Gonzaga Hockey Senior Media Guide 2020-21

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Seniors, Boys, what a run you have had. You, the Class of 2021, have won three MAPHL Championships. That is incredible, when most schools are just hoping to achieve one. You have forged a longlasting legacy with all you have done for Gonzaga, both on and off the ice. Seniors, you have contributed to Gonzaga hockey’s success on the ice and, just as importantly, off the ice. Your Mondays spent with the inner city youth of our Fort DuPont neighborhood during Study Buddies is so valuable to the community. You gave your time tutoring and mentoring them on school lessons and life’s lessons. The enthusiasm you brought each week and the time you shared with them in and out of the classroom will have a lasting impact on their lives. Then, when COVID hit our Fort DuPont community hard, you led as Seniors and raised $32,000 for Urban Greens to feed those families in need. You stepped up and answered the call to help those less fortunate as “Men for Others”. Thank you for helping me and the Gonzaga coaches to keep our hockey legacy alive and strong. You are leaving the program stronger than when you arrived, continuing the winning tradition while supporting each other on and off the ice. We use the phrase “One Team, One Family,” so we remember we are all men of Gonzaga, regardless of our ability on the ice, and we are all committed to each other’s success while on Eye Street and in the years to follow. So, stay strong, stick together and continue to build on the incredible legacy you have built these last four years as you begin a new chapter in your lives. Boys, I ask you to please stay in touch with the hockey program and come back. You are the future hockey coaches of Gonzaga! AMGD, Coach Bill


ETHAN BAXLEY #2 Ethan started playing hockey for the NOVA Ice Dogs when he was 5 years old. He played as an Ice Dog through his first season of squirts then moved to Kettler, where he played on the Washington Little Caps ‘03 team for two seasons before entering Gonzaga. He played on the V2 hockey team his freshman year, then made the V1 team as a sophomore. He has always enjoyed playing hockey and hanging out with teammates both on and off the ice. As he goes to college, he may play for the club team, depending on where he goes.

"The Gonzaga experience has brought me tremendous friendships that will last a lifetime. Gonzaga Hockey has taught me the meaning of loving your brothers and being one family. I thank Gonzaga and the hockey program for the amazing four years I have had."

We are so proud of you for the man that you have become! Your grace and patience in the COVID environment during your senior year far exceed anything we could have mustered at your age. We love you and know you will do great things, whatever they may be. Love to infinity, Mom & Dad 4 | 2020-2021 GONZAGA ICE HOCKEY PROGRAM

RAFE BURNS #4 Rafe became interested in hockey after falling in love with watching the Washington Capitals on TV. He began playing when he was eight years old with the NOVA Ice Dogs and has played club hockey with the Reston Raiders for the past few years. His favorite memory playing hockey for Gonzaga was his freshman year when the JV team went undefeated. As a sophomore, he was awarded Defensive MVP. He hopes to continue playing hockey on a club team in the future.

"Playing for Gonzaga hockey has been one of the highlights of my past four years. I’ve had a great time building bonds with my teammates both on and off the ice. Thank you to my coaches for the opportunity to play for this outstanding program. Hail Gonzaga!"

Since your first game on full ice as a Mite, your passion for hockey could be seen in your smile and that smile hasn’t changed in the years of games that have followed. The discipline of practice, winning and losing graciously, formulating right and wrong, fair and unfair, all contributed to the young man you are today. We especially enjoyed watching your Gonzaga games. We could see you at your proudest, having the most fun, showing the most passion for the game, surrounded by genuine camaraderie. We are blessed to have shared in your journey. — Mom and Dad 5 | 2020-2021 GONZAGA ICE HOCKEY PROGRAM

J.T. CARPENTER #22 JT started skating when he was six years old. He played youth hockey for Capitals Academy and the Potomac Patriots. He played V2 for three years at Gonzaga, and was a member of the V2 championship team his freshman year. He was selected as MAPHL A Division First-Team defenseman. He is currently playing junior hockey for the Potomac Patriots and hopes to play club hockey in college.

