernest and Kathleen Carrick Robert and Eleanor Carriker Joe and Alice Carrillo Leonel and Suzanne Carrillo John and Maureen Carroll Margaret A. Carroll Myrna Carroll Philip and Bridget Carstens Vincent and Susan Cartelli Dr. and Mrs. Harris Carter Jennifer K. Carter William and Katherine Carter Daniel and Michelle Cartmell Brian and Janet Casciari John and Debbie Case Mark and Kathy (Evoy) Casey Mark and Kirsten Casey Dr. Mike Casey Steven and Lisa Caslavka Christian and Judy Casper David and Colette Cassinelli Bart and Deborah Castellitto Michael and Stephanie Castle Mr. Felipe Catabay Anthony and Patricia Catalano Richard and Chikako Cataldi Paul and Theresa Cataldo Paul F. Cataldo Francisco and Kelly Catibayan George and Linda Cattey Daniel and Joann Cendejas Gonzalo Cervantes Garcia and Martha Cervantes John and Angela Chadbourne Charles and Jane Chaffee Roger and Barbara Chamberlain Elizabeth Chamberlin Charles and Elizabeth Chambers William and Mary Chambers Joseph and Susan Champagne Dennis and Theresa Champoux Glen and Colleen Chandler Levlyn U. Chandra Richard and Lynn Chang Randall and Jane Chapin Richard and Nancy Chapman Clayton and Dorene Char William and Linda Charters Henry and Martina Charvet Craig and Jeane Chase James Chastain and Irene Hasegawa Sylvester and Stacey Chatman Bruce and Diane Chattin
Carlos Chavez Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Chee Randall Cheek and Donna Clark Cheek Barbara J. Cheney Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Chenovick Stuart and Maranda Chestler Paul and Agatha Chey David and Linda Chin Terrence and Viola Ching Dominique and Jacquelyn Chipot Steven and Susan Chirhart Thomas and Kathy Chism Bill and Roberta Choma, Jr. Don and Laura Christensen The Hon. and Mrs. Don Christensen Miles Christensen and Elsa Lopez-Christensen Ralph and Barbara Christensen Hans Christenson and Lee Martin David and Jill (Legel) Christiansen Timothy Chriswell Donald and Lisa Chrzan Mark and Carol Churchill Michael and Karen Churney James and Denise Ciciora Alexander and Lisa Clarizio Alfred and Susan Clark Christopher and Lorraine Clark Dan and Linda Clark Daniel and Helen Clark Harold and Stephanie Clark Steven Clark Brian and Gayle Clayton John and Carol Clemency David and Kylie Clement Kenneth and Lynn Clenin Daniel Cleveland and Debra Unruh Craig and Georganna Clifford Larry S. Cline Lauren Cline Allyn and Christy Close Chad and Pamela Clostio Michael and Teresa Cloughesy Scot and Sandra Cocanour Evelyn Cochran Milton and Andrea Cockerham William and Diane Codd Mr. and Mrs. Dean Coe Michael and Sheila Coffey David and Sandra Colbert Ronn and Michele Coldiron Edward and Ambre Cole Kevin and J’leane Cole Richard Coles Dennis and Nancy Colleran Craig Collins and Lynne Hermle
Daniel and Roseanne Collins John and Lydia Collins Patricia and Keith Collins Richard and Marilee Collins Ronald and Linda Collins Lauren and Margaret Colman Paul Colnett Bruce and Nancy Colton James and Norah (Flannery) Comerford Dr. John F. Comfort Peter and Pamela Comfort Robert and Cathy (Busch) Comfort, Jr. Robert and Jean Comfort George and Helen Condas Donald Conley Steven and Patricia Conn Walter and Donna Conn Daryl and Michele Connell Maddy Connolly Ronald Connolly Neil and Nancy Connors Ernest and Marjolyn Conrad III Pitr and Teresa Conroy Paul and Margaret Constantino Robert and Judith Contolini Alejandro and Maria Contreras Daniel and Erin Coogan Bryan and Anne Cook Jim and Terry Coombes Mildred Coombes † Robert and Beryl Coomes Jim and Harvelyn (Cornwell) Cooney John and Roselie Cooney Gary Cooper Jac and Jacqueline Cooper John and Barbara Cooper Robert Cooper Jeffrey and Shannon Corbett John and Ann Corbett Dr. and Mrs. Robert K. Corbett Larry and Judith Corbin John and Vicki Corbisiero Gregory and Stephanie Corcoran Tom and Marcia Cordell Michael and Holly Corey Randy Corgatelli Mike and Lisa Corigliano David and Pamela Corisis Therese Corr Kelly and Joanne Corrigan Robert and Ramona Corson Ronald and Nancy Corter Mark and Margaret † Cosgrove Terry and Jan Cosgrove John and Jo Anne Costello
University Chapel
Tamara Costello Catherine Cotter Dr. and Mrs. Coral W. Cotterell Duane and Trudi Cotterell Louis and Mary Cotterell Jay and Camille Coughlin Manuel and Audrey Covarrubias John and Therese Covert Paul and Anne Covino Sue Cowley Douglas and Donna Cox J. Neal Cox John and Diana Cox Jonas and Charlene Cox Linda Cox Marcus and Mary Cox Ruth R. (Burke) Cox Stephen and Ellyn Coyne Walter and Marla Craft Michael and Vicki Craigen Timothy and Martha Craven Hank and Norma Crawford Thomas and Joanne Crawford Anthony and Stacy Crenshaw Nienke Crick Virgil and Dorothy Criscola Arthur and Nilda Crisostomo John and Diane Cronin Michael and Mary Alice Cronin Blair and Penne Crook Greg Crosby Brenda Crowley Jeffrey and Denise Croy Rick and Annette Cruea Armando Cruz and Lourdes Osuna Sig and Jackie Csicsery David and Susan Cullen Elaine (Padgham) Cullen James and Shawn Cullen Charles and Elaine Culver David and Kathleen Culver Ted and Laura Cummings Gene and Alice Cunneely Brian and Laurie Cunningham Jack and Margaret Cunningham Sean and Kimberly (Brickner) Cunningham Richard T. Cupp Dr. and Mrs. Nick L. Curalli Don and Va Lena (Scarpelli) Curran Francis J. Curry Jack and Rebecca Curry George and Marion Curtis Jim and Dorothy Curtis Kimm Curtis Joseph Cusack Joseph and Lori Cusack, Jr.
Jay and Karen Cutler Raymond and Caroline Cutuli Donald and Sharon Cyr Robert and Julann D’Aboy Thomas and Kathleen Dahlby Loy and Therese Dale Michael and Ruth Daley Philip and Joni Dalton Suzan Daltoso John and Nancy (Williams) Daly Seana Daly Jerry and Mary Anne D’Ambrosio William and Constance Damby Ralph and June D’Amour Stephen and Karen Daniel Dennis and Susan Daniels James and Michele Daniels Kevin and Mary Jean Daniels Edward and Cathy (Huntington) Danz Peter and Monica Dapper Joseph and Carolyn Dargan Michael and Sherrie Daschbach Michael Dasilva Paul and Patricia Daskalos William and Patricia Davidge Loring and Lori Davies Richard and Jana Davies Donald and Theodora Davis John and Ruth Davis Kevin and Illa Davis Laurie Davis Mark and Sarah Davis Michael and Leeann Davis Mitchell and Eileen Davis Robert and Terrie Davis Steven and Marlys Davis Stuart Davis Thomas and Jennifer Davis Donald and Joan Davison Douglas and Marion Dawirs Ed Dawson and Marcia Meade Mr. and Mrs. Larry Day Ruben and Nancy Day Family of Brad Dear Ruthie H. Dearing P.J. De Benedetti and Camille Buckley Jeffrey and Susan deBoer Terry and Rhonda DeBorde Jon Debourg Shawn and Kate Decker Brad and Pam (McNally) DeCounter Armand and Joy DeFelice James and Ann DeGon Steven and Patricia Degracia, Jr. Leo and Ingrid DeGreef
David and Debra DeHaan Edna Deichl Charles and Kathleen DeKay Brian and Linda Delahunty Mark and Carol (Stewart) De La Mater James and Carol De La Montaigne Joseph and Bernadette Delaney Douglas and Marcia Delaurenti Steven and Jean Dellino Luino and Margaret Dell’Osso, Jr. Dennis A. Dellwo Jerald and Deborah Del Toro Donald and Maureen Del Zompo Dr. and Mrs. John Demakas Jeffery and Christine Demarais Francis and Joanne Demarinis Edward and Karen Demko Jayne (Stanich) Dempsey Shaun and Beth Dennehy Douglas and Merrily (Roberts) Denton Mark and Maria Denzler John and Paula DeRusso Paul and Kathleen DeSantis Carlo and Susan DeSimone Allan and Chelsa Despot Ken and Dolores Desserault Carlos and Jana DeTevis Sonja S. Devaney Robert and Joanne Devereux John and Linda DeVitis Dale B. and Christy E. (Smith) de Viveiros Randall and Marlene (Bauer) De Voto Ronald and Penelope DeWilde Edward and Paula Dey Raelynn Dezellem James and Monica Diamond Paul and Lorilee Diaz Ralph DiBernardo and Diane Rappleyea Dennis and Carol Dickinson David and Anne Dickman Dr. James P. Diestel, Jr. John and Janet Dietrich Marcia Dietz Angel and Kathleen (Bonck) Diez Jim and Joan DiJulio Thomas and Stephanie Dills Phil and Gean Dindia James and Janet Dingel Samuel and Concetta Di Re James and Nancy Disanza Peter and Patricia (Gilmore) Dito Mark and Sally Ditzler
Joseph Dixon and Becky Baumert Derrill Dizard and Patricia Shanks William Di Zinno Romeo and Annabelle Dizon David and Valerie Dobbs Beverly Dobler William and Kathleen (McFarland) Dobner Kenneth and Elizabeth Dobson Patrick and Diane Dodds Kent and Rebecca Dodge Andrew Dodson William Doherty Charles and Elizabeth Dohoney Mary Dolan Gerald and Cheri Dolezal Richard Dolinar James and Kathleen Dolliver Mary W. Dolliver Francisco and Teresa Dominguez Pat and Cia Donahue John and Margie Donoghue Jacqueline Donovan Steve and Jennifer Doolittle William and Judy Dooris The Hon. Robert J. Doran Lance and Norma Dormann Ernest and Mary Dorn John and Christine Dorrance Jeff and Phyllis (Abbott) Dorrington Keith and Meg Doscher Michael and Diane Doster Charles and Katherine Doty David and Hannelore Doty Alan and Karen Douglas Tom and Michele Doupe David Dowling John and Alexis (Nelson) Downey Robert Downey Mark and Carol Downing Claudia Doyle Patrick and Mary Doyle Robert and Janet Draggoo George and Theresa Drago James and Amy Draxler Nikolay and Zinaiada Dremlyuga Michael and Karin Drew Michael and Andrea Dripps Kevin and Jackie Driscoll Leo and Mary Driscoll Richard E. Driscoll Tom and Karen Driscoll Robert and Helen Drislane Michael and Kathleen Driver Michael and Saradel Drobka Steven and Michele Droessler James and Tamara Droppo
Michael Drougas and Susan Anderson Drougas Steve and Sandi Druffel William and Anne Drummey Shirley Drury James and Janet Duane Ronald and Lynn Duarte Peter and Carey Dube Virginia (MacIntyre) Dubuque Thomas A. Duffin John A. Duffy Patrick and Gail Duffy William and Susan Duffy Ron Duggan Corinne Dullanty F. J. Dullanty, Jr. Carrie Dumar Dean Duncan Bill and Pam Dunfield Joe and Ellie Dunn Kelly and Michael Dunn Mark and Regina Dunn Patrick and Mary Dunn Randolph and Jane Dunn Nancy (Armstrong) Dunne Connie Dunnington Steven and Fariba Dunsmore Gregory and Catherine Dupont Nick and Vicki Durgan John and Allison Durkin Catherine Dusterdick Rich Dworkis and Heidi Cook John and Charisse Dwyer, Jr. Michael and Julie Dwyer Raymond and Belen Dziwura Robert and Mary Eager Robert Earnest Stephen and Kathy Easley Stephen and Mary Eastwood Robert Eaton Dr. and Mrs. James Eberle William and Tricia Ebert Dennis and Ann (Shelledy) Eckardt William and Debbie Eckhardt Lee and Janet Eckmann Chris and Marla Economou Christine Eddy Jeffrey and Marla Eden Thomas and Ann Edens James Edmunds and Robin Cheyney Michael † and Nicole Edmunds David and Kelly Edwards Ronald and Irma (Terhaar) Edwards Sean and Susan Edwards Timothy and Mary Edwards Fred and Janice Ehlers
Joseph and Barbara Eichhorn Kevin and Kathleen Eichler Adolf Eitner James and Roberta (Stuckart) Elder Duane R. Eldred Jeffrey and Alice (Weber) Elekes Carol Elias Thomas Eling Dennis Ellingson James and Peggy Ellingson Mr. and Mrs. Wallace E. Elliot Barrie and Jean Elliott Patrick and Kellie Elliott James and Mary Ann Ellis James † and Patricia Ellison David and Sheila Ellsworth Dale and Kathryn (Wellman) Elmenhurst Marie R. Elu John and Katherine Ely Linda S. Emerson Robert and Jo Ann Emery David and Mary (Judge) Emmick John Engel and Susan Reis David and Valerie Enger Alan and Terri Engler Mark and Donna Englert Brian and Maureen Englund John and Karen Enloe Heather A. Ennis Jerry and Sally Epler Ralph Epling and Lisa Harstedt Adolf and Vida Eppich Craig and Diane (Zuelke) Erickson Martin and Annette (McGinn) Erickson Lucille Erigero Andrew and Kimberly Erlandson Charles and Barbara Erle Burton Ernst Dennis Erwood Paul and Sharon Escallier Matthew and Jeanine Eschelbach Lou Espinosa Charles Esposito Joyce A. Esposito Garry and Connie Esser Paul and Elizabeth Essex Don and Patty Etten Suzanne Eubank Margaret Evans Mark Evans and Lucy Hoyos Peter Evans and Kathleen Orr Robert Evans and Lisa Fitzpatrick Jon and Carol Evavold Mark and Carrie Everett John and Nancy Everist
Joe and Amy Everson L. Kevin and Mary (Richardson) Evoy Juanita Ewing Richard and Debbie (Niehus) Fagnant George and Janet Fague Norman and Karen Fain Dennis and Mary Falcone John and Thelma Fales Al and Vicki Falkner Frank Fania James and Lori Farley Bonnie Farmin Anthony and Christine Farrell Niles and Pamela Farris Gasper Fatta Harvey and Victoria (Zlatich) Faurholt Joseph and Kimberly Fay Gregory and Susan Fazzari James Fecteau and Eileen Doyle William and Bambi Feehan Edward and Sylvia Feicht Steve and MayRene Feider Nikki Feister Robert and Jean Feldman Roger A. Felice Ed and Denise Fell Thomas Felnagle and Debby Mumm Felnagle Eugene Feltz Gale and Carol Ferguson Joe and Sheryl Ferguson Paul and Karrie Ferguson Harindra and Rivini Fernando Michael and Joanne Ferris Michael and Elizabeth Ferriter Steve Ferschweiler Robert and Sue Feulner James and Roanne Fiedler Lester Field Twyla Field William and Jennifer Field Lucy Fields Eric and Stephanie Fifer Michael and Susanna Filley Mark and Cindy Fineran Kent and Angela Fink Bob and Heidi Finn Leo and Rose Finnegan Michael and Jane Finnegan Shawn and Lori Finnerty Bill Fisch and Ann Brunett Craig and Karen Fischer Dale and Bonnie Fischer Gordon and Victoria Fischer Gregory and Joleen Fischer
YEAR IN REVIEW Political science major Bryce Comstock received a full-ride scholarship an intensive summer course in Brussels on the emergence of the European Union, when his independent study was named among the top four papers at the 2012 Claremont-UC Undergrad Research Conference.
