CONTENTS Welcome Le er
pg. 3
Campus Map
pgs. 4‐5
Weekend Checklist
pg. 6
Friday Schedule
pg. 7
Saturday Schedule
pg. 8
Saturday Session Informa on
pg. 9
Saturday Morning Informa on Sessions
pgs. 10‐11
Saturday A ernoon Informa on Sessions
pgs. 12‐13
Sunday Schedule
pg. 14
Fall Family Weekend Details
pg. 15
Office Hours for Orienta on Weekend
pg. 16
On‐Campus Dining
pg. 17
Off‐Campus Dining
pg. 18
Parent Zag Spots—addresses and map
pg. 19
pg. 20
pgs. 21‐23
If you have ANY ques ons during the weekend … ASK! Find a Parent Support Leader (mint t‐shirts), an Orienta on Leader (blue t‐shirts), Orienta on Coordinator (red/blue polos), or anyone holding a HUGE Ques on Mark above his or her head (most likely standing near the Crosby steps)!
Gonzaga Parent and Family Office Amy Swank, Director (509) 313‐4154 2
WELCOME TO CAMPUS! Dear Parents and Families, The Parent and Family Office is thrilled that, along with your student, your family can take part in making new tradi ons at Gonzaga and enjoy the many aspects of the “Gonzaga Experience.” Through this experience, we hope to provide you with a glimpse of how we help your student develop into the “whole person” this university seeks to produce. You are now part of the Gonzaga Family! We look forward to shar‐ ing in your student's college experience. We know that you have prepared your student well, and this will be a me of considerable discovery and growth. We believe that parents and other family members are very important as students take on new experiences. We encourage you to empower your student to deal with many of the challenges they will face at college, rather than solving problems for them. A goal that many parents have is to provide support with‐ out actually making decisions for their son or daughter. A er all, we hope the university experience will help your student become inde‐ pendent and confident in his or her abili es to face the world. We recognize, though, that it is not always easy to find that balance, so we suggest taking me to really talk with your student throughout the en re year. We will be here to help along the way. We are available to answer any of your ques ons; if we don’t know the answer, we will find it for you! Through the Parent eNewsle er, and the parent website, we provide you with guidance, resources and helpful informa on. Our Parent and Family Guide and Calendar are great references as well. Please feel free to contact us with any ques ons or concerns you may have. Congratula ons and Welcome! Amy Swank Director, Parent and Family Office 3
WEEKEND CHECKLIST Go mobile! Download Guidebook! Parent & Family Orienta on Check‐In Resource Fair Campus Tour Opening Ceremony and Presiden al Address Zag Shop A er Hours Event Fred Meyer Night Jesu...what? What it Means to be a Jesuit University Parent & Family Informa on Sessions ‐ Morning Family BBQ Lunch Parent & Family Informa on Sessions ‐ A ernoon Appe zers with Academics Welcome Mass—morning or a ernoon President’s Recep on Say goodbye to your student! Remind yourself that your Zag is in good hands, surrounded by great people! Note: Fall Family Weekend is Oct. 24‐26! 6
FRIDAY, AUGUST 29th Resource Fair 9am‐ 3pm
This is the go‐to place for informa on from many of GU’s departments and organiza ons.
Lunch With Your Student Meal plans start today! See page 17 for Zag Dining op ons, and page 18 for off‐campus choices.
Campus Tours
Herak Quad
St. Igna us 10am‐ 3pm Tours leave from the St. Igna us Statue on the north side of College Hall. Last tour leaves at 2pm. Statue
Opening Ceremony and Presiden al Address 4 ‐ 6pm
Take your student out to dinner. See pages 17‐18 for both on and off campus op ons. This is the “last supper” with your student!
Zag Shop A er Hours Event 8 ‐ 9pm
Join Amy Swank, Director of the Parent and Family McCarthey Athle c Office, Dr. Judi Biggs Garbuio, VP for Student De‐ Center velopment, and Gonzaga’s President Dr. Thayne McCulloh as they kick off the weekend ac vi es.
Dinner—On Your Own 6 ‐ 8:30pm
Proud GU Parents, come by the Zag Shop and en‐ joy special deals on GU parent‐related apparel and gi s. The Zag Shop staff will also be available to answer any ques ons and assist you with any last minute needs for your student.