"These past three years have been the best experience I could have asked for. I have met some of my best friends playing hockey for Gonzaga, and continued those friendships off the ice. I will definitely miss it, but am glad I will be able to look back at it with fond memories."

Twelve years of hockey have sent us from Tampa to Toronto, and Chicago to Boston, over thousands of miles and nearly 100 different rinks. It has been a blast, and we have been blessed to share it with you. Play hard, have fun, and GO EAGLES! Love, Mom, Dad, Davis and Colin 6 | 2020-2021 GONZAGA ICE HOCKEY PROGRAM

LUKE ELLIOTT #7 Luke was first introduced to hockey at the age of 4 at the Prudential Center in Newark, New Jersey. He started his youth hockey career playing travel for the Connecticut Riverhawks. When he moved to the D.C. area in fourth grade, he joined the Reston Raiders and played with them for six seasons. From his freshman season on the undefeated JV team to the tough semifinal loss his junior year, Luke will always remember his time playing hockey at Gonzaga.

"I feel blessed to have been part of the Gonzaga Hockey family for the past four years, and I look forward to returning to the Fort for years to come. I have had incredible coaches and teammates that have taught me invaluable lessons that I will hold with me as I move into this next chapter of my life."

Luke, We’re beyond proud of you and all that you’ve accomplished both on and more importantly, off the ice. Looking forward to what your future holds! Love, Chris and Mom 7 | 2020-2021 GONZAGA ICE HOCKEY PROGRAM

LANCE FILIPPONE #16 Lance began playing hockey when he was 3 years old, and it was always his dream to play Gonzaga Hockey when he got to high school. During his freshman year, the JV team went undefeated. His sophomore year, he helped the V2 team win the Purple Puck with a big, game-tying goal in the third period. In his junior year he split time between V1 and V2 and was part of another Purple Puck Championship. He grew as a hockey player and as a person in his three years playing at the Fort. He plans to continue to play hockey as an adult.

"My three years at the Fort were everything I ever dreamed they would be, and more. I met the finest men I will ever know in this program and I have never experienced a better feeling than winning a Gonzaga Hockey game."

Lance, It has been so fun watching you grow up with hockey from your first skate when you were three, through your travel team years with the Caps and now with Gonzaga. Hockey has been a very important part of your life. You brought hockey back to the family and got your dad skating again and your sister playing hockey too. We have always loved watching you skate, fighting on the boards and celebrating every solid defensive play, assist and goal! We are so happy you will get to wear the purple and white again before you graduate, but we are also looking forward to watching you enjoy hockey for the rest of your life. We love you! Mom and Dad 8 | 2020-2021 GONZAGA ICE HOCKEY PROGRAM

LUKE GARNER #27 Luke has been playing hockey since he was 8 years old. Before joining the Gonzaga Eagles in 2017, he played for Montgomery Blue Devils and Team Maryland. He was lucky enough to be a part of the V2 Gonzaga MAPHL Championship team as well as the V1 Gonzaga MAPHL Championship team. Those are memories he will never forget. He would like to thank his coaches and parents for believing in him and giving him an opportunity to not only grow as a player but as a young man. He loved playing at the Fort during his four years at Gonzaga.

"Playing hockey for Gonzaga has been rewarding both on and off the ice. Yes, winning some championships was a nice touch, but a lot of the memories come from rides to the Fort and conversations in the locker room. I will forever cherish every moment I spent on the ice with my teammates, as well as the bonding we shared in tournaments. Gonzaga Hockey has been one of the greatest experiences of my life."

Luke, Hope you’re as proud of yourself as we are of you. The past four years have certainly flown by. It’s been so fun, watching you on the ice with a huge smile on your face while making big hits. Someday you’ll look back at your time on the ice and think about your teammates, the people and events that shaped your Gonzaga high school experience. As your biggest fans, we can’t wait to see what happens next! We love you. Love, Mom and Dad. 9 | 2020-2021 GONZAGA ICE HOCKEY PROGRAM

AIDAN GATELY #12 Aidan had been playing hockey for only a year when he came to Gonzaga as a freshman, a newcomer to the sport at 14 years old. His main sport was soccer, which he'd played since an early age, so that's the team he went with when he became an Eagle. But in his sophomore year, he decided to pursue hockey and made the JV team. He has loved being a part of the Gonzaga hockey family, and during his junior year, embraced serving as captain of the JV team. He is disappointed that there has been limited hockey during his senior year, but he plans to continue playing the sport throughout college and beyond.

