Parent & Family Orientation 2017 Itinerary

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ITINERARY Parent & Family Orientation 2017

Friday, August 25th - Sunday, August 27th

TABLE of CONTENTS Welcome Letter.........................................................3 Campus Map.........................................................4-5 Weekend Overview.................................................6 Office Hours..............................................................6 Friday Schedule.........................................................7 Saturday Schedule....................................................8 Sunday Schedule.......................................................9 Morning Information Sessions.....................10-11 Afternoon Information Sessions..................12-13 Lunch With Your Zag............................................14 Off-Campus Dining................................................15 On-Campus Dining..........................................16-17 Local Zag Spots.......................................................18 ZagFam Weekend..................................................19 Our Family................................................................20 Notes.........................................................................21

Welcome to the Family Dear Parents and Families, Parent and Family Relations is thrilled that, along with your student, your family can take part in making new traditions at Gonzaga and enjoy the many aspects of the “Gonzaga Experience.” Through this experience, we hope to provide you with a glimpse of how we help your student develop into the whole person this university seeks to produce. You are now part of the Gonzaga Family! We look forward to sharing in your student’s college experience. We know that you have prepared your student well, and this will be a time of considerable discovery and growth. We believe that parents and other family members are very important as students take on new experiences. We encourage you to empower your student to deal with many of the challenges they will face at college, rather than solving problems for them. A goal that many families have is to provide support without actually making decisions for their student. After all, we hope the university experience will help your student become independent and confident in their abilities to face the world. We recognize, though, that it is not always easy to find that balance, so we suggest taking time to really talk with your student throughout the entire year. We will be here to help along the way. We are available to answer any of your questions; if we don’t know the answer, we will find it for you! Through the Parent and Family eNewsletter and the Parent and Family website parents, we provide you with guidance, resources and helpful information. Our Parent and Family Guide and Calendar are great references, as well. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have. Congratulations and welcome! Amy Swank Director, Parent and Family Relations



Campus Map

=Residence Halls



Weekend Overview Friday


Make sure your student picks up their ZAGCARD Parent & Family Orientation Check-In Campus Tour - St. Ignatius Statue outside College Hall Presidential Address


Morning Information Sessions

Welcome Mass

Lunch with your Zag, on or off campus

President’s Reception Leave a love note for your Zag!

Afternoon Information Sessions

Remind yourself that your student is in good hands

Closing Ceremony

Say goodbye

Appetizers with Academics Fred Meyer Night

Office Hours - Orientation Weekend OFFICE




8am-12pm, 1-4pm



Admissions (College Hall 121)




Health & Counseling Services (704 E. Sharp)




John J. Hemmingson Center




Disability Access (Foley 209)

8am-12pm, 1-5pm



Financial Aid (College Hall 129)




Foley Library




IT Support Center (Foley 015)




Next Gen Tech Bar (Hemmingson - First Floor)




Mail Services (BARC)




Registrar’s Office (College Hall 229)




Campus Security & Public Safety (Huetter Mansion)




Student Accounts (College Hall 024)







US Bank (Hemmingson - First Floor)




Zag Dining (1027 N. Hamilton Ave.)







Academic Advising & Assistance (Foley 122)

University Ministry (Hemmingson 104)


Zag Shop

Friday Schedule 9am-4pm

Residence Hall Move-In

Residence Halls

Help your student pick up their ZAGCARD (in front of Hemmingson) and move their belongings into their new home on campus. Enjoy watching your student create some of their first Gonzaga memories as they unpack, get settled, and start meeting other new Zags.


Community & Student Resource Fair

Hemmingson Ballroom

This is the go-to place for information from many of our departments, organizations, and community resources.


Campus Tours

St. Ignatius Statue (Front of College Hall)

Tours leave every half hour, with the last tour leaving at 2pm.


Lunch With Your Student

Your Choice

Meal plans start today! See pages 15-17 for both on-and off-campus options!


Presidential Address

McCarthey Athletic Center

Gonzaga’s President, Dr. Thayne McCulloh, will welcome families to the university.


Appetizers with Academics

Herak Quad

Take a closer look at the academic programs and resources available to your student at Gonzaga. Faculty representatives will be available to converse and answer your questions.


Dinner-On Your Own

Your Choice

Take your student out to dinner. See pages 15-18 for both on-and off-campus options.


Fred Meyer Night

Store Address: 400 S Thor St.

Great discounts and exclusive specials for GU students, so bring a ZAGCARD or class schedule. Shuttles leave from McCarthey parking lot every 30 minutes, last shuttles leaves at 12:30 am. 7

Saturday Schedule 8am

Breakfast - on your own

Your choice

There are lots of options for breakfast on or near campus. If you choose to eat in the COG, you must be accompanied by your student.