Gregory and Francene Fisher Scott and Karen Fisher Beth Fitterer Christopher and Judith Fitzgerald Mike and Linda Fitzgerald Jack and Marie Fitzpatrick Dr. and Mrs. Kieran Fitzpatrick Per and Jane Fjortoft William Flaherty Dr. Michael R. Flaningam Vera L. Flesher Pamela Fletcher Jon and Sheri Flies Felino and Lucila Flores Jamie and Tamra Floyd Lonnie Flyckt Colleen (Eugene) Flynn Margaret Flynn Rodney Flynn and Cathy Connor Timothy and Carolyn Flynn Brian and Wendy Focht David and Patricia Fogarty Eugene Fogleson Arnold and Ronda Fohn Michael and Maureen Fohn Daniel and Judy Foley Thomas Foley and Charlene Padden Michael and Carol Folks Steven and Julie Fondario Kenneth and Doris Fong Terry Fong Charles and Denise Foote John Ford John and Lora Ford Ronald and Marilyn Foreman Robert Forester Michael and Andrea Forner Mick Forsman John and Joanna Forsyth Mario Forte and Kristine KeoughForte Charles and Zoe Foster Thomas and Sally Foster Stergios and Margaret Fotopoulos Paul and Kristi Fracolli Andrew and Cynthia Fraher
Thomas and Rebecca Frame Rosann Francisco Dan and Virginia (Puleo) Franco Thomas and Lori Franco Steven and Angela Francois Diane L. Frank Richard and Sandra Frank Alfred and Diane Frankel Alfred and Susan Franzoia Bill and Karen Frederick Bruce and Kate Frederick Thomas and Patricia Freeburg Charles and Susan Freedgood David and Jinx Freels Allen and Raina Frei Stephen French and Kathy Swindell-French Mark and Colleen Freshley Larry and Julie Frey Thomas Friedman and Rosemary Byrne Daniel and Linda Fries Mary Frizzell Terry and Marilyn Frost Paul and Janet Fruci Marian and Mark Fuchs Robert and Anne Fuchs Mark and Geri Fucile Anthony and Elizabeth Fuentes Mark Fugiel Ken and Anne Fujioka Ernest and Carol Fullmer, Jr. Rhett and Cindy Fulwider Casey Funk Colin and Vernessa Funnell Jennings and Michele Fuqua Richard and Cynthia Furse Albert and Lori Gabelein Bryan and Carol Gadeken Joe and Joan Gagliardi Glenn and Ursula Gailis Giulios and Mary Ann Galassi Elizabeth A. Gale Monica (Harrison) Galeucia John and Teresa Gall Dana Gallagher Ellen and Jerry Gallagher
Gerald and Linda Gallagher Michael Gallagher and Marielle Blais Vincent and Phyllis Gallant Lanny and Teri Gallion Aura M. Gamache Denis and Christine Gamache Gary and Patricia Gamache Todd and Kai Gambee Constantino and Vilma Gamolo Richard and Michele Gandolfo Salvador and Lucia Garay Tim and Melinda Garberich Andres and Maria Garcia Ronald and Barbara Garcia Erasmo Garcia Guzman and Maria Garcia Gaitan Donald and Nancy Gardner Mark and Marita Gardner Steven and Lucinda Gardner Dr. and Mrs. Tom Gardner William and Karen Gardner Jeffrey and Beth Garibaldi Steve Garitone Jorge and Silvia Garre Dale and Lisa Garrett Dan and Jennifer Garrity Paul Garton Felix and Tillie Garza Joseph and Marilyn Gasnick Karen Gatens Michael and Patricia Gats Gary Gault and Jean JacksonGault Thomas and Denise Gebes George and Theresa Gee Guy and Cherrie Geerdts Mr. Chris Gehring John and Mary Jo Geidl Herman and Phyllis (Fischbach) Geiger Clark H. Gemmill Roger and Rosanne Gence Eugene and Katheleen (Roth) George Peter and Catherine (Warriner) Gerber Jim and Dodie Gerding
Greg and Jeanette Gerlomes Gregg and Karen Gerstenberger Richard and Julie Getty Alfred and Clara Giannini Daniel and Nancy Gibbs Terry and Kim Gieber Kathleen Gierzak James and Sharon Gies Carrie Giesler Daniel and Cynthia J. Gilbert John and Sherry Gilbert Jack and Lynn Giles Kent and Donna Gillespie Daniel and Linda Gilliland David and Rebecca Gilman Diane Gilman Gerald and Marietta Gilmore Timothy and Susan Gilmore Mario and Donna Giordano Thomas and Natalia Girlich Denny and Carla (Novak) Gish John and Carolyn Glaser Howard and Sue Glass Dick and Kathleen Glassburn Anthony and Pearl Glaves Alice C. Gleason Robert and Joyce Gleiser Gary and Janis Glenn Mike and Catharine (Marble) Glennon Bill and Connie Glynn Oliver and Christina Goe Douglas and Mary Goelz Joseph and Heidi Gogal Richard and Annette Gogesch Peter R. Goglia Steve and Debra Goldstein Trudy Goller Bill and Michele Gollhofer Richard Golob Mark and Colleen (Reilly) Gonia Connie J. Gonyou Donald and Suzan Gonzales Frank and Regina Gonzales Bernard and Patricia Gonzalez Rosibel Gonzalez Henry Goode
Rew and Susan Goodenow Keith and Debi Goodrich Larry and Malvina Goodwin Steven and Debra Gordon Ann E. (McLaughlin) Gore Roger and Janet Gores Richard and Margo Gorini Christopher and Susan Gormley Richard and Ann Goslee Leslie Gosse Timothy and Mollie Gosselin Michael and Cheryl Gossler Terry and Ann Gottberg Stephen and Sara Goudreau Brian and Judith Gough Budd and Kathy Gould Herbert and Christine Gould Tom and Lillian Gould Thomas and Rebecca Goulet Allan and Julia Gourlie Paul Grabarek Peter and Cheryl Grabicki Gary and Suk Grablin William and Brency Grabowski Amy Gracyalny Craig Gracyalny James and Colette Grady Sean and Debra Grady Thomas and Marvella Grady Sandra Graf Michael and Mary Grainey David Granatstein and Elizabeth Kirby Robert and Carol Granly David and Anna Grant Douglas and Marie Grant Gerald and Kimberley Grant Marv and Anne (Gaskell) Grassl Mark and Jackie Graue Steven and Ann Gravelle Mark and Margaret Graves Ed and Jane Gray Josef and Stephany Gray Joseph and Christine Gray Richard Gray and Susan Kennedy-Gray Timothy and Mary Gray
Thank you for your generous gifts made between June 1, 2011, and May 31, 2012. Great care was taken to ensure the accuracy of this listing. We would appreciate you alerting us to any errors or omissions. Please contact Laura Gatewood, director of stewardship, at 509.313.6381 or
Albert Greco Robert and Denise Greco Glenn and Sharon Gredvig David and Cindy Green Francis and Janet Green Greg Green Harry and Jann Green Jerry and Helen Greenan Jack and Danne Greene Lindon and Loretta Greene Peter and Margaret Greene George and Martha Gregg John and Joan Gregoire Walter Gregorwich Glenn and Jan Gregson Vivian A. Gregson Donald and Jean Grell Gregory and Joan Gress Art and Norma Griff Kevin and Joyce (Wassmuth) Griffey Glen and Wendy Griffin Mark and Mary Griffin Susan Griffin Craig and Mary Griffith Peter Griffith and Karen Krouse William and Mary Griffith Gerald and Annette Grimm Gary and Kathleen Grisanti Nick and Patricia Groleau Dr. William Gromko, Jr. Michael and Joanna Grosodonia George and Janis Grout Robert and Sharon Grover Kimberly Grusenmeyer Mark and Nancy (Wagner) Gryziec Frank and Kathryn Guarascio William Guenther Kenneth and Christina Guerins Jerry and Janet Guerreiro Paul and Catherine Guilford Robert and Linda Gullette John and Pamela Gummel Roy and Jill Gunsolus David and Heidi Gunsul Lester Guske Luis Gustavo and Diana Martinez Michael and Carol Gutesha Larry L. Guthrie Jay and Pearl Gutierrez Gaetano and Ellen Guttadauro The Hon. and Mrs. Richard P. Guy Gordon and Helen Guzenski Steven and Aileen Haag Robert and Raquel Haas Gary and Nadine Haberman William and Diane Habjan
Shawn Hackett-Evans Don and Sherie Hackney Paul and Patricia Haddeland William C. Hafeman Patricia Haffey Barbara A. Hagel Howard and Gigi Hagen Jerome and Theresa Hagen Jeffrey Hahn and Maureen Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Hern Hahn Peter and Rebecca Hahn David and Barbara Haid James and Barbara Hairston James and Terry Hake James and Joyce Halcomb Steven and Trudy Thompson Haley Douglas Hall Joseph and Kelly Hall William Hallerman and Linda Louise Savio Rick and Michelle Hallett Donald and Joyce Hallstone Dave and Kelly Hamad Dave and Susan Hamer Gene and Dana Hamilton Jim Handy and Mary E. PopeHandy George and Mary (Kennelly) Hanigan Richard and Claudette Hanisch James and Sandy Hank Bruce and Connie Hankins Patrick and Marilyn Hanley Larry and Cynthia Hanna Kim and Corinna Hansen Ronald and Anne Hansen Tom and Kristeen Hansen John and Beatrice Hanson John and Judie Hanson Robert Hanson Shirley M. (Bjorge) Hanson Dennis and Kristine Hanzeli Roy and Joy Hara Brian Harber Margaret Hardebeck Lance and Dana Hardesty Joseph and Barbara Harding Thomas and Jane Hardison Michael Hardy and Joanne Blum Randal and Gina Hardy Theodore and Sandra Harke Vernon and Kathleen (Ryan) Harkins Charles and Margie Harmon George and Kelley Harmond Julie Harper Eileen Harrington
Michael and Beverly (Oswood) Harrington Steve and Tracy Harrington Carrol and Nancy Harris Gregory Harris and Judith HuettHarris James and Kathleen Harris James and Lynn (Joyner) Harris Michael and Caryn Harris Robert and Debby Harris Harvey and Jeanne Harrison James and Jane Harrison Richard and Linda Harrison John and Catherine Hart Harry Hartinger Paul Hartman and Catherine Chimenti Stephen and Nancy Hartman Robert Harvey and Amy Shandell Kevin and Ann Hassett Lance and Mary Hastings Michael Hastings Larry and Tudy Hatch Reno and Kelsey Hatcher Timothy F. Hatcher Michael and Patricia Hathaway Robert Hattrup Carl and Jacqueline Hauser Douglas and Susan Haut Robert Hauth Jeffrey Hawes and Lisa Reynvaan-Hawes Michael Hawkes Jay and Shelly Hawkins Jeffrey and Patricia Hawkins Mary Rose (Wasson) Hawkins Scott and Molly Hawkins Gary Hawkinson Michael and Sheila Hay Gretchen (Mize) Hayden Dennis and Marguerite Hayes William and Deborah Hayes Winslow and Rita Hayes Nancy Haynes Douglas and Eleanor Head John Healy Kevin and Debbie Healy Mary Heath Scott and Therese Heaton Diane L. Hebl Gary and Cathrine Heck Anthony and Shannon Heckart Stephen and Jyotsna Heckman Judson and Kim Hedine Dr. and Mrs. Daniel T. Hefelfinger John Heffernan Patrick and Patricia Heffernan
Wayne and Collette (Rouleau) Heffner Matthew and Shannon Hegewald Kenneth and Joanna Heiber Jerry and Patricia Hein Joel and Helen Hein Gregory and Linda Heinrichs Laurie (Folden) Heinz Mr. and Mrs. Allan C. Heiskanen David and Elizabeth Helber Tim and Pam Helfrich Donald and Jocelyn Helling James and Christine (Mahoney) Helton Stephen and Vickie Hempelmann Charles and Pamela Henager Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Henderson Thomas Henderson Thomas and Monica Henderson Carl and Nancy Hendricks Ronald and Sandra Hendrickson Mark and Terri Hennessy Tim and Katie (Sutton) Hennessy Joan L. Henning Leland Henrichs Steven and Kathie Henricksen Robert and Jean Henry Stephen and Ronda Henry Robert and Valerie Hensle Donald H. Herak John and Norma Herbers David and Kathleen Herbert Tom and Mary Herche John and Kim Herling Howard and Darlene Herman Jimmy and Priscilla Hernaez Frank and Renee Hernandez Brad Herr and M. Lisa Bradley Lorelei and Phil Herres Steven Herrick and Margaret Brilz Rol Herriges David and Deborah Herron Jerry and Eileen Hertel Steve and Victoria K. (Swain) Hertz Johannes and Mallene Herzog Florence Hesse Dennis and Jane (McFaul) Hession John and Judith Heusner Alfred Heydrich and Linda DudaHeydrich Richard Heye and Susan Benz Rita Heye Ronald and Susan Hiatt John and Mary Hickey Kevin and Meg Hickey John and Carolyn Hickman
William and Darlene Hickman Mark and Marsha Hierbaum Bob Higgins Craig and Teresa Higgins Stephen and Ellen (Holm) Higgins Thomas and Ann Higgins Dr. and Mrs. William T. Highbill Tony and Cindy Higley Dr. and Mrs. Kenji Higuchi Paul and Regina Hildebrandt Daniel and Luann Hilger Achim and Jayne Hill Thomas and Stephanie Hillier II Ann Hillman Daniel and Jeanne Hillman Randall and Judith Hillner Karen Himmelmann Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Himmelsbach Robert and Kyong Hinshaw Terry and Paula Hinz Mike and Joni Hirst Erwin Hirt Virginia S. Hislop William Hlavacek and Gail Bohnhoff-Hlavacek John and Michele Hnatishin Thomas Hoban Thomas Hobson Kim and Carol Hochstetler Fred Hodge Jim and Marjorie (Henry) Hodgson Richard and Roberta Hodgson Dr. and Mrs. Michael Hodulik George and Debra Hofbauer Ronald and Marilynn Hoff James and Carol Hoffman Jeff and Karen Hoffman John and Martha Hoffman Richard and Nancy Hoffman Rick and Nina Hofmeister Alan and Eileen Hogan Kevin and Shirley Holcomb James and Sarah Holland, Jr. John and Jackie Holland Newell and Pat Holland John and Deborah Holleran Judy Bee Holloway Stephen and Patricia Holmquist Mike and Sarvin Homaizad Kenny Hong Stanton and Shirley Hooper Del and Teak Hoover Tom and Liz Hoover Willis and Cheryl Hopkins III Gary and Barbara Hordemann Thomas and Susan Horelick Lynn and Mary Horne
