6 minute read
PatronS of the GonzaGa dramatic aSSociation
The Adams Family Adventure Theater
Donne Allen
The Aranza Family
Aaron Aranza ‘17
Robert & Mary Barbuto
Mary Theresa Barbuto
Gabriella Barbuto GDA ‘14
The Berg Family
The Boston Family
Paul & Monica Buckley
The Campion Family
David Carney & Michele Sumilas
Vincent & Amy Caspari
Katie & Wally Cooney
The Cowardin Family
The Curtin Family
The Dolan Family
The Dorsey Family
The Dowd Family
The Dukes Family
The Farley Family
Nora Fitzpatrick & Robert Stephens
The Fragola Family
The Gans Family
The Gately Family
GDA Booster
Alumni Parents
The Gonzaga Fathers Club
The Jerro Family
The Joransen Family
The Leach Family
Levine School of Music
The Lewis Family
The Limarzi Family
Felipe McAlister
The McGee Family
The Miller Family
The O’Boyle Family
The Off Family
The Plantamura Family
The Reischauer Family
Norma and Tom Roberts
Lisa M. Roeder and Will ‘17
Jennifer Shoji
Deanna Howes Spiro
St. Aloysius Gonzaga Jesuit Community
Victory Comics
The Weaver Family
The Wells Family
The Wyatt Family
Good luck and keep up the great work Xavier!
It’s been a pleasure watching you grow into an exemplary young man. We wish you continued blessings on your endeavors.
Love, The Adams Family
Applause! Applause! Applause! We love GDA!
Best wishes from the Aranza Family and Aaron Aranza, Class of 2017
Hey Anthony, Mom and Dad say “it’s time to step away from the computer.”
Congratulations to Matthew Dukes ‘22 and the cast & crew for another great GDA production. Even in 2020, the show must go on!! Love Mom, Dad, Emily, and Timmy
Congratulations to Robert, and the entire Cast and Crew! Break a leg! Love, Mom and Dad
Congratulations to the entire cast and crew of “Words from Eye Street!” Break a leg, John! We are very proud of you.
Love, Mom and Dad, Billy, Lizzy, Luke, Patrick and Ella
Bravo Lorenzo, Cast, Crew, Directors, Producers and everyone in the GDA. Words from Eye Street is living proof that The Show Must Go On!
Love, Meg, Toni, Luca and Lucia Limarzi
Molly, Congratulations on your first GDA performance! We are so proud of you! Love, Mom and the boys
Congratulations to Xavier Allen and all of the Gonzaga Eagles on an exceptional performance. From the Wyatt Family
Xavier Allen is a sophomore at Gonzaga who also wrestles and plays football. Thank you to Mr. Buckley, Ms. Sarah and Mrs. Goldsmith.
Eleanor Bender is a senior at St. John’s and is delighted to be in her 5th show at Gonzaga! She is so thankful to everyone who has helped during this process and would like to dedicate this performance to Ruth Bader Ginsburg and thank her for her inspirational words!
Mary Ashleigh Berg was in productions of both Grease (2019) and Newsies (2020) and considers GDA her second home. She would like to thank her parents for letting her do GDA monologues in the first place, and her family for constantly supporting her. Long live the batons!
Anthony Buckley is excited to be in his third production as a student at Gonzaga. His previous shows include The Laramie Project and Newsies. He is excited to continue his career as a member of the GDA.
Thomas Carney is excited for his seventh Gonzaga show. He is disappointed there is not an in-person show, but he is glad to have had this experience, even though there is a global pandemic.
This is John Corso’s third production with stage crew. This year, he edited for Team B, and is very excited to bring his past experience in filmmaking to Gonzaga. He’d like to thank the stage crew for all their support.
Alese Cowardin has waited SIX years to be a part of the GDA ever since her brothers graced the stage. She is overjoyed to be a part of the process that goes on behind the curtain and cannot wait for more amazing shows.
Abe Dibba has been doing Gonzaga theater since freshman year and it has been one of the highlights of his Gonzaga career. “If there is anyone considering doing theater, I say go for it, you will not regret it, and it will make your high school experience that much better.”
