2 minute read
Power, privilege and greed in the Low Country
Contributing Columnist which on the surface sounds like a noble cause. It is not. But that is fodder for another letter. I write to call to action the parents of this county who do not wish their children to share bathrooms with students of the opposite sex. Yes, boys are allowed to use the girls’ bathrooms and locker rooms in the name of DEI. Disagree with that? Be prepared to be vilified, taunted, intimidated, fired and cancelled. Pay attention. You and your kids might be the focus of their next “seek and destroy” mission. I urge all of you to check out a very informative Facebook page called “Goochland School Board Watch.” There is a link to the public comment period of last night’s meeting. Decide for yourself. After all we are a free society. Aren’t we?
It’s anybody’s guess what motivates a nation to become enamored with a certain trial, but there’s no doubt that every couple of years, one comes along that captures the attention of a nation.
Barbara Slone Maidens
We are appalled, and greatly disappointed in the recent vicious and unjustified attacks on School Board member Angela Allen. We live in the best country in the world, which allow us to freely speak without persecution, or at least we thought we did. Recently, Ms. Allen simply inquired if it was the community’s expectation to “allow students to use restrooms different from their biological gender.” She did not offer, nor advocate her personal opinion
In a small corner of South Carolina kindly described as the Low Country, a small courtroom became the center of national attention for several weeks as a wellheeled Gamecock aristocrat stood trial for the brutal murder of his wife and son in the culmination of a saga that defies logical explanation.
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Publisher Joy Monopoli ......................................... jmonopoli@RSnVa.com
Managing Editor laura McFarland lmcfarland@powhatantoday.com
Editor Roslyn Ryan ................................ rryan@goochlandgazette.com
Sports Editor Robby Fletcher rfletcher@powhatantoday.com
Classifieds cindy adams ........................................ cadams@mechlocal.com
Production Manager denine d’angelo ddangelo@mechlocal.com
Dear Editor,
Please see LETTERS, Page 7
It’s a crime that is incomprehensible to most of us and represents acts that have no apparent reasonable explanation. For the past six weeks, attorneys in the case have attempted to provide reasonable explanations for irrational acts. In the process, a story of power and wealth has emerged that sometimes seems to overshadow the cruel brutality of the crime.
Faced with impending financial doom, prominent attorney Alex Murdaugh is accused of murdering his wife and son in an attempt to distract investigations underway regarding his financial dealings. Much of the testimony in the trial centered around those financial
Please see POWER, Page 7
We are always espousing the virtues of a good hound or beagle around these parts. In Goochland we get a variety of Gooch Pooches, but none more so than our longeared hounds. They are typically loving, goofy, well-tempered and smart! Not to mention treat and comfort motivated. This is Brynn all over, and we couldn’t imagine a better pup for anyone. She is smart, she is sweet, she gets along well with everyone. We tested her with a cat and it hissed at her (typical cat, am I right?). Can you guess her response? Well, it was a friendly play bow, absolutely precious. Brynn has personality as soft as her velveteen coat. She loves soft snuggles, pets and walks on leash. She made a perfect office dog, too, relaxing quietly. Brynn is about 2-3 years old, 40 pounds, tested, chipped, spayed, and fully vetted. We think Brynn will be a perfect addition to any home—and she’ll even try to win over your cat. The Goochland Animal Shelter is located at 1900 Hidden Rock Lane in Goochland. For more information on the many pets still in need of homes, call (804) 556-5302. You also can visit the shelter on Facebook at “Goochland County Animal Control.”

The shelter’s hours are Tuesday and Wednesday 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.; Thursday 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.; Friday 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. and Saturday 10 a.m. -2 p.m. Anyone wishing to make a monetary donation to the shelter is asked to make donations payable to Goochland Pet Lovers.