Scott Horngren and Yone McNally Lynn Hornsleth John and Laura Hortsch Mr. and Mrs. James T. Hose Phil and Leslie Hostak David Hostenske David and Mirja Hostetter George and Kathleen Hotchko Harold and Andre House Bruce and Thu-ha Howard Glen and Lisa Howard Dr. L. Michael and Michela Howell Wayne and Perilee Howie Dennis and Lisa Hruska Sampson and Becky Hubbert Michael and Carolyn Huber John and Mary Huberty Elizabeth Huckaby Jeffrey and Suzanne Hueners Daniel and Mary Hughes Edward and Roberta Hughes James Hughes and Patricia Livingston Bruce and Gina Hugo J. Michael and Christine Huie Jon Huizinga and Anne Tracy Tom and Lori Huling Millard and Shaela Hull Lori Hume Thomas and Kathleen Hundhammer Adam and Michelle Hunt Andrew and Sheelagh Hunter J. Steven and Jane Hunter Patrick and Marilyn Hunter Calvin and Elisabeth Hunziker Thomas and Merrilee Hurson Daniel and Elizabeth Hussey Daniel Huston Susana Huston Creighton Hutchins and Barbara Lance-Hutchins Dennis and Theresa Hutchins Shover and Lora Hutchison Jim and Mary Hutton Gregory and Joan Huus Richard and Nancy Hydzik Scott and Diane Hyndman Marc and Joan Hynes Michael and Kara Ilg The Hon. Cynthia Imbrogno Margaret Mary (LaBelle) Imhoff Paul and Birgitta Indaco James and Patricia Infantine Edward and Melissa Ing Nancy Ingram Craig and Teresa Innes Anthony and Mary Interrante
Paul and Lavonda (Bodeau) Ircink John and Patricia Irwin Peter and Jennifer Isaacson Howard Ishizuka and Lily Kamikihara William and Abby Itule Carlo and Stephanie Izzo Timothy and Kathleene Jablonski James and Debbra Jackson John and Charlotte Jackson William and Lisa Jackson Bill and Nell â&#x20AC; Jacobs Harold Jacobson Thomas and Patti Jacobson Daniel and Nan Jacuzzi Rick and Mary Jaggars Dr. and Mrs. Gary A. Jagodzinski Rachel Jalota John and Diane James Michael and Juanita James John and Katherine Janicki Margo Janicki Mike and Lisa (Millison) Janicki Don and Marilyn Jans Mark and Frances Jansa David and Joan Jansen Maria Jardim David and Sherri Jarvey Andrew and Donna Jaske Jeffrey and Carri Jaspersen John and Elizabeth Jenkins Matthew and Julie Jensen Steven and Danette Jensen Daryl and Barbara Jenson Bob and Alice Jepson Gregory and Claire Jewell Dr. Spencer and Jane (Holm) Jilek William Johns and Gloria Foss Bill Johnson C. W. Johnson Craig Johnson and Shawn Underwood Eric and Amy Johnson Eric and Susan Johnson Frank and Maureen Johnson James and Kay Johnson Joel and Randi Johnson John and Christine Johnson Kaye Johnson Lawrence Johnson and Kathleen Baker Michael and Shelly Johnson Raymond and Rae Johnson Robert and Jodee Johnson Steven and Diana Johnson Susan H. Johnson David and Diana Johnston Deborah Johnston
Jeffrey and Donna Johnston Lawrence and Lynne Johnston Marc and Sheila Johnston Max and Rebecca Johnston Mark and Claire Jonaitis Don Jonas Evan and Susanne Jones Jerry and Trudy Jones Jon and Susan Jones Peter and Kathleen Jones Rose S. Jones Sandra E. Jones William and Ann (McCarthy) Jones Esther Joneson Deborah K. Jonker Diane Jordan Donald Jordan Donald and Kimberly Jordan Susan Jorgensen Sheila Joslin Nick and Karie Josten Robert and Stacy Jovick Jeffrey and Karen Joy Gerald and Cheryl Joyce Robert and Anne Joyce Peter and Cyndie Lou Juarez Dr. and Mrs. Terrance Judge Terrance and Meg (Reilly) Judge William Judge Michael and Theresa Judkins Marshall and Rebecca Judy Antanie and Maria Jumanca Mary Jung-Stenwall Donald and Janet Justice Kent and Ann Kading Brian and Nancy Kaemmer Kenneth and Colleen Kaiel John and Lisa Kalbfleisch Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Kalez Rui Kalousdian Kenneth and Tammie Kamins Barry and Anna Marie (Sangiacomo) Kane David and Laura Kane Mark and Maureen Kane Andrew and Kristina Kanellopoulos Joyce Kania Dr. and Mrs. Kennard J. Kapstafer Scott and Karen Karn Michael and Lisa Karr Robert and Rose Kaser Paul and Lois Kashiwase Roxanna J. Kasman Martin and Maria Katigbak Christopher and Carol Kaufman Michael Kaufman
Steven C. Kayl Don and Mary Kayser Dr. Thomas Kearney and Ms. Sharon Fischer Patrick and Maureen Keaty Dan Keefe Ronald and Carolyn Keefer Thomas and Barbara Keefer Charles and Jean Keegan James Keegan and Eleanor Lamb Bob Keeler and Kraig Tevis-Keeler Boyd Keenan Kevin Keenan Nancy Kekos John and Terri Kelleher Ray Kelleher Thomas and Jill Kelleher James and Lori Keller Peter and Maureen Keller William and Mary Keller Bob Kelley Joseph W. Kelley Terrell Kelley and Cynthia Blanchard Tom and Mary Ann Kelley Brent and Denise Kellogg Richard and Susan Kellogg Benjamin and Eileen Kelly Brian and Annamarie Kelly Dennis and Donna Kelly James and Carol (Burgess) Kelly John and Audrey Kelly John and Pat Kelly Joseph and Mary Kelly Richard Kelly Tom Kelly Edgar and Goldie Keniston John and Katherine Kennedy Louise Kennedy Richard and Christine Kennedy Steven Kennedy Timothy and Carol Kennedy Hollis and Kathryn Kenner Milburn and Bethine Kenworthy Erin Keogh Peter Kepfer and Helen Smith Timothy and Mary Kerber Bill and Carol Kerley Adam Kerr Alison Kerr Robert and Brenda Kerr Russell and Young Kerr Eugene and Ellen Kersh Patrick and Frances Kershisnik Keith and Mary Kesselring Craig and Louise Kessler Anna (Suveg) Kestell Gregory and Debra Ketchum
Deborah Ketter Charles and Linda Keturakat Jeffrey and Marcy Keuter Greg and Julie Keys Abdallah and Kelly Kfoury Pratap and Elaine Khanwilkar John and Jacqueline Kiely John and Diane Kilkenny Mike and Terri Killeen Timothy and Ana Killeen David and Patricia (Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Connell) Killen Kevin and Sarah Kilpatrick Mr. and Mrs. Barry Kimmel Larry and Kathleen Kimmel Charles and Margaret Kincaide James and Mary Anne (Metcalfe) King Larry and Margaret King Theodore and Suzanne King John Kingery Dale L. Kingman Daniel and Eileen Kinney Richard and Michele Kinshella Harold J. Kinzer Gary Kirchner Kevin and Virginia Kirk Lawrence and Christine Kirven Thomas and Felicia Kirven David and Doreen Kishel William and Vicki Kissinger Daniel and Karen Kitts Gary and Katie (Murray) Kleeman Edward and Virginia Klein Steven and M. Lynn Klein John and Gayle Kleinschmidt Gary and Pamela Kleppinger Russell and Cheryl Klette Cary and Cyhthia Kloes Lester and Beverly Klopp Richard Klotz and Susan Brett James and Vicki Knapp David and Angela Knickmeyer Thomas and Nancy Knowlton Steven and Mary Knox Mike and Clare Kobluk Robert Kocarnik Roy and Ann (Martinelli) Koegen Dr. and Mrs. Michael Koelsch Patrick and Kelly (Whitford) Koenen David and Heather Koenig Wayne and Elizabeth Kohan Barbara Kolbet Steven Kolmes and Linda Fergusson-Kolmes Thomas and Ellen Komadina
YEAR IN REVIEW Graduates of the class of 2012 headed to such universities as Duke, Princeton, Notre Dame and the London School of Economics. Professor John Caputo
The Hon. and Mrs. Jack Komar Aiko Koochi Thomas and Catherine Kopitnik Paul Koppe Evyann Kory Jeffrey and Christina (Gannon) Kotson Paul and Barlo Koutras James and Anita Kowalski James and Carol Kozen Vasiliy and Lyudmila Kozlov Eugene and Vickie Kraemer Charles and Carol Krahenbuhl Gene and Janet Kranc Leon and Janice Kranz Dr. and Mrs. Walter Krebs Patrick and Gaylene Krostag Lilian Kubail Kalousidan Phil and Toni (Valentine) Kuder James Kuhlman and Paula Hansen-Kuhlman Timothy and Dawn Kuhn Mary Lou (Douglas) Kuijper Larry and Barbara Kulesa Gary Kunihiro Dr. Daniel and Mrs. Mary (Brajcich) Kunkel Kenneth and Sharon Kunkel Molly Calfee Kunkel Joseph and Kala Kunthara Keary and Karen Kunz Mark Kuolt and Jeannine Torlai-Kuolt Edgars Kupcis and Linda Inhelder Stephen and Jeannine Kurtela Stephen and Susan Kurtz James J. Kuska Midge (McGreevy) Kuster Dr. and Mrs. Paul Edmond LaBissoniere Robert J. and Rose A. LaBree H. Terry and Kathleen (Beck) Lackie Hugh and Reva Lackie Alan and Sherri Lacour Timothy and Penny Laferriere Patricia LaGoy Peter LaGoy Keith and Linda LaHonta Frances H. Lally James and Kimberly Lally Thomas LaLone Kathleen Lamanna Reggie Lamb Robert and Cynthia Lamb David Lamey Larry and Robin Lammers Alexander and Susan LaMontagne
William and Patricia Lamphere Bill Lampson Thomas Lampson Lester and Teresa Lamug Charles and Carleen Lane Kenneth and Debbie Lane Bruce and Mary Langedyke Charles and Teresa Langfitt Thomas and Mary Langland William and Patricia Langley Clifford and Bliss Lanier Raphael and Tiffany Lansden Gary and Jill Lantta John and Carrie Lapke Michael and Gracia Lapke Robert and Karen LaPointe The Larkin Family The Hon. and Mrs. Thomas Larkin Anthony and Debby LaRocco Alana and Lawrence LaRock Marshall and Deborah Larsen George and Philomena Larson John and Sandra Larson Lawrence and Mary Larson Margaret K. Larson Robin A. Larson Stephen and Marcia Larson Art and Betsy Lathrop James and Kristin Latousek Warren and Jamie Latvala Vincent and Kathleen Laubach Robert and Diana Lauderbach Robert and Marie Laule Martin and Virginia Lauth Mark and Sara Lauzen Bruce and Linda LaVergne Amy Lawrence Mark and Jacqueline Lawrence Ray and Phyllis Lawrence Garry and Annette Lawrenz Thomas and Jenny Lawry Michael and Gail Lawson Scott and Darlene Lawson Jerry Layman Joseph and Nancy Lazzara Lan and Mac Lan Le Ngoc Le and Phuong Nguyen Sherie Leadon and Michael Glazier Terry and Jeanne Leaf Richard and Roberta (Scott) League Richard and Michelle Leahy Geoffrey Lebon and Yvonne Deshazo George and Lynne LeBret Gregory and Rose LeBrun Gordon and Lindee Ledall
Fred Ledeman George and Beverly Lederle Andrew and Aileen Lee Craig and Rosanna Lee David and Celeste Lee Floyd Lee Geoffrey Lee and Lee Philpott Vernon and Carie Lee Robert and Martha Legier Howard and Deanna Leinweber Patricia A. Leistritz William and Tara Leiweke Robert and Elizabeth Leko Richard and Patricia Leland Kent Lembke and Shannon Walker-Lembke Daniel Lemiere Gerard and Carol Lemieux Margaret L. (Seubert) Lemieux Joseph and Marion Lenneman Donald and Jennine Lenseigne David and Beth Leon Jack and Helen Leonard Rorie and Jan Leone Harriet Leppek † Peter and Susan LeRoy COL and Mrs. Thomas M. Leslie Mark Letourneau and Janet Mayeda-Letourneau Glenn and Paula LeVan The Hon. Jerome and Mary Jo Leveque Fred Levine and Rosemary Wareham Guy and Carolyn Levingston Dr. and Mrs. Gary J. Lewandowski Dr. Gerald H. Lewis, Jr. Harold Lewis Richard Lewis and Julie AadlandLewis James and Celeste Liberto Trudy Patton-Bigham Lieb Klaus and Rita Liebelt Frederick and Lana Liebhaber Eric and Christine Lieder Randy and Jennifer Light Richard and Susan Lightfoot Theodore and Patrice Linde Jack and Yvonne Lindecker Daniel and Jill Linton James Litchfield and Diane (Johansing) Litchfield Colleen Little Gloria Little John Little Matthew and Karen Little Keith and Donna Littlejohn Allen and Peggy Litzenberger
Blaise and Elizabeth-Arlis Liu Charles Lloyd and Mary E. Wahl, M.D. Robert and Rebecca Loback Alastair and Nancy Lockett Thomas and Ann Lockhart Carl and Debra Lockwood Christine Lockwood Wil and Pat Loeken Brock and Karin Loen Dr. and Mrs. Jose Loera John and Donna Loftus David and Katherine Lomartire David and Susan Lombard John and Lisa Long Dr. and Mrs. Richard Long Ron and Judith (Imhoff) Long Todd and Lisa Longbottom Kevin and Meridith Loomis Mike Lopach Carol Loran James and Susan Lorang Chris and Jill Loutsis John and Lori Loutsis James and Lynne Love Kimberly Love Michael and Dana (Sells) Love Mikael and Rebecca Love Pauline M. Love Virginia (Rees) Low Lou Ann Lowers Scott and Margaret Lowrimore Danilo and Victoria Loyola Jeffrey and Tracey Lubeck Deborah Lubking Terri (Bonallo) and Wyatt Luce Robert and Maryanne Lucia Michael and Carrie Lucke Charles and Martha Luebbering Robert and Julie (Richardson) Luettgen Stephen and Elizabeth Luizzo Eloy and Fayree Luna Charles and Mary Lund David and Elizabeth Lund John and Mary Lund Richard and Andrea Lund Dan Lundberg and Kristina FranzLundberg Terry and Christel Lundeen Robert Lundin and Rosemary Renaut Randolph and Sally Lustig Elmer and Virginia Luthman Loren and Patricia Lyall Michael D. Lydon Patrick and Shirley Lynam Jack and Paula (Rotar) Lynch