Fred Meyer Night
Off Campus
Fred Meyer 11pm‐ 1am Find everything you need to get started at GU! 400 S. Thor (last shu le Great discounts and exclusive specials for GU stu‐ Spokane, WA leaves at dents, so bring a student ID or class schedule. 99202 12:30am) Shu les leave from McCarthey parking lot every 30 minutes. We recommend driving if possible to make room on the shu le for those students with‐ out a vehicle.
SATURDAY, AUGUST 30th Breakfast—on your own Before 9am There are lots of op ons for breakfast on or near cam‐ pus, including the BARC dining hall if you are accom‐ panied by your student. Jesu...what? What it means to be a Jesuit University 9 ‐ 10am
The Office of Mission and University Ministry invite you to learn about Gonzaga’s mission and history, and discover how Igna us Loyola’s spirituality and legacy have infused the Jesuit educa onal tradi on.
St. Aloysius Church
**NOTE: No food or drink permi ed in the Church**
Parent and Family Sessions—Morning 10am‐ 12pm Informa on sessions for parents and families; see pages 10‐11 for session choices and details.
Jepson Classrooms
BBQ Lunch provided by Zag Dining 12 ‐ 2pm
Enjoy a delicious lunch with op ons for all tastes! Relax, debrief, meet other parents, and get ready for a ernoon sessions! This lunch is for registered family members only... NOT for new students.
Jepson Lawn
Parent and Family Sessions—A ernoon 2 ‐ 5pm
Informa on sessions for parents and families; see pages 12‐13 for session choices and details.
Appe zers with Academics 5:30‐7:30pm While students are otherwise occupied, come enjoy appe zers and socializing with other new families. Faculty representa ves will be available to converse and answer your ques ons. This is an open event; please feel free to relax and mingle!
Parent Zag Spots 7:30pm
Venture off campus and experience a taste of Spo‐ kane! Three restaurants within a few blocks of campus will be open and available to Gonzaga families for din‐ ner and drinks. See page 19 for details and map.
Jepson Classrooms Jepson Lawn
SATURDAY SESSION INFO Jesu...what? What it means to be a Jesuit University St. Aloysius Church, 9‐10am They invented the trap door and discovered quinine. They’ve been royal counse‐ lors, astronomers, mathema cians, explorers and army chaplains. They’ve led countless people, from all faith backgrounds, to personal and spiritual fulfillment for 474 years. They’ve worked and prayed in schools, refugee agencies, jus ce ins tutes, parishes, retreat houses and more. Thirty‐five craters on the moon bear their names. These are the Jesuits. The Society of Jesus (Jesuits) is the largest men’s single religious order of priests and brothers in the Catholic Church. Best known as edu‐ cators, the Jesuits currently run more than 1,000 schools across the world, coun ng millions of students, faculty and staff. In the United States alone, there are 28 Jesuit colleges and universi es, including our very own Gonzaga. One of the earliest Jesuit companions said that the whole life of the Society devel‐ oped from the story of their founder, Igna us Loyola. His experiences, reflec ons, ministry and leadership exemplify the dynamics and characteris cs of the Jesuit vision and prac ce. Words and phrases such as “ad majorem Dei gloriam” (for the greater glory of God), “contempla on in ac on,” “cura personalis” (care for the en re person), “finding God in all things,” “discernment,” and “women and men for others” point toward his spirituality and legacy, which have infused the Jesuit educa onal tradi on. **NOTE: No food or drink permi ed in the Church**
Parent and Family Sessions—Morning Choose two of the following sessions to a end between 10am ‐ 12pm. Session descrip ons can be found on pages 10 and 11: Gonzaga’s Guide to All Things Jesuit Study Abroad Partners in Student Academic Success Healthy Zags are Happy Zags From College to Career
DREAM First in My Family: Star ng a Collegiate Legacy NCAA Athle cs Dining Safety and Security
Parent and Family Sessions—A ernoon Choose three of the following sessions to a end between 2pm ‐ 5pm. Session descrip ons can be found on pages 12 and 13: Safety and Security Help Your Zag Become Financially Responsible What Does it Mean to be a Zag? Housing and Residence Life
Study Abroad Le ng Go Student Q&A Panel Student Responsibility 101 Healthy Zags are Happy Zags
Saturday Morning Sessions Gonzaga’s Guide to All Things Jesuit 10‐11am 11‐12pm
Following the morning “Jesu… what?” session, bring your ques ons to this Q&A session with some of Gonzaga’s own Jesuits. ‐Jesuit Priest Panel
Study Abroad 10‐11am 11‐12pm
You just got them to college, and you’re already hearing about their desire to study abroad?! Come find out why study abroad is one of the best resume building experi‐ ences a student can have. ‐Richard Menard
Parents – Partners in Student Academic Success 10‐11am 11‐12pm
The Academic Vice President’s staff will share essen al informa on about academic life at Gonzaga. Learn about your role in the important journey that your son or daughter is about to experience. ‐Jolanta Weber
Jepson Lower Level Room 017 Jepson Main Level Wolff Auditorium Jepson Main Level Room 108
Healthy Zags are Happy Zags 10‐11am 11‐12pm
Jepson Main Level Room 127
How can you as a parent help keep your student healthy and balanced while away at college? Come learn about the 5 Cs of healthy living and well‐being – care, concern, crisis, community and con nuity of care. Representa‐ ves from Gonzaga’s Health Center and Center for Cura Personalis will share informa on and resources essen al to your student’s physical and emo onal well‐being.
