1 minute read
The Toughest Hill We Must Climb Hayden Burnside
We thought today would be different. We thought today We would love our body; love the brown chocolate chip freckles that dotted our face like the stars
We thought today our hair, our long wilting hair, would fall right into its place. But…
Those were only thoughts made muddier by competing words ever present in my mind,
We thought today, of all days, would be different. We needed today to be different.
It was a challenging day. It crashed with moments conflicting like color. We needed to be okay. We thought it was okay.
What is wrong with us?
This day was no different. Just like any other
A day when the curtains never opened. A day when our Floors were the hottest sidewalks. A day not daring us to tackle it; not allowing me to step out and face it.
Why did We get to think today would be different
Our days are always the same. But We thought if We wished extra hard, today would be different