Mike and Lorine Lynch Robert and Barbara Lynch Donald and Kathy Lyons Eugene Lyons Dr. Edwin T. MacCamy † Emmett MacCorkle Jack MacDickeson and Linda MacDicken Dr. Gerald B. MacDonald James and Jane MacDonald Thomas and Sylvina Machtolf John and Phyllis MacKenzie Tim Mackin and The Hon. Tari Eitzen John and Kathleen MacMillan Maureen Mac Niallais Harold and Barbara Macomber Michael and Eileen MacPherson William A. Maddigan Charles and Elizabeth (Hoene) Mader Kenneth Madrid Dan Maes George and Barb Maffeo John and Rose Mary Magee Michael and Lisa Magee Herbert and Mary Magleby Colleen Magnuson Rick and Carol Magnuson James and Kathleen (Rogge) Maher Nancy Mahoney and Gary Matthews Stephen and Ann Mahony John Mahre William and Kathleen Main William E. Majerus James and Marynel Malcom Peter † and Marianne (Mesenko) Malen Dan and Kathy Mallea Dr. Michael Mallea and Dr. Maureen Kim Lynch Gary and Camille Mallon Dr. and Mrs. Charles M. Malloy Kevin and Christine Malone Michael P. Malone Richard and Joan Malone Paul and Kathy Maloy Glenn Malubay and Jeanne Freeman-Malubay Helen Manaras Martin Mandel and Duree Dunn Corey and Tracy Mandell Charles and Karen Manes John and Beverly Manfredonia Joseph Mangan and Carol Cooke Joseph and Barbara Manglona John and Carol Manix
Paul and Janet Mann Mike and Joan Manning John and Victoria (Rangan) Mantello Maria Manzano Kenton and Diane Mapes Jay and Margarita Marchus Angela Marcotte Arturo and Marchia Maria Joseph and Yvonne (Koreis) Mark Dr. and Mrs. Patrick S. Markel Oscar and Mariaelena Marmolejo William and Ann Marquard Gary Marsh and Ann AllisonMarsh Jon and Gretchen Marsh Neil and Shari Marshall Carroll and Patricia Martell Bruce and Kelly Martin Charles and Deborah Martin John and Lisa Martin Mark and Maureen Martin Nancy Martin Patricia Anne (Naigle) Martin Timothy and Carmen Martini Joe and Darlene Marushack Martin J. Marx Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Marzano Leopoldo and Celia Masalunga Gregory and Donna Mashburn Matthew and Carrie Mason Walter and Tracy Mason Stanley and Linda Massey, Jr. Patrick and Leanna Mastaler Dr. and Mrs. Craig Matelich Stephen and Elizabeth Matern Jacob and Sarah Mathew Gary and Gwen Mathews Virginia Mathews Daniel and Mary Mathis Robert and Karen (Pattison) Mathis Richard and Lauren Matre Alan and Cynthia Matsumoto Winston and Susan Matsuura Larrie Matthews George Matto Steve and Darlene Matule James and Jacqueline Maunder Thomas and Susan Maunder Carl and Beverly Maw Randy and Debra Mawhirter James and Julie Maxham Clement and Tamara May Robert May and Rosemary Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Connell Tom and Kim May Dave and Veronica Mayo
Kenneth and Lynda Mayo Don and Paula Mays Joseph and Elizabeth McAleer Thomas and Mary McAndrews James and Judith McAteer Dr. and Mrs. John McBee David and Cheryl McBride Michael F. McBride David and Judith McCabe Edward and Cynthia McCahill Kenneth and Carol McCall Patrick and Lenell McCallum Mac and Teri McCandless Clifford and Kimberly McCann Jack and Mary McCann Archie and Kathryn McCarrie Phil and Sandy McCarthey Tom and Mary McCarthey, Jr. Edward and Patricia McCarthy Kevin McCarthy Kevin and Nancy McCarthy R. Patrick and Susanne McCarthy Susan McCarthy Anthony and Christi McCauley Frank McCauley Frank and Atsumi (Tsukimori) McCauley Timothy and Linda McCauley Betty McChesney Neil A. McClanahan Wendy McClosky Gregory McComas and Vilija Avizonis Bill and Lynn McConnell Joseph and Judith McCormack Mel and Patricia McCormack Dennis and Anne McCormick Matt and Mary McCoy Timothy and Jean McCoy James and Susan McCracken Neil and Ann McCurdy Donald and Gloria McDermott Jim McDermott William and Juliana McDermott Brian and Mary Kay McDevitt Richard and Cheryl McDevitt James and Christine (Dukart) McDirmid Aaron and Judith McDonald Dr. Michael and Jean (Clarke) McDonald Patrick and Hannah McDonald Randall and Linda McDonald Brian McDonnell and Barbara DeBenedetto Nick and Cherie McDonough Kevin and Cindy McEvoy Kevin and Susanne McEvoy
Robert McEwen Terence and Lisa McEwen Norman McFadden Vincent and Miriam McFadden Marge McFaul David and Claire McFeely William and Ann McGah James and Janet McGann Matthew McGaughey and Ann Murphy David McGill Kevin and Mary McGoffin Steve and Denise McGoldrick James and Clare McGovern Ray E. McGriff James and Caroline McGrillen Matthew and Kendra McGuinness Mike and Ruann McGuinness David and Cecilia McGuire James and Lynn McHugh Mark and Kelly McInerney Allan and Lois McInnis Thomas and Diana McIntire Rhoderick and Barbara McIntosh Ronald and Esther McKay Charles and Sheryl McKee John and Theresa McKeegan Tom McKeirnan John and Marilyn McKenna John and Melanie McKenna Nancy McKenna Myron McKenzie and Maria Camacho-McKenzie Willis McKeon Allen McKimmey John McKittrick and Mary Dalton-McKittrick John McLachlan Dan and Nancy McLafferty Marcus and Darlene McLafferty Scott and Ruby McLafferty Joseph and Eileen McLaughlin Dr. and Mrs. Thomas McLaughlin Mary McLens John and Barbara McLoughlin John and Deidre McLoughlin John and Marsha McManus William McMillen William and Margaret McMordie Gregory McMorrow and Jacquelyn Affonso Cecelia A. McMullen Christine M. (Altman) McMurdo Gregg and Darlene McMurray Paul and Barbara McNabb Daniel and Julia (Verhey) McNeal II Professor Alan and Suzie McNeil
Robert and Joan McNeil John and Anna McNett Michael and Susan McNevin Ulrich and Kimberly McNulty James and Judy McQuaid Debbie and Kevin McQuilkin and Family Michael and Anita McRobert Joseph and Martha McRoskey Jeannine C. McShane Marilyn (Potter) McWilliams Richard and Mary Lou McWilliams Robert and Linda Meagher James and Andrea Meckes Kathleen Medeiros Robert Medeiros Larry and Patricia Medin Douglas and Denise (Green) Medley James and Laurita Medley Bruce and Merry Medvec Don Meehan Martha Meeks Allen and Kelleen Meeuwsen Gary and Kathryn Meggison Dr. and Mrs. Jacob W. Meighan Craig and Susan Melder Leo and Dorothy (Schaffers) Mellon Jay and Dolores Mendiola Bertha Mendoza Valeria Menke Stephen and Fran Menzel T. F. and Kathleen Mercer John and Kaye Merkel Alan Merkle and Catherine Burnett Nick Merlino and Lola Fontana Walt Merrick James and Peggy Merrill Rick Merrill and Dodi Currie Edward and Mary Mertens Don and Fern Meseberg Martin and Helene Meskers Jon and Theresa Metropoulos Robert Meyer Sandra Meyer Steven and Anne Meyer Byron and Glena May Meyers Philip and Teresa Meyers Rich and Patricia Miailovich William and Deborah Michael Michael and Pamela Michaud Robert and Karen Micheletti Ronald and Debby Miciak Bill and JoAnn Mick Christopher and Paula Middleton
John Middleton Karen Migliuri Daniel and Julie Mikesell Robin and Shelby Milam Francis and Theresa Milette Barry and Bettina Mileur Amy Milkovich Walter and Lois Millar Bob and Pat Miller Dawn Miller Donald Miller and Susan Mitchell-Miller Douglas and Mary Miller G. Carter and Elizabeth (Herres) Miller Gregory and Erin Miller J. D. and Lori Miller John Miller and Rebecca Brown John and Pamela (Eakin) Miller John T. and Linda L. Miller Jolene Miller Lawrence and Mary Miller Richard and Susan Miller Robert and Susan Miller Ronald and Annamaria Miller Todd Miller and Yvonne Tackoor Robert and Leslie Millick Michael and Kelley Mills Nikos and Rebecca Mills Sam and Vickie Mills Michael and Roxanne Milne Brano and Zelika Milovanovic Marianne Mingione Walter and Patricia Mings Janet Minielly Robert and Catherine Minor Gary and Anne Minter Elizabeth Miranda Jimmy Miranda Kenneth and Deborah Mishler Johnston Mitchell and Christine Coers-Mitchell Randolph and Theresa (Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Toole) Mitchell Ron and Shelia Mitchell Stacy A. Mitchell Lorna and Joe Mix Mark and Sharon Miyakado Raymond and Cecelia Mizzoni Rebecca and Donald Moak Raymond and Cheryl Mockel Robert and Ann (Garvin) Modarelli III Ken Moland Virginia Molenaar Jon and Janet Moller Fred and Dot Mollerus John and Lori Moloney, Jr.
YEAR IN REVIEW Gonzaga’s MBA program rose to No. 82 nationwide in the U.S. News & World Report rankings.
Mal and Mary Monahan Arnie and Kathryn Mondloch Peter and Linda Moniz Dr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Monks Michael Monnahan Rodney and Elizabeth Monroe Max and Karen (Edgett) Montecucco Ronald and Valerie Monterverde Anne Montgomery Wayne and Julie Montgomery Steven and Barbara Mooers William and Lilly Moon Clayton and Nancy Moore Douglas and Julee Moore James Moore Jeffrey and Renee Moore Jesse and Lani Moore Lorrie Moore Margaret Moore Mary Jo Moore Thomas and Margaret Moore Danny and Rita Moorhouse Gladys Mora James and Kathleen Moran John and Janet Moran John and Vickie Moran William and Elizabeth Moran Kari M. Morando Bruce Moravec Barbara Morawski Harold and Sandra Morgan Michael and Melinda Morgan Todd and Lauri Moriarty Bradly and Diana Morisoli Philip and Natalie Morrell Dennis and Carina Morris Perry Morris and Gloria Ybarra Scott and Lizbeth (Tomich) Morris Thomas and Loreen Morris Wes and Georgia Morris Glen and Stephanie Morrison John and Wanda Morrison Ronald and Barbara Morrison Ronald and Colleen Morrison Sidney Morrison Tim and Becky Morrison
Alan and Deanna Morse Scott and Camille Mortensen Arleen Morton Mark and Laura Moser Carl and Staci Moses Barry and Maureen Mousseau Angelo and Phyllis Mozilo John and Margaret Mudd Gerhard and Anne Marie Muelheims Michael and Mary Mulcrone Dr. and Mrs Edward Mulick James and Sheryl Mullaney Duane and Linda Mullen Richard Mullins and Barbara Lenfesty Fletcher and Karen Mulvaney Candace Mumm Hans and Beth Mumper David Munger Dennis and Loretta Munger Thomas and Myriam Munson James and Lillian Murillo Bill and Mary Murphy Chuck and Linda Murphy Craig and Anne Murphy Daniel and S. Ann (Tillery) Murphy David and Ellen Murphy Donald and Raeanna Murphy Edward and Mary Murphy L. Pierce and Mary Anne (Swoyer) Murphy Linda W. Murphy Marilyn J. (Macnab) Murphy Matthew and Kathleen (Greenan) Murphy Patrick and Anna Murphy Patrick and Elizabeth Murphy Tim Murphy Timothy Murphy and Ranae Ratkovec Virginia L. Murphy Donald and Virginia (Baptiste) Murray Michael and Ann Murray Don and Katheren Murrell Jo Ellen Murrens James and Cynthia Musar
Benjamin and Catherine Muse Mark and Mary Musgrove Ronald and Linda (Cook) Muskopf James and Stephanie Musser Jef Myers and Diana Hamilton Scott Myers and Christine Koll Thomas and Susan Nadeau Jane Naekel Michael and Shayne Nagel J. Patrick and Lenice Nagle Alfred Naigle Steve and Janis (Jacobs) Nantz Fabian and Dale Anne (Severance) Napolsky Anotonie and Maria Narciso William and Donna Nash Harry Nathaniel Lt. Col. and Mrs. Pat Naughton Francisco and Maria Navarro Kay Neal William and Arlene Neal Michael and Karina Neale Terrence Neary Dale and Kathleen (Juenemann) Neer Gerald Neff Tracy and Barbara Neighbors Joseph and Julia Neilson Karen E. Nelsen Brian and Leslie Nelson Eric and Gail Nelson Gary and Mary Nelson Gregory Nelson Joseph and Carolyn Nelson Kenneth and Lyudmila Nelson Maryann Nelson Richard and Laurie Nelson Sten and Molly Nelson Ward and Pamela Nelson David and Rosalinda Nemes Dr. Albert H. Nephew The Neumann Family Limited Partnership Sally (Kirkpatrick) Neumann William and Kathleen Neumayer Jeffrey and Mary Neumeyer Tom and Teresa Newbury Jerry and Jeanne Newcomb
Thank you for your generous gifts made between June 1, 2011, and May 31, 2012. Great care was taken to ensure the accuracy of this listing. We would appreciate you alerting us to any errors or omissions. Please contact Laura Gatewood, director of stewardship, at 509.313.6381 or
Brook and Heidi Newell Dale and Karen Newstrom The Hon. Arthur Newton Joseph Newton Henry and Presentacion Ngan Qua and Zenaida Nguyen Hartwig and Evelyn Nichols Robert and Mary Nichols Clark and Patricia Nicholson Susan Y. Nickasch Christopher Nicoll Richard J. Niederegger Richard and Lesa Niehuser Joseph and Ellen Nieslanik Jose and Gladys Nieves Brian and Kimberely Nighswonger Rex and Ann Nikula James and Ardella Nilles Joseph and Dorothy Nilles Roger and Luanne Nilsen Stephen and Mary Lou Nisewander Darryl and Kathleen (Wilson) Nitta James Noe Kevin and Mary Nohner Tom L. Nollette, Sr. Charles and Nancy Nordeck Andrew and Joanne Nordeen Alan and Megan Nordin Michael and Jeanette Norte Michael and Julia North John and Margaret Norton Ted and Jeannie Norton Irene Norwood Joseph and Nancy Novack Carole Nowak Gerry and Marlene Noyen Frank Noyes and Silvana Fusco Joseph and Anne Nusse Wes and Mary Lee (Toepel) Nuxoll Mr. Donald O’Bannon Mary Oberhauser Edward and Catherine O’Brien Mr. James R. O’Brien, Jr. James and Colleen (Byrne) O’Brien John C. O’Brien, Jr.