9am-12pm Morning Information Sessions

Jepson, Cataldo, Jundt

Information sessions for parents and families; see pages 10-11 for session details.



Locations Vary

Enjoy lunch with your Zag. Use your student’s guest swipes or Bulldog Bucks at the COG, the COG 2.0, or enjoy lunch off campus.


ROTC New Cadet Meeting/ Open House

Magnuson Theatre

Come learn about the Bulldog Battalion Scholarships, travel abroad experience and top notch training available to produce future officers in the United States Army. We have an established and well-earned reputation as one of the top programs in the country. Presentation at noon followed by a tour of our department.


Afternoon Information Sessions

Jepson, Cataldo, Jundt

Information Sessions for parents and families; see pages 12-13 for session details.


Closing Ceremony


Featured Local Restaurants


McCarthey Athletic Center

Join Amy Swank, Director of Parent and Family Relations, and Dr. Judi Biggs Garbuio, VP for Student Development as they close out the weekend’s activities.


Venture off campus and experience a taste of Spokane! Visit one of our featured Zag Spots or other off-campus dining locations (pages 15 and 18).

Sunday Schedule 10-11:15am Welcome Mass

McCarthey Athletic Center

Parents and family members, and new and returning students of all faith traditions are, invited to join us for Mass. Fr. Pat Lee, S.J. (Vice President for Mission and Ministry) will preside, and President Thayne McCulloh will offer a Reflection. This Mass includes a special blessing over new students.

11:15am12:30pm 3pm

President’s Reception

Herak Quad

Enjoy a light brunch with Gonzaga’s President, Dr. Thayne McCulloh. Meet with our University administrators, staff, and faculty.

Families Depart

Across Campus

It’s time to say goodbye. Students will be heading to their next scheduled events, which includes trips to downtown Spokane, small group meetings, and much more. Don’t forget to drop your love notes in the John J. Hemmingson Center!

October 6-8th

Make Plans for ZagFam Weekend

Gonzaga University

Don’t forget to mark your calendars for Gonzaga’s ZagFam Weekend. Come back to campus to spend time with your student, meet their new friends, and attend several events. More information on page 19.


If you have any questions throughout the weekend, find a Parent & Family Crew member in a purple 9 shirt and ask!

Morning Info Sessions 9-10am

Jesu...what? What it means to be a Jesuit University

St. Aloysius Church

Learn about Gonzaga’s mission and history, and how Ignatius Loyola’s spirituality and legacy have infused the Jesuit educational tradition (no food or drink in church). Hosted by Michelle Wheatley, Fr. Reynolds, S.J.


Gonzaga’s Guide to All Things Jesuit

St. Aloysius Church

Following the morning “Jesu-what?” session, bring your questions to this Q&A session with some of Gonzaga’s own Jesuits (no food or drink in church). Hosted by Jesuit Priest Panel

9-10am 10-11am

Parents: Partners in Student Academic Success

Cataldo Hall

The Academic Vice President’s staff will share essential information about academic life at Gonzaga. Learn about your role in the important journey that your student is about to experience. Hosted by Jolanta Weber, Ph.D.

11am-12pm Inside the Classroom

Cataldo Hall

A panel of Gonzaga faculty will share their experiences and be available to share insights into academics at Gonzaga, as well as how families can support their Zags inside the classroom. Hosted by Jolanta Weber, Ph.D.

9-10am 10-11am 11-12pm

Outside the Classroom

9-10am 10-11am 11-12pm

Focus on the Future: Career Development Jepson Center at Gonzaga University Wolff Auditorium


Jundt 110

Many students attribute their success at Gonzaga to positive out-of-class experiences. Getting involved in activities such as club sports, student leadership, or community service enhances the Zag experience, as well as leading to a better personal balance. Hosted by Molly Ayers, Matt Lamsma, Colleen Vandenboom

Competition is heating up for jobs and internships, and Gonzaga is invested in helping your student make the successful transition from College to Career. It is never too early to start planning for what comes after graduation. Hosted by Brittany Leland, Ray Angle

Morning Info Sessions 9-10am 10-11am 11-12pm

Navigating the New: Helping your Student Thrive

10-11am 11-12pm

NCAA Athletics


Health & Counseling Services

Jepson Center Room 109

How can you help your student thrive? What happens if your student starts to struggle? The Center for Cura Personalis will discuss potential concerns and how to help students navigate effectively. Hosted by Nicola Mannetter, Jill Yashinsky-Wortman

Jepson Center (Main Level) Room 113

(Only for families of student athletes) This session will cover topics regarding financial aid, NCAA compliance, medical/training facilities, travel, insurance, and overall student-athlete development. Hosted by Mike Roden, Rian Oliver

Jepson Center Room 017

Your student’s health and wellness is incredibly important to their success at Gonzaga. In this session, the Health & Counseling Services team will review the many resources we have to support your Zag’s physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Also offered as an afternoon session. Hosted by Libby Skiles

10-11am 11-12pm

Title IX

10-11am 11-12pm

Learn the Code. Live the Code.

