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A Feasible Plan for Student Health and Wellness
Scholarship & Research
Vincent C. Alfonso, Ph.D.
Professor, School Psychology Co-Authored with Bracken, B. A., & Nagle, R. J. (Eds.). (2020)
PSYCHOEDUCATIONAL ASSESSMENT OF PRESCHOOL CHILDREN (5TH ED.). NEW YORK: ROUTLEDGE. This volume is in its fifth edition and addresses how to assess young children in various developmental domains. Leading scholars discuss theory, practice, and resources for seasoned practitioners as well as graduate students.
Nichole Barta (Calkins), Ed.D.
Assistant Professor, Kinesiology & Sport Management Co-Authored with C.S. Kreider (2020)
WINNING BACK A QUALITY ENDORSEMENT PROCESS FOR HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION. STRATEGIES: A JOURNAL FOR PHYSICAL AND SPORT EDUCATORS. A collaboration with SHAPE Washington and other stakeholders across the state to write a proposal to the Washington Professional Education Standards Board (PESB) to change the state Health and Fitness (H&F) Teacher Endorsement requirements from a test-only endorsement to a teacherpreparation program endorsement. As a result of this work, the state adopted more rigorous standards for Washington State Health & Fitness Teacher Certification so that health and physical education teachers must receive instruction that prepares them to be teachers in their field. The article explains the process to impact state requirements and provides a guideline for how other states can advocate for high quality teacher certification standards.
Anny Case, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Teacher Education Author, Anny Case (2021)
COMPLEX AND CONNECTED LIVES: VOICES OF “ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS” IN MIDDLE SCHOOL. MIDDLE GRADES REVIEW 7(1). While school systems tend to focus on linguistic and academic development, middle school English Language Learners (ELLs) exercise agency, creativity, judgment, and resilience as they navigate hybrid identities, complex and context-specific social and cultural expectations, and home/school connections and disconnections. For a target audience of educators and educational researchers, this article reports on an interview study of a diverse group of middle school ELLs who discussed their in-and out-of-school lives, social networks, impressions of school, and goals for the future. Themes of navigating complexity and forging connection point to a portrait of middle school ELLs with initiative, purpose, and dimensionality that challenges the narrow focus on language often prominent in the professional discourse about ELLs.
Joseph Engler, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, School Psychology Co-Authored with J. White (2021)
[TEST REVIEW OF CONTEXTUAL PROBES OF ARTICULATION COMPETENCE –SPANISH]. IN J. F. CARLSON, K. F. GEISINGER, & J. L. JONSON (EDS.), THE TWENTYFIRST MENTAL MEASUREMENTS YEARBOOK. LINCOLN, NE: BUROS CENTER FOR TESTING. This publication is a test review of the Contextual Probes of Articulation Competence - Spanish version. The test review involved evaluating the quantitative characteristics of the test to inform practitioners about its strengths and weaknesses so that it can be used appropriately. Included is one of our alumni Jenna Finnerty.
Curtis Garner, Ed.D.
Professor, Counselor Education Co-Authored with Freeman, B., Stewart, R., & Coll, K. (2020)
ASSESSMENT OF DISPOSITIONS IN PROGRAM ADMISSIONS: THE PROFESSIONAL DISPOSITIONS COMPETENCY ASSESSMENT-REVISED ADMISSIONS (PDCA-RA). THE PROFESSIONAL COUNSELOR, 10(3), 337-350. Disposition assessment is becoming increasingly important in counselor education. This article explored the interrater reliability of the PDCA-RA, a screening tool for assessing professional dispositions of counselors-in-training. Interrater reliability of the tool improved significantly after the application of a video-based training protocol.
James Hunter, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Master of Arts on Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (MA/TESOL) Co-Authored with Hanson-Lynn, S. (2021)
H5P AND WEEBLY: THE BEST THING SINCE PEANUT BUTTER AND JELLY. WAESOL EDUCATOR, 46(1), 37-8. H5P is a free materials-authoring platform used in conjunction with Weebly, a free website design service, to generate interactive activities for learners, especially in the Gonzaga ESL Community Outreach program, which was forced to go virtual like everyone else in 2020. Sara (a recent graduate of the MA/TESOL program) and James co-wrote this article and gave a conference presentation and a training session for the regional TESOL affiliate organization, to encourage teachers throughout the state to develop their technology skills and support learners in virtual learning contexts.