Kathleen O’Brien Kevin and Mary (Broderick) O’Brien Raymond and Jana O’Brien Seamus and Hanh O’Brien James F. and Sharon O’Connell Margaret O’Connell Thomas and Linda O’Connell Charlie and Doris O’Connor John and Maureen O’Connor Thomas and Kathleen (Allen) O’Connor William and Mara O’Connor David and Peggy Odegard Robert and Fleeta O’Dell Mark P. O’Donnell Peter O’Dowd Jack † and Margaret Oehlke Douglas and Sheila Off Damon and Margaret Ogle Seane Oglesbee Thomas and Theresa Oh Patrick and Susan O’Hagan John and Susan (DeDonato) O’Hara, Jr. Rob and Debi Ohashi Mark and Catherine Ohlstrom Ruben and Miriana Ojeda John and Kathleen O’Keeffe Andrew Oldham and Toni Cooper Mieczyslaw and Jadwiga Oleksiak Nolan Olhausen and Pamela Wisner Don and Jean Oliver Gordon and Patricia Oliver Robert and Roberta Oliver Patricia Olivera Thomas and Jennifer O’Loughlin Joe and Nancy Olsen William and Mary Olsen David and Maria Olson Donald and Joan Olson Eric and Lori Olson Siobhan O’Malley Dr. Ronald P. Omberg Leo and Jolene Omlin Fred and Patricia Omodt
Betty Jean O’Neal Jeffrey R. O’Neil John and Ann O’Neil John and Janet O’Neil Mike C. O’Neil Frank and Barb O’Neill Michael and Laura O’Neill Kathryn Ooka Barbara L. Opalinski Donald Opila and Mary Masters Opila Margie Francisco Opitz Thomas and Rhonda Orazio Tom and Teri Orella Edward and Patricia (Smith) Orizotti Vlad and Marcella Orlita Dan Orne and Betsy Osburn Alvin Ornellas Michael and Johanna O’Rourke Alan and Kimberly Orr Carl and Cynthia Orr Cynthia and Dr. Eric Orr William and Marie Orrange Anne Orsi Todd and Deborah Orth David Ortman and Ann Marchand Thomas R. Osborn John and Kathy Osborne David and Carol Osenga Guy and Madeline Ossello Jack and Kathy Ossello Steve and Lynnea Ossello John and Deborah Ostrander Vallina and Richard Ostrem Jim and Penelope Oswald Loren and Joanne (Slavin) O’Toole Michael and Doriann O’Toole Mike and Dorinda Otto James and Debbie Ouellette Andrew and Martha Oven William and JoAnn Overfield John Overwater Raymond and Marlyce Owen Peter and Peggy Owenson David and Tedi Paasch Richard and Jennifer Pacheco James and Anne Packard James Padden Thomas and Carla Padrnos Jeffry and Kristin Paine William and Dara Paine Marie Palachuk David and Mildred Palmer Mark Palmer and Dorothy Timian-Palmer Robert and Anne Palmer Chris and Nancee Pangares
Anthony and Patricia Paolucci John and Sara Papajani Garry and Diana Paradis Patrick Paradis Anthony and Mariann Parasida John and Janis Parente Bart Parker and Jean Picha-Parker James and Mary Parker Kathy Parker Peter and Colleen Parker Starr and Cynthia Parker Dave and Theresa (Craven) Parks Karen Parks-Mcclinon Michael and Liza Parmely David and Nancy Parque Scott Parrish and Loni Austin Parrish Ronald and Joann Parsons John Pastizzo W. Murray Paterson Allison and Helen Patrick Chris Patrick William and Michelle Patrick David Patterson and Mary Palffy Michael A. Patterson Walter and Imelda Patterson Jody Patton Dr. Donald R. Paugh and Ms. Diedre L. Olin Jerald and Jeanie Paukert Kenneth and Elizabeth Paur Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pavlik Mark and Terilyn Pavlik Thomas and Deborah Pavlik Howard and Judith Pay Greg and Donna Payne David and Jill (Perry) Payton David and Janice Pearce Howard Pearson James and Anne Pearson Ruth H. Pearson Brian and Christine Peck Kevin Peck and Roxanne Springwater Robert and Susan Peck David and Joan Pecora Steven Pedersen Larry Pederson and Joyce Dickinson Thomas Peek and Lori Adamski-Peek Thomas and Lorelyn Pelatt Daniel Pelfrey and Laura Root Joseph and M. Beth Pellicciotti Michael and Tracey Pemble Carl Pennington Paul and Wendi Pennington Gregory and Elizabeth Pense
Anthony Pepin and Marie Hollinshead Leo and Arsenia Peralta Jose and Terese (Pugh) Perez Luis Perez and Maria Barajas Santos S. Perez J. James Perkins Laurence and Eileen (Brewer) Perkins, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Perko Thomas Perko Garry M. Perno Robert and Stacy Peronto Mark and Jacqueline Perrier Richard and Mary Kay Perrigo Dennis and Jackie Perrin Jerry and Dianne Perrine Wade and Beth Perrow Cathy and Clarence Perry Christopher and Julie Perry Dale and Betty Perry John and Patricia Perry Richard and Cindy Perry Casey and Michelle Persing Corey and Karin Peterson David † and Marilyn Peterson James and Margaret Peterson Kertis and Kathleen Peterson Kurt and Celeste Peterson Marvin and Margaret Peterson Roger and Karen Peterson Steve and Laura Peterson Terry and Sally (Grant) Peterson Kent and Martha Petrie Jon and Jane Pettibone Michael and Phyllis Peyerl Jay and Joan Pfeifer William and Linda Pfeiffer George and Lyn Pflaum Robert and Robin Phares Randle and Roxanne Phelps Bruce Phillips and Carol Hering Phillips Keith and Pamela Phillips Paul and Janis Phillips Henry and Denise Piaskowski Kevin and Malia Picchi Michael Piccolo and Carmencita Niere-Piccolo Ron and Margo Pichler Mary Pickard John and Barbara Pickett Douglas and Patricia Pierce Dennis and Talliene Pierre Edward and Michelle Pierson Robert and Candice Pierucci Frank and Jacki Pietromonaco Mr. John Pietromonaco and
Ms. Lilli Scalzo-Pietromonaco Arne and Molly Pihl James and Jenny Pinkerton James and Janelle Pinsoneault Roland and Eileen Pinza Mr. Charles Piper Maynard and Yvonne Plahuta Leonard Plank Clarence and Darlene Plant Clifford and Jane Plath Todd and Kathleen Plocher Ewarad and Denise (Erdahl) Ploof Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Plymale Richard and Barbara Poe Warren and Mary Polensky Bonita Polich Gary Polodna and Mary Laing Kathleen J. (Bochsler) Polzin Mitchell and Cathy Pomeroy Bill and Teresa Pon Eric and Gabriela Poncedeleon Mike and Betty (Onley) Pontarolo Steve Pontarolo and Regina Maag Lanora Pook Graham Poole and Maureen Britton-Poole Bradley and Michele Pope Rocco and Donna Popich Kenneth and Elizabeth Porad Brad and Kim Porterfield James and Brita (Wood) Posedel Frank and Janet Postlewaite James and Kathryn Postma Albert B. Poston Casey and Theresa Potts Thomas and Rebecca Pouliot Steven and Rene Power Daniel and Mila Powers John and Bonita R. Powers, Jr. Charles and Susan (Garber) Pray John and Mary Praznik Ann (Merriman) Price Charles and Joan Price, Jr. John and Deborah Price Noel and Marti Price Jim and Marilyn Prince Brian and Jacqueline Promes John and Dianna Propson Dean and Angela Proszek Tracey Prpich David and Regina Ptolemy Joseph Pucillo and Georgeanne Fulstone-Pucillo Gary and Susan Purdy William and Kathleen Pyne Ermel and Christine (Breitenbach) Quevedo Bill and Carol Quigg
John and Gail Quigg Family Robert and Patrice Quillin Brendan and Elizabeth Quinlan Dennis and Rosemarie Quinlan Georgia Quinn H. Eugene Quinn Jake Quinn James and Barbara Quinn John and Diana Quinn Michael and Victoria Quinn Tim and Wanda Quinn Rose Racicot The Hon. and Mrs. Philip M. Raekes William and Mary Anne Rainey James and Nancy Raleigh Ed and Yvonne † Ralph Michael and Diana Ramires Jeffery and Janice Ramirez Barry and Tawnia Ramstad John and Virginia Rand Bill and Jeri Randall Clay Randall Hubie Randall Mark and Cindy Randleman Robert and Judy Rangitsch Jeffrey and Patricia Rarick Charles and Margarete Rassel Scott and Diane Raszler Mark and Shari Ratigan Paul and Catherine Ratliff Marion and Maria Ratuiste Stephen and Jacqueline Rauch Thomas Rausch Maria Ravarino Mary Ravarino Anthony and Galyn Rawls Richard and Bonnie L. (Sharp) Rawson Martin and Helen Raygoza Herbert and Janice Raymond John and Shirley Read Denny and Leann Reader Sam and Marianne Ream Peter and Rita Redford Jim and Barbara Reding Mike Reding and Barbara Schmerber Fred and Sherilyn Redmon Alan and Dana Reed Jeff and Margaret Reed Stanley and Carol Reed Wendell and Norma Reed Jerry and Michaelle Rees Eldon and Kathryn Reese Brent and Krisite Reeves John and Katherine Regester Mark and Nancy Rehberger
YEAR IN REVIEW In April 2012, CCASL’s mentoring programs received the Washington Association of School Administrators Community Impact Award for Spokane Public Schools. Each school district gives this award to one community partner. Center for Community and Service Learning
Paul and Julie (Bourne) Rehberger Alan and Therese Rehn Ted and Christine Rehwald Kenneth and Pamela Reid Timothy and Julie Reid Victor and Barbara Reid Margaret A. Reidy Mike and Judy (Yeend) Reilly Rosie Delgadillo Reilly Wayne Reingold and Jan Christensen Frank Reinhardt Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Reisenauer Dwight P. Remick Claude Remy and Claire SpainRemy Craig and Gail Renius Traci Rennaker David and Leslie Resnick Ross and Judy Rettenmier Kurt and Theresa Reuter James and Rebecca Reynolds John and Catherine Rheinberger Robert and Gillian Rhodes Joseph and Lynn † Ribar Michele Ricca Mark and Kathleen Ricci Michael and Debra Ricci David and Eileen Rice Edward and Patricia Rice Kenneth and Jean Richard Michael and Paula Richard Timothy and Tonda Richards Dennis and Kathryn (Cullen) Richardson, Sr. Grant and Julia Richardson Robert Richardson Thomas and Josephine Richardson David and Mary Richenstein Matthew and Mary Richie Tom and Janet Richmond Diane Rider Cy and Rosemary (Menzia) Rief John Riegel and Mary Moineau-Riegel Dr. Jurgen Rieger and Ms. Wanda Boykin Christopher and Jeanie Rieke Ronald E. and Kathleen Riel Elizabeth and Clyde Ries Sam F. Rikalo Martin and Pamela Riley Patrick and Laura (Martin) Riley William and Victoria Rinck Jim and Gloria † Ringwood, Sr. Pat and Mary Jo Ringwood Roberta Rink
Thomas and Sheila Ripper Howard and Karen Ritter Doug and Kathleen Rivard The Hon. Gerald Roach and Maria Roozen-Roach Patrick and Leeann Roach Thomas and Mary Robbins Bill Roberts Billy † and Barbara Roberts Douglas and Marlene Roberts Norm † and Rita Roberts Ronald and JoAnn (Salina) Roberts Steven and Barbara Roberts Alan and Karen Robertson Jack and Gina Robertson William and Gretchen Robertson Gregory and Donna Robillard Robert and Carolyn Robinson Ross and Andul Robinson Steven and Lori Robinson Walter and Deborah Robinson Dr. and Mrs. Victor Robisch Richard and Kelly Roche George and Susan Rockwell Elidio and Martina Rodriguez Marilyn Rodriguez Fernando Rodriguez Casillas and Guadalupe Perez Guillen Russell and Catherine Roe James and Jean Roeber Stephen and Virginia Roehl Craig and Sue Roessler The Hon. and Mrs. Michael P. Roewe Jeff and Amy Rogers John and Judith Rogers Robert Rogers and Laura Bibo Robert and Linda Rogers Phil and Georgene Rognier R.C. and Connie Roland Paula M. (Mc Ardle) Rolleri Jason and Noelle Rollins Mark and Leslie Romman George and Jeanne Ronay John and Linell (Gort) Rooney Kevin Rooney and Rachael Spencer Gene and Theresa Roosendaal Jessie Rosauer Jim and Lin Roscoe Richard and Evelyn Rose Russell and Kathleen Rosen Adam and Colleen Rosenblatt Michael and Dolores Rosman Aggie Ross Charlie and Catherine Ross Leslie Ross
Andy and Marge Rosson Evelyn Rost Douglas and Pamela Rostron Mark and Kathleen Rotar Mike and Linda Roth Paul Roth Harold and Betty Rotter Russell and Kathleen Rottiers Leif and Deborah Rovick Barry and Linda Rowan Christopher and Kaye Rowland Debra Rowsell-Sachet Kevin and Nancy Roy William and Betty Mary Royce Charles and Donna Rubosky Bill and Odette Rubright Paul and Janet Ruckel Carl and Jacquelyne (Kopas) Ruckwardt Herman and Hope Ruddell Michael and Rebecca Rudeen Fran Rudolf Lowell and Kathleen Ruen Karl and Lorna Rufener Kenneth and Janet Rufener Michael Ruff Gordon and Katina Ruh Olga Ruiz Ronald and Carol Ruminski David and Rebecca Rumpza Jon and Kathleen Runnalls David and Karen Russell John Russell and Ann Kuder Randall Russell and Juliane McKim Richard and Rose Russell Dennis and Frances Russo David and Jan Rust Andy and Edith (Rosman) Rustemeyer James and Cindy Rutherford Steven and Kathleen Ruwe Loren and Sherry Rux Patrick and Elaine Ryall Douglas and Katherine Ryan James and Patricia Ryan Patrick Ryan Ray and Mary Ryan Terry and Roberta Ryan Thomas and Caroline Ryan P. Terry Rypien Lisa Sabatini Barbara A. Sabean Frederick and Margaret Sacha James and Marilyn Sachtjen Mark and Catherine Sackmann Robert Sadler Cesar and Edith Saenz
Glenn and Heather Safadago John and Cathy Sage Alan and Tambra Sagouspe Margaret Sakata Andrew and Dina Sale Martin and Bobbie (Bodensteiner) Salina Gayle A. (Sinovic) Sammons Ken and Peggy Sammons Frank and Michelle Sample Ronald and Julia Samuelson Mike and Sharon (Fitzgerald) Sanchez Susan Sander Douglas R. Sanders Robert and Carla Sanders James and Geraldine (Kiep) Sangiacomo Pamela Sangiacomo Sandro and Jeannie (McDonald) Sangiacomo Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Sansone Willie and Maria Santa Maria Danilo and Zenaida Santiago Ken and Kathy Santschi Robert and Helen Santucci Atilla and Ruth A. Sarar William and Susan Sari Tim J. Sattler Richard and Noel Saunders Dr. and Mrs. Lester R. Sauvage Dave Savage Danny and Elaine Say John and Shannon (Casey) Scacciotti Michael and Judith Scara Mary Scarpelli Mark and Helen Schaa Theodore and Christine Schaefer Ella Schaeffer Donald and Cathi (Shaw) Schafer Wayne and Gloria Schafer Ken and Deanna Schalk Steven Schanes and Ann Fera Thomas and Vicki Schaub Joseph and Carolyn (Magee) Schauble Michael and Tonya Scheel Susan Schelling Thomas and Mary Schemmel Stephan Schepergerdes and Donna Byrne James Scherzinger and Claire Carder George and Ginny Schiel Roy and Sue Ann (Pechtl) Schiele Anthony and Brenda Schifano Michael and Carol Schimmels John and Karen Schindele
Stephen and Diana Schiro Charles and Julie Schisel Vincent and Jennifer Schlosser Robert and Rosemary Schmid Edith Schmidt Leonard and Lizabeth Schmidt Norman and Lynette Schmidt Peter Schmidt Daniel and Nancy Schmitt J. David and Kathy Schmitz David and Marjorie Schmutz Joseph and Shyla (Asher) Schneider William and Rhonda Schneider Glenn and Laura Schnell Ted and Chris Schnug Theodore and Barbara Schober Harold Schock Mark Schramm Michael and Wendy Schramm Ronald and Gail Schroder Daniel and Jennifer Schroeder Donald and Jean Schroeder George and Joyce Schroeder Stephen and Melody Schroeder William and Johanna Schroll Bill and Connie Schuler John and Penny Schultz Lee and Sheila (Walsh) Schultz Peter and Jocelyn Schultz Frederick and Annabell Schunter Cindy Schut Joe and Sherry (Paulsen) Schwab Dr. and Mrs. Lester Schwaegler Steven and Johanna Schwartzkopf Jonathan and Diane Schwarz Michael and Diane Schwarz Margaret Schwede John and Sheila Scola Donald and Laurel Scott Harvey and Claudia Scott Jim and Mary Anne Scott Martin and Nancy Scott Walter and Rebecca Seaman Robert and Alice Seegan Mauro and Gina Seghetti Patrick and Deborah Seidl David and Leslie Seidner Stephen and Patricia Sein James Selden Peggy Self William and Mary Sellers Richard and Elizabeth Semke Frank and Mary Senecal Lawrence Senffner Nicholas and Brenda (Schaeffer) Senger
