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Library Calendar

Friday, August 20

Kids’ Lego Club: Meet and talk with other kids about your current creations, ask questions, and show off your amazing Lego builds! This program, held from 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. is for kids in grades K-5. Registration required - sign up online or see a staff member to register. Registration is required at https://pamunkeylibrary.libcal.com/event/7687558. This virtual program is hosted through Zoom and the meeting link will be sent to the email registered one day before the event occurs. If you don’t receive your reminder email on Thursday, Aug.19, please contact the Atlee Branch Library at (804) 559-0654. For more information or if you have a special physical or communication need, please contact ask@pamunkeylibrary.org.

Become a Citizen Scientist: Learn how you can make real contributions to scientific research in your spare time. This program is being held from 2 - 3 p.m. Registration is required at https://pamunkeylibrary.libcal.com/event/7822662. This virtual program is hosted through Zoom and the meeting link will be sent to the email registered one day before the event occurs. If you don’t receive your reminder email on Monday, Aug. 23, please contact the library. For more information or if you have a special physical or communication need, please contact ask@pamunkeylibrary.org or call the Atlee Branch Library at 804-559-0654.

Tuesday, August 24

Honey Heist: Those in grades 6-12 are invited to join in and play Honey Heist, a one-shot style D&D game, from 4 - 5 p.m.! Registration is required at https://pamunkeylibrary.libcal.com/event/7752388. This virtual program is hosted through Zoom and the meeting link will be sent to the email registered 1 day before the event occurs. If you don’t receive your reminder email on Monday, August 23, please contact the library. For more information or if you have a special physical or communication need, please contact ask@pamunkeylibrary.org or call the Mechanicsville Branch Library at 804-746-9615.

Saturday, August 28

CoderDojo: Those in Grades 3 – 12 will learn how to develop logic-based coding skills and use creative problem-solving with Scratch. Registration required- sign up online or see a staff member to register. Go to https://pamunkeylibrary.libcal.com/ event/7687562 to sign up. This program is hosted from 2- 4 p.m. on Discord. For more information or if you have a special physical or communication need, please contact ask@pamunkeylibrary.org.

On Demand Videos

Storytime for Grownups

Premieres Wednesday, August 11. Ages 18 & up. Storytime is not just for kids! If you like to be read to, join us for a monthly short story for adults. Starting August 11, go to our YouTube channel (https://www. youtube.com/user/pamunkeylibrary), our Adults page (https://tinyurl.com/ prladults), or Facebook page (https://www. facebook.com/PamunkeyLibrary) to see the video. For more information, contact ask@pamunkeylibrary.org.

DIY Pet Toys

Premieres Tuesday, August 17. Make some fun for your fur babies! Join us during the dog days of summer as we create pet toys from repurposed materials. This video premieres on August 17 on our website (https://tinyurl.com/ prladults), YouTube channel (https://www. youtube.com/user/pamunkeylibrary), and Facebook page (https://www.facebook. com/PamunkeyLibrary/). For more information, contact ask@pamunkeylibrary.org or call the West Point Branch Library at 804-843-3244.

Kitchen Close Ups: Strawberry Tacos

Premieres Wednesday, August 18. Grades K-5. Want a different way to enjoy juicy strawberries? Follow along to make this cool, refreshing strawberry snack. Starting August 18 go to our YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/user/ pamunkeylibrary), our Children’s page (https://tinyurl.com/prlchildrens), or Facebook page (https://www.facebook. com/PamunkeyLibrary) to see the video. For more information, contact ask@ pamunkeylibrary.org.

Poetry Break

Premieres Wednesday, August 18. Ages 18 & up. Take a break and join us for monthly poems to uplift and inspire you! August’s theme is “Travel.” Starting August 18, go to our YouTube channel (https:// www.youtube.com/user/pamunkeylibrary), our Adults page (https://tinyurl. com/prladults), or Facebook page (https:// www.facebook.com/PamunkeyLibrary) to see the video. For more information, contact ask@pamunkeylibrary.org.

Global Feast: Tales and Tails

Premieres Thursday, August 19. Grades 6-12. Our Global Feast series continues with Japanese & Chinese folktales about turtles. Learn how to make steamed buns turtle shaped & colored w/matcha green tea & filled w/red beans. Starting August 19, go to our YouTube channel (https://www. youtube.com/user/pamunkeylibrary), our Teens page (https://tinyurl.com/prlteens), or Facebook page (https://www.facebook. com/PamunkeyLibrary) to see the video.

Animal Tales with The Story Lady

Premieres Monday, August 23. Grades Pre K-5. Join The Story Lady, Ali Pfautz, as she entertains with animal tales, songs, and imaginative play. You might even see library staff acting silly! Starting August 23, go to our YouTube channel (https://www. youtube.com/user/pamunkeylibrary), our Children’s page (https://tinyurl.com/prlchildrens), or Facebook page to see the video. For more information, contact ask@ pamunkeylibrary.org or call (804) 7984072.

Take & Makes

Snail Magnets

Pickup starts Monday, August 9 at the Mechanicsville Branch Library

Grades K-8.Stop by the Mechanicsville Branch Library to pick up a kit of supplies to make your very own snail magnets at home. Perfect for your school locker! Pick up a kit while supplies last. For more information, contact ask@pamunkeylibrary. org or call (804) 746-9615.