‐Nicola Miller, Jill Yashinsky‐Wortman, Libby Skiles Jepson Main Level Room 109
From College to Career 10‐11am 11‐12pm
Compe on is hea ng up for jobs and internships, and Gonzaga is invested in helping your student make the successful transi on from College to Career. Learn from current students and staff about the services we offer at the Career Center & GAMP (Gonzaga Alumni Mentor Program) that will help with your student’s career devel‐ opment from day one. It is never too early to start the career development process!
‐Meredith Aronson, Bri any Leland, Regent Mike Reilly
Saturday Morning Sessions
DREAM 10‐11am DREAM (Disability Resources, Educa on, and Access 11‐12am Management) wants to talk with you about its work with temporary or permanent disabili es and accom‐ moda ons. We will discuss common disabili es among our students and the process of approval for reasona‐ ble accommoda ons. —Kathryne Shearer
First in My Family: Star ng a Collegiate Legacy 10‐11am This session is targeted to parents/families whose stu‐ 11‐12pm dents are the first in their family to a end college. We will discuss ways to support first‐genera on students; expecta ons of the higher educa on environment; and provide an overview of resources available to you and your student. ‐David Garcia & Juanita Jasso
NCAA Athle cs (only for parents of student athletes) 10‐11am This session will cover topics regarding financial aid, 11‐12pm NCAA compliance, medical/training facili es, travel, insurance, and overall student‐athlete development in a Division I program. ‐Mike Roden, Rian Oliver
Jepson Main Level Room 106
Jepson Main Level Room 104
Jepson Main Level Room 103
Jepson Lower Level Room 014
Dining 10‐11am We will introduce community dining as a fundamental 11‐12pm part of the Zag experience, and discuss retail dining and catering op ons, programming and special events, and student employment.
‐Chuck Faulkinberry, Thomas Morise e, Cheryl Kaine
Safety and Security 10‐11am Learn about safety and security issues at Gonzaga and 11‐12pm explore how you as parents and family members can encourage your students to be informed and make good decisions. ‐Brian Kenny
Jepson Lower Level Room 018
Saturday Afternoon Sessions Safety and Security 2‐3pm Repeat from morning sessions; 3‐4pm see descrip on on page 11. 4‐5pm
Jepson Lower Level Room 018
Help Your Zag Become Financially Responsible 2‐3pm Q&A with Student Employment, Financial Aid, Stu‐ 3‐4pm dent Accounts and US Bank. Representa ves from 4‐5pm these areas will be on hand to answer ques ons and provide advice to help you help your student.
Jepson Lower Level Room 006
‐Jim White, Kim Armstrong, Samantha Sco , Robin Guevara
What Does it Mean to be a Zag? 2‐3pm A panel of three Zag alums reflect on the transfor‐ 3‐4pm ma onal, Jesuit educa on they received at Gonzaga 4‐5pm and answer your ques ons about the process of becoming involved and engaged members of the campus community. Facilitated by the Dean of Stu‐ dents, Ma Lamsma, this panel will provide you with concrete examples of how to support your stu‐ dent(s) as they become members of the Gonzaga community, as students and beyond.