10-11am 11-12pm

First in my Family: Starting a Collegiate Legacy

Jepson Center Room 127

The issue of sexual assault on campuses across America has gained attention in media, as well as through national dialogue, concerning topics of consent, personal safety, substance use, and “rape culture.” In this session, the topic of Title IX will be addressed along with the support and education systems Gonzaga has in place. Hosted by Mathew Nelson

Jepson Center Room 014

This session will review university standards of conduct, an overview of student conduct processes, and how parents serve as partners while students prepare to lead lives of leadership through decision-making, self-efficacy, moral engagement, and intrinsically driven accountability. Hosted by Paula Smith

Jepson Center Room 018

This session is targeted to parent/families whose students are the first in their family to attend college. We will discuss ways to support first-generation students, expectations of the higher education environment and provide an overview of resources available to you and your student. Hosted by Deb Ellis, Richardo Ortega


Afternoon Info Sessions 2-3pm 3-4pm

Study Abroad

2-3pm 3-4pm

Campus Safety and Security

2-3pm 3-4pm

Party Culture

2-3pm 3-4pm

Parent to Parent: Learning to Let Grow

Cataldo Hall

You just got them to college, and you’re ready to talk about study abroad? Come find out why study abroad is one of the best resume building experiences a student can have. Hosted by Richard Menard

Jundt 110

Learn about safety and security at Gonzaga and explore how you as parents and family members can encourage your students to be informed and make good decisions. Hosted by Scott Snider, Becky Wilkey

Jepson Center Wolff Auditorium

As your student arrives on campus, it’s a time of new experiences, new friendships and making memories that will last a lifetime. For many students, the college years are their first experience with sustained independence, and this can lead to experimentation with drugs and alcohol. The consequences of these choices are more significant, more destructive, and more costly than many parents and families realize. Join Gonzaga campus partners for an honest discussion about the party culture at Gonzaga, and how you can engage and empower your student to make healthy choices regarding alcohol and drugs. Hosted by Panel of Gonzaga Campus Partners

Jepson Center Room 017

Learn how to help your student adjust to college life. Discuss what it means to let go after students have gone to college, and how parents and families can “guide from the side” after leaving campus. Hosted by Parent & Family Council

2-3pm 3-4pm 12

Health & Counseling Services

Jepson Center Room 109

Your student’s health and wellness is incredibly important to their success at Gonzaga. In this session, the Health & Counseling Services team will review the many resources we have to support your Zag’s physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Also offered as a morning session. Hosted by Libby Skiles

Afternoon Info Sessions 2-3pm 3-4pm

Housing & Residence Life

2-3pm 3-4pm


2-3pm 3-4pm

Help Your Zag Become Financially Responsible

Jepson Center Room 006

Housing and Residence Life builds community in residence halls. Come learn about professional and student staff who live in the halls and the support available to your student during tough times. We will discuss community development, room changes, damages, and roommate conflicts. Hosted by Jon Wheeler, Jared Payton

Jepson Center Room 014

Community dining is a fundamental part of the Zag experience. We will discuss retail dining and catering options, programming and special events, and student employment. Hosted by Pat Clelland, Chef Thomas

Jepson Center Room 127

Q&A with Financial Aid, Student Accounts, Campus Card Services (Campus Card Services), and US Bank. Representatives from these areas will be on hand to answer questions and provide advice to help you help your student. Hosted by Jim White, Kelly Wentz, Samantha Scott, Pat Faulkinberry, Brandon Roth

2-3pm 3-4pm

Student Panel

Jepson Center Room 108

A panel of current Gonzaga students will share their experiences and be available to address any questions or concerns you may have. Hosted by Current Gonzaga Students


Lunch with your Zag Saturday, August 26th, Noon Reunite with your Zag over lunch! Share some of your newfound Gonzaga knowledge from your morning sessions and hear all about your student’s adventures. If you choose to leave campus for lunch, check pages 15-18 for a list of nearby choices. On campus, lunch will be served at various eateries, in the COG or at COG 2.0 on the Herak Quad. Pay with swipes, credit card or Bulldog Bucks for $8.