Gabriel Dorsey: “I just want to say that I am happy to be here and thank you to my mom, dad, the cast and crew, Mr. L’Etoile, Sarah and Mr. Spencer.”
Emma Dowd is a junior at Stone Ridge and is so excited to be a part of her fourth production with the GDA. She would like to thank Sarah and the entire cast and crew for a great show!
Robert Fragola is very excited to be part of his second show with the GDA! “Thanks so much to my parents for all their support, Mr. L’Etoile for his amazing directing in previous shows, and Sarah for organizing this show, even during these unstable times!”
Congratulations Matthew on your 7th performance with the GDA!
Congratulations to the entire cast and crew for all their hard work on “Words From Eye Street” particularly during a global pandemic!
“The man who makes an appearance in the business world, the man who creates personal interest, is the man who gets ahead. Be liked and you will never want.”
Love Mom, Dad, Will and Elizabeth
Matthew Gately is a senior at Gonzaga in his seventh show. He wants to thank his parents and friends for their support and encouragement.
Joe Giuliani assures you he has spent at least five seconds contemplating what he will write in his bio to convey how excited he is to partake in his seventh production with the GDA. Also, he’s a senior at Gonzaga, in case that wasn’t obvious.
Chris Groh is a junior on stage crew doing his fourth show with the GDA. He is very excited to be back with the stage crew after they were so close yet so far from performing last Spring. He hopes you enjoy the show.
Patrick Jacobs is excited to be working on his third production and enjoy working with a great group of students and teachers.
John Jerro is a member of the Gonzaga rugby team, one of the founders of the Chess Club, a member of Retreat Team, a member of Debate Team, a member of SFA since freshman year, and this is his first show with the GDA. He is very thankful for the hard work of the moderators of GDA and the support of his family.
This is Lorenzo Limarzi’s first production in the GDA. He was slightly peer pressured into it and he slightly peer pressured a friend into it too. He would like to thank all those who contributed to the play, and those who were just along for the ride.
Molly McGee is excited to be doing her first show with the GDA. She goes to Georgetown Visitation and plans to play ice hockey. She wants to thank her family for always supporting her and everyone involved with making this possible.
James Miller is thrilled to be a part of his fifth (possibly fourth – does Newsies count?) show with the GDA. While this show may have been different, something about screaming about witches in an empty room seems fitting for this year.
Brendan O’Boyle: “Despite only being able to see everyone on Zoom, I’m still just glad to be here an dbe able to continue the friendships I’ve built.”
Aside from acting, JT Off also does two sports here at Gonzaga, along with a number of extracurriculars. JT Would also like to thank his friends and family for letting him have the opportunity to participate in a wonderful play with a wonderful cast.
Caitlin Reischauer has loved being part of the GDA these past few years and has really enjoyed being able to work with everyone this fall. She is very grateful to Sarah, Mr. Spencer and everyone else involved for working to put this together.
Luke Rizzo: “I finally got a chance to play the role I was born to play – a bad actor.”
Congratulations to my granddaughter, Molly McGee, on your first Gonzaga production.
Remember me when you become famous.
Love, Grandpa
This is Guy Shoji’s first production on Eye Street, and he is excited to get back into the game after a brief two-year hiatus from acting. His return is mostly due to the fact that it’s harder for upperclassmen to haze him over Zoom rehearsals.
Grace Stephens is so excited to be a part of her very first production with the GDA! She’s made so many friends and met so many great people. She wants to thank Sarah, Mr. Spencer and Mrs. Goldsmith for all their hard work! Grace has had such a blast and can’t wait to be in future GDA shows. She hopes you all enjoy the show!
Locke Sullivan is happy to be a part of Words from Eye Street and thanks all those who made this show.
Paul Weaver is excited to be back at it again with the cast creating a show.
Jacob Wells: “It’s nice to see you all (virtually)! I’d like to thank Sarah, Mr. Buckley, Mrs. Goldsmith and Mr. Spencer for giving us Seniors a chance to go out with a bang! Though I miss Mr. L’Etoile at rehearsals, I can still hear his raging voice in my head.”