Craft Stick Designs

Pickup starts Monday, August 23 at the Mechanicsville Branch Library. Grades Pre K-3. Stop by the Mechanicsville Branch Library to pick up a kit of supplies and educational materials to make colorful

Firefly Fiber Broadband set to use portion of $14.1 million grant to bring service to county

Contributed report

Firefly Fiber BroadbandSM, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Central Virginia Electric Cooperative (CVEC), received $14,100,000 in funds from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Reconnect Program. The long-awaited announcement was made by Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack. Firefly applied to USDA for the 100% grant option and the funds will be used to offset the cost of the $18.8 million fiberto-the-home (FTTH) build across parts of Buckingham, Cumberland, Goochland, Louisa, and Powhatan Counties.

The funded service area includes 37 educational facilities, three health care facilities, 14 essential community facilities, 4,139 households, 13,886 people, 193 businesses, and 65 farms spread over 65 square miles. These rural Virginia residents will have unprecedented access to Firefly’s symmetrical broadband speeds of up to one gigabit per second with no data caps or contracts. Firefly will also offer business and residential phone service. Reliable and affordable internet for these community staples will improve the lives of thousands of residents of all ages, including school-age children. Construction is slated to start later this year after completion of a final environmental review.

New connections in the project area will begin approximately six months after the start of construction. The full project is anticipated to take two years of construction.

To view the full USDA press release, visit https://www. rd.usda.gov/newsroom/newsrelease/usda-invests-141-million-high-speed-broadbandrural-virginia.

“We want to help address the lack of reliable, high-speed internet across as much of Central Virginia as possible. The pandemic created even more of a digital divide for rural residents who needed the internet to work from home, remote learning, and attend doctor appointments virtually to avoid COVID exposure. This grant from the USDA will help us to spread our wings in areas where Firefly has not previously been available. We extend our sincere appreciation to these five County Boards of Supervisors and their staff as well as Senator Mark Warner, Senator Tim Kaine, and Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger for their assistance with and support of this application,” stated Firefly President Gary Wood.

Firefly’s Regional Internet Service Expansion (RISE) Project was launched this year to expand broadband to parts of 12 counties, partnering with other area utilities to complete the fiber build. For more information about the RISE Project, visit http://www.fireflyva.com/ rise.

Firefly is also the internet service provider (ISP) for the CVEC fiber build, a $130 million plan to install over 4,500 miles of fiber-optic cable in the 14 counties it serves, providing broadband internet access to all of its 38,000 members. The fiber network will be constructed by the end of 2022 and uses laser beams and glass fibers to move data at speeds of up to one gigabit per second, delivering world-class communications to CVEC members served in their electric territory. The fiber-optic network will be installed on and adjacent to existing overhead and underground electric distribution lines, utilizing the existing infrastructure. Firefly is approaching a milestone of connecting 10,000 customers next month. More information about areas included in this build and for pricing on internet and phone packages, visit www.fireflyva.com.

Headquartered in Palmyra, VA, Firefly Fiber BroadbandSM is a whollyowned subsidiary of Central Virginia Electric Cooperative. For more information, visit www.fireflyva.com.


continued from >4 craft stick designs at home. For more information about this program, contact ask@ pamunkeylibrary.org or call the Mechanicsville Branch Library at (804) 746-9615.


Friday, August 20

Outdoor Family Storytime will be held from 10:30 – 11 a.m. Register at https://pamunkeylibrary.libcal.com/event/8073078 to attend an all ages Storytime outdoors at the West Point Town Park at the intersection of 8th and Kirby Street, West Point, VA 23181. Bring a blanket to enjoy fun songs, rhymes and books! For more information, contact ask@pamunkeylibrary. org or call (804) 843-3244.

Monday, August 23

Outdoor Family Storytime will be held from 11 - 11:30 a.m. Register at https:// pamunkeylibrary.libcal.com/ event/7884443 to attend an all ages Storytime outdoors at the Atlee Branch Library. Bring a blanket to enjoy some fun songs, rhymes and books! (This event is weather permitting, weather make-up day scheduled for Tuesday, August 24) For more information about this program, contact ask@ pamunkeylibrary.org or call the Atlee Branch Library at 804559-0654.

Wednesday, August 25

Outdoor Family Storytime will be held from 10 - 10:30 a.m. Register at https:// pamunkeylibrary.libcal.com/ event/7935405 to attend an all-ages Storytime outdoors at the Montpelier Branch Library. Bring a blanket to enjoy some fun songs, rhymes and books! For more information about this program contact ask@ pamunkeylibrary.org or call (804) 883-7116.

Goochland Rotary Club to welcome Ashe’s nephew

On Friday, Aug. 20, the Goochland Rotary Club will welcome David Harris, Jr., Arthur Ashe’s nephew, who will speak about the life and legacy of this extraordinary tennis player and humanitarian.

On Friday, Aug. 27, the club will welcome Chris Mooney, University of Richmond’s basketball coach, who will share the latest on the upcoming basketball season. Both meetings start at 7:30 a.m. and are held at the Richmond Country Club.


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