Chipotle Rubbed Brisket (GF)

Vegetarian Options:

Honey BBQ Pulled Chicken (GF)

Black Bean Patty (VG)

Corn Dusted Kaiser Rolls

Whole Grain Wheat Rolls (VG)

Apple and Cabbage Coleslaw (GF)

Smoked Gouda Mac and Cheese

Spicy Roasted Corn with Honey

Apple and Cabbage Coleslaw (VG)

and Cilantro (GF)

Spicy Roasted Corn with Honey

Bacon and Smoked Cheddar Pota-

and Cilantro (VG)

to Salad (GF)

Smoked Cheddar Potato Salad

Assorted COG Cookies

GF: Gluten Free/VG: Vegan

Off-Campus Dining Bulldog Territory (Within 10 minute walk of campus) Blaze Pizza Bruchi’s* Caruso’s* Chipotle Mexican Grill Clark’s Fork* Clover Froyo Earth* Jimmy John’s* Kalico Kitchen* No-Li Brewhouse Our Thai House Pita Pit* Pizza Pipeline* Qdoba Mexican Eats* Sushi Sakai* Sweeto Burrito* Ultimate Bagel* Wolffy’s Hamburgers

926 N. Division St. 829 E. Boone Ave. 1120 N. Division St. 930 N. Division St. 1028 N. Hamilton St. 911 E. Sharp Ave. 829 E. Boone Ave. 503 E. Mission Ave 2931 N. Division St. 1003 E. Trent Ave. 1415 N. Hamilton St. 818 E. Sharp Ave. 1403 N. Division St. 1120 N. Division St. 829 E. Boone Ave. 1839 N. Ruby St. 1217B N. Hamilton St. 1229 N. Hamilton St.

*Accepts Bulldog Bucks

509-326-0800 509-413-1945 509-868-0585 509-344-2706 509-960-8962 509-487-2937 509-315-5034 509-327-3278 509-326-7144 509-242-2739 509-487-4237 509-483-7482 509-326-6412 509-413-1951 509-340-9743 509-328-1019 509-487-4630 509-487-1587

Downtown and Surrounding Areas Aloha Island Grill* Azar’s Gyro Station* Churchill’s Steakhouse Clinkerdaggers The Elk Public House Ferrante’s Marketplace Cafe Fire Artisan Pizza Frank’s Diner Tomato Street Luigi’s Italian Restaurant Method Juice Café* Saranac Public House Milford’s Fish House

1724 N. Monroe St. 3005 E. Mission St. 165 S. Post St. 621 W. Mallon Ave. 1931 W. Pacific Ave. 4516 South Regal St. 816 W. Sprague Ave. 1516 W. 2nd Ave. 6220 N Division St. 245 W. Main Ave. 718 W. Riverside Ave. 21 W Main Ave. 719 N. Monroe St.

509-327-4270 509-279-2003 509-747-7463 509-328-5965 509-363-1973 509-443-6304 509-413-1856 509-747-8798 509-484-4500 509-624-5226 509-473-9579 509-473-9455 509-326-7251

Mizuna (Vegetarian)

214 N. Howard St.



On-Campus Dining

Hemmingson Center

Cataldo Hall


On-Campus Dining


Local ZAG Spots Ferrante’s Marketplace Cafe Tomato Street Italian Restaurant

Saranac Public House

4516 S. Regal Street 509.443.6304

4516 S. Regal Street 509.443.6304

21 W. Main Avenue 509.473.9455

Luigi’s Italian Restaurant

Safari Room Fresh Grill and Bar

245 W. Main Avenue 509.654.5226

111 S. Post Street 509.789.6800





Trader Joe’s

933 E. Mission Ave. 509.482.1987

210 E. North Foothills Dr. 509.325.5611

5601 E. Sprague Ave. 509.842.0003

5520 N. Division St. 509.487.4188


URM Cash & Carry 902 E. Springfield Ave. 509.489.4555

Bed Bath & Beyond

Fred Meyer



5628 N. Division St. 509.487.3677

400 E. Thor St. 509.532.4000

5025 E. Sprague Ave. 509.795.3491

2624 N. Division St. 509.328.6495

Target 4915 S. Regal St. 509.822.3274 OR 9770 N. Newport Hwy. 509.466.3006


Riverpark Square Nordstrom, Apple, Northface, Gap, Anthropologie, Lulu Lemon, AMC Movie Theatre, Dining and more 808 W. Main Ave. NorthTown Mall 509.363.0304 Barnes & Noble, JCPenny, Macy’s, Sears, Marshalls, Best Buy, and more 4750 N. Division St. 18 509.482.4800


ZagFam Weekend

October 6-8, 2017 Our campus is beautiful in the summer, but just wait until you see it in the fall! ZagFam weekend allows you a glimpse into your student’s new life at Gonzaga. There will be Alumni on campus as well for milestone reunions. The weekend will be packed full of fun activities and exciting entertainment for the whole family, including the ZagFam Pep Rally featuring performances from student clubs and organizations. Be sure to make hotel reservations as soon as possible, as hotels fill up quickly.

Register at:


Follow Our Family: @gonzagafamilies




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