Robert McKinney, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Counselor Education Co-Authored with Desposito, M., & Yoon, E. (2020)
Affirmative counseling is a strengthbased and non-pathological treatment approach that allows counselors to help LGBTGEQIAP+ adolescents meet important developmental milestones and achieve a positive selfidentity. The wellness model allows counselors to emphasize a client’s protective factors, self-identity, and address the intersectionality of various life roles promoting a holistic picture of health. The authors explored how affirmative counseling and the wellness model can be utilized together when working with LGBTGEQIAP+ adolescents.
Kathleen Nitta, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Teacher Education Co-Authored with Baker, A., Gonzalez, M., Ward, J., & Jessup, N. (2020)
A COLLABORATIVE SELF-STUDY TO FOREFRONT ISSUES OF IDENTITY AND EQUITY IN MATHEMATICS METHODS COURSES. (PP. 756-757). This co-authored paper was presented at an international conference of scholars exchanging information in the psychology of mathematics education. The paper shares insights from a collaborative self-study of mathematics teacher educators investigating ways to collaborate across institutional contexts to support prospective teachers’ development of noticing and using K-12 students’ mathematical strengths in instructional practice.
Karen Rickel, Ph.D. & James Smith, Ph.D.
Associate Professors, Kinesiology & Sport Management Co-authored with Jacek, A., Elliot, K., & Millar, P. (2021)
EXPLORING CONSUMER MOTIVATION AT SMALL-SCALE SKI RESORTS. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH AND TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY, 7(1). Through a case study model, this research set out to understand the motivational factors of ski tourists and conditions of small-scale ski resorts. The results of this study will equip resort managers to provide an improved resort experience and develop targeted marketing strategies and build guest loyalty.
Ryan Turcott, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Kinesiology and Sport Management Co-Authored with E. Ariyo & O. Faniyi (2021)
“UTTERLY ASHAMED OF THEIR BEHAVIOR”: EXAMINING THE MEDIA COVERAGE OF CAMEROON VERSUS ENGLAND IN THE 2019 FIFA WOMEN’S WORLD CUP. (EDS.) (PP. 27-51). LONDON, UK: PALGRAVE MACMILLAN. This frame analysis examines mainstream media coverage following the Cameroon-England 2019 Women’s World Cup match and Phil Neville’s post-match comments as it appeared in international print media (newspapers) and football-specific news (FSN) sites. The events of this one match Cameroon versus England will serve as an opportunity to raise awareness of the unequal global sporting system and create a platform to educate the sporting community about gender, racial, and national discourses embedded in sport.
Addy Wissel, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Counselor Education Co-Authored with H. Brinser (2020)
SERVING STUDENTS IN FOSTER CARE: IMPLICATIONS AND INTERVENTIONS FOR SCHOOL COUNSELORS. THE PROFESSIONAL COUNSELOR, 10(2), 170-180. Students in foster care frequently experience barriers that influence their personal, social, and academic success. These challenges may include trauma, abuse, neglect, and loss, all of which influence a student’s ability to be successful in school. Combined with these experiences, students in foster care also lack the same access to resources and support as their peers. To this end, school counselors have the opportunity to utilize their unique position within the school community to effectively serve and address the complex needs of students in foster care. This paper addresses current research, presenting problems, implications, and interventions school counselors can utilize when working with this population.
B.Ed. in Community, Culture, and Language Education B.Ed. in Kinesiology B.Ed. in Special Education B.Ed. in Sport Management
M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling M.A. in Marriage and Family Counseling M.A. in School Counseling M.A. in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages M.A. in Sport and Athletic Administration (campus) M.A. in Sport and Athletic administration (online) Master of Counselling (British Columbia site-based) Master of Counselling (Alberta site-based) Master in Teaching, (Elementary and Secondary Education) M.Ed. in Educational Leadership (online)
Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership Education Specialist in School Psychology
Elementary and Secondary Education Certificate in Behavior Analysis Principal Certification
Co-Editors: Carol Bradshaw and Ángela George (’22)
Additional Writers: Rob McKinney, Mary Joan Hahn, Alyssa Burrus, Elaine Radmer
Article content: The Spokesman-Review
Photography: Zack Berlat (’11) and Danny Palomba (’17)
Graphic Design: Henry Ortega
Project Manager: Erika Whittaker