“Being a part of the Gonzaga hockey program is something I will never forget. From the nervousness of stepping on the ice for the first time for Gonzaga to being captain of the JV team, I have learned so much and will cherish the memories forever. Go Eagles!”

Aidan, Watching you play hockey and seeing your love of the sport and your team has been a joy that we will cherish forever. We are so proud of you and your leadership. We love you, Mom, Dad, Skyler & Stefan '23 10 | 2020-2021 GONZAGA ICE HOCKEY PROGRAM

SEAN KEARNEY #9 Sean has been playing hockey since he was 7, starting with cross-ice, giving him a lot of puck-handling on a smaller ice surface as a young player. Before Gonzaga, he played recreational and travel hockey for the NOVA Ice Dogs. He has played on the Gonzaga V-2 team for all three years and loved every minute of it. The MAPHL Championship his freshman year and multiple Purple Puck Championships were the highlights of his time as an Eagle on the ice. He also plays on the Gonzaga lacrosse team as an attackman. Sean looks forward to playing club hockey in college, and beyond!

“Playing Gonzaga Hockey has been an unforgettable experience. The relationships I've formed, both with teammates and coaches, are ones that I will cherish forever. The program has helped me grow not only as a player but also as a person. Throwing on the purple every winter and playing with my brothers is something I am going to greatly miss.”

Congratulations to you, Sean, for all you have accomplished in the last four years. You have grown so much as a person, student, and team player. We admire so many things about you: your dedication to your family, friends and teammates, your willingness to pitch in when help is needed, the hard work and long hours you put into training and schoolwork, your great sense of humor and the ability to make those around you happy. We are very proud of you and recognize all of the time and effort you have put in to become the young man you are now. You have a great future ahead of you, and we look forward to cheering you on every step of the way. We love you and are your biggest fans! - Love Mom, Dad, Emily & Brendan 11 | 2020-2021 GONZAGA ICE HOCKEY PROGRAM

THEN ... Ethan Baxley

Rafe Burns

J.T. Carpenter

Luke Elliott

Lance Filippone

Luke Garner

Aidan Gately

Sean Kearney

Sean Kilcullen

Kevin Leonard

Jack Mowrey

Jack Norton

Josh Park

Jack Rhea

Brendan Snocker

Patrick Williams



Ethan Baxley

Rafe Burns

J.T. Carpenter

Luke Elliott

Lance Filippone

Luke Garner

Aidan Gately

Sean Kearney

Sean Kilcullen

Kevin Leonard

Jack Mowrey

Jack Norton

Josh Park

Jack Rhea

Brendan Snocker

Patrick Williams


SEAN KILCULLEN #15 (V1 C) Sean began his hockey career when he was 5 years old thanks to both the influence of his older brother Ian (Eagles class of ’18) and his dad's love of the game. He started out with the Montgomery Blue Devils, then went on to Team Maryland. He currently plays for the Maryland Black Bears, a junior team in the NAHL, and plans to continue his hockey career in juniors and college. He wants to thank his family, coaches and teammates for their support during his four years as an Eagle.

“My love for Gonzaga Hockey began in 6th grade by watching my brother play at the Fort, and from the stories my Dad would tell from his experiences at Gonzaga. Fort DuPont has been a home for me ever since, and I am so grateful for all the experiences I had there. I learned so much from my teammates and coaches that doesn’t apply only to hockey, but to life in general. Playing Gonzaga hockey will always be my favorite memories, and winning two MAPHL Championships, one with my brother, is something I will cherish forever.” Sean, We missed seeing you wear the 'Zaga hockey sweater (with the “C”) this season! We were really looking forward to watching you lead the boys on Friday nights and to another MAPHL championship. But you’re a such a positive, disciplined, hard working leader and we could not be more proud of the young man that you have become. We look forward to your bright future! Love, Mom and Dad 14 | 2020-2021 GONZAGA ICE HOCKEY PROGRAM

KEVIN LEONARD #3 Kevin has been playing hockey since he was 8 years old and has enjoyed every minute of it. Before Gonzaga hockey, he played in the Kettler rec leagues and the Georgetown Titans. He switched to the NOVA Ice Dogs travel team while also playing with Gonzaga JV. The love for the sport grew and he was inspired by teammates to work harder. Hockey gave him a golden opportunity to be a man for others in a competitive setting, along with a sense of brotherhood with the team.