Jepson Main Level Room 127
Jeb Berg ’08, Chris an Santa Maria ’10, Clare Chambers ’12, Ma Lamsma
Housing and Residence Life 2‐3pm The Department of Housing and Residence Life is 3‐4pm here to help build community in residence halls. 4‐5pm Come learn about professional and student staff who live in the halls, the support available to your students, and how you can best advise your student during tough mes. We will discuss community de‐ velopment, room changes, damages, and room‐ mate conflicts. ‐Esther Gaines
Jepson Main Level Room 107
Saturday Afternoon Sessions Study Abroad 2‐3pm 3‐4pm 4‐5pm
Repeat from morning sessions; see descrip on on page 10.
Jepson Lower Level Room 017
Jepson Learn how to help your student adjust to college Main Level life. Discuss what it means to let go a er students Wolff have gone to college, and how parents and families Auditorium can “guide from the side” a er leaving campus. ‐Parent Council
Le ng Go
2‐3pm 3‐4pm 4‐5pm
Student Panel 2‐3pm 3‐4pm 4‐5pm
A panel of current Gonzaga students will share their experiences and be available to address any ques‐ ons or concerns you may have.
Jepson Main Level Room 109
‐Ka e Herzog & Current GU Students
Student Responsibility 101 2‐3pm 3‐4pm 4‐5pm
Please join the Dean of Student Well Being and Healthy Living and representa ves from the Office of Community Standards as they discuss University standards of conduct, social and civic responsibility, the student conduct process, and how parents can partner with university officials so members of the Class of 2018 are prepared to lead lives of leader‐ ship as men and women of Gonzaga.
Jepson Lower Level Room 014
‐Eric Baldwin, Paula Smith, Jae Webb
Healthy Zags are Happy Zags 2‐3pm 3‐4pm 4‐5pm
Repeat from morning sessions; see descrip on on page 10.
Jepson Main Level Room 108
SUNDAY, AUGUST 31st University 9am ‐10am Family leaving early? Members of all faith Chapel, tradi ons are invited to worship at Mass at the College Hall University’s Student Chapel, celebrated by Fr. 3rd Floor Case, S.J., VP of Mission, and other priests of Gonzaga and St. Aloysius Parish. Reflec on by President McCulloh.
Early Welcome Mass
President’s Recep on 11am ‐ 1pm Enjoy a light brunch with Gonzaga’s President, Dr. Thayne McCulloh. Meet with other University administrators, staff, and faculty.
A ernoon Welcome Mass 1pm ‐ 2pm
People of all faith tradi ons are warmly welcomed to this service, celebrated by Fr. Case, S.J., VP for Mission, and other priests of Gonzaga and St. Aloysius Parish. Reflec on by President McCulloh.
Families Depart 3:00pm
Time to say good bye! Students will be heading to their next scheduled events, which include the 2017 class photo, small group mee ngs, and an evening filled with other fun events!
Make Plans for Fall Family Weekend October 24th ‐26th
Don’t forget to mark your calendars for GU’s Fall Family Weekend! Come back to campus to spend me with your students and meet their new friends!
Johnston Family Mall St. Aloysius Church
Various Loca ons
Gonzaga University/ Spokane
OCTOBER 24‐26, 2014 Our campus is beau ful in the summer, but just wait un l you see it in the fall! FFW allows you a brief glimpse into your student’s new life at Gonzaga. The weekend will be packed full of fun ac vi es and exci ng entertainment for the whole family. Be sure to make hotel reserva ons as soon as possible, as hotels fill up fast.
Register at
Academic Advising & Assistance
Career Center
Crosby Student Center
Financial Aid
Foley Library
Health Center
IT Help Desk
Mail Services
Registrar's Office
Rudolf Fitness Center
Security Office
Student Accts ‐ ID
Student Accts ‐ Window
Student Employment
Student Development
US Bank
Zag Dining
Zag Shop ‐ BARC
Zag Spirit Shop ‐ Kennedy
Counseling Center
University Ministry
*Most offices are closed from 12pm –1pm for lunch.