Richard and Diane Senger Jon and Maria Sessler Scott and Alethea Seto Michael and Joan Seubert Carmen and Teresa Severino B. M. (Arbuckle) Severtsen Douglas and Maureen Sewright Syed and Novera Shafaat Mark and Kathleen Shanahan Robert and Patricia Shangraw Bill and Hilda Shanks Cameron and Terri Sharpe Donald K. Sharpes Jackman and Patricia Shattuck Jonathan and Elizabeth Shaw Ted and Mary Shaw Alan and Julie Shawcross David and Linda Shea Tom and Susan (Danz) Sheedy II Dana and Rae Sheets Barnard and June Sheffield James and Susan Shellooe Steve and Susanne Shepard Theodore and Mary Shepard Patty Shepherd-Barnes Burton Sheppard and Kathleen Magnuson Sheppard Joseph and Kim Sheppard Daniel and Mary Sherman John and Katherine Sherrick Bill and Catherine Shiel Michael and Susan Shiffer Pat and Mary Anne (LeMay) Shine Mary Shinn William and Marta Shoemaker Alexander and Maureen (Gordon) Shogan, Jr. Steven Shores and Sara Kerrick Mark and Elisa Shotwell Mark and Arleen (Parker) Shrader Dave Shultz Peggy M. Shultz Robert and Julie Ann Siderius Penn and Nancy Siegel David and Laura Sieler Michael and Jeri Simek Darrell and Donna Simien Frank and Marissa Simmer Keith and Kathy (Kronenberg) Simmons Mark and Cherie Simmons Errol and Emily Simonitsch Alexander Simpson James and Carolyn Simpson Mark and Stephanie Simpson Troy Sims Julie A. Simshauser Thomas and Elizabeth Sinclair
George and Margaret Sinner Lisa Skelton James and Marlene Skillings Paul and Anna Skinnell Donald Skinner Samuel and Christine Skinner Peggy A. Skirko Karen Skoog Marguerite Sladich Michael and Monica Slamkowski Timothy and Victoria Slavin Gene and Merrilu (Silva) Sloboda Stephen and Sheila Slomski Thomas and Dolores (Dawson) Slovarp Martin and Susan Smale T. W. and Mary Small Ray and Fredda Smasne Joseph and Joanne Smatlan Robert and Joyce Smee Andrew and Marianne Smernis Alice Smith Bill and Patricia (Eakin) Smith Dean and JoAnn Smith Gary and Kathryn Smith Gary and Patricia (Taylor) Smith Gregory and Susan Smith Joan Grey Smith Kevin and Kelly Smith Kim and Robin Smith Laura Smith Lawrence and Barbara Smith Lyle Smith Lynn Smith Matthew and Lisa Smith Maurice and Margan (Haley) Smith, Jr. Milton and Sherry Smith Philip Smith Robert and Norma Smith Roger Smith Dr. Ronald Smith Samuel and Julie Smith Shaun and Sandra Smith Thomas and Robin Smith Richard and Laurie Snell Norman and Mary Snider Doris Snow Roger and Joan Snow Margaret Snyder Robert Snyder Jeffrey and Luanne Sobieski James † and Linda (Apple) Solan Timothy and Katherine Soldati Ron and Pam Soliday Mike and Kelly Soltwisch Keith and Denise Solveson Donald and Susan Sommerfeld
Mark and Valerie Sonderen Doug and Karen Sonneborn Leroy Sonnen John Sooy Ben and Julie Soto Steven and Roxanne Spalding Thomas and Lauren Spallino Donald and Elizabeth Sparks Douglas and Theresa Sparks Karl and Carol (Brolin) Speltz Heath and Cynthia Spencer Samuel Sperry Tim and Molly Spilker John and Barbara Spindler Allan and Lynn Spitzer Angela and Larry Splater Donald and Madeline Sprague Thomas and Ann Spratt Kirk and Kathleen St. Andrew Mark and Patricia St. Hilaire Randall L. and Linda (Roccanova) St. Mary Steve and Genene Staats Douglas Stacey Mary Stach Mary M. (Shikany) Stachofsky Al and Lois Stadtmueller Dr. and Mrs. Christopher Staeheli Dr. and Mrs. John Staeheli Michael and Joan Stagnaro Christopher and Elizabeth Stahl John and Katherine Stampfel Susan Stanaway Richard and Elizabeth (Hurley) Standiford Margot J. Stanfield Alan and Jane Stanford John and Cathy Stanghellini Greg and Karen Stanley Joseph and Katrina Stark Tom and Patricia State Jerry and Carolyn † Staton Stephen and Loretta Stech Leonard and Lenora Stecker Ronald and Julie Steele Anne Steenackers Gregory and Margaret (Fleetwood) Steeves Charles and Diane Steilen John and Kathleen Steinhaus Peter and Lisa Stember Ivan and Arlene Stepan James and Anne Stephens John and Susan Stephenson Dean and Judy Stepp James Stevens Theodore and Marilyn Stevens Tom and Gail Stevenson
Don and Anne Stewart Ivan and Marlene Stewart Jerry and Mary Stewart Kathleen Stewart Patrick and Anna Stewart Steven and Rebecca Stewart John and Laura Stoeser James and Debra Stogsdill James and Mary Jo (Greany) Stokoe Mark and Patricia Stoltz Bryan and Cheryl Stone Jack and Sara Stone John Stone Stephen and Elizabeth Stoops Mark and Lori Storud Paul and Shirley Storwick Zachary and Vasiliki Stoumbos Timothy and Lisa Strader Richard and Madeleine Strahl Timothy Strand and Eileen Collopy Richard and Diana Strasburg Scott and Nancy Stratton Owen and Diane Strecker Dirk and Melinda Stricker John and Karen Strub Eric and Mary Strutzel Lawrence and Mary Anne (Brown) Stuckart Robert and Cecilia Stuckart † Eric and Deborah Stucky James and Susan Stuppy William and Carolyn Sturgeon Carl Sturm Matthew Suhadolnik Edward and Robben Suhay Gregory and Jennifer Sullivan Harold and Joan Sullivan Jerome Sullivan and Linda St. Peter Jerry and Patricia (Baker) Sullivan John and Joan (Radich) Sullivan Joseph and Parker Sullivan Patrick and Diane Sullivan Robert Sullivan James R. Summers Frederick and Susan Sunderman John and Monica Suryan Mark and Patricia Susbauer Jamie Sutherland John and Mary Sutherland Thomas and Garnette Sutherland Vincent and Brenda Sutton Dr. Michael J. and Dr. Janice G. Suyehira Amy E. Sveinson Michael and Barbara Swanson Pat and Mary Swanson Richard and Laurie Swanson
Steven and Linda Swartley Kenneth and Sherry Sweeney Andra Swegle James Swegle Ferdinand Swenson Thomas and Nancy Swenson Mr. and Mrs. Norman Swick David and Carol Swihart Christine M. Swinehart Paul Swinehart James Swingley Al and Victoria Symington James and Sue Syvertson Will Szotkowski and Martha Carley Morey and Mary Tabatabai Carl and Paula Tadaki Carol Tadrowski John and Sylvia Taflan Ross and Noella Takahashi Gregory and Doreen Takisaki Michael and Palma Talamantes Peter and Bliss Talbott Timothy and Mary (Geraghty) Talevich Bill Talkington Rhett Tallas Sonny and Kathleen Tangaro Gerald and Lorna Tangren Mrs. Kathleen Tanksley Roberta Tansey Bejamin and Mary Tardiff John and Bridget Tarzwell David and Heidi Tate David and Siobhan Taylor Dick and Barbara Taylor John and Suzanne Taylor Michael and Teresa (Hart) Taylor Paul and Sheree Taylor Robert and Rozlyn Taylor Derek and Christi Teachout David Tedin Michael and Carla Teegarden Kurt and Mary Teichmann Tina Templeman Juan and Becky Tenorio Deana L. Terrell Gayle Terry Migirdic and Talin Tersakyan Robert and Lorraine Thalman Gary and Linda Tharp Elton and Janet Thayer Dale and Joy Theisen Edward and Lynn Thenell Gregory and Alice Thibault Craig and Tonia Thielman Mr. and Mrs. David A. Thielman Grace Thielman
Bulldog Band
Kenneth and Kathleen Thiemann Mark and Elizabeth Thies David Thodal and Suzanne Beetsch David Thomas Edmund and Lynn Thomas Ivan Thomas Julie Thomas Matthew Thomas and Karen Radella Ronald and Melinda Thomas Darryl and Bridget Thompson J. Pat and Lori Thompson Marvin and Mary Thompson Michael and Linda Thompson Pete and Mary Jane (Bilsborrow) Thompson The Hon. and Mrs. Phil Thompson Terry and Molly Thompson Mark and Joanna Thomson John and Janet Thonssen Einar and Melanie Thorarinsson Ross and Antoinette Thorne Douglas Thornley and Susan Lundquist Nina and David Thornsburg Jerry Thorsness and Vilma Navales Robert and Janice Throm Mrs. George E. Tiesse Leslie and Jane Tiffany Tom and Camilla Tilford Susan Tillery Dr. Diane (Ballard) Timberlake and Todd Timberlake John and Ann (Bramstedt) Timm Thomas and Elisabeth Tinor Dr. and Mrs. Willis Tipton Yoseph and Lienda Tjandra John and Janet Toenes Rosemary (Dellwo) Toft Curtis and Diane Togami John Tokar and Bett Mickels Mark Toledo Steffan and Carol Tolles Russell and Susan Tom Anthony and Katherine Tomassi Jerry and Cathy Tombari Wayne and Karen Tomei Frank and Kathleen (Zenner) Tomsick James and Kathleen Toomey Victor and Emily Topacio Peter and Kelly Tormey Donald and Michelle Torre Alfred Torres Robert and Diana Torres Vincent and Darci Toscan Alfred and Theresa Tostado
ROTC Cadet James Bogensberger and Kaye Conrath
Suzanne Tourangeau Mark Tovey Joe and Mary Townley Carol Townsend Tom and Colleen Tracy Robert and Laura (Stepovich) Tramonte Kenneth and Linda Trickey Dr. and Mrs. Michael Tripp John and Andrea Tritt Thomas and Kathleen Trotta Jack Trotter and Genie Trotter Will and Deanna (Cheney) Troxel Bill and Barbara Trudeau Patrick and Kristina Trudell Nang Truong and Theresa HoaLe Joseph and Diana Tschimperle Donald and Connie Tschritter James and Maryilyn Tsolomitis Mike and Mary Jo (McKinnon) Tucci Timothy and Barbara Tucci Allen and Salome Tudor Bertrand Turgeon and Laurie Hanley Eugeniu and Adriana Turlea Gregory and Mary Turner Robert and Joyce (Garnett) Turner Michael and Nancy Turnipseed David and Mary Ann Tuthill Jeffery and Victoria Tuttle Dick and Patricia Twiss Marjorie M. Twohy Michael and Maria Twomey Mr. and Mrs. Richard Uberuaga John E. and Patty B. (Hurd) Uffelman Richard and Mary Ulring Rich and Barb Umbdenstock Thomas and Catherine Underbrink Richard and Esther Underwood James H. Upchurch Treva Upham John and Alison Uppendahl Daniel and Donna Upton James and Therese Urbaniak Angel and Alta Urcaregui Gina Urquidi Paul and Paula Ust Antonio and Guadalupe Valdez Arnold and Jeri Vallejos Jerry and Georgi Valley Michael and Susan Vanairsdale Rodney and Catherine Van Alyne Kenneth and Mary Van Amringe Sara A. Van Ausdal Larry and Marcia Vance Randall and Lora Vance
William and Rita Van Cleve Robert Van Cott Mark and Paula VanDehey Greg and Jan VanDenberg Pete and Betty Van Den Hoek William and Phoebe Vanderboom Pierre and Betsy Van Der Sluys Janet Van Der Vegt The Hon. Philip and Barbara Van de Veer Allen and Tracy Van Deynze Denny Van Doren Joel and Michelle Van Lith Floraine Van Orden Raymond and Marianne Vansant Steven and Karen Van Til Michael and Nadine Van Volkom Genevieve Van Vurst Jon Van Wagenen and Barbara Menzel Kurt and Angela Van Wyck Robert and Christine Varnum Andy and Mary Vasquez Rick and Rita Vatcher Ms. Sharon M. Vaughn Kathryn and William † Veazey John and Mary Vecchio Joseph and Corinne Vecchiolla Dr. Frank Vedelago Mathias and Michele (Zrodlo) Velasco Gab Velazquez and Xochitl Hurtado Maris Velsaco Laurentius and Janice Verburg Ray and Martha Verlinich Steve and Carmen Ver Steeg Kevin and Sheri Vial Peter and Mary Vial Christopher and Nicola Vierhaus Jimmy and Christine Villalobos Elizabeth Villanueva Mark and Rosanne Villareal Denis and Carol Villeneuve Tom and Jane Vimont Judson and Mary Virden J. Malcolm Visbal Jason and Carol Viydo Joseph and Janet Vogel Stephen and Deborah Voigt Joseph and Margaret Vollert Richard and Laury Volwiler Thomas and Carolyn Von Muller Alan and Marguerite Voorhees Dr. Loren N. and Mrs. Marie Vorlicky Jerry Votendahl Victor V. Voves
Dennis and Maria Vozaites Stephen and Valerie Vucinich Patricia Wadden Hank and Cathy Wagemans Carl and Sherry Wagner Eileen Wagner Jeff and Margaret M. (O’Meara) Wagner John V. Wagner Roy and Deanna Wagoner Stuart and Jocelyne Wahl George and Roberta Waiss Terrence Waitrovich and Mary Faupel Bob and Diane Waitt Richard and Catherine Wakefield William Waldo and Veronica Dowling Kirk and Diane Waldron Bob and Marilyn Walker Edward Walker and Stephanie Read Joseph and Patricia Walker Lance and Beverly Walker Louis and Kay (Jans) Walker Velvet Walker Peter and Judith Wall Richard and Michelle Wall Marc and Nancy Wallace Darlene Waller Mr. and Mrs. David R. Walsh John and Suzanne Walsh Joseph and Maria Walsh Mark and Rita Walsh Matthew and Denise Walther Anthony and Ann (Herriman) Waltier John and Pamela Waltner Gregory and Shawnley Walton Robert and Bobbie Walton Michael Walz and Christy Lueck Daniel and Tamara Wanamaker Adele R. Ward Billy and Caroline Ward Joseph Ward Michael and Janice Ward Richard Ward James and Patti Wardensky James and Wendy Warlaumont George Warmer and Julia LeslieWarmer Cornelius and Kay Warren Eric and Stephania Warren Lawrence and Velma Warren Carl and Marimae Warring Brian and Sharon Wartman Gregory and Linda Wasinger Colleen Wasson
Curtis G. Wasson Denny and Jane Watkins David and Melanie Watson Evart and Aloha Watson Tom and Melissa Watson Robert and Leslie Wayne Michael Weaver Everette and Terry (Nathaniel) Webb Francis and Margaret (Sudmeier) Webb Brien and Gayle Weber Catherine M. Weber Gary Weber Jim † and Audrey Weber Larry Weber and Nanette Walden Lucille Weber Martin and Jane Weber Richard and Bette (Cappuccio) Weber Clifford and Karen Webster Melissa Webster Ellis and Gail Weeker Seth and Michelle Weekes David and Debora Weeks David Wege Kathy A. (Plachta) Wehrly Dr. Robert G. Weigand Victor and Clara (Shaw) Weil Gerry and Terri Weiler Mark and Dawn Weinbender Ellen M. (Steeves) Weiss Frank and Debbie Weiss Ronald and Kathleen Weiss Jeffrey and Christine Welch Richard Wellman Mark and Colleen Wells Thomas and Penny Wells Lonald and Linda Welly Kyle and Nancy Welsch Michael and Stephanie Wendell John and Lisa Wendland John and Rene Wendt Joseph and Ann Wenger Bruce and Maryann Wenrick Karen Wensel Glenn and Wendy Werner Mark and Vera Werner Michael and Julia Werner Michael and Mary Werner Francis and Barbara Wernette Jace and Jeanette Werre Douglas and Jaclyn West Georgina West Pat and Carol West James Weston Bruce and Margaret Wetter John Whalen
YEAR IN REVIEW Gonzaga’s new Leadership Resource Center supports and leads community-building among about 350 students who hold leadership roles on campus.