"Hockey has always been a part of my life and has given me the opportunity to meet many great friends. Gonzaga hockey has given me the motivation to work towards new goals in the sport and better myself along with it."

Kevin, seeing you grow these past four years with your determination and perseverance, both on the ice and off, has really been an inspiration. Now we just hope you excel at college and get a good enough job to pay us back for all the damage to our garage walls from sniping pucks. We love you! Mom and Dad 15 | 2020-2021 GONZAGA ICE HOCKEY PROGRAM

JACK MOWREY #5 (V1 A) Jack started playing hockey when he was just 5 years old. He played for the Bowie Bruins throughout most of elementary and middle school before coming to Gonzaga and moving to the Washington Little Caps. He now plays for Team Maryland and hopes to continue playing hockey in college. He would like to come back and coach for Gonzaga some day.

"When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor."-- Elon Musk

Well, where to begin? We as parents could not be more proud of you. You have learned to cultivate strong relationships, learned about spiritual strength and stability, learned that Men for Others is truly a lifestyle; all of which has changed you for the better. As parents, we have done our very best to keep you on track, to teach you the ways of life, and Gonzaga has polished you up and turned you into a fine young man that we couldn’t be more proud of. We truly love you with all our hearts; you are an awesome son, a great brother and now a strong leader. We can only hope that you utilize everything that you have learned at Gonzaga, along with what we have taught you to somehow make a difference in this ever-changing and very difficult world that we now live in. Follow your dreams, trust your gut, explore adventures and always keep your skates sharp! Best of luck Jacks, we love you to the moon and back! Mom, Dad, Emme and Cooper 16 | 2020-2021 GONZAGA ICE HOCKEY PROGRAM

JACK NORTON #14 (V1 A) Jack has been playing hockey since he was 4 years old. Before coming to Gonzaga in 2017, he played for the Reston Raiders. He also plays lacrosse for Gonzaga and is heading to the Naval Academy to continue playing and to serve his country. He will forever love the game of hockey and does not plan to stop after high school, continuing to play well into his adult years. Go Navy, Beat Army!

"My love for hockey has grown tremendously since playing for Gonzaga. Some of my best high school memories have been winning championships with my teammates. I will never forget the carpool rides from school to the Fort and singing the alma mater after winning the MAPHL V1 Championship two times! AMDG."

Jack, Your biggest smiles came from skating in the backyard, a local pond or on Lake Placid. That is, until you played hockey for Gonzaga. The most fun you’ve ever had playing hockey, you said. Surrounded and supported by your brothers on and off the ice. Gonzaga hockey reinforced what it means to be a hockey player - and all that it embodies - and not just play hockey. Remember your goals and keep shooting! Love, Your Biggest Fans! - Love Dad, Mom, Benjamin, and all your family 17 | 2020-2021 GONZAGA ICE HOCKEY PROGRAM

JOSH PARK #7 Josh started playing roller hockey when he was 4 in Southern Maryland. Making the switch to skates a year later, he's played for the Howard Huskies, Team Maryland, and the Washington Little Caps, as well as his time with Gonzaga. Josh has had the opportunity to play four years of Varsity Ice Hockey for two schools, transferring to Gonzaga from Archbishop Spalding his junior year. Although his time at Gonzaga has been short, he'll never forget the friends he made and how fast his brothers made him feel at home. Josh plans to study Landscape Architecture and continue playing club ice hockey in college.