OFF-CAMPUS DINING Bulldog Territory - all within a 10 minute walk of campus Bangkok Thai Chapala Mexican Restaurant
1003 E Trent 1801 N Hamilton St.
325-8370 484-4534
Chipotle Mexican Grill Clover* Jack & Dan’s
930 N. Division
911 E. Sharp 1226 N. Hamilton St.
487-2937 487-6546
Jimmy John’s
503 E. Mission Ave.
No-Li Brewhouse
1003 E. Trent Ave.
Pete’s Pizza
821 E. Sharp Ave.
Pita Pit
818 E Sharp Ave.
Sonic Drive-In
1313 N. Ruby St.
Starbucks Coffee
1217 N. Hamilton
Ultimate Bagel
1217B N. Hamilton
White Box Pies Wolffy's Hamburgers
28 E. Sharp Ave.
1229 N. Hamilton St.
Downtown Spokane Chili's
207 W. Spokane Falls Blvd.
Churchill's Steakhouse*
165 S. Post St.
621 W. Mallon
The Elk Public House
1931 W. Pacific
Europa Pizzeria and Bakery
125 S. Wall St.
Fire Artisan Pizza
816 W. Sprague Ave .
Frank’s Diner
1516 W. 2nd Ave.
Italian Kitchen*
113 N. Bernard
Luigi's Italian Restaurant*
245 W. Main Ave.
Madeleine’s Café
707 W. Main Ave.
Milford's Fish House*
719 N. Monroe
Mizuna (Vegetarian)
214 N. Howard
Red Robin
725 W. Main St.
*Reservations Recommended
PARENT ZAG SPOTS Three local restaurants are hosting Gonzaga families for dinner and discounted drinks and appetizers. Come try some local fare and socialize with other new families! Clover is located in a beautiful old house, with a spacious outdoor patio and a first class selection of tapas and spirits. 911 E Sharp Ave Jack & Dan’s is more on the casual side, with lots of beer on tap, great bar food, pool tables, and TVs. J&D’s has been a longtime favorite of GU upperclassmen! 1226 N Hamilton St. No-Li Brewhouse features Inland Northwest-style pub food and awardwinning beers. At No-Li, it’s all about “keeping it local.” 1003 E. Trent Ave.
Fred Meyer … 400 E. Thor … 532‐4033
Head south on Hamilton to the I‐90 freeway entrance, stay in right lane; take the ramp east towards Coeur d’Alene; drive about 2 minutes, take the Thor/ Freya Exit; Fred Meyer is on the right.
Safeway … Corner of Mission & Hamilton … 482‐1987 Open 24 hours; walking distance from campus.
Yokes … 210 E. North Foothills Drive … 325‐5611 Head north on Hamilton about 10 blocks; turn east on North Foothills Drive; drive 4 blocks; Yokes is on the le .
Costco … 7619 N. Division … 466‐2643 Head north on Ruby and con nue on Division a er the two streets merge; drive about 10 minutes; Costco is on the le just north of Francis.
Fred Meyer: This is a Super Fred Meyer, so includes a full grocery store in addi on to household, pharmacy, clothing, outdoor, etc.
Target, Shopko, Best Buy, TJ Maxx: Head north on Ruby/Division; drive about 15 minutes to the North Division Y; merge right onto Hwy 2; shops are on the le . WalMart: Head north on Ruby/Division; turn le at Wellesley, about 5 minutes; WalMart is on the le , directly a er Shadle Park High School. Staples: Head north on Ruby/Division about 8 blocks. Staples on the le .
General Store: Head north on Ruby/Division about 7 blocks; store on the le .
Riverpark Square Mall: includes Nordstrom, Banana Republic, Po ery Barn, Apple, Gap, Macy’s, Williams‐Sonoma, AMC Movie Theater, and much more. Head south on Division; follow Division over river and merge onto Spokane Falls Blvd, staying in right hand lanes; Riverfront Park is on the right, the mall is on the le . NorthTown Mall: includes American Eagle, Barnes & Noble, JC Penney, Kohls, Victoria’s Secret, Bath and Body, Macy’s, Sears, Regal Cinemas, and more. Head north on Ruby/Division for about 10 minutes; just north of the Division/Wellesley intersec on, the mall is on the right.
Zag Shops: In the BARC, and on the first floor of the Kennedy Apartments (Ruby and Desmet); find all your GU apparel, gi s, books and supplies.
Thank you for making this weekend a success!