Marie Whalen William and Patricia Whalen Mary K. (Erickson) Whelan Dean and Lise White George and Brenda White James and Kimberley White John and Allison White John and Joan White Lawrence and Donna White The Hon. and Mrs. Richard White Ronald and Jill White Russell White and Judith QualyWhite Thomas White and Janet HoppeWhite James and Rosalia Whitehead Marc and Sheila Whitehead David and Kathryn Whitener Jerry and Carol Whitfield Susan Whitney-Kurtz Janice K. Whitt Richard and Marie Whittington Eugene Whyte and Eileen Murphy Daniel and Berit Wick Dennis and Melissa Wick Maureen Wicks Audrey Widding Goode Robert and Barbara (McNulty) Wiest Jeff and Karen Wiggins James and Susan Wilcox John Wildermuth and Loretta Koerner-Wildermuth Douglas and Linda Wiley Lawrence and Susan Wilk Andre and Raelene Wilkie
Olive Wilkins Joseph and Sarah Wilkinson William Willard and Carol Wheeler Charles and Erin Williams Craig and Mary Williams Dwight and Toni Ann Williams James and Bev Williams Janell Williams Peter and Christine Williams Dr. Randy L. Williams and Dr. Betty Fry Williams Regina Williams Richard and Carol Williams Robert and Victoria Williams Bruce and Carolyn Willoughby Ronnie Wilmoth and Kathy Weeks Dan and Sandi Wilson David and Linda Wilson Michael and Lori Wilson Paul and Pamela Wilson Stephen Wilson Steven and Laurel Wilson Doug Wingeard and Nancy KeckWingeard Kurt and Jeanne Winje Kenneth Winslow and Celia McBride Leonard Winstead and Marianne Nave William and Amparo Winter Ken and Roberta Wise Brian and Jean Wisecarver Lawrence and Mary Wiseman Maureen Wixsten Thomas and Sharon Wobker Cindy Wolf
Michael and Vickie Wolf Christopher and Deborah Wolfe Leo and Marian Wolfe Fritz and Jeanie Wolff Jana Wolff Peter and Tracee Wolff Thomas and Karen Wolff James and Aline Wolfrom William and Sandra Kay † Wolkenhauer Terry and Mary Wollin Kevin and Kerry Wolter Joan M. Wong Raymond and Ella Wong Amy Wood Gerald and Kelly Wood Karen Wood Steve and Tamela Woodard Robert and Kathleen Woodhead Jeff and Nancy Woodworth Randall and Susan Woodworth Jim Workland Gail Workman Steve Workman Donald Worley and Alice Aldous Richard and Cathy (Harrison) Worner John Wortham and Cynthia Johnson Peggy and John Worthing Charlotte R. Worthy Steven and Jane Wraith Edward and Teresa Wren Daniel Wright Daniel and Nancy Wright David and Margaret Wright
Eldon and Eileen Wright Robert and Leigh Wright William and Pamela Wright Steven and Tacey Wrightson Stanley and Jennifer Wroblewski Carol Wrolstad Steven and Diane Wulf Robert and Bette Jo (Goicoechea) Wunderle Oswald and Jane Wyatt Stanford and Shane Wyatt Sally Wyffels James and Dianne Wyllie David and Jill Wyss Myleah Xiong Thomas Yagley Mr. and Mrs. William L. Yakely Joe and Dorothy Yamamoto Joseph and Stephanie Yanni Randall and Joyce (Fuchs) Yates Mr. John T. Yeats Tow and Janice Yee Mike and Judy Yeend Kerry and Cynthia (Diaz) Yen Warren and Iris Yen Robert J. Yokelson Richard and Sue Yorioka Kenneth and Jeanne Yorozu Tery and Alison Youmans Arnold Young John and Donja Young Peter and Shirley Young Ronald and Sheila Young William and Karen Young Adonna (Nuxoll) Yuse Haseeb Yusef
Irv and Angela Zakheim Korrina Zambrzuski Brian Zamora and Kathleen Faubion James and Elaine Zant John and Cynthia Zapotocky Ralph and Linda Zappala David and Sherry Zembik William and Edna Zemke Richard and Phyllis Zent Charles and Julie Zeutenhorst Ronald and Lorna Ziller Kenneth Zimmerman James and Maura Zimmerschied Jack and Margaret Zinkgraf Mike and Susan Ziolko Paul and Kathleen Zizza Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. Zodrow James and Ruth Zollner Patrick and Mary Zook Mike and Mary Zubovic Ron and Carol Zuckerman Matthew and Sarah Zuehlsdorff Joseph and Terri Zura
Great care was taken to ensure the accuracy of this listing. We would appreciate you alerting us to any errors or omissions. Please contact Laura Gatewood, director of stewardship, at 509.313.6381 or
With the holidays just around the corner, don’t forget about making your gift to Gonzaga University. Only gifts made by December 31 can help reduce the amount of tax you owe next April. These year-end giving tips may help you: • Ensure that your gift is dated and postmarked no later than Dec. 31, 2012. • Give online at no later than 11:59 p.m. (PST) on Dec. 31, 2012. • To transfer stock in the 2012 tax year, please call no later than Dec. 14. Contact Annette Davis, Associate Director of Planned Giving, at 509.313.6142. For answers to your questions about making a gift for 2012, please call 800.463.6925. Thank you for your generosity. May you enjoy a blessed holiday season.
Finance – Endowments and Life income fund Balances Permanent Endowments
Fair Market Value as of May 31, 2012 and 2011 (funds greater than $20,000 listed by name)
General Support Andrade Family Outdoor Orientation
Law School Foundation $
Lou Barbieri Athletic
John R. Clark Loan Repayment Assistance Program
Marvel Collins
Clarence H. Barnes Faculty Fellowship
Gonzaga Center for Law and Justice
Fred E. and Venora E. Bigelow
Law Foundation Scholar
Christine Bozarth *
Lesley Lee Memorial
Brotherly Order of Yo-Yos
Linden Cup
Business Faculty Enrichment
Verne and Mary Oliver
Cardoner Retreat
Norman and Rita Roberts
CCASL Mentoring Programs
Carrie Welch
Gerard V. and Debora Centioli Faculty Fellowship for Excellence in Business Education
Total General Support Endowments
Suzanne Margaret Charlton Faculty Development
Choir Tour
Class of 1999 Diversity
Lawrence D. Acre
John H. Collins
$ 13,780,847
$ 13,590,738
Alaska Regional
171,812 26,740
George Corkery, Jr. Men’s Rowing
Alberta 150,096
George Corkery, Jr. Women’s Rowing
Henry and Lucy Anderson
John W. Dunne, S.J.
Gayle Andrews
Arthur L. Dussault, S.J. Foundation *
Richard Angotti Family
Otto J. Eckel
Engineering Design Exposition Day/SCAFCO
Apregan Family
1 Lt. Forrest P. Ewens Award
Tony Arguinchona Memorial
Faculty Enrichment
Geraldine F. Arnold *
Don and Carol Herak Engineering Faculty Development
Athletic Director
Herche Family
Paul A. Baldy Memorial
Conrad N. Hilton Community Service
Robert B. Bargen, S.J.
Hogan Program
Clarence H. Barnes
Horrigan Foundation
Charles A. and Dolores A. Barry Memorial
Anna Marie Ledgerwood
Kenneth Baugh
Rhoady and Jean Marie Lee Retreat
Bayer Corporation
Loeken Faculty/Staff Recognition
Gerald M. Berger (‘57)
Fred and Paula Bevegni
Martin P. Blum
Robert V. Lyons, Yvonne E. Lyons, Eileen E. Lyons, and Robert V. Lyons, Jr., S.J. Jesuit Academic and Administrative Services
Bonanzino Family
Simon and Darcy Manning Florence Traveling
Erma A. Bonge
E. Thomas Martin Gonzaga in Florence
Frank and Sharon Bouten
McCarthey Athletic Compensation
Helen Brach Foundation
Eleanor Miller/Welch Foundation
Daniel G. Brajcich
Jim Bresnahan
Brian Brett Memorial
Scott and Liz Morris Athletic
Mike (‘52) and Marj Brewer Family
Dr. Kay Nakamaye Research Award
Fred L. and Olivia C. Briggs
Ken Norrie Faculty Development
Herb, Margaret, Greg, and Evelyn (Edsall) Briggs
Colleen Randall Women’s Golf Enhancement
Mr. and Mrs. Hervy Brulotte
David and Cathleen Reisenauer Family
Carl A. and Carla M. Buck Memorial
Leonard and Evelyn Riley Athletic
Christopher and Mary Ann Bulger Family
Jake Schiffner
Paul Buller
Sodexo: Cataldo Operations
Bob and Stevie Burke
156,072 80,494
Robert J. Spitzer, S.J. Leadership
Mary Fahay Busch
Jonathan and Michele Staben
Judy and Bruce Butler Family
Dallas E. Stroschein Memorial
Molly and Stewart Butler
Jacob Triesch Athletic
Michael J. Byrne and Richard Spils Memorial
Wasmer Music
Joseph F. and Sharon M. Cade (‘76)
James T. and Eleanor B. Weston
Dennis A. and Peggy M. Calfee
Anonymous/Other 2,231,096 2,403,541
* See also Quasi-Endowments
California 329,204
92,811 352,140
Callahan-Zeller Foundation
John E. Cannon, Sr.
385,542 165,504
C. Pat Carroll, S.J.
Clifford A. Carroll, S.J.
Leslie M. Carroll
Marguerite M. and Henry J. Casey *
John A. Galligan and William F. Donnelly
Joseph M. Cataldo, S.J. *
Garco (Athletic)
Alma and Gill A. Centioli
Garco (Civil Engineering)
Henri P. Charvet, S.J.
Gemmill Family
Harry E. Chisholm
General Memorial
Class of ‘79
Gilbert Family
Class of 1998
Robert J. Gillingham, S.J.
Clawson Family
John and Alvin Gordon
Beverly J. Clegg Memorial
Ed and Candy Gormley
William and Virginia Clemens/Del Skillingstad, S.J.
Graduate School of Business
Coca-Cola Foundation
George and Marianne Grant (Basketball)
S. Earl Cochran Memorial
George and Marianne Grant (Engineering)
Coffman Engineers
James E. Collins, Jr.
Josef and Stephany Gray
Dr. James R. and Bridget Condon
Grays Harbor
Francis W. Conn, S.J. Memorial
Mark A. Gresbrink
Walter J. and Donna F. Conn
George and Anita Grismer
Daryl and Michele Connell
GU Bay Area - Via and Bruno
Lawrence F. (‘27, ‘29) and Kathleen Connolly
J. Francis Gubbins, S.J.
Teresita Coombes Trinity
J. Francis Gubbins, S.J. (Native American)
George and Pearl Corkery
Dorothy E. Guild
Paul Corkery, S.J. and Francis Corkery, S.J. (‘26)
Roger K. Guise Memorial
Larry L. Guthrie in honor of Gertrude O. Guthrie
158,887 212,517
Bartley and Catherine Costello
Joseph T. and Patricia P. Hall
Coughlin Family
Bob and Donna Hanson Family
Marie M. Crabtree
Erik W. Hanson Memorial
C. Pat and Jean Craigen
Fred L. and Elizabeth J. Hanson
Colonel John E. Crandall
Haws 108,351
Bing Crosby Memorial
William Randolph Hearst
James and Elizabeth Cummins
Patrick J. Hefferman Family
Charles Henry Davis
Carol L. Herak
Donald Davis, S.J.