"Forecheck, backcheck, paycheck." — Gilbert Perreault

Congratulations, Joshuah ‘21! You have come a long way since your first skating lesson and your first school day. We are proud of you and always rooting for you. — The Park Family 18 | 2020-2021 GONZAGA ICE HOCKEY PROGRAM

JACK RHEA #28 Jack grew up on and around the ice. He attended his older brother’s games as a toddler and started playing when he was 7 years old. He made many of his best friends while playing for the Montgomery Blue Devils and Mid-Atlantic Senators before and during his time at Gonzaga. Many of his best memories at Gonzaga come from the hockey program; he looks back especially fondly on team celebrations after wins over rivals like Landon, Georgetown Prep, and St. John's. He plans to study Computer Science in college and will continue to play recreational hockey in college and for years to come.

“When you meet another hockey player, you’ve met a friend.”

We are so proud of you Jack, and your fantastic accomplishments at Gonzaga. Loved every minute of your time on the ice with the boys. We'll miss that terribly. And while your senior year wearing the Gonzaga sweater was taken away, you'll always be part of the great tradition of Gonzaga hockey! Love you, man! Mom & Dad 19 | 2020-2021 GONZAGA ICE HOCKEY PROGRAM

BRENDAN SNOCKER #4 Brendan has been playing hockey for as long as he can remember. He played for the Montgomery Blue Devils for eight years, then for another three years with the Tri-City Eagles. He grew up under the coaching influence of his own father, who turned him into the player and man he is today. He loves the sport more than life itself and if there is ice nearby, you better believe that Brendan is on it.

"I am going to miss Gonzaga hockey until I no longer can. Although I will miss the sport, rather than focusing strictly on the hockey aspect of it, the part that will hurt the most is leaving the brotherhood that I have built over the years. Leaving this group of guys and coaches will be the hardest thing I have ever had to do."

Brendan, you are an inspiration and we are so proud of the fine young man you’ve become. Your love for hockey transcends most who ever play the game. We’ve enjoyed watching you play and excel over the years. Your passion for the game is admired by everyone around you -- players, teammates and coaches. We hope you always follow your dreams. The sky is the limit & Go Eagles! Love Mom, Dad, and Kyle. 20 | 2020-2021 GONZAGA ICE HOCKEY PROGRAM

PATRICK WILLIAMS #10 Patrick began playing hockey as a goalie for the Chevy Chase mites team when he was 7 years old. The next year, he switched to forward, where he skated throughout grade school. When he arrived at Gonzaga, he added another position to his resume, splitting time at center. When he's not on the ice in high school, he plays for the rugby team and serves as manager of the water polo team. He plans to play hockey for many years to come.

"I love this game and even more the opportunity to skate for Gonzaga and compete with these teammates and coaches. Hail Gonzaga"

When the pandemic began last spring, Patrick filled the extra time gained from the cancellation of classes and rugby season by practicing his slap shot in the backyard. As weeks passed, the goal frame became dented, the plastic practice ice slab worn down, and the slap shot honed to a higher precision, all in anticipation of a full senior season. We admire Patrick, and his fellow seniors, for their resilience amidst all the disappointments of a senior season lost, and their enduring hope for a chance to skate together again. Hail Seniors, Hail Gonzaga! 21 | 2020-2021 GONZAGA ICE HOCKEY PROGRAM

We started as teammates. We part as brothers. Fly high, Class of ‘21. The Eagles of ‘22

HATS OFF TO THE CLASS OF ‘21 EAGLES! We’ll miss you! Class of ‘23 22 | 2020-2021 GONZAGA ICE HOCKEY PROGRAM

To The Class of 2021 Welcome to the Long Purple Line!

Toasting to Your Great Future, The Eagles of 2020

The Fort

1992 2021

Brothers Hall of Fame

Gonzaga Hockey History


The 2020-'21 "Season" may not have included any games, but Gonzaga Hockey History continued. As Men for Others, players raised money for families in the Fort Dupont neighborhood through a Push-Up Challenge, and led an incredibly successful year for the Dominik Pettey Scholarship Fund.

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Study Buddies Philly! Champs 23 | 2020-2021 GONZAGA ICE HOCKEY PROGRAM

Purple Puck

Eagles Fly High! One Team. One Family.


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