Dean’s Business Forum
Hersholt Family
Richard J. DeBlieck
William and Ruth Hertz
DeFeyter Family
Hiki No
Dell ‘Osso Family
Mr. and Mrs. John Hildebrand
Robert and Evelyn Dieringer
Conrad N. Hilton
Richard W. Dillman Memorial
Daniel P. Hogan, Jr. Family
William R. and Kathleen A. (McFarland) Dobner
Hooker Creek Ranch
Drs. Albert and Isaslawa Dresner
Stanton Hooper Family
Theodore Dreyer Memorial
Dr. Dennis R. and Sandra W. Horn
Driessel Family
Judge Bert Horrigan Memorial
Lawrence E. Duffy
Hoover Family
Walter W. Duncan Memorial
W.P. Ilgen
John (‘26) and Isabel d’Urbal
LTC. James P. Isenhower, Jr.
Durkan Family
J n M
249,394 144,309
William Earl Edmonds
Thomas Jefferson
John Wiltsie Epton, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Edward S. Jennings Memorial
Mary Olson Fairhurst Memorial
Roy J. Johnson Memorial
Dennis M. Fazzari
Eric A. Johnston
I.S. and Emily C. Fetterman
Ina H. Johnston
W. Brooks and Martha Fields
Kaiser Aluminum Fabricated Products
Charles C. Finucane
Albert A. Kelly Memorial
John and Mary Ann Firkins Memorial
Anna and Edward J. Kennedy
Patrick J. Ford, S.J.
Duff and Dorothy Kennedy Memorial
Neal and Helen Fosseen
Joseph R. Keys
A.O. and Evelyn Foster
Henry and Margaret Kinzer
Richard and Orlanta Franck
Violet and Roy Knott
Roger and Marian Fruci
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Konlock
Joe P. and Joan L. Gagliardi Family
Dr. Benjamin C. Koreski
Maurice Gales
Jacob J. and Anna Clara (Voggenthaler) Kuch
* See also Quasi-Endowments
Finance – Endowments and Life income fund Balances Permanent Endowments
O’Connell Family
Monica and William L. O’Connell, Jr. Memorial
Charlie and Doris O’Connor
Timothy J. O’Leary, S.J.
Charles and Margaret Larson
Donald and Joan Olson
Law School
108 Club Montana
Daniel and Lisa Sue Lee
Richard J. O’Neill Family
73,355 36,307
Judge Albert I. Kulzer Memorial
Milton F., Leona G. (Kuch), and Milton J. Langlois (‘60) Family
Louie H. and Donna M. Lapke Nina Larkin Memorial
Padre Lehmann/Father Regimbal
Michael J. Ornellas (‘66) Memorial
Tony Lehmann, S.J.
Ossello Family
Tony J. Lehmann, S.J.
Stanley J. Padden
Frank and Ethel Lenzie
Robert “Eddie” Page
Bernard and Mafalda Levernier Family
Robert and Carol Palencar
C. Maya Lit
Pearson Family
Lena and Nancy Longo
Dr. and Mrs. Otto J. Penna
130,515 26,864
Elizabeth A. Lynn
Perko Family
M.W. Consulting Engineers
Phoenix Regional
Edwin T., M.D., and Elinor McAuley MacCamy
Megan Therese Piper (‘92) Memorial
Matthew Madison
Polich Family
Harry F. and Colleen B. Magnuson Family
Stephen N. Pope
C. Dan Martin and C.Y. Martin *
Charlotte Martin Foundation
Portland Regional
Michael C. Mathis (‘65)
Richard E. Powers Memorial
Michael C. Mathis Memorial
Richard and Helen Powers Family
Virginia Maughan
Robert K. and Ann J. Powers
Mary and Ray “Doc” Mauro
Edward and Helen Prevol and Arlene Prevol-Koeferl
Philip G. McCarthey
Marty Pujolar
Joseph L. McCarthy
Paul Ranieri
Lawrence H. and Florence (Olivet) McCormack
Helen C. McDonald
Mark and Barbara Ray
Ivah M. McDonnell
Paul and Barbara Redmond
Jimmy McGann
Regents Nucleus
Dr. James G. McGivern
Cayla Reisenauer Family
James Francis Cardinal McIntyre
Edward J. and Bunny (Suva) Renouard
Anita L. (Sherar) McKee
Edward J. and Bunny (Suva) Renouard (Engineering)
Denver and Mary McLeod Memorial
Gilbert and Catherine Rhodes
John R. “Jack” and Rose C. Meersman
Margaret S. Richards Memorial
Alvera Brown Meighan
Richardson Family
Eleanor J. Mele
Aleck M. and Mary M. Ripple Memorial
Norman and Dorita Roberts Family
199,580 82,695
Joseph C. Metcalfe Memorial
Roche Family
John and Catherine Michels
Jim and Jean Roeber Family
Patrick T. Mick (‘06)
Mary Stuart Rogers Foundation
Jack D. Miklos
Don and Betty Miller Memorial
David and Maureen Rorick
Lyle W. Moore
Joseph Merton and Jessie Rosauer Family
Taka Moriyasu
Glo E. Ross
Tatsuo “Tex” Moriyasu Memorial
Rudisile Family
Elaine (Morris) Myers and Patrick Morris
Kermit (‘51) and Frances Rudolf (Athletic)
58,130 83,803
Al Morrisette, S.J.
Kermit (‘51) and Frances Rudolf (Law)
John and Melinda Moynier
Donald R. and Kathleen P. Ryan Memorial
Angelo R. Mozilo Family
Sachtjen Family
Madeleine St. Marie
Frances A. and Sam R. Salla Memorial
Timothy J. Sarbaugh
Mary L. Schons
William H. Schumaker
Seattle Regional
Fr. Bruno Segatta
Joseph M. Shabaz
R. Mike and Mary (Owens) Shanahan
Murphy Family: Thomas, Katherine, Monica, and Bill (‘32)
Patrick H. and Fran Murphy
Clarence and Della Murray
Jack G. and Katherine E. Neupert Memorial
New Testament Studies
Frank A. and Margaret M. Nigro Family
John W. (‘43) and Francis (Fagan) Nitkey
* See also Quasi-Endowments
Law School Foundation
Malcolm C. and Elizabeth M. Sharp, Sr. and Malcolm C. Sharp, Jr.
Action for Diversity Awareness
Mary Katherine Shaw Memorial
Bronze Tile
Archie P. Sherar Memorial
Kenneth Butler Memorial
Shiel Family
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Chastek *
Ivan A. Shirk
Class Reunion (Law)
Paul B. Shorett Memorial
John and Mary Jo Costello
48,404 0
Dr. Robert G. Skok
Gonzaga Student Bar Association
Harry H. and Marguerite Sladich
Dennis M. Hottell
Elmer E. Smith, Jr.
Marcus Kelly Family
Robert A. and Celeste Smith
Nora Garvin Kommers
Frost and Margaret Snyder
Law Faculty Student
William Lindberg
Blanche H. Spitzer
Lita and Paul Luvera
Lloyd Meeds Memorial
Jeff and Veronica Steffan
Yale Metzger and Susan Richmond
Steilen Family
Thomas More
Donald L. and Lucy Ann Stoner
Joseph C. and Muriel E. Murphy
Tacoma Regional
Nuxoll Family Memorial
Elizabeth Fluor Taylor
Lewis H. Orland
Megan M. Taylor (‘02) and Sarah J. (Taylor) Schwering (‘04)
Richard B. Taylor, II Family
Texas Regional
Jill and Thatcher Thompson
Charles A. and Helen Tilford
John and Ann Timm
Michael and Annie Tobin Family
Barbara Helen Perrey Memorial
Drew Corley Pierson Memorial
Philip M. and Mary Raekes
Renee Reuther
Judge Willard J. Roe Memorial
372,378 102,639
Lee M. Solomon
Pat and Diane Sullivan
Sylvia Ann Thomas
Carrie Welch
Toepel Family Memorial
Ernest H. and Greta M. Toll
Walter A. Toly Memorial
Erwin J. Toner, S.J.
Townsend Memorial
Peter M. Tripp Memorial
Carol Albright
John Tubbs Memorial *
Museum Exhibition
Tucci Family Florence
Fredrick and Genevieve Schlatter
Tucci Family/NAPA
William N. Bischoff, S.J. (History)
Frank B. Costello, S.J. (Political Science)
Joseph P. Delay (Law)
Foley Library (General)
Parents’ Library (Periodicals)
Steele-Reese Foundation (Humanities)
485,463 112,839
Susan M. Rauenhorst Turner
Richard E. Twohy, S.J.
Union Pacific Foundation
V-12 138,040 144,998 William L. Van Sistine
Anthony Via, S.J.
Workland/Gose 156,874
Anonymous/Other 279,121
Anthony P. Via, S.J.
Vogelheim Family
John H. Taylor, S.J. Memorial (Classical Languages and Patristics)
Pat and Sandy Volkar
Charles J. Walsh, S.J. Memorial (Law)
Vomaske Family
Anthony T. Wadden/Michael B. Herzog
Wallace Foundation
Law School Foundation
Frank Walter (Two Honest Friars)
Thomas and Helen Greenan (Law)
Robert Wark
Law Library
Law Review
Prentice and Virginia Warner
Carrie Welch
Wellpinit and Nespelem
Helen and Joe Welty
Christopher M. West Memorial
Jeanne Wiest
WINGS 112,219
David Wollersheim
Anonymous/Other 1,147,505 1,076,224
* See also Quasi-Endowments
Finance – Endowments and Life income fund Balances Permanent Endowments
College of Arts and Sciences
Alphonse A. and Geraldine F. Arnold Distinguished Professorship
2012 2011
Bernard J. Coughlin, S.J., Chair of Christian Philosophy
Milo P. and Maud O. Flannery, Chair of Theology
Alphonse A. and Geraldine F. Arnold President’s Fund
Kreielsheimer Foundation, Chair of Fine Arts
Alphonse A. and Geraldine F. Arnold Scholarship **
Timothy J. O’Leary, S.J., Chair of Chemistry *
Pigott Professor of Entrepreneurship
Patrick J. Cavanaugh Faculty Enrichment
Robert K. and Ann J. Powers, Chair of Humanities
Harry L. “Bing” Crosby
Arthur L. Dussault, S.J. Foundation**
Maud O. Flannery **
Frank McMahon
School of Business
John W. Murphy
Anonymous/Other 113,902
Dr. Scholl Foundation, Chair of Chemistry
GENERAL SUPPORT Christine Bozarth **
John L. Aram, Chair of Business Ethics *
Dr. Erwin Graue, Chair of Economics *
James R. Jundt, Chair of Economics *
Total General Support Endowments
Kinsey M. Robinson, Chair of Business Administration *
Law School Foundation Quasi Endowment
$ 2,969,249
School of Law
Joseph and Peggy Brennan
Marguerite M. and Henry J. Casey **
Joseph M. Cataldo, S.J.
J. Donald and Va Lena (Scarpelli) Curran, Faculty Chair
122,646 1,692
125,264 1,745
Law School Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Chastek **
Comstock Foundation
Frederick N. and Barbara T. Curley, Chair of Commercial Law
Sperry H. Goodman
Fred L. and Elizabeth J. Hanson Athletic
J. Donald and Va Lena (Scarpelli) Curran, Faculty Chair
Horton and Mazie Herman
Kathyrn A. Jacklin Memorial
John J. Hemmingson, Chair of Civil Liberties
Ed and Euretta James
Arlene E. and Arthur L. LaMasters
C. Y. Martin Foundation **
Smithmoore P. Myers, Dean’s Chair
LECTURES Van F. Christoph, S.J. Memorial
William Lyle Davis, S.J. Memorial
Law School Foundation
Richard and Lynn Guy
Paul N. and Lita T. Barnett Luvera
Total Restricted Endowments Total Permanent Endowments
* See also Quasi-Endowments ** See also Permanent Endowments
$ 95,969,793 $ 109,750,640
NCAA Athletic Academic Enhancement
John Prange, S.J. Ignatian Leaders
Roach Family
Mary F. Simkins
George J. Struble
John and Betty Tubbs Memorial **
Peter and Carol Welk
$ 98,187,150
Edith L. Anderson
$ 111,777,888
John L. Aram, Chair of Business Ethics **
Horace C. Bozarth
College Science Research
Dr. Erwin Graue, Chair of Economics **
Don and Carol Herak Engineering Equipment
Hildebrand-Pease Law Library
International Cultural Center
Jesuit Mission Trust
James R. Jundt, Chair of Economics **
Law School Restricted
Mission Trust
Mosque Operations
Timothy J. O’Leary, S.J., Chair of Chemistry **
Coletta W. O’Meara
Kinsey M. Robinson, Chair of Business Administration **
School of Business Educational Enrichment
Total Restricted Endowments
$ 17,908,890
$ 18,924,967
Total Quasi-Endowments
$ 26,194,289
$ 27,839,090
Life Income funds Dr. John B. † and Lorraine H. Adams
Please note: Gonzaga University will produce all future issues of Honor Roll online, in keeping with our commitment to sustainability.
Frank and Ilse Bourbeau
Name Withheld by Request
950,130 204,460
Dr. Robert Joseph and Thelma Rose Bartoletti Casey
Alan and Ann Cawkwell
Name Withheld by Request
J. Donald and Va Lena Curran
William A. † and Tasia Davenport
Joseph † and Edna Deichl
Nancy C. Driscoll
Marcella Farrington
Jim and Maxine Finlen
Maurice Gales **
Gary Glenn
Name Withheld by Request
Charles E. † and Barbara Hennessey, Jr.
Phillip and Lorelei Herres
Richard and Nina Hofmeister
Dorothy C. Kelly
Arthur E. Kennedy
John J. and Nancy L. † Lee
John and Elizabeth † Leonard
John J. Madden
Jack and Mary McCann
Joseph L. McCarthy Trust
Robert and Claire McDonald
Dr. Joseph and Clara Monks
Joseph C. † and Muriel E. Murphy
William R. Ogle **
Edward E. and Yvonne † Ralph 187,455 208,819 Dennis T. and Kathryn (Cullen) Richardson, Sr.
Name Withheld Upon Request
172,836 274,695
Lucille A. Rooney Trust
Virginia Schurra
Stephen B. † and Mary E. Shinn
Bartholomew M. † and Sarah Stevens
Ivan and Marlene Stewart
54,462 21,821
George † and Margaret Tiesse
F. Ray Vollert
Harry L. Williams Trust
Lee and Barbara Wright
John T. Yeats
Total Life Income Funds
$ 12,402,752
$ 10,838,885
$ 148,347,680
$ 150,455,863
Editor: Marny Lombard Designer: Tracy Martin † = Deceased ** See also Permanent Endowments
Photographer: Rajah Bose Contributing photographers: Ann Ciasullo, Austin Ilg, Andrew Opila
502 E Boone Ave | Spokane, WA 99258-0070 | 509-313-5995 |